HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-14 council Regular Meeting MINUTES
OCTOBER 19,2004
7:00 P.M.
ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Housh, Hovland, Kelly, Masica and Mayor
CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded
by Member Housh approving the Council Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of
III.A. Vacation of Public Street - Pukwana Lane, Continued to November 1, 2004, and VI.B.,
Resolution Authorizing Agreement No. 87193 Landscape TH 62, Tracy Avenue to Hillside
Road Project No. 2673-969C.
Ayes: Housh,Hovland, Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
OF OCTOBER 5, 2004, APPROVED Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by
Member Housh, approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Edina City Council for
October 5,2004, and Special Meeting of October 5,2004.
Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes.
presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Due notice having been given, public hearings
were conducted and action taken as recorded on the following proposed special assessments.
Location: 50th Street and France Avenue Business District
Analysis for Assessment for Maintenance Improvement No. M-04 showed a total maintenance
cost of $148,423.25 against 339,561 assessable square feet at $0.4371 per square foot. One-year
assessment payable in 2005.
Engineer Houle explained the assessment was based on City Code Section 1215 and Chapter 429
of Minnesota State Statute. The 501h & France business district assessment charge changed from
$0.3712 per square foot in 2004 and $0.3712 in 2003. The assessment includes all businesses west
of France Avenue except the parking ramps. The increase in the assessment was due to monies
moved from the general budget to the assessment area and includes maintenance of the ramp,
public sidewalks, snow removal, planter and streetscape maintenance.
Member Housh inquired about the progress on the sidewalk adjacent to Lund's Market. Mr.
Houle responded that concrete work will be completed by October 29, 2004, and the pedestrian
flashing system will be finished in December.
Member Hovland asked if written or verbal comments have been received on the assessment. Mr.
Houle said no comments have been received to date. Member Hovland asked if success had been
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realized with the removal of the painted numbers on the concrete that were leftover from the
Edina Art Fair. Mr. Houle said he would recommend removal of the paint to the Public Works
Member Masica asked if the cost of removal of the paint would be borne by the Art Fair
Committee. Mr. Houle noted that the cost of paint removal could possibly be assessed back to the
maintenance budget. Ms. Masica asked what types of garbage cans were going to be installed.
Mr. Houle said the cans would be similar but smaller than the ones in the front of City Hall.
Member Housh asked when the amenities were added to the area. Manager Hughes said they
were added in several stages. Mr. Housh asked what the funding approach was to replacement of
the amenities instead of maintaining them. Mr. Hughes replied that replacement costs of the
amenities were also assessed.
No public comments were received.
Motion made by Member Housh and seconded by Member Hovland closing the hearing for
Assessment of Improvement No. M-04.
Ayes: Housh,Hovland,Kelly,Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
Motion made by Member Masica and seconded by Member Kelly approving the assessment of
Maintenance Improvement No. M-04,50th &France Avenue Business District.
Ayes: Housh,Hovland, Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
Analysis for Assessment for Maintenance Improvement No. G-04 showed a total maintenance
cost of $29,387.28 against 461,701 assessable square feet at $0.0636 per square foot. One-year
assessment payable in 2005.
Mr. Houle indicated that Grandview maintenance assessment charge has risen through the years.
Areas that were maintained were the sidewalks,boulevard areas, wrought iron fencing, medians,
and public areas, etc.
Member Hovland said in his observation some of the wrought iron was not standing the test of
time and some of the pillars were leaning. Mr. Houle said he was aware of these issues and some
corrections have begun. The cost of the corrections would be assessed as part of the maintenance.
No written or oral comments were received.
Motion made by Member Kelly and seconded by Member Masica closing the public hearing
on Maintenance Improvement No. G-04 - Grandview Business District.
Ayes: Housh,Hovland, Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
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Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member Housh approving the
assessment of Maintenance Improvement No. G-04-Grandview Business District.
Ayes: Housh,Hovland, Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
Location: Maple Road to White Oaks Roadway
Analysis for Assessment of Roadway Improvement No. BA-324 and A-194 for Maple Road to
White Oaks Roadway. Total amount of the (base) assessment for was $503,783.31 against
137.26667 assessable lots at $3,670.11 per lot in a ten-year assessment. Total amount of the (extra
curb & gutter) assessment was $27,250.71 against 12 assessable lots at $2,270.89 per lot in a ten-
year assessment. Total amount of the street light assessment was $28,337.33 against 43 assessable
lots at$659.01 payable in a ten-year assessment.
Mr. Houle noted that the project was complex and included both installing and removing curb
and gutter, reconstruction of pavement, installation of streetlights in some sections - some
decorative, and replacement of some water lines. Mr. Houle noted that he has received calls
regarding assessments along West 481h Street at Maple Road. These homes were included as part
of the neighborhood assessment. One property owner has filed an appeal with the City Clerk.
Member Masica inquired what the improvements were on Maple Road. Mr. Houle said curb/
gutter and pavement were replaced and decorative streetlights were installed. On 49th Street the
watermain and curb/gutter were replaced from Maple Road to France Avenue. Mr. Houle noted
that anywhere curb/gutter were replaced, driveway aprons were also replaced. Townes Road
was scheduled for 'spot' curb replacement and upon examination removal and replacement of
curb/gutter was more economical. On 48th Street bituminous pavement was replaced as well as
some curb/gutter. On White Oaks Road and Meadow Circle the pavement and storm sewers
were replaced. Mr. Houle added that spot sanitary sewer lines were repaired throughout the
Public Comments
Roberta Castellano, 4854 France Avenue, voiced objection with the proposed assessment. She
presented correspondence alleging that stairs and vegetation were damaged on her property
during the road construction. She said City staff had assured her the repairs would be done.
Mayor Maetzold referred Ms. Castellano to staff to work through the process. Mr. Hughes said
he understood what was being filed tonight was an objection to the assessment. If the levy were
approved Ms. Castellano's recourse would be to file an action with the Court. He stated Ms.
Castellano had filed a claim with the City, which he and the City's insurance carrier have denied.
Mr. Hughes added that if the claim were submitted again,he would again deny it.
Member Housh asked what the process was in working with the neighborhood. Mr. Houle said
the process was straight forward with many unique areas and staff in the field works with the
homeowners to make the project work.
Barb Halweg, 4012 West 48th Street, questioned the basis on which the assessments were made.
Mr. Houle said costs were based on actual construction costs, engineering services and interest
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He explained projects must be posted by the end of November and if they were not final with the
contractor they must be held over for the final assessment hearing. This was a neighborhood
assessment based on$3,670.11 per residential unit and benefits all residents who use the roads to
transverse the bituminous roadways. Ms. Halweg said their assessment was approximately
$4,300.00. Mr. Houle said their assessment would include the streetlight as well at $659.01. He
said upon further examination, he believed the streetlight assessment should be removed from
their assessment role.
Member Hovland questioned the assessment of $219.67 at 4719. Mr. Houle responded the 4719
address was on Townes Road and explained peripheral addresses were assessed at one-third the
rate. Member Hovland asked if the light was on the property at 4719. Mr. Houle said he
recommended removing the assessment for the streetlight on the Halweg property at 4012 West
48th Street.
Mike Dunn, 4808 Townes Road, said he remembered that all of Townes Road voted down the
streetlight installation and stated he felt they should not be assessed. Mr. Houle said the $659.01
assessment covered 4101 and 4801, but the remaining properties along Townes Road to the south
had not been assessed.
Ms. Halweg, 4012 West 48th Street, questioned the amount of difference in the amount of the
assessment for three properties. Mr. Houle said they were assessed at one-third for both
streetlights and roadway costs. Ridge Lane and Townes Road to 48th Street will be reconstructed
next year at a 100% assessment. He predicts that the assessment will be higher because of less
volume and economy of scale.
Member Housh asked if the difference in cost was because of a corner lot. Mr. Houle said the
reason was their address was Townes Road, which was not a part of the roadway project.
Mr. Dunn questioned whether costs were ever discussed at the meetings he attended and
whether anyone on the Council had been assessed for this type of project. Mayor Maetzold said
roads must be reconstructed at some point because of more traffic and the City has stepped up
efforts to accomplish this. When the roads were deteriorated, the City must reconstruct them
leaving no option. Engineering cost estimates were taken, public hearings were held and bids
awarded for the project. Mayor Maetzold stated he lived at 4320 Oakdale for 15 years and was
assessed for had curb/gutter and roadway reconstruction.
Member Housh recollected that residents spoke at a public hearing where projected costs were
presented. He said upon review, the cost was less than had been anticipated. Mr. Houle added at
the first meeting with residents, a graphic was shown depicting the assessment amount and
comparing it against the market value of the home. A home cannot be assessed more than what
the benefit of the reconstruction would be.
Member Masica questioned how the benefit was determined. Mr. Houle said it was determined
on the market value of the home and one way would be to appraise the property before the
project and after the project.
Daryl Beekman, 4001, West 49th Street, praised staff with the manner used to work with the
residents during the project. He shared that his wife was in a wheelchair and accommodations
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were made for the entrance/exit of their property during the reconstruction. He questioned why
method of calculating assessments on apartments was not used for double homes. Mr. Houle
explained that double homes were assessed on a per unit basis. Continuing, Mr. Houle stated
apartment assessments were based on transportation engineer's formulas because typically
apartments have fewer trips per day. Member Housh asked if this policy could be revisited.
Member Hovland said it was similar to a single-family home with numerous cars. He believed
the present policy should be maintained. Mayor Maetzold, Member Kelly and Member Masica
Member Hovland questioned whether the notification process for Mr. Dunn was flawed. Mr.
Houle responded if the mail were delivered to 4808 Townes Road,he would have received all 8 -
10 mailings.
Member Kelly made a motion closing the public hearing, seconded by Member Hovland.
Ayes: Housh,Hovland,Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
Member Housh asked if a copy of the letters outlining the assessment was available. Mr. Houle
presented the letters of notification showing date, time,type of project and assessable cost.
Member Housh made a motion approving assessment for Improvement No. BA-324 and A-194
for Maple Road to White Oaks Roadway. Member Hovland seconded the motion.
Ayes: Housh, Hovland, Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
Location: Valley View Road and West 65f Street
Analysis for Assessment for Roadway Improvement No. BA-323 and TS-34 showed a total cost of
$282,756.71 against 961,778 assessable square footage at $0.2932 a square foot. Ten-year
Mr. Houle explained this was the intersection and roadway at Valley View Road and West 65th
Street. He stated calls have been received regarding properties that have changed ownership
since the original agreement with Fairview Health Services and Fairview Southdale Physicians
building Limited Partnership (BTO Development Corporation) was executed in 2000. The
Council ordered the project through a public hearing on April 2, 2002. Due to the complexity of
the project it was not completed until late 2003. The final assessment role was based on the size
and land use at the time the project was ordered. No further comments have been received.
Member Housh questioned the process of allocation based on when the project was ordered
versus the actual properties being there when the improvement was completed. Mr. Houle said
the methodology was based from square footages of when the project was ordered. Attorney
Gilligan elaborated that during review of this assessment with Mr. Houle and Mr. Hughes, this
was the proper way to do the assessment. Member Masica inquired when a property was
purchased were they made aware of pending assessments. Mr. Gilligan noted that upon coming
to City Hall the purchaser can check the pending assessment roles.
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No written or oral comments were heard.
Motion made by Member Masica and seconded by Member Hovland closing the public
hearing on Roadway Improvement No. BA-323 and TS-34.
Ayes: Housh,Hovland, Kelly,Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
Member Masica noted that the off-ramp on Valley View Road and 62 Crosstown relieves
congestion in the area and makes an easier access to the hospital.
Member Hovland commended staff for the foresight in introducing this plan and bringing it to
Member Hovland made a motion approving the assessment for Roadway Improvement No.
BA-323 and TS-34 for Valley View Road and West 65th Street. Member Housh seconded the
Ayes: Housh,Hovland, Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
Member Hovland introduced the following resolution and moved its approval:
WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Edina City Council
has met and heard and passed upon all written and oral objections to the proposed special
assessments for improvements listed below:
Maintenance Improvement No. M-04-501h and France Avenue Business District
Maintenance Improvement No. G-04-Grandview Business District
Roadway Improvement No. BA-324 and A-194- Maple Road to White Oaks Roadway
Roadway Improvement No. BA-323 and TS-34-Valley View Road and West 651h Street
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edina, Minnesota,as follows:
1. Each special assessment as set forth in the special assessments rolls on file in the office
of the City Clerk for each aforementioned improvement is hereby accepted and shall
constitute the special assessments against the lands named therein, and each tract of land
therein included is herein found to be benefited by the improvement in the amount of the
special assessments levied against it.
2. The special assessments shall be payable in equal installments, the first of said
installments together with interest at a rate of six and one-half percent (61h%) per annum, on
the entire special assessments from the date hereof to December 31, 2005. To each subsequent
installment shall be added interest at the above rate for one year on all unpaid installments.
The number of such annual installments shall be as follows:
Maintenance Improvement M-04 Levy No. 16066 1 year
Maintenance Improvement G-04 Levy No. 16067 1 year
Roadway Improvement BA-324 &A-194 Levy No. 16091 10 years
Roadway Improvement BA-323 &TS-34 Levy No. 16090 10 years
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3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of special
assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the special assessments on such property,
with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall
be charged in the entire special assessments is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this
resolution and they may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of
the special assessments remaining unpaid,with interest accrued to December 31, of the year in
which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15, or interest
will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year.
4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of these special assessments to
the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County. Such special
assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes.
Adopted this 19th day of October,2004. Member Housh seconded the motion.
Ayes: Housh, Hovland, Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
2004 An unidentified member of the audience asked the vacation of Pukwana Lane be removed
from the consent agenda for further information. Following a brief conversation with staff, the
audience member acknowledged her understanding that the vacation hearing had been
postponed until November 1, 2004.
Member Hovland made a motion approving the continuation of the vacation of a public street
(Pukwana Lane) until November 1, 2004. Member Maetzold seconded the motion.
Ayes: Housh, Hovland, Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
CONTINUED TO NOVEMBER 1, 2004 Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by
Member Housh continuing the Final Plat/Final Rezoning of the Mark Jones Addition at 5125
West 491h Street to November 1,2004.
Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes.
BUILDING EXPANSION Motion made by Member Hovland and seconded by Member
Housh to continue the hearing date for Final Development Plan Approval at 7101 Washington
Avenue (Lot 1, Block 1, Northwestern Bank Building) building expansion until November 1,
Motion carried on rollcall vote - five ayes.
SPECIAL EVENTS CODE Chief Siitari indicated that Ordinance No. 2004-13 an Ordinance
Adding New Section 225 of the City Code - Special Events, was granted First Reading at the
October 5, 2004, Council meeting. He noted the suggested language changes have been
incorporated into the current version. Subsection 225.04 (C), Deposit for City Expenses, has been
added to provide additional protection to the City if deemed necessary. The Ordinance will
codify the informal process currently used to handle special events.
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Section 1. The following new Section 225 is added to the City Code:
225.01 Declaration;Purpose. The purpose and intent of this Section is to:
A . Provide a systematic application process for events having an effect on public
property and/or public services.
B. Lessen undue impact on private property.
C. Ensure that City,state and federal codes are adhered to.
D. Recapture any City expenditures lost for the development of,and operational
costs for,a privately sponsored event.
225.02 Definitions.
Event. Any parade, race or special event that requires closure of a public street or
special traffic control.
Parade. Any parade, march, or procession in or upon any street except the
sidewalks thereof,or in or upon any alley in the City.
Race. Any organized bicycle race, foot race, race walking, wheelchair racing,
rollerblading,marathon,jogging event,and similar events.
Special Event. Any privately sponsored event as defined by paragraph A of this
Subsection 225.02, which occurs on a public street, sidewalk or any municipal
property. This includes, but is not limited to, any fair, show, carnival, sporting
event, school event and grand opening.
225.03 Permit Required; Procedure Exceptions. No person shall engage in, participate
in, aid, form or start any event, unless a permit has been procured therefore. The
provisions of Section 160 of this Code shall apply to all permits required by this
Section and to the holders of such permits except the permit shall be issued or denied
by the Manager. No permit shall be required for:
A. Funeral processions.
B. Governmental agency acting within the scope of its functions.
C. Block parties on a residential street that has an average daily traffic volume of less
than 1000 vehicles per day provided that the block party does not occur more than once
annually for in excess of 8 hours.
D. Lawful picketing.
E. An event taking place entirely within the confines of a City park subject to the
written permission of the Park Director pursuant to Section 1230 of this Code.
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225.04 Application For Permit.
Subd. 1 Time for Application. A person seeking issuance of an event permit shall
file an application with the Clerk on forms provided by the Clerk. The application
shall be accompanied by the fee set forth in section 185 of this Code. To ensure an
orderly approval process, permit applications should be filed as soon as possible
in advance of the event. Permit applications must be filed not less than sixty (60)
days or more than one year before the date on which the event is proposed to take
place. Failure to file in a timely manner may be grounds for denial of the permit.
Subd. 2 Content of Application. The provisions of this paragraph are in addition
to the requirements of Section 160 of this Code. The application for a permit shall
set forth the following information:
A. The name, address and telephone numbers, daytime and nighttime, of
the person who will be responsible for performance of the duties of the
permit holder.
B. The date when the event is to be conducted.
C. The details of proposed route requested, the starting point, the
termination point and the desired location of any assembly areas.
D. The approximate number of persons who, and animals and vehicles
which will, constitute such event; the type of animals, and description of
the vehicles.
E. The hours when such desired event will assemble, start and terminate.
F. A statement as to whether the event would occupy all or only a
portion of the width of the streets proposed to be traversed.
G. Listing of all food vendors.
H. The estimated number of participants in the most recent year.
I. Such other information as the Clerk shall find necessary to evaluate
the application.
Subd. 3 Deposit for City Expenses. The Clerk may require the applicant to
deposit with the City the estimated cost of City services to be performed in
connection with the event. The estimated cost shall be determined by the Clerk.
225.05 Duties Of Permit Holder.
A. A permit holder hereunder shall comply with all permit directions and
conditions and with all applicable laws and ordinances. The permit holder or the
person designated by paragraph B (1) of Subsection 225.04, shall carry the event
permit upon his or her person during the conduct of the event.
B. Within the two (2) hour period immediately following the end of the event, the
permittee or event coordinator will clean up, remove and dispose of all litter or
material of any kind, which is placed or left on the street, park or other public
property because of such event. Should the permittee, or event coordinator fail to
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do so; the City will bill the permittee or event coordinator for all costs related to
the clean up, removal and disposal of litter because of the event. In addition, no
future applications will be considered until all obligations are satisfied.
C. Required undertakings. In addition to the information required in Subsection
225.04,the permit holder shall, at permit holder's expense, and without expense to
the City,undertake the following:
1. Provide either authorized civilian or police personnel at all intersections
requiring traffic-control personnel.
2. Provide volunteers to monitor the barricades at all intersections not
requiring traffic-control personnel,as determined by the police department.
3. Provide, install and remove the barricades, signs and delineation
equipment as directed by the Engineer,Police Chief,or their designees.
4. Defend and hold the City harmless from all claims, demands, actions or
causes of action, of whatsoever nature or character, arising out of or by reason
of the conduct of the activity authorized by such permit, including attorney
fees and expenses.
225.06 Notice To Abutting Property Owners. This Subsection 225.06 shall apply only to
A. Upon issuance of an event permit for a race, the permit holder shall notify the
occupants and building managers of property abutting the event route by leaflet at
least five (5) days,but not more than fourteen (14) days,before the event.
B. In the case of a residential building containing three (3) units or less, a leaflet
shall be distributed to each unit. In the case of a residential building or facility
containing more than three (3) units, a leaflet shall be prominently posted in the
lobby or common entryway. Leaflets shall also be distributed to nonresidential
abutting properties.
C. The leaflet shall briefly describe the nature of the event, shall identify the
name and telephone number of the permit holder and the date and time of the
event, shall contain a map of the route, and shall describe all restrictions upon
traffic and parking on or crossing the event route.
D. Prior to distribution of the leaflet, the permit holder shall file a copy of the
leaflet with the Clerk's office, the Police Chief and the Public Works Department.
The leaflet must be approved by the Clerk prior to its disbursal.
225.07 Insurance. Upon compliance with all other provisions of this Section 225, a
permit for an event may be granted only after the applicant has secured and filed with
the Clerk the insurance provided for in this section. The policy or policies shall
specifically provide for payment by the insurance company on behalf of the insured all
sums which the insured's shall be obligated to pay by reason of liability imposed upon
them by law for injuries or damages to persons or properties arising out of the activities
and operations of the insured's pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
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All insurance required in this Subsection 225.07 shall be issued by insurance
companies acceptable to the City and admitted in Minnesota. The insurance specified
may be in a policy or policies of insurance, primary or excess.
A. Workers' compensation insurance that meets the statutory obligations with
coverage B - employer's liability limits of at least $100,000.00 each accident,
$500,000.00 each disease - policy limit and$100,000.00 disease-each employee.
B. Commercial general liability insurance with limits of at least $1,000,000.00
general aggregate, $1,000,000.00 products - completed operations, $1,000,000.00
personal & advertising injury, and $1,000,000.00 each occurrence, $50,000.00 fire
damage, and $5,000.00 medical expense any one person. The policy shall be on an
"occurrence" basis, shall include contractual liability coverage and the City shall
be named an additional insured.
Acceptance of the insurance by the City shall not relieve, limit or decrease the liability
of the event permit holder. Any policy deductibles or retentions shall be the
responsibility of the event promoter. The permit holder shall control any special or
unusual hazards and be responsible for any damages that result from those hazards.
The City does not represent that the insurance requirements are sufficient to protect
the permit holder's interests or provide adequate coverage.
Evidence of coverage is to be provided in the form of a certificate of insurance. A thirty
(30) day written notice is required if the policy is canceled, not renewed or materially
changed. The permit holder shall require any of its participants using automobiles in
the race to carry automobile liability insurance meeting the statutory limits of the State
of Minnesota.
The permit holder shall require any of its subcontractors to comply with these
225.08 Indemnification. Permit holder agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the City,
its officers and employees harmless from any liability, claim, damages, costs,
judgments, or expenses, including attorney's fees, resulting directly or indirectly from
an act or omission including, without limitation, professional errors and omissions, of
event promoter, its agents, employees, arising out of or by any reason of the conduct of
the activity authorized by such permit and against all loss caused in any way be reason
of the failure of the event promoter to fully perform all obligations under this Section
Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force upon passage and publication
according to law.
First Reading: October 5, 2004
Second Reading: October 19, 2004
Publication: December 16,2004
Attest bebra A.Mangers;City Clerk Dennis F. Maetzold,Mayor
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Ayes: Housh,Hovland, Kelly,Masica,Maetzold
Motion carried.
AND MUNICIPAL CONSENT Minneapolis Mayor Rybak introduced Minneapolis Council
Member Scott Benson, and Minneapolis staff members. He spoke about how the regional
community transportation plan was shaped focusing especially on the Crosstown and 35W. He
stated the importance of municipal consent was complicated. Mayor Rybak said a balance has
been sought between more roads, more transit and a broader transportation agenda. He
acknowledged funding was one of the roadblocks adding a strong partnership with Edina was
essential because the future of the region depends on what happens on 35W,the Crosstown,I-494
and Highway 100.
Scott Benson, stated Municipal Consent afforded three options:
1.Say yes to the plan as presented by MnDOT
2. Say no we would not accept the MnDOT's plan under any circumstances.
3. Say no we would not accept MnDOT's plan as presented, but here was the plan with
acceptable changes.
The letting date for the project was April 2006. The disputes of the plan can be characterized as:
1. Small issues-matter most to residents -not as much to MnDOT
2. Mid-range issues- Design Review Committee began in 2001 - date to complete by
December 12 to work out issues
3. Larger issues-Rapid Transit Bus future-need to insure use
Mr. Benson said if Minneapolis said no, with conditions, the MnDOT Commissioner can either
decide to: 1) not do this project, 2) do this project and incorporate every one of the changes, or 3)
let the arbitration process begin. The project must have resolution prior to the letting date of
April 2006.
Member Hovland, Chair of the I-494 Committee, asked if the Bus Rapid Transit proposal would
require new funding from the legislature. Mr. Benson said yes, and the projected completion
dates were 2010/2011. Mayor Rybak reiterated that, 'there has to be more money in the system',
adding that in his view, the funding stream for roads and transit must be rolled together.
Member Hovland inquired whether new sources of funding were coming forward. Mayor Rybak
said the strategy was to come forward in two tiers - 1) lay out the problem and scope and 2) be
back in mid-November with funding strategies.
Member Kelly stated one of the major issues in Edina was cut-through traffic - Edina was
surrounded by traffic that does not move. He asked, 1) if an appeal process was in place
following arbitration could that cause further delay, and 2) if BRT was planned for, and the route
was not funded, could the lane be converted to other use, such as HOV. Mr. Benson said the BRT
lane would be used for HOV traffic. He responded to Question No. 1 that if this was considered
an interstate system, the three-member arbitration board gives an opinion to the commissioner
and the final decision was from the commissioner. If it was a trunk highway system, the decision
of the three-member board was final. Member Kelly urged Mr. Benson to stall the project if the
results were less than desired. He added further delay would be devastating to Edina.
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Member Hovland said the I-494 Commission favors new funding for transportation (roads,
bridges and transit). The six cities in the Commission want to support the Itasca Project, the State
Chamber, or the Association of Minnesota Counties. He said the I-494 Commission supported the
Crosstown Commons project. Member Hovland said we can be patient and trusting in the next 6
- 9 months until an accord can be reached with the Commissioner of Transportation. He agreed
that utilization of the HOV lanes for three passengers or more was misplaced - and stated he
believed eventually the excess capacity on the HOV lane on 394 will be for sold off for single
occupancy vehicles.
Mayor Rybak thanked Edina for being a good neighbor and working for a transportation system
that works for everyone.
No formal Council action was taken.
TRACY AVENUE TO HILLSIDE ROAD - PROJECT NO. 2673-969C Member Masica removed
Resolution No. 2004-98, Authorizing Agreement No. 87193 for Landscape of TH62, Tracy Avenue
to Hillside Road, Project No. 2673-969C from the Consent Agenda for further information. She
asked how far the plantings extend to the east. Mr. Keprios said plantings would go along Valley
View Road to Hillside Road. Mr. Mark Ritter was an Edina resident and a landscaper by trade
and has volunteered to install and care for the plantings. Member Masica wanted to publicly
thank Mr. Ritter for his efforts to beautify the community.
Member Masica introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption:
PROJECT NO. 2673-969C
BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Edina, enter into Mn/DOT Agreement No. 87193
with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes:
To provide for payment by the State to the City of the State's share of the costs for the
acquisition of landscape materials to be placed along Trunk Highway No. 62 from Tracy
Avenue to Hillside Road within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 2763-969C.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Manager are authorized to
execute the Agreement and any amendments to the Agreement.
Passed and adopted this 19th day of October, 2004.
Ayes: Housh, Hovland, Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
Hughes said the Edina Recycling and Solid Waste Commission has recommended extending the
contract with Browning Ferris Industries (BFI) of MN for recycling collection through 2005. The
monthly contract rate for single family and duplex would increase from $2.28 per unit up to
$2.40. The monthly contract for multi-unit dwellings would increase from $2.08 to $2.20. A
revenue sharing offer by BFI to share in the revenues received from recyclable materials. Mr.
Hughes added the City could use these funds for any purpose, 1) add the rebate into the general
fund, or 2) rebate the funds to the residents. He recommended waiting for a year so that an actual
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amount would be known. Another reason to wait a year was for an opportunity to evaluate the
system and whether the City should remain as the vendee on the contract for recycling or
whether we should go to open hauling system,similar to what the City has for garbage.
BFI will share the revenues received from the recyclables with the City. The City will receive 75
percent of the total revenues after a processing fee of $46 per ton of paper and $86 per ton of
plastic, cans and glass. The estimated amount of revenue sharing will result in a rebate of$5,000
per month for the City. Recycling will continue to be picked up at the curb. As in the past,
accommodations will be available for people who were physically unable to transport their
recycling bins to the curb.
Member Housh made a motion approving the extension of the Residential Recycling
Collection Contract with Browning Ferris Industries (BFI) of MN for recycling collection
through 2005 at $2.40 for single family and duplex and $2.20 for multi-unit. Member Hovland
seconded the motion.
Ayes: Housh,Hovland, Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
ACCOUNT PLAN Member Hovland introduced the following resolution seconded by
Member Housh and moved its adoption:
The undersigned, Debra Mangen, serving as City Clerk of the City Council of the City of
Edina, (the "City"), duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, does
hereby certify that at a meeting of the City Council, held on the 19th day of October 2004, at
which a quorum was present, the City Council of the City of Edina unanimously adopted the
following resolution:
WHEREAS, City of Edina (the "Employer") provides employees with an opportunity to
pay for certain employee welfare benefits on a pre-tax basis through the above mentioned
Plan (the "Plan");and
WHEREAS, the Employer considers it desirable and in the best interests of the Plan to
make the following amendment to the Plan;
NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority reserved in the Plan to allow
amendments to the Plan,the Plan is amended as follows:
• The Health Care Reimbursement Account Maximum shall be increased from $2,000 to
$3,000 per calendar year.
• The Plan will operate using the Final COBRA Regulations issued May 26,2004.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that City of Edina Flexible Benefit Plan be and
the same is amended effective January 1,2005;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any proper members of the City Council are hereby
authorized to make such contributions from the funds of the City as are necessary to carry out
the provisions of said plan at any time;and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event any conflict arises between the
provisions of said Plan and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) or
any other applicable law or regulation (as such law or regulation may be interpreted or
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amended), the Company shall resolve such conflict in a manner which complies with ERISA
or such law or regulation.
Motion carried on rollcall vote -five ayes.
the Metropolitan Council was directed by Minn. Statute Sec 473.145 to prepare a comprehensive
development guide for the seven-county Twin Cities area. This was the tenth update of the
regional transportation plan first adopted by the Council in 1971 and represents the fifth decade
of coordinated efforts in planning and implementing this regions metropolitan urban
transportation system. It replaces the 2001 Transportation Policy Plan.
Due to the Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) meeting schedule, members were sent a
copy of the summary and the link to the Metropolitan Council's web site. No comments were
received from the ETC. Staff recommends authorizing Resolution No. 2004-96 Directing
Comments be Sent Regarding the 2030 Metropolitan Council Transportation Policy Plan.
Member Hovland presented comments on the Metropolitan Plan from the I-494 Corridor
Commission. He suggested adding a paragraph to Resolution No. 2004-96 approving comments
from the City and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities (AMM) on the Transportation
Plan from the 1-494 Corridor Commission as well.
Member Housh suggested adding language that included Highway 100 in St. Louis Park into the
comments on the Plan, and commenting it was a bottleneck that needs a solution. Member
Hovland commented MnDOT says it was one of the most congested segments in the metro area.
Member Masica voiced concern with the comments being a band-aid since no funding sources
were noted.
Joni Bennett, 4003 Lynn Avenue, member of the Edina Transportation Commission said she
objected to point number one in the Edina staff recommendations, which objected to a fully
interconnected street system. Ms. Bennett stated traffic calming could be used for two things, 1)
speed control and 2) volume control. Volume control cannot be achieved without shifting traffic
from one location to another. She concluded that the street grid system does work and not
everything old needs to be changed.
Motion made by Member Hovland introducing the following resolution as amended and
moving its adoption:
WHEREAS, forecasts call for almost one million additional residents in the seven-
county metropolitan area by the year 2030;
WHEREAS, an effective and efficient transportation system, that includes both roads
and transit, is key to the successful growth and development of our region;
WHEREAS, congestion and mobility issues are already among the most pressing
challenges facing our region;
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WHEREAS, a comprehensive and well-rounded plan for our regional transportation
system requires the input of numerous stakeholders,including local governments;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Edina supports the attached
comments prepared by the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities, by the I494 Corridor
Commission and by Edina Staff in regards to the draft 2030 Transportation Policy Plan and
urges the Metropolitan Council to make the requested changes to the draft plan before
granting it final approval. Member Housh seconded the motion.
Ayes: Housh,Hovland, Kelly,Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
REJECTED Director Keprios explained at the June 8, 2004, Park Board Meeting, the Park Board
recommended that the indoor athletic field facility for Braemar Park should be:
1. A permanent building located at Braemar Park
2. A permanent structure allows for a field 80 yards wide by 120 yards long($5 million)
3. That user groups should pay 50% of construction costs
4. That user groups raise an additional $500,000 as a reserve to cover operational expenses
that exceed revenues
At the September 7, 2004, Council Meeting, The Council directed staff to solicit a proposal from a
consultant to draw up preliminary designs and establish more definitive construction and
operational expenses. Anderson/Johnson and Associates studied the Braemar site in 2001 for a
• Anderson/Johnson teamed up with Cunningham Group Architecture P.A.
• Total consulting fee$16,5250 (a 75 day process)
• Topographic survey cost would be$7,500
• Total cost-$24,000
Mr. Keprios explained the commitments that have been received from user groups were as
Edina Baseball Association 75
Edina Soccer Club (1001/2 field hours) 50
Edina Soccer Association 0
Edina Football Association 15
Edina Girls Fast Pitch (481/2 field hours) 24
Edina Lacrosse Association 72
Edina High School Athletic 20
Local dome facilities that exist and hours of use were as follows:
Holy Angels 1,700 1,200
Eden Prairie 1,100 800
Plymouth 1,250 700
Woodbury 1,100 1,100
Minnetonka 712
Mr. Keprios introduced Alice Hulbert and Floyd Grabiel from the Park Board.
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Alice Hulbert, Park Board Member, said at the onset of this consideration, the Park Board was
told the Athletic Associations were willing to raise one-half of the cost of construction and of
operation. At present there was a softening of support for the project by the Athletic Associations.
She said the issue needed to be tabled and that the Council not spend the $24,000 for the
consulting fee until there was more support from the community.
Floyd Grabiel concurred with Ms. Hulbert's comments.
Mr. Keprios said options on the issue would be to 1) table the issue and direct it back to the Park
Board for further discussion, or 2) consider the option of the user groups paying for the
consulting fee.
Member Housh said he has the impression that this facility was more of a luxury than of a need
and he sees no reason to go forward with the project.
Member Kelly and Member Hovland concurred.
Member Masica questioned that the athletic organizations only committed to 256 hours of use.
Mr. Keprios said the area has reached a saturation point with facilities and that could be one
reason. Member Masica asked if the City was required to take bids on acquiring a feasibility
study. Mr. Keprios commented that no the City was not required to take bids on professional
Member Hovland said the offer to hire a consultant should be withdrawn and that no more time
should be spent on it
Member Hovland made a motion to reject the proposal for the feasibility study, based upon
the low demand for hours. Member Housh seconded the motion.
Member Housh asked if the Park Board Members in attendance at the meeting would speak to
this issue.
Floyd Grabiel, 4817 Wilford Way, commented he too was surprised at the lack of commitment of
use and said dropping the proposal seemed right.
Member Masica asked if rental hours could be increased by soliciting other communities. Mr.
Keprios said there was some non-resident marketability but he would be only guessing about the
amount of interest.
Ayes: Housh,Hovland, Kelly, Masica, Maetzold
Motion carried.
*CONFIRMATION OF CLAIMS PAID Member Hovland made a motion and Member Housh
seconded the motion approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the
Check Register dated October 6, 2004, and consisting of 30 pages: General Fund $147,732.69;
Communications Fund $1,524.00; Working Capital Fund $142,726.61; Construction Fund
$4,606.00; Art Center Fund $590.68; Golf Dome Fund $715.45; Aquatic Center Fund $924.37;
Golf Course Fund $14,533.30; Ice Arena Fund $13,990.80; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Fund
$16,356.93; Liquor Fund $131,852.76; Utility Fund $81,982.65; Storm Sewer Fund $3,497.54;
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Recycling Fund$32,171.80; PSTF Agency Fund$1,481.83,TOTAL$594,687.41; and for approval
of payment of claims dated October 13, 2004, and consisting of 30 pages: General Fund
$163,038.09; Communications Fund $13,878.72; Working Capital Fund $49,109.08; Art Center
Fund $2,315.23; Golf Dome Fund $216.61; Aquatic Center Fund $3,618.93; Golf Course Fund
$21,474.01; Ice Arena Fund $28,846.41; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Fund $10,064.91; Liquor
Fund $145,141.15; Utility Fund $39,368.54, Storm Sewer Fund $35,595.55; PSTF Agency Fund
$3,503.54; TOTAL$516,170.77.
Motion carried on rollcall vote-five ayes.
SELECTION OF AUDITORS APPROVED Mr. Hughes noted that the Finance Department sent
request for proposals (RFP) for professional auditing services to ten auditing firms in August
2004. Firms receiving RFP's were chosen from a list of Government Auditors on the Minnesota
Society of Certified Public Accountants website and were chosen based on proximity to the City
of Edina and membership in the Minnesota Finance Officers Association. One firm was
eliminated due to a conflict of interest. A pre-proposal meeting was held in September to answer
questions about the RFP. Seven of the ten firms attended the meeting and submitted proposals on
September 15.
The Finance Director, Assistant Finance Director and Accountant reviewed proposals, listed fees,
client base, audit approach and experience of assigned audit staff as rating criteria. Based on
criteria, three firms were interviewed and references checked by staff. Staff recommends
acceptance of the proposal from the firm Malloy, Montague, Karnowski, Radosevich and
Company, P.A. (MMKR). MMKR audits similar cities and have a'paperless' audit process saving
time and resources. MMKR was highly recommended in reference calls. Fees were on the higher
end as there were more hours of upper management review yet the fee would be $4,300 less for
the 2004 audit than for the 2003 audit.
Mr. Hughes said a Council Committee composed of Mayor Maetzold and Member Hovland
reviewed the staff's recommendation on October 13 and concurred with the recommendation.
Member Hovland made a motion approving the acceptance of Malloy, Montague, Karnowski,
Radosevich &Co., P.A. (MMKR) as the City's Auditor. Mayor Maetzold seconded the motion.
Ayes: Housh,Hovland, Kelly,Masica,Maetzold
Motion carried.
Floyd Grabiel, 4817 Wilford Way, expressed his concern regarding the change of the polling
location for Edina Precinct 16 to Arneson Acres Park from Christ Presbyterian Church. Mr.
Grabiel said he believed that parking would be very tight and turning left out of the facility
would be a problem. Council discussed the move. Mr. Hughes said this had been discussed with
staff and that it was planned to have officers assisting with traffic as necessary.
Joni Bennett,4003 Lynn Avenue, stated that voters have to wait outside at Weber Park the polling
location for Precinct 4 when there were long lines.
There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Maetzold declared the meeting
adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Ci Clerk
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