HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-12-10 Council Special Meeting MINUTES
DECEMBER 10,2013
6:00 P.M.
Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.
Answering rollcall were Members Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson and Mayor Hovland.
Member Bennett made a motion,seconded by Member Swenson,approving the meeting agenda.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague, Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD—Affidavits of Notice presented and ordered placed on file.
Mayor Hovland advised of the public hearing process that would be followed for the M.S. 429
Interim Engineer Millner described the City's mission to sustain a safe and solid infrastructure to assure
Edina remained a preeminent community for its residents. He reviewed the process to order a road
reconstruction project and how the costs were funded. Mr. Millner indicated that a typical single-family
home would be assessed a Residential Equivalent Unit(REU)and commercial properties would be assessed
a REU based on gross floor area and type of business. Assessments would be payable over 15 years. Mr.
Millner explained payment options including senior deferral.
At the request of the Council, Mr. Millner reviewed how property impacts would be addressed at the
completion of the project and the pavement rating system that determined a Pavement Condition Index
Attorney Mattick advised of the City's ownership of dedicated rights-of-way.
Mr. Millner summarized the Morningside B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-
406, that had been initiated by the City. He identified the project area, described existing conditions, and
the proposed rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, upgrades to the storm sewer system, curb and gutter
spot repairs, watermain lining, upgrades to fire hydrants and gate valves, installation of sidewalks, and
reconstruction of bituminous pavement.
Mr. Millner answered questions of the Council related to sidewalk segments, sidewalk placement, and
estimated costs.-He recommended that the proposed sidewalk on West 42nd Street be constructed on the
north side of the street. He stated that construction on the south side would require removal of four trees,
including a large mature tree at 4201 Oakdale Avenue and West 42nd Street. The Council urged
consideration of the south side to better connect to the existing network of north/south sidewalks and to
avoid mid-block crossings to a sidewalk on the north. It requested consideration of ending the sidewalk
across from Monterey Avenue, short of 4201 Oakdale.
Mr. Millner completed presentation of the project components and preliminary project costs estimated at
$3,046,125, which included City-owned utility repairs and replacement. Funding for the roadway would be
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from a special assessment of 100% of the roadway cost. All City-owned utility improvements would be
from the respective utility funds and sidewalk improvements would be funded through the Pedestrian and
Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund. The estimated assessment would be $7,500 per REU based on the City's
current Street Assessment Policy. Mr. Millner stated staff recommended authorization to complete plans
and specifications and take bids if the Council found this project to be necessary, cost-effective, and
The Council noted two properties that had been previously assessed for West 44th Street. Mr. Millner
indicated staff would research that issue and update the assessment roll, if appropriate.
Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 6:51 p.m.
Public Testimony
Linda Berberoglu,4330 West 42nd Street,addressed the Council.
Jeffrey Steele, 4404 West 42"d Street, addressed the Council and submitted a petition signed by 47
Morningside residents supporting sidewalk construction on the south side of 42nd Street, west of Grimes
Julia Steele,4404 West 42nd Street,addressed the Council.
Patricia Corcoran,4121 Monterey Avenue, addressed the Council.
Donald Wray,4211 Alden Drive,addressed the Council.
Manager Neal explained that sidewalks were paid through a fee on utility bills, not assessments.
Paul Ledin,4201 Oakdale Avenue,addressed the Council.
Valerie Anderson,4213 West 42nd Street,addressed the Council.
Member Swenson made a motion,seconded by Member Sprague,to close the public hearing.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
The Council addressed issues raised during public testimony including increased property value with an
abutting sidewalk; safety concerns and impacts of a south-side sidewalk from France Avenue to Grimes
Avenue; locating sidewalks on the north side from France Avenue to Grimes Avenue on City-owned park
land; responsible party to plow sidewalks; value of placing sidewalks on the north side based on available
right-of-way; increased cost to center Grimes Avenue within the right-of-way; five-foot width of sidewalks
and varying width of boulevards; pedestrian ramps; warrants for crosswalk locations; traffic counts on
West 42nd Street east and west of Grimes Avenue; and, soil borings within the project limits pre-project
and during the project. The Council noted a sidewalk on the north side would result in fewer hardships
and obstacles; align the corridor though it created more crossings; each north/south street would have
pedestrian landing pads; it would not push a maintenance hardship onto property owners; it created a
longer segment;and, it provided the highest level facility with a reasonable boulevard.
Member Sprague introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-127, Ordering Improvement
for Morningside B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-406, as proposed with
the West 42nd Street sidewalk on the north side, with bid alternates for sidewalk segments on Crocker
Avenue and Grimes Avenue and also on Alden Drive and Scott Terrace. Member Swenson seconded the
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Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague, Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
Mr. Millner summarized the Hawkes Addition neighborhood roadway improvement projects, noting it had
been combined with the Warden Avenue Countryside F project into one feasibility study to create
economies of scale for the bidding process due to their small individual size and geographical proximity to
one another. These two projects had been initiated by the City. He identified the project area, described
existing conditions, and the proposed improvement to localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer,
upgrades to the storm sewer system, and upgrades to fire hydrants, concrete curb and gutter spot repair,
and reconstruction of bituminous pavement. The preliminary overall project cost was estimated at
$763,638, which included City owned utility repairs and replacement. Funding for the roadway cost would
be from a special assessment of 100%of the roadway cost.All City-owned utility repairs would be from the
respective utility funds. The estimated assessment would be $11,000 per REU for Hawkes Addition and
$10,000 per REU for Warden Avenue, based on the City's current Street Assessment Policy. Mr. Millner
stated staff recommended authorization to complete plans and specifications and take bids if the Council
found this project to be necessary, cost-effective, and feasible.
Mr. Millner answered questions of the Council relating to issues raised by 5712 Hawkes Drive, indicating
the fire hydrant would be relocated to the property line and the Living Streets Plan would address location
of street lighting, as there was not a current City policy. He indicated the street lighting could be added
later but he would recommend first surveying the neighborhood to see if it supported street lighting on
Hawkes Terrace and Hawkes Drive. It was noted the resident survey might need to be revised to include a
question relating to whether there was support for additional street lighting (not just an upgrade to street
light style). Another issue that remained was how it would be funded. Mr. Millner described storm sewer
system capacity and structure upgrades to capture sediment. The Council discussed the value of
educational tools to assure protection and enhancement of lake water quality and to address rain gardens.
Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing on both projects at 8:03 p.m.
Public Testimony
Bruce McLellan, 5709 Hawkes Drive, addressed the Council.
Renate Stone, 5721 Hawkes Drive, addressed the Council.
Member Swenson made a motion,seconded by Member Bennett,to close the public hearing.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague, Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
The Council and Mr. Millner addressed issues raised during public testimony relating to driveway impacts;
lake water quality; need to control storm water runoff; and, boulevard restoration by utility companies.
Member Bennett introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-128, Ordering Improvement
for Countryside F, Hawkes Addition, Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-407,
and directing staff to send out questionnaires asking if there was support for a street light at the corner
of Hawkes Terrace and Hawkes Drive if paid by the Public Utility PAC Fund,and to install that street light
if supported by more than 50%. Member Brindle seconded the motion.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
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Motion carried.
Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-129, Ordering Improvement
for Countryside F, Warden Avenue, Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-408.
Member Sprague seconded the motion.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
Assistant Engineer Millner summarized the Bredesen Park D neighborhood reconstruction improvement
that had been initiated by the City. He identified the project area, described existing conditions, and the
proposed improvement to localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, upgrades to the storm sewer
system, and upgrades to fire hydrants and gate valves, complete concrete curb and gutter replacement,
and reconstruction of bituminous pavement. The preliminary project cost was estimated at $1,727,650,
which included City owned utility repairs and replacement. Funding for the roadway cost would be from a
special assessment of 100% of the roadway cost. All City-owned utility repairs would be from the
respective utility funds. The estimated assessment would be $11,500 per REU based on the City's current
Street Assessment Policy. He noted the City would be assessed two RELIs as part of this project for Walnut
Ridge Park. He stated staff recommended authorization to complete plans and specifications and take bids
if the Council found this project to be necessary,cost-effective,and feasible.
Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:21 p.m.
Public Testimonv
Laurie Chapman, 6420 Aspen Road,addressed the Council.
Member Swenson made a motion,seconded by Member Sprague,to close the public hearing.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
Mr. Millner addressed the issue raised during public testimony relating to width of roadway and ability to
back a vehicle out of a driveway. It was indicated that a parking situation could be considered through a
"No Parking" request. The Council asked staff to address curb cuts to assure the "throat" of the cul-de-sac
does not exacerbate the difficulty in backing a vehicle out of a driveway. Member Swenson introduced
and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-130, Ordering Improvement for Bredesen Park D
Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No. BA-409. Member Bennett seconded the
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
NO.2013-131 ADOPTED
Mr. Millner summarized the Birchcrest B neighborhood reconstruction improvement that had been
initiated by the City. He identified the project area, described existing conditions, and the proposed
improvement to localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, extensions to the storm sewer system,
upgrades to fire hydrants and gate valves, concrete curb and gutter spot repairs, installation of curb bump-
outs along Valley View Road along with the addition of a sidewalk, and reconstruction of all streets with
bituminous pavement. The preliminary project cost was estimated at $3,576,375, which included City
owned utility repairs and replacement. Funding for the roadway cost would be from a special assessment
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of 1000 of the roadway cost. All City-owned utility repairs would be from the respective utility funds.
Sidewalk improvements would be funded through the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund. The
estimated assessment would be $12,500 per REU based on the City's current Street Assessment Policy.
Mr. Millner stated staff recommended authorization to complete plans and specifications and take bids if
the Council found this project to be necessary, cost-effective, and feasible.
Mr. Millner answered questions of the Council relating to timing for sidewalks on Hansen Road and Valley
View Road; maintenance of partial concrete streets; and, recommendation to replace concrete streets
with bituminous. The Council acknowledged the City does not have a policy relating to the point it
changed from being a repair to becoming a reconstruction. It was noted that infrastructure was replaced
during a reconstruction, not a repair. Mr. Millner described the locations of repair and replacement of
infrastructure. He explained that this infrastructure work resulted in an economy of scale in being a
reconstruction project.
Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 8:52 p.m.
Public Testimony
Wayne Lindholm, 5024 Valley View Road, addressed the Council.
Kimberly Wand, 6116 Birchcrest Drive, addressed the Council.
Art Thelemann,5132 Valley View Road, addressed the Council.
Annabelle Thelemann, 5132 Valley View Road, addressed the Council.
Geraldine Sjoblom, 5016 Valley View Road, addressed the Council.
Karen Johnson, 5119 Valley View Road,addressed the Council.
Michael Atkinson, 5136 Valley View Road, addressed the Council.
Judd (Douglas) Rietkerk, 6109 Tingdale Avenue, addressed the Council.
Alcuin Kilian, 5112 Roberts Place,addressed the Council.
Mike Seeger, 5004 Clover Ridge, addressed the Council.
Peter Soderling, 5124 Valley View Road, addressed the Council.
Myron Carpenter, 6105 Tingdale Avenue,addressed the Council.
Ken Lee, 5108 Roberts Place, addressed the Council.
John Palmer,510162nd Street West, addressed the Council.
Member Swenson made a motion,seconded by Member Bennett,to close the public hearing.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
Mr. Millner addressed issues raised during public testimony relating to stormwater drainage
improvements on Valley View Road and Tingdale Avenue; extensive staff work to design a bid alternative
for reconstruction of concrete streets; speed of traffic on Valley View Road; installation of a pipe and drain
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in the back yard of 6116 Birchcrest Drive; design of curb and gutter to assure drainage north toward Porter
Lane; and, option of extending the Normandale Boulevard sidewalk/trail behind Normandale Church to
Crosstown if there was adequate right-of-way. The Council asked staff to assure relevant documentation
was available to provide residents with complete access.
The Council discussed priorities for sidewalk placement and need to carefully use PAC funds. Mr. Neal
indicated sidewalks had value when part of a network that was built over time, some being built with
reconstruction projects. Following discussion, it was acknowledged there was not four affirmative votes to
support sidewalks on Valley View Road.
The Council then considered whether to request a bid alternate since it had been testified that most of the
concrete street panels were in great shape as were the curb and gutter. Mr. Neal indicated that the
additional cost to prepare such a bid alternate would become part of the project's engineering cost.
Attorney Mattick advised that to assesses,the City had to show that the assessment would not exceed the
value increase to the property and generally, reconstruction projects provide a greater perceived benefit.
Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-131, Ordering Improvement
for Birchcrest B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No. BA-410 as recommended by
staff with a sidewalk. Member Bennett seconded the motion.
Ayes: Bennett,Sprague,Swenson
Nays: Brindle, Hovland.
Motion failed.
Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-131, Ordering Improvement
for Birchcrest B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No. BA-410 without the sidewalk
section on Valley View Road and with the frontage road section around the corner to Clover Ridge, as
shown in the design. Member Sprague seconded the motion.
Ayes: Bennett,Sprague,Swenson
Nays: Brindle, Hovland
Motion failed.
Mayor Hovland introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-131, Ordering Improvement for
Birchcrest B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No. BA-410 with bid alternates to
repair concrete streets,without sidewalk,and for sidewalk segments on Normandale Road from Benton
Avenue to Valley View Road without wrapping the corner. Member Brindle seconded the motion.
Ayes: Brindle, Hovland
Nays: Sprague,Swenson, Bennett
Motion failed.
Mayor Hovland introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-131, Ordering Improvement for
Birchcrest B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction Improvement No. BA-410, as amended to have no
sidewalk on Valley View Road; with bid alternates to repair concrete streets; that the Normandale
Boulevard sidewalk be extended south from Benton Avenue to Valley View Road and around Valley
View Road to Clover Ridge. Member Sprague seconded the motion.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
Mayor Hovland declared a recess at 10:00 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 10:07 p.m.
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Mr. Millner summarized the Strachauer Park B neighborhood reconstruction improvement that had been
initiated by the City. He identified the project area, described existing conditions, and the proposed
improvement to localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer, upgrades to the storm sewer system, and
upgrades to fire hydrants, proposed sidewalk and parking bays near Strachauer Park, concrete curb and
gutter spot repair, and reconstruction of bituminous pavement. The preliminary project cost was
estimated at $1,549,991, which included City owned utility repairs and replacement. Funding for the
roadway cost would be from a special assessment of 100% of the roadway cost. All City-owned utility
repairs would be from the respective utility funds and sidewalk improvements would be funded through
the Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund. The estimated assessment would be $8,500 per REU based
on the City's current Street Assessment Policy. Mr. Millner stated staff recommended authorization to
complete plans and specifications and take bids if the Council found this project to be necessary, cost-
effective,and feasible.
Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 10:13 p.m.
Public Testimony
No one appeared to comment.
Member Swenson made a motion,seconded by Member Sprague,to close the public hearing.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-132, Ordering Improvement
for Strachauer Park B Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-411. Member
Brindle seconded the motion.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
Mr. Millner summarized the 54th Street reconstruction improvement that had been initiated by the City.
He identified the project area and explained why it was determined to prepare an overall stormwater
management plan. Mr. Millner described the collaboration with the public and stakeholders to shape the
outcome and described the options explored. He thanked stakeholders for being active and robust
participants in the process.
Toby Muse, SEH, Project Manager, presented project details, Envision Sustainability Evaluation,
stakeholder issues and design parameters, existing conditions, and design components/concepts. He
displayed slides and described revised design components. Mr. Muse recommended another stakeholder
meeting be scheduled prior to the final design process. It was noted the project would include removing
and replacing the existing concrete curb and gutter, reconstruction of bituminous pavement, installation of
a sidewalk and lighting, shared vehicle and bicycle lane markings, water pipe installation, upgrades to the
storm sewer system, and replacement of the bridge over Minnehaha Creek. The preliminary project cost
was estimated at $3,308,000, which included City owned utility repairs and replacement. Funding for the
project would be from a combination of special assessment, Municipal State Aid (MSA), and City utility
funds. The estimated assessment would be $6,400 per REU based on the City's current Street Assessment
Policy. Mr. Muse presented the project schedule. He stated staff recommended authorization to
complete plans and specifications and take bids if the Council found this project to be necessary, cost-
effective, and feasible.
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Mr. Muse answered questions of the Council relating to type of pedestrian crossing marking and MSA's
minimum width requirements for vehicles and bicycles to share the lane.
Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 10:35 p.m.
Public Testimony
Mark Epple,5336 Kellogg Avenue,addressed the Council.
Mayor Hovland disclosed he was a member of the Edina Community Lutheran Church and asked whether it
posed a legal conflict. Attorney Mattick advised there was no conflict in the discussion of or voting on as
there was no financial stake present and membership in an organization facing an assessment would not
result in a conflict of interest.
Pastor Erik Strand,5732 Abbott Avenue South,addressed the Council.
Maryann Pederson,3909 West 54th Street,addressed the Council.
John Adams, 5336 Halifax Avenue S., addressed the Council.
Geoff Workinger, 5224 Kellogg Avenue, addressed the Council.
Camilla Madson,4404 Philbrook Lane, addressed the Council.
Kevin Green, 5400 Kellogg Avenue, addressed the Council.
John Crabtree, 5408 Oaklawn Avenue, addressed the Council.
Steve Timmer,5348 Oaklawn Avenue, addressed the Council.
Ben Crabtree, 5428 Woodcrest Drive, addressed the Council.
Ed Ross,4015 West 54th Street,addressed the Council.
Member Swenson made a motion,seconded by Member Brindle,to close the public hearing.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
The Council and staff addressed issues raised during public testimony including how RELIs were assigned
according to the City's policy and the roadway and site parking study. Discussion ensued relating to bridge
height with all supporting the bridge at its current height while maintaining a country aesthetic that
matched the neighborhood, does not block the view corridor, and with a marked pedestrian crossing.
Council support was expressed to gain input from the neighborhood relating to architectural aesthetics.
The Council discussed the recommendation of the Edina Traffic Commission (ETC) and what was most
feasible for this road relating to bike lanes, sidewalks, lane and road widths. Member Swenson made a
motion, seconded by Member Brindle, that the east segment remain in the same configuration plus
sidewalk on the north side;the bridge would stay low with sidewalk on both sides, open railing, design
process with the neighborhood; west segment to have two 14-foot lanes and a six-foot sidewalk;
sidewalk on the south side connecting from the bridge to the church parking lot; and, width of one and
one-half feet to the utility poles.
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The Council discussed how the design within the motion compared to the ETC recommendation; level of
neighborhood support; impact to setbacks of houses; and, how to best accommodate bicyclists. Member
Bennett made a motion,seconded by Member Brindle,to call the question.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson
Nays: Hovland
Motion carried.
Nays: Brindle, Bennett,Sprague, Hovland
Motion failed.
Member Bennett made a motion, seconded by Mayor Hovland,to approve the ETC recommendation as
stated in the memorandum petition to the City Manager, Transportation Commission, and City Council
dated November 27, 2013: for the design for the street from France Avenue west to the bridge: seven-
foot striped parking lane on the north side,two eleven-foot travel lanes (no center line stripe), a seven-
foot striped parking lane on the south side; do not raise the bridge, neighborhood participation on
aesthetic design on the bridge, include a sidewalk on both sides of the bridge; from the bridge west to
Wooddale Avenue: two 13-foot (11-foot plus two-foot reaction) unstriped travel lanes; from France to
Wooddale Avenue: one six-foot(or one five-foot walk and one-foot rumble strip) sidewalk on the north
side,and,sidewalk connecting on the south side from the bridge to the church parking lot.
Mr. Millner advised that the City might have to return some of the funding for the bicycle boulevard
Member Swenson made a motion,seconded by Member Sprague,to call the question.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague, Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
Ayes: Bennett, Hovland
Nays: Sprague,Swenson, Brindle
Motion failed.
The Council discussed other alternate lane widths. Mr. Millner advised of one steep driveway that might
necessitate removal of the one-foot buffer in the boulevard.
Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Sprague, to approve status quo for the east
section that includes 2 8-ft .parking lanes, 2 5-ft. advisory bike lanes and a 14-ft. shared travel lane; six-
foot sidewalk on the north side; sidewalk connecting on the south side from the bridge to church
parking lot; low bridge;and,with sidewalk on both sides of the bridge.
Ayes: Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Nays: Bennett
Motion carried.
The Council next considered the design for the west side. Member Bennett made a motion, seconded by
Member Brindle, to move the ETC recommendation as stated in the memorandum petition to the City
Manager, Transportation Commission, and City Council dated November 27, 2013 design for the street
for the west side:from the bridge west to Wooddale Avenue:two 13-foot (11-foot plus 2-foot reaction)
unstriped travel lanes; from France to Wooddale Avenue: one six-foot (five-foot walk with a one-foot
rumble strip)sidewalk on the north side.
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Mr. Millner stated if this motion carried, it would not need Mn/DOT approval unless the Council wanted to
put sharrows on the pavement within the 13-foot lane facility. The Council considered the option of
signage and indication that sharrows was the minimum marking for a bicycle boulevard project. Mr.
Millner stated if this motion carried, it would result in shifting the roadway farther to the south to fit in the
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
Member Sprague introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-133, Ordering the
improvement for 54`h Street Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No. BA-416,as designed in the two
previous motions. Member Bennett seconded the motion.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague,Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
Mr. Millner summarized the Todd Park F (2014 City of St. Louis Park) neighborhood roadway
reconstruction project that had been initiated by the City at the request of the City of St. Louis Park. He
identified the project area, described existing conditions, and explained the City of St. Louis Park had
scheduled the reconstruction of Mackey, Brook, and Coolidge Avenues within St. Louis Park for 2014. The
sections of these streets located within the Todd Park F Neighborhood of Edina were also in need of
reconstruction. St. Louis Park was willing to develop a Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) for the
reconstruction project. If supported, this agreement would be brought to the Council at a later date. Mr.
Millner explained St. Louis Park would be managing the project, which included bid document creation,
bidding, and construction management. Staff would ensure communication with Edina residents meets its
typical neighborhood reconstruction protocol. Mr. Millner stated the project involved concrete curb and
gutter repairs and reconstruction of the streets with bituminous pavement. The preliminary project cost
was estimated at $112,000, which included City owned utility repairs and replacement. Funding for the
roadway cost would be from a special assessment of 100% of the roadway cost. All City-owned utility
repairs would be from the respective utility funds. The estimated assessment would be $5,000 per REU
based on the City's current Street Assessment Policy. Properties straddling the City boundary line would
be assessed based on square footage within Edina. Mr. Millner stated staff recommended authorization to
complete plans and specifications and take bids if the Council found this project to be necessary, cost-
effective, and feasible. He advised of correspondence received and staffs response.
Mayor Hovland opened the public hearing at 12:58 a.m.
Public Testimony
No one appeared to comment.
Member Swenson made a motion,seconded by Member Sprague,to close the public hearing.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague, Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
Member Sprague introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2013-134, Ordering Improvement
for Todd Park F (2014 City of St. Louis Park) Neighborhood Roadway Reconstruction, Improvement No.
BA-418. Member Bennett seconded the motion.
Ayes: Bennett, Brindle,Sprague, Swenson, Hovland
Motion carried.
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Minutes/Edina City Council/December 10, 2013
There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at
1:00 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, tL"
Debra,A:,Mangen, Civy C r
Minutes approved by Edina City Council,January 7, 2014.
James B. Hovland, Mayor
Video Copy of the December 10, 2013, meeting available.
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