HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 HRRC MinutesEDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2011 7:00 PM – MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM Members Present Members Absent Zack Antar John Cashmore Arnie Bigbee Bob Mayer Daria Brosius Lisa Finsness Jessi Kingston Meg Newell Russ Stanton Staff Susan Howl Guest Janet Seidman Guest Introduced and Welcomed Janet Seidman, recently appointed to the Commission, was introduced and welcomed. She will participate as an official member at the February meeting. Commission Minutes Approved It was noted that Member Kingston was incorrectly listed as absent at the December, 2010, meeting. Member Finsness seconded the motion Member Stanton to approve the Commission minutes as amended for December 14, 2010. The motion carried. 2011 CDBG Budget for Public Services Approved Member Kingston seconded the motion of Member Stanton to approve the Public Services portion of the 2011 CDBG budget as submitted by the Planning Department staff in the amount of $26,067: H.O.M.E. $17,789, C.A.P.S.H. $5,624, and HomeLine $2,654. The motion carried. Edina Community Council Report Shared Member Finsness reported that HRRC was featured at the last Community Council meeting with an overview of the Commission presented by Chair Bigbee. The goal is for the Commissioners to take this PowerPoint into the community to educate and share the mission of the Commission. The 2011 budget of the Edina Resource Center will be forwarded to the Commissioners. Anti-Bullying/Cyber Bullying Subcommittee Update Presented Member Newell updated the Commission regarding the work of the Subcommittee in its preparations for the community event on April 26`n • Member Finsness has been actively seeking partners. • It is hoped that showing the movie "Bullied" will help to build awareness within the community. • The event will be participatory—with art work and reflections from Edinans. • It will be a festival of celebrating what is good. • Dick Crockett, Executive Director of the Edina Community Foundation, will be a partner, and he is working to get others interested and on board. • Rachael Pream Grenier has signed on as a voice in the High School, as well as Tony of the High School Theater, who is the artistic director and drama teacher. • This will be a City-wide event held at the High School Fick Auditorium and will be called "Reflections on Bullying." • The Mayor will open the event, and a person who has been bullied will be a part of the program. • This will be an opportunity to come together and explore a healthy community—looking at issues in the context of civil rights for everyone. • Adrian Peterson, Vikings football player, will assist in lining up a celebrity speaker. • Keith Ellison could wrap up the event with an address for combating bullying. • Incentives are needed for people to attend the event. Perhaps there could be extra credit for students. • "Hold -the -date" flyers will be circulated at the High School's event "Bang Bang You're Dead." • A press release will be created for viewing on the City's HRRC web page. 2011 Draft Work Plan Approved Member Newell seconded the motion of Member Stanton to approve the 2011 Work Plan as updated from the last meeting. The motion carried. Tom Oye Human Rights Award Discussed With the recent taping of a cable show of past award recipients, the community will be able to learn about the Tom Oye Award and propose new candidates. The information will also be distributed throughout the City via civic organizations, the School District, the Chamber of Commerce, the Sun Current and the City's website. The award will be given at the City's Annual Volunteer Recognition Reception at Edinborough Park on April 28tH Upcoming Events Noted • "Afternoon of Conversation About Juvenile Justice in MN" — St. Cloud — February 26, 2011 • "Religious Diversity in Our Communities" — Shoreview — February 7, 2011 • "Examining Bullying in the Community" — Chaska — February 5, 2011 • "Know Your Neighbor" — New Hope — February 10, 2011 • "Regional Human Rights Forum" — Roseville — April 7, 2011 • "Beyond Diversity: A Strategy for Deinstitutionalizing Racism and Improving Student Achievement" — Edina staff development — held in Minnetonka — March 17 and 18 Out Front Minnesota Celebration To be Announced Member Kingston indicated that there is a reason for celebration in the community regarding the number of newly -created Domestic Partner registries. The 2012 anti -gay marriage legislation is ahead, and the focus will be on how to move the middle. Adiournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM. EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2011 7:00 PM — MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM Members Present Members Absent Arnie Bigbee Zack Antar Daria Brosius Meg Newell John Cashmore Lisa Finsness Jessi Kingston Bob Mayer Jan Seidman Russ Stanton Steve Winnick Staff Susan Howl Guests Tom Brower Tyler Brower New Members Introduced and Welcomed Janet Seidman and Steve Winnick, who was just recently appointed to the Commission, were introduced and welcomed. Guests Introduced and Welcomed Tyler Brower is an Edina High School junior. He and his father, Tom, were visiting to fulfill an Eagle Scout communications project for Tyler. Commission Minutes Approved Member Stanton seconded the motion of Member Kingston to approve the Commission minutes for January 25, 2011. The motion carried. 2011 Commission Officers Elected The Chair of the Administration Team, Member Mayer, presented the slate of officers for 2011. For a balanced approach, he recommended that the Chair of the Commission be a rotating position each year. 2011 Slate of Officers Chair Jessi Kingston Vice Chair Lisa Finsness Current Chair Bigbee seconded the motion of Member Stanton to nominate Member Mayer for 2nd Vice Chair; the motion carried. Member Cashmore seconded the motion of Member Mayer to approve the 2011 slate of officers: Chair, Jessi Kingston; 1" Vice Chair, Lisa Finsness; and 2"d Vice Chair, Bob Mayer. The motion carried. Current Chair Bigbee "passed the torch" to newly -elected Chair Kingston. 2011 Administrative Processes Updated and Approved The Chair of the Administration Team, Member Mayer, presented the update for the new year. Key Initiatives were pointed out, showing the need to determine focal topics for each meeting and to have specific recommendations and planned actions. The Chair and staff will prepare each agenda with key topics and review the work plan. Regarding student roles on the Commission, HRRC will follow up with the City Council regarding an opportunity to change a student's appointment to two years with voting rights in the second year. In the meantime, the Commission will make an effort to help the appointed students assume leadership roles while serving; i. e. the Chair and 1" Vice Chair will involve the students in planning items for the agenda. Member Finsness seconded Member Cashmore's motion to approve the Administration Team's Update for 2011 to serve as guidelines for the coming year. The motion carried. Community Council Report Given Member Finsness shared that two different organizations were showcased at the last meeting of the Edina Community Council: • Oasis for Youth — It is a community-based organization providing homeless and precariously - housed youth of the south metro area with referrals to crisis intervention services, overnight shelter and onsite support. Its operations are contained in a church in Bloomington. Oasis often refers youth to The Bridge. It was reported that there are 550 to 650 homeless youth under the age of 17 in the Twin Cities without shelter any given night. • Homes Within Reach — It is a community-based program of the West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust that provides affordable homeownership in western suburban Hennepin County by removing the market value of the land from the mortgage equation. This reduces the cost of a home by almost 40 percent. The Edina Resource will join in as a supporting partner of the Anti -Bullying event on April 26th Anti -Bullying Subcommittee Report Given Member Finsness shared the Ellen Kennedy had agreed to be on the panel at the community -wide event on Tuesday, April 26th. Amelia Santaniello will not be available to serve as the moderator. At the upcoming subcommittee meeting, the rest of the speakers will be determined. Commission Updated on the Tom Oye Human Rights Award Member Mayer shared the following regarding the Tom Oye Award to be presented at Volunteer Recognition on April 28th: • The application is on the website, with a deadline of March 17tH • The on-line procedure to apply will be tested to assure that it is working. • The application was distributed widely in a mailing to community organizations and key contacts. • On the City's website, one can download the "in Edina" broadcast to watch the interview with former recipients of the Award. • The Commission will make its decision at the March meeting regarding an award recipient for this year. • It would be helpful to receive the ongoing City/Communications calendar of deadlines. • It was suggested that discussion regarding next year's award process be moved to October in the Commission's Work Plan. Work Session with the City Council Revisited Member Bigbee reported that the Commission work session with the City Council on February 15th went well, and the following took place: • The Commission discussed changing its role in the human services funding process, and the City Council charged HRRC with presenting a plan to consider for approval. • The issue of comparable worth surfaced at the Work Session. It was thereafter suggested that Ceil Smith, Human Resources Director, be invited to attend an upcoming Commission meeting. • The Commission would like the Council to consider changing students' terms to two years with voting rights during the second year. • There is an ongoing responsibility for an HRRC member to serve on the Edina Community Council. Currently, this position is held by Member Finsness. Member Bigbee prepared the following funding procedure processes for the Commission to consider and vote: • Option 1— HRRC internal subcommittee of up to three members with liaison support • Option 2 — One HRRC member overseeing group from other boards/commissions with liaison support • Option 3 — New working group established by the City Council from particular boards/commission with liaison support • Option 4 — Same as Option 3, plus up to three community members selected at large • Option 5 — no change • Option 6—staff's responsibility to propose a human services budget • Option 7 — Combination of Options 1 and 3, including people at large and utilizing a staff liaison Member Finsness seconded Member Stanton's motion that Option 7 be approved and brought to the City Manager. The motion carried. Annual Meeting Reminder Shared The Commissioners were reminded that the City Council's Annual Dinner Meeting of boards and commissions would take place on Monday, March 215`, at 5 PM in the Hughes Pavilion at Centennial Lakes Park. Adjournment There being no further business of the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM. EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2011 7:00 PM — MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Zack Antar John Cashmore Arnie Bigbee Meg Newell Daria Brosius Steve Winnick Lisa Finsness Jessi Kingston Bob Mayer Jan Seidman Russ Stanton CALL TO ORDER Chair Kingston called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED STAFF Susan Howl GUEST Ashle Briggs Horton Motion by Member Bigbee and seconded by Member Seidman approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Bigbee, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Seidman and Stanton Motion carried. MEETING MINUTES APPROVED Motion by Member Mayer and seconded by Member Bigbee approving the meeting minutes of February 22, 2011. Ayes: Bigbee, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Seidman and Stanton Motion carried. GUEST INTRODUCED Ashle Briggs Horton from the Edina Patch was introduced and welcomed. She was gathering information on three events: Reflections on Bullying on April 26th, Tom Oye Human Rights Award on April 28th, and the proposed Day of Remembrance on May 1:t NEWLY -CREATED FUNDING PROCEDURE EXPLAINED Having met with the City Manager, Chair Kingston shared his recommendations for a newly -created funding procedure: • The City Council will establish a new working group entitled the Human Services Task Force. • This will begin with the following City Commissions appointing one of their members to serve on the Task Force: Community Health Committee, HRRC, Planning Commission, Energy & Environment Commission, Transportation Commission and Park Board. • The City Manager will provide staff support to the Human Services Task Force. • The Task Force will produce a recommendation for CDBG funding and human services funding. • These two recommendations will be approved by the City Manager before final approval by the City Council. • To accomplish this work, four meetings would be scheduled for the Task Force: - Evaluation of the RFP to be sent to providers currently funded and submitting an ad for the Sun -Current to solicit new requests - Hearing for the providers - Development of a draft human services budget - Presentation of the budget to the City Manager for evaluation Member Stanton indicated his interest in participating on the Task Force. "BIAS/HATE CRIME RESPONSE PLAN" REVIEWED It was noted that the City's legal counsel had reviewed and revised the Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan last March. After the Commission's re -scrutiny of the Plan, Chair Kingston agreed to meet with the Police Chief for a refresher of the procedure and a view of the revisions. "DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE" PROCLAMATION AND EVENT PLANS DEVELOPED Due to a citizen bringing to the Mayor's attention, the designation of the Days of Remembrance from May 1St through May 8th by the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, encouragement came to Member Cashmore from the Mayor for HRRC to plan an event around this time. A proclamation was prepared by the Commission for the City Council's approval, which designates May 1St through May 8th as the Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust. The proclamation also designates Sunday, May ft, as the Day of Remembrance, at which time HRRC would host an open house and program at Edina City Hall. Motion by Member Bigbee and seconded by Member Finsness to forward the proclamation to the City Council for approval of the designation of the Days of Remembrance from May 1St through May Stn and for an HRRC event on May 1st designating the Day of Remembrance. Ayes: Bigbee, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Seidman and Stanton Motion carried. If the resolution is approved by the City Council, Chair Kingston and Member Seidman would assist Member Cashmore with the planning and preparation of the event on May 1St "TOM OYE HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD" RECIPIENT SELECTED After having reviewed the six nominations sent out to the Commissioners by Member Mayer, he asked for each Commissioner's ranking in order to determine the 2011 recipient of the Tom Oye Human Rights Award. Each nominee was required to have a strong interest in human rights and live or work in Edina. After Member Mayer made the determination upon compilation of the rankings, he announced that the 2011 recipient of the Tom Oye Award would be Rev. Dan Johnson. Dan has been a tireless advocate for human rights as he led his church toward becoming a "reconciling" church that openly welcomes and affirms the GLBT population. The presentation will be made at the Volunteer Awards Reception at Edinborough on April 28th. Candidates not selected in 2011 will automatically be considered again in 2012, along with new nominations. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MEETINGS DISCUSSED The Commissioners agreed that there should be more time on the meeting agendas for additional items. This topic will be discussed in May. DETAILS SHARED REGARDING "REFLECTIONS ON BULLYING" Member Finsness reported the following: • More groundwork was laid at the last meeting with Heather Haen Anderson and Members Finsness, Newell, and Brosius. • The official confirmation form for Ellen Kennedy to be on the panel will be developed and sent to her as soon as possible. • There will be four people on the panel. • The emcee will be Liz Collins from WCCO, and WCCO will cover the event. • Dick Crockett of the Edina Community Foundation will cover the cost of the food. • There will be a PSA on the Edina website. • The EdinaSecrets boxes will be in a number of locations for people to submit anonymous postcards. Member Seidman offered to help put the boxes together. • John offered to help with publicity. • HRRC Members are encouraged to invite their contacts to attend and to provide this information for Heather Haen Anderson. • Member Antar will contact Jerry's about publicity in their turnaround, and he will also talk to the hockey coach regarding securing a Wild player as a celebrity. • Reflections on Bullying will count as the April Commission Meeting. • After the event, PSA's with the Police Chief could be created in order to educate the public. It would be helpful to advertise pertinent websites regarding bullying. "BEYOND DIVERSITY" WORKSHOP INFORMATION SHARED Member Finsness reported that she had recently attended the two-day "Beyond Diversity' workshop for School District personnel through WMEP. One of the themes was about raising the awareness of White privilege. 200 people were in attendance. The workshop was a step in the right direction in the continuum of learning. The Commission needs to be alert as to finding out what the next step will be. CITY OF EDINA TO HOST APRIL MEETING OF THE STATE LEAGUE OF HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONS Member Bigbee reminded the Commissioners that they are invited to attend the State League of Human Rights Commissions' April meeting in the Community Room of Edina City Hall on Saturday, April 30tH from noon to 3 PM. RSVP's are necessary, as a meal will be served. Member Bigbee is now a Board Member of the State League. MEETING ADJOURNED There being no further business on the Commission agenda, Chair Kingston declared the meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, Jessi Kingston, Chair Edina Human Rights & Relations Commission EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION "REFLECTIONS ON BULLYING" — CITY-WIDE DIALOGUE & EXHIBIT TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 2011 6:00 PM — FICK AUDITORIUM MEMBERS PRESENT STAFF Zack Antar Susan Howl Arnie Bigbee Daria Brosius John Cashmore Lisa Finsness Bob Mayer Meg Newell Jan Seidman Russ Stanton Steve Winnick "Reflections on Bullying" Event —Tuesday, April 26, 2011— Fick Auditorium How does a community begin to address bullying? Bullying, it happens so often, in so many places. It causes so much pain and is all too often is ignored. To address this insidious problem, the Human Rights and Relationship Commission (HRRC) chose bullying as their focus for 2011. To begin the discussion and to build awareness within the Edina community, the HRRC received support from the Edina Community Foundation to host an Edina Dialogue, "Reflections on Bullying: Creating a World Were Bullying Does Not Happen". The HRRC also collaborated with the Gay Straight Alliance and the 212 leadership team, both from Edina High School, the Edina Resource Center, Connecting with Kids and the Edina Chamber of Commerce. On April 26, 2011, more than 150 people gathered at FICK auditorium in Edina High School for a light dinner to begin an Edina dialogue on Bullying. Citizens submitted anonymous postcards — "Edina Secrets" and essays sharing their thoughts and experience ... their reflections about bullying. The school library displayed books, the non-profit; "A World Without Genocide" shared program information. The main event opened with remarks from HRRC chair, Jessi Kingston and Mayor Jim Hovland and was moderated by Liz Collin from WCCO featured a movie produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center, `Bullied" — a true story about Jamie Nabozny- a teenager in Wisconsin whose bullying was ignored by school officials. Jaime took his case to court and won a judgment against several school administrators. Julie Herzog from PACER addressed the audience at the conclusion of the movie and EHS student, Abdisa Dawano shared a reading. The evening concluded with a guest panel: Dr. Ellen Kennedy, Rachael Pream Grenier, Rick Sansted, Koal Williams, and Chelese Ewart ...and powerful audience dialogue. Respectfully submitted, Lisa Finsness, Co -Chair "Reflections on Bullying" MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION MAY 24, 2011 7:03 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kingston called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Brosius, Cashmore, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Newell, Seidman and Winnick. Ill. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Motion by Member Cashmore and seconded by Member Winnick approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Cashmore, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Winnick Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Motion by Member Seidman and seconded by Member Cashmore approving the consent agenda as follows: W.A. Approve regular meeting minutes of March 22, 2011 with one edit, and notes from the Anti - Bullying Forum on April 26, 2011. Ayes: Cashmore, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Winnick Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT There were no community comments. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VI.A. CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION WITH COMMISSION CHAIRS Chair Kingston shared draft minutes from the City Council Work Session with commission chairs which was held on May 3, 2011. Items discussed by the City Council were: 1) Filming and Rebroadcasting Meetings, suggesting that one meeting of each commission, titled the "Annual Meeting", would be filmed annually in the Council Chambers; 2) Standardization of Agendas, Bylaws, Minutes and Meeting Protocol; 3) Working Group, Subcommittee and Task Force Protocol, noting that such bodies must comply with the Open Meeting Law; 4) Commissioner Orientation and Training, including the possibility of providing opportunities for specialized training; 5) Synchronization of Work Plans and City Council Priorities, possibly accomplished at each commission's Annual Meeting; and 6) Website Presence, with HRRC indicating an interest in adding more information to its website. VI.B. "NAZI PERSECUTION OF HOMOSEXUALS" TRAVELING EXHIBIT Chair Kingston shared an outline for sponsorship of/involvement of the "Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals" Traveling Exhibit. It had been submitted by Laura Zelle, JCRC Director of Tolerance Minnesota & Holocaust Education. The JCRC will be coordinating a Midwest tour of the exhibit, and it will be previewing at the University of Minnesota in the Andersen Library from April 1St through May 15th, 2012. The following issues/comments were raised: 1) Is this serving the community of Edina? 2) There is the need to develop criteria for this kind of decision-making. 3) HRRC would be supporting an educational effort in the amount of $500. 4) The number one criteria for approving such opportunities is that it should make an impact on Edina. 5) Could HRRC be misunderstood as a funding vehicle? 6) Is there a way to tie the event into the anti -bullying initiative? 7) Is more information necessary in the nature of a formal request or a recommendation from the Mayor? 8) The event would be a catalyst for continuing dialogues. 9) Participate and use this event as anecdotal evidence for developing standards for evaluating RFP's. 10) The event could be noteworthy for Edina and HRRC. 11) There were 2000 people at the exhibit in Seattle, and it has also traveled to Norfolk, VA. 12) We should "hop on the train" and solidify Edina standing up for human rights. 13) Because the 2012 Exhibit in Minneapolis will occur during the time of Edina's "Days of Remembrance" event, HRRC could dovetail with the Exhibit's event and focus on its mission. 14) An Edina dialogue could be scheduled on one of the nights during the Exhibit, which would be a way to reach out and demonstrate HRRC's purpose and commitment. 15) This should not be about HRRC becoming well-known and getting recognition by attaching its name to the Exhibit. Member Newell made a motion, seconded by Member Finsness, to create a work group to report back to the Commission with ideas focusing on involving the youth in a dialogue in order for HRRC to be a participator of the Exhibit and not just a sponsor. Ayes: Finsness, Newell Nays: Cashmore, Kingston, Mayer, Seidman, Winnick Motion denied. Member Mayer made a motion, seconded by Member Cashmore, to support the Exhibit in the amount of $500, for an activity to be determined through collaboration with JCRC. Ayes: Cashmore, Kingston, Seidman, Winnick Nays: Finsness, Mayer, Newell Motion carried. VI.C. TIME OFF Chair Kingston recommended that the Commission take a month off. The following comments were made: 1) Summer is not opportune for time off from a meeting, as work needs to be done regarding the next Dialogue. 2) Because Commissioners all have different schedules, it may be better to have a flexible vacation schedule that meets personal needs. 3) The City Council does not appear to take a meeting off; therefore, the Members must have a way to miss a meeting for a vacation. 4) The new student members do not begin until September. Perhaps June or August could be skipped. 5) Having time off would be an opportunity for Commissioners to "re -charge." 6) June would be an ideal month for discussing a number of things—no action items. The June agenda should include a dialogue about what the criteria should be regarding sponsoring events. Chair Kingston made a motion, seconded by Member Cashmore, for HRRC to take off the month of June this year. Ayes: Cashmore, Kingston Nays: Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Winnick Motion denied. VI.D. CITY WEBSITE—COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT Member Winnick reported that he has had the opportunity to peruse the City's website and history books, focusing on the Country Club district. In doing so, he suggests that the City evaluate the website for complete disclosure of the early covenants and private deed restrictions. He indicated that the City should reveal its history and that the website could be improved to positively impact the future. Staff shared the recommendation that a hyperlink to the summary of the early restrictions and covenants be added to the Heritage Landmarks' page on the City's website. Comments and observations were as follows: 1) Information on the website should be explicit and not just direct the reader to another site. 2) Improving the website with additional information would be an opportunity to educate the citizens of Edina. 3) If an expanded paragraph is developed on the website, there could be a link to HRRC. 4) The About Town has been and could also continue to be a good source for this information. 5) The Edina Historical Society maintains historical records regarding Edina. Member Winnick will share an update with the Commissioners at the June meeting. VI. E. EVENTS DEBRIEF Due to time constraints, Chair Kingston recommended tabling the debriefing of two events— "Reflections on Bullying" and "Days of Remembrance." The June meeting will be ideal for doing this— posting notes with ideas, documenting resources and identifying contacts. Vll. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS An Edina resident, Sanford Berman, contacted Chair Kingston after the "Days of Remembrance" event had been highlighted in the Sun -Current. Since that time, he has sent the Commission copies of letters to the Minnesota Twins and the State of Minnesota's elected officials, referencing his concern about a team's logo being racist and elected officials' "faith -based prejudice" regarding same-sex marriage. The Commissioners raised various questions: 1) Mr. Berman has been an active member of the community for a long time. His reputation is reputable among fellow librarians. 2) Does his correspondence require a response from HRRC? 3) Should HRRC acknowledge and thank him for his interest in Domestic Partnerships? 4) Should there be any response to him, or is this considered "for information only"? Because Mr. Berman's communication to HRRC was by "bc" (blind copy), no action was deemed necessary. Vlll. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS Member Cashmore reported that he is now a graduate of the Police Department's Citizen's Academy, a ten -week program led by Officer Brian Hubbard. The next class will be held in the spring of 2012. He highly recommended the class to his fellow Commissioners. Member Mayer reported that there has been positive publicity of the Tom Oye Award in a number of media outlets. IX. STAFF COMMENTS Staff Liaison, Susan Howl, shared that the Commission is operating in full throttle with passionate and professional people on board. All discussion within the Commission has resulted in healthy consensus and positive outcomes. X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Kingston declared the meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by HRRC, June 28, 2011. Susan Howl, HRRC Staff Liaison Jessi Kingston, HRRC Chair MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION JUNE 28, 2011 7:03 PM I. CALL TO ORDER 1" Vice Chair Finsness called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. IL ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick. W. MEETING AGENDA EDITED AND APPROVED Commissioner Finsness requested an additional agenda item be placed under Reports & Recommendations, becoming VI. G. Service Dogs in Condominium Associations. Motion by Commissioner Winnick and seconded by Commissioner Stanton approving the meeting agenda as edited. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Motion by Commissioner Bigbee and seconded by Commissioner Seidman approving the consent agenda as follows: W.A. Approve regular meeting minutes of May 24, 2011. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT Two visitors introduced themselves: Sue Plaster, a member of the community who is interested in diversity and intercultural communications; and Bevlin Jennings, a student at Edina High School who is interested in serving on HRRC. Vl. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VLA. MAYOR'S MEMBERSHIP ON THE COALITION REGARDING IMMIGRATION REFORM ENDORSED The "Partnership for a New American Economy" is a coalition of mayors and business leaders who choose to make the case that immigration reform is an economic imperative. Mayor Hovland had asked the Commission to look into this coalition and conclude whether or not he should become a member. There is neither financial nor time commitment for Mayor Hovland to join, and the Commissioners opened up discussion on the matter. Commissioners Seidman and Stanton stated that the information from New York City's Mayor was too vague and did not provide enough detail. In addition, Commissioner Stanton pointed out that there is a 9.1% unemployment rate now and that we should be vested in "growing" our own people first. He indicated that he is not comfortable about endorsing this coalition. Commissioner Bigbee explained that the United States does need a different immigration policy and that this coalition seems like a movement in the right direction. The coalition is trying to get public conversation going. It will be a good thing to get first-hand information from the Mayor. There is evidence that a number of immigrants work within the community. A concern was raised that this coalition was about economics and lower pay rates for immigrants. Commissioner Newell stated that this is not necessarily true, as the form entitled "Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers" protects both the immigrant and the employer in the immigrant worker's process of becoming a permanent resident in the United States. The form is filed by the employer on behalf of a foreign worker. Commissioner Finsness reported that this coalition is a group created to investigate and explore the need for immigration reform by looking at the laws and raising public awareness. As a member, the Mayor could monitor the progress and keep the Commission updated. This would be a great opportunity for HRRC to learn about immigration. Commissioner Bigbee made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Mayer, to recommend that Mayor Hovland join the "Mayor's Coalition Regarding Immigration Reform" and that he provides the Commission timely updates in his involvement. Ayes: Bigbee, Finsness, Mayer, Newell Nays: Cashmore, Seidman, Winnick Abstain: Stanton Motion carried. VI.B. LMHRC GLBT RESOLUTION ENDORSED An amendment to the Minnesota Constitution was proposed that would ban the legal recognition of same-sex relationships within the State of Minnesota. As a result, the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions (LMHRC) drafted a resolution to share with the press and its own membership declaring opposition to the amendment. The Commissioners reviewed this resolution and opened up discussion. Commissioner Bigbee shared that the resolution had been created by the League two years ago and was recently revised. He suggested that the Commission recommend the City Council's statement of opposition to the constitutional amendment. Commissioners Mayer and Stanton questioned HRRC's role and whether it could endorse something from the League. Commissioner Stanton supported the resolution but suggested that it could be edited for the sake of new resolutions from HRRC and the City Council. Commissioner Finsness explained that the resolution covers HRRC because of its membership under the League's umbrella. She indicated that the City Council could have its own resolution as well. Commissioner Mayer made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Newell, to table the endorsement of the League's resolution. The motion failed with only one aye. Commissioners Bigbee and Winnick remarked that the Commission could stand by and watch the events or take action. Commissioner Winnick encouraged the Commissioners to make a public statement by endorsing the League's resolution and encouraging the City Council to do the same thing. Commissioner Stanton made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Cashmore, to endorse the League's resolution to oppose changing the Minnesota constitution in order to ban the legal recognition of same-sex relationships and unions, and at its July meeting the Commission will investigate a recommendation that the City Council could also support the opposition. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick Motion carried. VI.C. APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER TO POST UPDATES ON TWITTER TABLED Because the Minnesota Department of Human Rights has been using Twitter to provide information to the public, HRRC could send e-mail updates and summaries to them to be included with their human rights related news on Twitter. If HRRC information was to be posted with the State's news, it could also be forwarded to the City of Edina's Twitter site. Commissioner Cashmore made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Winnick, to table the appointment and to invite the Communication's Director, Jennifer Bennerotte, to a Commission meeting to discuss communication tools. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick Motion carried. VI.D. RESOLUTION APPROVED REGARDING STAFF CHANGES TO THE CITY'S WEBSITE HISTORY Commissioner Winnick had several meetings with Joyce Repya, Associate Planner, and Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications Director, to draft a revision to the history of the Edina Country Club District which would include the facts about realtors turning away potential buyers interested in the Country Club District who were Jewish or members of certain other minorities. This revision would be within the Heritage Landmarks section of the City's website and would also reveal the history regarding the early covenants and private deed restrictions prohibiting non -Caucasians from ownership. Due to the diligence of Ms. Repya, the changes were quickly made, providing accurate information of historical value. Commissioner Bigbee made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Cashmore, to present a resolution of appreciation to Joyce Repya for her effort and generosity in working to update the City's website with significant historical information. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick Motion carried. VI. E. CREATION OF A TASK FORCE APPROVED TO DEVELOP A PROCESS FOR THE SUBMISSION OF SPONSORSHIP REQUESTS AND CRITERIA/GUIDELINES FOR EVALUATION In the event that an organization comes before HRRC requesting financial support and time/services for an educational endeavor, a process and criteria/guidelines need to be developed and in place. Commissioner Cashmore made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Newell, to create a Commission task force to develop a process for submission and criteria/guidelines for evaluating sponsorship requests. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick Motion carried. The following Commissioners agreed to serve on the task force and submit a report to the Commission in October: Bigbee, Finsness, Seidman. Commissioner Bigbee agreed to chair the task force. VI.F. EVENTS DEBRIEF TABLED UNTIL THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING With the Commission Chair being unable to attend the meeting, it had been suggested that feedback be sent to the staff liaison by July 18th regarding the two events—"Reflections on Bullying' and "Days of Remembrance." The liaison would then turn these suggestions into a document for discussion at the July Commission meeting, with all comments being confidential. Commissioner Seidman submitted a form entitled "Event Review & Future Planning" to consider as a tool for evaluation. Commissioner Mayer was concerned that the timing is not good and that it is a little too late for accurate evaluations. A constructive process would have been to ask four questions about each event and have these as topics of discussion. He recommended that, at the very least, the chair of each event should produce a summary. And for the future, participants could be surveyed at the events. Commissioner Bigbee remarked that the Commission needs to get this work done as soon as possible by figuring out how to gather quick information. Commissioner Finsness recommended that a professional survey be created for the Commission to analyze the information. She shared that Commissioner Seidman's form would be useful right after an event for people who worked directly on the event and would be excellent for future planning. Regarding a survey, Commissioner Finsness suggested that an on-line survey be created for each event for the Commissioners to complete by July 20th for discussion at the July Commission meeting. In addition, the survey could be sent to the task force members who are not Commissioners—Dick Crockett, Heather Haen Anderson, Rachel Pream Grenier and the GSA student leaders. It might also be helpful to have a survey for people who attended the events. Commissioner Cashmore made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Mayer, to table the discussion about events' debriefing until the next meeting. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick Motion carried. Commissioner Mayer offered to send out guidelines—"Personal Post Mortems"—to help prepare for debriefing at the next Commission meeting. VI.G. SERVICE DOGS IN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONS DISCUSSED Commissioner Finsness reported that she had learned about a condominium putting restrictions on a resident using a service dog because there was no documentation of need. At this time, Commissioner Finsness had received no updated information, and she felt that the bylaws of the condominium association should be reviewed. Vll. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS No correspondence or petitions were received since the last Commission meeting. Vlll. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS There were no comments. IX. STAFF COMMENTS There were no comments. X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, 1" Vice Chair Finsness declared the meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by HRRC, July 26, 2011. Susan Howl, HRRC Staff Liaison Lisa Finsness, HRRC 1St Vice Chair MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION JULY 26, 2011 7:03 PM CALL TO ORDER Chair Kingston called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. IL ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Bigbee, Cashmore, Kingston, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick. Guests present were Sue Plaster and Jennifer Bennerotte. Ill. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Motion by Commissioner Bigbee and seconded by Commissioner Cashmore approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Motion by Commissioner Cashmore and seconded by Commissioner Winnick approving the consent agenda as follows: W.A. Approve regular meeting minutes of June 28, 2011. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. V. PRESENTATION BYJENNIFER BENNEROTTE, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING Ms. Bennerotte was introduced and welcomed to the Commission meeting. She had been invited to share the following City's communication tools. Upcoming deadlines for submitting articles to About Town, the City's quarterly publication distributed to Edina households are: Winter Issue, 10/21/11; Spring Issue, 1/20/12; Summer Issue, 4/20/12; Fall Issue, 7/20/12; Winter Issue, 10/19/12. Video options for communication are: 1) Cable channel 16 for government access, running with weekly segments 2) "Agenda: Edina," the news program viewed four times weekly – Deadlines for upcoming submissions are the third Fridays of each month: August 19th, September 16th, October 21St, November 18th, and December 16tH 3) "In Edina" is a half-hour video magazine airing five times weekly in a talk -show format. Each show's theme is in five segments and runs for a month. Its upcoming deadlines are August 10th, September 14th, October 12th, November 9th, and December 14tH 4) Two public service announcements (PSA's) per month City Extra is an e-mail notification service available through the City's website. It was noted that 21% of Edina's residents do not have internet access. The City of Edina now uses Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Four Square (solely for the enterprise funds). All messages must go through the Communications Department for social media posting. The City's primary online communications tool is its website—www.cityofedina.com. HRRC can be mindful of its own page and make it a community resource. Ms. Bennerotte reminded the Commission that October is the deadline for submitting information about the 2012 Tom Oye Human Rights Award. She shared that a new City website would be in place by December 31St. Scott Neal, the City Manager, has an online blog site which is the most visited page on the City website. Ms. Bennerotte reminded the Commissioners that he welcomes new ideas as topics for his blog. She announced that there is now an additional blog site titled edinacitizenengagement.org. With a free e-mail subscription to this site, one can keep up on issues such as the Southdale redevelopment plan, the City's 2012 budget, and the Grandview small area plan. Ms. Bennerotte concluded by reminding the Commission that the Communications Department can submit press releases on behalf of the group to the Sun Current, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, KSTP TV and news, Edina Patch, Edina Magazine, Edina Chamber of Commerce, the SW Journal, neighborhood associations and the School District. VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT Sue Plaster was welcomed back as a visitor to Commission meetings. Vll. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VILA. HUMAN SERVICES TASK FORCE DISCUSSED Because HRRC will no longer be involved in the human services budgeting process, Chair Kingston reported that the City Manager is in the process of forming a Human Services Task Force to review proposals and submit a 2012 budget to the City Council for approval. Members of the Task Force will consist of one representative from each of the advisory boards and commissions. Chair Kingston shared that $5000 will be submitted for approval to the City Council for the Commission's 2012 operating budget. Member Stanton indicated that the Commission should pursue means for providing a demographics report, utilizing the latest census data. The research, planning and coordination (RPC) function of HRRC was last utilized in 2006 with money budgeted for developing an affordable housing report. For RPC money to be available in the future, the Commission must be deliberative in determining what is needed and valuable for the community, and then go before the Council in a timely fashion with a justified proposal. A 1998 demographics update from the large report prepared in 1993 will be e-mailed to the Commissioners for their information. VII. B. DEBRIEFING OF EVENTS Chair Kingston invited the Commissioners to go around the table and comment about the two events held in 2011—"Reflections on Bullying" and "Days of Remembrance." "Reflections on Bullying" - It was a remarkable event; however, there was a lack of clarity about the co-sponsors. The sponsors needed to be present at the table. - The lines of communication were somewhat unclear. There was a lack of information provided to the schools. - How do we get permission from the schools? Letters of introductions and approval are necessary. - The schools have asked that there be no more soliciting of the students—i.e. EdinaSecrets postcards. - The schools need to get involved earlier in order to figure out ways for student participation. - The event impacted a number of people in a genuine way. - Thank-you's were written to all the participants in the event. - The event had a successful turnout with a good mix of people. - The event's goal was to engage the School District in a partnership. - The issues surrounding the event are not easy and sometimes controversial. "Days of Remembrance" - There could have been some sort of memento from the City for the participants. - A sign -in with addresses would be helpful. - It was another remarkable event; however, few young people attended. - Having a survivor there was wonderful. Both Events - A chair plus one should be accountable for each event and provide a report. - Planning schedules should be published. - Deadlines should be set and made clear. - Address and e-mails of all involved need to be gathered and stored. - Be continuously looking for opportunities to educate the community; i.e. "become upstanders and not just bystanders"; "awareness not only educates but saves lives." - Partnership clarity is critical. - Make sure the meeting tones and expectations are set early. - Communicate and debrief after each meeting. A task force consisting of Members Cashmore, Mayer and Seidman will finalize and present a check list for organizing future events at the October Commission meeting. VII. C. LEAGUE'S GLBT RESOLUTION RECOMMENDED FOR THE COUNCIL'S SUPPORT At the July 26, 2011, Commission meeting, HRRC endorsed the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions' resolution to oppose changing the Minnesota constitution in order to ban the legal recognition of same-sex relationships and unions, and the Commission agreed to investigate a recommendation that the City Council could also support the opposition. Motion by. Commissioner Bigbee and seconded by Member Cashmore to recommend that the League's resolution be supported by the Edina City Council. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. Member Stanton agreed to talk to the City Attorney regarding the Constitution and future Commission activities. Vlll. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS No correspondence or petitions were received. IX. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS Member Bigbee reported that the Board of the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions would be meeting in Edina for its August meeting—Saturday, August 27th, Southdale Library, noon to 3 PM. He encouraged the Commissioners to consider ways to serve on this Commission. X. STAFF COMMENTS There were no comments. Xl. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Kingston declared the meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by HRRC, August 23, 2011. Susan Howl, HRRC Staff Liaison Jessi Kingston, HRRC Chair MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION AUGUST 23, 2011 7:03 PM I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kingston called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. 11. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Bigbee, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Stanton and Winnick. Guests present were Sue Plaster and Dan Heilman. Ill. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Motion by Commissioner Stanton and seconded by Commissioner Winnick approving the meeting agenda with the following additions: VI. D. Fred Baron Appreciation and VI. E. Edina Community Council Representative. Ayes: Bigbee, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Motion by Commissioner Cashmore and seconded by Commissioner Winnick approving the consent agenda as follows: W.A. Approve regular meeting minutes of July 26, 2011, correcting Chair Kingston as "present" in the rolicall. Ayes: Bigbee, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT Two visitors were welcomed: Sue Plaster, a member of the community who is interested in diversity and intercultural communications; and Dan Heilman, a reporter from Edina Patch. Vl. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VI.A. 2012 WORK PLAN REVIEWED Commissioner Mayer reported that the Administration Committee has the responsibility of presenting a preliminary work plan for the upcoming year. - It was agreed that a census update of demographic information would be helpful and that it should be added to the Commission's Initiatives. - At the October meeting, the Commission will focus on the initiatives and discuss evident/emerging issues in the community. - A mid -year review of the initiatives in May was recommended. - Daryl Coppoletti of the Hennepin South Services Collaborative will be invited to a Commission meeting to discuss the research and planning of human services and how the Commission could get started considering a demographics project. - It was recommended that the Commissioners always bring the current Work Plan to each meeting as a resource in looking ahead to next year's Work Plan. Motion by Commissioner Mayer and seconded by Commissioner Finsness to approve the 2012 Work Plan with the aforementioned additions. Ayes: Bigbee, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. VI.B. VIDEO-TAPED HRRC MEETING DISCUSSED The Commissioners agreed that Tuesday, November 22"d, would be the video-taped meeting to be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall. It will be an opportunity to share with the community what is working and what the Commission does. Items for the agenda include: the bullying initiative, the Holocaust Day of Remembrance, the Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan, the Tom Oye Human Rights Award, Domestic Partnerships and the human services function. The Commissioners were encouraged to visit the City's website and observe other taped commission meetings. This will be discussed further at the September meeting. VI.C. AUGUST 27' LMHRC MEETING DETAILS SHARED Commissioner Bigbee shared the reminder that the Board of the League of Human Rights Commissions will be holding its next meeting at the Southdale Library on August 27'h from noon to 3 PM. He reported that a number of committees were now being formed and encouraged the Commissioners to attend the meeting and consider getting on board. He indicated that he is currently the Chair of the League's Public Policy Committee. VI. D. RECOGNITION FOR FRED BARON APPROVED The Commissioners discussed ways to recognize Fred Baron, a Holocaust survivor, who shared his story at the Days of Remembrance event last May. Motion by Commissioner Bigbee and seconded by Commissioner Stanton to send Mr. Baron the two Edina history books along with a note of appreciation signed by Chair Kingston and Mayor Hovland. Ayes: Bigbee, Kingston, Mayer, Stanton and Winnick Abstain: Finsness Motion carried. VI.E. NEW REPRESENTATIVE TO THE EDINA COMMUNITY COUNCIL CONTINUED TO NEXT MEETING Commissioner Finsness reported that the Edina Community Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 AM at the Community Center. She asked that a Commissioner replace her as the HRRC representative. It was noted that Val Burke, who had been the Director of the Edina Resource Center, was now the School District's Director of Community Education Services. Commissioner Finsness' replacement will be determined at the September meeting. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS No correspondence or petitions were received. Vill. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS Commissioner Winnick shared his concern regarding comments made at the Reflections on Bullying event last April regarding an incident within the Youth Hockey Association. The Commission questioned the policies and procedures for bullying in all the athletic associations. Commissioners Winnick and Finsness will meet with the City's Park and Recreation Director, John Keprios, to discuss the incident. IX. STAFF COMMENTS There were no comments. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Kingston declared the meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by HRRC, September 27, 2011. Susan Howl, HRRC Staff Liaison Jessi Kingston, HRRC Chair MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 27, 2011 7:03 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kingston called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. ll. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick and Chair Kingston, and Student Members Aderhold and Nolan. Guests present were City Manager Scott Neil, Human Resources Director Lisa Schaefer, and Sue Plaster. Staff present: Susan Howl, Human Services Coordinator. III. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS The Commissioners welcomed the City Manager, Scott Neal, and the Human Resources Director, Lisa Schaefer, and introductions were made all around. Manager Neal expressed appreciation for the dedication and hard work of the Commission. He reported that Director Schaefer will be the new City Liaison to the Commission and that in the near future Ms. Howl would be replaced by new staff support. The new Student Members, Gabe Aderhold and Mackenzie Nolan, also introduced themselves and were welcomed to the Commission. IV. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Motion by Commissioner Bigbee and seconded by Commissioner Cashmore approving the meeting agenda of September 27, 2011. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick and Chair Kingston Motion carried. V. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Motion by Commissioner Cashmore and seconded by Commissioner Winnick approving the consent agenda as follows: V.A. Approve regular meeting minutes of August 23, 2011, correcting the last sentence in Item VIII: "Commissioners Winnick and Finsness will meet with the City's Park and Recreation Director, John Keprios, to discuss the incident." Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick and Chair Kingston Motion carried. Pll�r%]�LIuL�I�`Li�'IrI�Iu'LTL�i`i� Sue Plaster, a member of the community, was welcomed as a visitor to her fourth Commission meeting. She shared that she has been impressed by the Commission's energy and desire to work together to resolve challenges. She encouraged the Commission to be a role model to the other commissions regarding how to address conflict and tensions. Director Schaefer remarked that it is important for the City to focus on training and relationship building for the City Council appointees as they begin their work on the boards and commissions. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VII.A. BIAS/HATE CRIME RESPONSE PLAN UPDATED Commissioner Winnick reported that he had recently met with Jeff Long, Police Chief, to begin the annual review of the Commission's Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan. The Chief will follow up with recommendations for the revision of the first and second sections of the plan's process. Items discussed were: • An inadvertent disclosure of a Police report • Follow-up information on the apprehension and conviction of the spray painting of local churches by an individual • Community education and information sharing: new Hindu temple, Jewish cemetery's fence removal, and the Islamic community • A proposed By -Laws amendment regarding non -disclosure of confidential information Commissioner Winnick shared that the Police Department has been reaching out to build positive relationships in the community. The Commissioners questioned ways to help the Police Department with community education, special events, and to collaborate in planning a city-wide picnic. Commissioner Winnick shared a draft new Section 9 to the Commission's By -Laws that pertains to confidential communications and exceptions. A third paragraph might be added which would deal with a closed Commission meeting. If approved, the current Section 9 of the By-Laws—By-Laws and Rules—would be renumbered as Section 10. Motion by Commissioner Winnick and seconded by Commissioner Bigbee to adopt the new Section 9 to the By -Laws at the October meeting upon study and approval by the Human Resources Director. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick and Chair Kingston Motion carried. VII. B. ALLEGED BULLYING INCIDENT DISCUSSED Commissioners Finsness and Winnick recently met with the Park Director, John Keprios, to discuss a bullying incident within the Hockey Association's program which had been reported at the "Reflections on Bullying" event last April. Mr. Keprios shared the City's bullying policy, which will be forwarded to the Commission, and indicated that he would contact the Hockey Association regarding the bullying incident. Director Schaefer will investigate whether there are any additional City contracts regarding bullying and report back to the Commission. VII.C. 'BULLYING PREVENTION MONTH" PROCLAMATION APPROVED Commissioner Finsness reported that October is National Bullying Awareness Month. Because anti -bullying is the Commission's theme for the year, she shared a sample proclamation which could be prepared as a local proclamation for the City of Edina. Motion by Commissioner Finsness and seconded by Commissioner Cashmore to prepare a proclamation for the Mayor to read and for Council to adopt at its first City Council meeting in October. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick and Chair Kingston Motion carried. City staff will send the proclamation to the School District. It was suggested that this item be added to the 2012 Work Plan for August. Student Member Nolan recommended sharing the proclamation with the 212 Leadership Group, the members of Dare to Be Real, and the Gay -Straight Alliance. VII.D. EDINA COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING DISCUSSED AND NEW REPRESENTATIVE APPOINTED On behalf of the Human Rights and Relations Commission and to fill in for Commissioner Finsness, Commissioner Winnick attended the 2011-12 kick-off meeting of the Edina Community Council. He reported that Amber Cameron is the new Director of the Edina Resource Center. At the meeting, the members of the Council had discussed the upcoming School Referendum, the work plan, census data, and how to use smaller resources for the greater need. Motion by Commissioner Finsness and seconded by Commissioner Bigbee to appoint Commissioner Winnick as the new Commission representative to the Edina Community Council. Ayes: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick and Chair Kingston Motion carried. VII.E. CITY-WIDE PICNIC DISCUSSED Commissioner Cashmore shared that both Council Member Sprague and Mayor Hovland had approached him about the Commission sponsoring a City-wide picnic. Their ideas and those brought forward by the Commission included: using ethnic food vendors at a large community picnic, a collaborative event with the Police Department and/or Park and Recreation, and tying it in with a popular and pre-existing City event. Commissioner Cashmore will follow up with Council Member Sprague and Mayor Hovland for clarity and guidance. VII.F. WORK OF THE HUMAN SERVICES TASK FORCE REPORTED Having been appointed to serve on the newly -created Human Services Task Force, Commissioner Stanton shared the process and the work being done. Five advisory commissioners make up the Task Force: Ann Braden from the Transportation Commission, Colleen Curran from the Heritage Preservation Board, Carolyn Peterson from the Community Health Committee, Louise Segreto from the Park Board, and HRRC member Russ Stanton who was elected Chair of the group. Having studied the nine proposals for human services in 2012 amounting to $128,477, the group met on two consecutive Wednesday evenings in September to review the proposals and conduct a hearing for the providers. The third meeting will be to draft a proposed 2012 human services budget in the amount of $81,278, representing a two percent increase over the current year's funding. Thereafter, the Task Force will go before the City Council at a work session on October 4th to present and discuss the proposed human services budget for 2012. VII.G. EDINA DAY OF SERVICE DETAILS SHARED The Executive Director of Connecting With Kids (CWK), Heather Haen Anderson, had provided an e-mail with news for boards and commissions regarding the Edina Day of Service to be held on Saturday, October 15tH CWK is a City-wide initiative to support asset development in the youth of Edina. The event is all about providing service to the community in collaboration with the schools, churches, civic organizations and individuals. The website—connectingwithkidsedina.org—will be up and running with updates for service projects and the latest ideas. VII.H. TAPED MEETING IN NOVEMBER DISCUSSED Because the November Commission meeting will be its annual meeting and broadcasted on cable TV, ideas for creating the meeting agenda were shared: • Introduction of Commissioners • Census data update • Domestic Partnerships • Anti -Bullying initiative • Days of Remembrance • Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan It was suggested that the Director of Hennepin South Services Collaborative and the new Director of the Edina Resource Center attend and highlight demographics and census information in a PowerPoint presentation. Motion by Commissioner Winnick and seconded by Commissioner Newell to create an agenda at the regular meeting in October for the November Commission meeting which focuses on past accomplishments. Ayes: Bigbee, Finsness, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick and Chair Kingston Abstain: Cashmore Motion carried. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS No correspondence or petitions were received. IX. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBERS' COMMENTS Commissioner Stanton reported that he had communicated with the City Manager and the City Attorney regarding the Commission's ability to advocate/educate during the upcoming dialogue about the marriage constitutional amendment. The advice received was that HRRC could take a position and adopt a resolution pertaining to the subject but could not expend public funds advocating its position. In addition, HRRC could host an educational forum as long as multiple points of view are presented. Commissioner Stanton recommended that this be discussed as part of next year's Work Plan. Chair Kingston reported that she will prepare the League's GLBT Resolution to present to the Edina City Council for approval. She also shared that 13 Minnesota cities have now passed a Domestic Partnership Ordinance and that she will be attending a November meeting in Plymouth to discuss creating an ordinance. Commissioner Finsness shared that the film "The Bully Project" could be considered as the topic for the next Edina Dialogue. This film is a new feature-length documentary that follows "a year in the life" of America's bullying crisis and offers an intimate look at how bullying has touched the lives of five kids and their families. It stimulates the concept of a grass-roots movement to prevent bullying through new school and community initiatives including campaigns, social media, and video projects. X. STAFF COMMENTS There were no comments. Xl. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Kingston declared the meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by HRRC, October 25, 2011. Susan Howl, HRRC Staff Liaison Jessi Kingston, HRRC Chair MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION OCTOBER 25, 2011 7:03 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER First Vice Chair Finsness called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. 11. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, and Winnick, and Student Members Aderhold and Nolan. Staff present: Lisa Schaefer, Human Resources Director; Karen Kurt, Assistant City Manager; and Susan Howl, staff liaison. 111. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Motion by Commissioner Winnick and seconded by Commissioner Cashmore approving the meeting agenda of October 25, 2011, and continuing Item VI.E. Process/Questionnaire for Funding Requests to the December meeting and replacing Item VI.E. with Bias/Hate Crime Meeting Update. Ayes: Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Motion by Commissioner Mayer and seconded by Commissioner Seidman approving the consent agenda as follows: V.A. Approve regular meeting minutes of September 27, 2011. Ayes: Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT There were no community comments. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VI.A. EDINA COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING DISCUSSED Commissioner Winnick reported that a VEAP representative shared the following information at the recent Community Council meeting: • There has been a 29% increase in VEAP's services, which include the food and transportation programs. More seniors have called for help, and there was a large increase of families accessing the food shelf. • Bloomington Public Health shared that the Statewide Health Improvement Program (SHIP) will be presenting a grant proposal focusing on chronic disease causes, prevention, obesity and tobacco use/exposure. VI.B. TOM OYE HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD PROCESS REVIEWED Commissioner Mayer shared the history of the Commission's award which is presented annually at the City's Volunteer Recognition Reception in April. As he will continue to oversee the process, he invited other Commissioners to assist him to ensure that the following is completed: • Produce article for the About Town. • Produce announcement in the Sun -Current. • Work with the Communications Department throughout the process to prepare for a segment on Cable Channel 16, highlighting award recipients. Re -submit nominations not selected into the current process. Be ever mindful of ways to increase the visibility of the Commission and its mission. VI.C. NEW DRAFT TO THE BY-LAWS AND THE OPEN MEETING LAW DISCUSSED Human Resources Director Schaefer commented on the draft to the Commission By -Laws submitted by Commissioner Winnick regarding confidential communication in response to the release of private data by the Police to the Commission. She reported that it is rare for a commission to have a closed meeting. The City Attorney does not recommend a policy change to the by-laws and encourages the Commission to follow the data practices of the City. VI.D. BUDGET, EVENT PLANNING AND POST EVALUATION PROCESS REPORTS REVIEWED Commissioner Seidman presented the following reporting tools for the Commission's evaluation: • Budget Planning Worksheet • Event Planning Guide • Post Event Evaluation She requested that the Commissioners submit suggestions and indicated that the forms would be on the November meeting agenda for approval. VI. E. INFORMATION FROM THE BIAS/HATE CRIME MEETING SHARED Commissioner Winnick reported that the Police Department's Public Information Officer, Molly Anderson, met and welcomed representatives of the new Hindu temple in Edina. Officer Anderson has also been involved with other potential hate crime issues. The Police Department has indicated that it is making internal adjustments to ensure that private data is not released in the future. The Commission's 2012 Work Plan could address ways to incorporate protection of private data into City policy as well as updating the Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan. VI.F. COMMISSION'S 2012 PRELIMINARY WORK PLAN INITIATIVES APPROVED With the 2012 preliminary work plan having been submitted last August by Commission Mayer, the initiatives for HRRC were reviewed and assigned accordingly to Commissioners as lead people: • Monitor Domestic Partnership Ordinance (regarding Section 4) — Commissioners Cashmore and Winnick • Initiate census research funding recommendation — Commissioner Stanton • Update Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan — Commissioner Winnick • Participate in the April event regarding the Nazi persecution of homosexuals — Commissioners Cashmore and Kingston • Sponsor Anti -Bullying event and community education — Commissioner Finsness and Student Members Aderhold and Nolan • Sponsor Marriage Amendment Forum — Commissioners Cashmore and Stanton, and Student Member Aderhold • Sponsor diversity awareness event — Commissioner Mayer • Sponsor Days of Remembrance — Commissioner Seidman • Coordinate Somali relief efforts — Commissioner Newell Motion by Commissioner Stanton and seconded by Commissioner Mayer to approve these initiatives for the 2012 Preliminary Work Plan. Ayes: Cashmore, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. VI.G. NOVEMBER COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA DEVELOPED Because the November 22"d Commission Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers and taped for cable viewing, the Commissioners carefully reviewed the order of business and agreed on the following agenda items: census data update, Domestic Partnerships, Anti -Bullying initiative, Days of Remembrance, Bias/Hate Crime Response Plan, Tom Oye Human Rights Award, and the Commission's event planning process. Amber Cameron of the Edina Resource Center and Daryl Coppoletti of Hennepin South Services Collaborative will be guest speakers regarding census information. If PowerPoint presentations are planned, they should be sent to City staff by November 10`h. It was suggested by staff that rollcall be simple and not involve sharing personal information. VII. ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER, KAREN KURT, INTRODUCED AND WELCOMED The City's new Assistant Manager Kurt was introduced and welcomed to the Commission meeting. She shared that one of her assignments has been to look at the boards and commissions in a global sense and to evaluate staff assistance. A process to change commission by-laws was explained: • Create a common framework for commissions' by-laws. • Invite a representative from each commission to evaluate the newly -created framework. Commissioner Mayer agreed to serve as HRRC's representative. • Plan the "walk-through" of the new framework at each commission meeting in December. • Bring the new framework to the City Council for approval in the spring of 2012. Assistant Manager Kurt reported that a survey will soon be sent to all board and commission members for sharing their experiences as appointed advisors to the Edina City Council. She shared that a training model is being developed for the orientation of new board and commission members and that student roles are also being addressed. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS No correspondence or petitions were received. IX. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBERS' COMMENTS • Student Member Aderhold reported that he had helped created a No Hate Week at the High School on behalf of the Gay -Straight Alliance and DARE. Posters were placed throughout the school regarding discrimination and bullying, and a petition will be created and sent to the State Legislature and Governor. • Student Member Nolan reported that she is involved in a visual arts project regarding anti -bullying at the High School. The goal is to have art work and exhibits placed not only in the schools but throughout the community for everyone to view. X. STAFF COMMENTS There were no comments. Xl. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, First Vice Chair Finsness declared the meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by HRRC, November 22, 2011. Susan Howl, HRRC Staff Liaison Lisa Finsness, HRRC First Vice Chair MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMMISSION NOVEMBER 22, 2011 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kingston called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 11. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Bigbee, Finsness, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton, Winnick, Student Members Aderhold and Nolan, and Chair Kingston. Staff present: Lisa Schaefer, Human Resources Director, and Susan Howl, staff liaison. III. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Motion by Commissioner Stanton and seconded by Commissioner Newell approving the meeting agenda of November 22, 2011, with the addition of Item VI.H. Human Rights Conference. Ayes: Bigbee, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Motion by Commissioner Mayer and seconded by Commissioner Seidman approving the consent agenda as follows: V.A. Approve regular meeting minutes of October 25, 2011. Ayes: Bigbee, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT There were no community comments. Vl. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS VI.A. CENSUS DATA UPDATES REPORTED Commissioner Stanton shared that HRRC could investigate ways to fund a census data report for future planning. Edina is rapidly changing, as seen in the divided economics within the community. In a portion of the northeast quadrant, the median family income is $178,000, while the amount is $39,000 in a portion of the southeast quadrant. Edina's population is becoming more diverse, with 27% foreign born in the southeast quadrant. Amber Cameron, Edina Resource Center Manager, presented a power point of the 2010 census data. She referenced the New York Times innovation entitled "Mapping America Every City Block" which allows a person to explore a variety of demographics such as race and ethnicity, income, education and housing/families. • With growing disparities in Edina, the question becomes how to shift Edina's resources. • There has been a decrease in the White population—the largest decrease seen in the southeast quadrant. In every area of Edina, the median home value has increased. People are not accessing the resources that are available to them. The Resource Center seeks ways to reach the diverse populations and work with Richfield schools in the southeast quadrant—i.e. scholarships for enrichment classes. There has been an increase in family wealth in people over 65 and a loss in income in people under 35. • There are many calls to the Resource Center from the senior population, while there are fewer calls from young families and the populations between 18 and 25. • The Edina Community Council, the Resource Center's advisory body, continues to seek ways to market the services of the Center to all the populations in Edina. • A challenge exists in finding ways to bring inclusive togetherness into neighborhoods which have greater affordable housing opportunities. • A do.Town grant will provide classes and services to the less fluent populations. This effort could become a satellite office of the Resource Center. Daryl Coppoletti, Regional Planning Coordinator of the Hennepin South Services Collaborative (HSSC), provided a power point of census information in Edina and the south Hennepin community. • Trends are the same in all the communities, while issues may be different. • The senior population throughout the communities is now eight to ten percent. • The following facts were presented regarding the low income residents of Edina: households are earning less money; more people are living in poverty; fewer families are living in poverty; more children are qualifying for free or reduced lunch; more homeowners are cost burdened by housing costs; and foreclosures continue to rise. • Research could be undertaken to learn how these changes in Edina will impact the needs for services. • If Edina wanted to undertake a study regarding demographics and emerging issues, the following topics could be investigated: occupational re-training for the unemployed; barriers to building affordable housing; the growing wealth gap; transportation; and poverty. • A study undertaken for Edina by HSSC would be labor intensive—nine months from start to finish. This could be a cost of approximately $40,000. Another option would be for Edina to re -join the collaborative and contribute $25,000 annually. VI.B. DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP ORDINANCE HIGHLIGHTS SHARED Chair Kingston reported that since Edina created its Domestic Partnership Registry and Ordinance, 15 cities in Minnesota now have a registry and ordinance. Currently, there are ten couples registered in Edina. Citizens of Edina are now assured that Edina public venues will have the same registration, membership or other fees for Domestic Partnerships as for traditional families. The City of Edina's Personnel Policy was updated to include the benefits of sick leave, funeral and illness for Domestic Partnerships. The initial homestead rights of Domestic Partnerships are now recognized. VI.C. ANTI -BULLYING INITIATIVE REVIEWED With 150 attendees at last April's event entitled "Reflections on Bullying," Commissioners Newell and Finsness reported that it resulted in a raising of awareness in the community, and the City Council proclaimed October Anti -Bullying Month. The April event included the following: • A light supper with a presentation of submissions and display of EdinaSecrets posts • Presentation of the short film, "Bullied," produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center • Panel with students and members of the community • Opportunity for audience engagement Student Members Aderhold and Nolan shared the following activities happening at the High School with the Gay Straight Alliance: • "No Hate Week" event • Petition signing for "Safe Schools for All " legislation • The 360 Visual Arts Project • Upcoming "Day of Silence" • Opportunities to meet with local and State officials on behalf of equal rights for the GLBT community VI.D. DAYS OF REMEMBRANCE EVENT REVIEWED Commissioner Seidman shared that the City's first "Days of Remembrance" event on Sunday, May 1't was an opportunity to engage the community in acknowledging the Holocaust. • The City Council proclaimed May 1S` through May 8`h, 2011, as Days of Remembrance. • At the Sunday event, Mayor Hovland presented the proclamation. • Fred Baron, a survivor, spoke about his experiences during and after the Holocaust. • "World Without Genocide" was present at the event. • Also included that day were displays of the Holocaust in Greece. VI.E. BIAS/HATE CRIME RESPONSE PLAN REVIEWED Commissioner Winnick reported that HRRC's Response Plan required that an annual review with the Police Chief was to be completed in March. • The Plan provides for a timely local response showing victim support. • The Plan upholds zero community tolerance for any crimes of bias or hate. • The Plan seeks to raise community awareness. • The Plan establishes and updates a network to be activated if needed. VI.F. TOM OYE HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD PROCESS OUTLINED Commissioner Mayer provided information about HRRC's annual Tom Oye Human Rights Award to be presented in April at the City's Volunteer Recognition Reception. • The Award was initiated in 2006, and ten recipients have been honored. • The Award recognizes individuals who live and work in Edina and whose good works promote human relations and advance human rights. • Dan Johnson, the retired pastor of Good Samaritan United Methodist Church, was the 2011 recipient. • There will be a story about the Award in the winter About Town and also an article placed in the Sun -Current to encourage nominations. • Nomination for 2012 will be accepted until the deadline of February 17th VI.G. EVENT PLANNING PROCESS APPROVED In order to establish a structured budget and event planning process for Commissioners to use when planning an HRRC event and to conduct a post evaluation after the conclusion of an HRRC event, Commissioner Seidman presented three documents (planning and reporting tools) for consideration and approval. • Budget Planning Worksheet • Event Planning Guide • Post Event Evaluation Motion by Commissioner Newell and seconded by Commissioner Winnick approving the three documents as presented. Ayes: Bigbee, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Newell, Seidman, Stanton and Winnick Motion carried. VI.H. HUMAN RIGHTS CONFERENCE INFORMATION PRESENTED Commissioner Bigbee shared that HRRC could host a table at the League's Human Rights Conference in St. Paul on December 2"d. The event will note the League's 40th anniversary with a dinner the night before. Hosting a table would be a networking opportunity for the Commission. The following Commissioners indicated an interest in attending along with Commissioner Bigbee: Stanton, Newell and Winnick. The staff liaison will coordinate the registration fees. Vll. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS No correspondence or petitions were received. VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBERS' COMMENTS Chair Kingston reported that a former HRRC Member and State League Board member, Idelle Longman, prepared a Chanukah display for viewing at the Edina Community Library over the holidays. The Commissioners shared their condolences regarding Commissioner Cashmore's hospitalization and wishes for his speed recovery. IX. STAFF COMMENTS There were no comments. X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Kingston declared the meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, Minutes approved by HRRC, January 24, 2012. Susan Howl, HRRC Staff Liaison Jessi Kingston, HRRC Chair EDINA HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES FOR MEETING OF TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2010 - MAYOR'S CONFERENCE ROOM ADVOCATE FOR BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS AND NEEDS IN OUR COMMUNITY; PROMOTE RESPONSIBILITY AND INTEGRITY IN OUR HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS BY PROVIDING SERVICE, INFORMATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS; COOPERATE WITH OTHER COMMUNITIES AND GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS; AND SPONSOR FORUMS AND COMMUNITY EVENTS Members Attending: Bigbee, Cashmore, Finsness, Kingston, Mayer, Newell, Stanton Members Absent: Mohtadi, Weisberg Visitors: Mary Brindle, Phil Duran, Carol Jones, Colin Jones, Cammie Jones Staff: Susan Howl Time Item Discussion Action Who/When 7:00 Welcome 7:01 Agenda Add Nominating Committee Report and Community Council Material Agenda Modified 7:03 Guests Council Member Brindle, Phil Duran, Carol Jones, Colin Jones and Cammie Jones Introduced 7:10 12/8/09 Minutes New format introduced. Approved Cashmore & Kingston 7:15 Domestic Partnership Draft Ordinance Will go before the City Council at the Work Session. Approved Mayer & Kingston - 3/2/10 Will be on the City Council's agenda for final approval. Future Council Meeting Resolution will be on its own page with supporting documentation behind it. Articles One and Two are not part of the ordinance. Appropriate language regarding union staff will be included in #3 of the resolution. Input to come from Ceil Smith Exceptions noted on page 15 help to lift a possible administrative burden within Exhibit B. Final draft will be available at the 2/23/10 HRRC meeting. Time Item Discussion Action Who/When 8:05 Proposed Annual Work Plan 2010 Work Plan Attached Adopted Kingston & Mayer Major areas of the plan: Administration (new officers, Tom Oye Award), Social Service (funding of human services, RPC, and CDBG), and Other (DP Ordinance, census research, Bias/Hate Crime Plan, funding process, and visibility initiatives) Noted Items within "Other" would become five areas for team members and will help define responsibilities for new candidates to the HRRC. Open microphone forum monthly for report to the Council Member Cashmore Appoint Commissioners to the five areas. 2/23/2010 Consider ways to collaborate with the School District. 8:40 CDBG Funding Planning staff's recommendation: H.O.M.E. $17,165; CAPSH $5,000; HomeLine $2,030; TOTAL $24,915 Approved Bigbee & Mayer one abstained 8:50 Tom Oye Award Presented at Volunteer Recognition on 4-29-10 Applications due on 3-12-10 Electronic applications on the website Jennifer Bennerotte Send information to: boards and commission, Council Members, community organizations, School Key Contacts, EdLine, City Extra, Sun Current Staff Liaison 9:00 Nominating Committee Member Bigbee was presented as the Chair nominee. Nominations for 1st and 2nd Vice Chairs are needed. Voting for 2010 officers 2/23/2010 9:05 Community Council Materials from meeting of 1/19/10 were shared. Questions can be fielded to Member Finsness. Member Finsness 9:10 Volunteer Recognition Recognize Rotary's efforts in the schools. 2/23/2010 9:15 Adjournment Approved