HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-06-17 PacketMinutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Energy and Environment Commission
Edina City Hall Community Room
Wednesday, June 17, 2009, 7:00 P.M.
Members In Attendance and Roll Call:
M. Germana Paterlini, Bill Sierks, Surya Iyer, Julie Risser, Hailey Lee, Paul
Thompson, Jeannie Hanson, Steve Christianson, Michael Platteter
Absent: Dianne Plunkett Latham, Raymond O'Connell
Staff Present:
Jane Timm, Heather Worthington
1. Welcome & Roll Call
2. Discussion and Approval of Agenda.
Commissioner Risser made a motion to approve the meeting agenda
with an addition of a letter from the Sierra Club. Commissioner
Paterlini seconded. Motion carried.
3. Approval of the Special Meeting Minutes of June 8, 2009.
Commissioner Risser made a motion to approve the minutes of the
June 8, 2009 special meeting. Commissioner Lee seconded. Motion
Approval of the May 20, 2009 Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Christianson made a motion to approve the minutes of
the May 20, 2009 meeting. Commissioner Sierks seconded. Motion
4. Community Comment
5. Work Group Updates
Education and Outreach Work Group
Commissioner Thompson gave an update of their monthly meeting.
Fourth of July Parade and the flyers that would be handed out
Next monthly Sun Current article from Commissioner Lee
August 18 "Our Clean Energy Future" event
Recycling and Solid Waste Work Group
No update
Climate Change Work Group
No update.
Water Quality Work Group
Commissioner Risser gave an update of their monthly meeting. She
explained they made a decision about key projects. She also talked about
achievable projects.
Ground water quality policy
Ethanol use
• Rain barrel distribution within the city
Chair Iyer asked for nominations to chair the Water Quality Working Group.
Commissioner Risser made a motion to nominate Commissioner
Christiansion to chair the Water Quality Working Group.
Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried.
6. Commission Business
Chair Iyer made a suggestion that the Commission discuss how many
working groups were appropriate for the commission. He asked that they
discuss it and make a decision at the July meeting.
Chair Iyer asked that the Energy and Environment Commission bylaws be
discussed at the July meeting.
Assistant City Manager Worthington asked that any links that a
commissioner might want added to the website be sent to her or Secretary
Timm for prior approval.
Assistant City Manager Worthington asked that all Working Group members
go through their chair person, if they have questions for city staff. The chair
person can then contact her or Secretary Timm so the appropriate staff
person is notified.
There was a discussion about recruiting volunteers for the Working Groups.
Consensus was to create the focus of the Working Groups first. A sign up
sheet would be available at the August 18, 2009 event along with flyers
distributed with sign up information at National Night out. In addition,
Commissioner Lee would mention the recruitment in her upcoming article in
the Sun Current.
Ms. Worthington distributed a financial report of the Energy and
Environment Commission.
Ms. Worthington reminded the Commission she would not be attending the
July and August 2009 EEC meetings.
Commissioner Sierks gave an overview of an EPA grant. He suggested a
team of five Commissioners work to complete the application process. The
application is due July 22, 2009.
Commissioner Christianson made a motion that if five Commissioners
agreed to write the grant they could go forward with filing the intent to
apply for the grant. Commissioner Paterlini seconded. Motion
Chair Iyer asked that dates be chosen for the Natural Step training. No
dates were chosen at that time.
Commissioner Paterlini and Iyer reviewed a letter from the Sierra Club to
the EPA at the request of the mayor. The Commissioners decided to
comment on the letter individually.
7. Adjournment
Commissioner Christianson made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner
Thompson seconded. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:20
p.m. The next meeting will be the regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m.
July 15, 2009 in the Community Room.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane M. Timm, Secretary
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the
Energy and Environment Commission
Edina City Hall Community Room
Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 7:00 P.M.
Members In Attendance and Roll Call:
Bill Sierks, Surya Iyer, Julie Risser, Jeannie Hanson, Steve Christianson, Michael
Platteter, Dianne Plunkett Latham, Raymond O'Connell
Absent: M. Germana Paterlini, Hailey Lee, Paul Thompson
Staff Present: Jane Timm, Matt Laue
1. Welcome & Roll Call
2. Discussion and Approval of Agenda.
Commissioner Platteter made a motion to approve the meeting
agenda. Commissioner O'Connell seconded. Motion carried.
3. Approval of the June 17, 2009 Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Latham made a motion to approve the minutes of the
June 17, 2009 meeting with amendments. Commissioner Christianson
seconded. Motion carried.
4. Community Comment
Karen Shragg, Director of Woodlake Nature Center gave an overview of the
Audubon Program at Braemar and Fred Richards and explained the process of
certification of open spaces with Audubon International.
Commissioner Latham made a motion to recommend the Park Board
apply for Audubon certification at Bredesen Park and to consider other
parks in the future. Commissioner O'Connell seconded. Motion carried.
5. Work Group Updates
Water Quality Work Group
No updates. The next meeting will be held July 20, 2009 at 7 p.m.
Climate Change Work Group
Chair Iyer reviewed the Climate Change Report in the Energy and
Environment monthly packet.
Education and Outreach Work Group
Commissioner Risser gave an updated schedule of "Our Clean Energy
Future" event August 18, 2009. There was also a discussion regarding Xcel
Energy as a sponsor.
Commissioner Risser made a motion to make a formal
recommendation to Dick Crockett to reach out to Xcel Energy and
CenterPoint Energy, invite and ask them to be a sponsor of the "Our
Clean Energy Future" event. Commissioner Sierks seconded. Motion
Recycling and Solid Waste Work Group
Commissioner Latham gave an update of the survey the group is putting
together to send to residents of Edina.
6. Commission Business
Commissioner Latham went over the changes to the bylaws to comply with
the City Code changes. Commissioner Latham gave notice that a formal
vote would be taken at the August 2009 Commission meeting.
There was a discussion about the Energy and Environment Commission
structure. Six topics were identified and put together with contact persons
assigned to each topic.
• Carbon Measurement and Procurement Commissioner Paterlini
• Renewable Energy
• Air & Water Quality
• Green Building Code
• Education & Outreach
• Recycling & Solid Waste
Commissioner Hanson
Commissioner Christianson
Commissioner Platteter
Commissioner Thompson
Commissioner Latham
Commissioner Latham made a motion to have the following contact
persons responsible for the following topics:
Commissioner Paterlini Carbon Measurement and Procurement
Commissioner Hanson
Renewable Energy
Commissioner Christianson Air & Water Quality
Commissioner Platteter
Green Building Code
Commissioner Thompson
Education & Outreach
Commissioner Latham
Recycling & Solid Waste
Commissioner Hanson seconded. Motion carried.
There was a discussion of the agenda and the meeting structure. Chair
Iyer will put the agenda together differently for the next meeting with no
Working Group Reports.
The Natural Step Framework Seminar Plan that was on the agenda was not
discussed due to lack of time.
The EPA Climate Showcase Communities grant/timelines that was on the
agenda was not discussed due to lack of time.
7. Adjournment
Commissioner O'Connell made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner
Risser seconded. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
The next meeting will be the regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m.
August 19, 2009 in the Community Room.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane M. Timm, Secretary
During "Public Hearings" the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make
their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your
comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the
efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines:
• Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify
presentation times, as deemed necessary.
• Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to
the matter under consideration.
• In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of
signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal
communication is not allowed.
During "Public Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to
speak about something not on tonight's agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three
minutes and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed
within the last thirty days or a matter scheduled for a future hearing on a specific date.
Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the
Commission might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting.
July 15, 2009, 7:00 PM — 9:00 PM
1) Welcome, Call to Order, and Roll Call (2 min)
2) Discussion and Approval of Agenda and Agenda times (3 min)
3) Public Comment (10 min) Karen Shragg, Director of Woodlake Nature Center
4) Discussion and Approval of June 17 Meeting Minutes (5 min)
5) WG/Chair Reports (30 min)
Water Quality
Climate Change
Recycling & Solid Waste
EEC Chair
6) Staff Report (10 min)
7) Review commission structure and revise by-laws (Latham) (20 min)
8) Natural Step Framework Seminar Plan (20 min)
9) EPA Climate Showcase Communities grant/timelines (Sierks) (30 min)
10) Adjourn
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you
need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or
something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
1. The principal office of the Commission shall be at 4801 West 50th Street in
the City of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, 55424
2. The Members of the Commission may designate, for administrative
convenience, the legal address of the Edina City Hall as an office for
receipt and transmittal of Commission communications.
3. Membership. The Commission shall consist of nine members appointed
by the Mayor with the consent of the majority of the Council. One member
of the Commission shall be a high school student with full voting rights. All
members of the Commission shall be residents of the City and shall be
appointed for a term of three years, except that a student member shall be
appointed for a term of one year. Of the nine members, one member shall
also be a member of the Planning Commission and one member shall
also be a member of the Park Board. Members shall serve until a
successor has been appointed. Upon termination of a member's term,
that member's successor shall be appointed for the remainder of such
term. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation and
may resign voluntarily or be removed by a majority vote of the Council
pursuant to Section 180 of this Code. Commission members who
discontinue legal residency in the City may be removed from office by the
Mayor with the consent of a majority of the Council.
4.The Commission shall:
A. Examine and recommend best practices for energy conservation for
Edina's citizens and businesses, including recommendations for a "green"
building code, use of Energy Star appliances, and other energy reduction
B. Examine and recommend changes in City Government purchasing and
operations to conserve energy.
C. Evaluate and monitor the provision of a residential recycling program.
D. Evaluate and monitor the provision of a privately provided solid waste
program, as well as a reduction in municipal solid waste produced by
Edina residents and businesses.
E. Evaluate and encourage improvements in air and water quality.
F. Promote the establishment of targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions produced by the City's buildings, equipment and operations.
G. Educate the public about energy issues, reduction, conservation, reuse,
recycling and environmental protection.
H. Examine and promote renewable energy options for transportation,
heating, and cooling, and other energy uses.
Prepare such studies, reports and recommendations as the Council may
5. The Commission shall hold meetings monthly at 4801 West 50th Street in
the City of Edina, Minnesota.
6. A majority of the members of the Commission shall be requisite and shall
constitute a quorum at all meetings of the members for the transaction of
business. If, however, such majority shall not be present within 30
minutes of the scheduled starting time, the members present shall have
power to adjourn the meeting or continue as a work session posting the
minutes in either case.
7. At each meeting of the members, each member shall be entitled to one
vote. All elections shall be had and all questions decided by a plurality
8. Special meetings of the members for any purpose or purposes may be
called by the Commission Chairperson, or upon the request of a majority
of Commission members.
9. All regular and special meetings of the Commission at which official action
is taken shall be public meetings, and no person shall be excluded there
10. The Commission may request assignment of a staff secretary from the
City. If a secretary is assigned by the City, the secretary shall perform
only such clerical duties on behalf of the Commission as may be assigned
by the Chairperson with the consent of the City Manager.
-2 -
11. The officers of the Commission shall consist of a Chairperson and Vice -
Chairperson. Both officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the
Commission members at each February meeting for a term to end at the
next February meeting.
12. In the absence of the Chairperson or Vice -Chairperson, a Chairperson Pro
Tem can be appointed by the members present.
13. The officers shall hold office until their successors are chosen and qualify
in their stead.
14. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Commission. The
Chairperson shall sign all documents approved by the Commission. The
Chairperson shall prepare agendas for each meeting of the Commission.
If Committees are established by the Commission under Paragraph 17,
the Chairperson shall, with the approval of a majority of Commission
members, appoint the chair of each committee for a term to end at the
next February meeting. A committee Chair may be removed by the
Chairperson with approval of the majority of the Commission.
15. The Vice -Chairperson, in the absence or disability of the Chairperson,
shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chairperson and
shall perform such other duties as the Commission shall prescribe.
16. The rules of parliamentary procedure comprised in the latest edition of
Robert's Revised Rules of Order shall govern the Commission in its
deliberations except where they are in conflict with the By -Laws. In the
event of conflict, the By -Laws shall take precedence. Rules may be
amended at any meeting by a majority vote. The order of business may
be suspended at any meeting by mutual agreement or by a majority vote.
17.A majority vote of the Commission shall authorize such committees as it
deems appropriate and shall define their scope and duration. Each
committee shall be chaired by a member of the commission and may
include other commissioners, city staff, and residents of the community.
Such members shall be recommended to the Commission by the
Committee Chair and must be confirmed by a majority vote of the
Commission. A committee member may be removed by the Committee
Chair upon approval of a majority of the Commission.
18. No member shall use their position on this Commission for financial gain
for themselves or for others. If such gain could reasonably be expected,
the member shall abstain from voting.
19. These By -Laws may be amended by the affirmative vote of a quorum at
any meeting of the Commission called for that purpose; provided that the
substance of the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in
writing to the members at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting.
History: Adopted 2-16-08; amended
The CCWG met on June 29. Five members attended.
Present was Matt laue, the intern working part-time for the City. He spends about 10 hours a week
working on ICLEI-related projected.
On The agenda:
1) Milestone 1: officially report results to ICLEI
I provided Matt with the community data, the last remaining portion of completing milestone 1.
The CACP software had a major upgrade and he transferred all the data to the new version. There
were some technical issues, such as getting the conversion factors from the EPA, but Matt found
his way around and he completed this task. He is preparing a final report for submission to ICLEI.
2) Emissions Data for 2008: status on data collection
Matt and Heather still have difficulties in getting the data, despite the numerous requests to
the utilities. The McKinstry consultants also appear not to have the data.
3) Timeline for PR on CDP report in July
As you know, the report was officially out on July 8`h. I wrote a press release for the Edina website and
submitted an article to Jennifer for the next issue of About Town.
I would like to thank Heather and Jennifer for their support on getting the press release out.
4) Review of green procurement policies from model cities
Matt has been looking at a few policies and we discuss what is the better approach: for ex: San Francisco
codifies all their policies, other cities have in place general policies. The CCWG is working on a draft.
October 17, 2007
The City Council created a new Energy and Environment Commission earlier this
year. The new Commission got the "green light" from the City Council this month and is
ready to begin its work. The Commission has established three committees:
(1) Recycling and Solid Waste Committee; (2) Education and Outreach Committee; and
(3) the Climate Change Committee. The Climate Change Committee has four areas of
focus: (a) Energy Efficiency; (b) Renewable Energy; (c) Reducing Carbon; and (d)
Carbon Tracking and Measurement. The nine -member commission includes Chairman
Bill Sierks, Vice -Chair Dianne Plunkett Latham, Surya Iyer, Ian Nelson, Raymond
O'Connell, John Owens, M. Germana Paterlini, Julie Risser and Sean Wenham.
The Commission invites Edina residents, including high school students, to join
us in working to make our City greener and fight global warming. If you would like to
work with us on these important topics, please email us at edinamail@i. edina. mn. us, or
call 952-927-8861 between 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or write to
Energy/Environment Commission, Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 501h Street, Edina, MN,
55424. Please indicate the topic(s) that are of greatest interest to you.
Additional Contacts:
EE Commission Chair - Bill Sierks — WSierks@Comcast.net
EE Commission Vice Chair - Diane.PIunkett.Latham@Comcast.net
Recycling & Solid Waste Committee Chair - Diane.Plunkett.Latham@Comcast.net
Education and Outreach Committee Chair - Sean—Wenham@ML.com
Climate Change Committee Chair — GermanaPaterlini@hotmail.com
Energy Efficiency Subcommittee Chair — John Owens - John@OwensCo.com
Renewable Energy Subcommittee Chair - SuryaIyer@Hotmail.com
Reducing Carbon Subcommittee Chair — Bill Sierks — WSierks &Comcast.net
Carbon Tracking & Measurement Subcom Chair-GermanaPaterlini@GMail.com
Upcoming Events
Aug. 18, 2009 - "Our Clean Energy Future" with Bill McKibben,
founder of www.350.org.
Co-sponsored by Edina Community Foundation,
Edina Energy & Environment Commission, Project Earth
and Cool Planet.
Oct. 24,2009- International Day of Climate Action. Find or start an
action in your community as part of the Edina Day of
Service. Visit www.350.org for ideas.
Consider nominating an Edina Energy & Environment champion.
Send your nomination to Edina Energy & Environment Commission,
4801 W. 50th St., Edina, MN 55424 or edinamail@ci.edina.mn.us.
Ten Ways to Reduce Waste,
Help the Environment and Save Money
1. Water smart! Follow Edina's odd -even sprinkling policy and
remember that watering is banned daily from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
2. Get a rain barrel.
3. Avoid the use of chemicals on your lawn.
4. Create a compost pile.
5. Sign up for Saver Switch with Xcel Energy - save money and
reduce energy consumption during peak -use hours.
6. Get a home energy audit and find out what you need to do to
reduce energy use and costs. Summer is the perfect time for
home improvement projects!
7. Grow your own food. Take a tip from the Edina Garden Council
and "save some green by growing green."
8. Park your car! Try biking and public transit for recreation, errands
and commuting.
9. Combine trips or carpool - fill your vehicle with people.
10. Take the revised Minnesota Energy Challenge and pledge to
reduce your energy use. Join Team Edina at
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