HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 01-03 Planning Commission Packetst I ORDINANcz. Na. 263 - AN ORDINANC'v Ann DG`ia0 ORDINANCE (d0. 2&1)Nj, A&S TO :REGULATIONS IN EFFECT aN EACH DISTRICT, ABOLISHING THE EIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT AND TUT NS- ITEItR.ING PROPERTIES THEREIN TO OTHER DISTRICTS, AND AMENDIM PRMLSIONS AS TO FIRONTAGE OF BDILDZN GS a,,D FEES FOR. PETITIONS FOR '.REZONING THE VT_LLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section I. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 261 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Vz ilage is hereby mended to read as follotds; "Section 2. "Districts Established "For purposes of the s ordinance, the Village shall be divided into the follG irlg districts, and t' a uses of structures and lands, the height of build- ifag at?d the area of premises for buiidiiiFs are to be uniform in each district: Single Family %veiling District (Section Multiple residence Distmict (suction 4) .jutoDjobile paeting, District (Section 5) (section 6 repealed) Regional Medical District (Section 7) office Dwilding District (Section 8) Coa:me-_--cial District (Section 9) 111duotrial District (Sectior, 10) The boundaries of said dist Lots shall be as further provided herein. No build - i1,a with ;ng shall be erected or premises used for any purpose unless coQpliarce for the the use, height, area and other regulatio-as and restrictions p:'escribed district in v-hich such ts3.s- ""Oj.L g or premises are ?created, Sec. 2. (9) of a+ubpraragraFh (b) (Accessory Uses) of pavzj,raph 2 (Specific Ras^a , F Section 3 (Singlee F,.Iaily Dwelling District) of said ordinance is hereby amenda.-.i to read as fulloWS2 ao(�) Customa 311r1LcdarP cntas Of r0tlt2a for occupancy t more hs;1 1�o Pers %'is; '�s4::1: C;eJe'.vislzg �u by not at; provided, that such occupation ,_.T., �._~... k.. , that no enplo ees other than :_;:c3 110i il? 'J?VzV t, sa a �1 '~a° x: f 8`l: YY?t 'L 3 s till: ac£:°.tp&uts of the @?f2a_..' s r v � r? In 3 ch activities, that no exterior atpactu. 4 a?texat�cs:�n �It; ?c cr np-a the residential character of the ctr,actL , e, that :10 t ' 'r1. on in corm. c' - ora with such use including loading,1.ac� .13?; 4 <;� - ?1:.g ,,� c ��itect b; sn~c use shall be �d�, tctz 1€ tia�.r tae �' �c `•n� e� , t� • . r s�� gz�c !3f F,1:v kind shall be `,fled 4i fiSGjfal:i:'1 �1f3•' , i ' T 3 ' E e?rl'" ci�c3Y O' yaYcOt OT a 4 i. L;-Lartnge, i11 tete of 7 1�.i'>>_? : cz- be changed n the slightest degree by the occurrence o1c .such See. 3. Thera is hercby added to the description of the area included J -n the R 3 P•iult"iple Residence District Let forth in paragraph 3 of Section 4 (IIultiple Residence District) of said ordi.n arce the following: "(22) A tract of land rectangular in shape iri the Horthwast corner of the tract ec land hereinafter described, being 500 Ft. parallel with County Road elc. 18 taid 300 Ft. deep, to -wit: The west 600 Vt. of the East 1000.1 Ft. of that part of the West One -•Half of the Southwest One -Quarter (W 1/2 of SW 1/4) lying South of the North 350 Ft. thereof; and that part of the Nest One -Half of the Southwest One -Quarter (W 1/2 of Sw 1/4) lying Tdest of the East 1000.1 Ft. thereof, excluding roads, in Section 30, Toivmsh p 117; Range 21, Eennepin Ccunty, Minnesota." Sec. 4. Subparagraph (f) (Setbac}ls and Yards) of paragraph 3 (Restrictions) of Section 4 (Ijultiple Residance District) of said ordinance is hereby amended to recd as follows: 'p(g) Setbacks and Yards. Interior District Front Side Yard Side_ Rear R-2 30 feet 15 feet 10*feet 40 feet R-3 35 feet 30 feet 20 feet 40 feet wFdd 6 in.cbes for each foot the average height of the hours exceeds 15 feet. In Districts R-4 anc1_ :-5, fisc mini ur '<'�i C�I.1 ! sett�ac3. fr m any property lillae shall be no less than 35 feet or the. a.vorege height of the building, which- ever is g rea.tea. A building w1flosc length is equal to or e,.ceed3 4 times its rrer 2fe hessht shall ha,;e en ;e age frost Bard setlack of not less than a dis- t oss--€ znce agi2al Lo twice its ruerage height. In the a--5 District, anY structure 5 or 6 otor-ires in height shni' be no closer .o _ray .a" District paQperties, except tgzose aatilized for non-residential Put -Price, thc-M 2 t'&M es ::he average height of the building. For a 7 or 8 story structure, the sez-back s1.1a11 be no less than 3 times the building height and for a structure 9 or }ore storias in height, the setback shall be no less than 4 Lime; the: building height from +rly R--1 District pr:opertieQ, excepi these util;2.4d for non-residential purposes. Sec. 5. Subparagraph (i) of 4 (D•uil ding ne ign and Construction) of Sect -Lon 4 (Multiple ' ear e_tj.c . Di sa,zict) of said ordinance is 1.iereby amended to read as follows: 4i(i) Trash endG��� •;'c� !�s�r. t'M'^,_Fd�?g; �t�r :���E�• F—tte:s"iO"r incineration of garbage and trash is per�i� ��.�i� s to reel h -uses or multiple residence sites of feur units or less, but not. no rad h0us^3 or rtaultiple residence rites of five or more units. There shwa.l bG! no G_te€jour :Storage of trash or garbage except in zu aaccessonj building r..oj?a aetel W enclosed by eyalls and roof." refs:. 6. Section. 6 (� ,z:�t �_ cg =..�_,.__as, D1.,Ar._ct) of said oa�i3_a€�atce is hereby _-crealed and yesair-ded. Sec. 7. The firat p..rn9 v,)'.a of r va,bpn zgrap'ac (d) (Off-Strb: t Parking) of paragraph 3 (Res�rricwioaas P%edical District) of said ordinance is hereby amendee to 7-zad as Zc=?cv s: -3— "(d) Off --Street PaKhi_ct9. A minimum of one off•-street parking space shall be provided on the building lot for each 200 square feet of gross floor area within the building. Parking shall be provided on the building lot or within 200 feet thereof; provided, such parking space is not separated from the building site by a public: street right-of-ways." Set. 8. Paragraph 3 (Restrictions) of Section 7 (Regional Medical District) of said ordinance is hereby eme-nded by gadding thereto a subparagraph reading as fell.oxrs: 11(g) gash and Oar ;MS-, incinerators _ oras tee. !\o exterior incineration of trash or garbage is perrissible. No exterior storave of trash or garbage is p—twissible except ill sm acc�.,ssor, building completely enclosed by galls and roof." Sec. 9. Paragraph 3 (Restricti s) of Secti©n 8 (office Building District) or said ordinance is hereby emended by adding thereto a subparagraph reading y rolloja: "(h) Trash and Stors � � No eater:.or incineration of trash or garbage is permissible. �No exterior stoT ge of tralsta or garbage is permissible except in an accessory building c°mp;ete?y e;lclosed by walls and roof ." Sec. 10. Theme is hereby added to the description of the area included in the C-2 C'cmrnaprcial DiastAct sat forth in paragraph 3 (Boundaries) of Section 9 (Comnerci al District) of GAd Grdinance the fol?."?ng: C-2: "(25) All of ?_ct: 3 and all of Lots 20, 21 and 22 except: the West 60 feet thereoi, hock 2, Oresld LTi :.r ileigEz-s Addition. C-2, 11(26) ?its 7, 3, 9end 10, Block 3., Gi:p-a =jiea tleigin€s �itidition." Sec. 11. Sabparagrar)h B (off -Street Parking). (c) (Number of Spaces R: quired) (3) , of paragraph: � (Requirements for Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulatio. , off- Stree-6 and Loading) of Section 9 (CoTrwiercial District) 0- aa -.d ord-.1 mace is heraID7 cnnZ^_nded to a erd a3 F� offices: 1 �,,� .fig,- tYw�la 200 squa=w fea of fspace.. 8 ' (B;ar.lcl ung Dez'ign a`�nd Construction.) of Section. 9 sec. 12. Paragraph ".� (Coreaercial District) Of G"16 is hereby ended by adding thereto a s abparagrapb reading as e�(c� No extcrior a.a. F4��r�t�o�a c�R: tr�-sh o� garbage is{pe�aissible. No J. ..'i" erage `: trash �C ♦ sur `•�' a'_.. "':.-v .0 l: €.xcept in :ti aeeessorq build- �. There i, int?%`::may s_.C_�tC O rl e: dta`u�+�r";.2tion Of the area included in uE:C. Section the Planned Industrial Di.3 a'�> 2_ tLPii 3 :.V g?l"�.�,�e3:3h A (}a�i3lx�Pe�Y3f'S) Oi 10 (Planked lndustrinl r" s id ordinance the .followk'ag: Lots s' through 19, Blecla 2, Grandview Heights Addition, and the mis- cellan.ec4Ta tract of Ir -rid iYr.wedintely south of said Block 2 anal north of Eden Avenue. SP(y) The test 300 feet of a strip of land 600 feet wide extending from H6en Avenue to the southern line of Section 28, the center line of said strip being the main line track of the Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railway, and that port: -ion of the East 300 feet of said strip described as follows: Beginning c.n the East bine of the Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railway right -of -gray at: its intersection with the South line of Eden Avenue thence Northeasterly 120 feet along the South Zine of Eden Avenue; thence South 2°33° East 748.5 feet; thonce West 193.2 feet to the railroad right--of--ways; thence Northeasterly along the ,last: Nine of the railroad right. -of --way to the point of beginning. The Past. 125 feet of ;he Fest 280 feet of Govt. Lot 8, measured along the N. line thereof and lying N. of Eden Avenue, and 'that part of Govt. Lot 8 lying East of West 280 feet thereof and West of Brookside Avenne and North of Eden Avenue -- all in vection 28, Township 117, Range 21. 8° ( aa) That: Tract of Land situated in Section 28, To:.-nship 3.1711, Range 211.1, described as follows: Co3Emenc g at L11le :c)uthuest corner of Government 14t EJ.;ht; thence North 925 17t. to cen.te line of Ede. A enue; thence Northeasterly along said centerline 246 Et:. to a point 221.8 int. Rest at right angles from West Line of Lot Eight; then South 254.4 pt. pasa.11el with t-test: lire of Lot Eight; t_-nc,n Scrthaerly 795,4 Yt. to a point in the South :Mabe of Loa: E{:ght distant 246.8 Ft. Fr,.st from, beginni g; then ;Nest 245.8 Et:. to beginning, emcept road. "(bb) °Feral part of the I E 1/4 of trte 10 1/4 lying Scmt`_hezly of Country Rand No. .f` 8 and Easterly ly cf -t'ha i..:1i1.ro,:c d t .; r iL�'$1ti" F+:3Ty°, Seetiont 8,(r reship 116, R,_Mge 21. :1(cc) Lots l and 2 � Block .l, AnusAdson ° r�; Terrace. "(dd) That part of the Sou '% esti Quarter of the Soui:heust Qua -:ter of Section 8, TcunGhip 116 North, Range 21 We3t of Principal 'Meridian lying East of t'ourity React Ho. 28 and North of Stage i igbi iy No. 5." See. 14, The first paragraph of Ms :I al Features) (7) a,t,,Tastres) of paragraph 6 etc:.) o.t faction 10 (Planned Industrial fel strict) o- said 'f rdliFP.can*. • 7.9 hf ebyw-i nded to ned a k �1Cwf>< "(7) Wastes. All g�,%13_a waste material, de`)ris, refuse or garbage shall be kept: within a completely m-closad baax?d�.ng and properly contained in a closed c,.)ntainer desigaed for suci-1 pu pc,see. '_'o s_E:terior ,_r:cinerat:icn of trash or &n baga '?.s permissible. All liq— jd e} .sS - `�:� containing ng array oa.gan` c or toxic matter be discra:cged eitj?E?* €3t'>7£°r or treated, 'E:Gd, in cel manner nre,3cribee. by t: ze Village: ?-_ <..:. ,� , a=etre:._. 1he-"-ate of liqu:*Ld waste discharge li.2o t ml Village f.a.a : ...eau `30, �allonG per site ,yt * P r �a(3-ur between tizC' bours Sec. 15. paragraph .5 ?t '7-u .d sags on Streets) of Sectic a 15 ,A&ministration) of said c:.ei:++,az^':c,:w ;craby mended to read c.3 follows: —5— "5. Frontage of Buildings on Streets. Every building on a lot which abuts on two or more streets or alleyo shall front on such street as was provided by the original plat, and it shall be presumed, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that as building shall front on that street on which the lot on which it stands has the least ncmaber of front feet. However, in the Single Family Duelling District, a building on a corner lot may front on the side street if the irimadiately adjacent lot on the side street also fronts on the side street. Sec. 16. The first paragraph of subparagraph (d) (Petition by Owner; Fees; Appeals) of paragraph 7 (Board of Appeals and Adjustments, etc.) of Section 15 (Administration) of said ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: "(d) Petition by Owner; Fees; ARpeals. The oran.er or ow ers of land may file as petition for transfer of laird to another district:, for an amendment of the regulations applicable in any district, or for a variance with the Planning Depart- ment, and shall pay a fee according to the following schedule: Tvpe of Request Variance Change of Regulations T---=-sfer of Land to Apother District Area Involved any area any area under 20,000 sq. ft. over 20,000 sq. ft. but under 50,000 sq. ft. each 50,000 square ft. or portion thereof over :0,000 square feet Fee $10.00 no charge 25.00 50.00 25.00 but not to exceed a total fee of $200.00 The fee shn1l be paid at,: the tine of Filing the petition and shall not be refund - el lL.:I Sec. 17. Subparagraph (c) (2) (d) (Off -Street marking) 2) of paragraph 6 (Restrictions, Controls and Design Stan -dards) of Section 10 (Planned Industrial District) of said ordinance is hereby amended to read as follo-rs: "(2) offices: One off-street parking space for each 203 square feet of Bross £Icor area within the building." ding." See. 18. Subparagr_-ph (a) (Setbacks and Yards) of paragraph 4 (Requirements) 116 S:aetion 3 (Single Va-mi.ly D-istrict) of said ordinance is hereby amended by adding thercto a sub -par reading tis :10110-as'- "(4) 10110ws: "(4) Roof P o_ ectic"_ ':- : ni0r, '�`►._cquired _S:i.de Yards. A housa roof may not be ecsnatx:9ctF c� with�.n �irxe!aC.r a �;I de pr coot. line." See.. 19, This Gru'Ln�i_­_shrll be 1"KI fu3,1 `'once and effect immediately upon its passage and publication-.. Edina Planning Comes ssjo�j Edina Village iai.'? Election of Ckairman and Chairman Pro Tem. Wednesday, January 3, 1968 7:30 Pai°S. K- R£ s1.giLaY::i.ong of H. inc.".. .0 eegle and T. Lea !Q.& 11T. Approval cf D�--:ce!4�bfor 6, 1967 Commissivn Minster. U. ZoNli4NG i8 t 1 haa a Corp. j s{x .—d rnd , t 1 � L ax � : '1 ; d t a w g e3di S� i`.�.'. i6. s3�Xi��Lot 11 -lock T 30 SUBDIVISIONS C3P._.0-1 Dreier w rar Asep-iOL*'.. 1. LOT I%-" . Lot 1, f Black 2, Qundsoo Terrace 2. lot 2 Block I� 3 F.0 E31MA STANY KPORIC1, nnuLry ?, 1968 ?1-67-21Edina ineKy'" -.qnYq Carve Petition fai XOPA9 charge from Plaune& Ind Di3trict (PID) to Camnercial Q-4) an M south one (1) acre A Lot 11, Block 3, Edina interchange Center. Refer to: Autuohod M3p B01h LOS ROad !"YeXCKNWIL, ILL site in queoLlay is ba"Ked an rho weet by the Minneapolis, Northfie!J ,ind Scumarn RAAW aad on the sa"tb Oy West YOth Street and Bloomington. Businegs jacentivan is Noun �o Ae north on Lots 7, 8 and 9 of Block 3 and is separated Mal1r. the south w,Dc ange of Lct 11 by Lot 10 ead the renniadcy cf Lot 11 which are, as ye% 1,t I of Block 8 across E6jna In6ustrial n1vd. is vauann, however, Lot 2 is occuplcd hy thn TiOnd EnTiders srructur- Q! Ediva ADA surrounding ohs A= e loneu 7XV Lands in MaKagTon went of U�nq Lazo 2011 ore zoned M, Avtrlo_. lands aaw O -Z T',ash Lake Road in Koonlnghcu axe acned u-1 singic Omily zeNdsiVal. Enough in +., e•-. Noun Noet oses poomittad in Lhe OF District aad future Plaus areas imandintaly adjacent LO Edina in the ViAnity OA Ac site nov UKOU TOPOQUpbNally, VC Ate has some luhnrac proh2ans. it is presMAY lower in alevatian than tha existing acrew grades eVen LhoUgh Some of Lhe lowout extremities of lays 10 kid 1�1 havo. 1),,ien previously bookfilled. The two lots geneunily slope from east to wcst tow."rd tl-i4-;: 11'AN' & E railroad tracks. A rather large portion of Lot 11 and part of LOt 10 is =nzent& underlain by a psev subsurface material ox marsh, accowding to topographic maps of tA Y.. in Sts natural staLe. it is not knawn Aw deep VA's UrISU�";):ke maiter�'F'l naiglii.-' be or how much it might influence the developmeat of the site, The reasons given foK Tequesting the re"naing for a guscline statun &re ac follows: () The PeKticaer EMS such a facillay is needed Va oervo the industrAl MRA"I in the %Hver and the ToMenVal vrc-us t,,> 1:111-- 17107:-t",i7-,,T;.� aid Q) Too petitioner fools that the site can OHY bn asod for a gascliae ntation on, tn a6rurso sail annAtioni. in 0000non. 00 PYOPSION annforms to anun Rspeus of or P"V! 1MA ny� pallnes to chy� it PICHenn and The Edina Interchange Corporation is raqucsting a zoning change which would perait the at a gasolinn statioa on the narthwout corner A Edina Ta.ustrial Blvd, anj Walt y6th SZXeet approximately 114 uAlc north of tha U 494 -- B01h LOS ROad !"YeXCKNWIL, ILL site in queoLlay is ba"Ked an rho weet by the Minneapolis, Northfie!J ,ind Scumarn RAAW aad on the sa"tb Oy West YOth Street and Bloomington. Businegs jacentivan is Noun �o Ae north on Lots 7, 8 and 9 of Block 3 and is separated Mal1r. the south w,Dc ange of Lct 11 by Lot 10 ead the renniadcy cf Lot 11 which are, as ye% 1,t I of Block 8 across E6jna In6ustrial n1vd. is vauann, however, Lot 2 is occuplcd hy thn TiOnd EnTiders srructur- Q! Ediva ADA surrounding ohs A= e loneu 7XV Lands in MaKagTon went of U�nq Lazo 2011 ore zoned M, Avtrlo_. lands aaw O -Z T',ash Lake Road in Koonlnghcu axe acned u-1 singic Omily zeNdsiVal. Enough in +., e•-. Noun Noet oses poomittad in Lhe OF District aad future Plaus areas imandintaly adjacent LO Edina in the ViAnity OA Ac site nov UKOU TOPOQUpbNally, VC Ate has some luhnrac proh2ans. it is presMAY lower in alevatian than tha existing acrew grades eVen LhoUgh Some of Lhe lowout extremities of lays 10 kid 1�1 havo. 1),,ien previously bookfilled. The two lots geneunily slope from east to wcst tow."rd tl-i4-;: 11'AN' & E railroad tracks. A rather large portion of Lot 11 and part of LOt 10 is =nzent& underlain by a psev subsurface material ox marsh, accowding to topographic maps of tA Y.. in Sts natural staLe. it is not knawn Aw deep VA's UrISU�";):ke maiter�'F'l naiglii.-' be or how much it might influence the developmeat of the site, The reasons given foK Tequesting the re"naing for a guscline statun &re ac follows: () The PeKticaer EMS such a facillay is needed Va oervo the industrAl MRA"I in the %Hver and the ToMenVal vrc-us t,,> 1:111-- 17107:-t",i7-,,T;.� aid Q) Too petitioner fools that the site can OHY bn asod for a gascliae ntation on, tn a6rurso sail annAtioni. in 0000non. 00 PYOPSION annforms to anun Rspeus of or P"V! 1MA ny� pallnes to chy� it PICHenn and out at the G-4 a on �.11 siGes Xiis"Mph ,a) f3,, Of no-a-ze--n Iden, t: -* �11. 3 ts Z� to requ-aSt yi:iZ- A. --c. isalcl ;.t Feb rUr%ly SidJ1t-imz to stu,"r n &C �L meeting. 'Ed -Mals WIL'iLl heNfl Cli an --:I'.+.e ilload will z;lay t:'. c -Jvzral the, thal- ncZ V, -n A", the T+ s, t�,, W n1liElli 14 3 414 I PETTY1.0il; 1.,011 ZONE' (Alt -t -CM :z - 4, 7- 0.) November 21., 1967 Applicant Edina Interchange Corporation 941-2600 Address _5100_Edina Industrial Boulevard _J_Ed a M:kn Status of Applicant: ElOwner El 31-.yer Other Location: Lot South _._qpqjj.) qr6.Jcck of Lot Jd Addition Edina Interchange Center Street ki4ilrc-.:o> Planned Industrial Presently zoned: Mange to: --C-4 Reason for request: To use the land for a service station site. z. 3. Application received by: date Fee: 150 How paid: Date it -.2 7-4 7 Planning Commission Action Date: Village Council Action: Date: ,Comments: % . _+';,A _. .' s .� ... ,. 1 _, ._ �. t ,. �.. _ . .. .. � '._.,. pill, vnj cLange n� PTO CPU f 0 the Ynnl� 4 Hismay AS to nw �.' 0 01raclel �� �nrjs in VANz � A, :07 axns"M 001 n�v mus cm "nuo m zc a rp 1001 CIO, nL ­i� iat oil 0 a n v VAIAnn 71 1 win KLV zn. J.wn �c Zinc. W, mv- 0 ln�, Lys Wi 1 TAU :TL �Ilvnvz Wav � too VA?n� n� .1 :Tvovlon� oily vv� ­Au willow,: Wn ny n Vim S, J, i cm M ON �Ij Ono TWO, 5�7V% w� A�c w1jor .Ann%, I nit, AVAMP: �v AnSA W� wo c�lf Z11 "SusWeir Afghuay IB - Vv;�wcwn An! r2 nnMr&PIqc' A on: Allri "�ny- r' "alf-p 30Qv 3SvII%Q it ownp.=o to occupy a gawUne n�wj"�" PynJon N T�anuyb-- , Mis upaunviva VIII Aul �60 00 S�,� V you2nn MA D�fon ru 11tu.01"n repair naynvw- 0"MraGenm at Nva"nViou nw- Q&I JnW;. cl.. Air nrynA 'V77 at )a ou�wujnza lot., "aw. CT on! -..c. ...'k OE tern LOW Mi ��PIOL& 1 �, LTD WKI Q a 1 .'. z.. 111� Vwv6jaol- Mn� QW0 way va -an iv o�=Ymtly own 100 acres out Oct AM :cant -ion S� 04� In& to be utilized for thi's pun>n�. in, q�aw-cnn to, nnl! q� rem"Ator mr well ice staWishad A-7 t.n ..n "Z jW01 ,'bna En- wvv ip v� ion. vnrtvpns2 M ansvem t. :� .1 �y vl� � 7, Am, 7�. �'Elsvn PUC AU70 (. � �. �. i.' ; _ a _, ;. .. r ... _ - 1. �.'. ''.. � �.. : ..'. � - '..'.. . ��_ .:�. .. .. �_ 7 Yre PliQAtrmm 7c'� � ­;naj 011 t .�noAn iw2 low w. Wd hot an: youi bam parld. UP- oAwv On! Yr. 5,� n7 1. Roxhar lod 5yon ypaaaHv Lusaintud bN I 'A OCIUM :0 Till cut of th" "alUesion VLCE�20E An alre noted Wat a Le mo appnil�MUU W03 Tayrcan�lj aAA nat a Pyi mWor would Ee preseW atithe Nwtcuz�y PetminE. kMr. Magant nuval Unt: the T;.minay 6, 191CnWnsfaa Motes byapproved u,sittad, mw, juale : ;I r !nu qo& ta woyjac , L, -L ye WOM QnU-O jjLqr for 110 y C-4 DistrinQ not MOM,- c3stlnucd ficq Me usm�njcz ju n&Atno vai sw win Vs K.v"Av in We west by tM. X57 no, j�, 4czvLj,Ljj w10 Y2, :Av�n vailraij v c sho scurh by Veit 7301 StrAno and 470-1maca. All !-Iis m7ynnodin,._ jullskvial Dint 1c,i, Ldjjo In in"n n7 inch Mc RoN arm zcne,'l Dlct�W. jj urn of Mw Laka Dand Fr ev'' G;;1='nOqV of 5WO � W�%gjn f.M; �C�"nr4w. At CS1 "! h iy�, �Vuwq I As Unt jAys main 3An.j :n: 'n Tno n Arra Q: - 0,aHwtvP :100007 A HIM. on 1h, yjcan.y S ; ,...U �0, ?Z VC? At 1:1n U V 1 eAn >11 is .400 W OAjVPw'w Aoin p1ma, 1V 41q Vir to a nor 00 'Aw ylqaesy. 10" ics -�rsi Ann n nwn m n2 At of 7 0' in, Z7 inn a W r 0 ni,on 02� ELL MOO .0 cy t: no 1:01 Edi -a V. SUBDIVISIONS SP -68-1 Dreher First Ldd#ion First Replat. This proposed subdivision is located on the north side of West 70th Street cast of T.R. 100 and Christ Presbyterian Church. The developer proposes to divide Lot 2, Block 2, Dreher7s First Addition into two parcels. Mr. Hoisington stated that there are unusual circumstances associated with the site in terms of topography and establisli'led setbacks in the area. He suggested that a field inspection be held and that the matter be tabled until the February meeting. M.r. Huelster moved that the ruatter be tabled. Mr. Nugent seconded the motion. All Voted A,, e. Motion Carried. V1. LOT DIVISIONS Lot LL 3.*�'.ock-L,_.hEit�ndsorL Terrace.. (See Ylirriutes 12-6-67;11-1-67) The property is located along Cahill Read, south of West 70th Street and WeSt of Amundson Avcniue. The staff discovered that the division lines had been previously m,!.3intelrpreted and that there are no difficulties with One proposed divisicn. The staff recommends appr(--)val of tr,.e division. Mr. livelster -moved that the Comm-,Assl.on reco7mm.end approval of the -roposed division. Mr. Nuogent seconded i-,otTo—a-. A-1-1—Vo—ted Awe. notion CArried, 2. Lot L-t_B.,:p I. I, First Additlnn. (See. Minntles 11-1-67; 12-6-67. This Provert-Y irl located ohe n ts4-de of Fr -lice Avenue and. k, West 62nd Street extended. The propert- 4.1 y conL:ainz in douzblc lbungalcw aud t -he division is propoac4d to divide the buil-ding iu the 'rhe proposed division twould be in violat-ion of E:he- zoning ordinance since, each lot would b( -- only 33 feet in -width l d the resultwit lot wculd 7,3e much les-- than the ordinance retiitircs. Isr. Nut Wert ipov,!d tl nt 1 lie reco zmand 6. enial of the for -neisrL ans (-" the Voted Ave. "V.ct4,-,7n 3. 1,01. idi-ion. t9ce '14-InuteG 1. --67,- 12-6-67) — - -L.OIL:"!�!. A�72 J.s localk-ed ort tfta 3c si;.de of Road. uot sol,:'.-, of T.K. 16S %,-nd du2 west of Grove Street eta----.,dod. Th:?-,propusad divisicn. Would make the, sau,-herly pare alarzdlackc-6 t%u,,3 a private easeizei.,I'L acces'; f1:0 -al 0211nza,, Road. llhte at-aff Hlaz,"Istor miovcd !--hat the",G"-niaj- of the dj 01: lack of access a P111b",- V7 oacon-c,d Zl,.P- Al-IVVZ, Ave. Mction Edina Planninc, L LcaY jaytuary -1, 1968 OTHER BuSiNESS 1. 19 6 8 lKar, an. Mir. Hite outlined the work program for 1968 to the Commission. He suggested that during the year the folloxAng subjects be discussed and action taken. Western Edina; 50th and France; Sign Ordinance; S.W. Edina Plan Refinements; Horningside Zoning; Zoning Administration; Policy Review and Zening Ordinance RevieTy. It is hopeful that the Commission will be able to CO-"'Plete action On all of these projects in 1968. V111- TIESTIEMIT HDINI, DISICIUSS10pi. The Of deVelOP-Ment PrOP08-nls in Western Edina was a continuat-lon of tlljt, _t bct,3�a- ant Uie December weeting when various background RI?f orm&t'Gr" '7zs 'PL'e PurPOse ®f hU8 discussion Was to answer many of the quest`,ons 1&,3.c, �1 heve zint1.1 nou remained unaacwered. The staff recommande'd 'z? it in Om�, the' Pla-1111'zrlg OmmisAon not make a decision at this meeting as o*o v-hic', pla"n t e r rL n adr ,pt i c cee 01: S -a e more: ime iS n ded f new CoMm-iosion --embera -'-'o digast the information presented thus far. J_ A. rlar`4ug Cc­lr"',�SiOa Meet: ng C;'as set for January 17 at 7130 P.M. to revi_:­w and discuss back"vrouid ulaterzztl fo-t, the bellefit of new me,ilbers. in.tcrEated parti'c, v;,z-z u irnrited to attend. It was concluded that enough information would be ava.In,;Ie to reach a decision on February 7 as to whilch of Lhe alternative 11,_.!,1s should be ado to -it v7a.,3 suggested that once one of the Q't'_arrLa_iVGS is t3-1?tat'vZlY settl-d upon, a special meeting be held to Oxchancole Views with residen;_'s of affectPe. neighborhoods ill Westezr-n Edina. rid jourrartent at 9!j5 p.iq Karcu Secretary