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1969 07-02 Planning Commission Packets
f' MIEUTES OF TEE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA PLANNING COMMISSIOX HELD WEDNZSaAY, JULY 2, 1969 EDINA VILLAGE EA LL Members Present: W. W. Lewis, Chairman; A. H. Hiatt, Robert Huelster, Saar. Iughes, Cliff Johnson, George Nugent and Charles Clay Staff Present.: Fred Hoisington, Debbie Collier, Tom Lcucks 1. A,p2roval of June Cyt 1969, and June 12, 19695 Commission Minutes. HV Sam It ghes moved chat the June 4, 1969, and June 12, 1969 Commission Ni nutes be approved as submitted. Mr. Euelstfer seconded. tlot'ion Carried. ZI. ZFyNING REQUESTS 2-69-10 8. Roberts Co. R-1 Residential District Office District. Air. Hoisington introduced Mr. ,dim Hawks from Kidwest Planning who explained the advantages of Placa 1 in that it had a short cul-de-sac, lots we::e placed four deep on the rest, wine lots backed to 72nd Street. Mr. Hoisington said that this plate was recommended by the staff as opposed to Plans 2 and 3 which had two cul -de -sate along Chest 72nd Street and a loop street on the west.. Vt. Stuart Belkin, President of the South Gardens Association, spoke on behalf of the entire association in favor of Plan 3. He stated the .following questions Frere to be considered: 1. What will happen = or three years down the road Ken they start developing R-1, R-0 and R-37 2. if zoned R-4 what will be the height of the buileioge? 3. What Baill these properties look like if zeroed R- Qwrhaases) ? 4. ghat consideration has been given to the walkways? Mr. Duane Blake, President of the Bel Edge Association spore in favor of Plan 63 and pointed out the problems of Placa 1. 1. Bial not like the idea of looking at the backs of homes on 72nd Street. 2. Consideration should be given to siding homes on 72nd Street. 3. The group is in favor of the parking lot ,as show* on all three plans so long as bui.ldin.gseannot be built facing Ulest 72nd Street. 4. The group is not strongly objecting to this kind of a plan but will go along with Cho modifications shown it Plan. 43. Edina i laalling Commission 14inutes - 2 w July 2, 1969 Air. Hoisington said that whichever pian was approved the pian should be subject to the points stated in the Staff Report of July 2, 1969. Mr. Hiatt asked the residents present which pLi atcn they like and Mr. Blake stated that Plan #3 was the one his associat£on was supporting. Air. Nugent moved that the Commission approve Plan #3 subject to the following conditions as stated by Mr. Hoisington and in the Staff Report: 1. Lifting of the moratorium on apartment rezoning. 2. That the Planning Commission reserve the right to approve all building and site plans. 3. Elimination of the westerly most parking lot opening onto West 72nd Street. After More discussion, Nr. Nugent then tended his motion to read Plan 2 (two cul -desacs from Test 72nd Street) instead of Pian 3. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion. All Noted Aye. Notion Carried. Z-69-8 Tract A. R.L. Mul Hui Air. Hoisington reported that it was the recommendation of the staff that the zoning change from R-3 to Ht -4 on Tract A, R.L.S. 1129 begrantedsubject to the recommendations in the Staff Report of May 7, 1969. Par. Huelster made a motion Lhat the rezoning be granted for the following reasons: 1. Said rezoning would be a logical extension of the eni.sting R-4 zoning to the South. 2. Said rezoning would be consistent with the proposed plata for the Roberts property which calls for R-4 and office zoning just north of the site in question. 3. The proposed use is consistent with existing land usage in the area.. 4. There will be no detriment to abutting properties if said R©4 zoning is granted. Mr. Hiatt eecoended the motion. All Noted Aye. Aloiion Carried. Z--69-14 Ru!!l Trones, Jr. R --i ResideEntial, District to R-3 Multigle District. Brookside Heights. Air. Hoisington reported that Mr. Trones is requesting permission to build a form- unit townhouse structure on three vacant lents at the southeast corner of Interlachen Boulevard and Oxford Avenue. Edina Planning Commission Minutes - 3 - July 2, 1969 Air. Hiatt made a motion that the Commission approve this rezoning for the following reasons: 1. The proposed use is more appropriate than that which is permitted by the present R-1 zoning (three single family homes). 2. This site meets apartment zoning criteria is that it is located on a major arterial street and is located near shopping (Grandview). 3. The density would be only one unit greater than that permitted by the present zoning. 4. The site provides an excellent setting for a much needed type of housing in the Village. 5. The rezoning is consistent with that granted to Air. Folke Victorsen (R-4) north of Interlachen and east of Hankerson Avenue extended. After some discussion Air. Hiatt then withdrew his motion and Air. Legis suggested that the Commission atembers make a trip and loon at the location before taking action. All agreed. Ill. PRELTZI MY REVIEW Z-69-15 Gordon -Elm_. Townhouse Request. nest 44th Street. Mr. Richard Peterson representing Rousing, Inc. explained, on behalf of Gordon Elerby, the plans for the area involved (end of West 45th Street) . The following two items were mentioned to the Commission: 1. The proponents are interested in sounding out and getting a reaction from the Planning CommissionD and 2. They would like to know ®shat the Commission would like to see on the property. Mr. Peterson reported that they would like the area to be zoned R-3 in order to build 16 townhouse units. These townhouses could either be for sale or for rent but this was yet undecided. Mr. Lewis suggested that the Commission members take a field trip and look at the area and that Gordon-Elerby would make arrangements for the Commission members to get into the property to make this inspection. The field trip is set up for duly 9, 1969, Wednesday, at 7:00 p.m., Meeting at the Village Hall. Notices will be sent to rewind the members. Edina Planning Commission Minutes W 4 - July 2, 1969 IV. BODIVISION SP -69-14 Blatcewood Addition. Nor. Hoi.sinegtou reported that since the Commission's ."une deliberation, two lots had been eliminated to make 15 lots in this subdivision along Blake Road north of Browns mood Addition. This charge had been made at the Commission's request. Mr. Ruelster evade a motion that this revised plat be granted preliminary approval. Mr. Hughes seconded. Motion Carried. iT. LUT DIVISION Les Anderson's Hiighwood 2nd. Lot 16, Block 1. Mr. Hoisington informed the group that this Lot Division on Blake Road is not recommended since it creates two lots which are only half as large as all other lots in the area. Por. Nugent wade a motion that the Lot Division of Les Anderson's Highwood 2nd, Lot 16, Block 1, be denied for the reasons stated in our recent La Buena Vista case. Mr. Johnson seconded, motion carried. 2. Conn Heights. L©t 19 Block 1. Mr. Nugent made a notion that the Conn Heights, Lot 1, Block 1, be approved for Lot Division. Mr. Johnson seconded. Motion Carried. VI. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Southeast Edina. Mr, Don Brauer of Brauer & Associates explained the principles of the playa for Southeast Edina for the benefit of interested residents and property owners. He indicated that a much improved circulation system was needed and that land use should be of a type which does not contribute substantially to traffic during existing peak flow periods. He indicated also that we can expect high quality*, high density develop- ment consisting principally of commercial and residential uses. He said we could anticipate some office and industrial development as well. After considerable discussion about the area along Xerxes Avenue with residents of the area, the Commission decided to study the matter further before recommending approval. Edina Planning Commission Minutes 1. 5 u July 2, 1969 2. §Recial Meeting with BloomiRgton Planning Commission. Date set for this meeting is July 30, 1969, time 7:30 p.m. Edina Village Hail. Mr. Hughes made a motion for adjournment, Mr. Hualster seconders. lotion Carried. Adjournment 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debbie Collier, Acting Secretary EDINA PUMNINC CO124ISSFAN STAFF UPORT Jelly 2, 3969 Z-69-10 0. Roberts Co. RH1 to R-2, R-3, R-4 and 0-1 in accordance with Exhibit A. France Avenue south of nest 72nd Street. Refer to: Enclosed Hap. Appraximately one year bas passed since that rainy night when Bob Ruelster, 3 and perhaps 100 interested residents found ourselves lacked out of the Cornelia Elementary School where we were to discuss the development plans for the Oscar Roberts property. That meeting was held outdoors and since then +several other meetings have been bald in an e£fort to arrive at a workable plan for the 60 acre Robert's parcel. I think we have arrived at just such a plan.. The current proposal calls for 12 acres of R-1 (42 lots along the north and west); 9.5 acres of R-2 (south and east of the R-1); 7.1 acres of R-3 and 11.1 acres of R-4 (south and east of the R-2); and 15.4 acres of 0-1 along France Avenue. The office zoning along West 72nd is proposed to be extended to Lyamar Lane. This plan departs somewhat from that presented to you in May in that it includes more R-1 and Rw2, eliminates the long cul-de-sac east of Oaklacns and eliminates office parting west of Lynamar. The junior and senior high school proposal for the site now seems out of the picture since the misting Valley View junior high site has been chosen instead to serve this purpose. There rem a.ns some chance that 20 acres of the Roberts property could be selected as an elementary school site but only if the Wooddale facility is abandoned. The moritorium and apartment rezoning is still in effect on this property so no natter what action the commission takes in July, the matter cannot be presented to the Council until after August 1. Recommendation: The staff recomm nds approval of the overall plait as submitted and recommnds the rezoning as requested with one exception. It is our opinion that the area west of the existing 0-1 District amd extending to the test line of Lynmar Lantz should be rezoned Automobile Parking District unstead of 0-1 as requested. This is to insure that buildings will extend no further wrest than that area already zoned 0-1. The: staff recommends approval of the plan and. tate amended rezoning subject to the following; 1. Lifting of the moritori.ssma on mpartment rezoning. 2. That the Planning Commission reserve the right to approve all building and site plans. 3. Elimination of the westerly most parking lot opening auto West 72nd Street. flh LIM M A . �':' _ � .�, fir. _ . �r . Fid � ,�..�. �t"v i 4. t