HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-12-19 HRA Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL DECEMBER 19, 1995 A joint meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the City Council was convened to consider concurrently: 1)Grandview Area Planning Study by the Hoisington, Koegler Group, Inc. (HKGi), 2) Preliminary Plat for Kunz/Lewis Addition (5200 Eden Circle and 5220 Eden Avenue), 3) Preliminary Rezoning-PID Planned Industrial District to POD-1 Planned Office District (5229 Eden Avenue), Laurent/Park Development, Office Park Redevelopment and 4) Final Development Plan for Kunz Parts Plus Warehouse ( 5200 Eden Circle). Action was taken by the HRA and Council as recorded. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners/Members Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith and Richards. JOINT HRA/COUNCIL GRANDVIEW AREA PLANNING STUDY PRESENTED: PUBLIC HEARINGS HELD: PRELIMINARY PLAT KUNZ/LEWIS ADDITION, 5200 EDEN CIRCLE AND 5220 EDEN AVENUE: PRELIMINARY REZONING-PID. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO POD-1 - PLANNED OFFICE DISTRICT: AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, KUNZ PARTS PLUS WAREHOUSE, 5200 EDEN CIRCLE: VARIOUS PLANNING MATTERS CONTINUED • Affidavits of Notice were presented, approved and ordered placed on file. Following due notice given, a public hearing was conducted. Director Hughes reminded the HRA and Council that the subject property is generally located south of Eden Avenue and west of the railroad tracks.After the October 16, 1995, meeting, staff retained a planning consultant to review plans for the Lewis/Kunz Oil property. On December 4, 1995, Michael Schroeder, Vice President of Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. (HKGi), and Chief Designer of the project, presented concept plans for the area. Director Hughes explained that Fred Hoisington, of HKGi was present tonight to present more detailed plans. Director Hughes noted that after the HRA reviewed the HKGi plans, the Council will consider proposals for the private redevelopment of a portion of the area including: 1) the replat of the Kunz Oil/Lewis Engineering properties; 2) the redevelopment of the Lewis Engineering property with offices, and; 3) the renovation and expansion of the Kunz Oil warehouse. Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan Director Hughes briefed the HRA/Council concerning the Grandview Area Redevelopment Plan which was adopted in 1984.The Plan was preceded by the Grandview Area Traffic Study which was incorporated into the Redevelopment Plan. Since its adoption, several elements of the public • portion of the Plan have been completed: • Link Road Reconstruction and Signalization • Closure of Vernon Eden/Sherwood Intersection • Consolidate Jerry's/Norwest Bank/Union Oil Access • Vacate Summit Avenue • Demolish Public Works Garage and Reconstruct Public Parking Ramp/Public Works Facility • Grandview Area Streetscape Project I Additionally, several private redevelopments have occurred: • SuperAmerica Reconstruction • Jerry's Shopping Center and Office Expansion • Vernon Terrace Apartments • Summit Place Apartment • Washburn McReavy Renovation • Grandview Tire Redevelopment • Biltmore Bowl Redevelopment Director Hughes explained the Redevelopment Plan identified the area south of Eden Avenue as characterized by "non-conforming uses, obsolete buildings and incompatible land uses." Goals promoted by the Redevelopment Plan included"to undertake land acquisition, parcel assembly and parcel disposition necessary to eliminate certain substandard and non-conforming uses and buildings, to assemble logical, conforming and more efficient building sites." The Plan also noted that public acquisition of property would be kept to a minimum, but in some cases public acquisition may be necessary. Policies Concerning Tax Increment Financing (T.I.F.) • Director Hughes explained that the City and HRA have been involved as a public partner in several T.I.F. programs in addition to the Grandview Area. Although no formal written policies concerning T.I.F. have been adopted, limits have been placed on the use of T.I.F. to: 1) Providing a public asset such as a park, parking ramp or public amenities; 2) Providing affordable housing; and 3) Acquiring properties which are unsafe or grossly inappropriate for their surroundings. Alternatives for Study Area Director Hughes explained that after reviewing the study area in light of our T.I.F. policies, neither a public asset would be provided nor an unsafe or grossly inappropriate land use would be eliminated by virtue of the public assuming an aggressive role in this redevelopment. However, he noted the City could further the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and the Grandview Redevelopment Plan by pursuing the redevelopment of these properties for housing. Upon this basis, HKGi has been directed to refine two illustrative development plans for the study area. The first plan illustrates the private redevelopment proposed by Kunz/Parts Plus and Laurent/Park Development. The modified plans by HKGi reflect their recommendations as to access and building arrangement. The last illustrative plan depicts a variation of the Laurent/Park plan for the Lewis Engineering • property and a portion of the Kunz Oil property with the balance of the Kunz Oil property as well • as other properties south of Eden Avenue redeveloped for attached housing. The housing plan furthers the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and Redevelopment Plan and provides better separation of commercial and residential traffic. Significant public involvement would be necessary in the form of financial assistance for the housing component and acquisition of private property (in some cases this may require condemnation).Approximately$3+million of T.I.F. assistance may be required to complete the housing alternative. Required Actions Director Hughes explained that the Council must take certain actions at the December 19 meeting due to requirements of State law which concern the Preliminary Plat for the Kunz/Lewis Addition and the Final Development Plan for Kunz Parts Plus. The Council may decide to continue the Laurent/Park Rezoning for an additional 60+ days if it so desires. As to the Preliminary Plat and Final Development Plan, Director Hughes explained the City Council must either 1) approve or deny the plat, 2) approve or deny the final development plan or 3) receive consent from the parties at interest to continue the matter to a future date. Alternatives If recommendations of HKGi are pursued with respect to the private plans of Laurent/Park and Kunz Parts Plus, Director Hughes suggested a continuance should be considered until January • 16, 1996, allowing the developers opportunity to respond to revisions of the plans. Staff would recommend denial of the plat and final development plan if a continuance were not approved. Director Hughes explained that if Council were to pursue the housing plan, staff would recommend denial of the plat and final development plan. Council should then direct staff to prepare financial analyses and a feasibility report concerning such a project. Public Comments Chairman/Mayor Richards opened the hearing for public comments. John Menke, 5301 Pinewood Trail, representing the Richmond Hills Neighborhood Association, stated the private redevelopment plan has been reviewed by the neighborhood association in several versions. They have some concerns regarding traffic and height, but the basic proposal is livable to the Association. The housing plan is another matter. Mr. Menke expressed concern that the number of living units more than doubled, that the neighborhood association has not had the opportunity to review the housing alternative and would need more time than 30 days to review. He thought the neighborhood association could support the private development plan, but would like to see a cul de sac at Eden Circle instead of a through street. Chris Moran, Laurent Parks Development Team, stated Monday was his first opportunity to review the Hoisington plan. This is about the ninth different plan seen for the site. Mr. Moran agrees with almost every plan seen so far. Their team is more than happy to work with the City and neighborhood to develop a mutually agreeable plan. Their only problem with the revised private development plan is that the City would be taking land away and Laurent could not meet parking requirements. Ted Giannobile, 5244 Eden Circle, TSE office building south of the Kunz/Lewis site expressed • concern regarding parking with any of the proposed alternatives. He asked that the developers and Council consider their parking needs. If the housing plan is pursued what is to become of TSE's building. Walter Kunz, 5200 Eden Circle, stated that where the Laurent people generally approved of all the plan variations, this last variation offers him some concern. The partial removal of the Kunz building is an issue because of the way the building was constructed. Mr. Kunz could remodel their building as previously proposed and still have exterior walls existing, however, moving the walls back twenty feet requires replacing the entire north face of the building. Mr. Kunz also questioned the loading dock design with semi's backing in at an angle. Sealing off Eden Avenue is a concern because this would require semis to make loops within parking lot. Mr. Kunz indicated his desire to participate in discussions regarding the revised development proposal, but felt the necessity of stating his concerns. Commission/Council Comments Chairman/Mayor Richards asked Mr. Hoisington for clarification of whether or not a cul de sac would work if the private development plan is pursued, where the proposed cul de sac would be located, and if the housing plan were pursued would condemnation by the City be necessary? Mr. Hoisington replied that three scenarios are possible for street access in this area: 1) a total cul de sac; 2) providing some access to the TAGs building off the cul de sac; or 3) keeping Eden Avenue • as a through street. Further, Mr. Hoisington stated the housing plan would use the Lewis and Tags sites. Commissioner/Member Maetzold asked for more information regarding the public participation if the housing plan were chosen. Director Hughes responded that the housing plan at the proposed density would not support the current land value of the properties and that public participation would be twofold. First, using the City's or HRA's power of eminent domain, if necessary, the properties would be acquired. Secondly, the land cost would probably need to be written down through a tax increment financing process to make the land affordable for residential use. A very preliminary review of the land shows the value at approximately $25,000- $30,000 per residential unit, but to be offered as "affordable housing" the value needs to be approximately $7,000 per residential unit. Commissioner/Member Smith expressed his opinion that this is not the timg or place for the City to invest taxpayers'funds in the residential plan. The burden of providing "affordable housing"falls too heavily on the taxpayers, therefore he recommended focussing on the private redevelopment with the current owners working with both the neighborhood association and the planning consultant to achieve a workable plan. Commissioner/Member Kelly stated that while she is committed to providing more lower income housing she agrees with Commissioner/Member Smith's rationale supporting the private • redevelopment plan instead of the housing plan. Commissioner/Member Kelly asked Fire Chief Paulfranz about the safety issue if a cul de sac is developed at Eden Circle. Chief Paulfranz replied that the department always favors multiple accesses, however, he indicated he had not reviewed the proposed cul de sac design. Chief Paulfranz indicated that in other similar circumstances safety concerns have been satisfied with proper street sizing and alignment. Commissioner/Member Maetzold indicated his preference for the housing plan which he felt upheld the spirit of the Grandview Redevelopment Plan developed in 1984. Commissioner/Member Maetzold favored the combination of office and housing over the office/warehouse development because it offers good transition to the existing residential neighborhood. The housing plan also offers an opportunity to further our livable communities housing goals. Commissioner/Member Paulus commented that.this site is very difficult to work with since developers are unable to work with raw land. Commissioner/Member Paulus advised any redevelopment will not be perfect due to the prohibitively high land cost and the road encumbrance on the site, therefore she indicated her preference for the private development plan. Chairman/Mayor Richards reiterated his support of the private development plan over the housing plan for all of the previously stated reasons also observing that the Council has a number of times turned down residential plans for the property south of Eden. Chairman/Mayor Richards added it makes sense to utilize the land similarly to what currently exists with modifications to the zoning • from Industrial to and Office on the north portion of the southerly site. Chairman/Mayor Richards commented that many issues need to be addressed as indicated by Mr. Hoisington's report. He expressed hope that the developer would be sensitive to all the issues in view of the magnitude of the rezoning request. Chairman/Mayor Richards concluded Council consensus appears to focus on the private plan for the Kunz/Lewis property. Chairman/Mayor Richards asked Mr. Kunz whether he would consent to continuing action on his final development plan proposal and the preliminary plat of the Kunz/Lewis Property until January 16, 1996. Mr. Kunz stated that he understands that the Council is focusing on the private development plan for the property. In light of this focus then Mr. Kunz agreed to extending the date for action until January 16, 1996. Chairman/Mayor Richards asked Mr. Moran if he agreed with the direction Council is taking regarding the property understanding that Council will act at its January 16, 1996 meeting. Mr. Moran replied that Gordon Lewis is technically still the owner of the property, however, Mr. Moran had been given authority by Mr. Lewis to agree to continuing action until January 16, 1996. Mr. Kunz stated he also had a letter from Gordon Lewis extending Council's time for action fifteen days. Mr. Kunz said when he arrived at the Council meeting and saw the January 16, 1996 date for action he phoned Mr. Lewis who gave him verbal authority to use his best judgement regarding • the continuance. Mr. Kunz indicated his acceptance of the January 16, 1996 action date. Member Maetzold moved to continue until January 16, 1996, action on the Preliminary Plat request of the Kunz/Lewis property,5200 Eden Circle and 5220 Eden Avenue and the Final Development Plan, Kunz Park Plus Warehouse, 5200 Eden Circle as consented to by Mr. . Walter Kunz and Mr. Gordon Lewis. Ted Giannobile asked that he be included in redevelopment discussions relative to his parking issues. Chairman/Mayor Richards replied that Mr. Giannobile's parking issue is a private matter and not one that the City can be involved in. Member Kelly seconded the motion. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. Member Kelly moved to continue until January 16, 1996,action on the Preliminary Rezoning Request from planned Industrial District-PID to Planned Office District, POD-1, 5220 Eden Avenue. Member Smith seconded the motion. Member Smith asked Attorney Gilligan if any extension was necessary on the rezoning request. Attorney Gilligan stated that the rezoning request did not need an extension. Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS ADOPTED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to adopt the Consent Agenda as presented. Rollcall: . Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. *MINUTES OF THE HRA MEETING OF DECEMBER 4. 1995. APPROVED Motion was made by Commissioner Smith and was seconded by Commissioner Kelly to approve the HRA Minutes of December 4, 1995. Motion carried on rollcall vote-five ayes. CLAIMS PAID Commissioner Smith made a motion to approve payment of the following claims as shown In detail on the Check Register dated December 13, 1995, and consisting of one page totaling $244,300.64. Commissioner Kelly seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Kelly, Maetzold, Paulus, Smith, Richards Motion carried. There being no further business on the HRA Agenda, Chairman Richards lared the meeting adjourned. Executive Director •