Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
JoAnn McGuire
Debby McNeil
Sharon Ming
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Members Absent
Lindah Mhando
Sarah Ratner
Hamdi Yusuf
Joyce Repya
Susan Heiberg
CDBG Funding Proposed
Joyce Repya, the City's Associate Planner, was welcomed to discuss the portion of CDBG
funding for 2008 to be proposed for human services. She shared that 1596 of the total
amount to be allocated to Edina is earmarked for human services, which is expected to be
$24,101 this year. She also reported that there is a new funding proposal from Community
Education for School Readiness Scholarship and Transportation. Mrs. Repya explained
that the Commission could consider reallocating the remainin ; $26,900 from daycare
(JVS) to the rehab of private property.
The following was discussed:
• A story about CAPSH should be featured in About Town or the Sun Current so
that more people will learn that it is a resource and utilize its services.
• Feature all the service providers who are funded by CDBG in a story or article.
• HRRC has the responsibility to make sure the community has the opportunity to
be familiarized with these service providers.
• The Commission could consider meeting at the sites of various service providers.
• A schedule could be developed for inviting the providers to attend Commission
• JVS could be invited to attend the April Commission meeting to share their plan of
action regarding career counseling and assessment services.
Member Bartolomei seconded the motion of Member Otness that the 2008 CDBG
funding for human services be distributed in the following way:
H.O.M.E. Program $ 9,276
HOME Line $ 1,000
JVS (career development) $ 2,750
CAPSH $ 3,500
School Readiness/Transportation $ 7,575
TOTAL $24,101
The motion carried.
Member Longman seconded the motion of Member Bartolomei that the previously -
allocated CDBG funds in the amount of $35,150 be re -programmed in the following way:
Rehab of private property $26,900
JVS (career development) $8,250
TOTAL $35,150
The motion carried.
Member Prochniak seconded the motion of Member Ming that the amounts be
redistributed pro rata if the County's budgeted amount varied; the motion carried.
Member Prochniak seconded the motion of Member Ming that if the County does not
approve Community Education's program for funding (School Readiness/Transportation),
the amount of $7,575 would instead be added to the JVS allocation to become $10,325,
and the reallocation of funds to JVS would become $675. The motion carried.
Minutes Approved
Regarding the minutes of November 27, 2007, it was noted that Hamdi Yusuf had not
been recorded as absent Member Longman seconded Member Bartolomei's motion to
approve the minutes of November 27, 2007, with the correction made; the motion carried.
Resolution Annroved Regarding Investment in Companies Connected with Sudan
The Commissioners reviewed Ellen Kennedy's edited resolution regarding the divestment
of any City- invested funds that would benefit factions within the Sudanese government
The resolution serves as an investment strategy, ensuring that no City investments reach the
Sudanese government
Member Bartolomei seconded Member Prochniak's motion to approve the edited
resolution for Gordon Hughes and the City Attorney to scrutinize before going to the City
Council for adoption. The motion carried.
Recruitment of New Members Encouraged
With Members Ming and McNeil leaving the Commission, the Commissioners were
encouraged to keep their eyes and ears open for potential new Members and invite them
to apply.
Reports from Human Rights Activities Shared
r Vice Chair Longman distributed materials from the 36' Annual Conference of the
League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions held in September at the Grand Casino
Convention Center in Mille Lacs. The theme was "Human Rights, Civil Rights, Treaty
Rights: Minnesota Challenges", and the keynote speaker was Morris Dees. On December
7', she also attended the Human Rights Day Forum and was impressed with the sharing of
the keynote speaker, Mike Farrell At this event, there was a workshop presented by the
City of Bloomington entitled "Building Inclusive Communities—The Bloomington Human
Rights Commission's Experience." Materials from this workshop were distributed to the
Commissioners. Finally, an event was announced entitled "Heading Home Hennepin,"
which will be a "major effort to eliminate homelessness in ten years." It will be held on
February 21` at 7 PM at Temple Israel, and the event is sponsored by the Minneapolis
League of Women Voters, Lutheran Social Services, Temple Israel and Catholic Charities.
Slate of Officers Submitted and Approved
The Nominating Committee—consisting of Members Otness, Bartolomei and Longman—
presented the following slate of officers for 2008:
Chair Luis Bartolomei
14 Vice Chair Emery Erickson
r Vice Chair Idelle Longman
There were no other nominations.
Member McGuire seconded Member Otness' motion to approve this slate of officers as
presented; the motion carried. Chair Brindle was thanked for serving two years as Chair.
Well -Wishes Shared with Member Mini
After 20 years of service to the Commission and this being her last meeting, Member Ming
was thanked for her generous work. The Commissioners offered their appreciation with
her offer to help in the development of an enhanced care team model for RPC.
How To Do Diversity Training
Member Prochniak suggested engaging Rotary, colleges and businesses to disclose
successful methods of diversity training. What has worked, and what can we learn?
Colonial Church's Land Use Discussed
Member Ming reported that Colonial Church's land next to the Fire Station is under
consideration for redevelopment There is a task force in place for the process of
submitting proposals. Ideas being mentioned are creating senior and low-income housing.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Respectfiilly submitted,
Mary Brindle, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
Members Present
Members Absent Staff
Luis Bartolomei
Idelle Longman Susan Heiberg
Mary Brindle
Lindah Mhando
Emery Erickson
Wayne Prochniak
Colleen Feige
Sarah Ratner
JoAnn McGuire
Hamdi Yusuf
Andy Otness
Russell Stanton
New Members Introduced and Welcomed
Colleen Feige, a School Board appointee, and Russell Stanton, a City Council
appointee, were introduced to the Commission and welcomed.
Minutes Approved
Member Otness seconded the motion of Member Erickson to approve the minutes of
January 22, 2008; the motion carried.
CDBG Budget Approved
At the City Council meeting of February 19, 2008, the following human services
portion of the CDBG budget was presented by the Planning staff and was approved:
JVS Career Development $2,720
H.O.M.E. $9,179
C.A.P.S.H. $3,462
HomeLine $ 988
School Readiness $7,494
TOTAL $23,843
It was noted that the Commission had approved a CDBG budget at the January
meeting in the amount of $24,101 before the County's budget had been made certain.
Therefore, the Commissioners agreed to a pro rata distribution if the County's
budgeted amount varied, which it did.
Human Rights Award Reviewed
As of this date, only one nomination has been received for the annual Tom Oye
Human Rights Award. Other possible candidates were discussed, and it was
suggested by Member Feige that only one Human Rights Award be given each year.
This award is given by the Commission at the Volunteer Recognition Reception on
April 22"d. If the Commissioners want to honor another person as well, they can do so
as Commission recognition at this event.
The following sub -committee was selected to bring a recommendation for the Human
Rights Award recipient to the Commission meeting in March: Members Brindle,
McGuire and Otness.
A Resolution Approved Guarding Against Complicit Business with the Government
of Sudan
The Commission reviewed the resolution which had originally been introduced by
Ellen Kennedy for the City's willingness to continually scrutinize a targeted list of
companies with complicit involvement with Sudan's government. The resolution
indicates that the City does not now own any investments in these scrutinized
companies and if any investment held by the City is later identified as a scrutinized
company that it will be sold at the earliest convenience.
Member Feige seconded the motion of Member Otness to bring this resolution before
the Mayor and Council at their meeting on March 18, 2008; the motion carried.
Commission Brochure Discussed
Members Brindle and McGuire offered an idea to present a calendar template for the
elementary schools for their own creation. The calendars would complement a
Commission brochure with originality from the students and would be a good public
relations tool. Member Feige explained that the school calendar was already "out
there." The Commissioners did agree that it would be a good idea to have some way
to connect with the schools. The brochure in itself needs to get information out to
Edinans by sharing how many great resources are available to them.
Bias/Hate Crime Brochure
Member Brindle offered to update the Bias/Hate Crime Brochure for new printing.
Strategic Planning Process Reviewed
The need for a sound strategic planning process was addressed, and the
Commissioners reiterated the desire to move in this direction. It was noted in the
plan currently in place that the word "projects" really referred to "work plan." With
a work plan, there needs to be a process to identify new projects. The Executive
Committee will review the current Strategic Plan and bring it back to the full
Edina Unplugged Announced
To help promote family time, Edina Unplugged will collaborate with the City of
Edina, Edina Public Schools, the faith community and the business community to
ensure that no activities are schedule on the designated night—Monday, March 10th.
It is hoped that the Edina Community will stand united and do nothing—no
homework, no working late and no busy agendas. It is a time to reconnect with family
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Luis Bartolomei, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
Members Present
Members Absent Staff
Luis Bartolomei
Colleen Feige Susan Heiberg
Mary Brindle
Lindah Mhando
Emery Erickson
Sarah Ratner
Idelle Longman
Hamdi Yusuf
JoAnn McGuire
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Russell Stanton
Minutes Approved
With a typo in the first paragraph, Member Brindle seconded Member Erickson's motion to
approve the minutes of February 26, 2008, as amended; the motion carried.
2008 Human Rights Award Determined
The Award Subcommittee brought forward the nomination for Debby McNeil from Rabbi
Norman Cohen of Bet Shalom Congregation, and the Commission received it favorably. It was
agreed that the Rabbi would be contacted for additional information regarding Debby's
accomplishments in the area of human rights. After Volunteer Recognition on April 22"d,
when the award will be given to Debby, the Sun Current might be able to do a story on this
award, including background regarding Tom Oye and information about the preceding two
Volunteer Recognition Participation Confirmed
Member Longman seconded Member Brindle's motion that the Commission honor Birgen
Hartman and Emma Weisberg, high school sophomores, for their dedicated determination to
educate the community about the Darfur genocide; the motion carried.
Bias/Hate Crime Response and Prevention Plan Updated
Chair Bartolomei presented the current Commission Bias/Hate Crime Response and Prevention
Plan and shared the following information regarding its language and intent:
• The State Statute does not support what is claimed in the Commission's plan.
• Hate does not need to be the primary motivator.
• Damage to the member of the community can occur irrespective of the perpetrator's
"primary motivation."
• Direct language from Minnesota Statute Section 611A.79 should be adopted within the
Commission's plan.
Member Otness seconded Member Prochniak's motion to approve the following replacement
language for the first three sentences of the paragraph regarding the definition of hate
A hate crime, or bias offense, as defined by Minnesota Statute Section 611A.79 is a
criminal act committed against a person, institution or property, of which the motivation is a
victim's affiliation with a protected class.
The motion carried. Chair Bartolomei will contact Police Chief Siitari to consider attending a
Commission meeting and speak to any concerns he might have.
Strategic Planning_ Launched
Chair Bartolomei called for a sub -committee to meet and delve into establishing a Commission
mission, goals, objectives and work plan. This would be presented to the full Commission at
an upcoming meeting. The sub -committee will consist of the following Members: Bartolomei,
Brindle, Feige, Prochniak and Stanton.
Resolution Presented Regarding Investments in Complicit Companies
On March 18th, Member Brindle went before the City Council Members to present the
Commission's resolution for their approval entitled: "A Resolution Certifying that No Funds
Have Been Invested in a Targeted List of Companies Whose Operations Are Deemed to be
Complicit with the Government of Sudan's Genocidal Activities in Darfur, Sudan, and
Prohibiting the Purchase of Such Securities in the Future." The Council approved it, and Edina
became the 14th city nation-wide to adopt language against atrocities such as genocide. The
City of Edina does not invest in stocks but does invest in governmental agencies—i.e. CD's and
commercial paper. The intent for the future is that Edina will continue to invest smartly in
the area of human rights.
Collaboration with Amnesty International Event Encouraged
Member Brindle reported that Catherine Elliott, a senior at Edina High School, has invited
the Commission to give volunteer support and/or help with publicity for an event sponsored by
the school's chapter of Amnesty International. It will be held in the band shell at Centennial
Lakes on Thursday, May 22"d. Dr. Ellen Kennedy will also be participating. It is possible that
a grant could be secured from either Rotary or the Edina Community Foundation. This event
would be a perfect place to share new Commission brochures.
Member Otness seconded Member Erickson's motion to explore the possibility of co -sponsoring
this event; the motion carried. Member Brindle will continue communicating with Catherine
Lack of Student Representation Noted
Because there is now a void on the Commission regarding student representation, it was
suggested that the upcoming honorees, Birgen Hartman and Emma Weisberg, be considered
and invited to attend the Commission meeting in April.
Bias/Hate Crime Brochure Discussed
Member Brindle will edit the out-of-date Bias/Hate Crime Brochure and send it on to the
City's Communication Director for preparing a new draft to review.
Meeting Adjourned
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Luis Bartolomei, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Peter Brauer
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
JoAnn McGuire
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Russell Stanton
Member Absent
Colleen Feige
Susan Heiberg
Recipient of Tom Oye Human Rights Award Congratulated
After the finale of the Volunteer Recognition Reception, the Commissioners moved to the
Amphitheater of Edinborough Park to begin the meeting. It was an honor for them to be
visited by the recipient of this year's Human Rights Award—Debby McNeil—a recently -
retired Commission member. She expressed appreciation for the honor and received
congratulations and well wishes from all.
New Member Introduced and Welcomed
Peter Brauer, a recent School -Board appointee, was introduced and welcomed by the
Commission, and introductions were made all around.
Minutes Approved
Member Longman's seconded Member Brindle's motion to approve the minutes of March 25,
2008; the motion carried.
Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan and Brochure
As a result of the last Commission meeting, the Plan was edited and the contact names
were updated. The draft for a brochure was sent to the City's Communications Director
who will forward a sample back for the Commissioners' consideration. Locations discussed
for the distribution of the new brochures included the Chamber of Commerce, the Library,
the schools, Senior Center, Welcome Packets, Resource Center, apartment buildings, and
Police officers' vehicles. The Police Chief would be a welcome guest at a future Commission
Strategic Planning Set to Begiin,
Chair Bartolomei extended an invitation to Commissioners to meet at his home in the near
future to carve out the framework for an updated strategic plan for the Commission.
Local Amnesty International Event Discussed
Member Brindle reminded the Commissioners that high school senior, Catherine Elliott, was
planning a special concert on behalf of Amnesty International at Centennial Lakes on May
22"d from 5 to 9 PM. Anything the Commission could do to help publicize or participate
would be appreciated. Proceeds from the event will support the Genocide Intervention
Network. An e-mail will be sent for signing up to work at an HRRC table, with the new
Bias/Hate Crime brochures as handouts.
Joint Meeting with Community Council Proposed
Because of mission similarities between HRRC and the Edina Community Council, Member
Brindle suggested a joint meeting on September 16th at 7:30 AM at the Community Center.
Two small groups—one from each body—could get together to plan this meeting. The HRRC
group will be Members Brindle and Brauer and the staff liaison, Susan Heiberg.
Upcoming RPC Planning Meeting Announced
Member Erickson reported that he would be meeting with Sharon Ming, Val Burke and
Deborah Paone on April 28th to discuss plans for kicking off an invitational meeting for this
year's RPC project—creating the Partners in Care model with replication materials for other
Human Services Funding Process Discussed
At the beginning of May, requests for proposals for 2009 funding are sent out to providers
currently being funded by the City. The proposals are to be returned during the first week
of June. Val Burke and Joyce Repya will be contacted to learn of any additional providers
to include in the process. The Sun Current and the HRRC website will get the word out as
League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions (LMHRC) Updated
Member Longman reported that Dr. Ellen Kennedy will be on the agenda at the next
meeting of the LMHRC in May. At this meeting, the results of the Essay Contest will be
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Luis Bartolomei, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2008
Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Colleen Feige
JoAnn McGuire
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Russell Stanton
Members Absent
Peter Brauer
Idelle Longman
Mike Siitari
Susan Heiberg
Mike Siitari, Chief of Police, was introduced and welcomed. He handed
out a sheet as an overview of the last three years listing crimes of
bias, and he noted that there is no discernable pattern. During the
year, the State of Minnesota requires quarterly reports of bias crimes
from municipalities.
• There was one reported bias crime in 2005. It involved a door-
to-door salesman accosted and slandered with derogatory names
by a man in a pickup truck. The suspect was located, jailed and
charged with terroristic threats, assault and DWI.
• There were two reported bias crimes in 2006. The first was
about an unknown person stapling photocopies of the prophet
Mohammed in lewd poses and cartoons to a picnic table near the
Islamic Institute, of MN on Washington Avenue. There was no
additional evidence, and no further problems were reported. The
second one concerned a rock thrown through a man's car window
while at work in Edina with a letter attached containing
derogatory remarks. The victim declined investigation.
• There were three reported bias crimes in 2007. The first one
concerned a Native American couple subjected to a racially -
derogatory tirade while riding on a MTC bus near Southdale.
After the perpetrator exited the bus and drove away, attempts
to locate her were unsuccessful, and the offer to prosecute was
declined. The second event involved an Egyptian man who claimed
discrimination when the AMC theater manager escorted him out.
The manager stated that the man had been moving from theater
to theater. Without sufficient evidence, criminal charges were
not pressed. Finally, an Edina business was burglarized and
spray -painted with racial graffiti. A recently -terminated
employee was eventually charged with the crime.
The Chief continued with the following observations:
• At the Yorkdale Townhomes, there were no decent athletic
programs until CommonBond came in and created the Advantage
• In the Parklawn area, there has been a big turn -over, with
younger groups coming in.
• Vagrants are rare in Edina, and there are no long-term options
here for them. However, the Police would help them find
• The partnership with Cornerstone is an ongoing success. They are
called at the scene and provide wonderful services. The Police
always hand out cards regarding bias crimes which have
Cornerstone's name and number. Cornerstone's expertise helps to
stop key offenders.
• The Police are seeing more vulnerable, elderly adults, as well as an
increased number of garbage houses. The Building Department
and Fire keep track of foreclosures along with Police and watch
for issues such as pipes bursting.
• Traffic enforcement keeps crime down.
• Southdale could become an issue because of the relocation of
gangs from the Mall of America.
Progress Reported on the RPC Care Team Model
Member Erickson shared that Deborah Paone and Val Burke have been
planning and developing a module for other organizations to replicate
their own enhanced care team model. The next step will be to host an
invitational meeting to provide information and identify three to five
organizations who would participate. As a result, each of these
organizations would be provided support in the amount of $500.
Technical assistance will be given through June of 2009, at which time
the process will be completed and a final report developed. The model
will produce teams of volunteers supporting older persons to help them
remain independent.
Minutes Approved
Member Otness seconded Member McGuire's motion to approve the
minutes of April 22, 2008; the motion carried.
Strategic Planning Discussed
Chair Bartolomei indicated that the Commission should work to expand
its visibility in the community and that communication needs to be
improved with the School District, beginning with a joint meeting. At
this meeting, an annual report and the Commission's strategic plan could
be shared. To expedite this, the following sub -committee will meet to
develop a revised strategic plan by September: Members Brindle, Feige
and Stanton, and Chair Bartolomei.
2009 Funding Process Determined
The following assignments were made, linking providers to Commissioners
as liaisons:
• Cornerstone - Member McGuire
• Women in Transition - Member Prochniak
• Courage Center - Member Feige
• Normandale Center - Member Brindle
• The Bridge - Member Brindle
• Store to Door - Member Otness
• Minneapolis Mediation Program - Member Brauer
• VEAP - Members Brindle & Stanton
• Senior Community Services - Member Feige
• Chrysalis - Member Longman
• Edina Resource Center - Member Stanton
• RPC - Member Erickson
• Family Literacy - Member Otness
• Storefront - Member Brauer
At the June Commission meeting, the Commissioners will review the
proposals, and the assigned liaisons will field questions to the providers
who will answer these questions in writing before the hearing on July
22"d. On July 29th, the Commission will meet to prepare a 2009
proposed human services budget for the City Council's consideration.
Joint Meeting Date Set with the Community Council
The Commissioners agreed that it would be important to convene a
meeting with the Edina Community Council. Tuesday, September 16th, is
the kick-off meeting for the Council after the summer break. Members
Brindle and Brauer will connect with Val Burke to see if the joint
meeting could be arranged at that time. The meeting would be held at
7:30 in the morning at the Community Center.
Amnesty International Chapter Concert Held at Centennial Lakes
Member Brindle reported that the fundraising concert held by the High
School chapter of Amnesty International was a success. Approximately
150 people attended, and $1400 was raised from donations and the two
Edina Rotaries. These gifts will help support the efforts of the
Genocide Intervention Network to combat the atrocities in Darfur and
the Internally Displaced Persons camps in Chad.
Member Prochniak suggested that the Commission contact Rachael Pream
Grenier, staff adviser for the High School Amnesty International
Chapter, to invite their group to a Commission meeting in order to learn
what they are planning and offer to lend support. Perhaps this could
take place at the October meeting.
Table -Top Display Suggested
Member Prochniak urged the Commissioners to consider the value of a
table -top display to be used whenever there are gatherings or events at
which the Commission's presence would be of value. The mode of design
could be taken from the newly -created flyer and brochure.
Upcoming Retirement of the Police Chief Discussed
The word is out that the Police Chief may be retiring this fall. Member
Prochniak suggested that the Commission draft a letter to him for the
sake of urging his replacement to continue the tradition of raising
awareness of the Commission's presence in the community.
Member Prochniak seconded Chair Bartolomei's motion that Chair
Bartolomei touch base with Gordon Hughes regarding this action; the
motion carried.
Martin Luther King Day Activity Discussed
Member Brindle reminded the Commissioners how successful last
January's event was at St. Patrick's Church regarding Darfur and the
video "The Devil Came on Horseback." The question was raised about
having an annual event which would coincide with school assignments
during the week of Martin Luther King (MLK), Jr., Day.
Member Otness seconded Member Feige's motion that the providers
requesting funding for 2009 be solicited for suggestions for MLK day
activities and that St. Patrick's Church again be contacted; the motion
carried. Member Brindle will contact Cappy Moore regarding the
availability of the church.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25
Luis Bartolomei, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2008
Members Present
Peter Brauer
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
JoAnn McGuire
Andy Otness
Russell Stanton
Members Absent
Luis Bartolomei
Colleen Feige
Wayne Prochniak
Susan Heiberg
Minutes Approved
Member Longman seconded Member Brauer's motion to approve the minutes of May 27,
2008; the motion carried.
Strategic Planning Updated
The Strategic Planning Committee passed out the draft of June 16, 2008, which
contains the Commission's mission and beliefs. Additionally, four goals are identified
with particular actions to attain the goals. Events and forums will be formulated to
flow out of these areas. In the plan, the word "success" needs to be defined. The
objectives are measurable success factors put in place, including a time frame for the
tactics (actions).
Grant Application Process Approved
The League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions has money to disburse for
strategic planning—in the amount of $1500 for a consultant to work on a local
endeavor to create a strategic plan.
Member Otness seconded Member Brindle's motion that the Commission apply for this
grant to have a facilitator coordinate strategic planning, capacity building and
leadership training for the Commission. The motion carried. Member Brauer will
provide Member McGuire the names of potential facilitators for interviewing.
Funding Proposals Reviewed and Questions Raised
The Commissioners reviewed the 11 proposals for human service provision that had
been submitted. Questions were recorded, and each Commissioner planned to raise
the questions with the respective providers. Answers to these questions would then be
returned by the providers to the City for disbursement to the Commissioners before
the hearing on July 22"d. Not having had enough information on hand to discuss the
proposal for RPC, it will be routed to the Commission as soon as possible.
Immigration Forums Discussed
Member Brindle reported that the League of Women Voters of Plymouth is conducting
forums on immigration. Perhaps HRRC could collaborate with Edina's League of Women
Voters to plan and develop a study, using the model in the Comprehensive Plan.
Member Brindle indicated that she would pursue this opportunity.
New Brochures Created
A new 8.5" by 3.5" two-sided, colored card brochure was distributed to each
Commissioner. Additional ones were available to take for handing out elsewhere. The
brochure does a good job of describing the Commission's mission and purpose, and it
highlights who to contact in case of questions, concerns or a reason to wonder about
being a victim of discrimination.
Meeting Adjourned
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Emery Erickson, i:t Vice Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2008
Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Mary Brindle
Colleen Feige
Idelle Longman
Andy Otness
Wayne Prochniak
Russell Stanton
Members Absent
Peter Brauer
Emery Erickson
JoAnn McGuire
Susan Heiberg
Funding Proposal Developed for 2009
Member Brindle seconded Member Longman's motion to approve the following
proposal—a three -percent increase over 2008—in the amount of $91,600
for the City's 2009 human services budget:
Senior Community Services
Women in Transition
The Bridge
Normandale Center
Store To Door
TOTAL 91,600
The motion carried.
Regarding the first-time proposal from Minnesota Association for Children's
Mental Health (MACMH), the Commission agreed that it lacked a definitive
project and showed no planned coordination with the School District.
Member Brindle seconded Member Feige's motion to forgo funding MACMH
and Minneapolis Mediation Program in 2009 and that a letter be sent to
MACMH connecting them to Penny Kodrich and Janet Schank at the School
District in order to get into a better position to compete for funds next
year. The motion carried.
The Commission believed that the Minneapolis Mediation Program did not
warrant any funding due to a weak proposal that did not justify distribution
of City funds. Additionally, the Program did not demonstrate that this
year's funding had been put to good use on behalf of Edinans in need.
Member Feige seconded Member Prochniak's motion to make a pro rata re-
distribution of the $91,600 if the City Council determined to readjust this
amount. The motion carried.
Member Otness seconded Member Stanton's motion that the Edina Resource
Center receive a three -percent increase in funding, for a total of $37,200
in 2009. The motion carried.
Member Longman seconded Member Otness' motion to allocate $24,600 in
2009—a three -percent increase—for the funding of Research, Planning and
Coordination of human services (RPC) and to have a task force oversee the
project. The motion carried.
Member Brindle seconded Member Feige's motion that the RPC task force
should be formed by the following representation:
• Member of HRRC
• Resource Center staff member
• Two members of the community
• Bloomington Public Health staff member
• Member of the business community
• City Health Department staff member
• Member of the Community Health Committee
• City Human Services Coordinator (staff liaison)
• Consultant for the project
The motion carried.
Meeting Adjourned
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Luis Bartolomei, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Idelle Longman
JoAnn McGuire
Andy Otness
Members Absent
Peter Brauer
Colleen Feige
Wayne Prochniak
Russell Stanton
Kristi Bloom
Shara Mohtadi
Emma Weisberg
Susan Heiberg
The newly -appointed student by the City Council, Shara Mohtadi, was
introduced and welcomed. Because the Commission can appoint a student as
well, Emma Weisberg was introduced and welcomed as a second student
member of the Commission. Her mother, Kristi Bloom, was also introduced.
Member McGuire seconded Member Otness's motion that Emma Weisberg be
appointed as an ex -officio member of the Commission; the motion carried.
Minutes Approved
Member Longman seconded Member Erickson's motion to approve the
Commission meeting minutes of June 24, 2008; the motion carried.
Member Erickson seconded Member Brindle's motion to approve the
Commission meeting minutes of July 22, 2008; the motion carried.
Member Longman seconded Member Brindle's motion to approve the
Commission meeting minutes of July 29, 2008; the motion carried.
Upcoming City Council Hearing Discussed
It was announced that the City Council would hear the Commission's 2009
proposed human services budget on Tuesday, October 21St, at 5 PM in the
Council Chambers. Member Brindle would be available to make the
presentation, and the rest of the Commissioners were encouraged to attend
to offer support and be available for questions.
Options for RPC Projects Deferred
The Commission unanimously agreed that until the next census was made
available, it was premature to designate research, planning and coordination
dollars for a project yet to be determined. During 2009, the Commissioners
will commit to time for discussion regarding RPC funding for 2010.
State Grant for Leadership Training Identified
Member Longman explained that the State Department of Human Rights had
entered in to the second phase of awarding grants to local commissions for
organizational development and strategic planning. It would involve a grant
of $1500 toward a consultant facilitating the process around the following
possible objectives:
• Leadership training
• Continuity/strenthening of youth membership
• Strategic planning
• Organizational skills
• Capacity building
• Marketing
It was suggested that this be dedicated to two sessions—first to evaluate
the current strategic plan with the entire Commission and the students and
then to come back for discussion around implementation. Member Longman
welcomed suggestions for the choice of a consultant, and she will determine
who it will be. The Commission chose Tuesday, October 28th, from 6:30 to
9:30 PM as the first session of strategic planning.
Member Otness seconded Member Brindle's motion to invite Val Burke to
participate in the Strategic Planning to represent the Edina Resource Center;
the motion carried.
Concept of Immigration Forums Introduced
Member Brindle reported that the Plymouth League of Women Voters
moderated a very interesting immigration forum. It was noted that
something like this could be integrated into the strategic planning process.
School Diversity Council Discussed
Chair Bartolomei reported that he had attended the School District's first
Diversity Council meeting of the school year. There was much focus on the
word itself—"diversity." This connection is worthy of support and should be
included in the strategic planning discussion. As this is a good opportunity
for the Commission, Chair Bartolomei agreed to serve as the representative
to the School Diversity Council. It was suggested that one of the Council's
members be invited to participate in the strategic planning session.
News of the Azeri Delegation Shared
Member Otness reported that a six -person Azeri delegation with an
interpreter would be visiting Edina. The focus of the trip is "youth and
democracy," and Member Otness will be hosting two of the students during
their stay from November 1st to November 8th. She invited the
Commissioners to attend a dinner at her home on November 7th for the
Research, Planning and Coordination (RPC) News Related
After the development of a module by Deborah Paone and Val Burke for
other organizations to replicate their own enhanced care team models,
an invitational meeting was held to provide information to the community
and to identify organizations who would participate. Member Erickson
reported that as a result of this meeting, six organizations have
indicated that they would be interested in participating. For the time
being, each will be provided support in the amount of $500 and technical
assistance as well. After the process is completed, a final report will
be developed. The model will produce teams of volunteers supporting
older persons to help them remain independent.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00
Respectfully submitted,
Luis Bartolomei, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission
Members Present
Luis Bartolomei
Mary Brindle
Emery Erickson
Colleen Feige
Idelle Longman
Wayne Prochniak
Russell Stanton
Members Absent
JoAnn McGuire
Andy Otness
Shara Mohtadi
Emma Weisberg
Jennifer Buzzelle
Susan Heiberg
Strategic Plan Approved
Chair Bartolomei, Group Leader of the Partnerships/Alliances with Other
Community Organizations Project, presented the report from his group which
demonstrated three objectives with respective goals for achievement. A copy
of the report will be attached to this month's minutes.
Member Erickson, Group Leader of the Community Demographic Changes
Project, also presented his group's report—highlighting four objectives
supported by goals. A copy of the report will be attached to this month's
minutes as well.
Discussion included the following:
• The overlap of the two project reports—the same things with a
different focus
• Publicity
• Research
• Share demographics
• Share successes to blend people
• Focus on unity rather than diversity
• Timeline of significant events
• Compare to last census
• Gather HRRC alumni to share differences
• Article in Sun Current and About Town: "Who We Were and Who We
Are" which could be a transition to the census
• Speakers for 2009 meetings: Planning, Resource Center, School
District, Police Department
The Commissioners agreed that the two projects could be rolled into one. The
following Members scheduled a meeting for December 8th at 6:00 PM when one
project would be identified and thereafter presented to the full Commission:
Bartolomei, Feige, Longman, Stanton and the two students—Shara and Emma.
The goal would be to incorporate this project into the Strategic Plan.
It was pointed out that the Strategic Plan of June, 2008, was still considered
a draft. With all eyes on this draft, Member Brindle seconded Member
Prochniak's motion to formally approve the draft document of June 16, 2008,
entitled "HRRC Strategic Plan"; the motion carried. The Commissioners agreed
to ready the Plan in February—with its newly -incorporated project—for a
presentation to the City Council in March of 2009.
Darfur Community Awareness Event Highlighted
Aided by the Genocide Intervention Network, Amnesty International and a
number of local organizations, Shara and Emma shared that they will be
hosting a community awareness event about Darfur. This will be key in
increasing exposure of an international crisis for human rights. Dr. Ashis
Brahma will speak to an audience of at least 450 people on February 11 at
7:00 PM in the Fick Auditorium of the High School. He is a doctor in one of
the refugee camps located near the border between Eastern Chad and Sudan,
and he will speak about genocide and struggles that people are facing each
day. There will also be a dinner that night at 5:30 PM in the High School's
Community Room for Dr. Brahma with members of the Commission, the City
Council, the Governor, State Senators and State Representatives.
Member Longman seconded the motion of Member Brindle that HRRC support
the Darfur Community Awareness Event on February 11, 2009; the motion
carried. Shara and Emma will contact Jennifer Bennerotte about publicity,
and Member Brindle will connect with The Edina Community Foundation
regarding sponsorship for the dinner.
Nominating Committee Selected
The Commissioners agreed upon the following Members to serve as a
Nominating Committee, in order to bring a slate of 2009 officers to the
January Commission Meeting: McGuire, Otness and Prochniak.
Member Feige seconded the motion of Member Stanton that Member Longman
will become an Ex -Officio Member due to her term limit; the motion carried.
Gordon Hughes will be contacted to determine the correct terminology for this
Grant Opportunity Motion Defeated
Member Longman introduced another opportunity for a State grant in the
amount of $1500 for capacity building in the Commission. The deadline is
December 31St, and Member McGuire's initial grant request could be used to
move forward with this. Member Prochniak seconded Member Brindle's motion
to seek this funding through a Commission grant request; the motion was
defeated four to three.
Wishes for Speedy Recovery Extended to Val Burke
Member Brindle reported that the director of the Edina Resource Center, Val
Burke, just had successful surgery and will be at home recuperating. The
Commission agreed to send flowers and best wishes to her.
Announcement of Meetings and Adjournment
The Commission agreed that it would be beneficial to conduct two meetings in
January and selected Tuesday, January 13th, along with the regular meeting
date of Tuesday, January 27th. Both meetings would begin at 7:00 PM.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Luis Bartolomei, Chair
Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission