HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 04-15 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes RegularREGULAR MEETING OF THE
MEMBERS PRESENT: Helen McClelland, Rose Mary Utne, David Byron,
Geof Workinger and Mike Lewis
STAFF PRESENT: Kris Aaker, Jackie Hoogenakker
B-93-5 Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Gretchen Holland
6312 Indian Hills Road
Lot 9, Block 11 Indian Hills
Request: A five foot sideyard setback variance to
allow living space above the garage
Ms. Aaker summarized that Mr. and Mrs. Holland are proposing
to construct a third stall to their existing garage with living
space above the garage.
Ms. Aaker acknowledged the design compliments the existing
structure and can be appreciated for its balance and consistency in
matching materials. In addition, it could be acknowledged that the
original house placement and slope of the lot can be viewed as a
hinderance or hardship when reviewing expansion options. It would
appear however that the property could be put to reasonable use
therefore staff cannot support the studio addition.
The proponent, Mrs. Holland was present. Mr. James Van
Valkenburg, attorney representing Mr. and Mrs. Holland was present.
Interested neighbors were present.
Mrs. McClelland questioned Mr. Dunn on who owns the retaining
wall that is on the common lot line. Mr. Dunn responded that the
retaining wall is on his property.
Mr. Van Valkenburg introduced himself to the Board and
explained the Holland's are requesting a 5 foot sideyard setback
variance for living space above the proposed garage stall. Mr. Van
Valkenburg pointed out the proposed third garage stall meets city
code. Continuing, Mr. Van Valkenburg said the lot is just under an
acre in size. The house was constructed close to the westerly
property line. Mr. Van Valkenburg stated the Holland's are not the
original owners of the house. Mr. Van Valkenburg pointed out the
house has changed since it was first constructed, a family room was
constructed in 1970 and the Hollands added a green house and porch.
Mr. Van Valkenburg referred to confusion expressed at the previous
meeting regarding the validity of the survey, and submitted to the
board a copy of the recent survey. Mr. Van Valkenburg said the new
survey should put to rest any doubt regarding the property lines.
He reiterated the proponents are seeking a five foot setback for
living space. Mr. Van Valkenburg reported that the proponent's
invited two different contractors to their home to access the site
for different studio locations. Both contractors stated the
proposed location best suits the site due to the internal layout of
the existing home, and topography of the lot. Mr. Van Valkenburg
stated adding the studio under the cantilevered portion of the
family room is too risky because of the footings and difference in
elevation. Constructing the studio off the rear of the family room
is problematic due to the existence of a large fire place.
Construction off the rear also poses internal layout problems
because of the living areas across the rear of the home. Mr. Van
Valkenburg noted it has been mentioned that the proponents house is
"large enough" and pointed out the house is a two story home, front
walk out, with the rear being one story, and in keeping with the
size of the houses in the neighborhood. The proponents home
measures 80 feet across the front, the Dunn home (to the west)
measures 79 feet across.the front. Concluding, Mr. Van Valkenburg
submitted photos of the property adding what the proponents have
tried to accomplish is a design that is aesthetically pleasing to
the neighborhood and maintains the character of the existing
Mr. Dunn, 6400 Indian Hills Road, pointed out that the plan
presented this evening is the same plan that was reviewed. He
added his concern is with the proposed structure's close proximity
to his property line. Mr. Dunn stated he finds it hard to believe
that an architect cannot find another location for the studio. Mr.
Dunn said he moved into his house because he enjoys the spacing,
and large lots within the Indian Hills neighborhood. Mr. Dunn
pointed out within the Indian Hills neighborhood there exists
private covenants that prohibit structures from being too close.
Mr. Dunn concluded that he opposes the living space proposed above
the garage.
Mrs. Utne asked Ms. Aaker the reason for her objection to the
proposal since the proponents will be able to legally construct the
third garage stall. Ms. Aaker explained that due to the size of
the lot she felt there was opportunity to add-on in a conforming
location. She stated it will be difficult to accomplish, but not
impossible. Ms. Aaker stated that Mrs. Utne is correct, the
addition of a third garage stall is legal, no variance is required
for the new stall.
Mr. Lewis questioned Ms. Aaker on what the pitch of the garage
roof could be. Ms. Aaker stated the pitch of the roof, in this
situation is a design challenge, adding the allowed height of the
roof would depend on the type of roof design implemented and must
meet our existing code requirements.
Mrs. Utne stated she fully understands staff's position on the
proposed living space but in her opinion this board should take
into consideration special circumstances. Mrs. Utne said
aesthetics are very important to her. She pointed out the garage
can legally be constructed, and the addition of living space above
the garage when it has been done with sensitivity does not
negatively impact the existing dwelling, nor the neighborhood.
Mr. Byron asked Mr. Van Valkenburg what the "studio" is. Mr.
Van Valkenburg stated Mrs. Holland would enjoy a studio with
adequate lighting for designing floral arrangements. Mr. Byron
asked why Mrs. Holland couldn't use a spare bedroom for her floral
arrangements. Mr. Van Valkenburg stated all the bedrooms are used.
Mr. Workinger acknowledged (except for Mr. Dunn) that the
proposal has been well received within the neighborhood, but he
cannot support the variance request because Mr. Dunn objects. He
also stated there is no hardship to support the request to add
living area above the proposed third garage stall.
Mr. Lewis stated he agrees with Mrs. Utne. He pointed out the
garage can legally be constructed, and we have granted variances in
the past for living area above the garage. Mr: Lewis acknowledged
a third garage stall in this neighborhood is appropriate, and in
his opinion the proposed living area above the garage has been
designed with sensitivity, and is compatible with the existing
house design. Mr. Lewis concluded the garage can be constructed,
and the addition of living area above it may not make that much of
a difference visually.
Mrs. McClelland stated it is the duty of staff to investigate
code, and in her opinion there is no hardship to support approval
of this request. She pointed out a lot of this size should be able
to accommodate a studio in a conforming location. Mrs. McClelland
stated council has also been very concerned with massing, and she
reiterated she cannot support the variance request. Mrs.
McClelland concluded in her opinion if we allow this addition we
are "gutting" the code.
Mr. Byron stated spacial separation is very important to him
noting we have been directed through our code to view garages one
way and living space another, for whatever reason. He added he
cannot find a hardship to support the proponents request. He said
he recognizes that aesthetics are important but they are something
this board cannot act on. Indian Hills is a very special community
and we are responsible in maintaining it. He also added when he
studied this proposal he concluded that it is cheaper to build the
studio above the garage, but pointed out our job is not economic,
it is maintaining the code. He concluded he cannot support the
proposal as presented.
Mr. Byron moved to deny the variance request. Mr. Workinger
seconded the motion.
Mrs. Utne interjected she takes her position on the zoning
board of appeals very seriously noting what we do at this level is
very important. She added each and every area within this city is
special and has value, and in her opinion the interpretation of the
code is different things to different people. Mrs. Utne stated she
has a strong belief in aesthetic value, and its importance, adding
in her opinion constructing living area above the garage makes the
most planning sense and the most sense aesthetically. Mrs. Utne
pointed out that adding another room off the rear, side, or front
just to make it conform to our requirements may not be best for the
neighborhood. Mrs. Utne concluded variances are unique to the
property, and the variance process is in place to help us achieve
agreeable solutions when adhering to the "law" may not be best.
Ayes; McClelland, Workinger, Byron. Nays, Utne, Lewis.
Motion to deny request approved 3-2 vote.
The proponent was informed she has the right to appeal this
decision to the city council.
B-93-8 Greg W. Wilson and Wayne W. Wilson
401 Washington Avenue
Lot 26, Block 9, West Minneapolis Heights
Request: A 12 foot sidestreet setback variance for a
new detached two stall garage location
Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located
in the south east quadrant of Washington Avenue and Belmore Lane.
The applicants are proposing to remove the existing non -conforming
single stall garage and to replace it with a newer two car garage
structure. The current garage is located four feet from the
sidestreet property boundary and fronts Belmore Lane. The
applicants are proposing to locate the new garage eight feet from
the side street property boundary. The proposed 22' X 24' garage
will be moved to the subject site from a property located in
Ms. Aaker concluded staff finds it difficult to support a 12
foot sidestreet setback variance to continue a potential parking
nuisance. Staff could support a four foot variance to allow the
garage to be 16 feet from the sidestreet property boundary. A
space length of 16 feet in front of the new garage would be the
equivalent of the minimum required length for a compact parking
space as required in the design and construction standards of
section 850.08 of the city code. A four foot variance could allow
for a compact car to be parked in the driveway in conformance with
the city's parking and nuisance requirements and would still allow
for seven feet of open space to be provided between the back garage
wall and the south property boundary. Any approval is suggested to
be conditioned on compliance with section 415 of the city code
which addresses the permitting process for the moving of buildings.
The proponents were present to respond to questions.
Mrs. Utne noted when she drove by the property she observed a
utility truck parked in the drive adding if she read the code
properly commercial vehicles cannot be parked in the driveway. Mr.
Wilson explained the property has been rental and we have asked the
renters too remove truck removed.
Mrs. McClelland pointed out the property is exposed on three
sides adding stating she can see why staff recommends a 4 foot
variance which would allow the parking of a compact vehicle in
compliance with our code. Mrs. McClelland also noted that as she
viewed this area all properties are rather non -conforming and the
original proposal allows more space for a yard.
Mr. Wilson stated he spoke with a majority of the neighbors
and they indicated they supported the proposal as presented.
Mr. Byron pointed out that it would be possible to line up the
new garage with the garage of the neighbor to the east. The
garage to the east is a side, and a side entry would also work on
the subject site.
Mrs. Utne commented that she can understand the request of the
proponent noting in her opinion the request as presented allows for
more yard area, which is important. Mrs. Utne questioned Mr.
Wilson on the materials/paint used on the facade of the garage that
will be moved to the subject site pointing out it does not appear
to match the facade of the dwelling. Mrs. Utne stated she would
like to see the color of the home and garage match.
Mrs. Utne questioned Ms. Aaker on how compliance with the
ordinance regarding parking is monitored. Ms. Aaker stated illegal
parking on the driveway is monitored on a complaint basis.
Continuing, Ms. Aaker stated in situations involving a variance
request staff has the capacity to inform property owners what is
proposed does not comply with our code.
A discussion ensued with the board in agreement that the
garage can be moved to the site and the proposal as presented would
not have a negative impact on the neighborhood. The Board asked
the proponent to note that parking of vehicles on the driveway is
illegal according to our code.
Mrs. Utne moved to grant a 12 foot sideyard setback variance
subject to the condition that the new garage is to match the color
of the existing dwelling. Mrs. Utne also noted the proponent is to
be aware that parking in the driveway violates our code. Mr. Lewis
seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
B-93-9 Suzanne Rand and Paul Hammond
5109 Juanita Avenue
Lot 18, Block 31 Glenview Addition
Request: A 6.5 foot sideyard setback variance for
conversion of an existing storage area over a
garage into living area and a 2.5 foot
sideyard setback variance for a family room
Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property consists of
a story and one half cape cod. The proponents are proposing a
substantial remodel of the home to include the addition of a family
room, mudroom, bathroom, bedroom, storage, stair case, and porch.
As part of their plans the homeowners are also proposing to convert
an existing storage area above the garage into living area. The
lot coverage will increase from 1,619 square to 2,219 square feet
leaving approximately 31 square feet available for additional
Ms. Aaker concluded while it has not been policy to allow
living space to be located closer than five feet to a side property
boundary staff believes that conversion of the existing storage
area above the garage would have little if any impact on the
surrounding neighbors and therefore staff could support the 6.5
foot sideyard setback variance. Ms. Aaker said regarding the 2.5
foot sideyard setback staff acknowledges the limitations of the
shallow lot, however cannot support the variance because there is
potential present for a conforming solution. Staff would request
that any variance approval should be limited to the plans
The proponent, Mr. Hammond was present.
Mr. Byron questioned what the sideyard setback would be after
the addition is constructed. Ms. Aaker said the setback would be
7 1/2 feet.
Mr. Workinger noted that in his opinion this could become a
massing issue if it is not developed with sensitivity. The lot are
small, and the lot is shallow.
Mr. Hammond noted the entire neighborhood is comprised of
small shallow lots. He pointed out there has been no objection
within the neighborhood to this proposal as presented. Mr. Hammond
stated that aesthetics are very important to him and the plans
reflect this importance.
Mr. Byron questioned Mr. Hammond on what hardship would occur
if the addition was designed according to our code. Mr. Hammond
pointed out if the addition was shifted to comply with city code
the addition would cover up the windows across the rear of the
A discussion ensued with the board in agreement that the lots
within this neighborhood are small and the design as presented is
sensitive to the design of the home. The addition as proposed
would not have a negative impact on the neighborhood.
Mr. Lewis moved approval of the variance as submitted. Mrs.
Utne seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
B-93-10 Michael Wood
5430 Grove Street
Lot 1, Block 1, Smaly Addition
Request: A 1.71 sideyard setback variance for a garage
Ms. Aaker informed the board the subject property consists of
a two story home with an attached two stall garage built in 1987.
The homeowners are proposing to remodel and add onto the home to
include a third garage stall, family room, porch, deck, and some
additional floor area in the dining room. All aspects of the plan
conform to ordinance requirements with one exception. The proposed
third garage stall will be 3.3 feet from the side property boundary
instead of the required five feet.
Ms. Aaker explained regarding the garage variance, the
applicant has indicated a need for a third garage stall. The
neighborhood in which the subject property is located consists of
homes with attached two and three car garages, many of which
provide between 5-13 foot setbacks from the side property
boundaries. The only home along the north side of the Grove
Street block that has a setback of less than five feet for a garage
is the property next door at 5500 Grove (to the west). The garage
located at 5500 Grove Street is approximately 2.9 feet from the
east sideyard lot line. The proposed garage would put the
structures within 6.2 feet of the garage at 5500 Grove Street.
Ms. Aaker concluded that staff has difficulty with the request
and the resulting 6.2 foot spacing between structures. Staff
acknowledges that storage for a third car would be difficult to
accomplish in some other fashion, however, those homes along the
block with three stall garages currently provide adequate setback.
In addition those homes with two car garages along Grove could
require a similar variance if a third stall were to be added.
The proponent, Mr. Wood was present.
Mr. Workinger questioned if the variance were to be granted
would the garages actually be only six feet apart. Ms. Aaker said
that is correct. If Mr. Wood receives the variance the new garage
and the neighbors garage will be just over six feet apart.
Mr. Wood submitted to the board letters of support for the
variance from impacted neighbors. Continuing, Mr. Wood pointed out
the majority of the new homes within the neighborhood have been
constructed with three car garages. Mr. Wood explained at the time
his home was constructed they did not have enough funds to
construct a third stall. He added he was led to believe by the
builder that in the future they could add a third stall.
Continuing, Mr. Wood informed the board a PVC pipe was installed
along his westerly property line. He stated he believes there is
an easement running along that line. The pipe was installed as a
service to the city due to the high elevation of the street and
water runoff.
Ms. Aaker interjected this is the first time she heard there
is may be an easement along the property line. Ms. Aaker said
nothing she has viewed identifies a drainage easement.
Mr. Byron asked Mr. Wood if the neighbor on the west approves
of the variance. Mr. Wood stated the neighbor on the west has no
objection to this proposal.
Mrs. Utne questioned Mr. Wood on his time schedule to begin
construction if this were to be approved. Mrs. Utne noted
variances must be acted on within one year after approval.
Continuing, Mrs. Utne said she understands Mr. Wood's desired to
add a third garage stall but finds it difficult to support the
variance because the proposed garage will be so close to the
neighbors existing garage.
Mrs. McClelland agreed with Mrs. Utne's comments on the
garages being close. She stated, in her opinion, structures six
feet apart are too close.
Mr. Wood said he and his wife are looking forward constructing
a third garage stall.
Mr. Lewis said he has a problem making a decision this
evening. He pointed out staff was not made aware that an easement
may exist on this property. Continuing, Mr. Lewis asked Ms. Aaker
if construction can occur so close to an easement.
Ms. Aaker explained it depends on the type of easement
recorded. Ms. Aaker stated usually utility easements are recorded
with an 10 foot easement. Ms. Aaker agreed that it is important to
determine if an easement exists on the property.
Ms. Aaker excused herself to see if she could locate
documentation that an easement exists.
Ms. Aaker returned and informed board members she could not
locate any documentation supporting Mr. Woods claim that there is
an easement for drainage along his westerly property line.
Mr. Byron observed the easement situation is peculiar. Mr.
Byron said with or without an easement he is still uncomfortable by
the spacial separation that would exist on this site if the
proposed garage would be approved and constructed.
A discussion ensued with board members in agreement that they
feel uncomfortable making a decision without specific information
regarding the alleged easement. The board directed staff to speak
with Mr. Hoffman, City Engineer, and try to locate information
regarding the easement
Mrs. Utne asked Mr. Wood if he would like to have this issue
heard before this board or as soon as possible. M r . W o o d
questioned when the next board meeting would be held, and was
informed the next meeting would be on May 6, 1993. Mr. Wood
stated he would like this issue to be heard as soon as possible.
Mr. Lewis moved to continue B-93-10 to the next zoning board
meeting. Mr. Byron seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.