HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-12-01 Work SessionAgenda Work Session City of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall Community Room Tuesday, December 1, 2015 5:30 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.2016 Board and Commission Proposed Work Plans IV.2016-2017 Budget V.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: December 1, 2015 Agenda Item #: III. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Reports / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:2016 Board and Commission Proposed Work Plans Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Discuss the proposed 2016 Board and Commission work plans. Staff will prepare the 2016 work plans for approval at the December 15, 2015 City Council meeting. INTRODUCTION: The Board and Commission chairs presented their 2016 proposed work plans at the City Council work session on Tuesday, October 6, 2015. Those plans, along with City Manager comments associated with specific initiatives, are attached for your review. There are also considerations related to budget and allocation of staff resources. 1) Budget. Based on final approval of the budget, it is possible some of the work plan items might need to be revisited. 2) Allocation of staff resources. In most cases, Board & Commission work represents a small percentage of staff liaisons' overall job responsibilities. In addition to staff liaison support, a large number of proposed Board or Commission work plan items require communications or marketing. According to CTS staff, the Communications staff can complete about 75 work plan projects a year. If all of the proposed Board and Commission work plan items are approved, they will represent about half of work plan projects for Communications staff in 2016. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2016 Board and Commission Proposed Work Plans Board/Commission: Arts and Culture Commission 2016 Annual Work Plan *Complete each section with a white background & designate it initiative is new or a continuation from the previous year *Return to MJ Lamon by September 29 Initiative 1 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Literature 1) The Author’s Studio (approx. 5 events) 2) The Loft Around Town Ongoing 1) None 2) None Art Center/CTS 8 hours/event marketing 1) The Author’s Studio began with five local authors and 18-20 attendees. Now in its 8th season, 45-50 individuals attend each Q&A event with local author Colin Nelson. Chuck Logan, Lori Sturdevant, and Chris Ferrell are the 8th Season Guests. A total of 32 authors have appeared since January 2012. 2) The Art Center enjoys continued partnership with The Loft around Town, and features The Poetry of Art with Casey Patrick for Fall 2015. The Art Center General Manager and The Loft continue literary programming. In addition, Edina resident Jeannie Hanson offers nature writing and haiku classes at the Art Center. The Commission continues to seek additional literary partners. Progress Report: Section completed prior to work session. Initiative 2 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Public Art Ongoing $10,000 Art Center/CTS Public Art Edina, a Working Group of the Public Art Edina P&R/Public Works 5 month process to create call, send & accept entries, schedule installs – Art Center 6 hrs/week Jan-May Edina Arts & Culture Commission, is best known for the annual Call for Sculpture and the corresponding rotating exhibit on the Edina Promenade, Grandview Square Park, and 50th & France Bus. Dist. Sculptures are installed in May with an Opening Reception in June sponsored by Pinstripes. Artists chosen for the exhibit are given a $500 stipend for the loan. It is hoped that, with the approval of Council, that stipend will increase to $1,000 in 2016 as a way to encourage more entries of a high quality. The public is invited to vote for The People’s Choice Awards from June to September. In October, the top three winning artists are awarded honorariums of $1,000, $750 and $500 and are invited to exhibit their work for an additional year. In addition, Public Art Edina fulfills its mission with a Call for Entry to wrap utility boxes, and has been included in the planning stages of city and business projects including the Phase IV expansion of the Edina Promenade, the 50th & France Wayfinding Project, and the Carl N. Platou Emergency Center at Fairview Southdale Hospital. See advisory communication. Progress Report: Initiative 3 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Dance Edina Art Center Dance Programs Ongoing None Art Center/CTS Senior Center Staff hours hiring, scheduling, Act. Enhance the cultural life of Edina residents through dance. A successful Argentinian Tango program had been ongoing with lessons at Edina Senior Dir. Center for the last year and a half. We look to continue this offering again in 2016. It is also the plan of the Commission to expand the dance lessons to tap and possible jazz dance to individuals ages 18 or older. Progress Report Initiative 4 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Music Music in Edina Ongoing $10,000 Art Center/CTS Art Center staff 6 hrs/wk CTS 8 hrs marketing/event Enhance the cultural life of Edina residents through music. The Music in Edina working group had two successful summer concert series with regional bands and 175-275 people in attendance at each event. Two events were notable; the Valentine’s Concert at Braemar Clubhouse with The Rockin’ Hollywoods, and the first annual Edina Jazz Festival held in July 2015 at Centennial Lakes Park with Patty Peterson, Dan Ristrom, and Midnight in Moscow. The Music in Edina Working Group will focus efforts on communication of arts and culture in the future, in addition to the Edina Jazz Festival and a Valentine’s event. Progress Report: Initiative 5 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Theater Theater in Edina December 2016 None Art Center/CTS/P&R Time: TBD Enhance the cultural life of Edina residents through theater. A new Working Group is being formed to investigate opportunities in Edina that can cultivate talents and enrich personal perspective through high-quality live community theater and educational development. The group will seek neighbors who really want to be involved in all parts of theater from acting, directing, lighting, and set design. The Working Group will search for a viable venue for performances. Progress Report: Initiative 6 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Traveling Exhibitions Art on the Move December 2016 None Art Center/CTS Time: TBD Enhance the cultural life of Edina residents through traveling exhibitions. A new Working Group will be formed to enhance the presence of art in the community through displays of visual 2D and 3D art in public and private indoor venues. The group will focus on selection of venues, works of art to be displayed, and coordinating the installation of exhibits. This is a great opportunity to reach out to the community with art in a variety of venues. Fairview Southdale and the Carl N. Platou Emergency wing and 71France have already approached the Commission. Progress Report: Initiative 7 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Funding Foster Cultural Entrepreneurship in Edina Ongoing None The purpose of the Edina Arts & Culture Commission is to plan and finance events that provide our vibrant community with high-quality concerts, plays, art shows, outdoor sculptures, dance performances, and other artistic endeavors. The Commission’s work is to nurture artistic talent and develop venues and audiences that provide and promote artistic and cultural opportunities in our city. The Commission plans to seek financial support and sponsorships from individuals and businesses and will the City of Edina Donations, Sponsorships and Advertising Policy as a guideline for our fundraising efforts. In addition, the Commission is exploring raising money by submitting Grant Proposals to interested organizations. The Finance Department created an Arts & Culture Fund in 2014. Progress Report: Initiative 8 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Communication Enhance Communication of Arts & Cultural Events December 2016 None Art Center/CTS/Websit e Creator – Time: TBD New for 2016 - Facilitate communication and collaboration that promotes participation and enhances the cultural life of the residents of Edina. The key issue identified is to develop the means to provide additional communication about artistic and cultural activities. The strategy is to coordinate activities to avoid competition between events, and the tactics discussed are to expand the Arts & Culture calendar, develop content; an arts & culture website, electronic newsletter, Facebook page specific to arts and culture. Progress Report: City Manager Comments: This initiative is presenting the concept of creating a centralized calendar or website for promoting arts and culture programs in the community. The City has the technology to create such a calendar/website, however, the Communications staff does not have the staff resources to be consistently dedicated to this ongoing effort. Neither Communications staff nor Commissioners advocating for the project have been able to find a similar calendar or website done by a city; similar projects are generally done by independent arts councils or organizations. Ongoing Responsibilities Art Center Membership and Special Events Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Grandview Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: October Council Comments: Board/Commission: Community Health Commission 2016 Annual Work Plan DRAFT *Complete each section with a white background & designate it initiative is new or a continuation from the previous year *Return to MJ Lamon by September 29 Initiative 1 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Work with Edina Resource Center and Bloomington Public Health to promote the health of the City by focusing on three key areas: Mental Health/Substance Abuse • Increase the presence of stress management tools in the community and awareness of the impact of stress on the physical, mental, and social well-being of Edina residents. • Explore common mental health issues and available resources. Child/Adolescent Health • Increase awareness of healthy eating and physical activity options for all children/adolescents in the City. Adult Physical Health • Evaluate resources available through BPH and other state, county and local organizations and agencies that support the health of those that live and work in Edina. • Evaluate senior Mobility and Access to and Use of Local and State/County Services Continuous development and updating of resource availability. None at this time. Continuous, as necessary. Progress Report: Initiative 2 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Create or provide content and continually review Community Health pages on City website (e.g., tools and resources focused on the health of those that live and work in the community) and other media outlets (e.g., About Town) Ongoing None 10 hours/month Progress Report: Initiative 3 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Coordinate with School District during creation of new Student Wellness/Chemical Health Coordinator Position(s). Partner with new staff person(s) to align with Community Health Commission and City Priorities. June 2016 None 5 hours/month Progress Report: Initiative 4 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Coordinate with School District, Sober Squad, Student Health Commission, and other Student Organizations on potential improvements related to alcohol, drug, and tobacco usage and bullying. Ongoing None 5 hours/month Progress Report: Initiative 5 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Work with Hennepin County Public Health, Bloomington Public Health and the City to ensure data collection methods result in data specific to City of Edina; provide specific recommendation to City Council regarding SHAPE Survey, including cost estimate. March 2016 None 15 hours Progress Report: Initiative 6 ☒ New Initiative Target Completion Budget Staff Support Required Council ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Date Required Approval Participate in City’s comprehensive plan process to position Health-in-all-Policies concepts as an integral part of City processes. Ongoing None 10 hours/month Progress Report: Initiative 7 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Provide recommendation regarding regulation of Medical Cannabis dispensaries within the City. June 2016 None 5 hours Progress Report: Ongoing Responsibilities Annual review of Public Health Services provided to Edina by Bloomington Public Health Annual review of Public Health Emergency Preparedness Services provided to Edina by Bloomington Public Health Monitor Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Control, and Family Health Programs in the City – Provided through contract with BPH Annual update from Edina Resource Center staff. Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: June Staff Comments: The Community Health Commission has continually refined its goals and objectives over the past year. The 2016 work plan will increase focus on some specific, measureable goals, while maintaining some ongoing responsibilities to monitor programming within Edina. The CHC has attempted to balance issue-specific activity while also considering the overall health of Edina residents. Much of the CHC’s work plan and overall mission aligns with the duties of the City Council acting as the Edina Community Health Board and Edina Community Health Administrator support for CHC initiatives aligns with statutory duties, so determining specific staffing levels necessary for initiatives is difficult. Council Comments: Board/Commission: Energy and Environment Commission 2016 Annual Work Plan Proposal *Complete each section with a white background *Return to MJ Lamon by September 29 Initiative 1 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Support the City’s Partners in Energy (PiE) initiative To determine and launch initiatives which will identify, analyze and execute initiatives to reduce energy consumption/GHG gas output in both City Operations and City overall EEC to provide 2-3 members 2016 None Environmental Engineer, 40hrs Assistant Finance Director, 20hrs City Manager 8hrs (Staff estimate for planning phase) The Partners in Energy initiative was approved by Council. Additional Staff needs for implementation phase should be assessed by Council and Manager at the time of plan approval. Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Up to three members of the EEC will participate constructively in the City's Partners in Energy initiative. Present periodic updates on the status of the Energy Action Plan to the EEC. Review and Comment on the draft Energy Action Plan before it is presented to the City Council. Initiative 2 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Support efforts to Reduce Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) in City of Edina Operations to meet Comprehensive Plan Chapter 10 Goals 1) Create City GHG Baseline and ongoing Measurement – continue to use and refine metrics and analyses a. B3 database for all City Buildings b. Create metrics for City vehicle fleets (gallons of fuel) c. Create metrics for Utility operations (energy usage) a. April 2016 b. July 2016 c. July 2016 Staff time Staff time Staff time City Manager, 16hrs Unknown Staff, 40hrs Environmental Engineer, 8hrs Fleet Manager, 8hrs Public Works Director, 8hrs The staff burden to facilitate this work items will vary by the expected level of effort and required level of commission interaction determined by the Manager. A GHG Baseline does not currently exist, and there is no organizational requirement to create one. Metrics for Buildings and Fleet are currently documented to d. Regional indicators for City as a whole 2) City Building Energy Efficiency initiative a. EEC commissioners to work with either PiE team or City Manager and City Building manager to create a detailed plan for retrofitting existing buildings within 5 years b. At least one building will be retrofitted in 2016 under a city staff driven plan 3) City Capital Process Environmental Considerations Initiative a. EEC commissioners to work with either PiE team or City Manager and City Building manager to refine and expand the environmental considerations section of the CIP process so that all City capital decisions (i.e., new buildings, major building renovations and fleet purchases) have explicit environmental analysis on how they will affect City GHG production. 4) City Fleet Environmental audit a. Support a staff driven effort to review existing city fleet to determine if vehicle fleet can be modified (e.g., eliminate existing vehicles, modify future purchase specs, etc.) to reduce energy/GHG d. April 2016 a. March 2016 b. Dec. 2016 a. March 2016 a. March 2016 $500? (consultant) Staff Time Staff Time Staff Time Staff Time Facilities Manager, 8hrs Consultant already approved by CC action. N/A Finance Director, 8hrs Various Staff, Unknown expectation of time. Public Works Director 8hrs, Equipment Op. Supervisor 40hrs some extent. 2.B is a capital decision, and is outside the scope of the EEC. The EEC could bring a recommendation to this effect to Council. 3.A explicit environmental analysis for all CIP items for building and fleet could be burdensome, or require outside consulting expertise depending on the expected level of effort of expertise. Aggressive timeline may inform CIP recommendations. Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Change initiative to read: Support efforts to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by City of Edina municipal government operations. 1. GHG Measurement. Create protocol, methodology and metrics for measurement of the City's GHG production. Create baselines for GHG reduction goals for the City's buildings, fleet and utility operations. 2. Support efforts to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the City of Edina 3. City Capital Process Environmental Considerations Initiative. Commission will research and develop options for City staff to more explicitly describe the GHG production of proposed capital improvements proposed for the City's CIP budget process. 4. City Fleet Environmental Audit. Receive a presentation from City staff concerning the City's vehicle fleet and how decisions are made that shape the size and nature of the fleet. Provide comments and ideas to staff regarding the City's fleet management practices. Initiative 3 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Support efforts to Promote the Reduction of Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) in the City of Edina at large to meet Comprehensive Plan Chapter 10 Goals 1) Community Solar project a. Support City staff in scoping, bidding and executing a community solar project in 2015/16 at Public Works Bldg. b. Support City staff as necessary with Met Council solar project RFP and implementation 2) Expand City subsidized Home Energy Squad (HES) installs for residents a. City will fund 100 HES installs at a cost of $5000 focused on lower income residents (a dramatic increase over current funding level) EEC will educate and promote HES with a goal to get 200 visits in the year. Early 2016 Early 2016 TBD by City Mgr $5000 (consultant) N/A Environmental Engineer, 2hrs #1 is outside the scope of the EEC. Reword from “support” to “track.” This is contracted service though Center for Energy and Environment. Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Change initiative to read: Support tangible efforts and projects in the community that promote the reduction of energy consumption and GHG. 1. Support the City's effort to create a Community Solar Garden at City's Public Works and Parks Maintenance Facility. 2. Support the City's effort to participate in the Metropolitan Council's proposed Community Solar Garden project. 3. Expand the City's subsidized Home Energy Squad (HES) installs for residents. City will fund 100 HES installs at a cost of not more than $5,000. Initiative 4 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Work with City Staff to revise Chapter 10 of City Comprehensive Plan 1. Update Ch. 10 to reflect progress in City operations and City metrics since 2008 Plan was issued 2. Revise City sustainability goals (i) to align with state and city policies, (ii) establish interim goals TBD – depends upon City Staff schedule for revision of City Comp None 34T for sectors (i.e. energy, transportation, waste/recycling, etc.), and (iii) establish and maintain quarterly or annual metrics that measure progress towards goals 3. Work to create City staff driven processes for long-term ownership of sustainability measures and implementation of Chapter 10. Plan Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Recommend to remove this initiative and consider adding it to the 2017 work plan. Initiative 5 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments EEC will hold a 90 minute working session with City Council and City Manager to discuss outcome of discussions in 2015 with City Manager on how City will operationalize its efforts to meet existing Edina City environmental commitments and to align EEC charter, expectations, resources and timetables for results March 2016 None Minor EEC working with City Manager per direction of Council at our 2015 work session. EEC looking forward to proposal from City manager on how City resources (staff, budget, etc) can be committed and embedded in City operations so City can play “leadership role” laid out in Chapter 10 of Comp Plan Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Remove this initiative and add to on going responsibilities. Initiative 6 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Continue Solid Waste, Recycling and Organics Work group: -track MPCA compost rulemaking and emerald ash borer quarantine changes and Hennepin County organic recycling mandate, - support Business Recycling efforts, -analyze whether Edina needs ordinance to ban certain Ongoing Ongoing 2 Q 2016 None None None or Recycling Coordinator, 8hrs Recycling Coordinator, Unknown hours. The reported total tons of recycling collected by the licensed haulers in Edina for 2014 was 2377 tons and for 2013 was 2044 tons. Numbers for 2015 are not yet in for the year take-out food packaging materials minimal Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Change initiative to read: Solid Waste, Organics and Recycling Management. 1) Research and Report on MPCA compost rule-making process and its impact on City operations 2) Research and Report on proposal to ban styrofoam food packaging materials in Edina 3) Research and Report on the alternatives for reorganizing the manner in which solid waste is collected from single family homes in Edina. Initiative 7 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Continue Education and Outreach WG activities 1) Plan and execute Annual EEC Community Event Possible topics a. Partners in Energy effort b. Community Solar c. Other? 2) E&O Working group will review past activities and determine their accomplishments and create new plan for EEC to approve 1) Q2 2016 2) April 2016 Staff time plus event costs None Communications Specialist, 40hrs Successful annual event held in 2015; film series held in 1 H 2015 but currently suspended Annual event has run about $1500-$2500 in past years. Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Change initiative to read: Public Education. 1) Plan and execute the annual ECC Community Education Event 2) Student members will create and execute a plan for 2016 student activities Initiative 8 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Water 1) Continue water drain education and stenciling efforts 2) Receive annual report from City staff on Edina water quality issues and activities 3) Continue winter salt education efforts 4) Actively monitor the activities of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District Progress Report: City Manager Comments: This initiative was not proposed by the EEC. Recommend adding this initiative to work plan. Ongoing Responsibilities Annual Purchasing Policy Report – City staff to create per Council resolution approving Green Purchasing policy adopted for Green Step Cities level 3 Green Step Cities Reporting – City staff to manage, EEC to review annually Water Quality working group – continue water drain education and stenciling efforts; continue winter salt education efforts; neighborhood outreach effort to continue in neighborhoods with major street reconstruction. Receive annual report from City staff on Edina water quality issues and activities Student members to create and execute plan for 2015/16 student activities City Manager Comments: 1) Annual Green Purchasing Report 2) Annual joint meetings with City Council and City Manager 3) Green Step Cities reporting Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Proposed Month for Joint Work Session (one time per year, up to 60 minutes): March Council Comments: Board/Commission: Heritage Preservation Board 2016 Annual Work Plan DRAFT *Complete each section with a white background & designate it initiative is new or a continuation from the previous year *Return to MJ Lamon by September 29 Initiative 1 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Designate 6909 Hillcrest Lane an Edina Heritage Landmark property May 2016 No @ 6 hours -Planning Commission/Prep -City Council Public Hearing This was originally a 2015 initiative, but the property owner asked it be moved to 2016. Progress Report: Initiative 2 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Designate Wooddale Bridge (Wooddale Ave. in front of St. Stephens Church) an Edina Heritage Landmark 2016 No @ 10 hours: -HPB Approval -Planning Commission/Prep -Council Public Hearing Progress Report: Initiative 3 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Explore the History of Your Home Committee: Provide opportunities for the public to record the history of their homes on a site such as “Placeography.org”. 2016 No As needed for interface with city’s website Progress Report: Initiative 4 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Educational Opportunities Committee: Provide opportunities for public to engage in celebrating Edina’s heritage during Preservation Month - May; as well as throughout the year. April 2016 No Yes - Time commitment unknown - Dependent on committee’s proposals Progress Report: Initiative 5 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Add to resources publically available on topics such as architecture and technical advice, i.e. the “Preservation Tool Box” Ongoing None Yes - to add resources to city’s website Progress Report: Initiative 6 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Create an information sheet to be included in the new resident packet that highlights “Edina Historical Facts”. May 2016 No @ 4 hours: -Research -Propose content to HPB -Facilitate distribution Progress Report: Initiative 7 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Begin work on updating the Heritage Preservation Element of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan -late 2016 2018 No Yes - Time commitment unknown at this time Progress Report: Initiative 8 ☒ New Initiative Target Completion Budget Staff Support Required Liaison ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Date Required Comments Update the map of all Edina properties determined eligible for Edina Heritage Landmark designation as well as those properties with the EHLD overlay zoning designation. 2017 No @ 5 hours: Work with city’s GIS depart. to create a correct, current map for print & inclusion on city’s web site Progress Report: 34T Ongoing Responsibilities RESEARCH: Evaluate potential heritage resources to add to the determined eligible for landmark designation list. PRESERVATION: 1. Review Certificates of Appropriateness (COA) applications for heritage landmark designated properties; 2. Invite eligible property owners to designate their properties Edina Heritage Landmarks. COMMUNICATION & EDUCATION: 1. Educate public on the importance of heritage preservation to the vitality of the community. 2. Continually update the Heritage Preservation page on the City of Edina’s web site. 3. Attend Minnesota Heritage Preservation conferences to enhance education and communication Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years 2017 - Begin work on re-surveying the historic Country Club District (required every 10 years; last done in 2008). Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: September Staff Comments: Council Comments: Board/Commission: Human Rights and Relations Commission 2016 Annual Work Plan Proposal Initiative 1 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Tom Oye Award April 2016 $100 1. 1.Register Attendance at event 2. Track Nominations 3. 3. Update Website Progress Report: Initiative 2 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Days of Remembrance April 2016 $1,000 1. Audio/Video – requires 2 CTS staff to come to event and complete video follow up 2. Marketing Pieces – CTS request 3. Meeting Space – secure City Hall, tables, chairs, easels 4. Communication – Social media, press release 5. Attend event Most of the staff support required is required from the CTS department. The liaison helps facilitate the requests. With attending the event there are many hours of staff support for this event. Progress Report: Initiative 3 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Human Rights City Designation December 2016 $200 1. Meeting Space – secure rooms 2. Audio/Video – CTS staff to assist with taping The HRRC is hoping to secure Human Rights City Designation in the year 2016. 3. Communication – social media, press release Progress Report: Initiative 4 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Community Conversations December 2016 None 1. Meeting Space 2. Report to CC The Human Rights City Designation hopes to use some of the information gathered from these meetings. Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Perfect example of how a BC adds value. Initiative 5 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Affordable Housing Expanding Opportunity 1. Continued education on affordable housing 2. Monitor status of Edina 3. Support current efforts December 2016 None 1. Administrative 2. Connecting with the committee as the topic arises at the City Most of this committee’s work has been surrounding and supporting the Edina Housing Foundations Affordable Housing Policy. They have also been in support and watching 66 West project. Progress Report: Initiative 6 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Convention of the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) • Resolution • Education November 2016 $500 1. Audio/Video – CTS staff to be at event 2. Marketing Pieces – CTS request 3. Meeting space – securing space 4. Communications 34T34T Progress Report: Initiative 7 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Indigenous Peoples Day Designation September 2016 None 1. Admin support – submitting reports to City Council The request is not to replace Columbus Day but to adopt a designation for Indigenous Peoples Day. Progress Report: City Manager Comments: HRRC will propose to council to establish an Indigenous Peoples Day in Edina. Initiative 8 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments Co-sponsor Community Conversation with Edina Public Schools PCN (Parent Communication Network) October 2016 $150 1. Marketing pieces for event – CTS request 2. Communications One commission members is very well linked to the PCN. The topic has not been selected yet, but possibly ideas are “How to talk to your children: Race, Religion, and other Challenging Conversations” or Parents as Equity Educations” Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Need more clarification on conversation topic (see liaison comments). Initiative 9 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required (To be completed by Staff Liaison) Liaison Comments People of Faith Walking Together: Sharing Values, Sharing Community" • Community Event February 2016 $200 1. Marketing pieces for event – CTS request 2. Communications This event was added following the City Council work session on 11/17. Mayor asked HRRC to consider an event about “tolerance”. Idea is to bring representatives from multiple religions together for an event. Progress Report: Ongoing Responsibilities Edina Resource Center/Edina Community Council – HRRC Rep September to May, 3 year term Website/Blog Bias Offense Response and Prevention Plan: Review annually HRRC Rep to Human Services Task Force Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Partnership with Health Commission on prescription drug abuse awareness. Food Justice Initiative Proposed Month for Joint Work Session (one time per year, up to 60 minutes): July 2016 Council Comments: Board/Commission: Park Board 2016 Annual Work Plan *Complete each section with a white background & designate it initiative is new or a continuation from the previous year *Return to MJ Lamon by September 29 Initiative 1 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Inclusive Playground – Rosland Park December 2016 $200,000 Assistant Director – 80 hours, Park Superintendent – 4 hours, Recreation Supervisor – 30 hours. Funds are part of the CIP. Progress Report: Koren Nelson City Manager Comments: Board will propose to develop an inclusive playground. Initiative 2 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Fred Richards Park Master Plan October 2016 $75,000 Director – 160 hours, Assistant Director – 160 hours, Administrative Support Specialists – 16 hours, Public Works Director – 20 hours If project is pushed to 2017 then this initiative can be removed and added next year. Progress Report: Gerry Green, Greg Good City Manager Comments: Board will propose a Fred Richards Master Plan to Council. (see liaison comments) Initiative 3 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Park Signage Replacement Plan & Begin Implementation December 2016 $500,000 Director – 120 hours and Assistant Director – 120 hours, Park Maintenance – 40 hours Funds are from the Park Dedication fees. Progress Report: Koren Hawk, Julie Strother, Brenda McCormick, Dan Gieseke City Managers Comments: Board will propose plan to council for approval. If approved, they will begin plan implementation. Initiative 4 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Grandview Facility Planning July 2016 $60,000 Director – 160 hours, Assistant Director – 120 hours, Art Center General Manager – 160 hours, Recreation Supervisors – 100 hours Progress Report: Ellen Jones, Greg Good City Manager Comments: Grandview Task Force will provide recommendation to Park Board, Park Board will provide recommendation to City Council. Initiative 5 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Recreational Programming Analysis December 2016 0 Assistant Director – 80 hours, Recreation Supervisors – 120 hours Progress Report: Greg Good, Ellen Jones, Aanik Lohani City Manager Comments: Need more clarification what this is. Initiative 6 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Recreation Programming and Facilities Marketing and Communication Delivery Review. Study utilization opportunities and implement Edina To Go App for Parks & Recreation. December 2016 0 Assistant Director – 80 hours, Recreation Supervisors – 80 hours, Facility General Managers – 20 hours, Communications Department Staff - ?? Progress Report: Julie Strother, Brenda McCormick, Lauren Crist City Manager Comments: Need to clarify necessity of this initiative. Initiative 7 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Engage External Resources to Provide Environmental Programming December 2016 0 Recreation Supervisors – 40 hours Progress Report: Louise Segreto, Dan Gieseke City Manager Comments: Recommend to remove this initiative. Initiative 8 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Fundraising – Friends of the Parks December 2016 0 Director – 20 hours, Assistant Director – 20 hours, Recreation Supervisors – 20 hours Initiative is huge, not recommended. Progress Report: Koren Nelson, Ellen Jones City Manager Comments: Board will submit report to council on the subject of establishing a “Friends of the Parks” organization. Initiative 9 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Pollinator Garden – Park Property or Partnership with Edina Public Schools August 2016 $500 Recreation Supervisors – 40 hours Progress Report: Brenda McCormick, Ellen Jones City Manager Comments: Board will propose plan to establish a pollinator garden on City or School District Property. If approved by Council, they will implement. Initiative 10 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Multi-year Playground Renovation Plan December 2016 0 Assistant Director – 40 hours, Public Works Director, Park Maintenance – 40 hours Progress Report: Julie Strother, Ellen Jones City Manager Comments: Recommend to remove this initiative. Initiative 11 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Collaborate with Energy and Environment December 2016 0 Recreation Supervisors – 20 Commission on providing a recommendation regarding bottled water sales at City facilities. hours, Facility General Managers – 20 hours Progress Report: Park Board Members City Manager Comments: Recommend to remove this initiative. Initiative 12 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Liaison Comments Cost Recovery Expectations (CRE) for City recreational programs. September 2016 0 Director – 10 hrs Assistant Director – 20 hrs Rec Staff – 40 hrs Progress Report: City Manager Comments: This was not proposed by the Park Board. Recommend this initiative be added in place of Initiative 10. Ongoing Responsibilities Capital Improvement Plan Review; Fees and Charges Review; Election of Officers; Work Plans Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Cooperative Agreement with School District for use, upgrade and maintenance of Creek Valley Park athletic fields and Cornelia School Park athletic fields. Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: June Staff Comments: Council Comments: Board/Commission: Planning Commission 2016 Annual Work Plan DRAFT *Complete each section with a white background & designate it initiative is new or a continuation from the previous year *Return to MJ Lamon by September 29 Initiative 1 ☐ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☒ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval The Planning Commission is responsible to review all Land Use applications submitted to the City of Edina. Land Use applications include: Variances; Site Plan Review; Sketch Plan Review; Conditional Use Permits; Subdivision; Lot Line Adjustments; Rezoning; and Comprehensive Plan Amendments. To accomplish this responsibility the Planning Commission meets twice per month, on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. The Planning Commission typically reviews 3-4 of the above requests each agenda. 2016 No Yes. Planning Staff spends the majority (over 70%) of its time in support of land use applications brought before the planning commission and city council. This includes meeting with applicants, preparing staff reports, answering questions from the public, preparing for and attending meetings, and project follow up to ensure compliance. Progress Report: Initiative 2 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Small Area Plan/Density Study in the Southdale area – Conduct a Planning Study/Density Study for the Southdale area in conjunction with the engineering department’s study of transportation and utility capacity in the Southdale area. 2016 Yes - $75,000 (TIF) Yes. Staff time required scheduling and preparing for meetings; preparing background information; coordinating with the consultant. Estimated 15+ hours per week. Progress Report: Initiative 3 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval ☐ On-Going Initiative Begin the 2018 Comprehensive Plan – 4th Quarter of 2016 2018 Yes Yes. This will require many hours of preparation before the work begins. We are estimating 5-10 hours per week, preparing a work plan, coordinating with staff, other commissions and the planning commission; preparing an RFI, assisting with consultant selection etc. Progress Report: 34T Initiative 4 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Zoning Ordinance Amendments: Signs, Lighting, Parking 2016 No Yes. As time permits, staff will work with the Planning Commission on Zoning Ordinance Amendments. Progress Report: 34T Initiative 5 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Monitoring Residential Redevelopment standards and ordinance 2016 No Yes. Residential Redevelopment Coordinator presents and update and issues to the Planning Commission yearly. Sometimes Ordinance Amendments follow to assist. (10-20 hours.) Progress Report: 34T Ongoing Responsibilities Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Small Area Plan - Conduct a Small Area Plan for the Cahill and 70th Commercial area as defined in the Comprehensive Plan. May tie in to the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: May Staff Comments: We anticipate 2016 as an extremely busy year for development. We will try to accomplish as much as we can outside of our usual “ongoing responsibilities.” The Southdale Area Study and the Comprehensive Plan will take up most of staff and Commission’s extra time. Council Comments: Board/Commission: Transportation Commission 2016 Annual Work Plan DRAFT *Complete each section with a white background & designate it initiative is new or a continuation from the previous year *Return to MJ Lamon by September 29 Initiative 1 ☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Explore and study Community Circulator December 2016 $10,000 Yes – 12 hours Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Recommend to change “explore and study” to “study and report”. Initiative 2 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Organize and host a transportation-themed event with speaker(s). April 2016 $500 Yes – 4 hours CTS Progress Report: Click here to enter text. Initiative 3 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Work with staff to prepare Comprehensive Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan for inclusion in 2018 Comprehensive Plan. October 2016 No – using PACS fund No – staff time would be included in department- level work plan Progress Report: Click here to enter text. City Manager Comments: Change “Work with staff to prepare” to “Review and Comment on”. Initiative 4 ☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ On-Going Initiative Target Completion Date Budget Required Staff Support Required Council Approval Enhance Edina residents’ engagement with the transportation system: • Review Edina To Go app and recommend organization/categories for reporting December 2016 No Yes – 8 hours concerns related to streets/transportation. • With resident input, study and identify the primary transportation gaps/issues in the city. • Make recommendations for evaluation of the Living Streets and Streets Smarts outreach campaigns. • Create a walking map of the City, indicating routes and areas of interest. Progress Report: City Manager Comments: Reformat initiative. Make each bullet point an individual initiative. First bullet point – change “recommend” to “provide recommendations to staff regarding” Second bullet point – change what is currently there to read “review data from City’s QLS (2011, 2013, 2015) and conduct 2 public meetings to identify gaps around the City’s transportation systems. Third bullet point – add “to staff” between recommendations and for Fourth bullet point – change what is currently there to read “provide input to staff on the creation of a walking map of the City indicating routes and areas of interest. Ongoing Responsibilities Living Streets Policy/Plan: Active Routes to School Comprehensive Plan – continue to look at opportunities for funding. Sidewalk Plan – prioritize sidewalk (PACS Fund) projects annually Way-finding Signage for bikeways and pedestrians Review/revise City Code for Plan implementation Make clear view recommendations for bicycles and pedestrians (by May 2016) Meet with Police Department and Public Works annually to discuss shared interests. Education and outreach activities around pedestrian, bicyclist and motorist safety Review transportation projects in the proposed Capital Improvement Program, including annual neighborhood street reconstruction projects Review monthly traffic safety committee reports Review Public Works street mill and overlays and seal coat projects as to opportunities for remarking for bicycle facilities Review transportation items in the Comprehensive Plan and make recommendations for study/implementation Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years Proposed Month for Joint Work Session: Staff Comments: Council Comments: Date: December 1, 2015 Agenda Item #: IV. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Eric Roggeman, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:2016-2017 Budget Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Discuss the City Council's 2016-2017 budget options. INTRODUCTION: The Council last discussed the 2016-2017 budget at the November 4, 2015 Work Session. At that time, staff prepared two alternative options in addition to the staff recommended budget option. For this Work Session, staff have prepared two additional alternatives for the Council to discuss and consider. With the new additions, the options presently under consideration are: Option A Staff Recommendation: 7% levy increase for 2016. This option was the basis for the preliminary levy adopted in September. Option B 6% levy increase for 2016 with permanent General Fund service cuts equivalent to $320K in expenditures. Option C 5% levy increase for 2016 with permanent General Fund service cuts equivalent to $640K in expenditures. Option E 5.95% levy increase for 2016 with permanent General Fund service cuts equivalent to $185K in expenditures and other shifts. Option G 5.95% levy increase for 2016 with permanent General Fund service cuts equivalent to $185K in expenditures and other shifts. Outlines for these options are attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description Budget Options 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Option A (preliminary levy) General Operating Levy 22,933,958$ 25,023,952$ 26,360,319$ 27,680,000$ 29,060,000$ 30,510,000$ 32,040,000$ Arts and Culture 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 City Hall Debt Service 944,400 946,000 946,000 950,000 952,000 952,000 - Gymnasium Debt Service 409,440 385,901 388,000 420,000 424,000 422,000 424,000 Fire Station Debt Service 441,940 443,000 443,000 441,000 445,000 443,000 440,000 Public Works Facility Debt Service 1,546,600 1,561,000 1,696,000 1,694,000 1,695,000 1,688,000 1,695,000 Park Bond Market Value Levy 618,600 571,650 - - - - - Sports Dome 1,168,000 1,167,620 1,162,500 1,168,700 1,168,900 1,163,300 1,163,300 Weber Woods - - - - - - - Grandview Community Center Capital - - - - - - - Fred Richards, Weber Woods & Braemar Park Capital - - - - - - Deferred Street Maintenance - - - - - - - CIP Levy - - - - - - - Park Maintenance Fees - - - - - - - Centennial Reserve Replacement - - - - - - - Equipment Levy 1,617,072 1,680,000 1,750,000 1,840,000 1,930,000 2,030,000 2,130,000 HRA Operating Levy - - 95,000 98,800 102,800 106,900 111,200 Total Property Tax Levy 29,700,010$ 31,799,123$ 32,860,819$ 34,312,500$ 35,797,700$ 37,335,200$ 38,023,500$ Increase From Prior Year (%)7.07% 3.34% 4.42% 4.33% 4.29% 1.84% Many estimates here, including 5% annual GF expense increases. Other levy drivers by year: 2016 No funding for new FT staff and GIS improvements as requested by staff. Future years No new levies for Weber Woods, Grandview, Fred Richards, CIP, GIS or other purposes. These levies can be added in years after 2016 when decisions are made. These projections do not include contingencies for unexpected negative impacts, like decreases in liquor or building permit revenue. Actual costs will depend on project timing, scope, other funding, financing costs, etc. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Option B (2016 levy target = 6%) General Operating Levy 22,933,958$ 24,703,952$ 26,040,319$ 27,340,000$ 28,710,000$ 30,150,000$ 31,660,000$ Arts and Culture 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 City Hall Debt Service 944,400 946,000 946,000 950,000 952,000 952,000 - Gymnasium Debt Service 409,440 385,901 388,000 420,000 424,000 422,000 424,000 Fire Station Debt Service 441,940 443,000 443,000 441,000 445,000 443,000 440,000 Public Works Facility Debt Service 1,546,600 1,561,000 1,696,000 1,694,000 1,695,000 1,688,000 1,695,000 Park Bond Market Value Levy 618,600 571,650 - - - - - Sports Dome 1,168,000 1,167,620 1,162,500 1,168,700 1,168,900 1,163,300 1,163,300 Weber Woods - - - - - - - Grandview Community Center Capi - - - - - - - Fred Richards, Weber Woods & Bra - - - - - - - Deferred Street Maintenance - - - - - - - CIP Levy - - - - - - - Park Maintenance Fees - - - - - - - Centennial Reserve Replacement - - - - - - - Equipment Levy 1,617,072 1,680,000 1,750,000 1,840,000 1,930,000 2,030,000 2,130,000 HRA Operating Levy - - 95,000 98,800 102,800 106,900 111,200 Total Property Tax Levy 29,700,010$ 31,479,123$ 32,540,819$ 33,972,500$ 35,447,700$ 36,975,200$ 37,643,500$ 5.99% 3.37% 4.40% 4.34% 4.31% 1.81% Many estimates here, including 5% annual GF expense increases. Other levy drivers by year: 2016 Permanent cuts in General Fund spending from Option A of $320,000. Future years No new levies for Weber Woods, Grandview, Fred Richards, CIP, GIS or other purposes. These projections do not include contingencies for unexpected negative impacts, like decreases in liquor or building permit revenue. Actual costs will depend on project timing, scope, other funding, financing costs, etc. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Option C (2016 levy target = 5%) General Operating Levy 22,933,958$ 24,383,952$ 25,720,319$ 27,010,000$ 28,360,000$ 29,780,000$ 31,270,000$ Arts and Culture 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 City Hall Debt Service 944,400 946,000 946,000 950,000 952,000 952,000 - Gymnasium Debt Service 409,440 385,901 388,000 420,000 424,000 422,000 424,000 Fire Station Debt Service 441,940 443,000 443,000 441,000 445,000 443,000 440,000 Public Works Facility Debt Service 1,546,600 1,561,000 1,696,000 1,694,000 1,695,000 1,688,000 1,695,000 Park Bond Market Value Levy 618,600 571,650 - - - - - Sports Dome 1,168,000 1,167,620 1,162,500 1,168,700 1,168,900 1,163,300 1,163,300 Weber Woods - - - - - - - Grandview Community Center Capi - - - - - - - Fred Richards, Weber Woods & Bra - - - - - - - Deferred Street Maintenance - - - - - - - CIP Levy - - - - - - - Park Maintenance Fees - - - - - - - Centennial Reserve Replacement - - - - - - - Equipment Levy 1,617,072 1,680,000 1,750,000 1,840,000 1,930,000 2,030,000 2,130,000 HRA Operating Levy - - 95,000 98,800 102,800 106,900 111,200 Total Property Tax Levy 29,700,010$ 31,159,123$ 32,220,819$ 33,642,500$ 35,097,700$ 36,605,200$ 37,253,500$ 4.91% 3.41% 4.41% 4.33% 4.30% 1.77% Many estimates here, including 5% annual GF expense increases. Other levy drivers by year: 2016 Permanent cuts in General Fund spending from Option A of $640,000. Future years No new levies for Weber Woods, Grandview, Fred Richards, CIP, GIS or other purposes. These projections do not include contingencies for unexpected negative impacts, like decreases in liquor or building permit revenue. Actual costs will depend on project timing, scope, other funding, financing costs, etc. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Option E (2016 levy target = 5.99%) General Operating Levy 22,933,958$ 24,690,643$ 26,177,010$ 27,490,000$ 28,860,000$ 30,300,000$ 31,820,000$ Arts and Culture 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 City Hall Debt Service 944,400 946,000 946,000 950,000 952,000 952,000 - Gymnasium Debt Service 409,440 385,901 388,000 420,000 424,000 422,000 424,000 Fire Station Debt Service 441,940 443,000 443,000 441,000 445,000 443,000 440,000 Public Works Facility Debt Service 1,546,600 1,561,000 1,696,000 1,694,000 1,695,000 1,688,000 1,695,000 Park Bond Market Value Levy 618,600 571,650 - - - - - Sports Dome 1,168,000 1,167,620 1,162,500 1,168,700 1,168,900 1,163,300 1,163,300 Weber Woods 400,000 400,000 400,000 Grandview Community Center Capital 2,400,000 2,400,000 Fred Richards, Weber Woods & Braemar Park Capital 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 Deferred Street Maintenance 200,000 210,000 220,000 230,000 CIP Levy 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 Park Maintenance Fees 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 Centennial Reserve Replacement 200,000 210,000 220,000 230,000 Equipment Levy 1,617,072 1,680,000 1,750,000 1,840,000 1,930,000 2,030,000 2,130,000 HRA Operating Levy - - 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 208,000 Total Property Tax Levy 29,700,010$ 31,465,814$ 33,132,510$ 35,373,700$ 38,264,900$ 42,008,300$ 42,860,300$ Increase From Prior Year (%)5.95% 5.30% 6.76% 8.17% 9.78% 2.03% Many estimates here, including 5% annual GF expense increases. Other levy drivers by year: 2016 Permanently reduce GF spending by $185K Permanently increase park & rec user fees by $50K Hold vacant employee positions open for extended periods to save $50K (2016 only) Use $50K of reserves (2016 only) 2017 Convert debt retirement in 2017 into Weber Woods purchase with interfund loan over 3 years Create new CIP levy of $100K and increase by $100K/year after 2017 2018 Increased funding to address deferred street maintenance Levy to replace park maintenance fees @ Centennial Lakes & Edinborough Levy to replace Centennial Lakes annual use of reserves 2019 Fred Richards, Weber Woods & Braemar Park capital costs 2020 Grandview Community Center capital costs These projections do not include contingencies for unexpected negative impacts, like decreases in liquor or building permit revenue. Actual costs will depend on project timing, scope, other funding, financing costs, etc. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Option G (2016 levy target = 5.99% with future new revenue categories) General Operating Levy 22,933,958$ 24,690,643$ 26,177,010$ 27,490,000$ 28,860,000$ 30,300,000$ 31,820,000$ Arts and Culture 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 City Hall Debt Service 944,400 946,000 946,000 950,000 952,000 952,000 - Gymnasium Debt Service 409,440 385,901 388,000 420,000 424,000 422,000 424,000 Fire Station Debt Service 441,940 443,000 443,000 441,000 445,000 443,000 440,000 Public Works Facility Debt Service 1,546,600 1,561,000 1,696,000 1,694,000 1,695,000 1,688,000 1,695,000 Park Bond Market Value Levy 618,600 571,650 - - - - - Sports Dome 1,168,000 1,167,620 1,162,500 1,168,700 1,168,900 1,163,300 1,163,300 Weber Woods 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Grandview Community Center Capital 2,400,000 2,400,000 Fred Richards, Weber Woods & Braemar Park Capital 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 Deferred Street Maintenance - - - - CIP Levy - - - - - Park Maintenance Fees 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 Centennial Reserve Replacement - - - - Equipment Levy 1,617,072 1,680,000 1,750,000 1,840,000 1,930,000 2,030,000 2,130,000 HRA Operating Levy - - 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 208,000 Total Property Tax Levy 29,700,010$ 31,465,814$ 32,752,510$ 34,493,700$ 37,264,900$ 41,288,300$ 42,020,300$ Increase From Prior Year (%)5.95% 4.09% 5.32% 8.03% 10.80% 1.77% Many estimates here, including 5% annual GF expense increases. Other levy drivers by year: 2016 Permanently reduce GF spending by $185K Permanently increase park & rec user fees by $50K Hold vacant employee positions open for extended periods to save $50K (2016 only) Use $50K of reserves (2016 only) 2017 Convert debt retirement in 2017 into Weber Woods purchase with interfund loan over 10 years New revenue category: Solid Waste Hauler Street License Fee & use funds to do maintenance that isn't done now. No levy effect. There are many unknowns with this proposal at this time, including legal, regulatory, political and practical concerns New revenue category: Create a new fee & use funds use funds to do maintenance that isn't done now. No levy effect. There are many unknowns with this proposal at this time, including legal, regulatory, political and practical concerns 2018 Find ways to improve recreational enterprise operations to save $300K/year. Use savings to replace use of reserves at Centennial Lakes. Levy to replace park maintenance fees @ Centennial Lakes & Edinborough 2019 Fred Richards, Weber Woods & Braemar Park capital costs 2020 Grandview Community Center capital costs These projections do not include contingencies for unexpected negative impacts, like decreases in liquor or building permit revenue. Actual costs will depend on project timing, scope, other funding, financing costs, etc.