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1969 04-02 Planning Commission Packets
April 2, 1969 S P - -S, - 5 ViON FHATMITS S -ince :erecting, concideroble woex has been do -tie to ---cady O'Ll-' pIr-L fCV CC272_11,s�Ir,n approval. 1',_' has been Pubmi-Sted to the Nine Nile 'E,J:vrd for and cspproval. The Bor.,rd took no c:ct_10-1 oll the bu.t did a&omit varlous asfolLywo: (i) e:ct rjore t1ja-t 20, of t-jjc- i1cod n-lzin should be encroached upon (la td z_-raa 853.5) and. %'.2) gtre,c ay -td- ;,III st,,ructum-. «,3hGuld_ be built above 8153.5. As a rasult of thevc recommcndations, Seven Associatas E r-c-nValuated the plat and hrs raised both otrect and ctructural elevations to co-nfum there-.-ith. A 2-rcar.c, plzoa has also been submitted. Au far. P --- the desin 0, the S-,�,be iv,, Aso �.sjcn is ceacerned., Sevp,-. s ciat-:.G has mndz :10 :han-e. TIIJI.S woLild :-aan_ th,-.t the 8 or 10 lots on the cl-da-sac Vie..- -- y easible ,-u-1c1 b-z� bui]"Lt: without basezantc bc,�,,use it ecanomical-v $. unf 'Zo faise� the grade to a-cconmcdate basericaits in that aren. Thebe looc! plain exea more than icbe Watershed or lo -lots alm_% c-TIcreacl) C11 - L i B c,nrcl O"jO SChC-C,5 t], re.-presentse recommendations rjf t1-2 P'taff and I'-^ the reccfruzdaticrt. ©` the Creek Valley toad residents. Bet -11 lots ou the cul-de—cac. Scfbu..�.e I has 10 less lots than -!R,mnal tm., Scheme 2, 9 lezz- lotc. 11,2 staff recommands -,?rrOVV_1 of thc,, N4 -,n M.ilc Crack Bo.-wd. Plcaairg, Clc4,-ar4,lij� _ c'm. z. so tn.1"_ C23 e e :7: r t u ra . W i z.- h a Concrete a D'o-rd := it, thn Wand cEn c a v atL the plat In terms of starer dinAnn"a an! then f;- ant sy-&?-j This three Wt plat in located north of the Cress Town MighwaY On._ '`ass of Hansen Read. The exi +G_Lng s rvice3 road provides access to the all?, ..h n `.y a turn zn'ouY•:.d needs ds to ba const octad. All three iota meet .-, � ., ., k:...s_i:.t._...�.:-�c.,�:.ia:a-;,isti. S•..c^:5'f ..O c:y'�'.maY!d:33pp_'QZ*cl s73bjE:L't to %SgAgis".2Gp2?.iElg pi rtr:; � aa>.i72o`v'ni of fi'Li.s;.l grades. S1064-13 (BeWra Lane) o ':'4.`'s three lot plat was granted by the _va t, Conmis sign on Fguar � 5; 1969 after field in section and by COMM On u ry t"3 � 1969. Staff _: ;.cPsdn':::nd s Mal 9 4;ST.,a vy 5 This two lot prat an Valley View north of the Croso Town Highway Ono granted apprG?z3' el by the Planning Commisalan on February , 196S and by v...,__ I 0a N.:.`& sQ, 13R• A 942 z: it(_pth uaria"s'ce was granted Or Lot 2 on 13vil 15. 1912 by the W<.,:&S of iiyo'@''vis, Stoff f:C:C;:..IatileilL'bs Bial approval. t�..r .. �..�..t'C. �.- �I t..._�15 bi➢�. �'�?yL�.....�aCR•� ��k��.e 4�'��Y .p.,�. YUs nau 28 moo pint we .ocaz :d cost of County Roma 1S and south of Winn Hills KY. it generally meets ordinance requirements, but <' Z Prcv4da 60 foo- --oadway.- throughout instead of the 50 feet "'1:1 P- I.. OPOLCId for Arrmv.-head Paso and Sally Lane (3) MaRe as Outlet o! the remnindler of the Fume's site lying west of Blo,211,-. 1, and east of Cown-ty road 18. (In other words, PLat the whGle unplat, -ed parcel). T'nexa are several engiacering problems rreg&rding utilities and atorw- drainage tizat m^ ct yet be :iesolvad. The otaff re-comends preliminary approval subject to the. above changes beir-L-7 made .1 -ad svbject also to Engineering Department approvnl. f !h The reason lue have invited you, the 50th and France businessmen, 0 th i S 7 -0 -t -ADS is to giVe you a preview of how tht southwest quadrant will .-Coh attar all ranmn, storm sewer end street improvements have been completed. The cca�ole"ion date will. hopefully he November 1, 1969, barring unforseen Prc�blc-m3- We are progressing very nicely on schedule at this time. YOW, the model you see here is that prepared by Brauer and Associates, our planning and landscape consultants. It is a replica of how ,jja t1l4nk the 50,th rqd France area should look later this year. While being fair'=;detailed, it should be noted that the busiaess district will not c?-actlY ra'cable th-2 r,-Odel- when complete. A degrea of flexibility remains -nd conti-,it -1,2 with regard to detailed design. Ulith that, I wu like to -17.1troduce Fir. Dart Brauer and BOUlten of Brauor and Ase fates to briefly explain the concepts and relationohips portrayed by the model. a A 11.TOUTCS `7 'RIEE 1-2,FTING OF Elrjlk%', PLAN14'11'.G CGiZUSS-10-14 HELD WEDIESDAY, AFRU, 2, 1969 EDINA VILLAGE IULL M l,,exs pr rentz L. J. lxjzwold, Cbzir ann Pro Tam; George Nugent, Cliff I Oohnson, R. A. Rueleter, A. H. Hiatt. Yz�,id Hois..;n,ycon, Gnry Wegt and Karen Sorensen of ifarcfi 1.2. 1969 Cormnission Minutes n, 311r. 11111gent move6 that the Ma-rch 12, 1969 Commisolon Minutes be approved Submitted. Mr. Hiatt se:conded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Ca r r 1 c o . Sa'_ f_1 `_?--5 crczak V_ Zla HaiRlits Addition (See Minutes 3-12-69) Ch,.:iiixan Griswold noted that the plat had been submitted ta the'L'41ne Mile :reek Watershed Board for racc=endation and approval. is Board trek no actien on the plat bist did sub:uit various recomendations: CFhould be encroached upon ,I) not more than 201 of the flood plain s (Yand eran belau 18�53.5) anti (2) streets anl-:] structures shou'ld be built 853..j . S,:!"'fer 1'-sec4latce" the devzlop�axo, have re-evaluated the plat and 1 -ave raisrd both otrael.- and atxuctnSral elevstions to conform. to ig,::,",ding plsn has b,pari s-a.ranted. Fir. Hnisington -lubmitted two schemes, the first represents 1"h_ of the staff and the second the reconmendation of the C-_-i:iek VL,11ey Roal zaaieanta. Both elimiriate the lots on the long clul-eu-s-r.c. Schnc. I has 10 Int3s lots than tile original and Sche-me 2, 9 leSs lots. —ima stafFf recc—amards approval of Scheme I subject to its ipprowl !-y 1Lhe '_Un1,13.1e Cn,,.-�!: Vaccrshed Bcard. (Scheme 1 shows CC7111cci:lon of cr°aek Valley Rozds Ez3t r.-t-ld Vcst; Scheme 2 does not). U1,1i%wkii than- asked if the Creek Valley residents bze, any ccrmmcnts bcfora the 'Cum -mission t-ook action on the plat. Yea=s. And_-rz,.,7g, Nagen-89t ar-^ Hada all offered comments Oil �'Ia PrOPQ-0-1-16. 1:he Cree!; 77,211-`7 Road residents (east) prepared three prCpoaalS, or �e 0.7 ,,,IJCh, wes. the same as one of those vubmitted by the af—aff. ""hey sta:ee. thw: 'all thrce proposals eliminated the necessity for 10V:3 to f;ics a!l three proposals have moved Creek ,{._"Icy '7;0;,sA ca a.Ilnt it is no adjacent to the playground baseball i!�'IG ; :iii 2hnt., Creck Valley Road (cats t) boing "dead -ended"; and S 11 Pro: zo al'u, off -cut"-ert par]-cinS at z he p layg rourd-baseb all f i c -1. d . _.::CC, PCr:^ is `Or i% ssrir_�, -2- April 2, 1969 Mr. Bcb Minder, e:r_gi.neer for the developers, stated that he Like to revie*s, all of the proposals before making a final dec3 sion, i;t that Scheme 1 leok;ed at the present time to be the most. acceptable. Mr. Hvelster roved that the Cormissien recommend a plan they: does not allow the road to go through the property. Mr. Hiatt seconded the motion.. Mr. Griswold stated that he did not want to put words into the mouth of the Village, but there is a reason that is practical in otg3esting that a road should go through and that is police and fire protection. Mr. Nv-gent noted that the Village has been trying to acquire thl'o pi:op arty for gears aad if it were purchased with this idea in mind, there would be no read in the area and on that basis would be in favor Uf thio de tlopment. 11..11 W ted Ave on the Motion. Motion Carried. 819--69--8 Scenic V;-l1ey Addition. Chairn?ar_ Griswold noted that this three lot plat is located north of the Cross Town Highway and east of Hansen Road. The existing ;s€ i -vice road provides access to the site, thus only a turn around needs to be constructed. All ordinance requirements are met. The staff recd=ends approval sszb sect to Engineering Department approval of final grades. Mr. H?.a, tt moved that the Commission recommend preliminary Aro•,;,Tal. o- thep1aa:. subject to Engineering Department approval of final .gyp -des. Mr. HueletE:r seconded the Motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried.— SF-64-13 siallquist Addition._ T'nis ;:hree lot plat received preliminary approval from the planning Commission on February 5, 1969 after field inspection end by the Council on Januar-.7 C, 1.969. The staff recommends final approval. Mr. 1I:".att coved that the Commission recommend final approval ur.�ohnsoon seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Cn rled. _.� SF- •63-5 Genevievt Addition. T`iz3; -ro lot plat located on v&:lley View Road north of the Cross Torn Hi hwz:y r,&s grnnte,d prelimina-,7 approval by the Planning Co4:_a:� ssitsr roil 1, 1963 and by Council on March 18, 1968. A lot cs•�-pth a.ariarece ,ranted for 17t 2 on April 18, 1968 by the Board of Appea v. The recommends final approval. tnO ilrr Vni!?zlon 2-Unut,2a 3- April 2, 1969 Mr. 1hielste- moved thnt the Comission recomendfinal_ of �thr_ nlnt. Mr. aecor-dad the motion. All Yq�ttdAKe- M�btinn Cnrricd. SP -69-9- Indian 3:ills Arrowhead Addition. Chairnan Griswold noted that this 28 lot plat is located =it of County 111vad '11.8 and south of Indian Hills Road. It generally meets ordinance requirements, but requires the following changes: (1) pull the cul-de-sac. away from the east property line approximately 50 feet; (2) prcvidc 60 foot roadways throughout instead of the 50 feet pyopcsed for krrvrhead Pass and Sally Lane; (3) make an Outlot of tile demainder of the lire's site lying west of Block I and east of County Road 18. The stallf reco-=ends preliminary approval subject to the above c1icL,igebp and ciubject: to Engineariq& Department approval. Foll(r,-Inp, some disc!3saion Mr. Hiatt moved that the Cantwises, 1pip recq.,Smca��relininary RErovai of the plat subj ct to the and Ent Davartment approval. Mr. Nugent seconded 0"e Motion. Ali. 1-o_ed Ave. motion. Carried. M � YTREY,. BUSINESS L 5Cth and Fr;anca Plan. - Mr. -Gary West, A&ainis t -rat ive IL -distant no .-ed that the reason t! -re 50-,h and Fra-ncc busireiszmen had been ivvited to this meeting was to givo them a of how the southwest quadrant will look after all n damp, strr_m, gvw,:ir street Lrpr.avements hzve been completed. The cmipletion d -,,-,e will hopefully be november 1, 1969. The niodel oa display T:;av pr -pared by Brauer and Associates, plauning and landscape consultants. it is vy replica of hcur the area will leek later in 1969. While the model is fairly detaiie(�, it should be noted that the business district will nc't excetly t1he mod,: -1 whin completed. A degree of flexibility _niv,7s w'th ,a:z,d to detailed design. He then introduced Messrs. Brauer aad Duulte-a u -ho �;die? d explain the concepts and relationships portrayed b%7the cdal. Mr. B-rv.r,,r explained zhe design of the area, the proposed _k:WZY,11; eInd CO rt arZQs and the propcsed plantingo. He noted that the NN.:anal Tei: buiilc;in�,, t, -,ss qnite clow to the proposed ramp and that the al 0-Lzk to ',foll' -_Jt1h. 1".ationn! Tea t_ -o zsee if they would consider moving c,, �-c 'Lc1 6 0 - c � the co that a wallkway an perhaps a cc,x-,L-J t)c and behind the buildi-ngs. Edina. Planning Cam ission Kinutes -4- April 2, 1969 After considerable discussion, Chairman Griswold closed the seeting by thanking Messrs.Brauer and Boulten for bringing the 50th and Prance businescmen and the Commission up to date on the progress of the plans for the Erea. Adjournment at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Karen Sorensen, Secretary