HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-01_WORK SESSIONAGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA COMMUNITY ROOM TUESDAY, JULY I, 2014 5:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. CLOSE MEETING IV. CONSIDERATION OF POTENTIAL REAL ESTATE ACQUISITION — 7401 BUSH LAKE ROAD V. ADJOURN CLOSED SESSION AND RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION VI. PEDESTRIAN AND CYCLIST SAFETY FUND APPROVAL PROCESS VII. LIVING STREETS IMPLEMENTATION VIII. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927 -8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS /DATES /EVENTS Tues Jul I Work Session — Closed Meeting Possible Land Acquisition 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jul I Work Session — PACS Approval Process /Living Streets Implementation 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jul I Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Fri Jul 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Tues Jul 15 Work Session — Business Meeting/Art & Culture Donations 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Jul 15 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Jul 29 Filing Opens for Municipal Offices On November General Election CLERK'S OFFICE Mon Aug 4 Work Session —Fred Richards Redesign 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Joint Session With Human Rights & Relations Commission 6:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Mon Aug 4 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Aug 5 Night To Unite Thur Aug 7 CANDIDATES INFORMATION SESSION 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Aug 12 PRIMARY ELECTION DAY — Polls Open 7 A.M. Through 8:00 P.M. Tues Aug 12 Filing Closes for Municipal Offices On November General Election 5:00 P.M. CLERK'S OFFICE Tues Aug 19 Work Session —Blake Road Corridor Study/Tree Ordinance 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Aug 19 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Sep I LABOR DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed ies Sep 2 Work Session — Grandview Development Partner Interviews 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM jes Sep 2 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Sep 16 Work Session — TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Sep 16 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Oct 7 Work Session — 2015 Boards /Commission Work Plans 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tue Oct 7 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Oct 21 Rep. Keith Ellison Update/Business Meeting 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: Chad A. Millner, PE, Director of Engineering Date: July 1, 2014 Subject: Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund Approval Process Action Requested: w91,r� o e may° Work Session Item #: V1• Action ❑ Discussion M Information ❑ Discussion regarding how the Council would like to approve Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund Projects in conjunction with neighborhood street reconstruction projects. Information / Background: Prior to the creation of the PACS Fund, sidewalk construction costs were assessed to benefiting adjacent properties. With the PACS Fund, the City now has a dedicated funding source for pedestrian and cyclist safety projects such as sidewalks. We feel the focus of this work session should be on the projects that have both a street assessment and a PACS project component. We would like to discuss how these types of projects are approved by Council. Prior to the PACS Fund sidewalk construction costs were assessed to benefiting adjacent properties, which required a 4 -1 vote by Council for approval. The PACS Fund allows Council to approve the PACS portion of projects on a 3 -2 vote. While this would allow easier approval of PACS projects, staff felt it required some discussion on the topics listed below before going that route. 1. Communication Improvements a. Over the past few years, improvements have been made to the communications process used for projects. We feel this continues to build trust with the community about our projects. Will voting separately impact this? 2. Policies — State versus Local a. Assessments are governed by State Statue MN Chapter 429 b. PACS — Local policy 3. Resident Viewpoint a. Impacts of street and sidewalk projects are City initiated. Residents do not see the difference. b. Pre- vs post - acceptance of sidewalks. c. Separate vote could be confusing. d. Different viewpoints within a neighborhood i. Direct impact with construction, right at installation point. ii. Resident on side street, impact from improved pedestrian facility. 4. Cost a. Less expensive if constructed at the same time as the roadway. City of Edina - 4801 W. 50th St. - Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Options for consideration 1. Continue 4 -1 combined vote. 2. Vote 3 -2 on PACS and 4 -1 on assessable parts the same night. 3. Vote 3 -2 on PACS and 4 -1 on assessable parts on different nights. 4. Approve a network plan and remove PACS voting as part of neighborhood projects. Attachments: G: \PW\CENTRAL SVCS \ENG DIV\PROJECTS \IMPR NOS \BA391 living Streets \Arden Proposal \Workshop Item 1. PACS Approval Process.docx Page 2 To: MAYOR AND COUNCIL From: Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Date: July I, 2014 Subject: Living Streets Implementation 4,91A11� oe� nPo8 Work Session Item #: VII. Action ❑ Discussion Information ❑ Action Requested: Review and discuss draft chapters of the Living Streets Plan and the process thus far, and provide feedback on the Plan's function, implementation and public input. Information / Background: Please recall that Council passed the Living Streets Policy in August of last year. Since that time, monthly meetings have been held with the Living Streets Advisory Group (LSAG), made up of members of Edina's boards and commissions, and an internal team comprised of Edina staff'members from various departments. Staff is in the process of preparing the draft Living Streets (Implementation) Plan and anticipates the final Living Streets Plan will be presented to Council later this fall. Engineering staff and LSAG members will be present to update Council on the Living Streets planning process thus far and to solicit input into the draft contents and next steps. The LSAG is particularly interested in Council's thoughts on how the Plan will function upon completion (i.e. a set of guidelines meant to illustrate desired outcomes, prescriptive changes to City code, etc.), as well as the desired level of public input given the Plan's function. Attached are two chapters from the draft Living Streets Plan: the "Network of Living Streets" which covers the different types of Living Streets and their location, and the "Design Guidelines," which discusses the different Living Streets elements and how they are applied (including Sidewalk Maps). These chapters are included here because they illustrate the physical manifestation of the Living Streets Policy. Below is an outline of the Plan, the other chapters of which are in various levels of completion. Draft Living Streets Plan Outline I. Background 1.1. Introduction 1.2. The Challenge 1.3. Understanding Living Streets 1.4. Benefits of Living Streets 1.5. Supporting City Plans City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION 2. Vision, Principles and Benchmarks 2.1. Vision 2.2. Principles 2.3. Benchmarks and Performance Measures 3. Network of Living Streets 3.1. Classification and Roles of Streets 3.2. Living Street Types 4. Design Guidelines 4.1. Streets 4.2. Pedestrian Facilities 4.3. Bicycle Facilities 4.4. Traffic Calming 4.5. Streetscape and Stormwater Management (draft outline) 4.6. Lighting and Street Furniture 5. Design Process and Resident Engagement 6. Connectivity Guidelines 6.1. Private Development 6.2. Neighborhood Parks 6.3. Schools Attachments: Draft Living Streets Plan Chapter 3: Network of Living Streets Draft Living Streets Plan Chapter 4: Design Guidelines Page 2 G: \PW\CENTRAL SVCS \ENG DIV \PROJECTS \IMPR NOS \BA391 Living Streets \Advisory Groups \LSAG \20140701 Council Work Sesslon \Workshop Item II - Living Streets Plan Update.docx ��►� edina 14FAMiJ living 110 streets our streets connect us all 3. NETWORK OF LIVING STREETS INTRODUCTION Edina Living Streets defines a new set of Street Types that classify the City's streets based not only on their function, but also on the character of the street and adjacent land uses. These Street Types are developed to guide future road design projects and are meant to supplement the traditional functional classification system of streets. The new Street Types support Living Streets principles and designs, and reflect the diverse range of conditions in Edina. Every Edina street is unique and each Street Type plays an important role in its surrounding neighborhood and within the City's overall street network. Designs should balance the accommodation of motor vehicles with the Living Streets vision of promoting safety and convenience, enhancing community identity, creating economic vitality, improving.sustainability, and providing meaningful opportunities for active living and better health. Current Functional Classification The functional street classification system uses a hierarchy to group classes of streets based on the relative emphasis of motor vehicle mobility and capacity versus non- motorized transportation and property access. The City of Edina's Comprehensive Plan identifies the following street functional classification hierarchy: • Local Streets: These roadways provide the mostlacEbss �and the least mobility within the overall system. They allow access to individual homes, shops and - similar. traffic destinations. While through traffic is discouraged on local streets; 'a new street type called the Local Connector is introduced below as part of the- - Living Streets Plan that may accommodate local through traffic. • Collector Streets: The collector system provides connections between neighborhoods, from neighborhoods to minor business cor centrations, .and between major traffic generators. Mobility and land access are equally important, anal direct access should predominantly be to developed concentrations. Collector streets carry traffic, between the arterial system and the local streets. �Examples include West70th Street_and Wooddale Avenue. • Minor Arterials: The emphasis on these roadways is on mobility as opposed to access; only concentrations of commercial or industrial land uses should have direct access to them (exceptions this include minor arterials such as France Avenue, which includes sections with residential access). Minor,. arterials should connect to principal arterials, or other minor arterials, and collector streets. Examples include France Avenue and West 50th Street. • Principal Arterials: These types of roadways carry the highest volumes of traffic and include all Interstate freeways. The emphasis is on mobility as opposed to land access. Principal arterials connect only with other Interstate freeways, other principal arterials, and select minor arterials and collectors. Examples include Trunk Highways 100, 169 and 62, and Interstate Highway 494. Principal arterials are not within the maintenance jurisdiction of the City, and as such will not be included in this Living Streets Plan. This traditional functional classification system by itself, however, is not sufficient when designing an Edina Living Street. Street design should also take into consideration neighborhood context and the Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/11/14) 3 -1 Network of Living Streets 110 . edina living streets our streets connect us all diverse uses and users of Edina's streets. The Street Types contained in this Plan were developed to provide a range of options to help make informed decisions regarding street design. In terms of functional classification, this Living Streets Plan would apply to the Local Streets, Collectors, and Minor Arterials as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. See Living Streets Classification Map (Figure 3.1) for locations of street types, and refer to Table 3.1 for a summary of each street type and their major design elements. Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/11/14) 3 -2 Network of Living Streets x Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/11/14) 3 -2 Network of Living Streets I � 0I"= low_ 1111. Ate►► edina lem living '% streets our streets connect us all CLASSIFICATION AND ROLES OF LIVING STREETS The matrix below (Table 3.1) was prepared to summarize the options for each element that are available on each of the four types of Living Street. The following is a brief discussion of each type of Living Street, including example design templates (cross sections). For all four street types, there are options for design elements such as the number of driving lanes, whether or not there are parking and /or bike facilities, whether or not sidewalks are to be provided, etc. The design templates represent the minimum and maximum roadway widths and number of design elements for each roadway type; the templates are not meant to represent all options and combinations of design elements. Table 3.1. Edina Living Streets: Street Types Edina Living Streets: Street Types Street Type Driving Lanes Parking Lanes i Bike Facilities Sidewalk(s) 3' 8 2 3 4 0 I' 2 0 1 2 Local Street 0 5 0, O 4 O 6 07 O Local Connector s 0 -6 o4 0 0 Collector Street 0 0 .Q~ 0 0 0 0 Minor Arterial 0.10 0 6--f-P 10--1 0 = Optional feature 0 = Required feature Notes: I. Parking shall fit context, and be limited where unnecessary or to improve safety. 2. Refer to the Bicycle Transportation Plan for location of approved bicycle routes. 3. Multi -use paved path may be used where appropriate. 4. If included, shared bicycle facilities are recommended on local and local connector streets. 5. Travel and parking lanes typically not striped. 6. Requires wider street width to accommodate pedestrians in roadway. 7. Required where street abuts or is in the vicinity of a public school, park or public building. 8. Refer to Context Criteria when considering an optional sidewalk. Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/11/14) 3 -4 Network of Living Streets ��►� edina f W mUd living cO streets our streets connect us all Local Street For the purposes of the Living Streets Plan, Local Streets are those with a Local Street functional classification as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. These streets provide immediate access to residences and are used primarily for local trips and are characterized by lower vehicle and pedestrian volumes. The primary role of Local Streets is to contribute to a high quality of life for residents of Edina. The following Living Streets standards and typical street cross- sections apply to Local Streets (the typical section below is a representative example of this street type and is not meant to represent all possible configurations): • Street Width: 24 feet to 27 feet, depending on context and facilities included (see below). • Travel Lanes: Two, typically without pavement markings • Parking: Provided along one side of the street, or, along both s "ides if deemed necessary • Bicycle Facilities: Required if on an approved primary bike route, recommended if on an approved secondary bike route • Sidewalks: Required where the street is near a public school,'public building, community playing field or neighborhood park. Recommended on orie or, both sides of the street where determined by context. See Pedestrian Facilities chap ter,for more information. Living Streets: Local Street Type 7' Parking Min 5' Min 5' Varies 17' 2 -way Driving lane lane boulevard sidewalk Varies 24' Roadway width (27' with no sidewalk) 60' Typical right of way Parking: None, one or both sides of the street. depending on context © Sidewalk required on local streets when certain criteria are met. See Pedestrian Facilities in Chapter 4 Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/11/14) 3 -5 Network of Living Streets A edina �i'�" living streets our streets connect us all Local Connector For the purposes of the Living Streets Plan, Local Connectors are those with a Local Street functional classification as defined in the Comprehensive Plan but providing higher traveled connections between neighborhoods, destinations and higher -level roadways. Local Connectors provide continuous walking and bicycling routes, and can accommodate transit routes as well. While they are essential to the flow of people between neighborhoods and destinations, the needs of people passing through must be balanced with the needs of those who live and work along Local Connectors. The following Living Streets standards and typical street cross - sections apply to Local Connectors (the typical section below is a representative example of this street type and is not meant to represent all possible configurations): • Street Width: 24 feet to 30 feet, depending on.context and facilities included (see below). • Travel Lanes: Two, typically without pavement markings • Parking: Provided along one side of the street, or along both sides if deemed necessary • Bicycle Facilities: Required if on an approved primary bike route, recommended if on an approved secondary bike route • Sidewalks: Required on one side of the street at minimum, on both sides as determined by context. See Pedestrian Facilities chapter for more information. Living Streets: Local Connector- Street Type 7' Parking Min 5' Min 5' Varies 17'2-way Driving lane lane boulevard sidewalk Varies 26' Roadway width 60' Typical right of way 0 Parking: None, one or both sides of the street, depending on context OIf an approved bike route, shared bicycle facilities are recommended Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/11/14) 3 -6 Network of Living Streets APOIN edina MmiW living %I0 streets our streets connect us all Collector Street For the purposes of the Living Streets Plan, Collector Streets are any streets having a collector street functional classification as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. Collector Streets provide connections between neighborhoods, from neighborhoods to minor business concentrations, and between major traffic generators. Mobility and land access are equally important, and direct access should predominantly be to developed concentrations. Like for Minor Arterials (see below), safe and accessible pedestrian and bicycle accommodations should be provided at intersections along Collector Streets. The following Living Streets standards and typical street cross - sections apply to Collector Streets (the typical section below is a representative example of this street typd and is not meant to represent all possible configurations): • Street Width: 32 feet to 52 feet, depending on context and facilities included (see below). • Travel Lanes: Two or three • Parking: None, one or both sides if the street, depending on context • Bicycle Facilities: Required if on an approved primary or secondary bike route • Sidewalks: Required on one side of the street aeminimlfm, on both sides as determined by context. See Pedestrian Facilities chapter for more information. Living Streets: Collector - Street Type 8' Parking 5' Bicycle 5' Bicycle Min 5' Min 5' Varies lane lane 11' Driving lane 11' Driving lane lane boulevard sidewalk Varies F4 fi n'l 40' Roadway width (32' with no parking) Q 66' Typical right of way OParking: None, one or both sides of the street, depending on context QRoadway width may increase due to additional turn lane Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/11/14) 3-7 Network of Living Streets iPON edina INQ living X10 streets our streets connect us all Minor Arterial For the purposes of the Living Streets Plan, Minor Arterials are any streets having a minor arterial functional classification as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. As Minor Arterials have fewer intersections, which is convenient for motor vehicles, the combination of higher speeds and longer distances between signalized crossings can make these street types difficult for pedestrians and bicyclists to cross. Thus, it is important to provide safe and accessible pedestrian and bicycle accommodations at intersections along Minor Arterials. The following Living Streets standards apply to Minor Arterials, with the exception of minor arterials under Hennepin County jurisdiction (the typical section below is a rep'esentative example of this street type and is not meant to represent all possible configurations); \. • Street Width: Varies, depending on context and facilities included • Travel Lanes: Two, three or four \'> • Parking: None, one or both sides if the street, depending on cont xt,\ • Bicycle Facilities: Required . • Sidewalks: Required on both sides of the street. See Pedestrian Facilities chapter for more information. Living Streets: Minor Arterial Type Min 5' Min 5' 6' Bicycle 6' Bicycle Min 5' Min 5' Varies sidewalk boulevard lane 11' Driving lane 12' Turn lane 11' Driving lane lane boulevard sidewalk Varies 46' Roadway width (27' with no sidewalk) Q 80' Typical right of way OParking: None, one or both sides of the street, depending on context QRoadway width may increase due to additional parking, driving and /or turn lanes Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/11/14) 3 -8 Network of Living Streets ARON edina Hving streets our streets connect us all 4. DESIGN GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION ffirbj Refer to Table 3.1 for a summary of how each element below is applied to each Living Street type. Figure 4.1 below indicates minimum widths for pedestrian facilities and roadway lanes. Street Type n Local Street 5' Local Connector S. Collector Street S. Minor Arterial 5' Boulevard Turn Lane — Travel Lane Parking Lane 5' Local streets are one to two travel lanes, with parking on one or both sides, and do not have pavement, markings. 5, Local connectors are one to two travel lanes, with parking oh one or both sides, and do not have pavement jmarkings. S. 12' I I' 5' 8' � I i 5' 12' I I' 6' j 8' Notes Travel Lanes o On local and connector streets with parking on one side of the street and without shared -lane bicycle pavement markings, the overall minimum pavement width shall be 24 feet. o On streets without sidewalks, total pavement width shall be 27 feet to accommodate pedestrians walking on the street. Bicycle Lanes © The preferred width for bicycle lanes is 6 feet in areas with high volumes of bicyclists and in areas of high parking turnover. o Bicycle lanes 4 feet in width may be considreed on local or connector streets when not adjacent to on- street parking or at constrained intersections. Parking Lanes o Decisions regarding parking lane width when adjacent to bicycle lanes should consider parking turnover rates and volumes of heavy vehicles. Sidewalk o On collector and minor arterial Street Types, or where pedestrians are likely to travel in groups, wider sidewalks (8 to 12 feet) may be recommended. Boulevard o Boulevard width may vary depending on right -of -way or topographical constraints. o In shopping districts characterized by zero -lot lines, street furniture and /or on- street parking, the boulevard may be narrowed or eliminated to accommodate a wider sidewalk. o Stormwater best management practices (e.g. rain gardens, street trees) will be located in the boulevard where deemed appropriate. Figure 4.1. Minimum widths for pedestrian facilities and roadway lanes Edina Living Streets Plan a DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -1 Design Guidelines AMN edina BMW living streets our streets connect us all VEHICULAR FACILITIES Driving Lanes Driving lanes provide travel space for all motorized and non - motorized vehicles. It is recommended that lane widths be minimized to reduce impervious surface and construction and maintenance costs. Reduced lane widths encourage slower motor vehicle speeds, thereby calming traffic, and also free up space that can then be devoted to dedicated bike lanes or other purposes. Where curb and gutter exist, lane widths are measured to the curb face instead of the edge of the gutter pan or pavement. Width Lane width is determined by context; however, unnecessarily wide lanes should be avoided unless County or State regulations dictate otherwise (e.g. I I' travel lane widths are recommended for Collector Streets). Where dedicated pedestrian and /or pedestrian facilities are not provided, the outside travel lane may be widened to accommodate non - motorized roadway users. Parking Lanes On- street parking can be important in the built environment to provide parking for residents and their guests, as a buffer for pedestrians using a sidewalk when no boulevard exists, to help calm traffic speeds, and for the success of adjacent retail businesses. The need for on- street parking shall be evaluated with each project. The evaluation shall consider: • Living Street and functional classification • Adjacent land uses • Parking demand (on- street parking that is not used results in unnecessarily wide streets, potentially increasing motor vehicle speeds) • Competing uses for road or right -of -way space • Construction and maintenance costs Figure 4.2. Wooddale Avenue parking lane The construction of unnecessary parking should be avoided, with parking prioritized below all travel modes when designing a street. Where possible, on- street parking should be inset and coordinated with the use of curb extensions. Placement Parking is permitted on one or both sides of local and local connector streets. When a street is reconstructed, parking should be limited to one side of the street and pavement width reduced accordingly (or converted for non - motorized vehicle use). Parking should be provided along one side of collector and minor arterial streets unless prohibited. On- street parking may be considered along both sides of these streets, depending upon context. Edina Living Streets Plan - DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -2 Design Guidelines A M edina living W* streets our streets connect us all Width On- street parking lanes shall be no less than 7 feet wide; unnecessarily wide parking lanes (i.e. greater than 8 feet) should be avoided. On streets where traffic levels or speed limits are higher than 30 mph (e.g. on some collectors and minor arterials), parking lane width may be increased to eight feet. PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Refer to the Sidewealk Facilities Quadrant Maps (Figure 4.9 - Figure 4.12) for locations of sidewalks and park pathways. Sidewalks Sidewalks should provide a comfortable space for pedestrians between the roadway and adjacent land uses. Sidewalks are the most important component of pedestrian mobility. They provide opportunities for active living and access to destinations and critical connections between multiple modes of travel, as users of motor vehicles, transit and bicycles all must walk at some time during their trip. Sidewalks are required where (see Table 3.1 for further information): • A street abuts or is in the vicinity of a public school, public building, community playfield; or neighborhood park. Termini to be determined by context. • On both sides of minor arterial streets. • On one or both sides of collector streets. • On one side of local connectors, or both sides as'determined by context (see below). • As required by zoning code or condition of plan approval. Context Criteria Figure 4.3. Sidewalk in the Country Club The following context criteria may be used when neighborhood determining whether an optional sidewalk should be required. The criteria may be applied in any combination, using engineering judgment. An optional sidewalk may be required when: • Average daily traffic is greater than 500 vehicles. • 85th percentile speed is greater than 30 mph. Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -3 Design Guidelines ;r�► edina r living �► streets our streets connect us all • There is a history of crashes involving pedestrians walking along the roadway. • Transit stop(s) are present. • The street is identified as an active (safe) route to school, park, or commercial destination. • A sidewalk would create a logical connection between destinations. • Site lines, roadway geometry, or insufficient lighting makes it difficult for motorists to see pedestrians walking along the roadway. • The street width is less than 27 feet. Width Sidewalks shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide to provide adequate space for two pedestrians to comfortably pass side -by -side. Wider sidewalks (8 to 12 feet) are recommended where pedestrians are likely to travel in groups, such as near schools and in shopping districts, or where adjacent to transit stops. Boulevard A standard minimum 5 -foot boulevard (the space between the sidewalk and the curb or edge of pavement) shall be provided whenever possible to increase pedestrian safety and comfort 'as well as providing space for snow storage (Figure 4.4). Minimum planted boulevard widths may be''two feet (see following paragraph). In shoppmg.,districts characterized by zero -lot lines, street {urniture and /or on- street parking, sidewalks may, be wider with no boulevard. Additionally, a shallower boulevard or curbside sidewalk may be constructed when the cost of constructing a five -foot boulevard would be excessively disproportionate due to existing right - of -way or topographical constraints. Curbside sidewalks shall have a minimum width of 6 feet unobstructed for travel (5 feet clear of sign posts, traffic signals, utility poles, etc., plus one foot for snow storage /clearing operations). Pedestrian Crossings The safety of all street users, particularly more vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly and those with disabilities must be considered Figure 4.4. 5 -foot sidewalk with planted boulevard Figure 4.5. Edina marked crosswalks standards Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -4 Design Guidelines AN I_ r edina living streets our streets connect us all when designing a street. This is particularly pronounced at potential conflict points where pedestrians must cross streets. Both real and perceived safety must be considered when designing crosswalks — pedestrian crossings must be comfortable. A safe crossing that no one uses serves no purpose. Refer to Edina's Traffic Safety Committee and the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MNMUTCD) for local traffic control policies regarding marked pedestrian crosswalks. Marked Crosswalks Marked crosswalks are commonly used at intersections and sometimes at mid -block locations, and are often the first tool used to address pedestrian crossing safety issues. By state law every intersection has crosswalks, whether marked or unmarked, and motorists are required to yield to pedestrians in these crosswalks (unless pedestrian crossing is prohibited). Marked crosswalks alert drivers to expect crossing pedestrians and direct pedestrians to desired crossing locations; however, marking crosswalks at every intersection is not necessary or desirable. Figure 4.6. Crossing island The City of Edina has standards for types or styles of marked crosswalks (see Figure 4.5). The type'of marked crosswalk shall be determined by context and the following general principles: • City,wide standard (Continental) crosswalk: 36 -inch wide x 72 -inch long painted blocks, spaced at `16 =inch intervals zone standard (Ladder): Same as Continental (above), with 8 -inch lateral painted lines • Specialty crosswalks: May include brick inlay crosswalks (such as in the Countryside Neighborhood), colored concrete crosswalks (50th & France district) or existing patterned Duratherm crosswalks Crossing Islands and Curb Extensions Raised islands /medians and curb extensions are effective measures for improving street crossings. These tools reduce the distance and complexity of crossing wide streets with traffic coming from two opposing directions at once. They can also slow vehicle traffic (see Traffic Calming, XXX). With the use of crossing islands (sometimes referred to as a "median refuge ") conflicts occur in only one direction at a time (Figure 4.6). Curb extensions (Figure 4.7) shorten crossing distance, reduce time it takes for a pedestrian to cross a Figure 4.7. Curb extension with crosswalk Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -5 Design Guidelines Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -6 Design Guidelines oo� edina living 1� streets our streets connect us all street and their exposure to moving vehicles, and can increase pedestrian visibility. See Table 4.2 for recommended applications of crossing islands /median and curb extensions at pedestrian crossings. Activated Mounted Flashers In addition to crossing islands and curb extensions, there are other measures to enhance and improve marked crosswalks. Enhanced crossing measures that may be applied in Edina include pedestrian- activated pedestal 1I % -7 and overhead mounted flashers (Figure 4.8).'. f While these techniques are typically applied at 7J mid -block crossings to warn drivers that pedestrians may be present, they can also be used at crosswalks at uncontrolled intersections. ;° If activated mounted flashers are used, they should be placed in conjunction with signs and ' crosswalks. An engineering study may be `t -'- conducted to determine if a crossing may ,benefit Figure 4.8. Crossing with activated mounted flashers from pedestrian- activated mounted flashers: (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons) Refer to the City's local traffic control policies for further information. <� Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -6 Design Guidelines ASO edina 1 ; gm living %0 streets our streets connect us all 'x dwJ L A Wi bland 'tibur C Ol r C—q W1111.0 N, SAM 115� 0 J Tk\ uc rawpug r,lri _T N Mud Lake .w is Uluid Church ' crusc�tci I.d- C,.k c "A c C!, C. L N.. )3 Idi-A 16 h sc h- Nfiddl, Ch-) 1;0 Draft Sidewalk Facilities: Northwest Quadrant AM, edina 91TV - Living Streets Classification Existing Sidewalk living Usfing Park Pathway "Collector & Local Connector Proposed Sidemlk streets 0 our streets connect us all Proposed Regional Trail gn'-fl—ring Dept —MinorAnerial Reoffirriended Active Routes To School Sidewalk , Juriit. 201• Figure 4.9. Pedestrian Facilities Map: Northwest Quadrant Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4-7 Design Guidelines P! er.f.w I " Calvin I r�, 6 a, .zrr,es �LJ i Goldm ..rte_..__ Church V f e. (P I Stephe 1 . ....� -` �. . # Episco al z, d t 4� ov I ant Mail cj�,k rub,le I cm0u= _ r Lady or � „� a -� Fora nom' race Ch are ' t School Calvin 1 School 1 Community Lutheran Church:z 1 Y* s ,Lake,_* Y colony 3 Y Pmkt €. i Nortnandalc �Qy Elementary ! I g N. L^ I ulhricu• y 1• m h ddle School \ Edina I Community Center � $ Itb44. i !' hvYPM -P3 S e '!'- jSt Pctcn l.uthaan j p ! Church &School` -I! i � ,• rus_ k t ,� edina �bm living Aiso streets our streets connect us all edlna (10 living streets our streets connect us all Concord t Figure 4.10. Pedestrian Facilities Map: Northeast Quadrant Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4-8 • . Normand�I I� I . wr I a. -. hvYPM -P3 S e '!'- jSt Pctcn l.uthaan j p ! Church &School` -I! i � ,• rus_ k t ,� edina �bm living Aiso streets our streets connect us all edlna (10 living streets our streets connect us all Draft Sidewalk Facilities: Northeast Quadrant 4. — Existing Sidewalk Living -- ''Streets LocalCo classification _ E,r,�gPark Pathway - --'Collector a Local Connector Proposed Sidewalk iMlnorArteral -- Proposed Regional Trail - - - Recommended Active Routes To School Sidewalk Engf— ring June, 2014 Figure 4.10. Pedestrian Facilities Map: Northeast Quadrant Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4-8 Design Guidelines APk edina living streets our streets connect us all )-A L*7� 4 X �.., ­ Ok, T ,u LN r N I ail i =Iiy 1. I. CwgKehmal I, A Mud Lake 0- -terry o Lake \ rd i. 16 vi- IndiminbcalA VALLLY-V"AU- s Lake/ NN. �e L) 0, Pub W�Iis& kv w c edina living e. Draft Sidewalk Facilities: Southwest Quadrant Living Streets Classification — Existing Sidewalk — Existing Park Pallmay streets ='Collector & Local Connector Proposed Sidewalk our streets connect us all —.KtnorArterial Proposed Regbrial Trail Recommended Active Routes To School Sidewalk En &mft Dept June.2014 Figure 4.11. Pedestrian Facilities Map: Southwest Quadrant Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4-9 Design Guidelines SO edina �i� living No streets our streets connect us all I � � 'I°'°yJt"S. p�tCdvvlflraan+v, �� . r' aiCe1 p' i 5' S PameRt iilMammc Park �<..._ Ro.lesd Park r \^, Comeiia /FF/$ss$jj 44 l 0 B i Chns`.�..� %' X10 _ I i Presbyterian Tom stw _.Church : qp. I `.Arsnsa Acrd Park chool T s, J: — 4 a orselln P.i ! 7L`tn ST w ! I R l 1 « - i m Firc Lake' Station Edina �\ $ i •� Fred R14.nl. t7alfceur.e 7671I ST \• 1 :' .I ...... I —... Y. -./nll STw i JU oko.uush Pad e. ADa AMedina Draft Sidewalk Facilities: Southeast Quadrant 4. living iving Streets Classification — Existing Sidewalk a WWg Streets - Coleetor 3 Local Connector — Existing Park Pathway — "° – – Proposed Sidewalk our streets connect us all (- Arterial -- Proposed RegionalTral 1141neednpDept ..- .'Minor - – Reconananded Active Rotdes To School Sidewalk Jum.20j4 Figure 4.12. Pedestrian Facilities Map: Southeast Quadrant Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -10 Design Guidelines BICYCLE FACILITIES The Living Streets Policy and Plan indicates that bicyclists — just like motorists and pedestrians — should have safe, convenient, and comfortable access to all destinations in the City. Indeed, every street (excepting principal arterials) is a bicycle street, regardless of bikeway designation. Edina's network of Living Streets shall accommodate all types, levels, and ages of bicyclists. Bicycle facilities should take into account vehicle speeds and volumes, with shared use on low volume, low -speed road and separation on higher volume, higher -speed roads. Types and Placement Table 3.1 indicates on which street types bicycle facilities (shared or separated) shall be located /considered. The City of Edina Comprehensive Bicycle Transportation Plan shall be consulted to determine where approved primary and secondary bike routes are located. Refer to Table 4.1 for guidance on the application of each type of bicycle facility. Bike Lanes Bike lanes provide dedicated space on the roadway for bicycle use. Bike lanes are separated from the lane used by motor vehicles by a solid white line. Bike lanes are also marked with a white bicycle symbol and arrow on the pavement and signed at regular intervals (Figure 4.13). "Buffered" bike lanes are similar to regular bike lanes, but also include a marked buffer between the bike lane and the adjacent driving lane. This buffer area is marked with white diagonals or chevrons to indicate that no vehicles are allowed to travel in the buffered area. As a bike lane approaches an intersection or bus stop, a dashed line may be used instead of a solid white line to indicate the space is shared by motorists and bicyclists. A dashed line may also edina Ano living streets our streets connect us all Figure 4.13. Bike lane on Tracy Avenue Figure 4.14. Advisory bike lane Figure 4.15. Shared lane markings or "sharrows" Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4-11 Design Guidelines a e d i n a 11b=9 ooe�in� r� streets our streets connect us all be used to stripe the bike lane through intersections. Advisory Bike Lanes Advisory bike lanes are used on streets that are too narrow for dedicated bike lanes. Advisory bike lanes look like dedicated bike lanes, except a dashed line is used in place of a solid bike lane stripe (Figure 4.14). A dashed line signals to drivers that they may drive in the advisory bike lane. Advisory bike lanes do not narrow the travel lanes or reduce the amount of roadway space that can be used by motor vehicles. Additionally, they bring greater awareness to the roadway as shared space and can help to reduce vehicle speeds and improve roadway safety. At present, advisory bike lanes are considered experimental by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Shared Lane Markings Shared lane markings or "sharrows" (derived from "shared" and "arrows ") are pavement markings used to mark a designated bike route. Placed in the travel lane, they encourage bicyclists to ride in a safe position outside of the door zone (where driver's side doors of parked cars open). Shared lane markings include a bicycle symbol and a double chevron indicating the direction,of travel (Figure 4.15). They do not designate any part of the roadway as exclusive to either, motorists or bicyclists. Rather, shared lane', markings emphasize that the travel lane is shared. Bike Boulevard A bike boulevard is a lower- volume street that has been improved for bike traffic, often serving as an alternative bicycle route to a street with. higher,traffic,volumes: Bike boulevards may include`traffc- calming measure's�such as traffic circles, and can be optimized for'use by cyclists (e.g. removing stop signs in through `direction). . Bike boulevardsare designated with `pavement markings that include a large bicycle symbol with the text "BLVD" (Figure 4.16). The markings are not intended to guide the bicyclists.. Share The Road \ "Share The Road" reminds motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians that all modes of transportation may use the roadway. "Share The Road" may be posted in conjunction with shared lane markings, on a bike boulevard, or on a bike route without pavement markings (Figure 4.17). Where a bike lane ends, but the bike route continues, "Share The Road" may also be posted. Signage that Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) Design Guidelines 1 l � Figure 4.16. Bike Boulevard on Cornelia Drive Figure 4.17. "Share the Road" signage ;e -A A edina Aff living streets our streets connect us all indicates "Bikes May Use Full Lane" may also be considered where appropriate. Although all roads in Edina are shared, these signs communicate to motorists and cyclists that the road has been identified to encourage use by cyclists, but lacks separate bicycle facilities. Bicycle or Shared Use Path A bicycle or shared use path is a facility that has been designed for bicycle use and constructed separately from the roadway or shoulder. A bicycle path may be for exclusive use by bicyclists (bike path), or it may be shared with pedestrians (shared use). A bicycle path that is adjacent to a roadway is a side path (Figure 4.18). Paved Shoulders The shoulder is the part of the street that is contiguous to and on the same level as the part of the street that is regularly used for vehicle travel, and may be paved, gravel or dirt (Figure 4.19). The shoulder is typically separated from the traveled part of the street by a solid white line, called an "edge line" or "fog line." Paved shoulders can look a lot like bike lanes, but differ from bike lanes in some important ways: • Bike lanes have bicycle pavement markings and Bike Lane signs; paved shoulders do not. Bike lanes have been designed for cycling; paved, shoulders have not. Parking is not permitted on bike lanes unless posted otherwise; parking is permitted on paved shoulders unless posted otherwise. Figure 4.18. Shared use path along Gallagher Drive Figure 4.19. Example of a paved shoulder Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -13 Design Guidelines • Cyclists may use the shoulder, but are not required to. Table 4.1. Appropriateness of bicycle facilities BICYCLE FACILITIES Living Streets Classification Local Street Local Connector Collector Street Minor Arterial Bike Lanes O O ' O Advisory Bike Lanes O ! '.•'O Shared Lane Markings /Sharrows Bike Boulevard O \ O "Share the Road" 0".1 O O\ ,\ O Shared Use Path OO \ O \ O Paved Shoulders \ Legend: O Appropriate OAppropriate in specific circumstance: Not Appropriate Intersectidns Given th t;lntersections are junctions where different modes of transportation meet, a well - designed intersection should facilitate the interaction between bicyclists,, pedestrians, motorists and transit \This, should 'be done in a safe and efficient manner..that reduces conflicts between bicyclists and vehicles, including heightening the visibility, denoting a clear right -of- way, and ensuring all users are aware of each other. Bike Lane Markings a edina living 1� streets our streets connect us all Pavement markings for bike lanes (see above)' should extend up to the crosswalk (or stop bar if crosswalk is not marked) to ensure that separation, guidance on proper positioning, and awareness by motorists are maintained through these conflict areas. At right -turn lanes, a bike lane "pocket" (Figure Figure 4.20. Bike lane "pocket" on W. 70th Street Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -14 Design Guidelines 4.20) shall be placed between the right -turn lane and the rightmost through lane. If a full bike lane cannot be accommodated, a shared bicycle /right- turn lane can be installed that places a standard - width bike lane on the left side of the right -turn lane. A dashed stripe delineates the space for bicyclist and motorists within the shared lane. Sharrows are another option for marking a bike lane through an intersection where a bike lane pocket cannot be accommodated. Green Bike Lanes at Conflict Points Green colored pavements are used to highlight conflict areas between bicycles and motor vehicles at heavy turning and merging locations approaching and within intersections (Figure 4.21). Green colored pavement can be used in conjunction with Sharrows and /or dashed white stripes to delineate the edge of the green colored pavement. Bicycle Signal Detection Bicycle detection is used at actuated traffic signals to alert the signal controller of bicycle crossing demand on a particular intersection approach. Bicycle detection can occur by automated means such as in- pavement detection loops (Figure 4.22). Such loops have increased sensitivity to detect bicycles. Signage and pavement markings should be used to provide clear guidance to bicyclists on how to actuate detection. TRAFFIC CALMING AW edina living r streets our streets connect us all Figure 4.21. Green colored pavement highlighting a "conflict area" at W. 70`x' Street and Metro Boulevard Figure 4.22. In- pavement bicycle detector loop on 54`" Street at' France Avenue The primary goal of traffic calming is to slow motorists to a desired speed by using design in a context - sensitive manner while working with stakeholders. Traffic calming is acceptable and encouraged on all street types, and when utilized effectively can physically encourage motorists to drive at the desired speed. Traffic calming uses a combination of physical measures that alter driver behavior and improve conditions for non - motorized street users while accommodating the needs of motorists. While speed reduction of motor vehicles and increased motorist awareness of non - motorized road users are the primary goals of traffic calming, these measures can also be designed to treat and manage stormwater and improve the aesthetics of the street. Please refer to Table 4.2 for guidance regarding the applicability of the traffic calming techniques described below. It should be noted that often a combination of techniques is needed to calm traffic Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -15 Design Guidelines effectively, and their application should take into account overall traffic flow and emergency vehicle access throughout the corridor. Road Diet A road diet entails the narrowing and /or removal of driving lanes from the street cross - section (both of which are traffic calming measures). The reclaimed roadway space can be used for bicycle lanes, sidewalks, landscaped boulevards or medians, and /or on- street parking. For streets to be considered for this measure Raised Medians Often used as components of a road diet, raised, planted medians can calm traffic in multiple ways. Medians can help define the travel lane, while the vertical curb and median plantings provide visual cues to motorists to slow speeds. Medians that extend through intersections can also provide volume control by blocking through movement at a cross street. Additionally, medians can provide a refuge (if designed appropriately) for pedestrians crossing a wide, multi -lane street (see "Crossing Island and Curb Extensions" above). Roundabouts and Traffic Circles Roundabouts and traffic circles require traffic to circulate'counterclockwise around a center island Traffic circles are raised islands placed in intersections' °and are effective for calming traffic at these locations (Figure 4.25). This is especially true within neighborhoods, where large vehicle traffic is not a major concern but speeds, volumes and safety are problems. Traffic circles replace stop signs at intersections, which can improve safety at locations where stop sign compliance may be lower. Roundabouts, unlike traffic circles, are used on higher volume streets to allocate to minimize conflicts between competing movements (Figure 4.26). Roundabout have been shown to be reduce the number and severity of crashes while at the same time more efficiently moving vehicles Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) Design Guidelines APedina living sO streets our streets connect us all Picture (see caption) Figure 4.23. Roadway before road diet Picture (see caption) Figure 4.24. Roadway after road diet Figure 4.25. Traffic circle at W. 54' Street and Drew Avenue South 4 -16 through an intersection when compared to traditional signalized intersections. Roundabouts can moderate speeds on collector and arterial streets and are aesthetically pleasing if well - landscaped. Curb Extensions In addition to shortening the crossing distance for pedestrians (see "Crossing Island and Curb Extensions" above), curb extensions (sometimes referred to as "bumpouts" or "neckdowns ") can also help to reduce the speed of vehicles. This is accomplished by reducing the roadway width from curb to curb at planned locations, and by tightening the curb radii at intersection corners, View Road reducing the speeds of turning vehicles. Curb extensions also protect on- street parking bays and provide opportunities for landscaping and rain gardens (see below). On- Street Parking On- street parking also functions as a traffic- calming device when vehicles are regularly parked in the parking lane. Vehicles parked in the street physically and visually narrow the roadway and can increase the level of activity on the street as people come and go from parked cars: This can cause motorists to be more alert and slow vehicle speeds. On- street parking "(when'striped and /or utilized) can also provide a buffer between moving vehicles and pedestrians who may be walking on an adjacent sidewalk. Bike Lanes /Buffered Bike Lanes Like on street' parking, marked on- street bike lanes provide a buffer between pedestrians on an adjacent sidewalk and motor vehicle traffic. Additionally, the lane markings indicate where motorists should be driving and effectively narrow the travel lane. The potential presence of cyclists can also alert motorists to slow doww'and be aware. � � edina Ws*myli living streets our streets connect us all Street Trees In addition to their environmental benefits (see section XX.X), trees, when located on both sides of the street (especially in boulevards and medians) create a sense of enclosure that discourages drivers from speeding. Street trees create vertical walls that frame streets and provide a defined edge. This helps motorists guide their movement and assess their speed, which can lead to overall speed reduction. Also, the presence of street trees creates a safer walking environment by providing distinct edges to sidewalks so that motorists can better distinguish between their environment and the one shared with people. Raised Intersections /Crosswalks A raised intersection is a flat raised area covering an entire intersection, with ramps on all approaches and often combined with textured materials (see below) on the flat section. Typically, they raise to just below the level of the sidewalk. Raised intersections are more readily perceived by motorists to be "pedestrian territory" and the change in grade slows vehicle speeds. Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -17 Design Guidelines ft edina III 2i living III streets our streets connect us all Similarly, raised crosswalks are often marked by different materials to provide pedestrians with a level street crossing and to make them more visible to approaching motorists. They can act as "speed tables" to slow vehicle speeds. Textured and/or Colored Pavement Textured and colored pavement includes the use of stamped pavement or alternate paving materials to create an uneven surface for vehicles to traverse. They may be used to emphasize either an entire intersection or a pedestrian crossing, and are sometimes used along entire street blocks. Locations where textured and /or colored pavement are often used include parking lanes, bike lanes, pedestrian crossings (Figure 4.27), and intersections. Figure 4.27. Brick crosswalk in the Country Club neighborhood Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -18 Design Guidelines edina living 'qI0 streets our streets connect us all Other tools that can be used to calm traffic include fixed and temporary dynamic speed signs and enforcement of traffic law ( s. Table 4.2. Applicability of Traffic Calming Measures Legend: 0 Appropriate 0 Appropriate in specific circumstance! Not Appropriate Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4-19 Design Guidelines Living Streets Classification Traffic Calming Measure Local Local Collector Minor Street Connector Street Arterial Reduction in number of lanes Lane width reduction Median refuge Curb extention O£ O .O O On-street parking \O\ \:., 0 Bike lanes/protected bike lanes Street trees Textured and/or colored paving materials 01-1-', '0 Roundabouts Traffic Circles 10 0 Raised,intersections X�I 10 0 0 K(kId crosswalks Speed tables X". Legend: 0 Appropriate 0 Appropriate in specific circumstance! Not Appropriate Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4-19 Design Guidelines AP►+ edina � living lll� streets our streets connect us all STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE Stormwater Management The implementation of Living Streets practices has the potential to enhance two core stormwater utility functions, flood protection and clean water, by retaining water on the landscape and filtering runoff. Living streets stormwater practices are broadly named "Low Impact Development" (or LID) practices, and also referred to as "Green Infrastructure." These living streets practices have the potential to provide multiple benefits as well including a beautiful streetscape, flourishing trees, Service Level Definition The City of Edina stormwater utility provides two services to•the public, flood protection and clean water. Stormwater management priorities are described in the City,of'Edina Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan (December 2011). Performance measurements for flood protection include peak rate measure in cubic feet per second and runoff volume measured in acre -feet, and for clean water include removal of sediment measured in tons and phosphorus measuied in pounds. Service Performance Measure Service Flood Protection Peak rate control in cubic feet cfs persecond Flood Protection Flood volume control in acre ' ac -ft feet volume Clean Water Phosphorus pollutant removal in lb-P pounds Clean Water Gross and fine,solids removal in ton -sed tons Storm w'ate'r Utility To the ex tthat implementatil iipf living streets concepts coincides with stormwater management goals, and overlaps with identified, priorities watersheds, funding from the City of Edina stormwater utility is available for public improvement. Some LID techniques, and the specific location and efficiency of any technique will vary based on design, and location in the watershed. Engineering review and cost benefit comparison can often provide guidance to the most effective selection and placement of individual practices. The following table summarizes the living streets practices, and their overlap with stormwater services, and relative cost effectiveness. Practice Flood Clean Cost Effectiveness Protection Water Impervious cover High Medium Savings reduction Soil / Turf / Trees High Medium Low Bio- retention / Rain Medium Medium Medium Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -20 Design Guidelines I Ap edina r; living T%I0 streets our streets connect us all Gardens Pervious Pavements Medium Medium High Underground Sediment / Infiltration Low Medium High Swales, filters / other Low Medium Medium Natural area creation, protection, High High Savings restoration Regional ponds and wetlands High Medium Low Pollution prevention Low High Low Discuss capital cost efficiency, maintenance burden and .lif6cycle, cost efficiency, efficiency and relation to size of BMP, j i Sustainable Infrastructure ENVISION, multiple benefits, community maintenance, public ma intenance, Sustainable techniques Streetscale and Toolbox LID techniques Living Streets Prioritization r See Figure 4.28. Describe priority watersheds /-Describe', targeted treatments that match the need of each priority watershed /; describe areas of the city with existing treatment as non - priority and diminishing returns of layered BHP Prioritize flood protection In landlocked catchments, water quality in lakes catchments, both in creek catchments., Opportunistic treatment in "already treated areas draining to wetland networks that provide treatment A subwatershed assessment study; 'is a useful tool for scoping where and what types of stormwater treatments are best applied•in an individual neighborhood. Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -21 Design Guidelines off►► edina -4 i1Vin9 streets our'streets connect us all z - - � iis � -} `tr✓�S �Jl' J �j 1, _� p�+ ^ � k i � 11 ° •ti i.' _�, �t t r X'; ' T? J�{ Y 5 rL f r rL� {� ► jig JF` G -�- Z. - �L ro�� jj S � ic I1 >. � 1'!S E t' kz,.• L ry r s b-- a �` b ',���.3. .('., � � �'� tX � � 41.1 I •j�,y� r i � �� �' � .7t.1 i - 0 1i l' �a N _ ... �" � '.'j d r ;•� J`i a, Yom_ I 14 p 4 ^� �'ru y''r-- �I,��Jr c nr c 't •t ` },C:...,� � 1 - '� I f r 1' re yII � ifi ,+; � J r �. � ! i : >L - '� ? �- iz J �• 7�1f S ; �� `',. •.. . JVIL ' S I if • i ��� I . -t �s ij �lY..Y'c# f� Gsi + y�' � ;�' .1 _ . � ,,�v a �� :fit ' � f v� . ' - . - ,J 4 .. �!ef a!!� � { f•a''l'.f'Oti .. :���LL� =;, 1�'— -- -��"':{ �� }3 ,ft 3t�, if �''W�. , Figure 4.28. Living Streets Priority Watersheds Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4722 Design. Guidelines. h edina —91 living '%0 streets our streets connect us all Example Project Schedule and Design Process Describe schedule for scoping study and neighborhood engagement, Public meeting, Sustainable Infrastructure Purpose and ENVISION Quality of Life Description + transit, safety, overlap. Leadership Description Resource Allocation Description + CH 10 overlap Natural World „y Description + stormwater management policy overlap Climate and Risk Description + flood protection overlap � 3 Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -23 Design Guidelines hedina living qs; streets our streets connect us all Streetscape / Toolbox Description Impervious cover reduction Opportunity, Examples for each level of street, limitations, costs Soil, turf and trees Opportunity, Examples, limitations, costs Bio- retention and rain gardens Rain gardens collect, filter and infiltrate stormwater from roads, driveway, roofs and other hard surfaces. A rain garden uses water runoff as a resource to grow flowers and trees, and replenish local groundwater. Rain gardens are generally well landscaped with native plants and greenhouse cultivars and tend toward ornamental arrangements of flowers and grasses. Rain gardens are subset of bio- retention practice. Bioretention Examples, limitations, costs Pervious pavements Opportunity, Examples, limitations;'costs `1 Underground sediment capture and underground infiltration Opportunity, Examples, limitations, costs Swales.vsand filters and other controls Opportunity, Examples, limitations'. costs Opportunity, Examples for each level of street, limitations, costs Opportunity, Examples, limitations, costs Pollution prevention Opportunity, Examples, limitations, costs (similar to sustainability analysis, SWPPP operations, WHPP) Edina Living Streets Plan — DRAFT (6/24/14) 4 -24 Design Guidelines