HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-05-12 Park Board MinutesEDINA PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, May 12, 1981 7:30 p.m. Edina City Hall Members Present: Joan Lonsbury, Chairperson; Bill Lord, Mack Thayer, Leonard Ring, Don Wineberg, Les Wanninger, George Warner, Arthur Erdall, Virginia Shaw, Doug King Staff Present: Bob Kojetin, Rick Jacobson, John Valliere, Rosie Hafner Others Present: Evelyn Gans, John Wernecke, Caren Beckley I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM APRIL 14, 1981 MEETING Mr. Wineberg MADE A MOTION to approve the Minutes as submitted. Mr. Ring SECONDED. CARRIED. II. EDINA FEST Mr. Wernecke was present to update the Park Board on the new developments that have taken place. The event is now scheduled to last only one day, Saturday; with a band concert Friday night from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. All events will take place at Cornelia Pool Park. These events include: a triathalon, benefit Kicks soccer match, rugby match, highland games (caber toss, sheaf toss, tug of war), pipeband competition, sculling, and fireworks ending the event on Saturday night. He also mentioned the organizations that have committed to supporting the event they include: Edina Jaycees, Edina Jaycee Women, Edina Federated Women's Club and League of Women Voters. These organizations will sell the food and beverages for the event. He explained that the booths and rides were no longer part of the program. Money for awards is being raised by selling advertisinq in programs. The organizations will give up 10% of'their profits to donate to the Heart - Fund. Mr. Kojetin explained that there is a problem in getting police to patrol the area on Friday night for the band concert. Mr. Wineberg felt that if this problem could be worked out, the program sounded good. Mr. Erdall inquired about cleaning up the park afterwards. Mr. Wernecke indicated that he would be responsible for cleaning up as much as possible. Mr. Wernecke emphasised that there would be no admission charged to any of the events. Mr. Thayer and Mr. Lord felt as though the Park Board should support Mr. Wernecke in his efforts to hold this event. Mr. Wineberg MADE A MOTION that the Park Board support the activities scheduled for Saturday, and the band concert on Friday night provided the security problems can be worked out. Mr. Thayer SECONDED. CARRIED. III. GOLF COURSE CORRESPONDENCE (golf car fee) Mr. Valliere read a letter from Mr. Jack Mullee, a senior citizen and patron at Braemar Golf Course. In this letter, Mr. Mullee protested the high cost of renting a golf car at Braemar. He pointed out that there are many senior citizens who, because of medical conditions, have to ride golf cars and the price charged at Braemar is prohibitive to some of them on fixed incomes. Mr. Valliere had checked with other golf courses around the area to compare prices on golf car rental and these indicated that Braemar was high on this item. Mr. Warner inquired as to whether or not we offer to reduce greens fees to senior citizens. Mr. Valliere indicated that we do, but only at designated times. Mr. Valliere pointed out that many seniors play on weekends when these prices are not -2 - in effect. Mr. Warner suggested allowing a price break for golf car rental at the times when the seniors get reduced greens fees. Mr. Valliere indicated that this was a feasible plan financially. Mr. King suggested some sort of plan whereby if only one person of the foursome had to use the car (due to medical reasons) he could rent it at a lower rate,,'on the provision that only that person would use the -car. It was decided, however, that this would be too difficult to police. Mr. Warner MADE A MOTION that seniors receive reduced golf car rates only at those times when the reduced greens fees are in effect. The rates at these times would be $12.00 for .18 holes and $6.00 for 9 holes. Mrs. Shaw AMMENDED THE MOTION to include the provision that the golf course manager, at his discretion, may reduce the golf car fees in cases of medical necessity, Mr.Wi-neberg SECONDED, CARRIED, Mrs, Lonsbury inquired about the drinking of alcoholic beverages at the course indicating that this situation has, of late gotten out of hand and the Park Board should attempt to do something about this, Mr, Kojetin explained some of the insurance and liability problems the city,faces in a situation where an individual leaves city property intoxicated, Mr, Kojetin mentioned that there is a similar problem developing with some of the adult softball teams, Mrs. Lonsbury suggested that Mr. Jacobson take care of the problems with the softball leagues and the Park Board set up a committee to look into the problem at Braemar. Mr. Thayer and Mr. Wineberg were appointed from the Park Board to be on this committee. Mr. Valliere is going to submit the names to Mrs_, Lonsbury, b,,efore the next Park Board Meeting# of some golfers to serve on this committee,. IV. FOX MEADOW PARK. Mr. Kojetin presented a brief update on the development of this park. He explained the problem of the owners discussing development of some of the land themselves and we, perhaps, entering into a land/cash exchange for the lake shore property. After some discussion it was decided that this lake shore property should not be given up without careful consideration. Mrs. Shaw MADE A MOTION that we not relinquish lake access on this property. Mr. Erdall SECONDED adding that we should consider carefully before surrendering any lake shore property in a sale or exchange proposition. CARRIED. Mrs. Shaw MADE A MOTION to adjourn. Mr. Wineberg SECONDED. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ITEMS FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL/ATTENTION Mr. Wineberg MADE A MOTION that the Park Board support the activities scheduled for Saturday, and the band concert on Friday night provided the security problems can be worked out. Mr. Thayer SECONDED. CARRIED. (Regarding the Edina Fest) Mr. Warner MADE A MOTION that the seniors receive reduced golf car rates at those times when the reduced greens fees are in effect. The rates at these times would be $12.00 for 18 holes and $6.00 for 9 holes. Mrs. Shaw AMMENDED THE MOTION to include the provision that the golf course manager, at his discretion, may reduce the golf car fees in cases of medical necessity. Mr. Wineberg SECONDED. CARRIED. A committee will be formed to look into'the problem of drinking of alcoholic beverages and other problems at Braemar Golf Course. Mrs. Shaw MADE A MOTION that we not relinquish lake acces on this property (Fox Meadow). Mr. Erdall SECONDED adding that we should consider carefully before surrendering any lake shore property in a sale or exchange proposition. CARRIED.