HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-08-18 WSAGENDA CITY COUNCILWORK SESSION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA • COMMUNITY ROOM WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2015 5:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER IZi7���1_l� III. WEBER WOODS IV. BUDGET DISCUSSION V. WORK PLAN UPDATE VI. ADJOURNMENT • The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952- 927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Tues Aug 18 Work Session — Weber Woods 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Budget Discussion 6:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Work Plan Update 6:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Aug 18 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Sep I Work Session — Heritage Preservation Board 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Human Rights & Relations Commission 6:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Sep I Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Sep 7 LABOR DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Wed Sep 16 Work Session — Edina Community Health Commission 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Arts & Culture Commission 6:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Sep 16 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Oct 6 Work Session — Boards & Commission Annual Work Plans 5:00 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Oct 6 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Oct 20 Work Session — Business Meeting/Work Plan Updates 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Oct 20 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Nov 3 ELECTION DAY — POLLS OPEN 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 8:00 P.M. Wed Nov 4 Work Session — 2016-17 Budget/Finalize 2016 Work Plans 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Nov 4 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Wed Nov I I VETERANS DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Tues Nov 17 Work Session — 2016-17 Human Services Funding 6:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Nov 17 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Nov 26 THANKSGIVING DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Fri Nov 26 DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Dec I Work Session — TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM 0ues es Dec I Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS es Dec 15 Work Session — TBD 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Dec 15 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Thur Dec 24 CHRISTMAS EVE HOLIDAY OBSERVED — City Hall Closed Fri Dec 24 CHRISTMAS DAY HOLIDAY OSBERVED — City Hall Closed • • • o� e )� .,° 2014-15 City of Edina Strategic Priorities The City of Edina's mission is to provide effective and valued services, maintain a sound public infrastructure, offer premier public facilities and guide the development and redevelopment of lands, all in a manner that sustains and improves the uncommonly high quality of life enjoyed by our residents and businesses. Our vision is to be the preeminent place for living, learning, raising families and doing business distinguished by: • A livable environment • Effective and valued city services • A sound public infrastructure • A balance of land uses, and • Innovation The City of Edina is known for excellent city services and sound fiscal management. Our ongoing work will contribute this to tradition. In addition to our core services, the Council has identified six priorities for the 2014-15 biennial budget in support of our mission and vision: • Community Vision • Infrastructure • Commercial and Mixed Use Redevelopment • Workforce • Communication and Engagement • Aviation Noise These themes will guide our organization as we identify projects and prioritize our work. 1 Community Vision Description Key Performance Indicators A clear vision of a desired future will help focus our daily efforts • A Vision Plan will be in place prior to next Comprehensive and sustain a high quality of life. A vision for the community Plan update. through the year 2040 that reflects the unique character, values . 1200 citizens involved in a community process to create a and priorities of our citizens and stakeholders will be developed. vision. Broad community participation will be central to our effort and critical to its ultimate success. • Future • Values • 2040- or date certain in the future • Priorities Goals Progress Report as of June 30, 2015 Identify consulting partner by 3/1/14. (Admin) Completed. Council work session was held in January to clarify goals. Consultant RFI was issued in March. Future IQ selected as consultant in June. Complete visioning process by 12/1/14. (Admin) Completed. Held "think tank" workshop scheduled for September 9 and 11 with 110 participants. Community outreach included five public sessions and over 30 meetings hosted by individuals or outside organizations. Collected over 591 surveys. Approve community vision by 3/1/15. (Admin) Completed. Final version of Vision Edina Strategic Vision and Framework Report approved at May 19, 2015 City Council meeting. Other: No update. infrastructure Description Key Performance Indicators The City is committed to preserving and expanding infrastructure 0 Construction Fund structural deficit eliminated by 3/1/20. systems to maintain reliability and quality, and to meet the • Centennial Lakes TIF spending plan adopted and demands of expansion and redevelopment. This will be implemented by 12/31/15. 0 0 0 • • • accomplished through a long-term financing plan that balances • Municipal facilities upgrade scope finalized by 12/31/15. prudence and community expectations. • 25,000 feet of bicycle improvements and 5,200 feet of • Financing sidewalks are completed each year. • Preservation • Expansion Goals Progress Report as of June 30, 2015 Convert a half million in unreserved General Fund balance to Completed. The 2015 adopted budget includes significant operating budget by tightening revenue and expenditure estimates increases in general fund revenue estimates, license and permit and increasing construction fund line item over the two year revenue in particular. The adopted budget also allocates an period. (Finance) additional $625,000 of the property tax levy to fund equipment replacement in the construction fund. Meet with Utility companies once each year to assess future plans Engaging in on-going discussions with all utility companies to and to advocate for interests of Edina residents and businesses. continue assessing future plans. (Engineering) Complete physical evaluation of all City buildings and facilities in Completed. A physical evaluation of all City buildings and order to develop a comprehensive maintenance plan and facilities has been completed. In conjunction with the Energy and replacement schedule by 6/30/14. (Public Works) Environment Commission Building subcommittee, preparations are being made for a comprehensive maintenance and replacement plan that focuses on energy efficiency improvements. Complete Living Streets Plan by 12/31/14 Living Streets Plan adopted. The Sidewalk Facilities Map was and related projects: (Engineering) approved by Council and will amend the Comprehensive Plan. France Ave pedestrian crossings by 12/31/14 France Ave pedestrian crossings project is complete. The light 54th Street by 12/31/14 pole installation was delayed but has been completed. Tracy Avenue plan by 12/31/15 Compensation for the delay is 2.5 free lights. 54th Street Project is under construction. Tracy Avenue Project from Benton to TH62 is scheduled for an engineering study in 2015 and construction in 2016. Engineering met with residents on Septembers 2014 and June 2015 to discuss our typical street reconstruction process. Also conducted a kick- off meeting on December 19 with the fire and public works departments to determine key requirements of the project. Complete driving range and cart path projects at Braemar Golf Driving Range and Par 3 renovation will begin on July 7, 2015. The Course by 12/31/15. (Parks & Rec) Braemar Master Plan was approved on June 2, 2015. Complete Parks Master Plan by 12/31/14 (Parks & Rec) The Park Strategic Plan was presented to the City Council on June Key Performance Indicators 17. Final City Council adoption is expected by the end of the third • Public parking capacity at 50th and France is increased by quarter of 2015. Adopt and implement Centennial Lakes TIF spending plan by The 2015-19 CIP includes infrastructure projects anticipated to be 12/31/15 (Admin) funded with remaining increment from the Centennial Lakes TIF facility by 12/31/14. District. Finalize southeast Edina sanitary sewer capacity study by 4/1/14 Completed. Study has been completed and will be used for CIP for inclusion in the CIP. (Engineering) planning purposes. Complete construction of the sports dome by the end of 2014. Construction will be completed by July 24, 2015. (Parks & Rec) • TIF Other: No update. Commercial and Mixed Use Redevelopment Description Key Performance Indicators Development and renewal of commercial and residential areas is • Public parking capacity at 50th and France is increased by essential to the on-going health of the city. The City will focus on 20%. The perception of parking availability at 50th and France the 50th & France and Grandview areas to create maximum is improved. Ground broken for redevelopment of parking positive impact. Tax increment financing and other tools will be facility by 12/31/14. used to provide incentives to develop in ways consistent with the . Grandview redevelopment plan executed with final public City's land use, transit, density and health goals. space plan by 12/31/15. • 50th & France • France Ave pedestrian plan improvements completed by • Grandview 12/31/14. • TIF • Redevelopment roadway improvements substantially 0 Transit/Land use/Density/Health completed for Hazelton by 12/31/14. Goals Progress Report as of June 30, 2015 Complete plans to expand North Ramp and plan improvements at Restoration work to parking ramps, streetscape & wayfinding other ramps by 12/31/14. Complete ramp projects by 12/31/15. system was substantially completed in October 2014. Punch list (Admin) items and warranty repairs will be completed within the 1 -year warranty period. Bids for south ramp elevator were rejected due to excessive cost. Expansion plans for North Ramp discussed in Q2 with design and implementation anticipated in 2016-2017. Implement ramp demand management system by 5/31/14. Completed. Significant changes to employee permit parking (Admin) policy and fees were implemented in May 2014 with minor 0 0 0 adjustments implemented in January 2015. Complete small area plan for Wooddale and Valley View by WVV small area plan kickoff meeting was held on June 18. Small 12/31/14 and Cahill and 70th Street by 12/31/15. area planning team members were appointed in July and Peter (Admin/Community Development) Musty LLC selected as the consultant in July. Two community workshops were held on October 11 (Discover) and November 8 (Dream), as well as a community update on December 3. WVV Small Area Plan was approved at April 7 Council meeting. Adjacent Community review period ended the end of June. Plan submitted to Met Council for review. Approve redevelopment plan for former public works site by In progress. Collaborative planning partnership with Frauenshuh 7/1/14; complete project by 12/31/15. (Admin) solidified in November 2014. Community engagement process began in December 2014. Multiple options for mixed-use / public- private development presented in May 2015. Additional detail being researched with additional direction anticipated in Q3 2015. Approve redevelopment agreement with the School District for the The City and SD273 approved joint agreement to work current School District bus barn site by both the City and the cooperatively in March 2014. Funding for bus garage relocation is School by July 1, 2014. (Admin) included in successful May 2015 referendum. Timing is dependent on the pace of School District. Work with 50th and France property owners on redevelopment The owners of 3939 W. 50th building anticipate remodeling the projects. (Admin) fagade in summer 2015. The facade of the Edina Liquor store will also be updated at that time. Walgreen's owner also considering changes with direction sought in Q3 2015. Outline development goals and incentives related to sustainability, Given the Planning Commission's heavy work load, this issue has health and transit/connectivity by 12/31/15. (Community Dev) not been addressed in detail. Negotiations continue it as part of a PUD. This has been placed on the 2015 work plan again to provide clear direction on what the city would like to achieve in these areas. Addressed part of this issue in the Valley View Wooddale Small Area Plan, by adopting principles that address buildings that "engage the street," to allow buildings up to the street and making connections to sidewalks. Staff has also worked with the housing foundation in developing an affordable housing policy. This also is a development goal of the PUD Ordinance. Master redevelopment plan for Pentagon Park approved by Preliminary site plan approval and PUD zoning was granted in 12/31/14. (Comm Dev) March 2014. A full TIF redevelopment agreement was completed in May 2014. The developer continues to move ahead with redevelopment plans for each portion of the site. The south parcel was cleared in December 2014, ahead of original schedule. Developer is starting to consider first phase; anticipation of late 2015 for a full rezoning. Staff continues to meet with the developer twice per month. They are getting close to proceeding with the first phase of development and an overall master redevelopment plan. There is a potential that process will begin in the fourth quarter of this year. Other: In addition to the scheduled workload, staff has helped advance several redevelopment projects, primarily in the Greater Southdale area. Many new commercial projects were approved in 2014 and are in various stages of construction. Highlights include: Think Bank — Grand Opening November 2014. Onyx mixed-use on York Ave — PUD approved in 2014, site assembled in October 2014 and cleared in November 2014. Full construction anticipated in late summer 2015. 6500 France — senior housing granted final approvals in Nov 2014 with construction initiated in Spring 2015. 7151 York / Yorktown Continental apartments — remodel of existing high rise and new building approved in 2014. Remodeling has begun. New construction anticipated in 2015. 66th & France medical office — approved in 2014 with completion summer 2015. 66 West transitional housing — approved in October 2014. Construction anticipated in 2015 or 2016 (waiting for funding) New restaurant at 7690 France — approved in 2014. Construction anticipated in 2016. Staff continues to work with developers, architects and owners on other redevelopment projects. They include: 7200 France mixed-use — completed sketch plan review in 2014; Project is on hold pending development of guiding principles. Galleria shopping center—owners anticipate expansion and renovation, likely in 2015/2016. Lincoln Corporate Center (Lincoln Ave & Bren Road) — Children's Hospital is contemplating occupancy in the existing buildings for lease. Southdale Housing — Housing contemplated in the northeast corner of Southdale. NW Corner of 66th and York — Developers are considering a housing/mixed use project on the old Titus and Eberhardt properties SE Corner of 66th and York — Developers are also considering development on the old Best Buy site. Workforce Description Key Performance Indicators High quality service delivery requires skilled employees who are • Affordability of family insurance improves to meet average properly deployed. The City supports high performance staffing for comparison cities by end of 2016-2017 budget cycle. 0 0 0 • • • approaches and the recruitment and retention of well-qualified • Customer service evaluation scores on 2015 Quality of Life employees. To support these efforts, the organization will provide Survey continue to be 90% or better positive ratings with competitive compensation and benefits packages. "excellent" ratings increasing to 30%. • Staffing and resource allocation • An employee engagement baseline measurement is • Recruitment & retention established through an employee engagement survey • Compensation and benefits Goals Progress Report as of June 30, 2015 Restructure employee benefit program by 9/1/2014. (HR) Complete. HR has worked with the Employee Advisory Committee to make significant changes for 2015 benefit to shift contribution dollars towards higher insurance costs (Le. family/dependent coverage). The result is a significant increase in affordability of health insurance for all full-time employees. We have also ensured that all full-time employees will receive long-term disability coverage. We are in the process of evaluating our benefits for part-time staff. Allocate $150,000 in operating budget each benefit year towards Completed. our benefit plans. (Finance) Develop employee engagement survey and measure every two Completed. Results have been shared with City staff and follow years starting in 2014. (Admin) up action items were identified for 2015 work plans. Develop and implement customer service standards and related Six customer service training sessions have been conducted, and training organization -wide by 12/31/15. (Admin) approximately half of all full-time employees have participated in the training. The goal is to have all FT employees trained by year end. Starting in 2016, training with be offered quarterly for new hires. Incorporate defined values into hiring process by 3/1/14 and Edina IQS hiring process was developed and reviewed with ELT. performance management system by 3/1/15. (Admin/HR) HR led a training session on values -based hiring for managers. The first group of employee volunteers was trained in September of 2014 and a second group was trained in June 2015. IQS interviews are now being incorporated into the hiring process. A new performance review has been developed that incorporates an evaluation of employee IQS. All managers of full-time staff will be trained on the new system in September. All full-time employees will be trained in the fall. Develop standard onboarding and leadership training by 12/31/15. All new full-time employees are now attending customer service (Admin/HR) training as part of the onboarding process. Leadership training for incorporating IQS into performance reviews is scheduled for September. Other: No update. Communication and Engagement Description To clearly understand community needs, expectations and opinions, the City will consistently seek the input of a broad range of stakeholders in meaningful and interactive communication. Efforts to engage the community will utilize multiple platforms, be informative, transparent, responsive, and will involve volunteers and city commissions. • Coordinated • Multi -platform • Strategic • Transparent • Two-way, interactive, inviting • Accessible • Comprehensive, informative • Timely Goals Host and promote Speak Up Edina topic monthly. (CTS) Use "telephone town hall" meeting or live social media chat at least once per year. (CTS) Develop plan to promote City Extra by 3/1/14 and implement by 6/1/14.(CTS) Key Performance Indicators • At least 85% of residents will continue to respond positively when asked if they felt they could have a say in local government in the 2015 Quality of Life Survey. • Residents will continue to prefer a City communications tool as their primary information source for City news in the 2015 Quality of Life survey. • The number of City Extra subscribers will increase by 25% from 8/1/13 to 12/31/15. • 90% of participants on boards, commissions, advisory groups and task forces rate their overall experience positively. • Ten neighborhood associations will be recognized by 12/31/15. • Registered users of City of Edina websites or fans/followers will increase by 20% from 8/1/13 to 12/31/15. Progress Report as of June 30, 2015 Successful online discussions have been held since January 2014. Communications Coordinator reports survey results and participation each month to the City Council. Monthly discussions have spawned other discussions, including parking at 501h & France, the Capital Improvement Program and repurposing of Fred Richards Executive Golf Course. State of the Community held in February and March 2014 and February and March 2015. A live town hall meeting was held December 6, 2014. The Council is encouraged to hold another live town hall meeting in the fall of 2015. The entire "City Extra" email system was converted from Penteon to Mail Chimp in March 2015. The tool has already seen rapid H. • growth. As of July 24, 2015, there are 25,677 City Extra subscriptions. Identify and train communication coordinators in each department An internal Communications Advisory Team (CAT) was formed to by 6/1/14. (CTS) aid the Communications staff and met for the first time in March Develop and implement survey for volunteer participants and exit Completed. Developed and implemented survey for departing surveys for board and commission members by 3/1/14. (Admin) board and commission members and shared results with Council. Will be using the same survey for Grandview CAT, Braemar Task Force and WVV Small Area Planning Team as these citizen advisory groups complete their service. Other: Workshop for residents interested in organizing a neighborhood held on May 17. Note: The Key Performance Indicator for "Registered users of City of Edina websites or fans/followers will increase by 20% from 8/1/13 to 12/31/15" has largely been met. Growth is still needed for the City Facebook page. www.EdinaMN.gov Aug. 1, 2013 July 8, 2015 2015. Staff members from all City departments are part of the 2,241 12,048 CAT. The group plans to meet quarterly and is scheduled to meet again July 30. Train key City staff on public engagement methods by 12/1/14. July 8, 2015 No update. (Admin) 943 253.2% Prioritize needs for mobile apps and implement at least one The City launched its first mobile app, Edina To Go, in June 2014. mobile reporting app by 7/1/14. (CTS) July 8, 2015 The requests for service reported through the app feed into the existing work order system in the Public Works Department. Since launch, the app has been downloaded 1,290 times. Develop and implement survey for volunteer participants and exit Completed. Developed and implemented survey for departing surveys for board and commission members by 3/1/14. (Admin) board and commission members and shared results with Council. Will be using the same survey for Grandview CAT, Braemar Task Force and WVV Small Area Planning Team as these citizen advisory groups complete their service. Other: Workshop for residents interested in organizing a neighborhood held on May 17. Note: The Key Performance Indicator for "Registered users of City of Edina websites or fans/followers will increase by 20% from 8/1/13 to 12/31/15" has largely been met. Growth is still needed for the City Facebook page. www.EdinaMN.gov Aug. 1, 2013 July 8, 2015 Change 2,241 12,048 +437.6% SpeakUpEdina.org July 17, 2013 July 8, 2015 Change 267 943 253.2% Social Media Site July 29, 2013* July 8, 2015 Change 14 Aviation Noise Description I Key Performance Indicators Changes in flight patterns from the Minneapolis -Saint Paul • Achieve an outcome generally acceptable to the City. International Airport over the community negatively affect the • Relationships with neighbors are not negatively impacted quality of community life. We are committed to influencing the by efforts. 10 0 0 0 City Twitter 3,212 5,340 +66.3% Scott Neal Twitter 127 (Oct. 25, 2013) 455 +258.3% City Facebook 5,453 6,519 +19.5% Braemar Arena 310 614 +98.1% Braemar Golf Course 442 738 +68.1% Braemar Field (started in 2014) 104 n/a Centennial Lakes Park 1,577 3,405 +115.9% Edina Art Center 552 848 +53.6% Edina Aquatic Center 759 1,215 +60.1% Edina Liquor 200 432 +116% Edina Senior Center (started in 2014) 27 n/a Edinborough Park 2,817 4,690 +66.5% Nextdoor users 5,158 n/a Aug. 1-31, 2013 June 1-30, 2015 YouTube channel views 4,733 6,052 27.9% YouTube subscribers 116 244 110.3% * Unless otherwise noted Other: In 2015, the Communications & Technology Services Department has also started using Instagram and Periscope. As of June 30, we have 113 Instagram followers and 50 Periscope followers. Aviation Noise Description I Key Performance Indicators Changes in flight patterns from the Minneapolis -Saint Paul • Achieve an outcome generally acceptable to the City. International Airport over the community negatively affect the • Relationships with neighbors are not negatively impacted quality of community life. We are committed to influencing the by efforts. 10 0 0 0 outcome of decisions, mitigating the impacts to the community, • New positive relationships with MAC, FAA and the airlines and working with our neighboring communities to find the best are established. possible solutions. • Mitigating impact • Influencing outcome • Working with/partnering with the cities of Minneapolis, Bloomington, Richfield, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC), and the MSP Noise Oversight Committee (NOC) Goals Progress Report as of lune 30, 2015 Average daily overflights of the City do not exceed their 2012 No progress to report on this goal. (SHN) levels. (Comm Dev) Average daily aviation noise levels in the City do not exceed 2012 No progress to report on this goal. (SHN) levels. (Comm Dev) The hybrid RNAV solution endorsed by the MAC in 11/2012 is No progress to report on this goal. (SHN) implemented. (Comm Dev) Other: 2015 Q2 Update: Council Member Swenson continued her representation of the City at the NOC. Council Member Swenson was elected to be the vice-chair of the NOC At-large Cities group. Requested MAC staff to present an "Aviation Noise 101" meeting in Edina, which has been scheduled for Oct 27. City staff hosted MAC staff in June to learn about the MAC's 2035 Long Term Comprehensive Plan for MSP; staff scheduled MAC staff to present plan to Council at Aug 5 Council meeting; staff continue to regularly confer with Loren Olson from City of Minneapolis on airport issues; met with her twice during Q2; 2015 Q1 Update: City Council members and City staff traveled to Washington D.C. March 8-12th 2014 to meet with Senator Klobuchar and staff liaisons for Representatives Paulson, Ellison, Franken, and Nolan, as well staff from the Majority Senate Aviation Subcommittee and Majority and Minority House Aviation Subcommittee, to discuss RNAV implementation, reauthorization of the FAA budget bill, potentially removing RNAV from the list of categorical exclusions (CATEX), requiring the FAA to conduct Environmental Impact Assessments prior to RNAV implementation, and building local community engagement into all NextGen projects. Edina joined the National Organization for a Sound Controlled Environment (N.O.I.S.E) and members of the D.C. delegation participated in the 2014 N.O.I.S.E. Legislative Summit on May 9th, where legislative priorities were set for the current session. City Council Members and staff continue to work with neighboring communities and MAC to discuss noise mitigation strategies. City of Edina hosted the NOC cities meeting in August 2014. 11