HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-04-05 Council Special Meeting MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL WORK SESSION
APRIL 5,2003
5:00 A.M.
ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Housh, Hovland, Masica, Kelly and Mayor
Maetzold. Also attending the workshop were City Manager Hughes, Assistant City Manager
Anderson, Assistant to City Manager Smith, Building Official Kirchman, City Assessor
Petersburg City Clerk Mangen, Communications Director Wilkinson, Engineer Houle, Finance
Director Wallin Fire Chief Scheer Park Director Ke rios Planner Larsen Police Chief Siitari, and
Sanitarian Velde.
Mayor Maetzold explained the reason for the work session was to review and assess how the
City of Edina had progressed since it had originally adopted the Vision 20/20 in 1999. He turned
the work session over to Rusty Fifield of Hoisington Koegler who was the facilitator.
Mr. Fifield explained the agenda for the session would include:
• Brief overview of Vision 20/20 and mission
• Review of Accomplishments
• Forces of Change
• Review of Issues
Vision 20/20
Edina will be the preeminent place for living, learning, raising families and doing business
distinguished by;
• A Livable Environment
• Effective and Valued City Services
• A Sound Public Infrastructure
• A Balance of Land Uses
• Innovation
Edina's mission is to...
• Provide effective and valued public services
• Maintain a sound public infrastructure
• Office premier public facilities
• Guide the development and redevelopment of lands, all in a manner, which sustains and
improves the uncommonly high quality of life enjoyed by our residents and businesses
Mr. Fifield had the participants respond to the following questions as reported below:
What are the five (5) most important accomplishments of city government in Edina
since 2000?
Response No.
Communications including web site and technology improvements 9
Anticipation of current economic crisis
Connect with Kids 2
Public Safety Training center 5
New City Hall/Police facility 11
Minutes/Edina City Council/April 5,2003
What are the five (5) most important accomplishments of city government in Edina
since 2000?
Response No.
Analyzed Publics Works' Services
Snow Plowing,Water System, etc.
Conservative financial approach
Starting to address traffic concerns including"Local Traffic Task Force" 2
Senior Center and Library 4
Collaborative capital improvements
Park and Recreational improvements including Skate Park/YMCA 5
Vision is a living document
Adoption of CIP 9
Interest in developing areas that may be lacking,i.e. sports facilities
Grandview Square redevelopment 8
Participated in other studies: I-494/TH169; Dan Patch;Sector 5-MT
Edina Theater
Country Club HPB zoning
Day to day public services outstanding
S&P/Moody's AAA rating 7
Improved finances,even with levy limits
First Star bank robbery response
Top cops in USA
Enterprise business planning process
Completion of Centennial Lakes project
Southdale Hospital expansion(established us as a regional medical center for SW) 3
Southdale shopping center revitalization 3
Completion of reappraisal program and PDS platform
Continued staff training
Adopted and implemented Public Works' "Career Development Program"
Provided for a new severance plan-a buy out of 50% of unused sick leave
Start up of new HR and payroll system
Started an employee recognition program
Updated the employee handbook
Started a health care savings program
Maintained "small town" feel
Development of a public health emergency plan(bioterrorism)
Maintained effective staffing
What forces and factors will most influence Edina as a place and as an organization
over the next three years?
Response No.
Cuts in state payments combined with levy limits 5
Economic issues 7
Stock market and its effect on residents
Minutes/Edina City Council/April 5, 2003
What forces and factors will most influence Edina as a place and as an organization
over the next three years?
Response No.
-Interest/Pressure for consolidation of services
Interrelationship with City of Minneapolis (strong Mpls helps Edina)
State and Federal mandates without ability to fund
Increasing health care costs
Fundamental change in government finances/state relationship
Increasing need to work cooperatively with other units of government
Inflationary pressures on health care, energy, equipment
Tax structure/policy
PW's/Bus Garage
Loss of key employees
School District's referendum
Balancing commercial/industrial with residential
Hiring freeze
Demographics: getting older; fixed incomes; who will do the community's work? 11
Infrastructure; increased demands on and aging 4
"High Maintenance" constituency
Potential public safety issues; threat of terrorism 4
Housing: aging, affordability, options for elderly, options for young families 5
Regional focus of increasing housing density
Emergence of more field sports - too much demand for the supply
Fully developed city-lack of available real estate 3
Older workforce both external and internal
Mandated compliance with State/Fed agencies (EPA)
Cost of redevelopment vs. lack of tools
Affordability of Edina
Rising crime rate
Public perception of government 2
Transportation challenges including traffic, transit, construction 14
Mixed messages (media versus science)
Technology innovations 3
Increasing demand to increase medical campus at Southdale
Our shrinking world
Global issues, i.e. homeland security,immigration, changing majority vs. minority
Increased demands for service
What are the most important issues facing the City of Edina?
Response No.
Employee compensation 2
_Attracting and retaining the best staff 7
Responding to needs assessment survey in 2004
Greater demand than available supply for field sports and quality of field turf
Minutes/Edina City Council/April 5,2003
What are the most important issues facing the City of Edina?
Response No.
Technological innovation 4
Criminal use of technology
Bus garage/Public Works relocation 3
Redevelopment of commercial properties including bus garage,Cahill,Wooddale/Valley
View 4
Land Use-France Avenue
How do we provide the premier athletic/sports/cultural facilities the community wants? 8
Aging infrastructure, maintenance,costs, security 9
Aging population 3
Pedestrian safety (trail development/sidewalks) 2
Maintain service levels in changing/degrading economy
Affordable housing, redevelopment, and stock 3
"Neighborhood" road reconstruction vs. cost of special assessments
Cuts in State payments combined with levy limits
Cable TV?
Budget: school and city 4
How to improve financial position of Art Center/Arena/EB-CL/Golf Dome
Financial planning(maintain AAA)
Unfunded mandates 2
How do we work w/other cities hard hit by state cuts?
Manpower vs. technology 2
Look for technological innovations and creatively use them to reach out to citizens
City manager wage tied to % of Governor's salary
Maintain service levels w/budgeting constraints 4
Increasing cost of health care insurance
Keeping up with changing world environment in tech/science
Increasing demands on infrastructure and facilities
How do we deal w/rapidly changing environment-e.g. terrorism,economy,etc?
Resident confidence
Review current activities-what should stay,what should go
How can we support School District and leverage their success?
Departmental cooperation
School and city relationships
Human services provision
Develop closer ties between council/school board
Transportation needs 6
Keeping up with industry advances
Communication services
There being no further business, Mayor Maetzold declared the meetin&Adjourned at 11:55 a.m.
Debra A. an ,City Clerk