HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-11 Park Board MinutesEDINA PARK BOARD MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1981 7:30 p.m. EDINA CITY HALL Members Present: Joan Lonsbury, Chairperson; George Warner, Mack Thayer, Leonard Ring, Don Wineberg, Virginia Shaw, Bob Christianson, Doug King Arthur Erdall Staff Present: Bob Kojetin, Rick Jacobson, Larry Thayer, Rosie Hafner Others Present: Mr. Marshall Everson, 6000 Foxmeadow Lane; Mr. Vincent Nierste, 6108 Foxmeadow Lane; Mr. Rudy Trones, 6100 Foxmeadow Lane; Mr: Benson, 5301 West Highwood Drive; Mr. Rubins, 5316 West Highwood Drive; Mr. Kibly 5304 West Highwood Drive I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JUNE 9, 1981 AND SPECIAL PARK BOARD MEETING OF JULY 20, 1981 Mr. Wineberg MADE A MOTION to approve the Minutes of the June 9, 1981 meeting as submitted. Mr. Thayer SECONDED. CARRIED. Mrs. Shaw MADE A MOTION to approve the Minutes of the Special Park Board Meeting of July 20, 1981 with the correction that her name be added as present. Mr. Thayer SECONDED. CARRIED II. UPDATE OF TODD PARK DEVELOPMENTS Mr. Kojetin briefly brought the Park Board up-to-date on developments regarding the purchase of the house at Todd Park. He and Mr. Dalen have been meeting with the Fosters and real estate people on the purchase of the house in Todd Park. The Fosters had offered the home for sale at $76,000.00. Mr. Dalen had offered $62,000.00 for the building, it has been appraised by the assessing department at between $68,000.00 and $69,000.00. The Fosters submitted a -second proposal of $71,000.00. Mr. Kojetin and Mr. Dalen offered $69,500.00. The Fosters indicated that they would like to stay in the house until July 1982. They accepted the offer of $69,500.00 cash and will stay in the house until July 1982. Mr. Dalen pointed out that the difference in the cost of paying them$62,000.00 this year or $69,500.00 next year. is not that great because of the interest that would accumulate in a year's time. fir. Kojetin suggested that after we buy the house we should rent it out for two or three years in order to build equity.. This money would be used to demolish the building and construct a parking lot at the present site of the house. III. UPDATE OF LEONARD PROPERTY There were several neighbors present to voice their opinions on the decision by the Park Board to swap the lakeshore property at this park. The subject of this development was on the agenda at the last Planning Commission Meeting but had been sent back to the Park Board and tabled until September 2,when Bob Kojetin, Ken Rosland and Joan Lonsbury will be invited to the Planning Commission Meeting. Mr. Kojetin presented a brief update on the past developments of .the-Foxmeadow Park property. It was originally purchased for park property in the 1975 open space bond issue. In 1977 a neighborhood meeting was held in which a number of residents who petitioned for immediate development of the park were invited. At that time a proposed development plan was presented for the neighbors to review. The neighbors objected to the proposed tennis courts and parking lot although they did approve the installation of playground equipment in the near future. In the next couple of years a petition was again submitted to not install the -2 - playground equipment and to leave the park in a natural state, not even cutting the grass. During the past five years negotiations have been continuing with Mr. Leonard to purchase the remaining property which was originally proposed on the bond issue in 1975. No final conclusion ever developed from -these negotiations. The latest development was that Mr. Leonard wanted to develop the land himself. He has contacted a developer and two plans were proposed: (1) to develop the property he owned and (2) to propose a swap of lakeshore property. A tentative agreement was made with Mr. Leonard that the land swap would take place and he would pay an additional $150,000.00 for the swap. At a -Special Park Meeting the two -plans were presented and discussed. The Park Board decided that since this would never be an actively used park, the layout of plan number two (the one which included the land swap) made much more sense. Therefore, they voted to go with this plan. Mr. Everson, one of the neighbors present, pointed out that he felt as though the neighbors should have been consulted before the special meeting. He pointed out that most of the residents around the park are opposed to the idea of the land swap. He also mentioned that when he had moved into his house he wanted to buy this land but was told it would never be available because it belonged to the parks department. Other neighbors present expressed the same sentiment regarding purchasing the land themselves. Mr. Benson, another of the neighbors, pointed out that putting a park in this area was not called for since there were no children in the area. He also pointed out that putting in the park would cause Highwood Drive to become a thoroughfare. Mr. Rubins stated that he bought his house for the peace and tranquility of living on a cul-de-sac and didn't want the street to become a through street. It was his belief that, being so close to Hopkins, we would attract more Hopkins children to the park than Edina children. Mr. Kilby presented similar objections to turning Highwood Drive into a through street. Mr. Benson pointed out that there is also a lot of wildlife living in the park area. Mr. Nierste mentioned that this was the reason they had requested the grass not be mowed. Mr. Everson pointed out that the people who do use the park, including children, enjoy it more in its natural state than they would if it were developed. He also pointed out that some people go fishing in the lake. Mrs. Lonsbury inq�iired as to whether the neighbors would object to having a dock put in so younsters would be able to fish. Mr. Everson stated that he thought this would be a great idea. Mr. Trones and others pointed out that in conver- sations with Mr. Leonard he was not in favor of the land swap but rather, wanted to develop his own land. Mr. Wineberg mentioned that the Park Board was not aware the neighbors concerns when the subject of the land swap was presented to them. Mrs. Lonsbury stated that she was not sure what the Park Board could do at this time except pass the neighbors comments along to the Council. Mr. Everson inquired as to whether or not the board could reconsider the motion made regarding swapping the land. There was continued discussion regarding the future plans for developing this park. Mr. Kojetin explained that in the future, if the park were developed, it would be used as a "passive" park. That is, there would be no athletic fields probably jus some playground equipment, open play fields and tennis courts. Mr. Rubens pointed out that there are not that many families with children in the area, most young families could not afford a house in this section of Edina. Mr. Kojetin pointed out that, although there are not children in the area now, perhaps 20 years from now the neighborhood will change and there will be a need to have a park for the chidren. Should this be the case, there are several physical barriers, i.e., busy intersections, that would prevent the children from going to the next closest park. Mr. Warner pointed out that if we sell/swap -3 - the lakeshore property we should make sure we maintain an easement down to the lake so the children will be able to go down there without cutting across people's yards. Mrs. Shaw explained that it was her belief that we should rely on the judgement of our hired professionals and in their opinion the second plan for the park was a better layout than the first. Also, she mentioned, neighbors always object when we talk about putting a park near their house. Mrs. Lonsbury presented a brief summary of the acquisition of this land in 1975 stating that at the time there was no other land in the area suitable for development of a park. We do, she mentioned, have an obligation to the people who voted on the open space issue. Mr. Rubens in- quired as to whether extending Highwood Drive was an integral part of developing the park. Mr. Kojetin mentioned that it is ideal to have a road encircling a park and Highwood Drive is the logical choice for this park. Mrs. Shaw inquired as to whether the neighbors were concerned with the configuration of the park (with the land swap) or the usage of the park. Mr. Nierste stated that it was the configuration. It was the concensus of the neighbors present that the Parks Department was losing by giving up the lakeshore property for a lot on Blake Road. The Park Board then had a brief discussion of the neighbors concerns. Mrs. Shaw stated that in her opinion we should not let the neighbors desires be our overwhelming concern in developing this park, but rather, the future and general needs of the community. Mr. King pointed out that the Park Board was initially in agreement with holding on to the lakeshore. He also suggested that perhaps in developing the park we could make it a picnic, nature area. Mrs. Lonsbury suggested perhaps -taking some of the lakeshore land instead of developers funds to insure an easement down to the lake. Mr. Thayer MADE A MOTION to rescind the motion made at the Special Park Board Meeting to elect plan B and re-elect plan A (keep the original land that we own). Mr. King SECONDED. CARRIED. Mrs. Shaw OPPOSED. III. BUDGET Mr. Kojetin briefly went over the proposed budget explaining that usually the Park Board receives the operating budget "after the fact" and he thought they might like a little pre.l.iminary input. He mentioned that there was going to be an 8% across the board increase in the operating budget this year. We will have the same amount ($220,000) this year as last for Capital Improvments and Repairs. Mr. Kojetin highlighted some of the Capital Improvement items. Cornelia Pool Park needs a pic- nic shelter, it is one of the most popular picnic areas in the city. More people are becoming aware of Arneson Acres and a parking lot is needed in this park. Mr. Kojetin also mentioned that this year we have to start up -grading some of the parks and much of the older equipment we have has to be repaired or replaced. Mr. Kojetin also mentioned the development of walking paths throughthe city that is slowly taking shape. Larry Thayer presented some of the improvements and budget for Braemar Arena next year. He mentioned that the chief concern at the arena at this time is energy conservation and many steps have been taken to correct this problem. He briefly went over the budget pointing out that with the two schools merging there may be a decrease in spectator fees and concessions. He estimated this decrease at around 20%. The proposed increase in contract ice will put us at almost the same price as most of the arenas in the area. He also mentioned that his assistant, Mitch Aspelund is doing a tremendous job in saving money by fixing some of the equipment that we had to contract out to be fixed before. -4= Mr. Kojetin informed the board that Mr. Valliere will be doing a survey of people using the golf course next week. He also pointed out that although we increased the patron card fee last year we sold 200 more this year than last. He felt this was because of the $2.00 difference in the price of greens fees. M'r. Valliere is continuing to cut down on the number of leagues playing at the course. Mr. Kojetin informed the board that on Wednesday evening, June 24, 419 rounds of golf were played on the championship course at Braemar. This is the most rounds of golf played in one day in the history of the course. Mr. Jacboson presented a brief report on the pool. The department spent some money this year to advertise the season tickets at the pool and it appears that it payed off. Even though we raised the price this year and the weather was not the greatest, we sold 55 more season tickets than last year. Total revenue brought in this year on season tickets was $40,800.00 compared to $37,000.00 last year. There were 44,700 single admissions sold as opposed to 53,000 last year. Mr. Jacobson suggested tabling any decisions regarding raising the fees next year until the figures from this year are available for study. Mr. Jacobson then briefly went over repairs that must be done at the pool this year. A letter of appreciation for Les Wanninger was passed around and signed by all the members. Mrs. Lonsbury mentioned that the Society for Creative Anarchism wants to hold a Guy Fox Day at Cornelia Park this November. It was the concensus of the Park Board members that this decision should be made by the staff. Mr. Erdall MADE A MOTION to adjourn. Mr. Thayer SECONDED. CARRIED. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.