Members Present: Members Absent: Staff Present:
Carol Carmichiel Richard Hechter Susan Heiberg
Betsy Flaten Tom Oye
Shirley Hunt -Alexander Guest Present:
Sharon Ming Sandra Stevenson
Eileen Supple
Ardis Wexler
Jim Zappa
Sandra Stevenson, the Coordinator of the Edina Community Resource Center, was
welcomed. The Center has just celebrated its first year of operation, and the Sun -Current
recently ran a story about the success of the Center. The first phone call received was in
January of 1997, and the total of calls during 1997 was 619. October had the highest
number of calls. By far, the majority of the calls come from the general public. The
School District generates more calls than the City; however, the City refers more calls
than the School District. An average of 1.6 hours is spent for each call, with research and
follow-up. Some cases only take five minutes of time, while others take 12 hours. All
four of the Resource Centers are connected with the Internet and have E -Mail. A
computer will soon input all information regarding calls and will replace paper
altogether. The evaluation pieces are in place at this time. A survey will be sent to the
users of the Resource Centers to determine customer satisfaction. The Support Network
will play a role in the Welfare -to -Work initiative in South Hennepin. The Tax Assistance
Program offered through the Minnesota County Aid Society will be housed for a time at
Edina's Center as well as 60 other sites. A parent support group regarding difficulties
with children is being discussed. Edina's Center is actually under utilized, and marketing
strategies are being investigated. Brochures are available at the schools, doctors' offices,
apartment buildings and hospitals. It was suggested that Target and Cub might be good
locations for brochures as well. The "Bug Us" campaign is underway and was
established by the Marketing Committee. Speakers' bureau is being considered as a way
to get people out in the community talking about the Center. Metro Transit could be
asked to promote the Center on its signs. Hennepin County has offered to pay for
translation services to connect people to different agencies. Revenue enhancement
channel money to the local level from Federal funds through the State; Edina began
participation last fall. One-third of the Center's budget is Revenue Enhancement
funding. Edina's Center represents $170,000 of service value to the community, with
approximately $80,000 of that from in-kind services.
Approval of Minutes. The motion of Jim Zappa to approve the minutes of the Joint
Meeting with the City Council and the regular Commission Meeting on December
15, 1997, was seconded by Sharon Ming; the motion carried.
Chair's Report. Betsy Flaten reported the resignation of Nancy Atchison and read her
letter of farewell.
Turning Point. Eileen Supple announced that the grand opening for TurninT Point
would be January 28"' from 3 to 6 PM. This is a duplex at 3928-30 West 49 Street and
will be a group home for girls ages 12 through 17 who are either chemically dependent or
have other behavioral issues. There will be five girls living at each address beginning in
February, and it will be funded by the County.
"Toward a More Perfect Union." Sharon Ming handed out booklets which she had
ordered and were recommended by Mort Ryweck as a discussion guide for building
stronger communities through public dialogue. The booklet—"Toward a More Perfect
Union" --contains guidelines for study circle participants and looks at bonds and
boundaries and ways to build stronger communities in an age of diversity.
Community Council. Sharon Ming reported that funds in the amount of $212,000 from
McKnight will help to implement facilitation of the Welfare -to -Work Initiative.
Information needs to be gathered concerning the funding of individuals within this
initiative; therefore, an infrastructure needs to be built to put these things into place.
Slate of New Officers. Jim Zappa, representing the Nominating Committee, presented
the following slate of new officers for 1998:
Chair: Ardis Wexler
I't Vice Chair: Carol Cannichiel
2 nd Vice Chair: Jim Zappa
The motion of Shirley Hunt -Alexander to approve this slate of new officers was
seconded by Eileen Supple; the motion carried.
Proposals for Lewis Engineering/Kunz Oil Properties. The Commission had received
the executive summary of the 13 proposals submitted for the redevelopment of the Lewis
Engineering/Kunz Oil properties. The Human Relations Commissioners were in support
of any plan for redevelopment of the property which would promote the welfare of the
community in any way.
Community Development Block Grant Funding. The handout from Joyce Repya,
Associate City Planner, was discussed regarding the timing of the CDBG funding process
and how the Commission can interact. At next month's meeting, the Commission will
have a chance to respond to the Planning Staff s proposal to be submitted for publishing
prior to the Council hearing on March 2
Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9: 10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsy Flaten, Chair
Members Present:
Richard Hechter
Shirley Hunt -Alexander
Sharon Ming
Tom Oye
Eileen Supple
Lynne Westphal
Ardis Wexler
Jim Zappa
Members Absent:
Carol Carmichiel
Betsy Flaten
Staff Present:
Susan Heiberg
Amendment of Minutes. It was noted that the following information had been omitted
from the January 20�' minutes: "Ardis Wexler has returned to the Commission after a
leave of absence." The paragraph on Turning Point was corrected as follows: "...willbe
a group home for girls 12 through 17 who are either chemically dependent or have other
behavioral issues. There will be five girls living at each address ..." The slate of new
officers was corrected as follows: I " Vice Chair, Carol Cannichiel; 2 d Vice Chair, Jim
Zappa. There being no additional corrections, Eileen Supple's motion to approve
the minutes of January 20, 1998, as amended was seconded by Jim Zappa; the
motion carried.
Chair's Report. Ardis Wexler welcomed BACK Lynne Westphal as a Commissioner.
She had previously served from 1985 to 1991; she was introduced to the newer members
and affirmed her pleasure in being able to serve again.
Chair Wexler began her first meeting with some clarification of the agenda. She
indicated that agendas will be approved before being sent out and that an item can be
included by calling her in time (the Wednesday before the Commission Meeting). She
remarked that the Commission, in its advisory role, has looked toward promoting
activities that bring people together and addressing issue areas of concern. The
Commission is being proactive as it looks at opportunities for collaborative effort.
CDBG Funding. The motion of Sharon Ming to approve City staff's proposal to
City Council for 1998 CDBG funding of human services was seconded by Tom Oye:
H.O.M.E. - $17,400
Daycare - $17,400
CASH Homeline - $1,568
The motion carried.
Community Council. Sharon Ming reported that after State approval for fiscal year
1996-97, Revenue Enhancement dollars have finally been received in the amount of
$270,000. This is approximately $63,000 more than expected due to qualifying for more
funds than anticipated and $7,500 in interest earned while the funds were held by the
County. A plan needs to be devised for expending these additional funds, and a plan for
the current year will be developed. A marketing concept is being devised for the Support
Network—specifically, "FamiLink" is under strong consideration. The McKnight
funding for Welfare -to -Work will amount to $212,000 for a two-year period, which
translates into $60,000 for the Resource Centers.
Old Business. Ardis Wexler reminded the Commission that there still are two unfilled
positions, both requiring appointment from the School Board. It was agreed that there
must be the continuous sharing of information between the Commission and the
Resource Center, with its activity reports included in the Commission packets. The
Commissioners noted the importance of getting the word out to the community about the
purpose of the Resource Center and how it can be of use to everyone.
New Business. Ardis Wexler suggested that every other meeting or third meeting a guest
might be invited to speak. She asked the Commissioners to ponder this and bring back
ideas to the next Commission Meeting on March 17th. Eileen Supple agreed to contact
Christine Weymouth for the April meeting to talk about the current climate of the
Cornerstone Intervention Services. The contract for intervention services was formally
approved between Cornerstone and the City of Edina on January 1, 1998. The
Commissioners indicated their wish to receive the quarterly statistical reports from
Cornerstone which summarize the nature of the activities provided by them. The motion
of Shirley Hunt -Alexander was seconded by Lynne Westphal to send a letter of
gratitude to the Police Chief for working with Cornerstone to develop an agreement
which is mutually agreeable and good for the people in the community; the motion
Funding Process. The Commissioners will come prepared at the April meeting to
discuss the RFP process and to whom the requests will be sent. It was agreed that the
Resource Center should present its budget proposal to the Commission as all the human
service providers do. Sandra Stevenson, Edina's Resource Center Coordinator, will be
invited to do so at the May Commission meeting.
Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ardis Wexler, Chair
Edina Human Relations Commission
Members Present:
Betsy Flaten
Richard Hechter
Sharon Ming
Tom Oye
Eileen Supple
Ardis Wexler
Jim Zappa
Members Absent:
Carol Carmichiel
Shirley Hunt -Alexander
Lynne Westphal
Staff Present:
Susan Heiberg
Approval of Minutes. The motion of Jim Zappa to approve the minutes of February
17, 1998, was seconded by Tom Oye; the motion carried.
Community Development Block Grant Funding. Sharon Ming reported that due to
Welfare -to -Work there was more funding available from the State for childcare, and this
was a major windfall. The Greater Minneapolis Daycare Association (GMDCA) had not
used the City's funds yet from this last year; and without a waiting list now, the Edina
City Council questioned the practicality of funding them at this time. GMDCA has
agreed to communicate with the City of Edina after State and Federal funds have been
identified; thereafter, if the City's funding for daycare is deemed unnecessary, the money
will be re -allocated.
Funding Process. The process for studying requests for funding from human services
providers was discussed. RFP's will be sent out the end of April for return by June I't.
All proposals will be distributed to the Commissioners for study, while each
Commissioner will investigate certain proposals in-depth for reporting to the whole
Commission and for following up with questions. A concern was expressed that
organizations could become dependent on the same funding sources. The
Commissioners agreed that it would be helpful to know if the providers are a part of the
network of the Family Services Collaborative and how they see their role in the future
with the FSC. It was noted that the newly -created Community Connections Committee
of Edina's Community Council has as part of its mission the identification of groups and
people who are not being heard and developing strategies for seeking and listening. In
the prioritization of needs in the future, the Commission wants to be sure it is catching all
the providers seeking funds who serve Edinans. The motion of Betsy Flaten was
seconded by Tom Oye to send out RFP's to only the providers currently funded by
the City of Edina and then request that the Community Connections Committee
explore unmet needs. Discussion ensued with an amendment to the motion. The
motion of Richard Hechter was seconded by Sharon Ming to amend the above
motion with the following: in addition to currently -funded providers, that the REP
go to any new providers identified by the Resource Center and any providers who
request one. The motion carried with six ayes and one nay. The Commissioners
asked that the request form which accompanies the proposals be changed to ask providers
for a breakdown of income sources from municipalities, Hennepin County, private
grants, etc. and that providers identify their involvement with the Resource Center
through MOU's.
Multi -Cultural Club at High School. It was reported that Kathy Iverson is recruiting a
person to lead a Step Group next year at the High School. Because Christine Weymouth
will be speaking at the next Commission meeting in April, it was suggested that she view
the Annstrong video first. Eileen Supple will deliver the video to her.
Community Council. Sharon Ming reported that the Resource Center was the location
for tax help this year and that it was a success. During the month of February, 196 clients
were served -50 of them being tax clients. Because the Normandale French Immersion
School is hoping to expand its capabilities in technology, it has been rumored that the
Resource Center would be moved to accommodate the School. However, it is more
likely that there will be changes made on the second floor. Sandra has generated a list of
needs of the Resource Center if it does ever have to be relocated. Sharon reported that
the spending plan for 1997 Revenue Enhancement dollars was approved. The Executive
Committee of the Community Council met with Ken Dragseth and Ken Rosland to
develop a procedure for developing the Revenue Enhancement spending plan. It was
determined that the Executive Committee will recommend the following components to
the full Community Council for approval:
I . Fund the School District's share of the Resource Center's operational budget.
2. Fund the administrative costs of managing the local collaborative time studies.
3. Set aside approximately $ 10,000 for the Community Council for accomplishing its
goals of connecting to the community and gathering feedback, gathering data,
facilitating enhancement or creation of programs, etc.
4. Use the balance of funds for qualifying School District programs such as social
workers in the schools, asset building, etc.
It is the intention of the School District, City and the Community Council to follow these
protocols for as long as this revenue stream is available.
New Member Recruitment. The Commissioners agreed to encourage Nancy Atchison
to reconsider serving again. Other sources mentioned to recruit from were the faith
community and the PTO. Whether or not to advertise was discussed. Eileen Supple will
talk to the School District regarding the appointment of other Commissioners.
Speakers for Future Meetings. Betsy Flaten reported that in May the League of
Women Voters will be conducting an informational session about immigrants in Edina—
their experience, their needs and how we can reach out to them. Apparently, there have
been a number of calls from immigrants to the Resource Center. Areas of concern
identified are: illegal housing; language barriers and problems in childcare; employment
and transportation; and acceptance in the community. It was suggested that a partnership
be developed to look at their needs and help make connections. This could be a four -
community project. Betsy will look into this and see if a speaker could come to a future
Commission meeting to talk about immigrants in Edina.
Adjournment. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00
PM. The Commissioners were advised to contact Susan Heiberg at 826-0403 if unable to
attend a regular Commission meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Ardis Wexler, Chair
Edina Human Relations Commission
Members Present: Members Absent: Staff Present:
Carol Cannichiel Betsy Flaten Susan Heiberg
Richard Hechter
Shirley Hunt -Alexander Guest Present:
Sharon Ming Christine Weymouth, Ph.D.
Tom Oye
Eileen Supple
Lynne Westphal
Ardis Wexler
Jim Zappa
Asset Building. Christine Weymouth, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education
of Edina Public Schools, was introduced and welcomed. Her agenda was asset building
in children and how the community can come together and look at developmental assets.
She indicated that St. Louis Park has a newsletter and an initiative called "Children
First." In Edina, one of the top assets identified is the emphasis on strong academic
programs; there are numerous opportunities for parents, families and children to make
learning choices. Edina is truly a single community coming together around choices.
Everyday Blessings is a book about children developing more internal strengths and
becoming more secure in themselves. Children need to become inter -dependent, and this
is definitely being addressed in the partnering of the community and the schools.
Children need to be prepared for a very diverse world. Keeping class sizes small is
valued in this community. Edina has very talented students and one of the largest
advanced placement programs in the country; out of 1000 tested, 500 of them achieved
an advanced placement scoring. Christine reported that at the present time there are 2600
children registered for Summer Shades and 4000 registered in the Family Center and
Kids Club. Youth Development services have experienced a remarkable growth, with
service at the middle school level especially strong. Ethnicity of students is growing.
Activities need to be well planned and should involve the parents. There will be a career
expo next winter, and this will provide an opportunity for business and students to mix.
Christine indicated that it is very important to find a way to build recognition and
appreciation into the curriculum. She responded to a question about students feeling safe
and said that generally they do. She remarked that students have disclosed that it is hard
to keep up with the standard of always being the "best;" they want and need to know
where they fit in that standard. Christine explained that there would be no challenge in
bringing a secondary magnate school into Edina; however, we must continue to keep the
high standards. Eighty to ninety students out of 1500 are taking advantage of the post-
secondary option.. At the present time, there is a community service requirement for
graduation; colleges do look for this experience. Christine reported that there is a need to
do more training with staff regarding support services for students with issues. There is a
District -wide crisis intervention team which helps in suicidal situations; however, all
staff needs good training on a broader basis and must become deliberately sensitive to
students' needs. A recognized goal is to build self esteem and confidence in all students.
Approval of Minutes. It was noted that Lynne Westphal was not present at the last
meeting and that the minutes should be changed to reflect that. The motion of Tom Oye
to. approve the minutes of March 17, 1998, as amended was seconded by Richard
Hechter; the motion carried.
Chair's Report. Ardis Wexler reported on the WMEP update per a memo from Gordon
Hughes. Apparently, the Legislature approved a bonding bill in the amount of $2 million
for this school rather than the $13.2 which had been requested. The $2 million would
complete site purchase and begin planning studies, and then the Legislature would
consider funding for the building during the 2000 Legislative Session. The School
District has indicated an interest in using the Legislative allocation to purchase the Kunz
Oil/Lewis Engineering properties for later development when and if the school were
funded, as well as pursue other locations in the City.
New Member Recruitment. Ardis Wexler encouraged the Commissioners to
communicate with School Board Members as to potential new members. It was noted
that, due to the Commission's urging, Nancy Atchison may return.
Speakers for Future Meetings. Once again it was suggested that the Human Relations
Commission should consider a joint meeting with the School Board as it did with the City
Council. It was agreed that a project needs to be identified in order to be more proactive.
The asset building effort of the schools may fall into the realm of a possible activity.
Perhaps Edina's concept of "Growing Small" could tie into activities of community
organizations with an emphasis on asset development. The Commission agreed to
consider planning a program or activity for next September or October. A new brochure
will be discussed at the next Commission meeting.
Daycare Funding. Sharon Ming reported that the Legislature had not yet wrapped up its
process concerning funding for daycare—specifically Greater Minneapolis Daycare
Association (GMDCA). She will follow the action and report back. If the State funds
daycare, the CDBG amount allocated to GMDCA can be reassigned to the HOME
Edina Chemical Awareness (ECA) and Chemical Health Advisory Committee
(CHAC). There was some discussion about the possibility of combining the two
committees and then begin to meetjointly. Additional information will be forthcoming.
Funding Proposal Form. Suggestions were made as to improving the format of the
funding proposal form. Involvement with the Resource Center will be questioned. The
RFP's will be sent out before the end of April with a return deadline of early June.
The Sehlin Lecture. Shirley Hunt -Alexander shared invitations with the Commissioners
for the University of Minnesota School of Social Work's event called The Sehlin Lecture
in honor of her mother, Katherine Sehlin. It will be held at the Radisson Metrodome on
May 27th with a lecture at 1:30 followed by a reception at 3:00 PM. The event will be
entitled "New Caregiving Realities Facing Baby Boomer Women" and will feature Judith
Gonyea from Boston University of Social Work.
Step Group. Eileen Supple conversed with Ron Tesch regarding the Step Group at
Edina High School which was invited to a gym class to do a demonstration. More details
will be available before the end of the school year.
Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ardis Wexler, Chair
Edina Human Relations Commission
TUESDAY, MAY 19,1998
Members Present:
Members Absent: Staff Present:
Carol Can-nichiel
Shirley Hunt -Alexander Susan Heiberg
Betsy Flaten
Lynne Westphal
Richard Hechter
Guest Present:
Sharon Ming
Sandra Stevenson
Tom Oye
Eileen Supple
Ardis Wexler
Jim Zappa
Sandra Stevenson, Edina's FamiLink Coordinator, was welcomed to share the budget
overview for 1998-1999. Edina's Resource Center is anticipating a three percent from
the City of Edina, with funding therefore being $29,355. Start-up costs will not be a
factor is fiscal 1999. There will be a continued emphasis on marketing and outreach, as
this will be the first fiscal year in which funds must be raised. However, the budget is not
likely to grow significantly from year to year. During the first six months of its
operation, the Center received about 30 calls each month. The second six months
showed 70 calls per month. The first five months of this year reflect approximately 135
per month. There truly appears to be a steady increase in the number of clients using the
Resource Center. Welfare -to -Work has had an impact on the type of calls. The projected
budget for 1998-1999 is $171,730--$81,530 from revenue and $90,200 from in-kind
services such as space and staffing. Sandra reminded the Commission that the FamiLink
provides a critical link to human services and informal supports for families and
individuals with varying needs, and it also identifies gaps in services and affects systemic
changes. She assured the Commission that the Center will work with the Community
Council and a fund-raising committee in order to raise $5,000 for fiscal 1999. Sandra
sees the South Hennepin's Welfare -to -Work initiative integrated into the FamiLink
program. Finally, Sandra remarked that the Center will continue to assist the regional
FamiLink in implementation and refinement of the evaluation plan and information
Minutes Amended. The minutes of April 21, 1998, were corrected as follows: Page
Two --Step Group --Eliminate second sentence and replace with "A Step Group was
invited to a gym class at the High School to do a demonstration." The motion of Tom
Oye to approve the minutes of April 21, 1998, as amended was seconded by Jim
Zappa; the motion carried.
Funding Process. Tuesday, July 14th, will be the scheduled hearing process for the
human services proposals. It will have to begin in the afternoon to accommodate all
anticipated proposals. Thereafter, the Commission will meet on Tuesday, July 21't, at
7:00 PM, to draft a budget proposal to submit to the City Council at a hearing in August.
When the proposals reach City Hall in June, they will all be sent to each Commissioner
for study and reporting in order to clarify for the funding evaluation process.
New Member Recruitment. Because of the need for an appointment by the School
Board, it was suggested that the School District's publication "Front Page—Back Page"
be a source to help the School Board find potential Commissioners. Idith Almog will be
contacted with this question.
Speakers for Future Meetings. It was suggested that Peter Hayden of Turning Point be
invited to the September meeting; Eileen Supple agreed to call him. The month of
October would be a good time to resume discussion on the community asset building
initiative and perhaps invite someone from St. Louis Park to share their story.
Edina Chemical Awareness & Chemical Health Advisory Committee. Because of a
joint meeting held by both groups, there has been discussion that it might be
advantageous to combine them into one working group. The Commission was invited to
share its opinion, and it has requested background information on each group in order to
give a valid answer.
Appointments to the Community Council. The motion of Sharon Ming was
seconded by Betsy Flaten to recommend for the City Council's approval the
appointments of Ed Noonan and Kay Bach; the motion carried.
Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ardis Wexler, Chair
Edina Human Relations Commission
Members Present:
Nancy Atchison
Carol Carmichiel
Betsy Flaten
Richard Hechter
Shirley Hunt -Alexander
Tom Oye
Eileen Supple
Lynne Westphal
Ardis Wexler
Jim Zappa
Members Absent:
Sharon Ming
Staff Present:
Susan Heiberg
Chair's Report. Ardis Wexler suggested on behalf of the Commission that a note of
caring and concern be sent to Ken Rosland with regard to his health issues. It was
reported that Gordon Hughes is the sole candidate being interviewed by the City Council
for the appointment to City Manager, as Ken will be retiring as of October 3 1 ".
Appointment to Edina Community Council. The motion of Tom Oye was seconded
by Jim Zappa to recommend for the City Council's approval the appointment of
The Rev. Charles Vogt; the motion carried.
Appointment of Backup to SHeRPA Advisory Council. It was unanimously agreed
that Lynne Westphal be the backup representative to Nan Faust. Lynne would be
encouraged to attend all Community Council meetings; however, she would be a voting
member only in Nan's absence.
Daycare Funding. The Greater Minneapolis Daycare Association will, after all, have
need of the amount of money allocated by the City of Edina through the CDBG program,
which is $17,400. Therefore, the Commission will not have to recommend to the City
Council a redistributing of this money.
Funding Process. It was agreed that the hearing on July 14 th should be shortened in
length, with emphasis placed on brief proposal summaries and a short time designated for
questions. This would therefore amount to approximately 15 minutes for each
presentation. Beginning precisely at 4:00 PM and continuing through 12 proposals with
a break in the middle, the Commissioners should conclude the hearing process at
approximately 8:30 PM.
The following assignments were made for reporting and follow-up:
0 Storefront[Youth Action - Betsy Flaten
Cornerstone - Jim Zappa
Senior Community Services - Tom Oye
• West Suburban Mediation - Richard Hechter
• Women in Transition - Carol Carmichiel
• VEAP - Eileen Supple
• The Bridge - Lynne Westphal
• Share -A -Home - Carol Carmichiel
• Family & Children's Service - Shirley Hunt -Alexander
• Side by Side - Nancy Atchison
• The Wayside House - Sharon Ming
• Youth Frontiers - Eileen Supple
Each assigned Commissioner will contact the respective provider for answers to unclear
information in their proposals which need to be submitted in writing and distributed to all
the Commissioners.
Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ardis Wexler, Chair
Edina Human Relations Commission
Members Present:
Nancy Atchison
Carol Carmichiel
Betsy Flaten
Richard Hechter
Shirley Hunt -Alexander
Sharon Ming
Tom Oye
Eileen Supple
Lynne Westphal
Ardis Wexler
Jim Zappa
Staff Present:
Susan Heiberg
The purpose of this meeting was to focus on the hearings of the previous week and to work
together to create a proposal to the City Council for human services funding in 1999.
Currently, the budget for this year --$124,829, including SHeRPA and FamiLink—can be
broken down the following way: children or 29%; seniors or 18%; families or 37%; and
other or 16% (West Suburban Mediation and SHeRPA). Another way to look at the areas is
to consider concepts such as assets, service and quality of life.
The Commission worked together to come up with agreed-upon funding amounts, keeping
in mind that $79,000 is a 3% increase over 1998 funding (excluding FamiLink and SHeRPA
at this time). The following scenario emerged:
Senior Community Services
West Suburban Mediation
Share -A -Home
Women in Transition
The Bridge
Family & Children's Service
Side by Side
Youth Frontiers
The Wayside House
Richard Hechter's motion to fund Cornerstone $15,000 was seconded by Tom Oye;
the motion carried.
Richards Hechter's motion to deny funding to Youth Frontiers was seconded by
Tom Oye; the motion carried.
Eileen Supple's motion to deny funding to The Wayside House was seconded by
Nancy Atchison; the motion carried.
Betsy Flaten's motion to reduce funding to Side by Side by $200 was defeated.
Eileen Supple's motion to deny funding to Side by Side was seconded by Jim Zappa;
the motion did not carry.
Nancy Atchison's motion to reduce funding to Family & Children's Service by $200
was seconded by Carol Carmichiel; the motion carried.
Jim Zappa's motion to propose the following budget to the City Council in the
amount of $79,000 was seconded by Eileen Supple; the motion carried.
Senior Community Services
West Suburban Mediation
Share -A -Home
Women in Transition
The Bridge
Family & Children's Service
Side by Side
Jim Zappa's motion to propose to the City Council the funding of SHeRPA and
FamiLink at a three percent increase was seconded by Betsy Flaten; the motion
SHeRPA in the amount of $20,600
FamiLink in the amount of $29,355
Adjournment. Before adjourning, the Commission was reminded of the City Council's
budget hearing on August 12,h at 5:00 PM. The meeting was then adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ardis Wexler
Members Present: Members Absent:
Carol Carmichiel Nancy Atchison
Betsy Flaten Richard Hechter
Sharon Ming Shirley Hunt -Alexander
Tom Oye
Eileen Supple
Lynne Westphal
Ardis Wexler
Jim Zappa
Staff Present:
Susan Heiberg
Peter Hayden, President of the Turning Point, did not attend as the scheduled guest speaker;
Eileen Supple will contact him and extend a further invitation.
Chair's Report. Ardis Wexler reported that Shirley Hunt -Alexander's husband, Joe, had
recently passed away. His funeral will be at Colonial Church on Thursday, October 22. In
expression of their sympathy, a floral arrangement will be sent to the church in their behalf.
It was suggested and subsequently agreed that the December meeting date would be changed
from December 15,h to December 8,h.
SHeRPA Work Plan. Now that FamiLink is a viable entity in the four communities, with
resource centers open and running, SHeRPA is now ready to move forward in taking on
new research, planning and coordinating priorities. As a result, a new Advisory Committee
has been formed, consisting of four representatives—one from each commuity—with an
optional liaison from each community to cover/ensure representation. Edina has appointed
Council Member Faust as its SHeRPA Advisory Committee representative, with Lynne
Westphal as liaison. The purpose of this Comrruttee is to assist in identifying new priority
and key issue areas for SHeRPA. Discussion ensued regarding SHeRPA's annual work plan
and the process of participation by the four cities. Each city is asked to submit its priorities
regarding human service needs, gaining information from Commission Members as well as
Council Members. Council Member Faust will be connecting with the Mayor and other
Council Members at their next meeting, and the Human Relations Commission began its
discussion at this meeting. Reference was made to a list of suggested planning
priorities /activities discussed at the collaborative table during a SHeRPA Advisory
Committee meeting. The Commission agreed that it was difficult to deterrmine a priority of
needs by using this list and by trying to relate the identified activities on the list to the scope
of issues which are reviewed and studied annually for the funding proposal to the Edina City
The following motion by Eileen Supple was seconded by Lynne Westphal: the
Human Relations Commission will share with Nan Faust for the SHeRPA
Committee that because the Commission does not feel it can comment on any of the
identified eight priorities/ activities without knowing how they relate and respond to
the needs in this community, the Commission therefore recommends that SHeRPA
help the four communities of the South Hennepin collaborative determine their
human service needs before developing priorities for consideration. The motion
carried. As a result of the motion, it was suggested that Jeanne Massey from SHeRPA be
invited to attend a future meeting.
Chemical Health Advisory Committee (CHAC) and Edina Chemical Awareness
(ECA). Tom Oye reported on the merger of the CH_AC and ECA. CHAC goes back to
about 15 years ago when the Commission was concerned about health issues around
chemical use. The Committee grew out of the Commission with its purpose being to make
information available relative to alcohol and drug abuse and violence prevention. With the
help of the Commission, it began as a gathering of pharmacists, doctors, social workers;
school officials were mandated to play a part as well as the result of a State grant, and the
grant continues to this day. ECA was formed in 1990 with a grant from the Edina Rotary
Foundation, and it is Edina's community -wide chemical abuse prevention program. Its goal
is to reduce alcohol and other drug abuse problems in Edina by raising awareness and
affecting the norms and attitudes of the community. Its logo—the green key—is the symbol
chosen to represent the goal of raising awareness of responsible behaviors surrounding adult
use of alcohol. At this time, the two committees will become one with a new name and a
statement of purpose. Tom Oye will report on activities at a future Commission meeting.
Speakers for Future Meetings. Suggestions for upcoming meetings: Karen Atkinson of
Kids First in St. Louis Park; Brian Rusche, Director of joint Religious Legislative Coalition;
The Rev. Peg Chamberlain or The Rabbal Harold Kravitz regarding the issue of affordable
housing in Edina and surrounding communities.
Suggestion for New Commissioner. It was suggested that an application for membership
on this Commission be sent to Jim Campbell, an Edina mediator.
Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ardis Wexler, Chair
Edina Human Relations ConuTdssion
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Nancy Atchison
Carol Camu'chiel
Susan Heiberg
Richard Hechter
Betsy Flaten
Sharon Ming
Shirley Hunt -Alexander
Guest Present:
Tom Oye
Lynne Westphal
Peter Hayden
Eileen Supple
Ardis Wexler
Jim Zappa
Peter Hayden, President of Turning Point, was introduced and welcomed. In 1976, Turning
Point started in north Minneapolis and now has a location at 3930 West 49,h Street—a group
home for females ages 12 to 17 who are in need of a highly structured, co=unity-based
counseling program. There are currently four youngsters residing there. The program
provides comprehensive behavioral counseling, supervision and support. The desired
outcome is to return participants to their own fan�iihes or another less restrictive
environment. Participating juveniles must be within a functional range of intelligence and
able to benefit from participation in a group home program. The youth in the Edina home
are not participating in a drug abuse program; nevertheless, they have come from troubled
environments but do not need to go into a juvenile center. Turning Point works
collaboratively with other agencies and pursues its mission with a holistic approach to
treatment, counseling and guidance. The ultimate goal is help the juveniles achieve wellness
and a self-supporting lifestyle. The home on West 491h Street is a duplex, with room for five
girls on each side, and a total of 12 staff—nine of them counselors. One of the females is
enrolled in an Edina school; however, the residents are typically home -schooled. There will
be an open house in December.
Minutes Approved. The minutes of October 20, 1998, were changed by correcting the
spelling of Rabbi and deleting "The" before Rabbi. Tom Oye's motion to approve the
October 20, 1998, minutes as amended was seconded by Eileen Supple; the motion
carried. Eileen Supple's motion to approve the minutes of the special meeting of
October 28, 1998, was seconded by Sharon Ming; the motion carried.
Chair's Report. In the absence of the Chair and the 1 It Vice Chair, the 2nd Vice Chair—Jim
Zappa--conducted the meeting. He shared the note from Shirley Hunt -Alexander which
thanked the Commissioners for their kindness and friendship following the death of her
SHeRPA Report. In the absence of Lynne Westphal, the Corrirmission's representative to
SHeRPA, Susan Heiberg presented a follow-up report regarding the outcome of the last
SHeRPA meeting which involved the development of a work plan for the coming year. At
the collaborative table, Edina presented the following priorities: 1) senior needs; 2) regional
transportation; and 3) affordable housing. As a result of input from the other three
communities, SHeRPA developed the following work plan for 1999, to be approved by the
Board of Directors:
1) For a two -to -three month period beginning in January, review the Metro Council
"Access jobs" study on transportation regarding transit alternative for transit dependent
populations, noting the affect on residents, employees and employers regionally.
Thereafter, set aside time for plan development and coordination.
2) Develop a senior task force for Edina and Richfield, utilizing .3 to .5 FTE for one year.
3) Move forward quickly into studying the immigrant population, utilizing .3 FTE for three
to four months --concluding with a report and without a loss of process.
4) SHeRPA will periodically address housing issues by utilizing key speakers, sharing
reports, etc.
5) SHeRPA will keep abreast of gap areas identified through FamiLink for the benefit of
the four communities in developing human services spending plans.
Merger of Edina Chemical Awareness (ECA) and Chemical Health Advisory
Committee (CHAC). Tom Oye reported that both groups have agreed that it is beneficial
to merge into one group—with the new name becoming Edina Chemical Health Partners
(ECHP). The issue at hand is the integration of the Ciq, the School District and the
community regarding chemical health. CHAC was originally created as a sub -committee of
the Human Relations Commission; therefore, the connection of
ECHP to the Commission was questioned.
Community Council. Sharon Ming reported that the Council is interested in the School
District's Steering Committee on asset building. Linda Packard is currently serving on this
Committee. The Human Relations Commission will certainly be kept informed as to the
progress of an asset building initiative within the community.
Provider Updates. Follow-up reports were noted from West Suburban Mediation Center,
VEAP, Cornerstone and FamiLink. Susan Nelson from West Suburban Mediation recently
gave a presentation to the Police Department; a positive, reciprocal relationship has been
established. The Faith Community Survey was discussed, and it was explained that this
survey attempted to create a listing of services and programs of the faith community in the
South Hennepin area that could be dissenninated through the FamiLink resource centers.
Speakers. Brian Rusche of the joint Religious Legislative Coalition will be invited to the
December Commission meeting. Karen Atkinson of the Children First initiative in St. Louis
Park will be invited to the January meeting.
Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Zappa, 2nd Vice Chair
Edina Human Relations Commission
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Carol Carmichiel
Nancy Atchison
Susan Heiberg
Betsy Flaten
Richard Hechter
Carol Carmichiel
Shirley Hunt -Alexander
Guest Present:
Sharon Ming
Eileen Supple
Brian Rusche
Lynne Westphal
Ardis Wexler
Jim Zappa
Brian Rusche, Executive Director of JRLC Uoint Religious Legislative Coalition), was
introduced and welcomed. The mission of JRLC, guided by basic Jewish and Christian
moral vision, is to further the cause of social justice in Minnesota by proposing and
promoting responsible legislation, assisting congregations in the task of discerning and
teaching God's vision of justice, and calling communities of faith to prophetic and unified
action. JRLC is the instrument by which the Minnesota Council of Churches, the Minnesota
Catholic Conference and the Jewish Community Relations Council work together on social
justice issues. When JRLC appeared for the first time before the 1971 Legislature, it was the
only ecumenically sponsored "public -interest lobby" group in the United States. In recent
years, JRLC launched its Legislative Network, a grassroots lobbying effort involving over
5,000 people in advocacy work. Brian explained that a particular focus of JRLC is to get
faith communities to see themselves as part of the civic infrastructure. The emphasis is on
citizenship—making democracy work from a justice perspective. Brian defined justice as
right relationship among people. JRLC has identified the following as issues of concern:
affordable housing, welfare reform, and healthcare. Childcare is another issue; it needs to be
consistent and affordable for parents who are trying to get back to work. With regard to
affordable housing in Edina, Brian mentioned taking advantage of opportunities that arise;
i.e. replacement opportur�ties and broadening the price ranges. He indicated that it would
be an advantage for people if Edina was growing toward providing choices of affordable
housing. Another area of concern is transitional housing for people in crisis. JRLC
continues to focus on areas of human rights such as the bill to appeal extension of rights to
the gay and lesbian population.
Minutes Approved. Jim Zappa's motion to approve the minutes of November 17,
1998, was seconded by Betsy Flaten; the motion carried.
Chair's Report. Because of the new security policy at City Hall, the Manager's Conference
Room will no longer be available for evening meetings beginning January 1, 1999. As a
result, each board and commission must determine alternative places and/or dates.
Beginning in May of 1999, the City Council will be meeting on Tuesdays instead of
Mondays; therefore, the third Tuesday in the Council Chambers is not an option for the
Commission's meetings. The motion of Jim Zappa for staff to secure either the second
or fourth Tuesday for meetings in the Council Chambers was seconded by Tom Oye;
the motion carried.
Nominating Committee. At the January meeting, a nominating conunittee will be
organized to ready names for new officers and terms beginning in February of 1999.
SHeRPA. Lynne Westphal reported that SHeRPA has begun to undertake the development
of a senior task force study for Edina and Richfield as a result of the pniority-setting process
of SHeRPA's Advisory Committee. The study timeline is anticipated to be from January
1999 to September 2000, and it will take place in the context of the work already underway
by the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Project 2030 and the related Citizens
League New Wrinkle on Agin Task Force project. The Citizens League report identified
three areas of primary focus:
• Social and physical infrastructure - Creating life -cycle communities by designing
neighborhoods that are sensitive to and provide for the needs and choices of all residents
• Workforce - Utilizing the talents and abilities of older people to the mutual benefit of
society and older people themselves
• Long-term care - Providing support, care and other services to older people in order to
improve the quality of their lives
The Steering Comnaittee—Richfield and Edina participants—has brought up questions and
issues whichwill be organized for the development of the report in the following categories:
demographics, physical infrastructure, health and social infrastructure, and economic and
workforce issues. The information gathering process for report development will be from
existing data sources, speakers/ presentations /panels, studies and focus groups. A study
team will be developed to steer the study process, gather information and make
Edina Chemical Health Partners (ECHP). Tom Oye reported that Edina Chemical
Awareness (ECA) and the Chemical Health Advisory Committee (CHAC) have merged and
are functioning under a new name—ECHP. Funding sources will continue to be Edina
Rotary and other grants, and programs throughout the community will now be sponsored by
this newly -formed collaborative.
Community Council. Sharon Ming reported that this is the second year of revenue
enhancement funding with which the Community Council (advisory body of FamiLink
Edina) develops a spending plan for the community. In doing so, the Council reflects on its
mission which is to "be a catalyst for Edina community -building efforts to strengthen
individuals and families." This funding consists of revenue derived from a Local
Collaborative Time Study (LCTS) within the Edina School District; moreover, the School
District is designated as the Collaborative's fiscal agent and is responsible for managing and
distributing funds on behalf of the Collaborative. The Communlity Council's spending plan
contains the following components:
• Fund the School District's share of FamiLink Edina's operational budget.
• Fund the administrative costs of managing the LCTS.
• Set aside approximately $10,000 for the Edina Community Council for accomplishing its
goals of connecting to the community, gathering data and feedback, assessing needs, and
facilitating enhancement or creation of programs.
• Use the balance of funds for qualifying and identified School District programs; i.e.
social workers and asset building.
1999 financial considerations for FamiLink Edina are:
• Effective fund raising efforts are necessary.
• Fund balance will be used to balance the budget unless fund raising goals are exceeded.
• Fiscal year 2000 will be the second and final year of receipt of McKnight Foundation
funds for the Welfare -to -Work initiative.
0 Continue to ensure that the Famil-ink Edina budget does not grow significantly from
year to year.
Storefront/Youth Action. Betsy Flaten offered an inquiry into SFYA's diversity
program—specifically, what is being done and how Edina's money is being spent.
Storefront will be invited to address this issue in person or respond in writing.
D'Amico & Sons. Eileen Supple received a response to her letter to Lily O'Connor
regarding Lily's perceived discrimination in September at D'Amico & Sons. Lily shared in
her letter to Eileen that she has never heard anything from the restaurant's manager. Carol
Carmichiel's motion to write another letter to Mrs. O'Connor informing her of
services offered by West Suburban Mediation Center was seconded by Betsy Flaten;
the motion carried.
Appointment of Jim Campbell by the School District. Susan Heiberg indicated that Jim
Campbell's application had been forwarded directly to the School Board Chair for
consideration by the full Board for appointment to the Commission. She will check on the
status of this appointment.
Asset Building. The Commission agreed that it would be a good idea to have one of its
own follow along closely with the meetings of the Task Force developed by the School
District concerning a community initiative around asset building. Betsy Flaten agreed to be
this representative; Doug Johnson will be contacted to see if she can attend meetings of the
Task Force.
Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ardis Wexler, Chair
Edina Human Relations Commission