HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 03-06 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes RegularMINUTE SUMMARY
Zoning Board Meeting March 6, 2008
5:30 PM, Edina City Hall Council Chambers
4801 West 50th Street
Chair Michael Schroeder, Mary Vasaly, Nancy Scherer and Bernadette
Kris Aaker and Jackie Hoogenakker
The minutes of the January 3, 2008, meeting were filed as submitted.
B-08-5 Doug Johnson
4612 Concord Terrace
Request: 1.3' side yard setback variance
Ms. Aaker told the Board the subject property is a one story home with an
attached one car garage located on the north side of Concord Terrace. The
property owner is hoping to remove the existing one car garage with a family
room behind and replace it with a two car garage, mudroom, an expanded
kitchen and living room. The proposal also proposes a second floor centered
above the first floor. All improvements conform to Zoning Ordinance
requirements with the exception of the garage side wall setback. Ms. Aaker
asked the Board to note the sidewall of the garage is not parallel to the side lot
line so the back corner is closer to the side lot line than the front corner.
Ms. Aaker concluded staff recommends approval of the variance as
proposed pointing out the requested variance is minor and would allow
improvements to the garage bringing it into conformance with Code.
The proponent, Mr. Doug Johnson was present to respond to questions
from the Board.
Member Scherer asked Ms. Aaker if a 20.6 foot wide garage is considered
a standard size two stall garage. Ms. Aaker responded the City doesn't have a
"standard size" for a two stall garage; however, 20 feet in width is usually the
smallest two stall garage seen by the City.
Member Scherer questioned if notices were mailed. Ms. Aaker responded
City Code requires that property owners within 200 feet receive mailed notice of
a variance hearing. That requirement has been in place for years and was
Member Vasaly suggested that the applicant look at other options to
achieve a two stall garage; tandem is one solution or reducing the size of the
proposed garage to 20 feet instead of the proposed 20.6 feet would be another.
Ms. Erickson, 4613 Concord Terrace told the board she is against
"McMansions" and doesn't want to see any constructed on her block, adding the
construction of more expensive houses on her block will only increase taxes.
Ms. Aaker reminded the Board the proposed variance is only to increase the
garage width; the other proposed alterations to the home meet Code.
A discussion ensued with Board Members discussing if the neighbor to the
west should be verbally contacted. Ms. Aaker reiterated notice was mailed to all
property owners within 200 feet as per Code requirement, adding staff
encourages applicants to "reach out" to immediate neighbors; however, that is
not a Code requirement.
Discussion continued with Board Members acknowledging the variance in
reality is only inches; however, an informal poll of the Board would indicate
support for denial. Board Members suggested that the proponent take another
look at the plans and redesign to reduce the size of the garage to meet Code.
Member Scherer asked Ms. Aaker if this request is denied can the
applicant appeal the Board's decision. Ms. Aaker said the applicant can appeal
the Boards decision to City Council; however, if the variance would be denied at
the Council level the applicant could not return to the Board for one year. Ms.
Aaker suggested that the applicant may want this tabled, allowing time for further
thought and/or redesign.
Mr. Johnson addressed the Board and informed them he is amenable to
reducing the size of the garage. Mr. Johnson stated his intent with this design
was to create a good project, with minimal impact to the neighborhood that meets
not only the needs of the future property owner but meets Code. Mr. Johnson
said on this lot it is very difficult to achieve a two stall garage, pointing out the
garage doesn't sit parallel on the lot and having that extra six inches of garage
space was great. Concluding, Mr. Johnson said if the Board feels strongly about
those six inches he has no problem reducing the size of the garage.
Member Scherer suggested that Mr. Johnson also speak with the
neighbor to the west. Member Scherer further asked Mr. Johnson if he would
like the variance request tabled to another meeting. Mr. Johnson responded he
would like to withdraw his request for a 1.3 foot side yard setback variance and
have the Board table his request to another meeting of the Board.
A discussion ensued with Board Members in agreement that tabling is the
best option at this time.
Member Scherer moved to table B-08-4 to the regularly scheduled
meeting of the Zoning Board - April 10, 2008. Member Vasaly seconded the
motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
B-08-6 Derrick and Liska Johnson
6300 Ashcroft Lane
Request: 7.3 ft variance
Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is a corner lot
consisting of a one story rambler with an attached two car garage. The applicant
has received a building permit for additions to the front and back of their rambler.
The plans include a new master bathroom and new entry overhang to the front of
the home with a new kitchen, mudroom and powder room behind the home and
adjacent to the attached garage. The owners are proposing a third garage stall to
be located west of the existing attached garage. All of the aspects of the plan
conform to the ordinance requirements with the exception of the third garage
stall. The proposed garage would overlap the required 25 ft rear yard setback,
(to the west), by 7.3 ft. The side wall of the proposed garage would be located
17.7 ft from the rear lot line. Upon discovering they needed a variance, the
homeowners redesigned their plan so that they could accomplish a detached,
single stall garage, in the same approximate location as the attached solution.
The detached garage was proposed to be located 11.7 ft from the rear lot line.
The detached garage would be 6 ft closer to the rear, (westerly), lot line than the
attached solution.
Ms. Aaker explained the applicant is requesting a variance that would
place the attached sidewall of the garage farther from the rear lot line than the
conforming detached solution. The attached garage expansion is preferred by
the adjacent and most impacted neighbor to the west. The existing floor plan of
the rambler dictates where expansions may occur. The garage loads from the
side street with the only opportunity to expand in width towards the west. The
homeowners have stated that they would like to maintain the rambler nature of
the home and blend with the establish character of the neighborhood.
Ms. Aaker concluded staff recommends approval of the 7.3 foot variance
based on the following findings:
• The location of the existing garage relative to the rear lot line
allows for a conforming solution that would be closer to the rear
lot line and provide less spacing to the lot line than the solution
requiring a variance.
• The conforming detached garage is more imposing and
negatively impacts surrounding property.
• The lot arrangement and original home and garage placement
limit design options.
• The encroachment will be less impacting than a conforming
• The improvements would follow the existing wall lines and
architecture of the home and should have no impact on sight
• The addition would be a reasonable use given the hardship
imposed by the required setbacks.
Approval is also based on the following conditions:
1) The addition must be constructed as per the submitted plan dated
February 20, 2008.
2) The variance will expire on March 6, 2009, unless the city has
Issued a building permit for the project covered by this variance or
or approved a time extension.
The proponents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were present to respond to
questions from the Board.
Mr. Johnson addressed the Board and explained adjoining neighbors
support the variance request and prefer the proposal over a conforming location.
Mr. Johnson asked the Board for their support.
Member Vasaly moved variance approval based on staff findings and
subject to staff conditions noting the proposal as submitted satisfies the
concerns of the neighbors. Member Scherer seconded the motion. All
voted aye; motion carried.
Member Scherer suggested that the proponents also minimize the impact
of the driveway.
B-08-7 Jill and Todd Wilke
5504 Park Place
Request: 2.9 foot side yard setback variance
Ms. Aaker informed the Board the subject property is a rambler with an
attached one car, tuck -under garage. The applicants are proposing to remove the
existing tuck -under garage with living space above on the main level and replace
it with a new driveway to access a side loading, attached garage behind the
home. The current driveway will be in -filled with a new driveway installed at front
yard grade level. In addition to the garage, a one story sun room is proposed for
the first floor. The homeowners are also planning to add a full second floor above
all portions of the main floor with the exception of the area above the sun room.
All aspects of the plan conform to the Zoning ordinance requirements with the
exception of the north side yard setback in regards to proximity and height. The
minimum side yard setback required for the lot is 5 ft. The side wall of the home
is nonconforming and is located 4.6 ft from the north lot line. The Zoning
Ordinance also requires an additional 6 inches of side yard setback for each 12
inches the side wall height exceeds 15 ft. The side wall height is measured from
average grade to the edge of the roof shingles and will be approximately 20 ft,
requiring a minimum side yard setback of 7.5 ft.
Ms. Aaker pointed out a survey of the property reveals that the home is
nonconforming regarding the minimum side yard setback requirement on the
north side. The homeowners would like to maintain the same nonconforming
north side yard setback for the second floor addition. The homeowners are
limited in their design options given that a two car garage is required per the
Zoning Ordinance and given that there isn't enough room beside the home to
provide an attached two car garage to the south/in-line with the rest of the home.
The owners have stated that the second floor will add badly needed living space,
(all of their bedrooms), while preserving more yard area and impacting drainage
patterns less than a larger one story addition would. It should be noted that the
spacing between the second story addition and the living space of the home next
door, (to the north), will remain at 23.5 ft. The home to the north sits up at a
higher elevation and is quite a distance away as compared with spacing between
most of the homes on the block. Impact on the most affected neighbor would be
Ms. Aaker concludes staff recommends approval of the requested 2.9 ft
side yard setback variance for proximity and height based on the following
• The existence of the nonconforming northerly side wall and an
impractical nonconforming garage.
• The addition will allow for improvement of existing conditions on
• Adequate spacing would be maintained between properties. The
setbacks are meant to insure comfortable distances betweens
structures. The variance would sustain proper setback.
• The variance would maintain the residential character of the
property and the neighborhood.
Ms. Aaker stated approval is also based on the following conditions:
1) The addition shall be constructed as per the submitted plan dated
January 3, 2008.
2) Satisfaction of all 6 conditions as recommended by the City Engineer
in his February 29, 2008 memorandum as attached for reference.
3) This variance will expire on March 6, 2009, unless the city has issued a
building permit for the project covered by this variance or approved a
time extension.
The proponents Mr. and Mrs. Wilke were present.
Chair Schroeder asked Ms. Aaker if Code requires a setback for
driveways. Ms. Aaker responded driveways can be "build" right up to the
property line; there is no setback.
Mr. Wilke told the Board he has worked closely with staff and the City
Engineer to ensure neighbors are not negatively impacted. Mr. Wilke pointed
out his lot is very limited due to the non-conforminity of the house and drainage
Ms. Peterson, 5512 Park Place, told the Board this area has a huge
drainage problem and asked the Board to ensure that the proposed addition
doesn't negatively impact area drainage.
Ms. Elizabeth Johnson McGerry, also asked the Board to ensure that
great attention is paid to drainage.
Member Vasaly stated in her opinion the proponents have designed a
creative solution, adding she shares the concern of neighbors with regard to
drainage; however, trusts that the City's Engineers will pay close attention to this
issue. Member Scherer concurred.
Chair Schroeder said another point that's important with regard to
drainage is downspout direction. Chair Schroder told the proponents to make
sure their downspouts are directed to drain properly, toward Park Place.
Member Vasaly moved variance approval based on staff findings and
subject to staff conditions to include review by the City's Engineering
Department. Member Scherer seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion
The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 PM