HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 10-01 Planning Commission PacketsnDIVA FUNNING COV1 4ISSION STAFF FXPORT October 1, 1969 Z-69-19 P. E. Kremer.. That part of Parcel 4000 lying west of Nine Mile Creek Cwr za3 y Road 18. Ra l Residential District to Planned Industrial District. 1-69-21 L. G. CheWne. Those parts of Parcel 3 301 and 4600 lying west of Nine lb,'le Creek. R-1 Residential District to Planned Industrial District. Refer to: Enclosed Map. lase parcels in question lie swarth of Fabri-Tek, east of County Road 18 and west of Nine Mile Creek. They extend along County Road 18 �approx i=tarly 1100 fent north from the north line of the Fabri-Tek property. Zoning in the area consists principally of R-1 Residential with Fabri-Tek to the south zoned Planned industrial District. Three houses occupy the property in question. The pian for Minnetonka calls for industrial usage gest of County Road 3.8 from the proposed interchange -it 'abri-Tek to the south cite limits of Hopkins. Largely, the land 4n :°s?xa..etoxaka is vacant, however, a trailer park exists northwest of the Cherne Parcel. Our current plan calls for industrial and office development generally from n print where the Nine Idle Creek crosses County Road 18 south to the Crosstown Highway. The area east of the Creek seems approprinte for. !my density townhouse development. One arcblem re-.na- ins although it appears to be near as solution. The three comunurA ties, Hopkins, Minnetonka and Edina, have been working jointly to a.x:r: Ve at a Man for County Road 18 so that the County can buain its design. That saran ctalls for an iaterchaange at Fabri-Tek vrh ch ail! consume as sizable portion of the Kremer property. until final design is ccrnplet:e:d, the precise~ area to be taken will be in doubt. Recc.=.^ndaxt ioxa: The Staff recommends approval of rezoning to Planned Industrial District for that area lying east of the proposed County Road 18 right -of -W,1' . It ,o recommends subject to the following regarding treatment along the Nine FUle Creek: 1. Al2.1 plans :nor grading and building must be submitted to the N-1 aey Nile Creel-, l-, Waters ed District Board of Managers or their consultants for approval. 2. The proponents ohall leave untouched the first 50 feet outward s-rou� the centerline of the Crcek and shall place no buildings w4 -thin 100 feet of the Creek centerline. Staff Report pac,e 2 1:$ October 1, 1969 Tile staff so recommends for the following reasons: 1. The request conforms to our present Western Edina Plan which calls for industrial development in this area. 2. Said rezoning would be a logical extension of existing Planned Industrial District zoning to the south. 3. The request confonts with the Minnetonka plan which calls for industry wast of County Road 18. f ill 9-23-69 Richard E Kremer Wa 7 5514 6836 Oaklawn Ave. So. Edina, Minn. 55435 x =1. xxcxxx ,.: xxxxxxx :. °none ti none ...... _ ..... . `!not...platted. ..''_ ., see attached legal.....,_ , ., . ... 5729 County Rd. 1$ _ Planned., Indus trial._ • _ To facilitate planning for the use:and development of thi property. i ,Ft i J..i.._„ _._...... ....... i, Y PIM -LION FOR ZOITE CFA�NGB 2. 3. ri C -c, • �._-. - .-•r::��_ �• fir. �':._ ��� Signafdi&-of Applicant F r Application received by: `5 U Date: !-:- Fee: ._„ How paid. tom,-,�4.�.%'.. Date. `%4•3 -Cc 7 Planning Commission Action: Date: Village Council Action: mate Comments t Date: 9/22/69 Applicant Lloyd G. Cherne - Phone: 935-1771 Address 1115 S. 5th Street �; Vv'8,✓ Status of Applicant: Owner x Buyer Lessee Other Location: Lot Block ,. ; c- n } /� / /O Ja (� � y .�Ci Addition!, t�.. ,� y° CA en x� Na Street Address: Presently a zoned:��- _ Change to_ Reason for request- 1. To facilitates planning for ust.of this property as Industrial. 2. 3. ri C -c, • �._-. - .-•r::��_ �• fir. �':._ ��� Signafdi&-of Applicant F r Application received by: `5 U Date: !-:- Fee: ._„ How paid. tom,-,�4.�.%'.. Date. `%4•3 -Cc 7 Planning Commission Action: Date: Village Council Action: mate Comments t 1 0 YJ C �i Iz — (Cl I, I e � � f i f f 1 !�1 l ✓7 n nJ i� i 1� 1 0 YJ C �i Iz — (Cl I, COMMISSION STAFF REPORT € ctober 1, 1969 Z-69-113 J. C. Penney Co. PC -3 Commercial to PC --30) Commercial district,._ ^-tact C, R.L.S. No. 1284 Refer to: Enclosed Map. J. C. Penney intends to acquire Tracts A and C of R.L.S. 1284 (enclosed map) and anticipates construction in 1972 of a department store on Trac: A and a TBA (Tures Battery and Accessory) on Tract C. The reason for the requested rezoning change on Tract C is that Penneyu sells gasoline sad petroleum products at. its TBA thus placing it in a gasoline station category. Gasoline stations require C-4 or PC -3(4) zoning. A TBA without gasoline sales (such as Donsl.dson's) would be permitted without rezoning. The site itself 13 located immediately at the end of Barrie Road on the south side of West 66th Street. A DS gasoline station is located on Tract G of P.L.S. 629 just west of the site In question (causes PC -3(4) zoning). The property to the north is zoned 0-1 Office Building District with Twin City Federal occupying the northeast corner of Barrie Road and W. 66th Street. The whole Southdale Ceuter is zoned PC --3 with the exception of the DS and Union 76 gasoline statiens located on 66th and 69th Streets revpcct.-1T,re2y (both zoned PC --3(4)) Rec. encu endati o : in essence, if the rezoning were not granted, the TBA could be built any -i. -ay, but without gasoline service We are therefore simply deciding uhether or not to permit the sale of S,2so?ine and petroleum products on this site. The staff is of the opinion that such ns.: is appropriate and therefore reco=ends approval of tlie T. -IC -3(4) ac-ni .F4 for the £nl.lCr-;ing reasons: 1. Said use is compatible with existing; land use in the area. 2. Said rozoning is a logical extension Of axisting PC --314) zoning to the west. 3. Said *rezoning would act be detrimental to other pray. ties in the lmr, ediate area. PETITION FOR ZONE CHANGE Z -69 -IS Date: September. 2., 1A� Applicant J. C. Penney Company, Inc. Phone: 3387571* Address 1301 Avenue of the Americas, New Yorker New York* Status of Applicant: X Owner Buyer Lessee Other Land Survey No. 1284 Tract.0 Location: Lot ,Registered/t,.'Necx , ==xtum Are a: 26,001 square feet Street Address: South side of West 66th .Street between York and rance venues. Presently -zoned: �'C-3 Change to! C=:4,�. Reason for request: 1. Applicant desires: to operate an automotive gccessory store (TixeLBattery, and Accessory) on the _progertyr`;riclug the ser o gasoline and petroleum products. 2. 3. *Local attorneys address and telephone J. C. Penney Company, Inc. Faegre & Benson�f-- 1300 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn.,,' 55402 Attn: C. L. Horn SYgnature of Applicant' Tel. No. 338-7571 Its attorneys, Application received'by:�� 6'-" Date: Fee: $ �'a C) �" , Row paid: 0.. 1 / Date: Planning, Commission Action: Date: Village Council Action: Date: Comments: C - E. C 0 0 1:� El -Z lt";� P5 S� 0 C I "Xil E 5 1 t� C. r7l�l LAmo - V, v rj 17711 4.) j N P I N COUNTY, MINNESOTA ..... l;-ND.-%EVJ I�jl 110 Ilk. D-n'TAIL C 011 S6;Z�"7 3, Z.; o o o o FOR TAIS AnZA VaTAIL A ON SRUT 3 - Fog TIAIS A. -CA - - - - 00 % IV /* 0 w", —0, vc ?����� ,\ov �1.1i�° :,`r ' } 00., I SVS 0 0 0 42 01 L ScALZ ic,,C6 p[C 'UM" U) ALL '"GAW,NIGS S-VZjWN Xgla AV,� I .-S' � D 0114 SHP-ST 3 1Z. s Q,.D 0 s a ,ta-G `' #ALSM PAWAM 1216 S. 30, T. 28, R. 24 n Q39'44•W _ i + JoE7, a -- —--------,�.. --W.-62 nd o7` 30 �r2+6 r� ® Ph�.l .CU�iOrI �t 0.4�1y n n ry Vic')'Srn $� r3 �Z�.—_ ^>5�. _ 1 s a —� �y (14`0) f aji� J ` ' tis 34 Di.33 ;eg T 75— S° 5 80 5F 1I' i0 S.1%C J C�,�rgg y V ! r } ? _ 8a,;,t us `" '32.7-i1- ,�....,. - -ri C10'd"f' - �? ..,icsc ^'1f°'a, b .o., ti.t•J -.J }'_j Y45' 0.41 Ac - �' (... ` .;a �I -i �r o,r�+9 O n, 9`ba 32 94.'G IR33 :43 .. I .t r• M v ---�-- ViC70RSEWS VALLEY U- VIEr: o �Q q tG� � ,, r .�, ., S_4 r !4! -�'- .J7,5 -!r�'_ +w."�•.. II I I� _. J.L.M. :;, i" I {� y"s 5 q .` a ` ♦ c 1co'' �,., 54.6' •' F•S,G,` i b. >'?c ' 140 `rl. 't5 0L2 2 d�rC`y� t c 5 n c ro , 57, 13.-'', •Io-. � � ,w' � i ' r ,II �,l t i- _-i� — �------..___ � � ly ,,�,� '.. ? _ 78 3 5 j o y PAF)i• t01 c l d•, ;i a 9a�c+u,'s a ori - :> q. y icy t yv �• I.J �.:Q L of C l "r r Tf ,•p r. t lc T I �� b q'• } r V u W- ° I '•'� Gam. ''� '-C , [ z I, ' U V ° _ C" 0 — o:r c I..�.:.....•....� � F �,; ! a I -r, � .•'.moi �' as i-3 53ti"t4F 347e r { s; Part of Lot 15, B;ock2 race- ! sum A� diva ui (1,960 Aerial Photo) 1 \�_ %� v . - ! LIN - - Pa t of Lot In v S v/v l j X Block 2,Peo- ° pl 6�4 ll i x MANO R; Z �; M cedole Acres `� sou �, b I! 's_. v ��'�U�•) r ',,� �70io)�4 3;W n �i �,G:y!V y C � b.Z9%iC i 2 0 fin" _" 7".°°""';"3' '.N BOURGEOIS Part of. LYi1 2 :3 3 yrs; Yr ''. \• - -- -- _ _.: _. -_ . __. r3. `+ 93`' ' C:4.3'ro,u ly See c , �u,a __ — 330.(— -- - - __.. -- • __ ___. H 1 G H WA a „ _ __ _ _ __. __ \ _ _ _ _ .___ __ —� 330 C v r E o. 6 ` z`h % P 0\\N D :1960 AeriaPhoto) ♦ D. PAMRSON -WT 1. 3 L�-k•• 1. JIS A=* ? 1pNi! hs �y Mr'FV �d9s �b •V Y� 40 ,� 23Q--- - N'r _-�i iii ➢.. c +ZA��- p_ ..' s - .. - ter' v. p C h. _..>,- OsyJ ��`°'z� $ �.�• g o-;pq�' 1075 75 - pr�.� - u\ a, to .� _II t2G r ^, 7 ioy`r-87 361Y a- to r � -W. pg LU WARD 0 "{ �a93aZ�310 t z ID 80 5 4 i - o a63w+ Q i.o� r'>4E�Mso GROVE 12 76 %o18.1 nI�. U' � v �4�:. o r eri e a ry yG. a. "�i ^' ;�tp >Ji 6 8 i i •f 11 8 11� 5 0 ��j �, !! to �'' 51~ 4 :3 2 1 �® ,< , il 1 wa plus° r: u& !.5 Go / r ti tai �i ' I 1p °y } ;. 1 f �`' o; •t%''1d'G <�SBS°53'� S£9'59'W r. oa.ys95a£1L'9 4 61' a 7G 87£a!e I iX 3. /IEer .,.9�i 4� ... 1. LLJ t00 a.. i� ^a•. I v q�+ o . i,9� 1 ''Wo„71 �4-lgfE'O' N A. / h tl vc to a t1 4 d7.0eS.t•iw > 090 ;05 iq 1Ov, tr21.5 11 e _rnOjl 5 e > °� ` 121• 101 3G `r� gti �° 3 9°941. t A`S�c.3°gG•�p _ A , 4( AVE. !mw yt H 121.5 ia<z gJ \a 3\§ 3 �wdo`Y� Cr-;C3.1� 1� ., i143 1 Ii0 .s aY�s. 21. A I Y J i. p. " tJe 1 e �.e� i� ,"qd f $9�5I•t. ' 4 _�„_,_,.,. 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Surveyor Records o 10 1 tr- v - 3 24 3 W 2 8 fi 4 2 2 2 t 4 �. ?3 H - - 4 ..5 22 5 w 3 6 -- z 2 I 6- o o �, y"'�"J �- Y' 0 2 0 7 ° .ten w z 4 „ losB 6.a X525, a 145 too 30 8 iZ 19 8 a - I S9. = 1 q\ - 4 4�� ! .9 Q '1 8 9 r'LLJ ` i i _^ ° '9•,a os B oios y X144.49 1 , 1 1 - _ ..,3.34 .n ( - ti L-" i. 1+.,:✓ 10 17 10 VY135 ,5 ,�,;� v o 2 5 5 0o i' �rr�j-v, - I 11 16 i t 2 m, ' n 7 � ------ = > �- L I 12 : 15 12 �, W 108 N 2 125 (n o Y = 1-- __ -- - --- o W 5 o Seg B)ok'1.14, p.21, C� 0 31cr 2 6 0_ 6 f __t_ 33 33 - ►- - Co. Surveyor Records ups - �Bg� r - ----- �j !28.42 / 8.4 a 106 -330, Mendelssohn.`. q` 195 2525 125 s9 'e 301 I15 40 115 M "' " M-A-L0V E-Y- �' -; !, dSJ . ,c 329.6a - -rni or Surplus .;ee doo'�c 1.64, p.46, Co. Surveyor Re:ords j 5o n iwe5f5W..z o 45 o 0 1452 0 40 0 145 0 9 140 a I / . 15 15 n90 0 D I n I :c v, �n 24 .r� 25(25 O S88°33w I o 5.:31 2 3 m o 23 1422m iA®I o r>-1'0 „4 HA!SON 14 y2� 22 ASCENS l o 1` 9• s s 2a49w 4° 2 z o 21 4 144 I` 21 �;' m Block �-I P�i'1 'r I 3 9 n g �I A ®D I i w.,, Q�.�{d , (i2Si�.;r- /n�,,, sd4242,['.� r- Y 1 45 Jss p4d114r6'? G 20 S 3 -s. 44. 6 0 I /y�7 F •-, SBE'^ �'.h- Ea4 o.`, nc 7 QJ o @:.; ., `-"-!46 3 O •\1i lOflV/ ` - ••o •'',on V o � •' ip5 les + X45 i v 19 6 (1.1 G� 101 t00 235.97 0 9 8 tib s"1 18 7 a, 4 7 141.29 ✓/ 10'' 3:°�f"�t fj6o LA PES SU80. 66'33'WI F� ? $ 148 0 5 59.Op n I e 2 5� `4a •h r, a 5 17 8 5 r v" 1,ro.94 0 'v r r, 6 L S 8 TLp �y - v o 3� 1•.w o r- 3 r a''ol IOi 6 4J,, o .gip ys ` Ifo 9 .n Q' 9 10' 94 n s90 X655 osz W�LLARD'S- m bo s �� . C- 107.330 130 f 1 a i 4 �."0� _i.'i��'' r { \P• us• S6 15 10 °� 5 `- c„ 83.33 Z/. r 26.6 _ x>o?�p 35.:: 8S 5 116 5 100 24'40'"W od �P b' SUBD.fOF r ,n 014' 11 O ^� ^ sn• 4+Z0°fl' 4 lO r.�7Qc 6� 5� ,30 5 4 O 6 0� 7 r N Q o a� �• 8 9 � M o ,n W J b � \ J V aj- ►- oo.8L°k;17iiMEND �SSOk o 13 0 0 12 O u, IL• ;38')4')0"E= 77 82.71` 503 a�3`''oilsb v^�m~1g0' r 1457 '40 r 145 r 45 b5 Y 169T 12 5 P*' 5 { 100 WATERMAN " r- - - 3303 Mendelssehn ! 119'.0 165 90 240 2917Merdels I �N81r53'50"E_'\ t 1 088.82 Torr No. 12994 X58705 3'50"w� r . -�� '';329.0 }o Eqs, I,n D ( (� T�sorrcns Co ' S 81'41'40" l 6 5 -„ � I ' w ° ,on 3 • 102 99 . ,r �r : �' 90 239.95 10600) t� 96.07 N Iao - ' � I 15Y//z r :0.92 8 O co `'" :>; 9e�• .� �r H.Glad 3•yo- tl• I 16�t7 J 'N `pOn O w 7 r �- 4 `. �w � • I \ �... }v 1 1.65 AC. ! C s �.�� :r = •'- � O a 9 tb5 Ph,, i s _ B z rZ %o24o' p_ lob, Q o)ra (,:18�92a 50 162.480 .125 ° R78 .93 O N M1 R 5v c P 000)1 630001( 01. 2 3 -o��t�^',s 4 4o4 r, l tin �i i 3 �LOT 1, 8 L .3 .,,NORMANDA- 'LE 1'. 2-2 34 ,42-34 Ca 2 22 R. Jr N WT ILS_,'Blk. :k, PW OW242. 53 Lj w > w w 242-53 A 353 3 r i 2. 4 4 4 I242.81 a, co 5 5 all 5 E, JZ.15 L L j Ir.. - I 912 W. 63 rd REPLAT L 0 Z a_ 243.10 43 f0 NOROMFA�1184L)ALE �z uj J412 [11 E A 'i 0 PL T :RM N 0 < 14 ? 0 Z LIJ sQ) > Lv 2 T Z, 7 cl 12 gl] 4 ol 3 944, 48-40 %:-res aL 243.17 isio w a-. Q� 4 ovo 40 4 12195 IV 57 r 6 REPLAT OF: BLOCK 9, NORM4NOA,-E .55 743.9; 12; U z ;22 O2- 5 O 5 0 �2- �s L --ST W.--64 °O IIr 244.2' q \S4 W. 65 th ST. 9- 8---j C4 -1 v! ra cn 245.31 fn 10 L4j <)r) O 11 38f_20 244 12 7,1 O 6s 0, 25 7,30 2 35 244.83` 12 33 1 R�PLAT OF LOT 4, BLOV;11, ..,$NORMANOALE,.., !22 ?5 35 51 2 HODGDqN ADD. 9 "' — 244 Z cl. c- 74445 244.64 244.83 4 24 5 -OZ C, I 5 245 21, go. t^26 ' 122.!5 p -REOLAT OF LOT 'I -171 - -1 2 - o BLOCK 13,-lo-l- NORMANDALE�r., -4,; 30 244.45 a. 2 244;4 S. 3 4 145.07. 5 245.21 4 c� HUBER'S 122 72 21 ADD. -44 ,4 OWN A 744 7W 41 12 A DON3, BUI L6F-RS-,..2 F: I R 5 T�-A- D'D. 2 3b 1", 1' 1 35 Wes?44.7' 5 145-21 5 8 9*4 9'1r W. 65 th ST. 9- 8---j C4 -1 v! ra 7 245.31 fn 10 380.x0 <)r) O 11 38f_20 12 7,1 O 6s 0, 7,30 5 8 9*4 9'1r W. 65 th ST. 245.31 245.31 7,' 12 7,1 2 A/ 7 PEMTOM, INC. • 8053 BLOOMINGTON FREEWAY • BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55420 1 PHONE 888-9561 September 23, 1969 Mr. Fred Hoisington Village Planner Village of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota Dear Mr. Hoisington: - As you know, we have the property at 62nd Street and.Tracy under option at the present time. Because of the complex- ities of the soil and otter factors, I am wondering if it would be appropriate to request that we appear before the planning 'commission at your October meeting to discuss the general concept of single family attached homes (townhouses) on this site. It would seem that we should also discuss the possible fire station site and whether it would be advisable to pursue exchange of the plan for a portion of the park site if, in fact, the fire, station is going to become a reality in this location. Because of the fantastic amount of planning, architectural and engineering time involved in developing a final plan for this location, we would like to get some indication from the Village of Edina as to their thoughts regarding the proposed use prior to proceeding on the planning process. Please call if there are any questions regarding this request. Very truly yours, PEMTOM, INC. Robert E. Engstrom Vice President REE/jt MEMORANDUM September 29, 1969 plennins Commission Fn, -,d L. Hoiningtcrx S"T', J TfReca�xeadc3 Amendments to Regional ZeeLi rai District Southdale Fairview Flospital has become involved in project '%MTE", whi'-h 11as to de with er:er-.ency helicopter or air ambulance service. Its purpose is ".v iurr:edi to ekergency ser�zice direct from accident sites to the hospital. 1 C e,i to participate In th-is progx=, the hospital must provide a helipad or h:?__;top for r guler hclicogt r operations and, of course, tae make no such provision Li 3ur n .:?g ordinance. The proposed location of the helistop is just: north of the Crosstown the existim-, e=,.--gency entrance. The site has been tentatively approved by 1.:iii ARS. It could se%.z appropriate that: we discourage a proliferation of such t-OUghOC _ t the Village and it would seen also Chet we should insure that ;thc'sc that v rcqui.Ae.i ars properly located. That Is Filly Asa are suggesting that u bc.� ? i_sted as to permitted accessory use in the Regional Medical, District. 2,. 3ntcx date, it uzay be oppropriatc to pexnait such facilities in comQercial., a:td inelustria1 arcas as well.. Since we are .-Raking amendments to this; the Rebicnal Medical District, LHn ':.i.S":e.t alsomc^ d the i' arkingy r,aquirem nt:s to allow the corn. truction of parking :'_L's.„i F�.;� {4T L" C.L. Such sS:?:'� ctures have been proggrl 's=ad for the hospital and Y j The f ol.lct-Ing are the Staff rec. rwmcndat:icns: Lrfead Section 7, Paragraph 7 (b) (2) e-!3 fellows: 2. SvLciT-Jc Uses Vf�rmftted in District, () Pari..ing structures or ramps and parking garages accessory to the principal uses, permJLta_tzg patting of ambulances, service trucks, and private auto -mobiles of tenants, employees and visitors. Add to Section 7, Paragraph 2 (n), a inew subparagraph (4) as follows: L<<� 'Efro s sE'car use b Lel corners in of cd in eiaergency rescue operations, such facilities are properly fenced, include no support facilites cth tlr n r.� htirp;, ��? dscctt ,A.gad fire cxtinguishers and provided further, ,hat they -a}.e zp?pzo ved by the ?SAA. Der Commission —,.&� . ants to Reuional Medical District ler 29, 1969 fcu of Helistops for emergency purposes only: Awa a ea, ether at ground level or elevated.on a structure, that is used for the Landing and raise off of helicopters. TO, Fa C S I UBJECT: our nult Unauthor IMS is wh'cte ar single3 H E M 0 R A N D U M September 29, 1969 Pinning Cc-zaission Tired L. Hoisin-ton U Apartment PariUng As of rote, voe have been encountering probleras with parkizig in some of Ic residential districts. Residents par.0 in fire lanes and other ed areas slmply because an insufficient number of spaces are available. nerally not the exse in the higbar quality developments, but in those areas ps of singles are permitted, problems are appearing. Where three or four r t a unit,, three or four cars are the result. Generally speal-ring, the higher quality developments provide two spaces v}r unit irr--ard3ycos of ordinance requirements. 14e do not therefore feel that we —d be -If lue were to require two upaces per unit in all new (N."A.1-1.1ig or expon tE::re sh T11C ©i: dl n g cs e, d In chnckir.2; other municipali ties, we find that Bloomington requires pa,r unit, while othe73 are nearer our present 1.5 per unit. We would that we go to two spaces per unit as follows: Sec' -ion 4 11MAIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT !.I.iLenxd Para.-raph 7, Kt's kip&j. as There Shall be provided ea t1i.e. Site accupied by the multiple residence vt least cre cio.rapletely enclosed Parking Gpace and one additional enclosed ad parking spac,-- for each dwelling unit, except that it the R-2 'District mll T -a provided two corwp1l-ete-ly cinc-lo-sed parkiag spaces pez unit. . . . . Presently reads: T'6,eze sha.'Ul be pv.-vvi6cd oa the site occupied by the Multiple residence at oi-,z c(.Tapletely enclosed 'DE,rking space and one-half enclosed or pnr"�!n& space r i5 ench e,.welliur, unit- J.n the zaultiLle residence dweLling.,. Staff P1 In Il. ilRdiiTES OF THE REGUUOR NEETING OF 71-1E EDINA PLANNING C01-24ISSION HELD WO)NESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1969 EDINA VILLAGE HALL t: W. 11. Lewis, Chairman; Charles Clay, A. 13. Hiatt, George Nugent, R. A. Huelster, Cliff Johnson and David Griswold. a,.t: Fred Hoisington and Karen Sorensen. Mr. Huelster moved that the September 3, 1969 Commission Minutes be roved es submitted. Mr. Hiatt seconded the motion. Motion Carried. 18 J. C. Penny Co. Tract C R.L.S. 1284. PC -3 Commercial District to PqMgO_Commercial District. Mr. Hoisington reported that the J. C. Penney Co. is acquiring Tracts .A and C of R.L.S. 1284 and anticipates construction of a department store and .a TBA (Tires, Buttery and Accessory) facility on Tract C. The reason for the request is that Penney°s sells gasoline and petroleum products at its TBA, thus planing it in a gasoline station category. The site is ',located at the end of Barrie Road on the south side of W. 66th Street. A gasoline stntion is located just west of the site in question. The property ae the nor::ia is :,zoned 0-1 Office Building District and the whole Southdale Center is ,roned PC --3 with the exception of the two gasoline stations. Ttry staff recommends approval of the rezoning for the reasons stated to the staff report. Mr. Huelster moved that the Commission recommend approval of ,the razonin.g for the following reasons. 1. Said use is compatible with existing land use in the area. 2. Said rezoning is as logical Fr4tension of existing Pd; 3(4) zoning to the west. 3. Said rezoning would not he detrimental to other propnrtkaas ill 1 -he 1.3rmediate area. Mr. Johnuoa vzccsnded the motion. Ali. Voted Aye. Motion Carried. Z-69-19 R. E. Kremer. R--1 Resi.dantiaal District to Planned Industrial CEiLn L. G. F herve. 11-1 �-Be idcr-t4� 1 a��T . Dist-rict Zo Planned IndustrialIi:.,t£"ict. t.ount�' P.oard 13. _. .... _. _ �_. Mr. 171oisington noted that Y:Y`". ,sa two req a ts`r, s are being considered tcc-etherince the properties adjoin enc_ ane -thea. The parcels lie north of east of County Road 18 and ue A of Nine "file Creek. They, extend along County -Road 18 approximately 1100 feet port l from the north line of the Fabr_-j.-Tek property. i- % Ed _."ESS Vln nn) ,..in 14tiluces -2- Octo er 1, 1969 Zoning in the area consists principally of R-1 Residential with alz Li -eek to the south zoned Planned Industrial District. Three houses occupy the property in question. The pian for Minnetonka calls for induz.tri.al usage *l'e'st of County Road 18 from the proposed interchange at Fabri-Tek to the south city limits of Hopkins. The land in :f-innetonka is largely v acent; however, a trailer park exists northwest of the Cherne parcel. Our Western FAin,a plan calls for industrial and office development generally from a point where the Nine Mile Creek crosses County laza;d 18 so:ath to the Crosstown Highway. The staff recommends approval of rezoning to Planned Industrial District- for that area lying cast of the proposed County Road 18 right-of-way. It reco;zn ends appraval subject to the following regarding treatment along Nine Mile Creek: 1. All. plans for grading and building must be submitted to the Kine I,i;e.Creek Watershed District Board of Manegers or their consultants for approval. 2. The proponents eh -all leave untouched the first 50 fret outward from the centerlines of the Creek and shall place no buildings :within 100 feet of the Creek centerline. After some discussion, Mr. Hu_lster moved that the Commission reccr._,.3end the proposed rezoning subject to the conditions named for the fiillcw..ing reasons: 1. The xerj est conforms to our present Western Edina Plan which calls for industrial development in. this area. 2. Said rezoning would be a logical extension of existing Plaa+nwd Industrial. District zoning to the south. 3. The request conforms with the Minnetonka plan which calls for industry west of County Rowel 18. Mr. Iliatt se:com-ded the motion. A'111 Voted .dye. Motion Carried. Y!I-i, CO. R-1 Residential District to R-3, R-4 or R-5 Residential. District. Sime a'.ropc'r_ �:_ M . Hoisingtono.;t.ed that this project is not new to the Hoisington :` p 1- ., ?"'ar:n_Cng Con -mission, but because of a moratcrrivxn on multiple development, hzs been eaten ed. to J'a7,uai7= 1.,, 1970, neD action has been taken on the 1u a1c?7-1'? t. '.1:he ', "_r.A,ers were notiftect that the Commission would t'hef.r r:ogty--,;t at: t S1E d pix:: Fiver, -1969 neatlu-.t-, but the PCH Company x.: ;�-'t `Limey bc, /xa'llcaicd to IrZika R?'icti!S_r preliminary presentation at LJ the request of ' property erGy JFlea in the tzi a AP. Iioisixagtoxl as EI 't. the movc tUi.iC31.t'! and the %1ifferLI I.e Letween R-3, P-4 end 12,..5 C©mx i3sio a Minutes —3 -- October 1, 1959 1�7. Tom Stahl, architect for the proponents, made the presentaltioa to the Commission. He noted that there were 35 acres of land to be developed. The portion of the property north of Nine Mile Creek woUld be developed into R-1 properties. The remainder of the property would be in open space and three multiple dwelling buildings. The proposal is for one 12 story building and two b story buildings. The plan indicates 2 beeroom, 3 bedroi= and 3 bedroom and den type developments. The rental units would begin at $275 per month. All resident parking would be under the buildings and guest parking would be on site parking. The proponents attempted to separate vehicular traffic from pedestrian traffic. After considerable discussion by residents of Walnut Drive who a.re ia_o=l osition to the )2ro ectr fir. Griswold moved that the Commission acSgE� the ~gip 000sal for additional stud Mr. Nugent seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. 111. LOT D a hl?IONS I. R.PPalen Valley View and Wooddale. Mr. Palen intends to divide a parcel from his property at Wooddale and Valley View and give the remainder to the Village. The parcel is: 40' by 74' and has becn gr"ted Automobile Parking District zo, ins. The: property to be given to the Village is to remain for water s'.o r -age nurposee. The staff recommends approval of the division. Mr.. _Hiatt moved that the utlaimission recommend approval of the ,:ragoSed division. Mr. Huelster seconded the motion. All Voted Ave. Motion Carried. 2. A. D. Peterson.� Loi: 1. Block :I., J. G. Danielson's Addition. 'rhis is a division of a sn,ili corned of property on Lot 1, Block 1, J. E. Danielscn's Addi.=:ion whic a is to be readded to Lot 5, Block 1, Brea doore Addition 2nd Replat. The div'.scion meats all staff and ordinance requirements. ?fir. Nugent �oar.d, that the Commission recommend approval of the division. r. IIvelater seccnded the „motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. 3. I.Wina Ir_t ar(;h:m e Cor-�'Part ow Lot 2. Block !3, Edina -- Int•a re:han2e Center.. This is Fa divi.aion of the :northerly portion of Lot 2. The property is zoned Planned Industrial District and is greater than two acres in 5iz,r. The staff 2-ec onunends z kpp .ora l . Mr� . llue1_ ter moved t:.Iap?- tib �Commi sign re c2�'qaend atst�roval os ed ;s -;Licca Carried Y Edin0 �j �H 'la,n >,ing Co:mission Minutes -4- 4. R. H. Jacobson. Block 15, Rendelssohn. October 1, 1969 Mr. Iioisington reported that he had advised the owner some time ago that this property would have to be replatted so that a street could serve any new lots on the property. The proponent is asking that the S. 1/2 of W. 130 feet of N. 1/2 of Blk. 15 be divided from the rest of the property. There is no street to serve any structure to be constructed and the staff recommends denial of the division. Mr. Nu�ent moved that the Commission recommend denial of the divisi.onand that it be replatted With a street. Mr. Griswold seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. 5. R. J. Gerde. Lot 1, Block 1, Broad Oaks._ This is a division of a triangular piece of property from Lot 1, Block 1, Broad Oaks and 1/2 of vacated Sherwood Avenue which will be added to Lot 2, Block 1. The division meets all staff and ordinance require- ments. Mr. Hiatt moved that the Commission recommend approval of the division. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. All Voted Age. Motion Carried. IV. PRELIMINARY R1CF_FI 4 Z-69-20 Pemton,- -Inc. _ _R--1 Residential District to Planned Residential District. h'W aadrx3.at Crosstown and Tracy Avenue. ._...k._. w �... Mr. Hoisington noted that Pemtom, 1 -ac. wanted to get the thoughts and ideas on the proposed project before it was submitted for rezoning. He introduced Mr. Robert ungstrcm of ?emt-or,, Inc., who made the presentation. Mr. Engstroza stated that he was interested in constructing a planned residential development on this property and presented some sketches of the type of townhouses that could be constructed on the site. He noted that the proposed toumhouses would have a minimum of 1200 square feet and he anticipated 4 units per acre or 100 units, however, it might be, after more study, that the number of units would be reduced. At the present time, since he was not prepared with specifics; only wanted the ideas of the Caw—tissi.on before he proceeded. Mr. Griswold noted that this property has the potential for an exciting development and it should be pursued. Chairman Lewis stct:ed thct he liked the idea and felt that 7eitcm should be enco%,raged to proceed. The 4;are+ n f_:rae .].7 _ yt a ?c} rt, r h s de eloo went was a�rLgte for Vitae �tev: _and uKjjj�_.=tr—. I'"'�a, Via' .,��� n-roceed. No action taken E _,,,, ir V. .ss: -ing {;cn_m wss1 a Minutes -5- October 1, 1969 07'9z,$, BUSENESS B-69-22 r it mt Christian Reformed Church. 4015 IRS ewaod. Variance Appeal. Mr. Hoisington reported Lhat a variance request was denied by th,; Board of .Appeals and was subsequently appealed to the Council which referred the matter to the Co=. ission. At the August 6, 1969 Coimnitss3ion meecti 2g, the Commission tabled the request as a representative of the church indicated that additional study was necessary. A new site plan was devoloped and the only problem remaining is the lot area. The church will actually own one acre zuad will park on the affiliated Calvin Christian School pr�iperty. A 99 year Lease has been granted by the school. The ordinance requires a minimum 3itY' of three acres. The setback problems have been resolved. Mr. Ruelster moved that the Commission recommend approval of t?.c eta os !1_beccause of t".e long lease f er ,RR„rkinp� and recommended that 2Rp .,oval be continent oaon the retard of Appeal's ap-orrova1 of the lot area vari.aace. _Lj..�u&ent ssocon.ci€ad tae mntion. A? 1 Voted Ave. Motion Carried. 2, i3elio rtg, j,ad Parkj.M Structures in Re Tonal Medical Aistriet. Mr. Hoisington reported that Southdale Fairview Hospital has becorme involved with emergency helicopter ambulance service. Its purpose is to provide immediate emergency service direct from accident sites to the hos,>i t -al, The hospital rust provide a heli.pad or helistop for regular ire? i copes operations, and no such prwirision is made in our zoning ordinance. The proposes location for the helistop is sc:uth of the Crosstown near the enisti��n,g emergency entrance. The site has been tentatively approved by they FAA. Mr. Hoi si igton rioted that provision. should also be made in 013 zoning district for the construction of }parking ramps and noted that such stvucturee have been programmed for the hospital and Lite medical buil :sing in the future. The staff recommends approval of these amendments to the Regional Medical Diss r,'ct:. as follxgas: t.a=end Section 7, -Paragraph 2 (b, (2) as follows 2. r: Gr Lt I)iLoo Perini ted in District (2.1" Parking str 7Ya:ezes or r, mpe and parking garages accessory to 4'a's!: Ets.3.r;as�.p 1 'c;..E'. perr,iitcirlg ?. a7kiC2g of ambulances, service tiro s, F, -,n f pri*'Va-,.e aL`att.3rul'vb' ler, o_f t:3i`.eS ts, employees and r -5- October 1, 1969 Hsl±sluops for use by helicopters involved in emergency rescue operatio.-as, provided; such facilities are properly fenced, include no support facilities other than lighting, windsocks, and fire extinguishers and provided further, that they are approved by the FAA. Amend Section 11, Definitions: "Helistops" An area either at ground level or elevated on a structure, t i8 used 'Aoe the landing and tike off of helicopters. d A-mendment - Apartment Parking Reg- ulat ions - 'Ar. Hoisington reported that there have been dificulties in me of our multiple residential districts with regard to parking. Residents rk in fire 1-anes and other unauthorized areas because an insufficient mber of parking spaces are a-vailrble. This is generally not the case in gher quality developments, but in those areas where groups of single oDle rent a unit and three or fo-ar cars are the result. In checking with other mlinicivalities, Bloomington requires 111.2 space3 per unit while others are nearer our present 1.5 per unit. The 11itaff reg: oui,,.,ends two spaces, on encIcsed and one enclosed or exposed parking ilpace for each unit as follows: ragraph 7, ?Iultiple Revideace Section. Section 4. 'Ehere aliall be provided on the site occupied by the multiple esidence dwelling at leseoL one camplc-,-eiy znclosed parking space and one z dd-Itional Qn-closed car exposed par!."Llig space for each dwelling unit, except ordinan-,e prazently reads: There shall be provided on the site occv.pied by the multiple at least oue completely enclosed parking space and one-half enclosed 6r arpci-;ed parking Epaca for each 6�irelling unit in the raazi� lois residence ding, excapt . . . Mr. Huelste- rnoyz�! t*aat the Commissiou reco=aend the _2Koposed .g.e. 11r. 131Ftt motion. All Voted Aye. Notion i The Gciitazi,-,sion sia.t, wl,:1.dnesday, October 156 1969 at 6:00 P. I. for 4 f..,cld jr�spectjoj,-. vnd 7%00 P.M. for a special meeting. ont L 9:25 PM. Respectfullysubmitted, Karen Sorensen, Secretary i. AGENDA Pl.a=ing Commission Village Hall Wednesday, October 15, 1969 Special Meeting - 7:00 P.M. Z-69-12 Willima Olsen. R-1 Residential District to Planned Residential District. Mori.tori.um Cc+asideration. Build f,.0 Height Co- si.derati ons . 5-69-18 Wilson R. L. S. Olinger toad. Street Plan (Incl. County Road l3 review) . Western Edina Flan ILII. 1 I � it � i I J f� t=y, O J J� IL Z Zrr cD Sty ;II Val d OL 0 I 01 _COl J h Ifl I i `G l I I� .01� 1 I � i I Sit f� t=y, J J� J J� :CCS. MEMORAWDUX Planning Commission Fred L. Hoisington, Village Platmer High rise fl Quite to uy surprise, in its deliberations on the Halla R-5 request, ­hraounci.l has once again become concerned over the height of buildings through- out Iha Village. Their question is, should there be a height limit of x number of aar:ias or is our present ordinance adequate? As you know, this has been a rather hot issue, particularly in the Sou drale Office Centre area. Originally, there was a six story limit in the e3i,oaal Comercia.l District. This was then changed in the mid 1960's to a r qt�jre-mcnt. that height lie controlled by setback in the newer C--3 district. Tha 'jtequ.ircmeat. the -.x imposed was a 1:1 ratio, height to setback, which means that a bo*ldi.n,g must set no closer than its height to its own property lines. The sizer of the site, in essence, determined how high a building could be constructed. Building #1 was completed in the Southdale Office Centre (3 stories) andlI�W,lding #2 w�--.s contemplated (3 stories) wren the Southdale Road residents a s11 become concerned about buildings #5 and 6 which were proposed to be 10 store es i.n height, according to the original Dayton plan. The fact that these :3trUcCtUres loamed in the not too distant future, prompted the Southdale Road residents to request an cardinance amendment to insure that these 10 story str*tures could not be built closer to Vaglla:y Vied Road. The ordinance, at that Limj'! permitted the structures to set but 100 feet from Valley View Road ,'l: k!, raUo) rather than the 160--70 feet shown on the original plan. Recognizing this as a:a rather unique situation in Edina, high rise i ne iiately adjacent to single fa`raily homes, the. Planning Commission and Staff wori"d out an and€aent which recogni€ed this relationship. We decided to leave r_hL!'Jsl ratio (to property lines) as the minimum requi: rent for taller buildings hut,!!'pacommended to the Council additional requirements regarding proximity to R-1 ''Droperti.es . 1n janu ary, ,f.968, the multiple residential districts were substantially gpda tl ed and as part of our racor=endat_7 ora to the Council, we suggested that height ')e treated as :Moxas in the R --S District: 261-156 - Sec. 4 (¢) Setbacks and TF.xds in Districts R-4 and R-5, the minimum building setback from any ?roperty line shall be no less th&i 35 feet or the average height of the building, i greater. !� Ibui .dixag whose length is equal to or exceeds 4 times its � e, is `i arVti '= .e belgiat shAl Ea se za a=,°arage front yard setback of not lesa than a distance rya . co twica it.-, a;7era e 'height. III the R --S District, any structure 5 or 6 rir..otics :.r baight shall bre _3o closer to au R-1 District properties, except those a§ red ke nan :es id°.P.r tial y)u-,poses, a`.ha^.,+i 2 Umes the average height of the buil:,- ing.: Fox- a r or a story Structure, thu sctb&ck shall be no less than 3 titrates the aaai� i :s hei-Int and for a structure 9 or i►o_e stories in height, the setback shall be Uo le . ­m than 4 tkres the building height from any R-1 District properties, a}c4t gage utilized for non-residential purposes. The Council granted final approval of this amendment in January, 1961, and later (Aug. 1968) applied the exact same principle to the C-3 cis rc:ial District and the newly created 0-2 Office Building District. The ,amendmeit to the C-3 District met with the approval of the Southdale residents ard'ras recently enforced when Dayton Development wished to encroach on the req%ilired setback for the 7 story building # 3 (required by the new ordinance to set';3 times the building height or 252 feet from the rear property lines of the R-1 ',properties on Southdale Road). As I see it, the height principle you approved in 1968 was an apptopriate one. It allows flenibility and yet respects single family areas. it takes varying circumstances into consideration as well. The question does not, at this point, seem to he whether we should pla4e- an arbitrary height limitation on buildings in the 0-2, C--3 and R-5 Districts, but instead whather we ;should be very discreet as to where we permit taller buildinss. I see the Southdale area as a particularly appropriate Ioc21tion for high arise. The Halla property, too, seems suitable for this type of structure since it is sua:rc<c:n0ed by open area, has good access and is provided {cod commercial service. There are not ma -ay sites in the Village having all of theoe desirable attributes. If we were to reimpose a height limitatiou of say 6 stories in the above mentioned districts, we would cause greater land coverage, more inflexibility and less diveroiLy. Furthermore, there is nothing magic about an arbitrary heigbt limitation. Varying, circumstances and settings require varying treatment. My contention is that there are both appropriate and inappropriate alaees for high rise buildings in the Village of Edina. In places where they -ire, appropriate, we can utilize our is -••5, 0-2 wad C-3 Districts. In inappropriate places we can use our R-4, 0-1 and C--2 Districts which have a 4 story limit. i -oujd therefore recommend that we not change our current weans of controlling height in the Village. 1 "agib:1-r 3 £fir M62-1�1 OF ` IE s us, M" 0 i'F,?�:� -IF CQti - ISSION H. I D OCTOBER 15, 1969 EMNA 5; ILUCE HALL rresaut: William Ls%is, Chairmau; Sam Hughes, David Orisa.•old, Robert Rr.clster. and Gorge Nugent. S,*U•L Present: Fred fti sJ ,,,-ton, !.Viii Loucks. I. Z-69-12 William Olsen. R-1 Residential District. to Planned Residential District. Fir. Hoisington briefly discussed the Olsen request for Plc:anecd Residant•fal District zolling on his 24 acre parcel at the sr,;utjjcz3t corner ass 2.ud Lake. lie indicated that the pillage has ifatc pX. agr^eer:ent -v7i4h rr. Olsen which permits him to develop 16 o" hio 24 acres with 2:c:,rn!-iouses and which allows us to receive --re-mal.-nin ; eight acre; for park pt=peves in accord with Planned Wsidenti nl District regulations. lie ivdici ted that the agree•nent a11-ouTad 5 units pez acre (instead of u) and that it limited develop-- .: k .3t to 1. g1e f�.m ly, tEva fem3.ly and taor-house structures only. He .Lu:-thez stat -ed that the agreement would becom a ull and void if the rezzcniing and vei.e riot granted. Staff recomends approval. S wvvP_<41ncq}- =.s t� Dns v�¢xe ascked a,s tis �thy we were not still a �;q-J—ir.--�. 4Ji:��'� V.L� .�i �•.: c�? Mi�.i i? c�?. •� �i.'�s �u C%er•.'``. needed, etc. 0 + i:C r fu ti er die ,;S S.` 0-1, iii. Nugent rtcv-cd to approve the rezoning. Z. .';L;e.i.2t :3£';L:oaaded the -motion. $'.oi;jo,.j Carried. tL < "tio4sin.-aton indicated that the moratorium will he lifted as [;�-' Ja.rAuf :.r�l{y ?, yl.L jOy but asked that the ��f €tel nnec? res:�danti)al I3ist,.3.ctt be w't:el`.ptc � faun G.he-more!tor tiL:i at this Y.LMe so as to expedite the Olsen w-- .. sseld moved and Mr. Nugent eizca, �t cc-ccailefa the motio-n to th-a Planned Residential District frC, the mcretorium. €ilii 4a�. �e-,-s ±:��:'t Rile' Hall a matter hard igen rise f• x �:"t^4:' { i. +� tet. t�� Village. e �.� c.0 e�c.T7 ..... ,. ?'1'i C:i�_;,.i. i3�.i'ti.,�Ga..E?t a �.,.� ,.. "'.,% c.__4` 11i1.__,^x„e. F�i '�r�:Cfi� 1. c �.i;e SC. ii. f: .t `1 RapoV: cnd asked �:�Fat no changes be .+ :i:'� J. c? in the ai: this a.i'llf—'.. Lcoljis i[3.d:Lt.f and that he ):edit our present ordintnuices were Z'ir3d thn� : an ,6oct •i<5.«t; �L'���![2t _� ��t .t ear, ?'ti3tG( -be u.Yjswer llt: ir"'?•{. .%. ,�16..�L��:! �'.{.�Q'+'1e41 al, i.,^ P1i L. :a.t.2-aa rise 1ri�� ,,} ... <_...k. ,�.'�..:...... s: uti i- ...f± �..:��.?.tt.t7 °a EiY.�.: rc _.... S„idn't L�.r`. a.cliig• Lhis Yzci.s ,.- Z,......._�:....,. �_i .......�..... rph �.it. six" suf. _. ._.e ✓.,, ..,F lk.::t ..}« Z. by way of v.E..�;._..�� i t E,v." :�. f:%'•S.y c�.f1? -$_`L. via-' �1�'s'iy.� C: ,4_v L4 4. e. she v. i �. Lt_ OCtober 15, 1969 ?''1•1 t1i ikon F. L. S. 01int}?ea- Itoa�?. Mrs. Wilson's request for subdivision was resubmitted to the Gom:uission F7i.th changes recommended by the Staff. Staff recomm3nded that the pzrc:el be divided so that Tract A could be 115 feet (ride and 70 feet deep so es to maintain a degree of flexibility when the area is radcvel rped. No Objections were heard. fir. Nugent moved, Mr. R3clster 3&cended— notion Carried. J . Street Flail. I -47r. Loucks presented the proposed plan for streets throughout the Viilege, cxplaining the functions of various street types and their chgzacter:istics. ouch discussion ensued over the classification of luterlacben Blvd. as an arterial street. Reasons were given and after GTd'�ita':^^t�?FJ�E i:.I�CL43^a3G1, the matter was accepted for study. e' ois nata r:utle a brief presentation of the Western Edina Plan 5.50 that the Ccmnicstoa could be prepared to discuss it on November 5. ccs;t2-V: G,.e6a questioned and sugryestions were made. The plan €•razes .,ccepted for study and a request was made to supply the Planning Ccs u'ss: c:a n:�=cber uit-h all available information as soon as possible. Resp:�ctfully submitted, p eci 'oisington, Secretary