HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 11-05 Planning Commission PacketsNI UTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA PLANNING WODIISSION HELD 142DIIESDaAY, NOVE74BER 5, 1969 EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members ?,,e.sent: W. W. Lervis, Chairman; Sam Hughes, R. A. Iluelster, George Nugent, David Griswold. Cliff Johnsen and Al Hiatt. Staff Prc.saat: Fred Hoisington and Karen Sorensen 1. Approval of (October 1, 1961 Commission Minutes. Mr. Griswold moved that the October 1, 1969 Commission Minutes be approved as submitted. Mr. Hug'ies seconded the motion. Motion Carried. II. 1--69-23 David E. Thomas. R-1 Residential District to R-4 Multiple Residence District. 54th and Frarce Avenue. Tor. Thomas its zeq�jesting R-4 soning for a 27,686 square foot three lot parcel imned-iately south of his existing 11 unit apartment buildin3 at 5412 France Avenue. If rezoned, the site would accommodate 1.3 units with tic;derground parkkag. The site has 165 feet of frontage on France Avenue and is 167 feet deep. Surrounding zonin;; consists of R--4 on the north and R-1 on the other three sides. The sitM is occupied by an older home which is in a state of disrepair. Three los south of the site are occupied by older single family hames and further south are developed R-2 lots. The Staff rc-commends approval of the rezoning. Chairman Lewis noted that at the time zoning was approved for the preaezt Thomas building, a decision was :Wade that there wouldn't be any more apartment buildings south .7a France Avenue. Mr. Griswold moved that the Coimnission recommend the rezoning for the following reasons: I. Said rezoning is a logical e. -,tension of existing R-4 zoning; to the north. 2. Said rezoning is consistent with our redevelopment policy along '?rance Avenue. M . Yugent seconded the Yrol.-,ion. All Voted .dye. 'Motion Carried. Adol:jhAr Ison Division. 407 F',.onrce Avenue. Mr. Hoisington re sorted that this property is located on Dlona oe vi:! -:-Ye between Be<:lf tart L fne and Maloney Av:anue. The division r'as,.:d n is the north iS feet of Lest 21, cnd the s3uth 27 feet of Lot 22, u.3_ock 13Z, West 1_ip.{xeiiolia I1ei4;1its becoming one buildable lot. The resultant .�.ot will have a width of 45 feet on Monroe Avenue and a depth cL 135 -eat. Existing tots :in -he area, are 46 feet gide. There is a garage axLsting, at the rear of :be property, but ::ir. Nelson plans to i.ra -: ?t.. ;aairag Ccs is�+ia: -2- November. 5, 1969 tear that down and build a new garage on his own lot. The Staff recommends apl.roval of the division. Mr. Nugent moved that the Commission recommend approval of the lot division. Air. Ruelster seconded the motion. All 'Voted Aye. .Motion Carried. 2. McPherson Division. McPherson Addition. Mr. Hoisington reported that the proponent is proposing to divide off the West 65 feet of Lot 1 and add it to Lot 3, McPherson Addition It meets ordinance requirements and the staff recommends approval. Chairman Lewis asked why the division line couldn't be moved to coincide with the west line of Lot 3. Mr. Hoisington replied that Lot I has to have a depth of 120 feet and that is vhere the line has to las: to meet that requirement. Air. Huelster :coved that the Commission recommend approval of ;the Ict division. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. 3. F. Cardarell.e Division. R.L.S. 1283. Mr. Hoisingtc-n reported that this division is located along County Road 19 and the division results in all of Tract A being added to a portion of Tract B. The r:2maining portion of 'Tract B will be added to actr C. The division Meets all ordinance requireezcents of the Planned Industrial District and the Staff recoirmends approval. Mr. Hughes moved ti;.at the Cor3mission recommend approval of he divisic-a. Mr. Hiselster recorded- the motion. L11 Voted Aye. Motion Carried. 4.j&n _QE( finance l�mendmcnt -• Regional Medical District and Office Building District. Mr. lioisingt:ors reported that there ha.d been a request from a airvi.ew-ScuLhdale Hospital wo ar_end the sign ordirs.ance to permit them to xect a lrxger sign than permitted by ordinance. The proponents had appeared before the Board of Appeals for a variance, but the Staff and L oa, d felt that it las not a variance consideration and if the ordinance -,,,a, in error, an ordinance change. should he made. 14r. Kirby Erickson, Assistant Administrator of the hp:spital, .rat Terry l:uahesa tl,s� ,el.e Si:-sn Cc., appeared and submitted a photograah of the type of silgn '--%,ey int.--nd to erect on the: :io pital. They indicated ?gat'' --hey -via-zt.ed a:. ',t;3, lar-gi� arexug.h t.o be seen frcm the Crosstown Highway :icusL travell.in- to Like so that th-a traveler would know which ^.tit -to take. This : (lentifi .-ati.cn is for r-hosff t%itients who live outside a lit: i�i'.?jliEit an Ca,rca. Edina Plaiming; Commission P:inutes -3- November 5, 1969 The proponent wants to erect two 364 square foot signs high on the west and north elevations of the building. The sign ordinance permito 50 square feet for the first sign and 36 square feet for the second sign. The State and County Highway Departments do not, as yet, have roadside signs for this purpose. The Commission agreed that they had worked very hard to get a good sign ordinance in effect and also noted that the sign companies had been contacted to help work out some of the details. They felt that the ordinance was a good one and were not willing to change it because others would request changes in their coning districts. Mr. Hughes moved that the Commission deny the request to_amend _the sign ordinance. Mr. Huelster sero-nded r:he motion. All Voted Aye. Motion Carried. IV. Mr. Hoisington reported that the PCH Co. request had been with- dracrn earlier in the day and that he had just received a request from Mr. Hansen to continue his request until after the Western Edina neighborhood meetings dere held. He noted that he could, at this time, outline his thoughts and ideas on Western Edina, but it could be postponed until (after the neighborhood meetings. He indicated that he wished to have the Commission give tentative, but not binding approval to the plan recommended by the. Staff and also to authorize the Staff to utilize it during the various neighborhood presentations. He asked the spokesman for the Western Edina Homeowners Association for his thoughts. Mr. Ryan replied that if Mr. Hoisington remade his presentation, his group would feel that they would have to make their presentation also, and perhaps it would be a good idea to wait until the December meeting before specific proposals and recommendations were made. Chairman Lewis noted that the Commission was in general agree- ment with the plan on the gall at the present time. He also reminded the members of the audience than: it could well be that there wouldn't be any commercial development in that area, but that they should not take that as an official statement. Pio action taken. V. SF -65-13 Carol^ne Addition - Blix Replat. Mr. Hoisington reported that this is a five lot plat located south of West 70th Street Lee Valley Circle. The Council has approved the final plat. Mr. Nugent moved that the Commission approve the plat in final form. ;fix_ Ruelster seconded the motion. All Voted Ave. Motion 1' 1.ri: Planning C:onmissicn Minutes VI. SF -69-19 C. Jacobson plat. -4- November 5, 1969 This 18 lot plat is located south of Limerick Drive extended and west of the railroad tracks_ Mr. Hoisington asked that the Coaamission ,approve it in preliminary form and give him the opportunity to explore with Mr. Jacobson and residents of the area the possibility of building 18 townhouse units on the property instead. 1t would be the same density, but the units would be placed closer to the Creek and away from the railroad tracks. Mr. Huelster moved that the C;omkission approve the plat in ne2imin�xy formand directed Mr. Hoisington to proceed with his town- house:inqui-- 7. Mr. Nugent seconded the motion. All Voted Ave. Motion Carried. Ad jourrzient at 8445 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Karen Sorensen, Secretary