HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 07-10 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes RegularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING
Chair, Rose Mary Utne, Meg Mannix, Ann Swenson, John Lonsbury
Don Patton
Kris Aaker, Jackie Hoogenakker
The minutes of the June 5, 1997, meeting were filed as submitted.
B-97-34 Guitar Center/Barry Soosman/Craig Freeman
3650 Hazelton Road
Lot 4, Block 1, Yorktown
Request: A 13 stall parking requirement variance
Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located along the north
side of Hazelton Road. The site formerly housed Egghead Discount Software and
Kuppenhiemer clothing store. The proposed new tenant is Guitar Center, a national
musical instrument chain store. The chain sells instruments and does not offer lessons.
The Guitar Center requires a 10 by 30 foot receiving area addition. The addition will
maintain the minimum required setback standards, however, any addition triggers the
current parking standard. The site is non -conforming in terms of parking and was built
prior to current City Ordinances.
Ms. Aaker pointed out the building size requires a minimum parking stall count of
80. The site currently provides 57 parking spaces and is non -conforming regarding
current Ordinance standards. The proposal will yield 62 spaces, increasing the current
count by five stalls.
Ms. Aaker explained the variance from the parking requirement is triggered by
the proposed building expansion. The 300 square foot building expansion for a
receiving area will not add to the retail floor area of the building. The existing parking
conditions of 57 stalls is non -conforming and may remain non -conforming as long as
the building is not altered in footprint or is not enlarged.
Ms. Aaker concluded given the subject tenant could occupy the building without
improving the parking if no alteration to the building were made, and given that the
proposal increases the parking by 5 stalls, staff supports the request.
Mr. Kline, representing the proponent was present to respond to questions.
Mrs. Swenson said in reviewing the plan she does not have a problem with it,
except for a concern regarding the possibility the mezzanine level could be used for
Ms. Aaker stated according to code the mezzanine level is to remain storage
and/or office. Mrs. Swenson reiterated her concern is that the mezzanine area may
become retail space if the City's inspection department is not aware it should remain
office and/or storage.
Mr. Kline introduced himself, and explained their goal for the site is to create
more parking stalls and re -landscape the site, acknowledging the landscaping that
exists is not in the best condition. Mr. Kline explained their store is aimed at a specific
clientele, and does not generate heavy traffic flows. Continuing, Mr. Kline said if the
Board is opposed to any office or retail space on the mezzanine level we will restrict its
use to storage, or what the Board deems appropriate.
A brief discussion ensued regarding the facts that the site is actually increasing
the parking, and as mentioned by the proponent, traffic generated from a specialty store
such as this, is minimal, and the landscaping is being upgraded. All are pluses.
Mrs. Swenson moved variance approval subject to an upgraded landscaping
plan, that is to be approved by City staff, the Building Official is to decide what can be
allowed (office and/or storage) on the mezzanine level, and to what ratio, with the extra
condition that is to be allowed on the mezzanine level. Mr. Lonsbury seconded
the motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
B-97-35 Jeffrey W. Greer
4101 Morningside Road
The east 50 feet of the west 100 feet of Lot 85,
the east 50 feet of the west 100 feet of the north
50 feet of Lot 86 Morningside
Request: a 2.6 foot sideyard setback variance for building
height of a second story addition
Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located on the southside of
Morningside Road consisting of a 1 Y2 story home with a detached garage. The
property owner is proposing to increase the height of the home to be a full two story
home. The house is currently 4'9" from the side property boundary which is 3 inches
short of the minimum five foot setback requirement. The projected increase in side
wall building height requires an increase in setback of 2.35 feet in addition to the
minimum 5 foot requirement.
Ms. Aaker reported the home has no record of improvement with the exception
of a bathroom remodel in 1991. The upper floor is listed as unfinished with one
bedroom on the City assessing card.
Ms. Aaker pointed out the lot is narrow at 50 feet in width with a 14'9" distance
between the east property line and sidewall of the house to accommodate a driveway
accessing a rearyard detached garage. Original house placement, driveway location,
and narrow lot width limit expansion potential of the home.
Ms. Aaker concluded the site provides limited expansion potential. The addition
would have limited if any impact on the adjacent affected property given the spacing
between structures. Staff supports the request as submitted.
The proponent, Mr. Greer was present to respond to questions.
Mrs. Swenson asked Mr. Greer if the plans, and design are his. Mr. Greer
responded they are his plans, and design.
Mrs. Utne told Mr. Greer he did an excellent job notifying neighbors regarding the
Mrs. Swenson asked Mr. Greer if he proposes to do the work himself. Mr. Greer
said he is in the business, and will do a majority of the work himself, noting he will only
do what he can do, certain things will need to be done by electricians, etc.
Mrs. Swenson asked Mr. Greer how long he thinks it will take him to complete
the project. Mr. Greer said he hopes to have the outside work accomplished in two to
three months. The inside work will probably be completed in three months.
Mrs. Mannix questioned if the existing lilac bushes are on the subject property.
Mr. Greer said the lilac bushes are on his property. Mrs. Mannix questioned if windows
will be placed on the building wall. Mr. Greer responded the lilac bushes should soften
any impact, adding windows are a privacy issue on that side.
Mr. Lonsbury pointed out if the lilac bushes stay healthy the building mass is
reduced, but if they die as a result of construction, a window or windows should be
added in the side wall.
Mrs. Swenson agreed, adding she would like the addition of one window at
minimum, to break up the mass.
Mrs. Mannix pointed out a window may be required as a safety feature for
Mr. Tully, and Ms. Nancy and Suzanne McCalley, interested neighbors were
present, and voiced their approval of the proposal.
Mr. Lonsbury moved variance approval subject to the plans presented, the use
of matching materials, and the addition of 1 to 2 windows on the west side of the
addition. Mrs. Swenson seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
B-97-36 Beemis and Betty Rolfs
6512 Gleason Court
Lot 8, Block 1, Gleason Court
Request: An 8 foot rearyard setback variance and a 252 square foot
porch addition
Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located on the north side of
Gleason Court consisting of a two story double dwelling unit. The unit in question is the
east side unit. The homeowners are hoping to replace a deck behind the home with a
three season porch on posts. The porch will be consistent in design to the existing
home with the use of matching materials to the existing structure. The addition requires
a lot coverage variance and a rearyard setback variance.
Ms. Aaker pointed out the subject double bungalow was built in 1984 and was
designed with a lot coverage of 24.7%. Maximum allowable lot coverage for both units
on a single parcel is 25%. The home was also built with a rearyard setback of 41 feet.
Minimum required rearyard setback is 35 feet in the R-2 zoning district, which would
allow only a six foot extension into the rearyard.
Ms. Aaker explained shortly after completion the parcel was subdivided to allow
for a separate lot per unit. The subject unit has a lot area of 6,773 square feet as
compared with the adjacent unit that has a lot area of 8,240 square feet. Lot coverage
is reviewed in terms of the total lot area of 15,013 square feet.
Ms. Aaker reported it should be noted that the Zoning Board of Appeals has
acknowledged that Gleason Court homes are unique with many of the units built nearly
at or beyond the allowable lot coverage requirements. The Board has approved a
number of porch additions for other units.
Ms. Aaker concluded the porch addition will be replacing an existing deck and is
supported by both affected neighbors to the sides and will not affect the neighbor
behind. The home has no expansion potential without variance. Staff supports the
request as submitted subject to the use of consistent and matching materials.
The proponents, Mr. and Mrs. Rolfs were present.
The Board acknowledged this appears to be a reoccurring variance for this
subdivision; Mrs. Swenson moved variance approval subject to the plans presented,
and the use of matching materials. Mr. Lonsbury seconded the motion. All voted aye;
motion carried.
B-97-37 Nancy Brand
5008 Skyline Drive
Request: A 1.83 foot sidestreet setback variance
Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located in the northwest
corner of Skyline Drive and Skyline Drive cul-de-sac west. The home is a rambler with
attached garage facing east with the sidestreet south of the home. The homeowners
are proposing an addition to the back (west )of their house, and are also adding 4 feet 4
inches to the southside of their home. The purpose of the expansion is to enlarge the
kitchen, and add a dining room. Expansion to the south requires a variance from the
determined sidestreet setback.
Ms. Aaker pointed out the property has two frontages, both require maintaining a
frontyard setback. The adjacent home to the west fronts the cul-de-sac and
subsequently determines the minimum setback from the south lot line.
Ms. Aaker concluded a 4'4" extension would have little if any perceivable impact
on ,the adjacent neighbor to the west due to the distance between them. The variance
is minimal in scope and scale. Staff supports the request as submitted. Staff would
suggest that any approval be tired to the plans presented.
The proponent Ms. Brand was present.
After a brief discussion Mrs. Swenson moved variance approval subject to the
plans presented, and the use of matching materials. Mrs. Mannix seconded the motion.
All voted aye; motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.
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