HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-05-21 Council Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 21,2013 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. 11. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Bennett, Brindle,Sprague, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Ill. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Member Bennett made a motion,seconded by Member Sprague,approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the consent agenda as revised to remove Items IV.C, Access Agreement — 6137 Brookview Avenue; and, IV.F, Request for Purchase—Wooddale Re-Striping ENG12-6NB,as follows: IV.A. Approve regular and work session meeting minutes of May 7, 2013 IV.B. Receive payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated May 9, 2013,and consisting of 29 pages;General Fund$189,533.43;General Debt Service Fund$425.00; Working Capital Fund $4,451.90; Equipment Replacement Fund $14,619.70; Art Center Fund $8,118.41; Golf Dome Fund $298.63; Aquatic Center Fund $1,052.37; Golf Course Fund $31,662.11; Ice Arena Fund $50,256.72; Edinborough Park Fund $10,495.81; Centennial Lakes Park Fund $17,740.43; Liquor Fund $334,635.17; Utility Fund $388,603.41; Storm Sewer Fund $784.15; Recycling Fund $34,192.80; PSTF Agency Fund $4,659.45; TOTAL$1,091,529.49 and for approval of payment of claims dated May 16, 2013, and consisting of 29 pages; General Fund $124,260.21; Police Special Revenue $892.73; General Debt Service Fund $2,000.00; Working Capital Fund $16,454.21; Equipment Replacement Fund $4,799.80; Art Center Fund $2,448.80; Aquatic Center Fund $589.21; Golf Course Fund $26,180.18; Ice Arena Fund $24,701.88; Edinborough Park Fund $7,958.69; Centennial Lakes Park Fund $4,832.94; Liquor Fund $214,866.71; Utility Fund$37,281.03;Storm Sewer Fund$2,859.36; PSTF Agency Fund$2,721.16; Centennial TIF District$412.50;Grandview TIF District$3,147.15;TOTAL$476.406.56. IV.D. Request for Purchase—2013 Police Uniform Contract awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder Uniforms Unlimited at$2,463.00. IV.E. Request for Purchase — Contract ENG13-10 Raw Water Main awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder Northdale Construction Co.,Inc.at$139,741.01. IV.G. Request for Purchase — SCADA Radio System Upgrade awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder D2 Services, Inc.at$46,148.63. Rollcall: Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA IV.C. ACCESS AGREEMENT—6137 BROOKVIEW AVENUE—APPROVED Park and Recreation Director Kattreh answered questions of the Council relating to the access agreement between the City and Paul J. Donnay Three, LLC. The discussion included the location of the proposed access (a small portion of Pamela Park north of West 62nd Street), the builder's responsibility to replace Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21,2013 any trees, shrubs or other park property it damaged, and the planned location for the project dumpster. It was noted that the residents on the block supported locating the dumpster at the back of the lot, the risk of damage to public property would be minimized by locating the dumpster in the front yard. Member Bennett made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle Swenson approving the Access Agreement for 6137 Brookview Avenue. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. IV.F. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE—WOODDALE RE-STRIPING ENG12-6NB—APPROVED City Engineer Houle answered questions of the Council relating to project to restripe Wooddale Avenue from Valley View Road to 50th Street W., in relation to the features and specifications of the design and the public notification process. There was discussion on "ghosting" of the dashes, chevrons, share the road sharrows, the width of the bike lane, and the encroachment of shrubbery into the bike lane that property owners would be requested to trim back. It was noted that the sharrows had been proposed as adopted by MBTC standards. These standards had been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Transportation Commission. Member Bennett expressed her concern regarding safety relating to the potential for speeding vehicles in the wider travel lanes and the inevitably recurring encroachment of the shrubs into the bike lane. She stated her preference was that the plan be amended to widen the bike lane/reduce the width of the vehicle travel lanes. Member Sprague made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, approving the Request for Purchase—Wooddale Re-Striping ENG12-6NB awarding the bid to recommended low bidder AAA Striping Service Co at$32,874.00. Ayes: Brindle, Sprague,Swenson, Hovland Nay: Bennett Motion carried. V. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS V.A. ANNALEE FRIEDMAN, MISS NORTH STAR STATE-RECOGNIZED Annalee Friedman provided information on her title as Miss North Star State, including her plans to help people learn to read and to ensure that no one goes hungry. She requested individuals interested in becoming involved to consider sponsorship and advertising in the National Pageant Book. Vl. PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD—Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file. VI.A. NEW ON-SALE INTOXICATING AND SUNDAY ON-SALE LIQUOR LICENSES ROJO EDINA, DBA ROJO MEXICAN GRILL,2750A SOUTHDALE CENTER, EDINA MINNESOTA-APPROVED Deputy Clerk Presentation Deputy Clerk Timm provided information on the application from Rojo Edina for new On-Sale Intoxicating and Sunday Sale Liquor Licenses. Rojo Edina had filed the necessary paperwork and paid the applicable fees for the licenses. Ms. Timm stated Edina City Code required a public hearing before the issuance of a new On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License. It was noted the proper notification had been published in the Edina Sun Current and code requirements of all applicable City departments had been met. Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing. Public Testimony There was none. Member Swenson made a motion,seconded by Member Bennett,to close the public hearing. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2013 Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the New On-Sale Intoxicating and Sunday On-Sale Liquor Licenses Rojo Edina, DBA Rojo Mexican Grill, 2750A Southdale Center, Edina, Minnesota, Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. Jason Merritt, representing Rojo Edina, 1602 West End Boulevard, St. Louis Park, informed the Council about the anticipated restaurant opening date of June 10, 2013. VII. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared to comment. VIII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VIII.A. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR THE VETERANS'MEMORIAL—APPROVED Recreation Supervisor Presentation Recreation Supervisor Aarsvold informed the Council about the request for an allocation of $38,500 for architectural fees to provide final landscape, architectural and engineering design services, construction documents, bidding assistance and construction administration for the proposed Veterans' Memorial. The $38,500 would pay the final services requested of SEH Inc. bringing the memorial into the next stage of design beyond the original renderings. The intent was that having the construction documents in place would facilitate the process of soliciting in-kind donations. Marshall Schwartz, 5528 Dundee Road, Veterans Memorial Committee, shared statistics on the number of Edina residents who were veterans and the pride of the veterans in the community. He stated the Veterans Memorial Committee strongly recommended to move forward aggressively with the proposed Veterans' Memorial Project. Bob Kojetin, 5016 William Avenue, Veterans Memorial Committee, informed the Council about the intent of the Committee to use the requested funds to finalize the SEH contract for construction documents that could be used to solicit in-kind donations as well as donations from the general public. There was discussion by the Council about the concern of going outside of the normal budget and capital funding process for approval of funding requests and the need for strategic direction by the Committee. Member Sprague made a motion, seconded by Mayor Hovland, approving a 50% matching grant, not to exceed $19,250, to the Veterans' Memorial Project to complete the SEH contract for project and design documents. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.B. GRANDVIEW COMMUNITY ADVISORY TEAM—DIRECTION PROVIDED Economic Development Manager Presentation Economic Development Manager Neuendorf requested direction from the Council on selecting members for the Grandview Community Advisory Team (CAT). The Council discussed the categories of membership planned for the Grandview CAT and the preferred process to select members. It was noted that the Planning Commission, Park and Recreation Commission, and Transportation Commission categories had been filled. Council consensus was to have each Council Member put forward one name in the category of commercial property owner within Grandview, one name in the category of business owner or manager within Grandview, and two names in the categories of neighborhood resident and community resident. The information would be forwarded to Economic Development Manager Neuendorf as soon as possible. Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2013 There was discussion on incorporating the following topics into future Grandview discussions: transit oriented development, existing development capacity, and potential major infrastructure changes. Member Bennett requested that a listening session be held by members of the new CAT with previous participants in the first CAT and second-phase Steering Committee and working groups. VIII.C. RESOLUTION NO. 2013-44 CALLING PUBLIC HEARING OF CITY COUNCIL — PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO SOUTHEAST EDINA REDEVELOPMENT PLAN & PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF GRANDVIEW 2 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT—APPROVED Economic Development Manager Presentation Mr. Neuendorf presented information on the proposed resolution to initiate the process creating a Grandview 2 Tax Increment Financing District by scheduling a public hearing to discuss the scope, nature and impact creation of such a district. Mr. Neuendorf stated the creation of TIF district was likely the best method to raise revenue to fund infrastructure improvements in this area. He stated the first step in this multi-step, multi-month process of creating a TIF District was to schedule a public hearing. Mr. Neuendorf said the proposed resolution called for a public hearing on July 16, 2013 to begin this process. Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-44 Calling Public Hearing of City Council—Proposed Modifications to Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan & Proposed Establishment of Grandview 2 Tax Increment Financing District. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VIII.D. SKETCH PLAN, 6500 FRANCE AVENUE—REVIEWED Community Development Director Presentation Mr.Teague presented the proposed sketch plan for 6500 France Avenue. The sketch plan proposal was to redevelop the property at 6500 France Avenue.The previously approved plan for the site was a five-story, 62-foot tall, 102,478 square-foot medical office/retail building with an attached 4-5 level parking ramp. The applicant was requesting consideration of a change in use to 109 units of senior assisted living; and 100 units of transitional and memory care. Transitional care would include short-term stays by patients who had surgery at Fairview Hospital or Twin City Orthopedic (TCO).The building would be similar in style to the previously approved building and five stories in height. A pedestrian skyway would connect the building to the hospital parking ramp to the north.The parking ramp would be removed and replaced with housing. The parking would be provided underground and there would be a 15,000 square-foot reduction in the structure footprint from the previous plan. Mr. Teague explained that to accommodate the request, amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and PUD Zoning District would be required. The density of the development using 109 units of senior assisted living would be 46 units per acre, which would be on the higher end of high density residential development in the City of Edina. Counting the memory care and skilled nursing beds along with the assisted living, the density would be 80 units per acre.The transitional care could be seen as an extension of the regional medical uses of the hospital and TCO. Mr. Teague stated that the Planning Commission considered the sketch plan proposal and generally believed that the use was a better fit for the site compared to the medical office; however, it was concerned with the proposed density and would like to see examples of Ebenezer projects in other cities and how other cities viewed these types of uses for density. The Commission liked the skyway pedestrian connection to the parking ramp and hospital. Sustainable design was mentioned as an important component moving forward and the Commission also suggested consideration of providing some affordable housing units. Page 4 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2013 Proponent Presentation Steve Michals of Mount Development, 3600 Minnesota Drive, informed the Council that the structure design, materials, streetscape features, height, and setback associated with this project would be similar to the plan that had been previously submitted and approved by the Council. He noted that the theater, bistro, beauty salon, community room, and dining room area would also be available for use by Point of France residents. He informed the Council that the City would be requested to approve a tax abatement pay-as-you go agreement to fund the skyway planned for the project. Mr. Michals answered questions of the Council on the anticipated timeline to break ground, the proposed location of the chiller, the background on the decision to change from the approved project to the current project, the proposed level of density, and the market study in relation to the penetration rate in senior housing. There was discussion on density and use and capacity limits in the area of the proposed project. Susan Farr of Ebenezer provided information on potential residents of the proposed project. She stated there were currently individuals who would like the option for this type of facility to allow them to continue residing in Edina. She answered questions of the Council regarding typical age qualifications for transitional care facilities and explained that the exact definition for this project was being determined at this time. Ed Farr of Farr Architects, Inc., provided an overview of the sketch plan for the proposed project at 6500 France Avenue. He noted that with the current proposed use,the entire block would consist of residential. He pointed out that there would be considerably less roof area than with the previously approved plan for the medical office building, the cubic volume of the facility would be about 25% less, and there would be fewer cars according to the traffic study. Mr. Farr and Ms. Farr answered questions of the Council in relation to potential accessories that might be included on the rooftop,such as plumbing stacks and a stairway. They discussed variable floor heights and square footage of the rooms anticipated for the project, service delivery schedules, and the potential impact of the loading dock/service entrance to the neighbors, screening and sound control planned for the mechanical oriented units, parking, and traffic flow onto 65th Avenue. Following review of the plan, positive comments from the Council were: the proposed use fits in well with the regional medical concept and the synergy with Fairview Hospital and Twin City Orthopedics; fewer cars and additional green space than with the previously proposed plan; and, spacious units. Comments of concern from the Council were: possible density concerns; particularly with respect to infrastructure demands and sufficiency and,the potential for wood burning fireplaces or fire pits that had been discussed previously. Requests as the plan comes forward were: providing specifics on the size of parcels/number of units in relation to examples of similar projects; importance on being a good neighbor; importance on addressing the affordability aspect with a percentage of the units; and, specifics on how the skyway and pedestrian movement would connect into the area of Twin City Orthopedic IX. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS IX.A. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council's receipt of various correspondence. 1X.8. EDINA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ADVISORY COMMUNICATION—RECOMMENDATION Courtney Whited, Chair of the Edina Transportation Commission Transportation Options Working Group, provided an overview of the review conducted by the Edina Transportation Commission on the current transportation options for Edina residents, particularly senior and disabled citizens. Ms. Whited also provided information on PRISM Express as the all encompassing option for any resident in Edina. PRISM Express does not have eligibility guidelines, does not require application, and does not require a wait period to ride. The cost to ride was based on a sliding scale fee based on the rider's stated income. Riders could be transported to/from any destination within their service area, which includes seven other Page 5 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 21, 2013 adjoining cities to Edina, the vehicles were wheelchair lift-equipped, and the service was assistive door-to- door and was willing to grow and coordinate with other programs. Ms. Whited provided information on 1) PRISM Express' application for the Metropolitan Council's New Freedom funding; 2) funds available through Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging; and, 3) rider fares. She explained that on average, riders pay $3.50, while the true cost per ride to operate this service was$10.98 per one-way ride. Ms. Whited stated it was recommended that the Council authorize PRISM Express dial-a-ride transportation to expand into the City of Edina and to include appropriate funding, estimated in an amount of $10,000, in the 2014 budget, to cover a portion of the operating expense to do so. Council members discussed the recommendations of the Edina Transportation Commission regarding PRISM Express dial-a-ride. Following the brief discussion Member Sprague made a motion, seconded by Member Swenson, to forward the request for $10,000 to the 2013 Human Services Task Force for consideration with their 2014-2015 budget requests. Ayes: Bennett, Brindle, Sprague, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. IX.C. MINUTES 1. ENERGY& ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION,APRIL 11,2013 2. HERITAGE PRESERVATION BOARD,APRIL 9,2013 3. PARK BOARD,APRIL 9,2013 4. HUMAN RIGHTS& RELATIONS COMMISSION, MARCH 19,2013 5. EDINA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, MARCH 21,2013 Informational; no action required. X. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS—Received X.A. DATA PRACTICES REQUEST—COUNCIL MEMBER BENNETT Member Bennett explained that at a meeting with several Edina residents, the Metropolitan Airport Commission's Noise Oversight Committee staff had offered to provide data about runway use and aircraft flight patterns and altitudes. Kevin Terrell, a Minneapolis resident working with the MSP FairSkies Coalition, had prepared a request for the public data, and Minneapolis City Council Member John Quincy also was interested in obtaining information for his constituents. Member Bennett continued that NOC staff had offered to produce the data without a formal data practices request. Mayor Hovland questioned how actively the Council should be working with a citizen advocacy group and questioned FairSkies strategies. Member Bennett responded that because they are under the same flight paths, Edina residents share many concerns and interests with residents of Minneapolis and Richfield. She praised the FairSkies Coalition for providing information to Edina residents and for translating highly technical information into understandable form. Xl. MANAGER'S COMMENTS—Received X11. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �e M. imm, Deputy City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council,June 4, 2013. / R James Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the May 21, 2013, meeting available. Page 6