HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-06-17_WORK SESSION4iiw' AGENDA CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA COMMUNITY ROOM TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2014 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. COMMUNITY VISION PROCESS INTRODUCTION — FUTURE iQ PARTNERS IV. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927 -8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /DATES /EVENTS Tues Jun 17 Work Session — Community Vision Process Introduction with Future iQ 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jun 17 Regular Meeting 7.00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Jul I Work Session — PACS Approval Process/Living Streets Implementation 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jul I Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Fri Jul 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Tues Jul 15 Work Session — Business Meeting/Art & Culture Donations 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jul 15 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Jul 29 Filing Opens for Municipal Offices On November General Election CLERK'S OFFICE Mon Aug 4 Work Session —Fred Richards Redesign 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Human Rights Relations Commission 6:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Mon Aug 4 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Aug 5 Night To Unite Thur Aug 7 CANDIDATES INFORMATION SESSION 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Aug 12 PRIMARY ELECTION DAY — Polls Open 7 A.M. Through 8:00 P.M. Tues Aug 12 Filing Closes for Municipal Offices On November General Election 5:00 P.M. CLERK'S OFFICE Tues Aug 19 Work Session —Blake Road Corridor Study/Tree Ordinance 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Aug 19 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Sep I LABOR DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Tues Sep 2 Work Session TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Sep 2 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Sep 16 Work Session TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Sep 16 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS f utu r-L> IQ PARTNERS Create Future IntelligenceT"' www.future - iq.com David Beurle, CEO and Founder City of Edina Presentation yyj ORK SXF MSP AMS PSA WFuture iQ Team Strategic Partners SYD BNE PER SYD ABX DLIN` COLINTY j MID I GROWTH PARTNERS} make it happen tom Pro INl ,.�AT'vS FutureGarne DecisionPath PeopleLink FutureShift MasterGlass FutureMakers B'EMEN� KNW LEASIMULATION RNiNG ( PLANNING f ANAwOSR15 M I I RESILIENCE II �IU A�tUgGE� f u t u rc-,->'I'Q 1:IN aw 4WD Create Future Intelligence TM www.future- iq.com David Beurle Marc Rassel Lehna Malmkvist Dr Freija van Duijne Celine Beurle 0 Dr. Jeffrey Sachse Future iQ - proposed process for City of Edina visioning project, and why we believe this process will be effective FutureShift M08 EIs - I IMPLEMENT LIVING LOOKING SHAPING ENGAGING SHIFTING LIVING FutureShift — Outcomes Fulure,SMft IMPtEME`I~tT • Measures and builds `future- readiness'. • Engages large numbers of stakeholders in long term planning and common vision setting. • Applies customized, unique tools and survey instruments that give a insight into the attitudes and aspirations of the citizens. • Trains people in `future- thinking' approaches and tools. • Builds new networks and partnerships vital to long term systemic change. • Produces and identifies priority areas and clear action plans. ,� ;W1Oh1 FutureShift — Design Principles IMP LEME T • Forward looking. • Based on data and research — high quality input. • Uses a stratified approach, and collects qualitative and quantitative data. • Systematic and structured — builds momentum. • Variable intensity and depth of discussion and analysis. • Builds visual representation of the future —easy to convert to story boards, narrative and graphic /multimedia elements. Structured approach; building momentum PHASE / Months (2014) Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Project Planning and liaison with City of Edina; including presentations to Council, Senior. Leadership Team and key stakeholders. Development of project timeline and communication strategy. Background research, including contextual studies; review of existing urban metrics and data; review of existing trends and implications. Contribute to future orientated teaser articles and informative elements within the City of Edina communication platforms. Futures workshop - preparation and delivery, including pre - survey of participants. 'Edina Futures Report' prepared; train local facilitators in neighborhood conversations. Extensive Community engagement; including multiple neighborhood and sector workshops, and online broad community engagement (including where possible schools and other interest groups) Data analysis; final vision formulation; future visualization elements. Presentation - Launch of vision Decision Path Scenario based future planning DecisionPath SCENAR10 PLANNING A tool embrace future Explores used to uncertain range plausible futures Allows for the consideration complex and interrelated forces 4 i low do you expect With today? Click aspects in the region to be in 2030 co y ? Click one option on each line hors. mpared kAO M ospert BA 2017 Reuters, r:eggri repnrts, BdA Merrill Lvid Glubal Comrr�drbes Resedre6 71 &S 04 0 t: 'N I tt 11(4 (oit ji ir o lo 4if n lo t ­IT, A r A B..Mqwmo L'd Som"I 0 aw WON pmea d Cad OWN" wow All, LMN"40 DAN • womem 0 Und own COMOR . . L 7S L ME ECET-413 Future West �orK c ((I, the Future }111ti kll1� Mill �� � ►try __� � Futurek \NeStCor DeclsioriPath Decision Path — Outcomes SCENAR10 I, PI.ANNtNG • Develops long term vision and strategy informed by internal and external trends and environment. • Defines a clear set of plausible futures and builds alignment on 5 -20 year vision. • Links strategy to critical actions. • Identifies potential `game - changing' shifts. Broad Engagement Process Workshops Discussions Surveys Online portal Examples of a similar process and the engagement techniques used, as well as challenges encountered and how we overcame them. DESTINATION to 1#4 FOR WaRtu AUVWURI 011RD ENGAGED %LW RjECAONAL LEVEL MKATION NLW PRO"n WW DO WE 001" CAN WE 1* HOW CAN WE CREATE NEW Jow. WILL OUR HOW DO WE HOW OpItMISTK A8O'Jl CREATE STRONG P� Lf-:ADERSHl AND BUSINESSES' HOW HARNESS OUR FARMING AND THE kUTURL*' j —W low LOCAL Aug -"*Yq RENEWABLE vr,HING STAY --r,,w rAPAfIlY? ee r - -r -14" * . o'. A i" lj,#V Questions for Council • Expectations of the process? • Role for Council members? Points of involvement? •Updates and review of data /intelligence? Edina — 'Futures Workshop' • 75 - 125 participants 2 x 4 hour sessions Second week Sept; 8 -13? • 2 week nights; or Fri evening /Saturday morning? Suggested profile of participants • Able to handle future thinking and integration of variable issues. • Generally representative of Edina geography and social segments. • Have some degree of respect within the community, and effective networks. fut-Ur&AQ Create Future Intelligence"' P A R T N E R S Intelligently -Create Yot I AC �1 Future, TO - ay. future-AG PARTNERS Create Future IntelligenceT" www.future - iq.com The Future Game Simulation learning tool FutureGame SIMULATION L E A R N I N G Unique scenario based simulation learning tool Serious Game - proven effectiveness ■ __ r' 4 J-. i . . . . 0 Fri tureGam 'SI.ML!LAr10N The Future � LL- Ai�IVIIVCi Outcomes Connects decisions to long term results. Introduces the concept of variable futures. Stimulates strategic future thinking. Integrates external trends to local decisions. Enhances critical thinking and decision making. Reconciles decision making to triple bottom line.