HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-02 HRA Regular Meeting AGENDA
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota
Tuesday, July 2, 1974, at 7:30 P.M.
Edina City Hall
1. Roll Call.
2. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting, Held June 19, 1974.
3. Recommendations and Reports.
A. Selection of Consultants.
B. Report Re: Citizens Advisory Commission Meeting
C. Progress Report: Feasibility Studv
4. Adjournment.
1. Roll Call: Charles 1.7. Freeburg, Chairman
Gary B. Lyall
James W. Nelson
Lawrence W. Rixe
William F. Greer
Staff Present: Greg Luce, Executive Director
Tom Erickson, City Attorney
Lynnae Nye, Secretary
David Schnobrich, Intern
2. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting, Field June 4, 1974.
Mr. Rixe moved the minutes of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority
meeting held June 4, 1974, be approved as written. Mr. Greer seconded the notion, and
upon roll call the following voted:
A_ves: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Lyall, 11r. Freeburg, Mr. Rixe, Mr. Greer.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
3. Recommendations and Reports.
4 (The "H.R.A. Goals" (agenda item C) were considered prior to the "Table of
Contents of the Feasibility Plan" (item A) and the "Report Regarding Tax Increment
Tar. Shift" (item B).)
C. H.R.A. Goals.
Mr. Luce presented a list of seven goals for the 50th and France area, which
. consolidates the goals and recommendations of the individual H.R.A. me:,.ibers, the
experts contacted, the Chamber of Commerce, businessmen, and the neighhor^ood.
Following a discussion of the goals, Par. Lyall moved to adopt the amended
list of eight goals and a preamble, as follows:
It is the intent of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota, to
meet all of the following goals, however, these goals do not mandate t^at a redevelop-
ment action be undertaken, rather, that a thorough, pragmatic, and creative study be
1. Study thoroughly the history and trends of this area and other similar commercial
areas to determine the scone, direction, and theme prior to determ_J-ing physical
changes for the study area.
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2. Provide a general improvement to the utility and roadway system which will reduce
congestion and improve circulation in the business district.
3. Create a separation between the business district and the residential district
while establishing both physical and psychological barriers to future commercial
encroachment into residential neighborhoods.
4. Encourage participation in an advisory capacity of all affected groups or agencies,
especially surrounding neighbors and the City of Minneapolis, in every stage of
planning and implementation.
5. Improve the human aspects of the commercial district such as pedestrian traffic
flow, walkways, and safety, elimination of improper signaoe and overhead utilities
and other forms of blight, and landscaping.
6. Provide an attractive physical and economic environment within the neighborhood
center concept and thereby attempt to increase viability and the variety of goods
and services offered.
7. Proceed with implementation only after a'fiscal determination has been made which
projects only a negligible property tax impact on property outside the district,
which will pay itself off within 20 years, and which will be a long term physical
and fiscal benefit.
8. Implement the plan so that the least di-sruption to businesses, consumers, and
residents occurs while pursuing as rapidly as possible the physical completion of
the project.
Mr. Nelson seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Nelson, tor. Lyall, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Rixe, 'Mr. Greer.
Plays: bone.
Motion carried.
The Authority generally agreed the goals outlined are needed to define what
they are setting out to accomplish and to establish some parameters in order to
-proceed in an organized manner; if circumstances change, however, they would recognize
that a re-examination of those goals would be in order, with possible subsea_uent
A. Table of Contents of Feasibility Plan.
Mr. Luce presented and read the table of contents of the feasibility plan,
clarified that a statement of assumptions can be made oniv after the statement of con-
''._tions has been completed; if the assumptions can work within the goals outlined,
then the statement of feasibility would be to that effect, and experts should then
-e emplo,red to pursue the project. The statement of conditions and the statement of
::ssumntions would he done by the city staff.
Considerable discussion ensued regarding a survey of the attitudes of all of
the landowners, leasees, and businessneople in the 50th and France area. tor. Dick
ltz, '400 West 50th Street, suggested the survey include all of the small businessmen
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and professional people and be done by an unbiased marketing research group in
conjunction with the statement of conditions. I`_r. Luce felt this type of survey would
be an unwarranted delay at this point because letters encouraging the Authority to
pursue a redevelopment project have been received f;^om all of the property owners
except three (Standard Oil, National, and Lund), and the tenants have had several
opportunities to voice their opinions if they objecr or foresee any problems. He
agreed to mail each of the tenants and property o hers a statement of the H.R.A. 's
goals and ask them to respond if they have an op—=on. The Authority generally agreed
the letters received are adequate documentation at this time, but an independent and
objective survey should be done in conjunction with the market study after the feasibility
report is completed so the effect can be measured against the specific plan and the
additional information that will be made available.
Mr. Rixe moved the feasibility report table of contents be adopted, amended
as follows:
1. Statement of Conditions
1.) Traffic Circulation and Cono7estion
2.) Parking
3.) Building
4.) Residential Compatibility
5.) Taxes
6.) Aesthetics
2. Statement of Assumptions
1.) Size of Project -
2.) Cost of Project
3.) Tax Generated by Project
4.) Taxes and Future Tax Generation
5.) Bonding and Financing L.1--Fe
3. Statement of Feasibility and =ff Recommendation
Mr. Lyall seconded the motion, and upon rn?1 call the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Freeburg, "Ir. Rixe, Mr. Greer
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
B. Report Regarding Tax Increment Tax S _=t.
Mr. Luce clarified that any money the school district cannot raise because
of a tax freeze is made up by Hennepin County, so :he tax shift would include all of
the taxpayers in Hennepin County and not just t^ose in the Edina School District.
D. Citizens Advisory Commission.
Pursuant to an announcement in the Edi^a and a resolution adopted by
the H.R.A. at its last meeting, Mr. Freeburg read t-e list of seven people, as follows,
proposed to comprise the steering, committee o-c the Citizens Advisory Commission.
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Sam Thorpe, Jr. Dick Wiltz
5517 Woodcrest Drive 4400 West 50th Street
Edina, Minnesota 55424 Edina, Minnesota 55424
Mr. Bright Dornblaser Pars. Clinton Schroeder _
4630 Drexel Avenue 4917 Arden Avenue
Edina, Minnesota 55424 Edina, Minnesota 55424
Mr. Thorton P. Anderson Mr. Robert Lafferty
4402 Sunnyside Road 6829 Valley View Poad
Edina, Minnesota 55424 Edina, Minnesota 55435
Mrs. Pam Keating
6901 Dawson Lane
Edina, Minnesota 55435
Mr. Lyall moved the seven people named be appointed, subject to their assent,
to the steering committee of the open-ended Citizens Advisory Commission. Mr. Nelson
seconded the motion, and upon roll call -the following voted:
Aves: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. pine, Mr. Greer.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
Mr. Freeburg noted he and one other H.R.A. member would meet with the Citizens
► Advisory Commission on Tuesdays,- June 25, 1974, at 7:30 P.M. at the Edina City Hall.
E. Selection of Consultants.
Mr. Luce reported he will be compiling a list of Qualified consultants and
their background and experience for submission at the next re.gular H.R.A. meeting so
the Authority will know who is available and able to administer a project of this
Considerable discussion followed regarding the advantages and disadvantages
of a comprehensive team versus an independent engineer, planner, architect, etc. , who
would work together on the project. Mr. Luce felt a comprehensive tear, experienced
in redevelopment projects and preferably tax increment finance projects, would be the
most desirable.
Discussion was held regarding the role of the City of '!ir_neanolis and its
goals for this area. Mr. Lyall suggested official documentation be kept of all
correspondence relative to the 50th and France business district between the City of
Edina and the City of Minneapolis and between the Edina H.R.A. and the Minneapolis H.R.A.
�:. Adjournment.
No further comments heard, Mr. Lyall moved the meeting be adjourned. Mr.
?lelson seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted:
1 Aves: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Lyall, 'Mr. Freeburg, Mr. r i.xe, "r. Greer.
?lays: Bone.
Notion carried. tleetinF Adjourned.
pesp-IFully .- � rni.tted,
Gre� I,uce, -.executive Rrector