HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015.08.25 HRRC Minutes
August 25, 2015 at 7:00PM
City Hall, Community Room
Chair Arseneault called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.
Commissioners answering roll call were Chair Arseneault, Commissioners Kennedy,
Seidman, Winnick, Burza, Rinn, and Student Commissioner Weinert. Staff present:
HRRC Staff Liaison, MJ Lamon, City Management Fellow Devin Massopust.
Commissioner Tian arrived at 7:56 pm.
Absent members: Vecchio-Smith, Student Commissioner Gates.
Commissioner Seidman moved to approve the August 25, 2015 meeting agenda.
Commissioner Kennedy seconded. Motion passed.
A. July 28, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Seidman moved to approve the August 25, 2015 consent agenda.
Commissioner Kennedy seconded. Motion passed.
Commissioner Kennedy introduced Rachel Carlson, a student at the William Mitchell
College of Law. Rachel Carlson will be working with Commissioner Kennedy on
various projects related to the HRRC.
Lieutenant Dan Conboy of the Edina Police Department introduced himself to the
Commission and stated that due to reorganization within the Department, he would be
taking over the role of police liaison to the HRRC.
Commissioner Winnick asked Lieutenant Conboy why the term “welfare check” is
used and asked if it was possible to perhaps call it something else, as the word
welfare has certain connotations to it that can be perceived as negative. Conboy noted
that he believes the city and police have a good relationship with the media and that
the media is aware of what it is. Lieutenant Conboy was also asked about prescription
drug use and domestic abuse cases within the City of Edina and what type of data is
kept by the department. Conboy noted that prescription forgery and drug abuse are
problems everywhere; it happens in every neighborhood, every income level and in
every profession. With regard to domestic violence, Conboy advised that he would
have to look at the actual numbers, but observed that he did not believe there were a
lot of cases reported.
Lieutenant Conboy replied that case numbers by type of crime exist, and that he will
get back to the commission with the information the department has on specific
A. Work Plan Updates
a) Community Outreach: Commissioner Burza stated that four locations have
been identified for the Community Conversations events that will take place
on October 5th, 6th, 7th and 9th. She noted that representatives from Advocates
for Human Rights will likely be asked to conduct a refresher training session
for the working group on how to best conduct the listening session events.
Commissioner Rinn asked if there have been specific communities identified
for the listening session events and if the locations of the events serve those
communities. Commissioner Burza replied that yes, specific communities
have been targeted as potential audiences for the events. Burza noted that she
is in charge of unit specific marketing for the events, and is looking for
commissioners to volunteer to assist with the advertising and other event
details. The Commission thanked Burza for all the hard work that she put into
organizing the events.
b) Human Rights City Designation: Commissioner Kennedy distributed a list of
community organizations within the City of Edina and asked that Commission
members provide direct contact information if they know any specific person
that is a member of an organization on the list. Commissioner Kennedy stated
she would like to have presentations given to about 6 or 8 of the groups and
that she already has the League of Women Voters scheduled.
c) Affordable Housing: Commissioner Winnick told the Commission that he
had spoken earlier with Jeff Huggett of the Edina Housing Foundation about
the Affordable Housing Policy that is currently under review and
consideration. He stated that $220,000 per unit had been identified as the
amount of money that developers would need to pay in-lieu of developing
affordable units in their projects and that the money would be earmarked for
providing affordable housing elsewhere in the community.
The Commission had concern that a policy such as the one that is being
proposed would result in certain people being “corralled” into one area of the
Commissioner Winnick noted that as an advisory board, it the Commission’s
responsibility to provide the Edina City Council a recommendation which is
what should be discussed. Commissioner Kennedy suggested that maybe an
article could be written in the Star Tribune about the proposed policy.
Commissioner Winnick replied that it may be more effective to keep the issue
localized and it may be more beneficial to instead directly contact elected
officials to voice concern.
The Commission decided that it would be best for Commissioner Winnick to
write up some talking points that individuals can use when contacting elected
officials and that Commission members should contact them soon.
d) ADA Event Proposal: There was no update given on the ADA Event
e) Website Update: Commissioner Tian presented proposed edits and revisions
to the last paragraph of the HRRC website.
Commissioner Seidman said that she likes the new layout of the website and
would like new links to previous videos to be placed on the website.
Commissioner Tian replied that the links are addressed by being placed in
different pages within the website such as the Days of Remembrance page and
the Tom Oye Award page.
The Commission thanked Commissioner Tian for his work on the website.
It was also decided that there would be a short break during the September
monthly meeting to take an updated picture for the website.
B. 2016 Work Plan Proposal
Chair Arseneault asked the Commissioners if they had any ideas for the upcoming
work plan.
Commissioner Seidman asked if the Tom Oye Award and the Days of
Remembrance events were to be classified as ongoing or new initiatives. The
Commission decided that both of those, as well as Community Conversations, are
continued initiatives.
Commissioner Rinn suggested that an event could be created in conjunction with
the Community Health Commission that provides a multifaceted approach to
address opiate abuse. Commissioner Rinn noted that it could be an effective
event seeing that the community is a prime demography for abusers.
Commissioner Winnick responded that he believes the duty of the HRRC is to
deal with issues that affect minority groups within the City and that such an event
would not accomplish this.
Commissioner Kennedy suggested that data may indicate a discrepancy in the
race of people being charged, and that there may be a strong human rights issue at
hand. The Commission decided that such an event could be looked into further.
The Commission decided that affordable housing is a continued initiative, bias
offense plan review is an ongoing responsibility and web design monitoring is an
ongoing responsibility. The Commission also discussed that Indigenous People’s
Day and the renaming of Lake Calhoun are potential issues for the HRRC’s work
plan, though it was noted that Lake Calhoun is not necessarily a City of Edina
Chair Arseneault noted that she will communicate with the new student
commissioners to ensure they know to bring their ideas for the work plan to the
next meeting.
Commissioner Kennedy stated that 188 countries have ratified the U.N.’s
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
(CEDAW), but the United States has not. The Minnesota State Bar Association is
considering a resolution of support and Kennedy would like Edina be the first
Minnesota city to pass a resolution of support advocating the United States to pass
CEDAW; the Commission noted that this goal is another possibility for our 2016
work plan.
Regarding the Bloomington Human Rights Commission correspondence on their
Peace or Mind event, it was noted the event is taking place on Yom Kipppur.
Commissioner Winnick reminded the Commission that thanks to the good work of
former Commissioners and current Commissioner Seidman, the City of Edina avoids
scheduling events on important religious observances.
Commissioner Kennedy informed Commissioners of a presentation on September
17th dealing with events in Darfur and the Congo.
Commissioner Rinn informed those present that she has taken a new job with the
Department of Human Services.
Student Commissioner Weinert thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve on the
HRRC and the great educational experience that it was.
Chair Arseneault provided follow-up on a bias incident report and stated that she
spoke with an individual who wanted to make sure the incident was being
investigated as a bias offence crime; Arseneault reaffirmed that it was. Arseneault
advised that she and the individual discussed that the incident had very limited
exposure to anyone and that it appeared to be an isolated incident. Chair Arseneault
informed the Commission that she would provide follow-up if there were any new
happenings in regards to the incident. Chair Arseneault also told the Commission that
a speaker from the FBI in Minneapolis has been confirmed for the meeting in October
and Sarah Walker has been confirmed for the December meeting.
Staff Liaison Lamon informed the Commission that Boards and Commissions Bylaws
updates were approved by the City Council and that the most impactful update is that
annual elections of officers will now take place in February.
Commissioner Kennedy moved to adjourn the August 25th meeting. Commissioner
Tian seconded. Meeting adjourned at 9:21 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
MJ Lamon, HRRC Staff Liaison
Minutes Approved by HRRC September 29, 2015
Pat Arseneault, HRRC Chair