HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 09-04 Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes RegularMINUTE SUMMARY
Edina Zoning Board of Appeals
Thursday, September 4, 2008, 5:30 PM
Edina City Hall Council Chambers
4801 West 50th Street
Chair Michael Schroeder, Nancy Scherer, Mary Vasaly, Bernadette Hornig
and Scott Davidson
Joyce Repya, Kris Aaker and Jackie Hoogenakker
B-08-46 Southdale Medical Center
Grubbs & Ellis
6525 & 6545 France Avenue South, Edina
Request: Multiple Sign Variances
Staff Presentation:
Planner Repya informed the Board the subject property, Southdale Medical
Center, consists of two office buildings (6525 & 6545) located east of France
Avenue, west of Drew Avenue, north of W. 66th Street and south of W. 65th
Street. The property is zoned RMD, Regional Medical District.
Planner Repya explained in the Regional Medical and Planned Office District,
Edina's Sign Ordinance No. 460.05, Subd. 5 provides for one building
identification sign per street frontage not to exceed 50 square feet in area for
office buildings up to 4 stories in height (36 square feet for additional street
frontages). For buildings 5 stories in height or greater, an 80 square foot sign is
allowed (40 square feet for additional street frontages.) The sign may be either
wall mounted or freestanding. Additionally, only in the Regional Medical District,
one wall sign is allowed for each accessory retail use. Each permitted retail sign
must be attached to the ground floor level and not exceed 15 percent of the
ground floor wall area of the accessory retail use.
Continuing, Planner Repya told the Board the proposed variance request
involves allowing seventeen additional signs for non -retail uses — Fifteen signs
on the first floor of 6545 France Avenue and two signs on 6525 (one on the first
floor, and one on the second floor.) Variances from the Sign Ordinance have
been previously approved for both the 6525 and 6545 buildings.
Planner Repya concluded staff recommends denial of the variance to allow
additional signs for non -retail uses based on the following findings:
1) There is not a unique hardship to the property.
2) Granting variances to allow multiple tenant identification on a medical
building would set a precedent for similar requests.
3) Variances to allow additional signage to assist patients in way finding
have been granted for this site.
The variance does not meet the intent of the ordinance based on the following:
a. The intent of the ordinance is to prevent sign clutter on buildings in
the Regional Medical and Planned Office District.
b. The requested variance would allow seventeen non -retail tenant
signs on the buildings, when one per street frontage is allowed.
Appearing for the Applicant:
Mr. Bruce Carlson, Grubbs & Ellis was present representing the ownership.
Representatives were also present for the four medical clinics seeking sign
identification variances.
Board Member Comments and Concerns:
Member Scherer asked Planner Repya to clarify the number of variances
Southdale Medical Center has received in the past and the number requested
this evening. Member Repya responded in the past Southdale Medical Center
received variance approval for seven signs. This evening they are requesting 17
additional sign variances. If Southdale Medical Center receives approval this
evening the total number of approved sign variances would be 24.
Member Vasaly asked Ms. Repya the difference in Code requirements between
retail and non -retail. Planner Repya responded provisions in the Code recognize
that retail uses such as a pharmacy, gift and/or coffee shops, are common
components found in a medical setting that would merit additional signage.
Member Vasaly questioned that provision and asked Planner Repya if she knows
the history behind the Code allowing retail signage in a medical zoning district.
Planner Repya said the Code was written before she came to work for the City,
adding she doesn't know the history.
Annlicant Presentation:
Mr. Bruce Carlson addressed the Board and stated he is present this evening
along with a number of representatives for key medical clinics to answer any
questions the Board may have. Continuing, with graphics Mr. Carlson addressed
each sign and its location explaining to Board Members that since 1991
Southdale Medical Center has added over 100,000 square feet of space which
requires additional signage to navigate the site and aid in finding the correct
entrance. Mr. Carlson said in a sense the proposal presented this evening can
be viewed as a "master signage plan". Mr. Carlson stressed to the Board the
importance of way finding, pointing out Edina's population is aging and meeting
the needs of an aging population is important.
Mr. Carlson distributed materials to the Board and stated the submitted "master
sign plan" addresses the needs of an aging population, it affords uniform exterior
visibility, and allows signage for the larger clinical uses within the medical center.
Mr. Carlson pointed out the increase in the buildings square footage has created
space for new clinical tenants, adding the terms of their lease indicate they would
have exterior signage. Concluding, Mr. Carlson pointed out if the clinical tenants
were retail uses, not medical, signage would be allowed, adding in his opinion
the line is blurring between what is retail and what isn't.
Member Vasaly stated she understands the request; however, doesn't
understand the hardship. Mr. Carlson responded Southdale Medical Center is a
large complex, with multiple entrances, multiple street frontages, multiple
elevators and shouldn't be compared (as staff mentioned in the staff report) to
the Titus Building or other similar buildings, adding it's unique. Mr. Carlson
stated if the Board approves this variance a precedent would not be set.
Member Scherer noted Mr. Carlson's reference to "four" new tenants and asked_
if these tenants have their own entrances. Mr. Carlson responded they do not
have their own entrances.
Member Davidson noted that on the plans presented one of the signs indicates
"Urgent Care", adding he believes it's important to have the Urgent Care sign
visible day and night, for way finding. Mr. Carlson agreed. Continuing, Member
Davidson asked Mr. Carlson if the building attracts many "walk-in" patients,
pointing out usually medical facilities are destination and road based. Mr.
Carlson said this medical center is a "hub", adding many visitors are referrals
from within the building and from near medical facilities like Fairview Southdale
Hospital, etc., concluding in a way they are walk-ins".
Dr. Owen McNeil addressed the Board and explained he represents the new
orthopedic urgent care tenant. Dr. O'Neil reported his practice is moving from
7373 France, to the subject building, adding it is very important that urgent care
has exterior signage. Continuing, Dr. O'Neil stressed how important it is for his
patients to easily find urgent care. He pointed out patients that need urgent care
are in pain and already are stressed, adding making way finding easier eases
their stress which is very important. Dr. O'Neil pointed out to the Board that the
orthopedic urgent care is also open during the evening hours making visible
signage very important. Member Davidson asked Dr. O'Neil how late urgent care
is open. Dr. O'Neil said at this time they believe their clinic will be open to at
least 10 PM, possibly midnight.
Ms. Tammy Thomas told the Board she represents a future building tenant
adding she believes the Board should know how important way finding is. Ms.
Thomas said one of the first things patients ask is "how do I get there" and if they
have difficulties in finding their destination they question signage. Continuing,
Ms. Thomas reiterated the importance of directing people to the right office
noting a majority of patients are the elderly and if they experience difficulty in
finding their doctors' office their stress levels elevate. Ms. Thomas also informed
the Board many of their patients are not from the general area, and many face
language challenges so signage becomes everything. Concluding, Ms. Thomas
asked the Board to support the request, again reiterating how important signage
A representative from Suburban Imaging, a radiology practice told the Board the
imaging clinic is open from 7 AM — 11 PM and this facility is a very important
diagnostic tool not only for Southdale Medical Center, but for the general area.
He told the Board one of the problems with Southdale Medical Center is that
there are so many doors, adding he believes the hardship is visibility. The Board
was further informed that Suburban Imaging can see upwards of 20 patients a
day that do "walk in off the street", reiterating the importance of signs directing
patients to the right building, right door.
Board Member Comments:
Chair Schroeder thanked Mr. Carlson and tenant representatives for their input.
Chair Schroeder asked for clarification on the schematic and if under the
proposed first floor clinic identification signs there is an entrance, adding if there
isn't that could cause confusion. Continuing, Chair Schroeder stated in his
opinion more signs add clutter, not clarification. Chair Schroeder said Southdale
Medical continues to have four entrances, and good street exposure, reiterating
in his opinion, too many signs would cause more confusion.
Member Vasaly made the observation that in her opinion, the Ordinance doesn't
make a lot of sense in differentiating between retail and non -retail in the medial
zoning district; however, as presented she believes there is no hardship and too
many signs would only add to clutter and confusion. Member Vasaly suggested
that the applicant approach the Council for an amendment to the Code as it
relates to retail vs. non -retail signage. Concluding, Member Vasaly said the
arguments presented by the applicants this evening make sense,. but they should
be addressed at the code level, not through the variance process.
A discussion ensued between Board Members with Board Members
acknowledging that the building has increased in size over the past 15 years;
however, certain key elements haven't changed including the number of
entrances and street visibility, coupling that with past approved sign variances
approving 17 additional signs would only add to site confusion and clutter.
Board Action:
Member Vasaly moved denial of B-08-46 based on staff findings. Member
Scherer seconded the motion.
Member Davidson told Board Members he can't support the majority of the
requested sign variances; however, in his opinion it is very important that the
urgent care clinic has proper signage. Member Davidson suggested an
amendment to the motion for denial to include a recommendation of approval for
a variance allowing the urgent care element of the building to have additional
signage. Member Davidson reiterated he cannot support the other sign variances
requested in the sign package, but can support a variance approving a sign for
the urgent care tenant.
Member Vasaly and Member Scherer accepted that amendment.
Mr. Carlson addressed the Board and told them it is very important that all four
clinics have signage, not only the orthopedic urgent care clinic. Mr. Carlson
asked the Board if they would modify their amendment to include all four clinics.
Mr. Carlson said his objective this evening was approval of a "master plan" which
included signage for the four clinic tenants.
Member Vasaly stated the amendment was only for the urgent care element, not
the other three clinics, adding she is comfortable with the amendment to include
the urgent care component, but not the other three clinics.
Chair Schroeder addressed Mr. Carlson and suggested that either the Board acts
on the motion on the table or the master signage plan is withdrawn allowing time
to modify the sign package. Mr. Carlson asked the Board to table their request
allowing them additional time to modify their signage package.
A brief discussion ensued with regard to the date for the public hearing. Mr.
Carlson said he believes October 2nd is best.
Member Vasaly withdrew her motion. Member Scherer seconded the
motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
Member Scherer moved to table B-08-46 to October 2, 2008. Member
Vasaly seconded the motion. All voted aye; motion carried.
B-08-48 Steve Dresler
5130 France Avenue
Request: 3.75 foot side yard setback variance
Planner Presentation:
Planner Aaker informed the Board the subject property is located on the west
side of France Ave. consisting of a rambler with an attached garage. The existing
home has been posted with a "Do not enter/Do not occupy sign by the City of
Edina and orders have been issued for the structure to be demolished. The
property has gone through foreclosure with the new owner hoping to re -build on
the property with a two story single family home with a two car garage on the
site. The new home is to be a LEED certified home. The plan conforms to the
Zoning Ordinance requirements with the exception of the north side yard setback
in regards to proximity and height. The minimum side yard setback required for
the lot is 5.7 feet. The Zoning Ordinance also requires an additional 6 inches of
side yard setback for each 12 inches the side wall height exceeds 15 ft. The side
wall height is measured from average grade to the edge of the shingles, (on
sloped or hip roof). The north wall will be approximately 22.5 feet, requiring a
minimum side yard setback of 9.45 feet. The owner is requesting a variance of
3.75 feet.
Planner Aaker noted as mentioned previously, the existing home is uninhabitable
and cannot be repaired. The property is directly south from a multi -family
condominium building. The "Eight on France" building to the north has their
underground parking garage access along the common lot line and at a much
lower elevation than the subject property. The condo building to the north is far
more massive in height and scale than the proposed adjacent house.
Planner Aaker concluded staff recommends approval of the requested 3.75 ft
side yard setback variance for proximity and height based on the following
1) There is unique hardship to the property caused by:
a. The existence of the large condo building to the north.
b. The addition will allow for improvement of existing conditions on
c. The location along an "A -Minor Arterial" County Road.
d. The narrow lot.
2) The variance would meet the intent of the ordinance since:
a. Adequate spacing would be maintained between properties. The
setbacks are meant to insure comfortable distances betweens
structures. The variance would sustain proper setback.
b. The variance would maintain the residential character of the
property and the neighborhood.
c. The home design allows for appropriate transition in heights
between the condo building to the north and single family home to
the south.
Approval should also be based on the following conditions:
1) The addition shall be constructed as per the submitted plan dated
September 2008.
3) This variance will expire on September 4, 2009, unless the city has
issued a building permit for the project covered by this variance or
approved a time extension.
The proponent, Mr. Dresler was present to respond to questions.
Board Member Comment(s):
Chair Schroeder noted the Board hasn't been supplied with an up-to-date survey;
which usually is a key component in reviewing proposals. Planner Aaker
acknowledged that statement, adding when the building permit is "pulled" a
survey will be provided.
Board Action:
Member Vasaly moved variance approval based on staff findings and
subject to staff conditions. Member Scherer seconded the motion. All
voted aye; motion carried.
B-08-49 Brian and Susan Peterson
4506 Sunnyside Road
Request: A 3.55 foot side yard setback variance
Planner Presentation:
Planner Aaker informed the Board the subject property is two-story home with an
attached two car garage located on the north side of Sunnyside Road. The
homeowner is hoping to add a second floor above a sun room located in the
northeast, (back), corner of the house. All aspects of the plan conform to the
Zoning ordinance requirements with the exception of the east side yard setback
in regards to height. The minimum side yard setback required for the lot is10 feet.
The side wall of the home is located 10.2 feet from the north lot line. The Zoning
Ordinance requires an additional 6 inches of side yard setback for each 12
inches the side wall height exceeds 15 ft. The side wall height is measured from
average grade to the mid -point of a gable roof. Because the roofline needs to be
brought up to the main roof ridge, the height of the addition will be approximately
22.5 feet, requiring a minimum side yard setback of 13.75 feet. The small
addition will add 144 square feet to the second floor allowing enough room for a
Planner Aaker explained the exterior materials will match the existing materials.
The addition will be seamless to the eye and will not appear to be an addition. It
should be noted that the adjacent property to the east has their driveway directly
adjacent to the proposed improvement. Spacing between the subject home and
the home to the east will remain the same.
Planner Aaker concluded staff recommends approval of the requested 3.55 foot
side yard setback variance for proximity and height based on the following
There is unique hardship to the property caused by:
a. The desire to match rooflines to provide a seamless addition to the
b. The addition will allow for improvement of existing conditions on
c. The proposed addition is so small that complying with the
ordinance would render the space unusable for a bathroom
The variance would meet the intent of the ordinance since:
1. Adequate spacing would be maintained between properties. The
setbacks are meant to insure comfortable distances betweens
structures. The variance would sustain proper setback.
2. The variance would maintain the residential character of the
property and the neighborhood.
Approval should also be based on the following conditions:
1) The addition shall be constructed as per the submitted plan dated August
15, 2008.
2) This variance will expire on September 4, 2009, unless the city has issued
a building permit for the project covered by this variance or approved a
time extension.
The proponents, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson were present.
Applicant Comments:
Mr. Peterson told the Board he spoke with his neighbors about the project and all
have indicated their support for the project as proposed.
Board Action:
Member Hornig moved variance approval based on staff findings and
subject to staff conditions. Member Scherer seconded the motion. All
voted aye; motion carried.
B-08-50 Greg Wilkinson/Eugene Anderson
404/406 Jefferson Avenue
Request: Driveway width variance
Planner Presentation:
Planner Aaker told the Board the subject properties are located on the west side
of Jefferson Ave., each having one and one half story homes with no garage on
the lots. The properties share a common driveway up to the front wall of the
homes. The properties have a recorded cross -easement agreement extending 85
feet from the front lot line. The easement is meant to gain access into the rear
yard for both properties to allow the opportunity to construct a two car garage on
each property. The Zoning Ordinance requires a minimum 12 foot wide driveway
and there is nothing preventing property owners from sharing a driveway as long
as proper access and easements are in place. The owners have indicated that
there is 15 feet between the two homes with a side stoop at 404 Jefferson Ave.
reducing the distances between homes to 11.5 feet. The owner cannot remove
the side stoop without running into building code issues relating to step depth.
Both owners intend to extend the common driveway along the side wall of their
homes to access the rear yards for the purposes of constructing a two car
garage. It should be noted that a minimum two car garage per single dwelling
unit is required by ordinance.
Planner Aaker concluded staff recommends approval of the requested driveway
width variance based on the following findings:
There is a unique hardship to the property caused by:
a. The location of the side stoop at 404 Jefferson Ave.
b. The typical driveway within the neighborhood is narrower than the
required 12 feet.
The variance would meet the intent of the ordinance since:
1. The driveway would be nonconforming in only a small area.
2. The improvements would allow both properties to accomplish a two car
3. The proposed driveway width would be a reasonable use given the
hardship imposed by the required driveway width.
Approval is also based on the following conditions:
1) The submission of a survey to include both properties and illustrating
the cross easement agreement and proposed driveway extension.
2) The variance will expire on September 4, 2009, unless the city has
Issued a building permit for the project covered by this variance or
or approved a time extension.
The proponents, Mr. Wilkinson and Mr. Anderson were present.
Board Action:
Member Hornig moved variance approval based on staff findings and
subject to staff conditions. Member Vasaly seconded the motion. All voted
aye; motion carried.
No additional public comment.
September 16, 2008
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM