HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 07-09 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes RegularMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE
Chair, David Runyan, William Skallerud, Charles Ingwalson, and
Don Patton
Rose Mary Utne
Kris Aaker and Jackie Hoogenakker
The minutes of the March 5, 1998, meeting were filed as submitted.
B-98-29 Mark and. Susan Dixon
7102 Heatherton Trail
Lot 2, Block 5, Stow's Edgemore Addition
Request: A 2.166 foot frontyard setback variance
Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located on the west side of
Heatherton Trail consisting of a split entry home with a tuck under two car garage. The
homeowners are hoping to dress up their front entry by adding an overhang with
columns above the front stoop. The addition requires a frontyard setback variance of
2.166 to achieve the addition.
Ms. Aaker stated the average frontyard setback along the block is 28'2". The
homeowners are hoping to achieve a frontyard setback of 26 feet. A drawing provided
by the builder indicates that at least one home fronting Heatherton Trail has a front
yard setback of 23 feet, three feet closer to the street than the proposed project.
Ms. Aaker concluded the proposal will not impact the existing average frontyard
setback. The proposal will enhance the property and provide protection from the
elements. Staff supports the request subject to the addition remaining unenclosed.
The proponents, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon were present.
Mr. Runyan stated in his opinion the request is minimal, noting the Board has
granted similar variances in the past. Continuing, Mr. Runyan pointed out the house at
7104 Heatherton is closer to the street than the subject property, which minimizes
visual impact.
Mr. Skallerud moved variance approval subject to the plan submitted, and the
condition that the entryway remain unenclosed. Mr. Patton seconded the motion. All
voted aye; motion carried.
B-98-30 Robert and Cynthia Joyce
4342 Oakdale Avenue South
The southeasterly half of Lot 18, Grimes Homestead
except the southwesterly 140 feet and the northeasterly
20 feet thereof
Request: A 68 square foot lot coverage variance
Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located on the west side of
Oakdale Avenue consisting of a 1 '/z story home with a detached one car garage. The
homeowners applied for a building permit to remove the existing 14 X 22 foot single car
garage and replace it with a 22 X 28 foot two car garage. The new garage, existing
house, and deck would exceed the lot coverage requirement by 68 square feet. The
homeowners are requesting a variance to allow the excess lot coverage without having
to remove a portion of the deck or home.
Ms. Aaker pointed out the Ordinance requires a minimum two car garage per
single dwelling unit. The homeowners are hoping to conform to the minimum two car
garage rule. The homeowners were unaware that the new garage would exceed the lot
coverage requirements.
The homeowner has the option of reducing the garage size. The proposed
garage is 22 X 28. Although the Ordinance does not indicate what dimensions
constitute a two car garage, a 20 X 20 garage would be roughly the minimum accepted.
A 20 X 20 garage allows for the storage of two cars but not much more than that. The
homeowners have indicated they wish to maintain the proposed garage size to allow for
Ms. Aaker asked the Board to note the homeowner also has the option of
reducing the deck area. The Ordinance requires all but 150 square feet of deck area
be included in the lot coverage requirements. The deck is roughly 233 square feet in
area so that 83 square feet must be included in the lot coverage requirements.
Ms. Aaker explained generally staff and the Zoning Board of Appeals is not
supportive of lot coverage variances. In addition, it would appear that there are options
available to the applicant such as reducing the existing deck area.
The proponents, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce were present to respond to questions.
Mr. Ingwalson asked the proponents if they ever experienced water run-off
problems, and if so, do they realize adding more hard surface on a lot can increase the
potential for more problems to occur, or can create a problem where non existed.
Mr. Joyce said to date they have experienced minimal water run-off problems,
and will have the plan reviewed as it relates to water run-off.
Mr. Runyan asked the proponents where they presently store their "garage type"
items. Mrs. Joyce said their neighbors have been very supportive, and have allowed
them to store bikes, etc. in their garages. Mrs. Joyce said the lack of storage has
caused them to have to store their deck furniture outdoors during the winter months.
Mr. Skallerud stated he understands the need for families to try to obtain more
storage area, but pointed out if the deck is reduced, or the addition made smaller, a
variance would not be required. Mr. Skallerud added if he understands the calculations
correctly only 68 square feet needs to be eliminated. Concluding, Mr. Skallerud
reiterated while he understands the needs of the proponents he cannot support the
request, and in his opinion the request does not meet the hardship rule.
Mrs. Joyce commented it may be possible to cut back the deck, adding she
never considered that as an option. Mr. Skallerud interjected explaining if the Board
were to grant the request a precedent would be established, and Boards in the past
have been very reluctant to increase massing on lots by granting lot coverage
variances. Mr. Skallerud pointed out it also becomes more difficult to support a
variance request where there are solutions that can eliminate the need for the
requested variance.
Mr. Patton suggested re -locating the garage to the northwest corner. Mr. Joyce
said the situation that exists on the property is a shared driveway, so re -locating the
garage is difficult.
Mr. Runyan stated he agrees with the comments from Mr. Skallerud. Lot
coverage, and the increase in hard surface is difficult to support.
Mrs. Joyce stated they really need the extra space.
Mr. Ingwalson asked the proponents if storage is proposed for the upper level of
the garage. Mr. Joyce responded in the affirmative.
Mr. Patton echoed the opinions of Mr. Runyan and Skallerud that where there
are other options to reduce the magnitude of the variance or eliminate it, those options
should be pursued. Mr. Patton concluded that he cannot support the request as
Mr. Runyan explained to the proponents, if he senses the position of Board
Members, it is clear they cannot support the request as submitted, and asked the
proponents to seriously consider reducing the deck or the size of the garage.
Mr. Skallerud added the Board can either vote on the proposal as presented,
and if denied there is the appeal process, or this request can be tabled to allow time for
Mr. Runyan explained one concern of the Board as mentioned previously is
precedent setting. He pointed out when other options are available to an applicant that
would meet City Code the Board would ask the proponents to consider those options.
The proponents requested that the Board table their item.
Mr. Patton moved to table B-98-30. Mr. Skallerud seconded the motion. All
voted aye; motion carried.
B-98-31 Mike and Patti Marinovich/Kevin Retterath
5516 Merritt Circle
Lot 5, Block 3, Victorsen's Addition to
Edina Highlands
Request: A 2 foot 2 inch frontyard setback variance
Ms. Aaker told Members of the board the subject property is located on the west
side of Merritt Circle consisting of a multi level home with an attached three car garage.
The home owners have planned an extensive remodel of the home to include a number
of additions. The proposal includes a new second story and additions to both the front
and back of the home. All portions of the project conform to the setback requirements
with the exception of the frontyard setback at the north corner of the garage.
Ms. Aaker pointed out the Ordinance requires that any additions to the front of a
home maintain the average frontyard setback that occurs along that side of the block
between intersections, or front additions must be no closer to the front lot line than the
homes on either side. The site plan illustrates the setbacks of the homes on either
side. The home to the north provides a setback of 25 feet and the home to the south
provides a setback of 35 feet. The front lot line curves, with the subject lot located on
the inside bend as the street curves. The house is not parallel to the front lot line so it
does not curve as the front lot line does. The front north corner of the garage, that
requires a variance, is located 32 feet to the front lot line which is farther than the
closest corner of the house (which is 28 feet). The proposed setback will also be
farther back than the north neighbor which.is 25 feet.
Ms. Aaker concluded the variance if approved will not be as close to the front lot
line as the closest home on the street or even as close as the front wall of the subject
home. Staff supports the request as submitted.
Mr. Marinovich was present to respond to questions.
Mr. Runyan said it appears this is strictly a visual issue. Mr. Ingwalson stated he
agrees with the observation of Mr. Runyan.
Mr. Patton asked Mr. Marinovich who will do the architectural work. Mr.
Marinovich stated he retained Kelvin Rederath. Continuing, Mr. Marinovich explained it
is very important to him and his family to maintain the unusual character of the house,
and Mr. Rederath was able to accomplish their request.
Board Members agreed any impact as a result of the addition would be minimal
because of the location of the house. Members also indicated the proposed design
blends well with the existing house.
Mr. Ingwalson moved variance approval subject to the plans presented. Mr.
Skallerud seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.