HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 07-21 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes RegularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair, Gordon Johnson, Helen McClelland, Don Patton,
Geof Workinger
STAFF PRESENT: Kris Aaker, Jackie Hoogenakker
Mr. Patton moved approval of the May 19, 1994, meeting minutes. Ms.
McClelland seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
B-94-26 Variance extension for construction of new garage for 5405 Kellogg
Ms. Aaker explained approximately one year ago the proponents requested and
received variance approval to construct a new garage. At this time they are
requesting an extension of that variance. Ms. Aaker stated staff recommends
approval of the variance request.
Mr. Patton moved approval of the extension. Ms. McClelland seconded the
motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
B-94-31 Mr. Robert Burt
3300 West 55th Street
Lot 1, and the East 6 ft. of Lot 2, Block 3
White Investment Company's Hidden Valley
Request: A 6.4 foot sidestreet setback variance, a 5 foot frontyard
setback variance and a 2.75 foot sideyard setback variance
Ms. Aaker informed the board the subject property is North of West 55th Street
and East of Zenith Avenue. The home backs up to Minnehaha Creek and consists of
a contemporary walkout. 1-i 1975 similar variances were granted for an addition to
the back of the home. The homeowners are now proposing a second story master
bedroom above the front portion of the house. The proposed addition will stay within
the existing building footprint with the exception of cantilevered deck and closet
portions projecting from the front of the house.
Ms. Aaker concluded staff can support the sideyard and sidestreet setback
variance. Staff struggles with the frontyard setback variance due to the magnitude
of encroachment.
The proponents Mr. and Mrs. Burt were present.
Mr. Burt explained to board members the house is north facing so the addition
was designed to capture the winter sun. With graphics Mr. Burt po;r,- nd out the
configuration of the street and the non-conforminity of the house. Ck uinq, .
Burt indicated he has spoken with a majority of the neighbors on the list provideu oy
the city, but had a problem speaking with four.
Mrs. Wald, 3301 West 55th Street stated she feels the house has too many
points, and expressed concern that the proposed addition will make the house appear
too large at two stories.
Mr. Burt pointed out the majority of the homes on the block are two story. Mrs.
Wald reiterated in her opinion the house already has too many points and jogs.
Chairman Johnson pointed out to Mrs. Wald the style of the house is not
traditional, and asked Mrs. Wald what her objection is. Mrs. Wald responded she
believes the house needs to be painted. Mr. Burt interjected if they receive approval
for the changes the entire house will be painted.
Mr. Schmidt, 5525 Zenith Avenue and Mr. Smith, 3304 West 55th Street
stated they support the proposal as presented. They indicated this neighborhood
needs to be upgraded to be competitive with the rest of Edina.
Mrs. Burt added they only want to upgrade the existing house, which in her
opinion, benefits the neighborhood.
Mr. Patton asked Mr. Burt if he has considered flipping the bedroom closet. Mr.
Burt stated that is not possible because of the bathroom location.
Mr. Patton noted the front deck does break up the mass of the house.
Ms. McClelland stated the design of the addition does blend in with the non-
conforminity of the house, adding she agrees the front deck does help soften the
mass, but Ms. McClelland said in her opinion the house appears to large for the
neighborhood, especially because its character does not fit.
Mr. Burt stated the house is a modern design, but because of the dense
vegetation it blends. Continuing, Mr. Burt said in his opinion diversity of houses is
rather nice in todays environment. He concluded that being different is not necessarily
In response Ms. McClelland stated in her opinion the lot is too narrow to
accommodate an addition of this magnitude. She added care must be taken in not
overbuilding existing neighborhoods. She concluded that massing is an issue, and the
character of neighborhoods should be preserved.
Mr. Workinger commented the house is very screened with vegetation, but with
the addition the house will be large for the neighborhood. Mrs. Burt interjected the
house does need updating.
Chairman Johnson questioned how the frontyard setback was determined. He
pointed out there appears to be a split in the block because of the "S" shape. Ms.
Aaker acknowledged the layout of the block but explained the entire block needs to
be calculated between intersections. Chairman Johnson stated the board needs to be
careful in stressing the limits of neighborhoods. Mr. Burt agreed pointing out the
spacing between homes will remain adequate.
Ms. McClelland reiterated she has a problem with the mass of the house.
Mr. Workin9 er stated he has a concern that the front decks could later be
converted into living area without a variance.- Ms. Aaker said any conversion to living
area would require a permit, and may also require additional variance approval.
Mr. Lewis moved approval subject to the plan presented, the variances are to
be a Mr. Patton seconded the motion. Ayes; Patton, Lewis, Johnson. Nays;
McClelland, Workinger. Motion carried 3-2.
B-94-32 Karl and.Patricia Schmidt
#9 Bridge Lane
Lot 17, White Oaks, Edina, M N
Request: A 1.5 foot sideyard setback variance for sidewall building
Ms. Aaker informed the board the subject property is located on the south side
of Bridge Lane where the road terminates east of Arden Avenue. The home consists
of a two story brick colonial with attached two stall garage. The property owners are
proposing an addition to the home to include a two story addition to the back of the
house and an extension of the garage. The two story addition has been setback 14.2'
from the west property boundary with a garage extension that will maintain the
existing 5.2 foot setback from the sideyard. Part of the plan includes a new garage
roof height that has been raised to join the roof of the addition and to hide the new
roof line from the front street. Ms. Aaker pointed out the garage is setback 5.2' from
the side property boundary which is within the minimum 5 foot sideyard required,
however, the ordinance also requires that 6 inches be added to the minimum sideyard
setback requirement for each one foot average building height exceeds 15 feet. The
height of the west garage wall has been increased to approximately 18.5 feet due to
the new garage roof.
Ms. Aaker concluded all aspects of the home remodel conform to ordinance
requirements with the exception of roof height of the garage. All living area is well
within the sideyard setback requirement guidelines. Given the side/rear yard
relationship between the subject home and the adjacent impacted property staff
believes the plan is within the spirit and intent of the zoning ordinance and
accomplishes a streetscape view more compatible with the architectural features of
the structure.
Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt the proponents were present, Mr. Ed Noonan, builder was
also present.
Mr. Workinger pointed out the extended roof line hides the rear, and questioned
if the proponents ever considered adding dormers. Mrs. Schmidt responded they hope
to dormer both the house and garage.
Ms. McClelland stated in her opinion it is very important to break up the mass
of the addition, and the dormers as suggested by Mr. Workinger will accomplish this.
Continuing, Ms. McClelland asked if there is living space above the garage. Mr.
Schmidt responded there is living space only over a portion of the garage.
Mr. Noonan stated he agrees with Mr. Workingers suggestion regarding the
addition of dormers, and noted one neighbor did suggest dormers.
Mr. Workinger asked if the addition will be finished,with like materials. Mrs.
Schmidt said the materials will match, and will be white shake with red brick.
Mr. Patton asked if they have had any difficulty in matching the new brick with
the existing brick. Mr. Noonan responded they have found matching brick, and will
also be replacing any loose existing bricks.
Mr. Patton moved variance approval subject to staff conditions and the
condition that materials match. Ms. McClelland seconded the motion. All voted aye;
motion carried.
B-94-33 Larry and Sue McGill
4525 Tower Avenue
Lot 5, Block 1, Paul Wind Christopher Addition
Request: A 4.83 foot sideyard setback variance for building height
Ms. Aaker informed the board the property is located on the southside of Tower
Street between St. John's Avenue and Wooddale Avenue. Ms. Aaker explained the
proponents plan to add a master bedroom above the existing garage. The sidewall of
the garage is located eight feet from the side property boundary. The Edina Zoning
Ordinance requires that garages be located a minimum of five feet to the side
boundary and living area located a minimum of 10 feet to the sideyard.
Ms. Aaker concluded given the building limitations with regard to the site staff
can support a variance subject to the use of matching materials.
The proponents, Mr. and Mrs. McGill were present. 0
Ms. McClelland pointed out the side of the garage appears to be very plain and
questioned if windows would be added to the garage.
Mrs. McGill stated they are planning to add windows to the garage. The
windows don't appear on the plans, but will be incorporated into the addition.
Mr. Workinger moved approval subject to the use of matching materials as
suggested by staff. Mr. Lewis seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
B-94-34 U.S. West New Vector Group Inc/James D. Littlejohn
6250 Tracy Avenue
East 223 feet of that part of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 line
South of the North 693 feet thereof and North of County
Highway 62, except roads
Request: A 350 foot setback variance for a 75 foot antenna tower
Ms. Aaker informed the board the U.S. West New Vector Group has submitted
an application to construct an antenna tower on the City of Edina's fire station site
located north of highway 62 and'vest of Tracy Avenue. The purpose of the tower
is to consolidate the existing antennae and communications equipment of the fire
station and add a cellular telephone antenna for U.S. West New Vector. There are
currently two radio towers located on the fire station site used for public safety, a 66
foot tall ground mounted tower and a 95 foot roof mounted tower with supports.
Ms. Aaker explained U.S. West is proposing to erect a 94'-9" monopole fire
station antenna with cellular antenna functions. The cellular function of the tower
would not exceed the 75 foot maximum height requirement per the ordinance and
would meet the minimum 50 foot setback standards prescribed by the ordinance. The
cellular portion of the tower does not however conform to the provision of the
ordinance which requires additional setback requirements from R-1 and R-2 zoned
residentially used properties for towers in excess of 65 feet in height.
Ms. Aaker pointed out the proposed 75 foot U.S. West New Vector Group
portion of the tower requires a 550 foot setback from R-1 and R-2 residential uses.
The tower will provide a 200 foot setback therefore a 350 foot setback variance is
Continuing, Mr. Aaker added the proposal also includes an equipment building
addition that will be constructed behind the fire station. The equipment building will
allow for separate compartments to house the cellular radio and computer equipment
needed for the cellular phone operation and to allow storage space for fire department
maintenance equipment. The equipment addition will conform to all ordinance
Ms. Aaker concluded the purpose and intent of the ordinance is to minimize
impact of antenna structures from neighboring homes. The proposal meets the spirit
of the ordinance by improving on existing conditions.
Mr. Littlejohn and Mr. Wong were present representing U.S. West NewVector
Chairman Johnson questioned if the Fire Department needs to upgrade its
communications equipment. Ms. Aaker responded that is correct. There is a need by
the Fire Department to upgrade the present communication standards.
Mr. Lewis asked Mr. Paulfranz if he envisions a heliport on the Fire Department
site. Mr. Paulfranz said a heliport will be constructed on the Fairview Southdale
Hospital campus.
Ms. McClelland asked Mr. Littlejohn if he knows the exact dimensions of the
"fins" that will be located on the monopole. Mr. Littlejohn said the "fins" or "plates"
Ms. Mcclelland is referring to are 8 feet in length. They are slender panels with five
panels on each of three sides.
Mr. Lewis asked Mr. Littlejohn if the phone company will pay rent to the Fire
Department/City. Mr. Littlejohn explained U.S. West NewVector will construct the
new tower, remove the old towers, and construct the utility buildings. They will also
pay rent to the city.
Mr. Patton asked if the monopole is constructed of bent metal. Mr. Littlejohn
stated that is correct, adding it will be painted a sky gray color (or what ever color is
preferred by the city).
Mr. Lewis asked if there will be a strobe on top of the antenna tower. Mr.
Paulfranz said the tower will not have lights. He explained no protection is required
because the highest point in the vicinity is the water tower, and that is lighted.
Ms. McClelland asked if future technology will create smaller antenna towers.
Mr. Littlejohn responded he is unsure.
A discussion ensued regarding antenna technology, and the location of existing
cells within the city.
Ms. McClelland stated she does not have a problem with the proposal as
submitted. She pointed out the plates are thin, and any impact is minimal because the
fire station is surrounded on three sides by highway, park property; and church
parking lots. Residential property is located a distance away from the tower, and with
the removal of the existing two towers, one tower is preferable.
Ms. McClelland moved variance approval subject to staff conditions. Mr. Lewis
seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
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