HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-24 Council work Session MINUTES OF THE STUDY SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2007 Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 11:30 A.M. in the Community Room of Edina City Hall. Answering rollcall were: Members Bennett, Housh, Swenson and Mayor Hovland. Absent was Member Masica. Staff present included: Gordon Hughes, City Manager; Heather Worthington, Assistant City Manager; Ceil Smith, Assistant to the City Manager; Cary Teague, Planning Director; Dan Cornejo, Planning Consultant; Dave Showalter, URS Corporation; Roger Knutson, City Attorney; Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Marketing Director; Wayne Houle, City Engineer; and Debra Mangen, City Clerk. Roger Knutson, City Attorney, briefly gave a legal overview of the process involved in updating the Comprehensive Plan: • Per statute the Planning Commission and Planning Staff hold the responsibility of drafting the update. • Planning Commission holds hearing on Draft Plan. • Draft Plan submitted to adjacent communities for comment. • Draft Plan will be subject to public comment period. • City Council approves Draft Plan for submission to Metropolitan Council. • Metropolitan Council reviews Draft Plan for substantial departures from Metropolitan Systems i.e. sewer, water, airports - 120 day period. • Metropolitan Council authorizes implementation. • City Council adopts Plan by a 4/5 affirmative vote after Metropolitan Council authorizes. • Following adoption of the updated plan the City has nine months to bring its zoning regulations into compliance with the plan. Mr. Knutson pointed out the Comprehensive Plan is an overview for the community. He stated the Comp Plan should be the macro view with the detail in the zoning ordinance. Dan Cornejo, Planning Consultant, stated the Council had already adopted its 20/20 Vision which was where the Comp Plan Task Force started to gain the community-wide perspective. He noted the Comp Plan was not neighborhood planning but was the larger view of the City. Mr. Cornejo reviewed the community meetings already held (12-04-06, 3-21-07) and noted two more were scheduled for May and October of 2007. He explained the Comp Plan Task Force had completed three workshops (01-24-07, 02- 21-07, 04-18-07), had one scheduled (05-16-07) with two more to be announced. He pointed out the Mayor's State of the City address in February included the Comp Plan, and that the City Council was participating in its second work session, the first being held in September of 2006, with future session to be determined. Concluding, Mr. Cornejo explained the "listening session" where area residents can request the Comp Plan Task Force to present to their group the work completed thus far on the update. He noted seven listening session have been held, with two more scheduled, and added it was hoped to receive citizens requests every week for sessions. Mr. Cornejo Minutes/Special Edina City Council/April 24,2007 reiterated that the plan was not a new Comprehensive Plan, but an update to an existing plan as required by statute. Dave Showalter, URS Companies stated this was a way to educate citizens about themselves and neighbors regarding the relevant issues facing the community. He said it was important to step outside of the individual and get a broader view when looking at the plan. Mr. Showalter shared his observations of issues held by citizens: • Many people are fearful of change: "we need to preserve our quality of life". • Height of (proposed) buildings is still an issue. • Many people presume that traffic can only get worse. • The Edina community is ageing, and we need to provide more diversity of housing types to provide more choices. • Other (nearby) cities seem to be leaders in new development, while we seem to be lagging behind. Following the informational presentations, the Council and staff discussed: what has been learned thus far from the informational meetings, the difference between the Comprehensive Plan and small area plans, the potential for redevelopment and new development to impact traffic both positively and negatively, desire for re-investment in community both in residential and commercial areas, life cycle housing, sustainability of the community, the possibility that 90% of the existing land use will stay exactly the same, the role of mixed use development and the pros and cons of mixed use developments, density, traffic, and the need to find an economic land use balance. Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 1:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Debra Mange , Cit# Clerk Page 2