HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-18_WORK SESSIONAGENDA JOINT WORK SESSION EDINA CITY COUNCIL AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA COMMUNITY ROOM TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 2014 S:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER 11. ROLL CALL III. PENTAGON PARK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING ASSISTANCE IV. BIKE EDINA V. EDINA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION VI. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927 -8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /DATES /EVENTS Tues Mar 18 Work Session — Pentagon Park TIF Assistance /Bike Edina 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Joint Meeting With Edina Transportation Commission Tues Mar 18 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Apr 1 Work Session- Arden Park Watershed District Partnership 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Future Water Utility Needs Tues Apr 1 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Apr 22 Business Meeting/Joint Meeting With Arts & Culture Comm. 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Apr 22 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues May 6 Work Session — 50`h & France Special Assessment Policy 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues May 6 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues May 20 Work Session —Joint Session With HRRC /Former PW 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Site Redevelopment Process es May 20 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS I May 26 MEMORIAL DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed .es Jun 3 Work Session —Joint Meeting With Health Commission 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jun 3 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Jun 17 Work Session — Community Vision Consultant Interviews 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jun 17 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Work Session Agenda Item IV. .1I Bike Edina Task Force (BETF) was established by the City Council in 2006 and has met continuously on a monthly, or near - monthly basis, since then. The City Council appointed original BETF members. After that time, new member applications were submitted via the City website (until the application was removed) and new members were appointed by the group. Gordon Hughes and Wayne Houle served as staff liaisons, and Mark Nolan currently serves in this role. Meetings are held at City Hall and are open to the public. Meeting minutes are distributed to the ETC, City Council, and staff members. Below is a brief history of BETF as it relates to our organizational status with the City. • Established by the City Council in July 2006 "to serve at the pleasure of the Council and accomplish a Comprehensive Bicycle Plan." The Council appointed Steve Rusk as chair. Mr. Rusk recommended members for the group and the Council approved appointment of these members in August 2006. Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan submitted to the City Council in November 2007. BETF requested to continue as a group in some form. Minutes read: "The Council will consider the future of BETF at an upcoming study session regarding the roles of boards and commissions." While a study session was held in December 2007, the minutes do not show discussion of BETF. • City Council discussed the future of BETF at a regular meeting in March 2008. Consensus was that the group should continue as "the Bike Task Force committee" and that a member of BETF would be appointed to the ETC. • ETC ordinance amended to include a member of the BETF or similar group, or who otherwise has an expertise and interest in bicycling as a mode of transportation in April 2008. • City Council and BETF met in a joint work session in March 2009. Discussion included the "operational structure of the Bike Edina Task Force," but the minutes do not provide more information. • City Council and BETF met in a joint work session in February 2010. • City Council and BETF met in a joint work session in August 3, 2011. "The Council briefly discussed the future of BETF and consensus was to leave the group in its current form, unless the Edina Transportation Commission were to form subgroups, then BETF could be a subgroup. [Note: ETC has not formed modal subgroups.] • BETF made a request to be reimbursed for a website expense and was informed by Manager Neal:. "The City is authorized to pay operating expenses for [organizations] it establishes and controls, such as Planning Commission, Park Board, etc. The City is not authorized to pay operating expenses for organizations that it does not control, such as BETF, League of Women Voters, Edina Hockey Association, etc." (May 2012) • BETF discussed its organizational status through 2013. Options considered included whether BETF could continue as a City- sanctioned task force, become a working group of the ETC, or become an independent organization with a formal relationship to the City. • In 2013, BETF adopted new bylaws, modeled after the City's standard Board and Commission bylaws, and changed its name to Bike Edina. Bike Edina seeks clarity from the City Council on our organizational status with the City. 2 i Work Session Agenda Item IV. Bicycle Friendly Community Application Program of League of American Bicyclists (http: / /www.bikeleague.ora). 90+ questions covering engineering and maintenance, education, encouragement, enforcement, and evaluation and planning. Application submitted .February 2014. Decisions to be announced in May. Prepared by Jennifer Janovy, Bike Edina; Mark Nolan, City of Edina; and Nick Mason, Bicycle Alliance of MN Current Bike Friendly Communities in Minnesota: Minneapolis (gold), Duluth (bronze), Grand Marais (bonze)— Richfield- (bronze); Winona (bronze), Bemidji- (bronze)Grand- Rapids (bronze), Greater Mankato (bronze), Rochester (bronze),. St. Paul (bronze). Edina applied in 2010 and received Honorable Mention. Excerpts from the application: What was your community's most significant achievement for bicycling in the past 12 months? (500,word limit) Three related achievements have significantly advanced bicycling in Edina in the past 12 months. In December 2012 the Edina City Council approved two new franchise fees, creating an approximately $1.1 million annual revenue stream dedicated solely to bicycle and pedestrian improvements. The City began collecting revenue from this fee in April 2013. In June 2013, the City hired a3ransportation Planner (new full -time position). The Transportation Planner administers the Living Streets program and Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund, and assists with planning and design of traffic operations within the City. In August 2013; the City Council approved a Living Streets Policy (complete /green streets). Living Streets balance the needs of motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians and transit riders in ways that promote safety and convenience, enhance community identity, create economic vitality, improve environmental sustainability, and provide meaningful opportunities for active living and better. health. The City is currently working on a Living Streets implementation plan. If you have applied to the BFC program before, describe any improvements that have occurred for cycling in your community since your last application. (500 word limit) '11 Along with the achievements-listed above, Edina has made notable improvements to benefit cycling in our community. In 201 0 the community worked with Three Rivers Park District to identify an alignment for the Nine' Mile Creek Regional Trail. Final planning for this 7.4 -mile recreational trail.(Edina segment) begins in February 2014, with construction to start in 2015. In 2011 the Edina Transportation Commission updated its establishing ordinance to reflect a multi -modal focus. In 2012,; using a $250,000 grant from the Non- Motorized Transportation Program, the City installed experimental advisory bike lanes and'green shared lanes along a route connecting Edina to SW Minneapolis. Also in 2012, the Edina City Council adopted a bicycle lane ordinance. In 2012 -2013, Edina added six centerline miles of dedicated bike lanes on primary bike routes in our community. In 2013, Edina worked -with Hennepin County to mark dedicated bike lanes and make bicycle friendly, intersection improvements on a county road within the city. Also in 2013, the City of Edina, Edina Public Schools, and Bloomington Public.Health completed a comprehensive Safe Routes to School plan. Bloomington Public Health has also contracted with BikeMN to provide an Active Transportation. Education and Bike Parking Action Plan, which is in final draft form. The plan includes goals that are targeted for completion before the end of 2015. In addition, BPH sponsored a Bikeable Community Workshop for the city of Edina in October. It was well attended by a variety of community stakeholders and led by BikeMN, MN Department of Health, and MnDOT. The objectives of a Bikeable Community Workshop are: (1) Describe how the 5 E's (engineering, education, enforcement, encouragement, and evaluation) can improve the safety of bicycling in communities; (2) Explain Minnesota's traffic laws related to bicycling; (3) Recognize the importance of collaboration and the roles other professions have in supporting bicycling in communities; and (4) Apply effective strategies in communities to facilitate bicycling as an easy, safe, and healthy choice with available resources. All of the'above improvements - involved bicycle advocates and other community volunteers. What specific improvements do you have planned for bicycling in the next 12 months? (250 word limit) The community will work with Three Rivers Park District on final design for the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. Preliminary design work for Tracy Avenue (primary bike route) will begin in the summer. City Transportation Planner Mark Nolan will continue to draft the Living- Streets Implementation Plan with input from a citizen advisory committee. The final plan is expected to be adopted in the fall of 2014 and will include an updated bicycle plan and design guidelines for bicycle facilities. Planned new bicycle facilities for 2014 include striping bike lanes on Olinger Boulevard and Ohms Lane (approximately 2 miles). The Active Transportation Education and Bike Parking plan will be implemented. Goals include mapping bike parking locations, prioritizing and filling in bike parking gaps, and developing a cost sharing program to encourage businesses /retailers to provide bike parking. Education goals include integrating the: MN bicycle safety curriculum Walk! Bike! Fun! into summer Community Education and Park's and Recreation programs, and beginning planning for a 2015 Open Streets event.-,The Bike Edina Education and F, 111 J Outreach committee is implementing a plan to extend communication and education to Edina residents in a systematic way, as well as to coordinate communication with our neighboring communities (Minneapolis, Richfield, St. Louis Park, Three Rivers Park District, and Hennepin County) and their bicycle advocacy groups. Describe any other education efforts in your community that promote safe cycling. (500 Word limit) The Edina Transportation Commission (citizen commission appointed by and advisory to the City Council) provides a forum for educating the public about safe cycling. The Commission meets monthly, with every third meeting televised. The televised meetings typically include presentations intended to be broadly educational- -for example, the most recent televised meeting included a presentation on the new Active Routes To School (SRTS) plan. A member of Bike Edina sits on the Transportation Commission and gives a report at each meeting. Transportation Commission meetings are open to the public and meeting minutes are posted on the City of Edina website. In 2011, the ordinance establishing the Edina Transportation Commission was revised to give the commission a multi -modal focus. Since 2008, the ordinance has required that one member of the Commission also be a member of Bike Edina or similar group, or otherwise have an expertise or interest in bicycling as a mode of transportation. The full ordinance is below. Sec. 2 -311. Policy and establishment. The city transportation commission is — - established to- help - guide - the - city -in- implementing- its - vision - for- an--integ rated I multi - modal - -- - local transportation system as stated in the city's comprehensive plan. The system will provide safe and efficient transportation options for all users (motorists, transit riders, bicyclists, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities) in a way that promotes the economic, environmental, social, and personal vitality of the city and its residents. Sec. 2 -312. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Local means those roadways under city control; also called "residential" and "collector" roadways and including municipal state aid roadways. Multi -modal means pertaining to all modes of transportation, including but not limited to motor vehicles, mass transit, bicycles, and pedestrians. Sec. 2 -313. Purpose and duties. The commission shall: (1) Advise the city council on the operation of the local transportation system (all modes, users, and abilities). (2) Develop strategies, plans and recommendations to implement the city's multi -modal transportation vision. (3) Review neighborhood street capital investment projects for adherence to adopted city policies and planning documents. (4) Review and comment on large development proposals, such as those requiring an alternative urban areawide review, environmental assessment or small area plan. (5) Discuss regional transportation improvements by outside agencies that may affect the local transportation system. (6) Promote the city's transportation vision through education and open forums. (7) Review and comment on citizen transportation concerns, traffic complaint reports, and data. (8) Review and recommend transportation - related funding.. (9) Advise the city council on additional matters when directed by the city council. Sec. 2 -314. Membership. The. commission shall consist of nine regular and two student members, appointed from the different 3 geographic areas of the city. One member of the commission shall also be a member of the Bike Edina Task Force or any existing similar organization, or shall otherwise have an expertise or interest in bicycling as a mode of transportation. In addition, the City has produced educational videos and other materials to promote safe cycling: Agenda: Edina segment on Edina Commuter Challenge http: / /www.youtube.com /watch ?v= OAS92H75ET8 Green Shared Lanes instructional video: http: / /www.youtube.com /watch ?v =xykZ k5lJtl Advisory Bike,Lanes instructional video http://www.youtube.com/.watch?v=:FJx 3HiSFnI Edina Police Department- bike education video (Not available online.) Understanding Bicycle Facilities in Edina handouts: http: / /edinamn.gov /edinafiles /files /City Offices /Engineering/Transportation /Bike Facilitie s Handout 2013.pdf. Bike Edina, a citizen -led bicycle advocacy group formed in 2006, promotes safe cycling through its website (www.bikeedina.org), monthly meetings that are open to the public, and events. The mission of Bike Edina is to advance bicycling in Edina by: Advocating for a complete bicycle transportation network that serves cyclists of all ages and abilities, safely and conveniently; Serving as a voice and resource for city staff and elected officials, school district, and the community on bicycling - related issues; Furthering public awareness and acceptance of bicycling as a fun, safe, convenient, healthy and -- --sustain able-mode-of -transpo rtation-and -form-of -recreation 1year-arou nd;-and -Working--- - collaboratively with other organizations to advance our vision for a progressive bicycle - friendly community where everyone can integrate cycling into their daily lives. Bike Edina is working in partnership with Quality Bicycle Products on a program loosely called "commuter in a box," a how -to program for businesses interested in or considering implementing a bicycle commuter program for their employees. QBP will be developing a "commuter in a box kit" in 2014, and Bike Edina will be promoting the program to 2 -3 local businesses. In 2013, the City of Edina, Edina Public Schools, and Bloomington Public Health completed a comprehensive Safe Routes to School plan. The plan includes "develop a walking and biking section of the school district website;" incorporate walking and biking safety education into the physical education curriculum;" and "create a pedestrian and bicycle safety education campaign." A pedestrian and bicycle safety campaign is currently being developed through a grant from Bloomington Public Health (Edina's public health agency). The MnDOT and BikeMN curriculum "Walk! Bike! Fun!" is being shared with the Edina school district for consideration in both physical education curriculum and after - school programs. Implementation of this curriculum is a goal in the Edina Active Transportation Education and Bike Parking Plan developed by BikeMN (currently in final draft form). In addition to the public and private schools, Edina hosts a NICA community mountain bike team which accepts Edina youth from all middle- and high - schools whether they are within Edina boundaries or not. The Edina Mountain Bike team is coached by certified 4 NICA instructors, who educate the youth on all aspects of mountain biking, and in addition, on rules of the road as well for urban commuting. What are the three primary reasons your community deserves to be designated a Bicycle Friendly Community? Reason One (250 word limit) Edina has made significant progress in three key areas: policy & planning, funding, and implementation. Policy & Planning: Edina was one of the first MN communities to have a comprehensive bicycle transportation plan and the third MN community to adopt a Living Streets policy. The City is currently work on a Living Streets implementation plan. The implementation plan will include design guidelines and standards for on- street bicycle facilities and an updated bike route plan that identifies specific improvements by route and prioritizes implementation. The community's new Safe Routes to School plan (http: / /edinamn.gov /ed inafiles /files/ City_ Offices / Engineering /Transportation /EdinaActiveRo utes_ D RAFT- Report_2013- 10- 24_Com pressed.pdf) includes recommendations for bicycle parking and education. The school district is currently working to integrate bike parking recommendations into their facility improvement plans. Reason Two (250 word limit) - -- .------------ - - - - -- Funding: -In- 2013,- Edina- established_a- dedicated_ special_ revenue _fund- (P_ACS)- to_finance_ bicycle and pedestrian improvements. This fund will collect approximately $1.1 million per year. Also in 2013, Edina received a grant from Bloomington Public Health (Edina's public health agency) to create a comprehensive Safe Routes To School plan and $15,000 to create a public education campaign for Living Streets. In 2012, Edina implemented a $250,000 project funded by the Non- Motorized Transportation Program. This project made Edina the second community in the state to implement advisory bike lanes. The project also included bike boulevard segments and green shared lanes. Both advisory bike lanes and green lanes are experimental. The advisory bike lanes on Wooddale were removed in July 2013 after significant and continuing community opposition. The advisory bike, lanes on W. 54th remained and the City continues to evaluate both the advisory bike lanes and green shared lanes through 2014. The City intends to keep the advisory bike lanes on W. 54th and the green shared lanes after the evaluation period ends. Reason Three (250 word limit) Implementation: Since 2010 Edina has implemented 11 lane miles of dedicated bike lanes and over nine lane miles of marked, shared on- street bicycle facilities. In 2012, Edina got permission to experiment with advisory bike lanes, and green shared lanes. This process has provided valuable information, not only about how to implement these treatments, but also about the need to educate and prepare the community and the Police Department for these changes. Final design for the long- awaited Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail begins this year, with construction anticipated to begin in 2015. This trail will connect to other regional and local trails, greatly expanding transportation and recreation possibilities 5 (please see attached map). A primary focus of 2014 -2015 will be to identify on- street routes to the regional trail that serve cyclists of all ages and abilities. What are the three aspects of your community most in need of improvement in order to accommodate bicyclists? Aspect One (100 word limit) Designing facilities with all ages and abilities in mind. All of Edina's existing on- street bicycle facilities are on collector and minor arterial streets. Even with dedicated bike lanes, many cyclists (or would -be cyclists) are not comfortable riding on these streets. Just one uncomfortable segment can deter people from riding. By.identifying and improving challenging segments, providing protected facilities, and identifying alternative routes on quieter streets, our community can meet the needs of. a wider range of cyclists. Aspect Two (100 word limit) Bicycle accessibility. Edina is divided into four roughly equal quadrants by two major highways. A lack of bicycle - accessible and safe highway crossings makes bicycle travel from one part of the community to another extremely difficult. A bicycle and pedestrian bridge over one of the highways will, be constructed in /by 2017 as part of the Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail. A lack of bicycle parking also limits accessibility. While bicycle parking is provided at many schools, parks and public buildings, there is a need to provide incentives to businesses in Edina to provide bike parking for customers and employees. Aspect Three (100 word limit) Education and encouragement. This process identified that bicycle education and events are available in the community; however, these efforts need to be better coordinated so that they are both more consistent and visible. Most bicycle education in Edina is aimed at elementary school -aged children. There is a need to reach older children and adults and to focus not only on bicycle skills but also on educating motorists on how to "co- exist" with bikes on the road. There is also a need to work closely with the Police Department on education. Community surveys consistently give the Edina Police Department high favorable ratings (in 2013, 99% of respondents indicated they trust the EPD and 98% rated police protection as excellent or good). These high approval ratings, along with their responsibilities to enforce traffic laws, make the Edina Police Department a valuable and necessary partner in bicycle education. Has completing this application made you more aware of what your community needs to do to be bicycle friendly? Yes If yes, describe (250 word limit) The application required us to identify the people and organizations who could answer the questions. Through this process, we created, renewed, and strengthened connections. These connections will be built on as we continue our work to make 0 Edina a more bicycling friendly community. At first pass, the application was daunting, but the more we worked on it, the more we were able to see where we, as a community, are currently strong and where we need to improve. Not being able to answer a question, or answer it to our satisfaction, identified opportunities. If the question hadn't been asked, we might not have thought of it. If we hadn't tried to track down the answer, we might not have made a connection. Perhaps the biggest takeaway is that we need to maintain these connections and build on them in order to successfully, complete our goals. Are you planning any new projects based on your completion of the Bicycle Friendly Community application? Yes If yes, describe (250 word limit) Along with the projects already planned, the process of completing this application either identified or put a higher priority on the following projects: Hosting a Skills 101 class this spring. Participants from this class can then attend the League- certified instructor training this summer. Developing a cost- sharing program to encourage businesses /retailers to provide bike parking. Modifying City ordinance that prohibits riding or parking a bike on a public sidewalk. Working to include bicycle education in all schools and in Parks and Recreation programs. Planning an Open Streets or similar event for 2015. Sharing our findings from this application process with the individuals and organizations that participated in providing information, so that the knowledge -------- -- - - -- gained- and - connections- made - from - this - process- are - shared .------------- - - - - -- - -- 7 EDINA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 2 014 Annual Work Plan Work Session Agenda item V. Living. Streets Plan August 2014 Monthly meetings held with resident advisory group and internal annually to discuss shared interests such as traffic staff team since September 2013. Plan outline, draft chapters and education and enforcement, street maintenance as design guidelines developed and shared with these groups. it affects cyclists and pedestrians, etc. Grant received and consultant hired to develop Living Streets Progress. Report: branding campaign. External focus group to comment on 2 or 3 logo alternatives. Living Streets Joint Work Session with Council anticipated in Summer Anticipated Plan completion in October. Progress Report: Meet with Police Department and Public Works June 2014 ' Public Works Director Brian Olson and Police Chief Dave Nelson annually to discuss shared interests such as traffic scheduled to attend the May 15 ETC meeting education and enforcement, street maintenance as it affects cyclists and pedestrians, etc. Progress. Report: Work Session Agenda Item V. Nap uokfa _ I Valley View Rd between Gleason Rd and Antrim Rd June 2014 ! Staff has had one preliminary meeting with School District staff —work with School District and Active Routes to, May 2014 - and its engineer /architect regarding traffic /circulation issues. School working group to address traffic issues..- completion of Final Plan in April. ARTS Working Group will Staff is proposing to implement proposed sidewalk on south side meet quarterly to guide implementation/funding of Valley View Rd. from Gleason Rd. to Chapel Ln. (2014 PACS Progress Report: opportunities. Fund) Progress Report: Nap uokfa _ I Living Streets Policy: I Educational"Safety Campaign May 2014 - $8,000 grant available from SHIP 3 funds, remaining amount from opportunities for funding. completion of Final Plan in April. ARTS Working Group will the PACS Fund. Staff is reviewing similar projects in Rochester and meet quarterly to guide implementation/funding elsewhere. Progress Report: Living Streets Policy: A. Active Routes to School Comprehensive Plan —continue to look at A. Consultant currently incorporating comments, anticipated opportunities for funding. completion of Final Plan in April. ARTS Working Group will meet quarterly to guide implementation/funding opportunities. B. Sidewalk Plan — finalize priority sidewalk plan B. Staff currently developing. Anticipated completion in October (when- Living Streets Plan is complete). C. Way- finding Signage -for bikeways and pedestrians C. Anticipated completion in October (when Living Streets Plan is complete). D. Education and Communication D. Components being developed through branding and educational /safety campaigns. Broader Living Streets (plan and project- based) education and communication developed during process of drafting plan. E. Ordinance Review for Policy E. Anticipated completion in October (when Living Streets Plan is complete). Work Session Agenda Stem V. - Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: March Staff Comments: M-6775, 7 -iI Comments: G:\Englneering\ Infrastructure\Streets \Traffic \TRANSP COMM \Workplan \2014\20140318 Update 2014 ETC Work Plan.docz PALS Program Ongoing Greater Southdale Area Transportation Study — anticipated completion date 1 Project delayed as Southdale TIF funds were redirected for the of August 2014 50th & France Parking Improvements Review transportation projects in the proposed Capital Improvement Ongoing; anticipated to review CIP projects in the Fall Program Review Public Works street mill and overlays and seal coat projects as to Public Works mill /overlay and seal coat plan for 2014 being opportunities for remarking for bicycle facilities ! reviewed by staff. France Avenue Intersections Improvement Project Construction in 2014. Staff and ETC Communications Committee currently reviewing revised Communications Plan. Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail Three Rivers Park District (TRPD) to update ETC at its April Meeting. Joint meeting with Park Board at ETC's June Meeting. TRPD hopes to construct entire Edina segment 2015 -2017 Traffic Safety Reviews — Mapping system to access traffic safety complaints ! Ongoing. The City is currently reviewing its GIS operations and will and resolutions, and traffic data be hiring a consultant this Spring to assist with this. Communications Committee Ongoing Coordination with Bike Edina — Review Bicycle Friendly Community Application submitted in February, will be notified in May of Application award (if any) Grandview Area Ongoing SW LRT ! Update provided to ETC at their January meeting. Discussed status of freight and passenger rail in the MN &S corridor - Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: March Staff Comments: M-6775, 7 -iI Comments: G:\Englneering\ Infrastructure\Streets \Traffic \TRANSP COMM \Workplan \2014\20140318 Update 2014 ETC Work Plan.docz