HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-01 HRA Regular Meeting AGENDA
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
Edina, Minnesota
Tuesday, July 1 , 1975 , at 7 : 30 P .M.
Edina City Hall
1. R 1 Call. )
2. Rec mmendations and Reports .
A. Property Acquisition - Twin City Federal .
B. Urban Design Presentation - BRW.
C. Cooperative Agreement - Unpaid Special Assessments .
D. Second Quarter Fiscal Report .
E. Report on Construction Management .
F. Bids for General Contractor.
G. 'Status of Lunds .
3. Adjournment .
1. Roll Call: Charles W. Freeburg, Chairman
Lawrence W. Rixe
William F. Greer
Gary B. Lyall
Staff Present: Greg Luce, Executive Director
David Schnobrich, Project Planner
Lynnae Nye, Secretary
2. Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting, Held May 6, 1975, and
Adjourned to May 12, 1975.
Mr. Lyall moved the minutes of the H.R.A. meeting held May 6, 1975, and
adjourned to May 12, 1975, be approved as written. Mr. Freeburg seconded the
motion and upon roll call the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Rixe, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Greer.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
3. Recommendations and Reports.
E. Property Acquisition.
Mr. Luce recalled that because Mr. Robert Sykes of the 50th and France Twin
City Federal office is a member of the businessmen' s steering committee, was
chairman of the 50th and France businessmen's committee, and has continually
supported the project, he did not anticipate any problems in acquiring an option
on the TCF property needed for the north side ramp. After reviewing the ramp
design and option request, however, Mr. Neil Solberg, the TCF development
coordinator, asked for three allowances; namely, an opening in the rear of the
ramp directly across from the TCF entrance, information about the area's loading
and unloading facilities, and a covered walkway between the ramp and the buildings
along the north side of 50th Street. The loading and unloading information was
supplied, and Mr. Solberg was informed that the requested rear ramp opening would
be incorporated into the ramp design. However, when it became apparent the
affected property owners would not agree to a full assessment for a covered walk-
way, Mr. Solberg suggested the ramp be constructed underground; he was then informed
that an underground ramp would not be feasible because the construction and
maintenance costs would be prohibitive due to excavating,. utility, lighting,
safety, sprinklering, and other factors.
Mr. Luce stated that although he had been promised a hearing before the TCF
"building committee", he was informed earlier that day (6-3-75) by Mr. Solberg
that he and Mr. Harvey Kuhnley, president of Twin City Federal, had decided the
three level ramp was unacceptable and they would therefore not sell the property
needed to construct the ramp. Mr. Luce stated that in an attempt to procure a
reversal of that decision, a letter from Warren C. Hyde, the City Manager, will
be prepared and sent to Mr. Kuhnley requesting an opportunity to present the ramp
design plans and explain the H.R.A. 's point of view. He noted that a resolution
authorizing condemnation proceedings will be needed if that attempt is unsuccessful.
6-3-75 H.R.A. Minutes, page 2
Lengthy discussion followed regarding Twin City Federal's decision not to sell
and their reasons for that decision, the condemnation process, alternatives to
condemnation including postponement or abandonment of the north side ramp construc-
tion, and the effect of those alternatives or pursuit of condemnation procedures
on the ramp construction timetable. Mr. Luce recommended the H.R.A. authorize
condemnation of the TCF property. He explained it is imperative that that parking
be made available before the Peterson Appliance and former Lunds grocery stores
are remodeled and upgraded. The possible establishment of a sanitation district
and time limits on certain parking stalls were also discussed.
Mr. Rixe stated he would be reluctant at the present time to offer a resolution
authorizing condemnation based on the amount of information available, and he
feels it would be premature to authorize that action until one last effort has been
made to resolve the differences and reach a meeting of the minds. He suggested
the letter from Warren Hyde to Mr. Kuhnley be sent as soon as possible, and if
that effort to gain a reversal fails, then a special meeting could be called to
authorize a resolution of condemnation. All generally agreed.
A. N.S.P. Contract for Undergrounding.
B. Northwestern Bell Telephone.
Mr. Luce explained that N.S.P. has agreed to accomplish the undergrounding of
utilities on the north side for $13,000 if the City of Edina will make the cuts in
the blacktop and resurface it. The charge for work to be done by the Edina Public
Works Department is estimated to be approximately $8,000, and Northwestern Bell
will charge $1,000 to connect their transformers to the buildings which do not now
exist. He noted that although $88,000 was budgeted for undergrounding of utilities
in the entire project area, the total cost for the north side should not exceed
After brief discussion, a motion authorizing the expenditure of $13,000 to
N.S.P. , $8,000 to the City of Edina, and $1,000 to Northwestern Bell ($22,000 total)
for the undergrounding of utilities on the north side of 50th Street was made by
Mr. Lyall and seconded by Mr. Greer. Upon roll call the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Rixe, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Greer, Mr. Freeburg.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
A motion authorizing signature of the N.S.P. undergrounding contract for $13,000
was then made by Mr. Lyall and seconded by Mr. Greer. Upon roll call the following
Ayes: Mr. Rixe, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Greer, Mr. Freeburg.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
C. Edina Electric.
Mr. Luce informed the Authority that there will be an unanticipated cost of
about $1,000 to extend the electrical lines from the transformers to the construc-
tion limits 'of the ramp and to the present liquor store site. He explained that
Edina Electric Co. has been selected to extend those lines because that company will
be installing service to the former Lunds grocery store, TCF, and other buildings
in the area. No action taken.
6-3-75 H.R.A. Minutes, page 3
D. North Side Ramp - Advertisement for Bids.
Mr. Luce presented a flow chart of activities for construction of the north
side parking ramp. He stated that the method of bidding in two phases (first
for the precast concrete panels and then for the general contractor) was suggested
by the ramp designer because production of the precast panels requires 10 weeks
of shop work and design.
After brief discussion, a motion authorizing the advertisement of bids for
the precast concrete panels for the north side ramp was made by Mr. Rixe and
seconded by Mr. Lyall. Upon roll call the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Rixe, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Greer, Mr. Freeburg.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
Mr. Tom O'Connell, 4825 Townes Road, suggested the H.R.A. serve as the general
contractor and hire a construction manager, then bid each item separately to
subcontractors. The Authority generally agreed that that procedure may cause
considerable savings, and instructed the Executive Director to investigate that
F. Resolution Allowing Executive Director to Pay Claims.
Mr. Luce requested clarification on the procedure he should follow in paying
claims. He explained that at the present time all checks must be signed by either
the chairman or vice-chairman and by the Director or Executive Director.
After discussion, Mr. Rixe moved that any two of the following, the Executive
Director, Director, or Finance Director, be authorized to sign checks and pay .
claims of less than $10,000 for previously approved contracts; checks for claims
of $10,000 and over must be processed according to the present procedure. Mr.
Greer seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Rixe, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Greer, Mr. Freeburg.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
Mr. Rixe then moved that a list of disbursements (a list of the check numbers,
the amounts, and who the checks were made payable to) be prepared and submitted
to the H.R.A. on a quarterly basis. Mr. Lyall seconded the motion, and upon roll
call the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Rixe, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Greer, Mr. Freeburg.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
G. Next Meeting Date.
Mr. Luce requested the H.R.A. postpone their regular July meeting date from
July 1 to July 7 in order to better expedite the flow chart of activities for
construction of the north side parking ramp.
All generally agreed to meet on July 7 rather than July 1, 1975. Mr. Freeburg
again noted that a special meeting may be called the week of June 9 to authorize,
6-3-75 H.R.A. Minutes, page 4
if necessary, condemnation of part of the Twin City Federal property.
H. Revised Budget.
Mr. Luce presented a revised budget as requested by the H.R.A. No action was
I. Mr. Luce presented copies of an environmental assessment for the 50th and
France Commercial Area Redevelopment Project, prepared by Mr. Gordon Hughes,
the Environmental Planner, and Mr. Fran Hoffman, the Assistant City Engineer,
in connection with the city/county application for Community Development funds.
No action was taken.
J. Mr. Gary Lyall announced that he must resign from the H.R.A. effective
June 13, 1975, because he will be leaving the community to pursue other career
interests. On behalf of the H.R.A. , Mr. Freeburg expressed their regret and thanks
for Mr. Lyall's outstanding contribution and service.
3. Adjournment.
No further discussion being heard, Mr. Rixe moved the 6-3-75 H.R.A. meeting
be adjourned at 9:45 P.M. Mr. Freeburg seconded the motion, and upon roll call
the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Rixe, Mr. Lyall, Mr. Greer, Mr. Freeburg.
Nays: . None.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
�Y 4—c-�
Greg Luce, Executive Director
1. Roll Call: Charles W. Freeburg, Chairman
James W. Nelson
Frederick S. Richards
Lawrence W. Rixe.
Staff Present: Greg Luce, Executive Director
David Schnobrich, Project Planner
Robert C. Dunn, City Engineer
Lynnae Nye, Secretary
Mr. Luce announced that Frederick S. Richards was appointed to the H.R.A. by the
Edina City Council to replace Gary Lyall, who resigned. Mr. Richards signed the
Oath of Commissioner of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota.
2. Recommendations and Reports.
A. Property Acquisition - Twin City Federal.
Mr. Luce recalled that in response to a letter from Warren Hyde, the City
Manager, to Harvey Kuhnley, president of Twin City Federal, a meeting was held
with Mr. Kuhnley and Neil Solberg, the director of development for TCF, on June 17th
to explain the project and ramp design in greater detail and to ask them to
reconsider their decision not to sell the property needed to construct the north
side parking ramp. Mr. Kuhnley indicated again at that time that Twin City
Federal could not agree to sell the land and the H.R.A. would have to condemn the
property in order to acquire it. Mr. Luce stated that in a conversation with Mr.
Kuhnley the day after that meeting and in a follow-up letter, he indicated the
H.R.A. would probably enter into condemnation, and he made two requests on behalf
of the H.R.A. Those requests were: 1. that the H.R.A. 's attorneys be allowed to
use TCF's abstract and update it to draft the proper condemnation certificate; and
2. that TCF waive the right of trespass and grant Edina a permit to enter onto
their property at 50th and France to construct the parking ramp. Mr. Luce added
that TCF has also been asked to grant Edina an easement for the underground utilities.
No response to any of these requests has been received as yet.
The June 17th meeting with Mr. Kuhnley and Mr. Solberg was briefly discussed.
The design and construction alternatives suggested by TCF were reviewed; Mr. Luce
explained the building and maintenance costs would be prohibitive due to the
existing locations of a storm sewer and gas main and due to the lighting, drainage,
safety, and other factors involved.
After lengthy discussion, Mr. Nelson moved the following resolution, authorizing
condemnation of the TCF property needed for the north side parking ramp, be adopted.
Mr. Rixe seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Richards, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Rixe.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
WHEREAS, it is necessary, advisable, and in the public interest that
the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina, Minnesota ("H.R.A.") , a body
politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, acquire for public
6-19-75 H.R.A. Minutes, page 2
parking and utility purposes, and pursuant to the redevelopment plan entitled
"50th and France Commercial Area Plan," dated December 3, 1974, adopted by the
H.R.A. on December 11, 1974, and approved by the City Council of the City of Edina
on December 16, 1974, property within the 50th and France commercial area; and
WHEREAS, in order to accomplish such purposes, it is necessary for the
H.R.A. to acquire the following described property:
The South Half of Lot 34 and the East 13 feet of the South Half of
Lot 35, Auditor's Subdivision Number 172, Hennepin County, Minnesota,
except that part thereof lying South of a line drawn parallel with
and 126.0 feet North of the South lines of said Lots 34 and 35, all
according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota;
WHEREAS, the efforts of H.R.A. to purchase said property have been
unsuccessful; and
WHEREAS; by reason of the inability of the H.R.A. to purchase said
property, it has become necessary to procure the same by the right of eminent domain.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of Edina, Minnesota, proceed to procure the above described property
under its right of eminent domain; and that the attorneys for the H.R.A. be instructed
and directed to file the necessary petition therefor and to prosecute such action
to a successful conclusion, or until it is abandoned, dismissed, or terminated
by the H.R.A. or by the Court; and that the attorneys for the H.R.A. , the Director
and Executive Director of the H.R.A. , and the Chairman and Secretary of the H.R.A.
do all things necessary to be done in the commencement, prosecution, and successful
termination of such eminent domain proceeding.
ADOPTED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Edina this 19th
day of June, 1975.
by (s) Charles W. Freeburg
Its Chairman
and (s) L. W. Rixe
Its Secretary
B. Cooperative Agreement - 50th and France Improvements.
Mr. Luce presented a proposed cooperative agreement between the H.R.A. and the
City of Edina for the 50th and France redevelopment project improvements. He noted
it provides in part that the City will sell the south side ramp to the H.R.A. for
the cost of the outstanding special assessments on that ramp; the H.R.A. will then
add two levels to it and sell it back to the City of Edina.
Mr. Rix& moved the cooperative agreement be approved and executed as presented.
Mr. Nelson seconded the motion.
6-19-75 H.R.A. Minutes, page 3
Mr. Dunn, the City Engineer, questioned whether the H.R.A. would pay the full
unpaid balance on the ramp assessment of a property owner in arrears. All
generally agreed the intent of the cooperative agreement would preclude payment
of any delinquent balance on that special assessment. Mr. Luce agreed to consult
Tom Erickson, the City Attorney, to determine whether the agreement should be
modified to address that concern.
Mr. Freeburg recalled Mr. Rixe's earlier motion to approve the cooperative
agreement was seconded by Mr. Nelson. Upon roll call the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Rixe.
Nays: None.
Mr. Richards abstained. Motion carried.
C. Environmental Assessment - 50th and France.
Mr. Luce recalled that an environmental assessment for the 50th and France
redevelopment project was distributed at the June 3rd H.R.A. meeting.
Following brief discussion, Mr. Rixe moved the environmental assessment be
approved as written. Mr. Nelson seconded the motion and upon roll call the
following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Rixe.
Nays: None.
Mr. Richards abstained. Motion carried.
D. Authority to Exercise Options - Lunds.
Mr. Luce recalled that options have been obtained at the 'appraised value
for three properties needed for the north side parking ramp. He requested authority
to exercise those options at this time.
In reply to Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Luce clarified that Howard Shenehon did the
appraisals. The cost will be $3.60 per square foot, for a total cost of $160,000.
After brief discussion regarding the proposed purchase price, Mr. Nelson moved
the Executive Director be given the authority to exercise the three options between
Kruse, Lund, and Edina Properties, Inc. and the Edina Housing and Redevelopment
Authority, and the chairman and secretary are thereby authorized to execute those
options. Mr. Rixe seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Richards, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Rixe.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
E. July Meeting Date.
Noting the timetable for bids on the construction of the north side ramp has
been slightly modified, Mr. Luce requested the July meeting date be rescheduled
to July 1. All generally agreed the July H.R.A. meeting should be held as regularly
scheduled on July 1, 1975.
6-19-76 H.R.A. Minutes, page 4
F. Authority to Negotiate and Receive Easements.
Mr. Luce informed the Authority that easements will be required over several
properties in order to accomplish the proposed street, walkway, and utility
improvements. He noted that no additional cost is anticipated, but the easement
forms will require signatures.
After brief discussion, Mr. Rixe moved the Executive Director be authorized
to negotiate and enter into the requisite easements for street, pedestrian, and
utility purposes. Mr. Nelson seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following
Ayes: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Richards, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Rixe.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
G. Mr. Luce briefly reviewed the most recent plans for the northwest quadrant
of 50th and France, including sketches of the proposed street furniture, land-
scaping, and lighting, and the proposed treatment of 50th Street, the pedestrian
areas, and the area around the ramp, particularly between the ramp and Twin City
Federal. He noted that a full presentation by Bather, Ringrose, Wolsfeld can
be expected at the July 1st meeting. No action taken.
3. Adjournment.
Mr. Rixe moved the special H.R.A. meeting of June 19, 1975, be adjourned at
1:10 P.M. Mr. Nelson seconded the motion, and upon roll call the following voted:
Ayes: Mr. Nelson, Mr. Richards, Mr. Freeburg, Mr. Rixe.
Nays: None.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully 4ubmitted,
A, Executive Greg Luc Director
June 27, 1975 MEMORANDUM
TO: Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority
FROM: Greg Luce, Executive Director
SUBJECT: Recommendations and Reports.
A. Property Acquisition - Twin City Federal.
Enclosed is a letter from Harvey Kuhnley to Chuck Freeburg which identifies
the TCF position. We have responded with the enclosed Chuck Freeburg letter.
Further discussions with TCF have evolved, and their position is that they will
give us the easements and permit to enter so that we can begin the ramp
construction on time, but they are still studying the matter of the value of
the land and condemnation.
B. Urban Design Presentation - BRW.
Bather, Ringrose, Wolsfeld, Inc. has completed preliminary graphics for the
north side urban design and will make a presentation on Tuesday night. I am
presently reviewing that set of graphics with other department heads of the City
and will bring to you their comments.
C. Cooperative Agreement - Unpaid Special Assessments.
Enclosed is a copy of the revised cooperative agreement per questions by the
H.R.A. at the last meeting. Please note that the section regarding unpaid special
assessments has been modified so that the H.R.A. will not subsidize landowners who
have not paid their taxes.
D. Second Quarter Fiscal Report.
Mr. Dalen, the Finance Director, is preparing a financial report per the
H.R.A. 's request. This report will be available Tuesday night.
E. Report on Construction Management.
Pursuant to the H.R.A. 's request, Bob Dunn and myself met with Knutson Corp.
and with another firm, Construction Management Services, Inc. , regarding the
value of construction management for the ramp. Both firms indicated that we have
in essence been acting as a construction manager and are too far along for a valued
input from a construction manager. It is therefore our recommendation that a general
contractor be used as earlier proposed and that the prestressed contract be
assigned to the general contractor.
F. Bids for General Contractor.
According to our time schedule, we should bid for the general contractor on
July 8th and have that bid run for three weeks in the newspaper. The ramp consultant
Memo to H.R.A.
June 27, 1975
Page 2
has indicated that his specifications and drawings will be prepared on time.
The staff therefore requests that it be authorized to advertise for bids for
the general contractor of the north side ramp (Project P-3) .
G. Status of Lunds.
Lunds' are presently in working drawings for the remodeling of their former
grocery store, and have met with the building inspector several times regarding
a building permit. Construction on the remodeling should begin shortly.
Please recall that the pre-bids for the prestressed concrete and sealing are due
July 11th, and the H.R.A. has agreed to meet on July 14th to review and approve
a bid. This meeting should be adjourned to that date.
d'"I '
June 24 , 1975
Mr. Charles W. Freeburg
Chairman, Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of Edina
Edina City Hall
Edina, Minnesota
Dear Mr. Freeburg:
You have requested that Twin City Federal give up its present parking
lot behind our 50th and France office for construction of a parking ramp and
grant easements across our other property for installation of underground
We will reluctantly agree to these requests, not because we are opposed
to either of them but because we feel the overall redevelopment project will ,
unalterably change the character of the 50th and France community from the
present one and two-story pedestrian neighborhood shopping center to a city-
like atmosphere with emphasis on amenities for automobiles rather than for people.
As you know, Twin City Federal and its Edina office, which has been
located near the corner of 50th and France for twelve years , has been a strong
supporter of efforts to improve the business district for the benefit of the
business community, our revenue-producing commercial tax base and above all,
for the citizens of Edina who make use of the corner facilities .
This support has included efforts to improve the area by construction in
1971 of a substantial new Twin City Federal building and community room,
participation with the City in the early 1970' s to improve parking in the lots
behind our building and the buildings of our immediate neighbors , and in planning
additional multi-level parking facilities on the site of our present. lot.
We have not changed our philosophy, but we have strong reservations
about the advisability of amending the proposed plans from a ramp ten feet high -
well below the roof line of existing buildings - to a ramp thirty feet high, extending r
well above the roof line of all present structures in the area.
Mr. Charles W. Freeburg
June 24, 1975
Page Two
Admittedly we are not happy with the fact that the new ramp plan would j
totally obscure our building on two of its present exposed three sides. However,
in the interest of improved parking for all businesses and shoppers , we can
submerge our individual pride in a structure which we feel has been a significant
recent addition to the over-all character of the neighborhood.
But it is the neighborhood with which we are most concerned. Gradual
evolution of a shopping district from one-story to multi-story and from locally
operated shops to multi-outlet franchise operations is perhaps inevitable and,
while a poor substitute for over-all planning and design, is still acceptable to
neighbors and patrons . Revolutionary change, however, in the form of a massive ,
concrete monolith towering above the individual shops is less acceptable , parti-
cularly when it is done without public hearings by the city council and other
agencies involved. There have been no such hearings since the plan was modified
from a ten-foot structure to a thirty-foot structure and we feel the people have a
right to such hearings when so large and so lasting a change is involved.
There is a saying among architects that "we design our buildings, there- �!
after they design us. "
Considering the deterioration of central business districts throughout the
United States and the enormously costly efforts being made in cities such as
Minneapolis and St. Paul to upgrade the appearance and attractiveness of shopping
areas - with green space, recreation facilities , and other amenities such as '
playgrounds, fountains , parks and benches for shoppers to ease their tired feet
and to create a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere - we question the wisdom of
erecting a three-story parking ramp in the very heart of our local community and,
in fact, see such a structure as a step backward and a repetition of mistakes
older and larger communities have made in the past and are paying dearly for in
the present.
Before proceeding with a modification such as this , we urge the Edina
Housing and Redevelopment Authority to make the changed proposals fully known
to the business community and neighborhood and, thereby, subject it to considered
public and governmental scrutiny as a major change in plans. We do not believe
that the additional level and change of design contributes sufficiently to the
increase in parking to justify the additional expense in esthetics or dollars,
particularly when much of the anticipated loss of non-peak traffic parking space
is due to the constriction of 50th street by removal of two of the four lanes of
Mr. Charles W. Freeburg
June 24, 1975
Page Three
In summary, we do not believe erection of the tallest and by far the
largest building in the area to be constructed, at public expense, should be
embarked upon in haste by a few with the strong possibility that many will
repent at leisure over the course of the next fifty years , and we urge that an
alternative parking solution - partially underground or in some other less
obtrusive fashion - be explored, carefully planned, and approved by the
public at large.
I need not remind you that my family and I have lived near the corner
of 50th and France for many years and my concern as a resident is equal to
my concern as a representative of Twin City Federal.
Harvey M. Kuhnley�
President -
cc: James Van Valkenburg, Mayor, Edina
Warren C. Hyde, City Manager, Edina
Members , Edina Village Council
Greg Luce, Edina City Planner
Sun Newspaper
c•r'r��,.1/ +zs �\ 1 ^'K •-'� T
June 25 , 1975 927-8861
Mr. Harvey M. Kuhnley, President
Twin City Federal Savings and Loan
801 Marquette Avenue
Minneapolis , Minnesota 55402
Dear Mr. Kuhnley:
We are pleased that Twin City Federal has agreed to sell its
property and grant easements to the Edina Housing and Redevelop-
ment Authority. I am enclosing a set of documents to fulfill
these purposes , and have instructed our staff to pursue the
acquisition with Mr. Solberg from your office.
I agree in many respects with the concerns expressed in your
June 24th letter regarding the height of the ramp . Because of
these concerns a month was spent meeting with our design and ramp
consultants and with the businessmen' s association and steering
committee. It was the concensus that the change in ramp height
was dramatic but necessary to fulfill the parking demands of the
area . Prior to approving the increased height of the ramp , assur-
ances were sought and received from the design consultant that a
softening and blending of structures was possible and attainable .
This was ordered as was the heightening of the ramp .
VThile the H.R.A. communicates often and openly with the City
Council through its staff and directly , the prime responsibility
for redevelopment decisions rests with the H.R.A. We have attempted
to gain maximum participation in decision making by posting our
agendas, extensive mailings of minutes and agendas , and having our
staff discuss the project with all interested civic and cultural
groups . The H. R.A. is proud of this effort , and many excellent
ideas and public support have been the result .
Our staff has been instructed to examine the other concerns stated
in your letter and work toward their resolution with Mr. Sykes or
any other delegate you so choose. I look forward to a good working
relationship and mutual satisfaction in regard to the redevelopment
program with Twin City Federal and yourself.
Mr. Harvey M. Kuhnley
June 25 , 1975
Page 2
We are immediately concerned with the timing of development , and
must work around our construction season and Christmas demands .
We therefore request your attention to the option and easements ,
and we will pursue a review of the concerns stated in your letter.
Charles W. Freeburg,
Edina Housing and
Redevelopment Authority
cc James Van Valkenburg, Mayor
Warren C. Hyde , City Manager
Members , Edina City Council
Members , Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Greg Luce , City Planner
Robert Sykes , Edina Twin City Federal
Sun Newspaper
(50th and France Commercial Area Improvements No. 1975-HRA-1)
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 8th day of April,
1975, by and between the CITY OF EDINA, a Minnesota municipal corporation
a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota
WHEREAS, the H.R.A. , by resolution dated December 11, 1974, and
Edina, by resolution adopted December 16, 1974, did adopt and approve, respec-
tively, the 50th & France Commercial Area Plan dated December 3, 1974 ("Plan") ,
for a redevelopment project in the 50th and France commercial area ("Project
Area"); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to, and in order to implement, the Plan, certain
public improvements, consisting of streets, roads, traffic control devices,
pedestrian walks, plazas, and special lighting, including undergrounding of
overhead utilities, parking lots, ramps, and land acquisition ("Improvements") ,
are to be done in the Project Area, a portion of which Improvements will be
paid for by tax increments produced by the Project Area, and a portion of
which Improvements will be paid for by assessments made by Edina against
property within the Project Area; and
TMEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 429 and 462, and
Section 459.14, Edina did give notice of a public hearing on the necessity
and feasibility of constructing the Improvements, at which hearing, on
April 7, 1975, Edina did duly adopt a resolution authorizing the construction
of the Improvements, including all proceedings that may be necessary in
eminent domain for the acquisition of necessary easements and rights for .
construction and maintenance of the Improvements, and did also determine that
the Improvements are to be done under a cooperative agreement with the H.R.A. ,
all as set out in the resolution of Edina adopted April 7, 1975, and entitled
"Resolution Ordering Improvement No. 1975-HRA-1" (the "Resolution") ; and
WHEREAS, the H.R.A. has been active in the creation and implemen-
tation of the Plan, and it is desirable that one governmental body be in
charge of the Project Area and the development of the Project Area, including
the construction of the Improvements; and
WHEREAS, by virtue of Minnesota Statutes, Section 471.59, Section
1 429.041, subdivision 5, Section 462.581, paragraphs (6) , (7) , and (8) , Section
462.445, subdivision 1, paragraph (5) , and subdivision 4, paragraph (2) ,
Edina and the H.R.A. have the power to enter into a cooperative agreement
for the making and performing of such Improvements by the H.R.A.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants
and agreements hereinafter contained, and other good and valuable consideration,
the receipt and sufficiency whereof are hereby acknowledged by each of the
parties hereto, Edina and H.R.A. do hereby agree as follows:
1. H.R.A. , in its own name, shall proceed with the construction
of all of the Improvements, including all proceedings that may be necessary
for acquisition, in its own name, by eminent domain or by direct purchase,
of the necessary easements and rights for construction and maintenance of
the Improvements, and including entering into, in its own name, all necessary
construction and service contracts, and shall do all things required, neces-
sary, or desirable to implement the Resolution and to complete the Improvements
thereby ordered, at the earliest possible time. All things done by the H.R.A.
pursuant hereto shall be done in compliance with the requirements and regu-
lations imposed upon the H.R.A. by Minnesota Statutes, Sections 462.411 to
462.711, inclusive (the "Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act") .
2. Funds required by the H.R.A. to perform its obligations pursuant
to paragraph 1 hereof shall be advanced by Edina to the H.R.A. upon written
request from time to time made by the H.R.A. Upon completion of the Improve-
ments, H.R.A. shall calculate the cost thereof and certify the same to Edina
so that Edina may proceed to assess such cost, or a portion thereof, pursuant
to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. All such costs not so assessed by Edina
shall be deemed loaned to the H.R.A. as of the date or dates such nonassessed
costs were advanced to the H.R.A. , and shall be repaid by the H.R.A. to
Edina on the same terms and conditions, including the rate of interest, as
set out in the Loan Agreement (1975) between Edina and the H.R.A. dated
November 5, 1974, for repayment of Allocated Funds, as defined in said Loan
3. In connection with the making and completion of the Improvements,
Edina hereby agrees to sell and convey to the H.R.A. , and the H.R.A. hereby
agrees to purchase from Edina, the parking ramp property now owned by Edina
in the Project Area and south of 50th Street (the "Parking Ramp") , on the
following terms .and conditions:
a. H.R.A. shall give written notice to Edina, at any time
from and after the date hereof and prior to completion of the Improvements,
requesting Edina to convey the Parking Ramp to the H.R.A. Said notice shall
specify a date of closing that shall be not earlier than five .(5) days nor
later than thirty (30) days after the giving of such notice.
b. On date of closing, Edina shall deliver to H.R.A. a duly
executed and recordable quit claim deed conveying the Parking Ramp in exchange
for funds to be paid to Edina by the H.R.A. in an amount equal to the then
unpaid installments of special assessments (but not including any delinquent
installments of special assessments) that were levied by Edina to pay -
for the cost of acquiring and constructing the Parking Ramp, including all
interest accrued and unpaid thereon up to and including the date of closing.
1 c. From and after the date of closing, H.R.A. shall assume
and perform all of the obligations and duties of Edina relative to the Parking
Ramp, including, but not limited to, payment of utilities, maintenance of the
Parking Ramp, and the regulation of the use thereof by all persons, including
employees of businesses in the Project Area; provided, however, that no
changes in the regulations established by Edina and in force on date of closing
relative to the use of the Parking Ramp shall be made without Edina's prior
4. Upon completion of the Improvements and prior to assessment
of the cost thereof by Edina, H.R.A. shall convey to Edina the Parking Ramp,
all street and utility easements, all surface parking areas, and all other
land and interests within the Project Area then owned by H.R.A. or in which
H.R.A. has an interest (together called the "H.R.A. Property") , such conveyance
to be made on the following terms and conditions:
a. The H.R.A. shall give to Edina written notice that it
desires to convey the H.R.A. Property to Edina, which notice shall specify
a date of closing that shall be not earlier than five (5) nor later than
thirty (30) days after the giving of such notice.
b. On date of closing, H.R.A. shall deliver to Edina duly
executed and recordable quit claim deeds and assignments, without warranties
of any kind, conveying and assigning to Edina all of the H.R.A. Property,
in exchange for funds to be paid by Edina to the H.R.A. in an amount equal
to twenty (20%) percent of the cost of the Improvements as calculated by
H.R.A. and certified to Edina pursuant to paragraph 2 hereof.
c. Edina, from and after the conveyance and assignment to it
of the H.R.A. Property, shall assume all obligations of the H.R.A. relative to
the H.R.A. Property, including, but not limited to, the maintenance and
repair of all of the H.R.A. Property and all improvements thereon or there-
under, payment of utilities, and regulation of the use of all parking facilities.
5. All notices, reports, or demands required or permitted to be
given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be
given when delivered personally to any officer of the party to which notice
is being given, or when deposited in the United States mail in a sealed
envleope, with registered or certified mail postage prepaid thereon, addressed
to the parties at the following addresses:
To Edina: 4801 West 50th Street
Edina, Minnesota 55424
Attention: City Manager.
To H.R.A. : 4801 West 50th Street
Edina, Minnesota 55424
'Attention: Executive Director.
Such addresses may be changed by either party upon notice to the other party
given as herein provided.
6. This agreement shall terminate upon completion and assessment
by Edina of the cost, or portion thereof, of the Improvements and completion
of the conveyances to Edina pursuant to paragraph 4 hereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument
to be duly executed as of the day and year first above written.
Accrued Budget Difference
Executive Director $ 4,483 $ 11,000 $ 6,517
Secretary 539 41000 3,461
Project Planner (100% project time) 5,762 11,000 5,238
Engineering, Financial, and other -2,507 4,000 1,493
$13,291 $ 30,000 $16,709
Design - Ramp $15,000 $ 20,000 $ 5,000
Planning 29,347 68,000 38,653
Engineering 1,638 12,000 10,362
Market Research 3,000 3,000
Legal 6,069 5,000 (1,069)
$52,054 $108,000 $55,946
Publications and Materials $ 400 400
Auto Expense $ 750 1,500 750
$ 750 $ 11900 $ 1,150
$300 per month at 12 months $ 11800 $ 3,600 $ 11800
$ 1,800 $ 3,600 $ 1,800
$67,895 $143,500 $75,605
( ) indicates red figure