HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 12-20 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes RegularMINUTE SUMMARY Zoning Board of Appeals Thursday, December 20, 2007, 5:30 PM Edina City Hall Communitx Room 4801 West 50 Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Floyd Grabiel, Julie Risser and Jim STAFF PRESENT: Kris Aaker and Jackie Hoogenakker The minutes of the August 16, 20 etinubmitted. II. OLD BUSINESS: B -07-47M 311 France Avenue, Edina, MN Request g __ ,:. ' ` 1 riance Ms. Aaker to this project received final development plan approval to tear do old 40,000 square foot AMC movie theatre, and build the following: • A 31,000 square foot single level retail building along France Avenue. • A 22,000 square foot retail building with a five -level parking ramp above. Attached to the south would be a 32,960 square foot two-level retail/restaurant Ms. Aaker asked the Board to note that the development has been designed to face Centennial Lakes Park, encouraging pedestrian movement to and from the site by providing a large sidewalk along France avenue, and providing connections to the Centennial Lakes Park. Continuing, Ms. Aaker pointed out Section 460.05 Subd. 7.1 states that wall signs not be allowed to face a public park or residential uses. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a variance to allow signage above the store fronts that face the park. All ot,er signage within the development would meet the sign ordinance. Ms. Aaker concluded staff recommends appyI o ted variance to allow signage to face a public park at 7311 Frail Avera s Equities based on the following findings: The proposal would meet the required standa 1. The proposed use of the property is reas� , bl -e fronts face Centennial Lakes Park. The approved Ian encouV OWId level retail and service uses that create an ac,, estrian en + including access to Centennial Lakes Par. Auld be bht upon the applicant and future tenants, if na wed at the store fronts. 2. The intent of the ordinance is vett ignage�` backs of buildings that face Centennial Lake, , 3. Approval of this varian Auld not s t for future requests, as the only other retail e' went in t strict does not have storefronts that fa nnial Lake sR 3: Approval is 1. n� ect to ]nage sty as there ar facing the pa owever signs rr -open for busir Mr. Brett conditions: I '"t001'3% ; store front. �d on %. 4'alls of Buildings B and C that face entrances at that elevation. not be illuminated between 10:00 pm and 7:00 illuminated at any time the use identified by the ust be front lit, as in the example submitted present representing Cypress Equities. Member Risser suggested that the proposed signs somehow be angled so people walking the park paths won't see them. Ms. Aaker explained the design concept of this proposal is to orient the stores to the park inviting park goers the opportunity to shop, browse and eat at the restaurants. Ms. Aaker said this is a mixed-use area that integrates the park. 2 Member Nelson reminded the Board that at the November 15th meeting Board Members had two suggestions for the applicant, one, reduce the size of the signs and two, illuminate the signs from the front, not the back, thereby eliminating spillage onto the park. Member Nelson said it appears to him both those issues have been addressed. Chair Grabiel asked if the signs (when illuminat)would be on a timer. Ms. Aaker responded the signs would not be illuminat � 10 PM and 7 AM. Signage on the restaurants would be illumin@ted Mr. Witzig addressed the Board and e d hto the sign package addressed the questions a � er meeting of the Board. Mr. Witzig added they directions given them. y Member Risser asked Mr. Witzig if the other signs. Mr. Witzig responded each retail the direction of the previous Board that si change in illumination. Continuing, Mr. store has a sign on their storefront th rl asked if the signs could be angled.itzil projecting signs are allowed in the Cts y nia wasn't looked at. mss'' Chair Grabiel asked/l' ig if the Witzig responded there w�, onument and Gallagher Drive. y project has any mponen splw ign, adding at s been cluding a very im t that each ithern Member Risser IN go not sure if des c k 4 ffan, adding that monument signs. Mr. corner of France Avenue Chair G their pleasure. Mr. Bohan for his comments and asked the Board Member Nelson moved variance approval based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions. Chair Grabiel seconded the motion to facilitate the discussion. 3 M A 00 Co e, told the Board he has no problem with th Jii the jsi ver, he doesn't like the idea of havi at in tificati ns. Continuing, Mr. Bohan added he dogs r" ve a problem"" south facing signs on the proposed restaurants, ignage on the stogy that directly impact him are a problem. Mr. owledged he w re that the proposed retail stores would need sign s t the time of V" al the specifics were not addressed. Mr. Bohan said h .. 'th the s n from Ms. Risser that the signs could somehow so dn't see them. Chair G their pleasure. Mr. Bohan for his comments and asked the Board Member Nelson moved variance approval based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions. Chair Grabiel seconded the motion to facilitate the discussion. 3 Member Risser stated this really concerns her, adding she doesn't like the idea of "advertising" visible to people enjoying the park. Member Risser said parks are places people go to "get away from it all" and to have retail signs visible to park patrons is not something she wants to see. Member Nelson asked Ms. Aaker if an angled or 90° sign is permitted, adding atone time he considered a projecting sign on a building in Edina and was informed projecting signs weren't allowed in that i, t. Aaker responded she isn't sure if projecting signs are allwe r. Witzig is correct that signage in the area should be simil dinTT Asn t believe there are any projecting signs in Centennial L 91Contl ember Nelson noted this project was approved, and even if t� ac r j rt ofthe approval process it is reasonable to assume t ComMR>' Council would have realized signs would face s. Aaker r a that is a correct assumption. Both the Commis �. ricil were aw we of the potential for signs to face park property, ad [�t`enant identification signs weren't part of the development packa a because after. of development approval the tenant mix wase Member Risser said in her opi �vinfp, efront with an angled sign seems better; however, what th " Mrd is r� waning is what's in front of us. Member Risser stated if iggn Okage oved the Board could be setting a precedent th ' ou mp Cher Crks. Concluding, Member Risser said to her thi is a ge did reit ed viewing signage would take away the "natural '� ng of the k�r Ms. Aaker said thi is really very unique in Edina, adding the park was created as, ntegral p � entennial Lakes mixed-use development, and the butt k wasta park space that "blended" with the commetj ential fair Grabiel asked Ms. Acker if she is award bher sites . y bthe similar fa ntennial Lakes that could be im q�Ey Boards Ms. Aaker said Grandview Square is also a + se development ( _ with a small park element, adding she isn't e:e.sian mix in that iel told t rd in his opinion Centennial Lakes park functions .'th t e, retail and residential elements around it. Chair Grabiel note l le now from the park, adding the office buildings have signage ar def occupants that enjoy a view of the park during daylight and eve in R rs. During evening hours the office buildings are lit "opening them up for view" from park patrons. Continuing, Chair Grabiel reiterated Centennial Lakes park is part of a mixed-use development and it is unreasonable to expect that storefronts that face the park to "mix" with park patrons couldn't have a sign.. Chair Grabiel said in his opinion the proponent has addressed concerns expressed by the previous Board, signage was reduced, the 4 signs would be front lit and the signs would only be lit during specific hours. Concluding, Chair Grabiel stated he can support the revised sign plan. Chair Grabiel called for the vote. Ayes; Nelson, Grabiel. Nay, Risser. Motion carried. Chair Grabiel advised the proponent and public of the appeal process. III. NEW BUSINESS: B-07-51 Chad Hardie/Crc 4315 Eton Place Request: Front yard/side street Ms. Aaker informed the Board the su a 1 1/2 story home fronting Eton Place from West 44t" St. The applicant is pr detached garage and replace it with garage. The new home would also frOR to load from West 44t" St. r is a ct';Aft'onsisting of I two car ge loading ffe existing home and tached two car t,` araae to continue Ms. Aaker concludedst mmends the requested front yard/side street setback v abased on th ing findings: • TWeJu unique M ... � the property caused by: rner Id S. Thee a is n0 orming regarding setback the new home willt�icantly impact the existing nonconforming The lot arrang and required setbacks limit design options. nce woOdObet the intent of the ordinance since: d ff: + ent has been modified as much as possible to be sim �`pical corner lot. e. The i ements should have no impact on sight lines. f. The addition would be a reasonable use given the hardship imposed by the required setbacks. Ms. Aaker stated approval is also based on the following conditions: 1) The addition must be constructed as per the submitted plan dated 5 slightly different plan. • The variances would be providing adequate spacing between structures and distance from the creek. • The variances would provide the ability to improve the home within reasonable parameters • The additions and alterations would be similar to surrounding improvements in the neighborhood and allows an, existing nonconforming structure to be upgraded to modern standard ex di mes today. The proponents, Mr. and Mrs. questions from the Board. to W ohkohl to ` rd the hearse was constructed in 1957, adding the -W ho' t been upda that time. Mr. Rohkohl said the goal of his Jo add additional IN space that meet our needs, while being sensitive borhood. Mr Rc I said in his opinion the plans presented better suitf mer of the nei ood. Me s �° is impressed with their sensitivity to the neighbors, and :" character, noting there are a number of letters in support of the re Member Nelson said in his opinion the proposed renovations are an improvement, and more in character with the neighborhood than the previous plan, adding he is very familiar with this block. N. Member Nelson moved to recommend variance approval based on staff findings and subject, to staff conditions. Member Risser seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried. IV. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm. 10