HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-12-21 Council Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 21,2004 7:00 P.M. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Housh, Hovland, Masica and Mayor Maetzold. Member Kelly entered the meeting at 7:15 P.M. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED Motion made by Member Masica and seconded by Member Housh approving the Council Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of Agenda Item II.A. Resolution No. 2004-111 - 2005 City of Bloomington Assessing Services Agreement and Agenda Item IV.A., Receive Petition Requesting Sidewalk on Halifax Avenue between 51St and 54th Streets. Rollcall: Ayes: Housh,Hovland,Masica,Maetzold Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 7, 2004, AND SPECIAL MEETINGS OF DECEMBER 6, 2004 AND DECEMBER 7, 2004, APPROVED Motion made by Member Masica and seconded by Member Housh,approving the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Edina City Council for December 7,2004,and Special Meetings of December 6,2004,and December 7,2004. Motion carried on rollcall vote-four ayes. RESOLUTIONS OF APPRECIATION AND COMMENDATION PRESENTED TO MAYOR MAETZOLD AND MEMBER KELLY Mayor-elect Hovland read a resolution of appreciation for Mayor Maetzold and commended him on his ten-years of service to the City of Edina. He further noted his service as a Council Member and a member of the Edina School Board and said Mayor Maetzold exemplified the City's mission in a manner that sustains and improves the quality of life enjoyed by all residents in Edina. Mayor-elect Hovland presented Member Kelly with a proclamation and expressed appreciation of his eight years of service on the Edina City Council and as Mayor pro-tem. He commended Member Kelly for his dedication to the community and foresight in important development projects such as Grandview Square and the design and construction of Edina City Hall. Mayor Maetzold and Member Kelly were presented with plaques of recognition and thanks. RESOLUTION NO. 2004-111 - APPROVING 2005 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON ASSESSING SERVICES AGREEMENT Member Masica requested Resolution No. 2004-111 be removed from the Consent Agenda for further information. She inquired about how many hours at $57.00/hour would be paid to Bloomington staff and what duties they would perform. She asked if this is temporary. Assessor Wilson responded that it is hard to predict the future with the number of hours that will be needed or even if we will require their services. He reminded the Council that the Commercial Appraiser was called up to active duty in the military requiring the necessity of Bloomington helping with commercial appraisals. Mr. Wilson said 139 hours were billed by Bloomington in 2004, at approximately$7,652.00. Member Masica introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.2004-111 Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF BLOMINGTON FOR ASSESSING SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Bloomington has submitted an Agreement to the City of Edina requesting execution by the Mayor and City Manager, allowing the City of Bloomington assessing staff to assist the Edina City Assessor with advisory services regarding market valuations;and WHEREAS, the Agreement shall be in force from January 1, 2005, through December 31, 2005. NOW,THEREFORE,the Edina City Council has authorized the Mayor and City Manager to sign the agreement and return a certified copy to the City of Bloomington. Adopted this 21St day of December,2004. Member Hovland seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh,Hovland,Kelly,Masica,Maetzold Motion carried. *TRAFFIC SAFETY STAFF REVIEW OF DECEMBER 8, 2004, APPROVED Motion made by Member Masica and seconded by Member Housh approving the Traffic Safety Staff Review for December 8,2004, Section A,B and C. Motion carried on rollcall vote-four ayes. *CONFIRMATION OF CLAIMS PAID Member Masica made a motion and Member Housh seconded the motion approving payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated December 8, 2004, and consisting of 27pages: General Fund $245,618.20; Communications Fund $820.00; Working Capital Fund $2,691.62; Construction Fund $262.40; Art Center Fund $1,151.88; Golf Dome Fund $3,092.74; Aquatic Center Fund $5,555.75; Golf Course Fund $44,518.96; Ice Arena Fund $26,557.68; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Fund $26,094.65; Liquor Fund $116,932.40; Utility Fund $89,617.48; Storm Sewer Fund $8,702.76; Recycling fund $3,141.75; PSTF Fund $3,572.11; TOTAL $578,330.38; and for approval of payment of claims dated December 15, 2004, and consisting of 34 pages: General Fund $184,887.40; Communications Fund $800.00;Working Capital Fund$48,639.49;Construction Fund$2,726.81;Art Center Fund$31,753.31; Golf Dome Fund $57.01; Aquatic Center Fund $219.00; Golf Course Fund $12,572.16; Ice Arena Fund $37,555.87; Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Fund $1,921.37; Liquor Fund $212,769.11; Utility Fund $45,864.75; Storm Sewer Fund $420.36; Recycling Fund $32,171.80; PSTF Fund $660.68; TOTAL$613,019.12. Motion carried on rollcall vote-four ayes. RESOLUTION NO. 2004-110 - APPROVING THE 2005 LEVY AND BUDGET ADOPTION Manager Hughes said after a lengthy budget process, the time is now to adopt the 2005 Budget and 2005 Tax Levy. Member Hovland asked what the life expectancy is of the debt service on the equipment certificates. Mr. Hughes responded this is the third year of five-year certificates and funds equipment with a useful life of approximately five years. Mr.Hovland inquired when the General Obligation Park and Recreation Bonds would be paid. Director Wallin said the Bonds were issued in 1996 and were twenty-year bonds. Member Masica questioned if the Market Value Homestead Credit(MVHC) abatement shown, as ($613,756) is the amount we would receive if available from the State. Mr. Hughes explained it is a combination of two things, 1) anticipated amount of MVHC is approximately $500,000 and the remaining figure is an estimate through taxes that are abated through court ordered abatements. Ms. Masica asked what the difference would be between what has been estimated for the proposed gymnasium construction within the Capital Improvement Program(CIP) and what is budgeted. Mr. Hughes said the debt service does not start in 2005. If the project goes Page 2 Minutes/Edina CitXCouncil/December 21,2004 forward the first year for the debt levy would be in 2006. The difference in the cost would include, 1) cost of issuance,2) discount, 3)bond counsel fees,4)underwriter fees, 5)reserve fund, etc. Member Hovland made a motion closing the public hearing,seconded by Member Housh. Ayes: Housh,Hovland,Kelly,Masica,Maetzold Motion carried. Member Housh introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.2004-110 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF EDINA FOR THE YEAR 2005,AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR YEAR 2005, PAYABLE IN 2005 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Budget for the City of Edina for the calendar year 2005 is hereby adopted as after this set forth,and funds are hereby appropriated therefore: GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $ 73,981 Administration 959,173 Planning 368,571 Finance 585,110 Election 117,467 Assessing 740,153 Legal and Court Services 410,000 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $ 3,254,455 PUBLIC WORKS Administration $ 177,433 Engineering 755,259 Streets 4,308,933 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $ 5,241,625 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police $ 6,593,341 Civilian Defense 43,320 Animal control 74,982 Fire 3,932,476 Public Health 443,641 Inspections 692,305 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS/PROPERTY $ 11,780,065 PARK DEPARTMENT Administration $ 648,724 Recreation 351,814 Maintenance 2,177,191 TOTAL PARK DEPARTMENT $ 3,177,729 NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Contingencies $ 123,014 Special Assessments/City 28,000 Property Capital Plan Appropriation 50,000 Employee Programs 130,000 Commissions/Special Projects 226,368 TOTAL NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES $ 557,382 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 24,011,256 Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 DEBT SERVICE -HRA PUBLIC PROJECT BONDS $ 1,058,840 DEBT SERVICE OF EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES $ 162,200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 25,232,296 Section 2. Estimated receipts other than the General Tax Lew are proposed as hereinafter set forth: GENERAL FUND MVHC/Abatements $ (613,756) Licenses and Permits 2,025,193 Municipal Court Funds 900,000 Department Service Charges 2,067,935 Other 330,000 Transfer from Liquor fund 686,500 Income on Investments 110,000 Aid-Other Agencies 423,034 Police Aid 310,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $ 6,238,906 Section 3.That there is proposed to be levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Edina a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth: GENERAL FUND $ 17,772,350 LEVY FOR PAYMENT OF HRA PUBLIC PROJECT $ 1,058,840 BONDS LEVY FOR PAYMENT OF EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE $ 162,200 TOTAL LEVY $ 18,993,390 Section 4.That there is proposed to be levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Edina,a tax rate sufficient to produce the amount below for the debt levy of the market value based referendum levy and canceling the portion of the levy not required to produce the following amount: GO PARK AND RECREATION BONDS SERIES 1996B $ 674,162 Passed and adopted by the City Council on December 21,2004. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes:Housh,Hovland,Kelly,Masica,Maetzold Motion carried. 2005 - 2009 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM APPROVED Mr. Hughes said the Capital Improvement Plan was presented at the December 7, 2004, Council meeting. He reminded the Council the Plan should be viewed as a one-year capital budget and a five-year capital plan. Year one of the plan would have more specifics than the following years. No calls have been received from the public with respect to the plan and no changes have been done. Staff recommends adoption of the 2005-2009 Capital Improvement Plan. Member Masica questioned whether the capital expenditure of $30,000 for the Golf Dome is the best use of the land resource. She asked if the profitability of Adventure Peak is disbursed to other funds. Mr. Hughes said it remains in Edinborough/Centennial Lakes and allows them to be at a breakeven point. Ms. Masica asked how much of the Liquor Store transfer is rent and to whom is the rent paid. Mr. Hughes said the rent is internal. Member Housh inquired about the schedule at the Golf Course for 2009. Mr. Hughes noted that the debt service falls off in 2009. Some improvements coming down the line such as: 1) improving the Page 4 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 new nine hole course, 2) the driving range, and,3) the executive course. Improvements to the original Arena are considered for 2009 as well. Mr. Housh asked if the planned expenditure at the Aquatic Center is for a new amenity. Mr. Hughes said yes, what is being considered is a wave rider, which creates an artificial wave. Mr. Housh asked what is planned for the Braemar Field. Mr. Keprios responded a sand/peat field is being considered, similar to the Lewis Fields. Mr. Housh asked about the Public Works Building expenditure. Mr. Hughes said staff is attempting to be conservative but no site has been selected. He said when the sale of existing properties is completed, funding would be known and the process could begin. Mr. Housh asked for more information on neighborhood reconstruction projects. Mr. Hughes said that issue has been throttled up significantly,based upon the quality of the City's infrastructure. He suggested the Council set a date for a workshop on January 18, 2005,to discuss the proposed neighborhood reconstruction projects. Mr. Housh commended staff and the existing Council for the CIP calling it a'super-planning tool'. Member Masica made a motion adopting the Capital Improvement Program for 2005 - 2009, as presented. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh,Hovland,Kelly,Masica,Maetzold Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 2004-14 ADOPTED - AMENDING CODE SECTION 185 - INCREASING CERTAIN FEES Manager Hughes reminded the Council that Ordinance No. 2004-14 received First Reading at the December 7,2004, Council meeting. Changes from that meeting are the inclusion of an inadvertent omission of Section 225 the Special Events Application Fee at $50.00 as well as water charges (Section 1100)from the City of Minneapolis for the Morningside area of Edina. Member Housh made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 2004-14 Amending Code Section 185, Increasing Certain Fees as presented: ORDINANCE NO.2004-14 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: Section 1. The following described fees of Schedule A to Code Section 185 are amended to read as follows: o 1 S �GFO .m� r ; bb 3 'EF,}C 220 220.04 Machine or $21.00 Annually per establishment Amusement Device $16.00 Per machine License 225 225.04 Special Events $50.00 Application Fee 300 300.03 Subd 3 Redemption of $25.00 per day for feeding and care,any Impounded veterinarian services and impounding fee Animals 300 300.02 Subd 3 Disposal of Animal $35.00 per animal 421 421.04 R-O-W Excava- $75.00 tion Permit Ad- ministrative Fee -Add'1 Excavation (paved area) $35.00 -Add'1 Excavation (unpaved area) $20.00 -Underground Utility telecom $45.00 per 100 L. Ft. Page 5 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 -Underground Utility(telecom open trenching) $60.00 per 100 L.Ft. 421 421.07 Subd 3 Street Surface $40.00 per square foot under 10 square ft. Repair $35.00 per square foot from 10-25 sq.ft. $30.00 per square foot over 25 sq.ft. 450 450.27 Subd 4 Public or Semi- $470.00 per year for each enclosed pool public Swimming $250.00 per year for each outdoor pool Pool License 450 450.27 Subd 4 Public or Semi- $144.00 per year for each bath or pool public whirlpool Bath or Therapeutic Swimming Pool License 460 460.06 Subd 1 Sign Permit $80.00 460 460.06 Subd 1 Sign Variance Fee $200.00 Residential Property $400.00 Commercial Property 605 605.07 Permits Required by UFC Special Hazard $80.00 Minimum Fee Permit -Class 1: General $105.00 Hazard/fire safety inspections requiring a special hazard permit -Class II: Special Hazard inspection $210.00 in bldgs less than 3,000 sq ft -Class III: Special hazard inspection in bldgs over 3,000 $315.00 sq ft 615 615.03 License to Service $45.00 Fire Extinguishers 620 620.04 Permit Fee for Cleaning Commercial Cooking Ventilation System $85.00 625 625.03 Sprinkler Permit Fees: Per Number of Heads: 1 -5 $55.00 * (minimum fee) 6-25 $105.00 * 26-50 $195.00 * 51-75 $265.00 * 76-100 $310.00 * 101-125 $345.00 * Page 6 I i Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 126-150 $370.00 * 151-175 $400.00* 176-200 $420.00 * 201 -plus $485.00 * for first 200+$2.10 for each additional head 625 625.03 Fire Pump; Installation and Associated Hardware $210.00 -Standpipe Install $130.00 -Each Add'1 Pie $ 20.00 716 716.02 Recycling Service: $6.30 Per Quarter-Single Family $6.30 Per Quarter-Double $5.50 Per Quarter/Apartments/Condos(2-8 units 721 721.03 Food High Risk Food- $550.00 Establishment Medium Risk Food- $350.00 Low Risk Food-$100.00 Base Fee- $110.00 Beer or Wine Table Service-$53.00 Alcohol Bar Service- $105.00 Food Vehicle-$135.00 Additional Facility-$115.00 Pushcart-$200.00 Itinerant Food-$115.00 Food Vending Machine$16.00 721 721.03 Subd 1 Restaurant Plan Review Fee $80.00 735 735.03 Lodging Establishment $3.00 per room Supervised Group Home $42.00 Boarding/Lodging House License $95.00 740 740.04 Multiple Dwelling $42.00 per single tract of land (may contain Parking Garage more than one building under same ownership) 740 740.04 Multiple Dwelling Parking Garage- Inspection Fee $73.00 per garage 745 740.04 Subd 2 Body Art Establishment License $260.00 820 820.01 Filing of $400.00 Application for Vacation of Street, Alley or Easement 850 850.04 Subd 1C Variance Fee $200.00 Residential $400.00 Commercial 850 850.04 Subd 2A.2 Fee for Transfer of $1,000.00 All Other Transfers Land to Another Zoning District 900 900.07 Subd 1 Liquor License Page 7 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 Fees(per year) -Temporary On- Sale 3.2% Malt $75.00 (per event) Liquor 1100 1100.03 Subd. 2 Sewer Service Charge: -Bldgs w/four or $35.36 Per quarter up to and including 1600 less dwelling units c.feet -Apt Bldgs w/more $2.21 Additional from 1601 cubic feet and over than four dwelling $30.31 Per quarter for each unit over four or units $2.21 per 100 c.f./water used in quarter Commercial/Indus trial Bldgs, including schools & churches $2.21 Per 200 cubic feet water used in quarter 1100 1100.03 Subd 2 Water Service $0.81 Per 100 cubic feet for in certain areas of City, except as described below $2.61 Per 100 cubic feet-Morningside area for east side of Beard Ave. from West 54th to Fuller St. and both sides of Abbott Pl. from West 54th St. to Beard Ave. $0.27 Per 100 cf for Excessive Use Charge Meter Charge: $10.00 Per quarter for up to 3/4 "meter $13.62 Per quarter for 1"meter $15.54 Per quarter for 1 1/4 "meter $17.48 Per quarter for 1 V2" meter $28.15 Per quarter for 2"meter $106.90 Per quarter for 3"meter $136.07 Per quarter for 4"meter $0.00 Park Dept water used for sprinkling and skating rinks $0.00 Street Dept for water used for flushing street 1105 1105.01 Subd 1 Service $1,450.00 per SAC unit x number of SAC units Availability computed as pursuant to Subsection 1105.01, Charge SAC Subd. 1 of this Code 1110 1110.03 Storm Water $6.74 Per quarter pursuant to formula in Drainage Charge Subsection 1110.03 1300 1300.02 Subd 1 Refuse or $300.00 per year for 1St vehicle Recycling Hauler's $95.00 per year for each additional vehicle License 1325 1325.03 Tobacco Sale $341.00 per location License 1400 1400.12 Truck Restrictive $30.00 Road Permit Section 2. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 1, 2005. First Reading: December 7,2004 Second Reading: December 21,2004 Published: December 29,2004 ATTEST: City Clerk - - Mayor Page 8 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 Rollcall: Ayes: Housh,Hovland,Kelly,Masica,Maetzold Ordinance adopted. *AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 2004103 - PARK AND RECREATION FEES Motion made by Member Masica and seconded by Member Housh approving the amendment to Resolution No.2004103 as presented. RESOLUTION NO.2004-103 SETTING 2005 PARK AND RECREATION FEES BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following 2005 Park and Recreation Fees. PARK AND RECREATION PLAYGROUND $23.00 ADULT TENNIS INSTRUCTION $40.00 YOUTH TENNIS INSTRUCTION $40.00 PEE WEE TENNIS $29.00 TEAM TENNIS $69.00 TENNIS CAMP $85.00 FAB 4&5 $66.00 NATURE CAMP $56.00 SAFETY CAMP $25.00 SUPER 6 &7 $38.00 CHEERLEADING CAMP $44.00 BECOME A MAGICIAN $28.00 TEA FOR TWO $5.00/person FISHING CLINIC $7.00 BALLOON SCULPTING $20.00 MINI HAWK $88.00 CREEPERS,CRITTERS,CRAWLERS $41.00 PRE-TEEN PARTY $35.00 YOU'RE NOT TOO OLD FOR THIS $31.00 WIN TWINS $12.00 ADULT ATHLETIC FEES SUMMER SOFTBALL BASKETBALL Co-Rec &Mens $410.00 5-Man C League $475.00 Classic League Mens/Womens 35 & $375.00 5-Man B League $475.00 Over &Industrial League Non-Resident Fee $26.00 HOCKEY (Individual) Non-Resident Fee $160.00 4-Man League $250.00 (Team) VOLLEYBALL BROOMBALL Officiated Leagues $315.00 Co-Rec League $250.00 Non-Resident $10.00 CO-REC KICKBALL (Individual) CO-REC $125.00 KICKBALL Page 9 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 AQUATIC CENTER SEASON TICKETS RESIDENT FAMILY: First 2 members $80.00/$90.00 Each additional member $40.00 Maximum (8 members) $330.00 RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL: *40.00/$50.00 NON-RESIDENT FAMILY: First 2 members *$95.00/$105.00 Each addition al member $45.00 Maximum(8 members) $375.00 NON-RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL: $50.00/$60.00 Daily Admission $9.00 Admission after 6 P.M. $7.00 Aquatic Instruction Contracted *Early Bird Special if purchased no later than May 1,2005. ARENA Hourly Rate (as of 9/95) $155.00 Open skating(Youth and Adult) $4.00 Skate Rental $2.00 Skate Sharpening $4.00 SEASON TICKETS (set first week of September) RESIDENT FAMILY: First 2 members $85.00 Each additional member $5.00 Maximum(7 persons) $110.00 RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL: $75.00 NON-RESIDENT FAMILY: First 2 members $100.00 Each additional member $5.00 Maximum (7 persons) $125.00 NON-RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL $85.00 CLASSES $95.00 ART CENTER Membership rates-FAMILY$40-$30 INDIVIDUAL (Edina Resident Members$5.00 off) HOURS @ CLASS PRICE HOURS @ WORKSHOP PRICE $6.60/hour Non-Member,Member $8.00/hour (parent/child) 30 $198/$178 9 $72,/$65 24 $158/$143 8 $64/$48 22 $145/$131 7 $56/$50 20 $132/$119 6 $48/$43 18 $119/$107 5 $40/$36 16 $106/$95 15 $99/$89 HOURS @ 14 $92/$84 $10.00/hour 12 $79/$72 4 $40/$36 10 $66/$59 3 $30/$27 Page 10 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 9 $59/$54 2 $20/$18 8 $53/$47 1 $10/$19 7 $46/$42 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES 18 hole-non-patron $33.00 18 hole-patron $25.00 9 hole-non-patron $18.00 9 hole-patron $14.00 junior 18 Hole Rate $18.00 junior 9 Hole Rate $9.00 GROUP FEES-18 holes $47.00 GROUP FEES-9 holes $20.00 PATRON CARDS (before April 1) Individual $65.00 Executive Course $25.00 PATRON CARDS (after March 31) Individual $70.00 Executive Course $25.00 COMPUTERIZED HANDICAPS Resident $22.00 Non-Resident $27.00 LOCKERS Men's 72 inch $40.00 Men's 42 inch $30.00 Ladies 72 inch $20.00 CLUB STORAGE $45.00 CLUB RENTAL $8.50 PULL CARTS $3.00 GOLF CARS 18 holes $26.00 9 holes $15.00 18 holes/person with disability/sgl rider $16.00 Group Car Fees $36.00 GROUP GOLF LESSONS Adult $85.00 junior $42.00 BRAEMAR ROOM Resident-wedding related $800.00 Non-residents-wedding related $900.00 Other events $350.00/$900.00 BRAEMAR EXECUTIVE COURSE GREEN FEES Adult non-patron $12.00 Adult patron $10.00 junior-non-patron $8.00 junior-patron $7.00 Golf Cars (everyone) $13.00 Page 11 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 Pull Carts $2.50 Group Fees $14.00 DRIVING RANGE Large Bucket $6.75 Small Bucket $4.50 Warm-Up Bucket $2.75 FRED RICHARDS GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES Adult-non-patron $12.00 Adult-patron $10.00 Junior-non-patron $8.00 Junior-patron $7.00 Golf Cars (everyone) $13.00 Pull Carts $2.50 Group Fees $14.00 GOLF DOME Large Bucket $6.75 Senior Bucket $6.50 Time Golf 1/2 hour $9.50 Hourly Field Rental $120.00 EDINBOROUGH PARK Pool &Track Daily Passes $4.00 residents $5.00 non residents "POOL&TRACK" SEASON PASSES Edina Individual $225.00 Each Additional Member $40.00 Maximum(7 Members) $440.00 Non-Edina Individual $250.00 Each Additional Member $50.00 Maximum (7 members) $530.00 Towel Fee $1.00 Locker Rental $0.25 BUILDING RENTALS EXCLUSIVE RENTAL NON-EXCLUSIVE RENTALS/HR Friday Evening $2,000.00 Great Hall $300.00 Saturday Evening $2,000.00 Theater $125.00 Prom $2,500.00 Grotto $75.00 Adventure $125.00 Peak Pool (swim $25.00 team only) Commercial Photo Shoot (hourly) Domestic Photo Shoot(hourly) Any Park Area Blocked Off $200.00 Any Park $75.00 Area Blocked Off Grotto $200.00 Grotto $75.00 Theatre $200.00 Theatre $75.00 Page 12 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 Great Hall $300.00 Great Hall $75.00 EDINBOROUGH PARK"PLAYPARK" Playpark Daily Admission: Resident $4.00/person Non-resident $5.00/person Children Under 12 Months FREE Adults Free With Paid Child Edinborough Association Members Daily Pass $2.00 Playpark Punch Pass-10 Uses Resident $35.00 Non-resident $40.00 Resident: First Member $75.00 Each Additional Member $55.00 Maximum"7"Members $405.00 Non-Resident: First Member $100.00 Each Additional Member $80.00 Maximum"7"Members $580.00 Total Facility Daily Admission: Resident $6.00 Non-resident $8.00 CENTENNIAL LAKES Rental Concession Items Weekend Rental- Full Evening(6 PM-12 AM) Paddle Boats 4 person boat 1/2 hr $6.00 Friday evening $850.00 Winter sled per hr $6.00 Saturday evening $850.00 Ice Skates $4.00 Champion Putting BUILDING RENTALS 9 hole $4.00 1/2 day-Salon M-TH $175.00 18 hole $8.00 Sunday-1/z day Salon II $275.00 Amphitheater Rental Lawn Games Amphitheater Rental $200.00 Per Court $12.00/hr $12.00/hr Commercial Photo $50.00/hr Shoot PARK DEPARTMENT RENTALS General Park Areas: Van ValkenburWCourtney Fields (Residents Only) Resident Use/hour $42.00 Per field/day includes $155.00 building Resident Use/day $125.00 Edina Athletic Associations Commercial Use (i.e. $70.00 Field User $8.00 TV)/hour fee/participant Commercial use with $125.00 Edina Hockey Association light/hour Outdoor Hockey Rink Picnic shelter/day- $130.00 Field User $8.00 Page 13 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 Cornelia fee/participant Showmobile/day $700.00 Park Shelter Buildings (half-day) Athletic Fields-Residents Only: Weber Park $60.00 Per field-per day $125.00 Cornelia School $60.00 Park Per field-per hour $42.00 Todd Park $60.00 Per field-per hour $65.00 Walnut Ridge Park $60.00 (with lights) Arneson Acres Park/Terrace ROOM ONLY Park Shelter Buildings (full-day) Per hour,first hour $42.00 Weber Park $90.00 Each additional hour $32.00 Cornelia School Park $90.00 up to 3 hours Per day (4 hours or $135.00 Todd Park $90.00 more) Arneson Acres Park/GAZEBO ONLY Walnut Ridge Park $90.00 1/2 day(6 hrs or less) $32.00 Rosland Park Pathway: Full day(over 6 hours) $64.00 Per hour $55.00 Arneson Acres Terrace Room/GAZEBO: Per day $210.00 Per day (4 hours or $155.00 more) Per hour,first hour $60.00 Each additional hour $32.00 up to 3 hours PEGGY KELLY MEDIA ARTS STUDIOS DO-IT YOURSELF HOURLY EQUIPMENT 2 DAY SERVICES FEE RENTAL RENTAL Transfer movies to video $18.00/ 35mm Slide $20.00 VHS tape or DVD disk $40.00 Projector Pictures or slides to video $18.00/ VHS Camcorder $25.00 (album) $40.00 Audio Dubbing or $14.00/ Overhead Transfer $40.00 Projector $20.00 Digital Video Editing $20.00/ Opaque $25.00 $50.00 Projector 35mm Photo Copies $12.00 16mm Movie $30.00 NA Projector 35mm Slide Copies $12.00 Super 8mm $30.00 NA Projector with sound VHS Video Copies $7.00 8mm Movie $25.00 (up to 3 at one time) Projector Studio does it $14.00 Foreign Conversion $14.00 Lowell Light Kit $20.00 (PAL, SECAM) Studio does it $21.00 Laminator/Heat Press NA Movie screen $5.00 Audio Cassette Dupl. $1.00/ copy Customer provides blank cassettes (video and audio),film and lamination supplies. *STUDIO COPYING/IRANSFERRING PHOTO/VIDEO STUDIO RENTAL Page 14 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 Photo Studio-not staffed $20.00 member non-members pay add'1 daily access fee COMPUTER OPEN STUDIO TIME Macintosh G3 or Compaq 266 Mhz PC $12.00/hr. (includes use of Adobe Photoshop,PageMaker and non-members pay Illustrator software with Epson Color Stylus an add'1$10.00 daily printing-prints purchased separately) access fee MEMBERSHIP One day/one visit pass-$10.00 $15.00 Annual Individual Membership (12 months) $30.00 Annual Family Membership (12 months) $40.00 EDINA SENIOR CENTER FEES Golf League Membership (Richards Golf Course) $10.00 55+ Softball League Membership (Van Valkenburg) $35.00 Volleyball League Membership NA Bowling League Membership $10.00 Edina Senior Center Membership $16.00 Greeting Cards $1.00 Trips &Tours $2.50 Defensive Driving $19.00 4 hr.class $24.00 8 hr. class Elder Learning Institute Classes $17.00 Dance Lessons (Square,Line &Tap) 15%of fee Card Tournaments $1.00/person Social Card Groups $.25 per person per day Podiatrist $1.00/Patient Community Educations $2.00/person per class per day ROOM RENTAL Fireside Room&Classrooms per hour-minimum 2 hours $35.00 Fireside Room&Classrooms per day $135.00 Gathering/GRANDVIEW Room per hour-minimum 2 $45.00 hours Gathering/GRANDVIEW Room per day $185.00 Wall Art Display Rental 15%of Sale EQUIPMENT RENTAL Television/VCR/DVD $10.00 Overhead Projector $5.00 Portable Screen $5.00 Motion carried on rollcall vote-four ayes. *YEAR END FORECAST PRESENTED Motion made by Member Masica and seconded by Member Housh approving the Year End Forecast for 2004 as presented. Motion carried on rollcall vote-four ayes. Page 15 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 PETITION RECEIVED REQUEST FOR SIDEWALK ON HALIFAX AVENUE BETWEEN 51sT AND 54TH STREETS Member Masica requested the petition request for sidewalk on Halifax Avenue between 51St and 54th Streets removed from the consent agenda for further information. Mr. Hughes said the petition was received on December 14, 2004, with the normal response to acknowledge receipt of the petition and refer it to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility. After the feasibility study is completed, it would be presented to the Council. If the Council chose, a date for a public hearing would be set and individual mailed notices are sent to property owners in the subject area. Engineer Houle said the department has not begun the field work on the project and he believes that would take approximately two months to complete. Mr. Hughes noted that a couple letters have been received removing their signatures from the petition as presented. He noted that if other letters are received removing their signatures that would be taken into consideration during the engineering feasibility study. Theresa Firletti, 5336 Halifax Avenue, commented that the proposed sidewalk is too expensive and she questioned whether road reconstruction is even necessary. Mayor Maetzold again noted that no study has been done. Mr. Houle noted that the engineering department would look at average daily trips on the roadway and determine if the project is feasible. Art Heim,5205 Ridgewood Drive,said he owns property at 5101 Halifax.Sidewalks would: 1) need to be cleaned, 2) present a potential liability, 3) present parking concerns, 4) be expensive, and 5) residents do not want them. Mary Hassler, 5133 Halifax, said she signed petition but does not see the benefit of sidewalks. She said the problem in the area is traffic and lack of traffic enforcement. Linda Carlson,5105 Halifax,voiced opposition to sidewalks and stated sidewalks would diminish the charm of the area. She stated the problem is traffic speed and volume. Randy Hassler, 5133 Halifax, inquired if the general consensus is that no one wants sidewalks, is completing a study even necessary. Member Maetzold said the American way is the ability to petition government for what they want. He added that the Council has adopted a study on sidewalks for safety reasons and would install them wherever possible. Sherry DuMond, 5033 Halifax, said completing the study does not seem necessary when the majority of the residents do not want sidewalks. She said the problem is traffic speeds and sidewalks create a false sense of security. John Crist,5324 Halifax Avenue, voiced his support of sidewalks and said they are the'civilized' way to go. He said sidewalks would be a logical installation during the street reconstruction. Ted Allen, 5216 Halifax, said he not speaking for or against the merits of sidewalks but requesting that street reconstruction not be done piecemeal. Mr. Houle again stated that the engineering department would be doing a complete analysis of the area. Member Masica made a motion accepting a petition dated December 14, 2004, signed by 25 property owners requesting installation of sidewalk along Halifax Avenue between 51St and 54th Page 16 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 Streets and referring the petition to the Engineering Department for processing as to feasibility. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Housh,Hovland,Kelly,Masica,Maetzold Motion carried. RIDGE ROAD CONSTRUCTION HOMEOWNERS Betsy Robinson, 5021 Ridge Road, said there are 23 homes on Ridge Road and there are 23 signatures on the presented resolution stating they do not want to be included in the City's re-pavement plan. She elaborated that the road is not uniform and at some points is a country lane. One issue in the area is storm water drainage and uneven elevations and residents have spent their own money to alleviate the problem. She suggested Ridge Road be removed from the re-pavement plan. Ridge Road neighbors can work out the problems and maintain the essence of the road. Engineer Houle said staff would analyze the presented resolution and present a feasibility study. He added the issue could be before the Council in the spring. Mayor Maetzold reminded the Council that recently a short street was before the Council for re- surfacing and they were told that if the project were delayed, the price would only increase in later years. Salvador Mendoza, 5117 Ridge Road, voiced support of the neighborhood resolution. He suggested Ridge Road be resurfaced not reconstructed and would allow water to drain naturally and gravitate to catch basins. Mr. Mendoza said he wanted the Council to be aware that the residents of Ridge Road would be taking a proactive approach to the project. Ann Rutledge,5116 Ridge Road, indicated she believed that at the Engineering informational meeting that a decision would be reached at this meeting. Mr. Houle reiterated that the City is about a month behind schedule and due in part because of the public's input on the projects. Ms. Robinson inquired when the issue would be on the agenda. Mayor Maetzold noted once a hearing date is set,residents would receive notices. No formal Council action was taken. AUDITOR'S COMPLIANCE FORMS - PUBLIC OFFICERS' INTEREST IN CONTRACTS Manager Hughes reminded the Council that the City has selected a new Auditor. He asked that the Council sign Auditor's Compliance Forms, Public Officers' Interest in Contracts forms that have been requested by Malloy,Montague,Karnowski,Radosevich and Company,P.A. (MMKR). No formal Council action was taken. DATES TO CALENDAR Manager Hughes noted that an official recognition has been planned for Mayor Maetzold and Council Member Kelly, at Braemar Club House on Thursday, January 20, 2005, from 5:00 to 7:00 P.M. Mr. Hughes indicated that a Work Session would be held at 5:30 P.M.,January 18, 2005. Mr. Hughes said a point in the Southdale Corridor Study has been reached for the Council and the Planning Commission need to meet. He suggested Saturday, January 29, 2005, at the Senior Center from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon. Page 17 Minutes/Edina City Council/December 21,2004 There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Maetzold declared the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. 1- Ci Clerk Page 18