HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-18_WORK SESSIONAGENDA WORK SESSION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA COMMUNITY ROOM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY I8, 2014 5:30 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL. III. NAMING AND DONATION POLICY — 5:30 P.M. IV. JOINT WORK SESSION WITH PARK BOARD — 6:00 P.M. A. 2014 PARK BOARD WORK PLAN PRIORITIZATION B. PARK MASTER PLAN INPUT V. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927 -8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OPIUPCOMING °MEETINGS /DATES /EVENTS Tues Feb 18 Work Session — Naming & Donation Policy. 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Feb 18 Joint Work Session With Park Board 6:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Feb 18 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Wed Feb 19 Board and Commission Interviews 5:30 — 7:30 P.M. MAYORS CONFERENCE ROOM Tues Mar 4 Work Session —Three Rivers Park District Nine Mile Creek 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Regional Trail Update /Destination Marketing Organization Tues Mar 4 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Mon Mar 17 Board and Commissions Annual Dinner Meeting 5:00 P.M. HUGHES PAVILION CENTENNAL LAKES Tues Mar 18 Work Session — Bike Edina Task Force /Joint Meeting With ETC 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Mar 18 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Apr 1 Work Session- Watershed District Partnership /Utilities Review 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Apr 1 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Apr 22 Business Meeting /Joint Meeting With Arts & Culture Comm. 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Apr 22 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Zt3A, o e NAMING AND DEDICATION H� ` ay OF CITY FACILITIES POLICY BACKGROUND AND PRINCIPLES The naming, renaming and dedication of city.facilities shall be reserved for circumstances where it best serves the city and assures a worthy legacy. The city: • has a finite number of city facilities • has limited resources for creating and changing names on signs, maps, and literature • has donation potential in the naming and dedications if its facilities • does not want to confuse or emotionally charge the public with naming decisions • has a reputation and image that should be protected and enhanced Names of parks provide a context for a place and evoke an atmosphere that extends to the surrounding neighborhood. Based on the higher context value for the city, names of natural, geographic, and historical subjects shall have higher priority than names of individuals and entities. The lasting legacy of an individual or group is more objectively and accurately determined with a waiting period which allows adequate time to evaluate if the person's or group's service was truly exceptional and the person's or group's reputation stands the test of time. The waiting period should be a reasonable length of time to allow for any disreputable activity to surface in order to protect the city's interest. Waiting after a person's death allows time for strong emotions to dissipate so that the person's legacy to the city is objectively evaluated without being unduly influenced by the circumstances of the death. AUTHORITY The Edina City Council has the sole authority to dedicate, rename, or establish legal names for city facilities. DEFINITIONS "City Facilities" shall include the following: Parks: All parks, open spaces, historic sites, golf courses, physical features (e.g. lakes), and trails Buildings: Structures that house city programs Major Features: Major components of city facilities (e.g. ball fields, swimming pools, tennis courts, playgrounds, fountains, art work,'Senior Center). Rooms within buildings are considered to be major features. Major city sponsored events are considered major features. Streets: The streets owned by the City of Edina Amenities: Smaller furnishings and facilities in the city (e.g. benches, small fountains, tables, etc.). Amenities are not named. Recognition for donated amenities is covered under the City of Edina Donations. Policy. Dedication: An honor given to an exceptional individual; it does not change the name of the facility. NAMING AND RENAMING CITY FACILITIES Naming or renaming shall include a public process, which is open to all potential names for a particular city facility. Public notification and the opportunity for public comment are required.. For naming and renaming a city facility, the appropriate advisory board or commission shall facilitate the naming process. For city facilities without advisory boards or commissions, the Park Board shall facilitate the process. Names of natural, geographic, and historical subjects shall be given higher priority. The naming or renaming of all city facilities, except parks, shall be for a fixed, defined period and clearly stated in the naming request. Names may be renewed by council action. Excessive naming of different parts of the same park or building shall be avoided. . If named for a person, the name used shall be the. family name, and it shall be used in naming only one city facility. Exceptional public service and strong public sentiment shall be demonstrated. Naming and renaming requests require a petition stating the exceptional service, with at least 300 signatures of Edina residents 18 years and older. A building, major feature, or street shall be named for a living individual, only if such individual meets all the following criteria: • has made a particularly meritorious contribution, over a period of several years, to the general public interest • has been or is a resident of the City of Edina • has ended his or her substantive, formal relationship with the city no sooner than four .............. years prior to the naming request If the individual is deceased, the naming requirements shall be those stated above and • has passed away no sooner than':four years prior to the naming request u.....___._.._._x.... A park shall not be named or renamed for a living person unless that individual's name was requested as a condition made by the donor of the land, and meets all the naming criteria required for buildings, major features, or streets. 1 NAMING AND RENAMING REQUESTED AS A CONDITION OF A DONATION Naming or renaming of city facilities as a condition of a donation needs to meet all of the following criteria: • shall not require a petition • shall be rescinded for legitimate reason (e.g. disreputable behavior, when an entity goes out of business) shall not be allowed for entities involved in promoting unhealthy or addictive products, habits and lifestyles 2 When naming a major feature, the donation shall fund substantial capital costs, and at the council's discretion, preferably an endowment that will fund programming or maintenance. When naming a building is being considered as a condition to a donation, that donation shall meet one or more of the following minimum donation criteria: • deeding to the city most if not all of the land on which the city facility to be named will be situated • payment of one -half or more of the capital costs of constructing a city facility to be named • the provision of significant program costs for facilities that will serve city program needs A park shall not be named or renamed as a condition of a donation, except for the donation of the land on which the park will be located. DEDICATIONS A person or group may be honored by having a city facility dedicated in their name. All dedications shall be for a defined, fixed period, clearly stated in the action granting the dedication. The acknowledgement of this honor at the city facility: • shall be discreetly placed • shall not overwhelm the facility or detract from the aesthetic or experience • shall not confuse the public about the facility's name Exceptional public service and strong public sentiment must be demonstrated for a dedication to be considered. Therefore, dedication requests require the stating of the exceptional public service in either a petition with at least 100 signatures of Edina residents whom are 18 years and older or in the written request of two members of council. Dedication requests that are a condition of a donation: • do not require a petition • require a minimum donation, which is stated in the Naming and Dedication Procedures IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE Refer to the City of Edina "Naming and Dedication Procedures" for implementation process. 3 EDITED DRAFT DONATIONS POLICY Responding to Council Worksession r CITY OF. EDINA � y ..11 DONATIONS POLICY Edina welcomes and encourages donations to the City. DEFINITIONS "Gift" and "Donation". shall be synonymous: They may be monetary contributions, securities, material items, real estate, intellectual property, or services, which the City Council has accepted and for which no goods or services were provided in exchange for the contribution. City Facility: Includes parks, buildings, major features, streets and amenities owned by the City of Edina. Existing Donation: Donations accepted prior to the adoption of this policy. New Donation: Donations made'after the adoption of this policy. AUTHORITY The acceptance of donations must comply with Minnesota Statute 465.03: Gifts To Municipalities. The City Council must approve a donation before it can be accepted. TYPES OF DONATIONS Unrestricted Donations: Donations of items described in "Gifts to Edina",.. and any donation to the city without a condition specified for use or recognition. Restricted Donations: A donation given for a specified purpose or with conditions for use or recognition attached. Real Property: Real Property donations shall be reviewed and a legal opinion rendered thereto by the City Attorney before acceptance by the City Council. Grants from the Edina Community Foundation: A grant to the city from the Edina Community Foundation shall be considered as a donation and shall comply with this policy. Recognition and acknowledgement of ECF donors will be consistent with this policy. Gifts of Professional Services: Professional services and waivers of fees shall be considered as donations and shall comply with this policy. ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS "Gifts to Edina" brochures for unrestricted donations shall be available at all. staffed city buildings that offer resident services. A web page will also be created for accepting donations. The City Manager or appropriate Department Director shall recommend to the City Council the approval or rejection of each gift and determination of its intended location. Donations become city property upon acceptance by council and are irrevocable. This policy does not consider donation pledges as donations until the donation has been received. 1 EDITED DRAFT DONATIONS POLICY Responding to Council Worksession A donation shall: be in the best interest of the city cover all costs associated with the gift including but not limited to the full cost for the purchase, installation and recognition and, if required, repair and maintenance during the expected life span of the item comply with Minnesota Statute 465.03, "Nothing herein shall authorize such acceptance or use for religious or sectarian purposes" A donation shall not: • present a real or perceived conflict of interest for the city or its employees • be a plaque resembling a gravestone or upright monument resembling those typically found in cemeteries, or other symbol or structure negatively dffecting the nature of the site • contain visible ,brands, symbols, trademarks and logos of non -City of Edina entities The Department Director shall ensure that the products, construction materials and design meet city standards for maintenance, aesthetics and longevity. For trees and plants, the size at planting and specie shall be limited to those determined or approved by the city. A specific life span shall be specified for all large -scale material donations and stated at the time of acceptance. The city does not guarantee the life span of a donation. All terms of restricted donations shall be clearly stated and defined at the time of acceptance. SIGNIFICANT DONATIONS For campaigns that involve donations from multiple donors toward a large -scale project, the city shall not contract for services or purchase materials for any part of the project until donations cover the cost of those services and materials. The city shall not contract for services or purchase material toward large -scale capital campaign projects until donations have been received for 100% of.the donation goal for the entire project. To make exceptions to this policy requires formal approval from City Council with the amount needed to complete the project clearly stated and available in the budget. MAINTENANCE OF NEW AND EXISTING DONATIONS The city reserves the right to remove, relocate or dispose of donations and their acknowledgments when they have been vandalized or damaged by a natural act beyond reasonable repair, when it reaches the end of the life span, or when the donation and acknowledgment interferes with site safety, maintenance, facility use, aesthetics or construction activities. The city does not guarantee survival of trees, plants or gardens. The city shall attempt to notify the donor in writing, of any action related to the disposition of a large -scale donation. In certain situations, such as safety or emergency situations, the notification may be made after the action has already taken place. The city reserves the right to seek a new donor for an existing gift at the end of the established life span should the original donor choose not to renew the donation, or if the city has not been able to contact the original donor. 2 f EDITED DRAFT DONATIONS POLICY Responding to Council Worksession RECOGNITION OF DONATIONS The city shall send a letter of appreciation for all donations when contact information is available and when the cost of this acknowledgement does not overwhelm the donation received. A ceremony or gathering for recognition shall be permitted but is not required, and shall be arranged in coordination with city staff and the donor(s). Donors of city amenities such as artwork, benches, trees, picnic tables, gardens, fountains and park shelters may be discreetly recognized. This recognition may not necessarily be at the location of the donated item. Standardized recognition plaques shall be used to promote consistency in city branding. The size, type and plaque language will be approved by city staff. These plaques should be discreetly sized. For example, bench plaques shall be a maximum of 8 square inches. Recognition of amenities shall be clearly stated in "Gifts to Edina." The donation shall cover all costs associated with recognition including materials, installation and maintenance for a defined period. Donors requesting the naming or dedication of a City Facility shall comply with the City of Edina Naming and Dedication of City Facilities Policy. The city shall recognize donors who have made significant contributions. This recognition is at the discretion of the Parks & Recreation Director and specified in the Donation Procedure. When Appropriate and desired by the donor, recognition of a donation shall be displayed. This recognition shall be discreet both in size and placement. The recognition may not necessarily be displayed at the location of the donation. The recognition shall be displayed for a fixed, defined period which will be stated at the time of acceptance. City Facilities shall not be overwhelmed by donor recognition. 3 Park Board 2014 Annual Work Plan Prioritization Park Board has been decided to prioritize the work plan to identify significant projects. Is' Quarter • Athletic Field Renovation - Pamela Park • Strategic Planning with a Comprehensive Needs Assessment 2nd Quarter • Cost Recovery Goals for Enterprise Facilities • Barrier Free Replacement Playground Equipment - Wooddale Park 3rd Quarter • Arneson Acres Master Plan 4t' Quarter • Green initiatives • Fundraising for Parks and Recreation Department • Urban Forest Task Force Report Park Board 2014 Annual Work Plan Strategic planning with a comprehensive needs December 2014 $60,000 Director, Assistant Director, Park Board Duties: Select a�working group, working group chair and a consultant. Assess needs and work with consultant to develop a master assessment will have the final approval of this project. Park Board members: Ellen Jones, Louise Segreto and Joseph Hulbert Progress Report: Enterprise Managers, RIecreation Supervisors, Administrative Support Staff, Public Works Director Park Board Duties: Serve on working groups and subcommittees with consultants, staff and residents to evaluate City needs to identify, prioritize and develop a plan to address strategic uses relating to policies, facilities, 1programming and financial and personnel resources. A subcommittee has already been established including Members Deeds, Cella, Steel, Segreto and Jones. $60,000 is budgeted in the 2013 CIP. At the completion, the Park Board will provide review and comment on the strategic plan. The City Council will have the final approval of the strategic plan. Progress Report: Arneson Acres Master Plan December 2014 $35,000 Director, Assistant Director & Horticulturist. Park Board Duties: Select a�working group, working group chair and a consultant. Assess needs and work with consultant to develop a master plan for Arneson Acres Park. At the completion, the Park Board will provide review and comment onI the proposed master plan. The City Council will have the final approval of this project. Park Board members: Ellen Jones, Louise Segreto and Joseph Hulbert Progress Report: u'G9cOr, . . -. ... , Cost Recovery Goals for Enterprise Facilities December 2014 0 Enterprise Managers, v Director and Assistant D' t irec or Park Board Duties: Form a subcommittee to review enterprise facility budgets and business plans and programming and the overarching department goals determined by the strategic planning process in order to reevaluate enterprise classifications and to set cost recovery goals. The committee will present findings to the Park Board for review -and comment regarding cost recovery goals and criteria for classification as an enterprise. Park Board member: Dan Peterson Progress Report: - G .0 .. G Barrier Free'Replacement Playground Equipment — December 2014 $200,000 Director and Assistant Wooddale Park Director, Public Works Director Park Board Duties: Select members of the Park Board to serve on a working group to design a barrier free playground at Wooddale Park. This project is contingent on residents in the neighborhood raising 50% of the funds needed for this replacement. Staff will apply for grants and $100,000 has been allocated in the 2014 CIP. Park Board will be asked to review and comment on design, and conduct a standard public process. The City Council will have the final approval of this project. Park Board member(s): Progress Report: NMG MW Athletic Field Renovation — Pamela Park May 2014 $10,000 Director, Assistant Director, Recreation Supervisor and Public Works Director Park Board Duties: Park Board will review and comment on potential athletic field renovations at Pamela Park. If completed, this project would be done in conjunction • with the Sports Dome project. The City Council will have the final approval of this project. .Progress Report: u ' GAO s . . • . p ', ... -. -. ., _ nom- @2V &(A ... . _ Green Initiatives December 2014 0 Director, Assistant Director Director or Assistant and Public Works Director Park Board Duties: Park Board will select members and establish a subcommittee or working group to study green initiatives for the parks and the enterprise operations. The subcommittee /working group will present recommendations to the Park Board for their approval. This aligns with the Energy and Environment Commission's work plan goal to promote sustainability in city operations. Park Board member: Ellen Jones Progress Report: u ' GAO s . . • . p ', ... -. -. ., Fundraising for Parks and Recreation Department December 2014 0 Director, Assistant Director Director or Assistant and Recreation Supervisors Park Board Duties: Park Board will establish a subcommittee to study fundraising opportunities for the Parks and Recreation Department. The committee will present recommendations to the Park Board for their approval. Park Board member: Ellen Jones Progress Report: u ' GAO s . . • . p ', ... -. -. ., Urban Forest Task Force Report December 2014 0 Director or Assistant Director Park Board Duties: Park Board will establish a subcommittee to study the Urban Forest Task Force Report. The Park Board will hear recommendations provided by the EEC, decide which recommendations to implement and adopt a plan to phase in selected recommendations.. Park Board member: Progress Report: Ongoing Responsibilities • Capital Improvement Plan C Fees and Charges ® Election of Officers • 2015 Park Board Work Plan Ongoing Initiatives ® Edina Veteran's Memorial o Community Garden o Off -Leash Dog Areas Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Cooperative Agreement with School District for use, upgrade and 2014 -2015 maintenance of Creek Valley Park athletic fields and Cornelia School Park athletic fields. Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: i Staff Comments: Council Com me 7T7