Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
Debby McNeil
Lindah Mhando
Sharon Ming
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Members Absent
Amy Frankfurt
Joyce Repya
Hamdi Yusuf
Susan Heiberg
New Members Bartolomei, Mhando and Yusuf were introduced and welcomed. It is
likely that Member Frankfint will resign due to other responsibilities.
Joyce Repya, Associate Planner, was introduced and welcomed. She reported that
Hennepin County indicates that the 2007 CDBG budget will be the same as the 2006
budget. The human services allotment cannot exceed 15% of the total CDBG budget.
The requests received for human services funding were $2,301 over the $25,139 budget.
Ms. Repya also reported that there is a current carryover of $27,013.32 from previous
years relating to daycare assistance formerly administered by GMDCA. This amount
should be reallocated to the new daycare assistance administrator-JVS. Ms. Repya
indicated that the Planning staff recommends that the 2007 CDBG funding remain the
same as last year, funding four service providers.
Ms. Yusuf questioned how needs of immigrant families are being met Member Ming and
Chair Brindle explained that the Edina Resource Center is an excellent source for
coordinated help.
Member Ming remarked that next year each provider could share what connections are
made with the Resource Center. Member Bartolomei replied that it might be helpful for
the providers to make formal presentations to the Commission.
Member Longman seconded Member Otness' motion to recommend the following
allocations as submitted by the Planning staff:
The motion carried.
$ 9,440
$ 8,137
$ 5,086
TOTAL $25,139
Member Bartolomei seconded Member Otness' motion that the amounts be redistributed
pro rata if the County's budgeted amount varied; the motion carried.
Member Bartolomei seconded Member Otness' motion that the daycare carryover of
$27,013.32 be reallocated to JVS; the motion carried.
Ms. Repya explained that the Commission's recommendations for the human services
portion of the CDBG funding would be included with the Planning staffs fiill report to the
Sun -Current and to the City Council for approval on February 20'.
Approval of Minutes
Member Ming seconded Member Erickson's motion to approve the amended minutes of
October 24�, 2006; the motion carried.
Member Ming seconded Member Procbniak's motion to approve the amended minutes of
December 12, 2006; the motion carried.
Approval of Officers
Member Erickson reported that the Nominating Committee contacted the current HRRC
officers to confirm their willingness to continue in their roles throughout 2007.
Member Bartolomei seconded Member Prochniak's nomination of Mary Brindle as
Chair, the motion carried.
Member Otness seconded Member Prochniak's nomination of Debby McNeil as 1` Vice
Chair, the motion carried.
Member McNeil seconded Member Prochniak's nomination of Idelle Longman as 2'°
Vice Chair, the motion carried.
League of Women Voters' Study
Member Longman reported that the League's study of the City's boards and commissions
was available and should be distributed for the next Commission meeting. It was presented
to the City Council on January 16'. Whether or not to post members' names and e-mail
addresses on the website is a topic of discussion.
Edina Human Rights Award
This will be the second year that the Commission plans to present a Human Rights Award
at the City's annual Volunteer Recognition Reception on April 24�. Application
information will be posted on the City's website and distributed to the School District and
community organizations. The application deadline will be Friday, March 9�.
Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan
Member Prochniak reported that the Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan had been approved
by the City Council a number of years ago, but since then the process has not been
reviewed as originally planned. A handbook was also developed as a tool, but it was never
presented to the City Council for consideration and approval. Three actions were agreed
Acquire the School District's plan for review.
Check with the Police Chief regarding the City's plan.
• Carefully review the City's plan to see if revisions need to be made. Members
Bartolomei and Mhando agreed to do this.
Essay Contest
The Commission could sponsor an essay contest next year, which might involve being a
partner with the library in a dialogue. Possible timeframes are Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
or February during Black History Month. Members Otness, Mhando and Yusuf agreed to
investigate the possibilities.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Brindle, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
JoAnn McGuire
Sharon Ming
Members Absent
Debby McNeil
Tony Branch
Lindah Mhando
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Hamdi Yusuf
Mike Stolee
Susan Heiberg
Approval of Minutes
Member Longman seconded Member Erickson's motion to approve the minutes of
January 23, 2007; the motion carried.
Orientation Booklets
Orientation booklets were given to the new Members—Bartolomei and McGuire—,and new
material distributed to everyone else for updating their booklets.
RPC - Research, Planning & Coordination of Human Services
Member Ming provided a verbal history of RPC and a detailed explanation of its purpose
and function.
• Edina was in a South Hennepin collaborative with Richfield, Eden Prairie and
Bloomington—with funding from each city and matching funds from Hennepin
• Within the collaborative, research was done through SHeRPA—South Hennepin
Regional Planning Agency.
• Familink evolved from SHeRPA, with a resource center located in each of the
four cities. The model defined a network, which included the coordination of
providers and the creation of support teams.
• Edina pulled out of the regional collaborative in 2002, set up its own resource
center and convened a study group to look at grass roots issues in the city to
consider for RPC.
• An Ad Hoc Committee was formed late in 2002 to survey the community through
an open process in order to identify two to five issues for research, planning and
coordination—with a goal of determining one issue to focus on for the first RPC
• Affordable housing was selected in 2003 as the one RPC project, and its report was
finalized in October of 2006.
• The money budgeted for RPC in 2007 is $11,641.
Member Ming explained that Edina Vision 20/20 should be guiding the work of the
Commission. She stressed the need to strengthen the Commission's relationship with the
School District Before Member Ming retires from the Commission in 2008, it is hoped
that her expertise in this arena will be cherished and claimed by at least one other
Commissioner in order to carry on with the City Council's expectations of RPC.
League of Women Voters of Edina Study on Boards and Commissions
Member Longman thanked the Commissioners for their participation in the survey by the
LWV to compile information and create a report of Edina's advisory boards and
commissions. The issue of data privacy has been raised and whether names of
commissioners can be posted on the City's website. The Commissioners were reminded
that all meetings are considered "open meetings" available to anyone wanting to attend.
Member Bartolomei remarked that it is important for Edinans to be able to communicate
with the Commission via e-mail. The issue of adding Commissioners' names to the
website will be pursued, and the question of posting an e-mail address on the website will
also be investigated.
Freedom of Faith in the Workplace
Member Erickson cited a recent article in the Pioneer Press regarding freedom of faith in
the workplace. The Commissioners responded with questions about current trends in this
community. If there is interest and concern, perhaps this is an issue for the Chamber to
Bias/Hate Crime
Chair Brindle shared that the Police Chief reported an incident which occurred on a bus in
the Southdale parking lot. Because bad names were called out, two people missed their
stop. Apparently, there were two victims, and four people got off the bus. The license
plate number of the perpetrator was retrieved, but PD's attempts to trace it have uncovered
a bad address. The victim made a positive identification of this individual from a vehicle
registration picture. In the meantime, the Chief is contacting the victim to see if he would
like contact from HRRC.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Brindle, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
Debby McNeil
JoAnn McGuire
Sharon Ming
Andy Otaess
Wayne Prochniak
Members Absent
Mary Brindle
Lindah Mhando
Hamdi Yusuf
Susan Heiberg
Regarding the untimely death of new Member Michael Stolee, funeral information was
shared. On behalf of the Commission, a card will be sent to his wife, Marilyn.
For the sake of new Member JoAnn McGuire, introductions were made all around.
Member McGuire is the Development Director of the Minnesota Justice Foundation.
Approval of Minutes
Member Erickson seconded Member Longman's motion to approve the minutes of
February 27, 2007; the motion carried.
Tom Ove Human Rights Award
The Commissioners discussed the candidate, Ellen Kennedy, submitted by the Rotary
Club. Ellen has a passion about human rights and raising awareness. As a professor at St.
Thomas, she empathized with her students about the current genocide situation in Darfur
Sudan. As a result, she helped create a local chapter of GI.Net (Genocide Intervention
Network), which is now the official chapter for the State of Minnesota. The Commission
agreed that Ellen's work fits within the criteria of the Award, which is reflective of Tom
Oye. However, this candidate does not work directly within the community. She strives to
open up new chapters at other colleges, is legislatively active, and has brought people from
Israel to meet with leaders in the Twin Cities. The Commissioners will seek additional
ways to market this award again next fall. In the meantime, the process will be discussed at
the next meeting in April.
Member Bartolomei seconded Member Prochniak's motion to present the 2007 Tom
Oye Human Rights Award to Ellen Kennedy; the motion canned. The presentation will be
made at the City's Volunteer Recognition Reception at Edinborough Park on April 24�.
Additionally, Ellen will be invited to attend an upcoming Commission meeting.
Review of Funding Proposals
The Commissioners reviewed the proposal for human services funding for 2008. The first
page will be updated to reflect pertinent, timely information. It will be sent out at the
beginning of May to the providers currently funded, posted on the City's website and
printed in the Sun -Current The date for submission of proposals will be June 4�.
Community Development Block Grant Funding
A grid of CDBG funding by the City for the past 16 years was shared with the
Commission. JVS, a division of Jewish Family & Children's Service of Minneapolis, will be
contacted at the end of the summer or early fall regarding their utilization of funds for
child-care programs. The Commissioners agreed to connect earlier next time with all the
providers who receive the City's CDBG funding.
Commission Brochure
1` Vice Chair McNeil distributed a list of information to be considered for inclusion in a
new Commission brochure. It was agreed that the Bias/Hate Crime Brochure should be
mentioned but that all its information should not be duplicated in the new Commission
brochure. A tri -fold brochure was considered a good choice. The Commissioners will
have a chance to react to a draft at the next meeting.
League of Women Voters Study
As a result of the study conducted by the League of Women Voters of Edina, names of
advisory members on the City's boards and commissions will be available on the City
website, as well as a general e-mail address for questions. The Commissioners suggested
that it might also be helpful to include wording from the new brochure on the
Commission's site.
Information Sharing and Next Meeting
• The Commission needs a report on the progress of the Comprehensive Plan
update regarding the housing component.
• At the City Council workshop regarding boards and commissions, it was validated
that a student member may vote on HRRC.
• Member Longman reported that the League of Minnesota Human Rights
Commissions will hold its 2007 conference on September 29' at the Mille Lacs
Grand Casino.
• Gregg Aamot recently spoke to Rotary about his book The New Minnesotans. It
was suggested that he he invited to the next Commission meeting.
• Due to the next Commission meeting falling on the same night at the Volunteer
Recognition Reception, the meeting will begin at 7:30 PM.
There being no father business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Debby McNeil, 1` Vice Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
Members Present
Members Absent
Mary Brindle
Luis Bartolomei
Gregg Aamot
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
JoAnn McGuire
Lindah Mhando
Debby McNeil
Sharon Ming
Ham& Yusuf
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Susan Heiberg
Gregg Aamot was introduced and welcomed. He is an award-winning Associated Press
reporter with a passion for new immigrant communities in Minnesota and shares stories
about their cultures in his book tided The New Minnesotans. Gregg explained that as new
immigrants assimilate in the community, they feel a tension between their old culture and
new Minnesota He described the situation as a cultural "strainer"—as you shake up the
culture, some things go away and some things stick. The Commissioners had the
opportunity to interact with Gregg, and Chair Brindle commented on the beauty of the
word "mosaics" and how important it is for Edina to be a city "without walls." Community
conversations are healthy tools to bring people together to create understanding and
appreciation. September 17' is Citizenship Day, which could be an opportunity to
celebrate Edina's diversity and heighten awareness in the community.
Approval of Minutes
Member Otness seconded Member Erickson's motion to approve the minutes of March
27, 2007; the motion carried.
Proposals for Funding
The updated forms for requesting human services funding for 2008 were evaluated and
approved. At the beginning of May, they will be sent to the current providers.
Additionally, the form will be available on the City's website and a notice published in the
Sun -Current Val Burke, Director of the Edina Resource Center, will recommend other
providers to whom the form could be sent The proposals are to be received by June 4'
and distributed to each Commissioner in order to prepare for the June 26' Commission
Commission Brochure
In order to create a Commission brochure from the list of ideas submitted by the
Commissioners, Members McNeil and Otness will send a layout draft to Chair Brindle
and Member McGuire. Thereafter, it will be sent to Jennifer Bennerotte, the City's
Communication Director, to be produced and distributed to the Commission for
Funeral of Commissioner Stolee
Mayor Hovland, Chair Brindle and Member Bartolomei attended the recent funeral of
one of the Commission's new Members, Michael Stolee. Condolences were extended to
his wife, Marilyn, on behalf of the Commission.
Genocide Resolution
Ellen Kennedy, this year's recipient of the Tom Oye Human Rights Award, recently
presented a sample resolution regarding genocide to the Edina City Council. The Mayor
has asked that the Commission consider bringing it forward on behalf of the City of Edina.
The Commissioners will discuss this at the June meeting.
Commission Appointments
Chair Brindle reported that there is one remaining opening on the Commission -,a. School
Board appointment The Commissioners were encouraged to keep their eyes open for
interested candidates. At the June meeting, the newest City appointee -Sarah Rataer—will
be introduced.
Tom Ove Human Rights Award
Chair Brindle reported that, at the Volunteer Recognition Reception which just concluded,
Ellen Kennedy was awarded the Tom Oye Human Rights Award on behalf of the
Commission. Ellen is a sociology professor at the University of St Thomas and Carleton
College, and she shares her compassion, love and quest for human rights with her students.
Because of the tragedies occurring in Darfur and elsewhere, Ellen originated the official
chapter of Genocide Intervention Network for the State of Minnesota. Chair Brindle
plans to create an on-going history of the recipients of the Commission's annual award.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Brindle, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2007
Members Present
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
JoAnn McGuire
Lindah Mhando
Sharon Ming
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Sarah Ratner
Members Absent
Luis Bartolomei
Debby McNeil
Hamdi Yusuf
Ellen Kennedy
Susan Heiberg
Sarah Ratner, a new City appointee to the Commission, was introduced and welcomed.
Minnesota Genocide Intervention Network
Ellen Kennedy, Coordinator of the Minnesota Genocide Intervention Network, was
welcomed to the meeting. She thanked the Commissioners for their honoring her as the
2007 recipient of the Tom Oye Human Rights Award at the City's Volunteer Recognition
Reception. Ellen explained that the Genocide Intervention Network (GI-NET)—
headquartered in Washington, DC—is a non-governmental organization aimed at providing
a solution to end the recurring problem of genocide. There are hundreds of chapters
across the country, with Minnesota's being founded in 2006. Its goal is consistent with GI -
NET nationwide -education, advocacy and fundraising. The Chapter supports the African
Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur, targeted divestment and national political advocacy
to end the conflict in Darfur. Ellen encouraged the Commissioners to send support letters
to Representative Ramstad and to present a responsibility to protect" resolution to the
Edina City Council.
Approval of Minutes
Member McGuire seconded Member Erickson's motion to amend the Commission
minutes of April 24, 2007 with the correction of a name and information regarding the
Commission brochure. The motion carried.
Resolution Regarding Responsibility to Protect
The Commissioners reviewed a draft resolution to present to the City Council regarding
the United Nations principle of the responsibility to protect all citizens from atrocity
crimes. If the Council approves this resolution, it will be sent with an accompanying letter
from the Commission to the President and Vice -President of the United States, the U. S.
Secretary of State, the U. S. Secretary of Defense, the U. S. representative to the United
Nations, the President Pro Tempore of the U. S. Senate, the Speaker of the U. S. House
of Representatives, and the Minnesota delegation to the Senate and to the House of
Member Longman seconded the motion of Member Prochniak to approve the resolution
with amended language; the motion carried.
Member Otness seconded Member Ming's motion that the amended resolution with
background information be submitted to the City Council for approval; the motion carried.
Human Services Funding for 2008
It was agreed that Val Burke, Resource Center Coordinator, should be invited to attend the
June Commission meeting to present her proposal for 2008 funding. Thereafter, the
hearing for the other providers will be held on Tuesday, July 24�, and the meeting to draft
a proposed 2008 budget will be on Tuesday, July 31`. Because the meeting on June 26'
will be an opportunity to review all the proposals submitted for 2008 human services
funding and to consider options for RPC funding, it was suggested that the meeting begin at
6:30 PM to accommodate Val's presentation.
Commission Brochure
It was agreed that the Commission should proceed with the ideas presented for a new
brochure—describing "who we are" and including the declaration of human rights. Chair
Brindle will connect with Jennifer Bennerotte, the City's Communications Director, to
work on combining the merits of the old draft with the new one worked up by Chair
Brindle and Member McGuire.
RPC Funding
Member Ming shared that the City had no news regarding progress toward a housing
chapter update for the Comp Plan and the use of the budgeted RPC funds. HRRC
Members and the Housing Task Force are encouraged to attend upcoming meetings that
will be conducted as the Comp Plan is moved through its updating process. The
Commissioners were hoping for professional expertise to evaluate establishing a way to
build an affordable housing element into new development proposals, thus introducing
inclusionary zoning.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Brindle, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 2007
Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
JoAnn McGuire
Lindah Mhando
Sharon Ming
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Sarah Ratner
Members Absent
Debby McNeil
Hamdi Yusuf
Val Burke
Susan Heiberg
Val Burke, Coordinator of the Edina Resource Center, was introduced and welcomed.
For 2008, she is proposing a three -percent increase for the City's funding of the Resource
Center which would amount to $36,113. The mission of the Resource Center is to be a
catalyst for Edina community efforts to strengthen individuals and families. In its new
location on the first floor of the Community Center, it shares space with the Welcome
Center and helps with registration for classes and activities. Approximately 150 people per
week come into the Resource Center, where they are empowered to connect with
resources. The Community Council, overseeing the operations of the Resource Center, is
comprised of representatives from the City, the School District, CAPSH, Hennepin
County and Public Health. The Council and the Commission are similar regarding needs
assessments, and the Council acts as the steering committee for the Edina Family Services
Collaborative. There is a growing need to be aware of multi -cultural and transportation
services, and the Resource Center strives to provide information and connect people to the
necessary and appropriate resources. Down the road, the Council hopes to be able to
budget for a professional updated needs assessment and a provider study. Building up and
strengthening neighborhood relationships is being considered as a collaborative effort with
the City's In Touch Program.
Approval of Minutes
Member Otness seconded Member Prochniak's motion to approve the Commission
minutes of May 22, 2007; the motion carried.
Resolution Regarding Atrocity Crimes
With the resolution prepared and ready for presentation, the Commission agreed that
Tuesday, July r, would be the date to bring it to the City Council Meeting for approval.
At least one of the Commissioners should be in attendance to represent the Commission
and to answer questions.
League of Minnesota Human Rights Commission's 36' Annual Conference
Member Longman handed out registration materials for the League's Conference on
September 29' to be held at the Grand Casino Convention Center. The Commissioners
were encouraged to attend. The keynote speaker will be Morris Dees, the chief trial
counsel for the Southern Poverty Law Center. The theme of the conference will be
Human Rights, Civil Rights and Treaty Rights: Minnesota Challenges."
Human Services Fundis¢
The following assignments were made regarding connection and follow-up with the
providers and their proposals for 2008 human services funding.
• Senior Community Services - Member Otness
• Cornerstone - Chair Brindle
• Chrysalis - Member McGuire
• Women in Transition - Members Procbniak and Ratner
• VEAP - Member Erickson
• The Bridge - Member Longman
• Minneapolis Mediation Program - Members Bartolomei and Mhando
• Normandale Center - Member Ming
• Store -to -Door - Chair Brindle and Student Member Yusuf
With a proposed three percent increase over 2007 funding, the projected amount for 2008
would be $88,940. The Commissioners reviewed each proposal, and specific questions
raised will be transmitted to the providers by the assigned Commissioners for responses by
Tuesday, July 17 , so that there will be clarity at the hearing on July 24�.
Senior Expo
It was announced that the second Senior Expo is being planned and will be held on
Tuesday, October 9�, from 8:30 AM to noon at Colonial Church. Fifty to 60 vendors are
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Brindle, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
TUESDAY, JULY 31, 2007
Members Present
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
Debby McNeil
JoAnn McGuire
Lindah Mhando
Sharon Ming
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Members Absent
Luis Bartolomei
Sarah Ratner
Hamdi Yusuf, student
Susan Heiberg
With one human services provider remaining to be heard—Normandale Center—the
beginning of the meeting was devoted to this wrap-up.
Normandale Center for Healing and Wholeness – Deborah Paone, Executive Director
• Requesting $10,000 – 2007 funding is $5,000.
The Ministry seeks to establish and/or maintain elders' sense of connection with the
community and alleviate isolation by organizing and supporting community volunteers in
Care Teams that support elders and their caregivers. Care Teams—with a network of
volunteer support—provide social support, transportation, grocery shopping, errands and
other basic services that allow elders to remain in their homes. The services are designed to
supplement rather than duplicate existing community services or family support. Last
year, the Center launched a project called "Partners in Care" and along with the Edina
Resource Center, Fairview Southdale Hospital and Our Lady of Grace Church, the project
helps older people stay in the community and bolsters the capability of family caregivers.
In 2006, the Center provided care to 314 Edina residents through 24 care teams with 45
trained volunteers. 104 Edinans attended the health education program for caregivers.
Funding Proposals for 2008
Member Prochniak seconded Member McNeil's motion to distribute the RPC allocation to
the providers requesting funding for the delivery of human services; the motion failed to
Member McNeil seconded the motion of Member Otness to approve the following
proposal—a slightly below three -percent increase from 2007—in the amount of $88,900
for the City's 2008 human services budget:
Senior Community Services
Normandale Center
Women in Transition
The Bridge
Minneapolis Mediation Program
Store to Door
The motion carried.
Member Prochniak seconded Member Ming's motion that the Edina Resource Center
receive a three -percent increase in funding, for a total of $36,113 in 2008; the motion
Member McGuire seconded Member Prochniak's motion that up to $23,886 be allocated
for RPC to re -pilot the Normandale Center careteam model in three -to -four other Edina
organizations, with Normandale working alongside; the motion carried with one nay.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Brindle, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
JoAnn McGuire
Sharon Ming
Members Absent
Idelle Longman
Debby McNeil
Lindah Mhando
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Sarah Ratner
Approval of Minutes
Due to a lack of quorum, the minutes will be approved at the next meeting.
Hamdi Yusuf
Susan Heiberg
Community Conversations
Chair Brindle reminded the Commissioners of the diversity dialogue last November and
the video that was produced by Jim Gamboni entitled "Edina Without Walls. Its purpose
is to prompt a conversation about diversity in Edina with questions prepared for use while
watching the video. It was recommended that the video be available for the November
Commission meeting.
Housing Plan Update in the Comprehensive Plan
The Edina. Housing Plan Update was shared, having been completed with feedback from
the community and following four quadrant meetings throughout Edina. This chapter, as
well as the entire updated Comp Plan, can be retrieved from the home page on the City's
website: cityofedina.com.
Before the November Commission meeting, Members Bartolomei, Erickson and Ming
will meet with the City's Association Planner Joyce Repya-4o prepare for discussion
regarding the City's 2008 Community Development Block Grant funding.
Commission Brochure
Chair Brindle and Member McGuire will continue work on the creation of a draft
brochure to present to the Commission at the January, 2008, meeting.
Members Erickson and McGuire will assist Member Ming in the process to develop a
replication module for other organizations to use as they explore the feasibility and
components of creating their own volunteer care team and resource coordination program
to serve older citizens in Edina and their family caregivers as well. This will involve an 18 -
month timeframe to provide sufficient development; preparation and implementation
Senior Exyo
It was shared that the Senior Expo will be held at Colonial Church on Tuesday, October
9m, from 9 AM to noon. Sixty vendors will be participating this year. The keynote speaker
is Warren Wolfe from the Minneapolis Star Tribune. The fair will be helpful in answering
questions regarding available resources and volunteer opportunities.
City Calendar
Due to conflicts on this particular meeting night, the Commissioners questioned the use of
a City-wide calendar on-line which would help when scheduling meetings.
Upcoming Meetings
Because VEAP has encouraged the Commission to visit their new facility, a call will be
made to see if the Commissioners could hold the October meeting there. Susan Freeman
will be contacted and asked if a short tour could precede the meeting. It was suggested that
by June of 2008 at least one other off-site Commission meeting be planned.
Due to the December Commission meeting falling on Christmas day, the Commissioners
agreed that the November and December meetings could be combined—just holding one
on Tuesday, November 27�.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Brindle, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
JoAnn McGuire
Debby McNeil
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Members Absent
Sharon Ming
Sarah Ratner
Hamdi Yusuf
Susan Heiberg
Approval of Minutes
Member Otness seconded the motion of Member Erickson to approve the minutes of
June 26, 2007; the motion carried.
Member Otness seconded the motion of Member Longman to approve the minutes of
July 24, 2007; the motion carried.
Member Procbniak seconded the motion of Member Longman to approve the minutes of
July 31, 2007; the motion carried.
Member Erickson seconded the motion of Member Bartolomei to approve the minutes of
September 25, 2007; the motion carried.
City Council Budget Hearing
Chair Brindle reported that the 2008 proposed human services budget was presented to
the City Council in August With no questions or concerns at that time, it can be assumed
that the proposal was favorably received. However, everything would be formally approved
at the Truth in Taxation hearing on December r.
Community Conversations
Depending on the order of business at upcoming meetings, the DVD from the 2006
diversity dialogue entitled "Edina Without Walls" could be viewed. It is about cultural
diversity and breaking down unnecessary barriers that people have created. With a
discussion guide that is included, the entire viewing would take 30 to 40 minutes. The next
type of community conversations will be held again in three years.
Housing Succession Plan
It was reported that the Housing Succession Plan was folding into the updated
Comprehensive Plan. As a result, an increased interest in new housing projects is
A meeting comparable to a briefing will be scheduled with Joyce Repya, the City's
Associate Planner, regarding Community Development Block Grant funding in 2008.
Members Bartolomei, Erickson and Ming will attend.
Commission Brochure
Jennifer Bennerotte, the City's Director of Communications, will lead the design effort for
the creation of a Human Rights & Relations Commission brochure. Chair Brindle and
Member McGuire will coordinate the work with Jennifer.
Before Member Ming retires from the Commission, it is anticipated that her expertise in
the area of RPC—the research, planning and coordination of human services—will be taken
to heart and embraced by the Commission for the sake of moving forward and being
proactive in tackling unmet needs in the community. As a result, Members McGuire and
Erickson will "shadow" Member Ming as she attempts to tutor them in the network of
human services' systems and delivery.
HRRC Accomplishments and Activities
The Members brainstormed ideas regarding how to get the word out to the community
regarding the work of the Commission:
• A press release in the Sun Current
• A Tom Oye Award plaque at City Hall
• A written report to the City Council from 2003 to the present—adding statistics
where necessary and pin -pointing specific dates
• Tie the press release into the report to the City Council
• A feature article on the Commission
Senior Expo
The Senior Expo held on October 9' at Colonial Church was a success. There were 61
vendors, and over 200 people attended. The keynote speaker was Warren Wolfe from
the Star Tribune. Much positive feedback was shared. The money collected from the
vendors' exhibitions will become grants issued by the Community Foundation.
Member Longman shared that the conference of the League of Minnesota Human Rights
Commissions at Onamia on September 29' was a successful event. Approximately 300
people were there. She reminded the Commissioners about Human Rights Day on
December 7', with Mike Farrell being the keynote speaker.
Open Seats on the Commission
Chair Brindle reminded the Members that there are two empty School Board
appointments on the Commission and that the School Board has been encouraged to fill
them. She suggested that the Commissioners be open to possible candidates as they travel
around the community—always ready to consider someone to be submitted to the School
District for a possible filling of one of the empty positions.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Brindle, Chair
Edina. Human Rights & Relations Commission
Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Mary Brindle
Idelle Longman
JoAnn McGuire
Debby McNeil
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Members Absent
Emery Erickson
Sharon Ming
Sarah Ratner
Hamdi Yusuf
Ellen Kennedy
Susan Heiberg
Dr. Ellen Kennedy, Outreach Coordinator for the Minnesota Center for Holocaust and
Genocide Studies, was welcomed. She presented the following draft resolution for
discussion: "A Resolution certifying that no funds have been invested in a targeted list of
companies whose operations are deemed to be complicit with the government of Sudan's
genocidal activities in Darfur, Sudan, and prohibiting the purchase of such securities in the
Dr. Kennedy shared that Edina is the third city in the United States to have adopted an
anti -genocide resolution-4he first and second cities being Chicago and San Francisco. She
commended the Commission in that this represents Edina's recognition of the moral
obligation not to be bystanders but rather to be "upstanders. ° Dr. Kennedy reported that
Mayor Hovland spoke at the Capitol rotunda in October regarding genocide. The
following was discussed:
• China's companies are buying Sudan's largest asset—oil.
• It is imperative that economic pressure be placed on the government of Sudan.
• Public awareness must be raised.
• There is no need for the City of Edina to divest because it does not have money
invested in the targeted companies. Nevertheless, the City can pledge to become
involved and be on a divestment list without having to withdraw funds.
The following was recommended:
• That the HRRC agrees with divestment in principle.
• That a sub -committee work with the City Attorney to create a resolution consistent
with the agreement in principle.
• That the resolution be brought before the City Council for adoption.
Member Otness seconded the motion of Member McNeil that the editing of the resolution
be handled by e-mail, with the Commissioners coming to an agreement and then
forwarding the resolution to the City Attorney.
Member McNeil seconded Member Prochniak's amendment of the previous motion to
complete the edit process by e-mail but vote on the resolution at the January meeting,
the amendment of the motion carried.
.Tanuary Event Recommended
To bring greater awareness to the people in Edina regarding the crisis in Sudan, Dr.
Kennedy suggested an event be held on Martin Luther King Day. It could be
centered on a documentary entitled "The Devil Came on Horseback," which is about a
young marine who was sent to south Sudan to monitor the peace agreement. After the
film, there could be a panel discussion with students and elected officials. This event could
be co-sponsored by the Edina Foundation and the City of Edina (IIRRC), and it would be
free to the public. Volunteer donations would be suggested to target specific needs in
Member Longman seconded Member Otness' motion that HRRC co-sponsor this
communitywide event on January 21, 2008, and that Dr. Kennedy would put it together
and connect with the Commission; the motion carried.
Minutes Approved
Regarding the Commission minutes of October 23, 2007, it was noted that Sarah Ratner
and Humdi Yusuf had not been recorded as absent. Member Longman seconded
Member Otness' motion to approve the minutes of October 23, 2007, with the correction
being made; the motion carried.
Nominating Committee Selected and Charged
Members Otness, Bartolomei and Longman will contact the Commissioners to determine
candidates for Chair, 1` Vice Chair and r Vice Chair. The slate will be presented at the
January Commission meeting.
Commission Brochure Carred Over
A draft of the Commission brochure will be presented at the January 2r meeting.
CDBG Process Discussed
Member Bartolomei reported that having met with Associate Planner Repya and learning
that Jewish Vocation Services QVS) has a $35,000 balance in expenditures, it is unlikely
that they will be submitting a request for CDBG funds to provide for daycare. He shared
that Ms. Repya recommends HOME Line be fully funded. Additionally, the City is in the
process of serving a family within the land trust model and planning to purchase two more
The CDBG proposals will be reviewed at the January Commission meeting, and Ms.
Repya will be present to answer questions. Member Otness reported that there will be one
new proposal from Edina. Community Education.
Meeting Adjourned
There being no fiuther business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Brindle, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission