HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-12-11 Planning Commission Meeting PacketsAGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS DECEMBER 11, 2013 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Edina Planning Commission November 13, 2013. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment," the Planning Commission will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Commission or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on this morning's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments today. Instead, the Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VII. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Cindy Larsen. Residential Development Coordinator — Presentation B. Sketch Plan. Pentagon Office Park VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS • Council Connection • Attendance • Miscellaneous IX. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS X. STAFF COMMENTS XI. ADJOURNMENT The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-886172 hours in advance of the meeting. Next Meeting of the Edina Planning Commission January 8, 2014 MEMO Date: December 11, 2013 To: Planning Commission From: Cindy Larson, Residential Redevelopment Coordinator Re: Residential Redevelopment Update The residential redevelopment update presented to the Planning Commission will provide an overview of my observations to date of our redevelopment process. Topics covered will include common concerns heard from our residents and remedies presently used'to address these concerns, effective policies that are currently in place and recommendations for next steps to better improve our policies and procedures. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St • Edina, MN 55424 Residential Redevelopment Update Common Concerns Current Remedies Effective Policies Next Steps f Common Concerns • Parking Issues • Erosion Concerns (tracking into street) Encroachment Disputes (property lines, fences, trees) • Drainage/Impervious Surface Coverage Questions • Noise Levels • Safety Concerns (site protection, foundation fencing) • Construction Hour Questions & Complaints • Tree Removal Misc. General Questions (new, remodel, addition) www.EdinaMN.gov Current Remedies • Work with Builders on Code Compliance (sweeping, erosion protection, safety fence, placement of materials, parking, construction hours) • Parking Restrictions Working in conjunction w/ multiple City departments to answer questions (Building, Engineering, Police, Public Works) Coordination of meetings between builders and residents I e Stop Work Orders, Escrow Funds, Citations www.EdinaMN.gov Effective Policies • Site Signage • Neighborhood Meeting — provides opportunity for residents to ask questions • Pre -Demolition Site Inspection • Cash Escrow • Parking Issues —communication with Builders and Police www.EdinaMN.gov Next Steps • Enforcement Protocol (code section 1040 vs. 411; specific violation remedy guidelines) • Drainage Code Review (in process by Engineering) • Dust control Policy (demolitions) • website Presence for Redevelopment • Critical Topic Handouts (with demo & building permits) • work Session to discuss Code clarifications www.EdinaMN.gov City Mall - Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 9S2-826-0384 - www.CityofEdina.com Date: December 11, 2013 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review — Pentagon Park The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to redevelop Pentagon Park along 77"' Street. (See property location on page Al.) The total site area is 43 acres in size; and would likely redevelop over the next 2-15 years in the future. Proposed uses include office, retail and a hotel. No housing is anticipated at this time, however, that use is currently allowed on the property, and should remain as a potential future land use. (See sketch plans including two development options on pages A3-Al2.) The site is currently zoned MDD-6, Mixed Development District. (See existing overall development plan for Pentagon Park on page A2.) Anticipated land uses for the site all meet the current zoning regulations. Following the sketch plan review by the Planning Commission and City Council, the applicant will follow up with a request to rezone the site to PUD, Planned Unit Development, to allow greater flexibility of land uses, amenities, setbacks, pedestrian connection, and depending on the future use of Fred Richards Golf Course, potential greater connection and integration in this public space. The goal after sketch plan is to obtain a Preliminary Rezoning to PUD of the entire site, along with approval of an overall master development plan. Final Rezoning would then be sought, along with the first phase of development, which would likely be the property on the south side of 77"' Street adjacent to Highway 100. A compliance table is provided on the following page to demonstrate how the proposed plans would comply with the current zoning of MDD-6, Mixed Development District. City of Edina - 4801 W. Wh St - Edina, MN 55424 EMM Compliance Table * Would require a variance under the current code The most significant change proposed is replacing the residential square footage with non- residential square footage. Within the context of the Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR), the proposal would shift from Scenario 2, to closer to Scenario 3. (See pages Al 5 & A35, of the attached AUAR.) Please note on page A35, the square footage proposed, does not exceed the maximum square footage contemplated in the AUAR. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St.. Edina, MN $5424 Glty Standard (MQD=6)ee Pp 010 70 Setbacks - lBulldinsiis Front Setback 35 feet +'l: foot for each foot the building *50 feet (770 Street -12 story height exceeds minimum setback buildings) *35 feet (Viking Drive -12 story buildings) Rear 35 feet + % foot for each foot the building 50 feet height exceeds minimum setback Side 35 feet + % foot for each foot the building 50 feet height exceeds minimum setback Setbacks - Parking Structures Front/street 20 feet or the height of the structure 50 feet Building Height 4 stories north of 77�" Street *5 stories 12 stories south of 774` Street 12 stories (Heights over 12' stories would require a Comprehensive Plan amendment) Parking lot and drive aisle setback 20 feet (street) 20 feet Building Coverage 30% 30% Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 50% - Non-residential Uses *9,777,560 sf total proposed 50% - Residential Uses non-residential (includes, 1,881,134 square foot site Burgundy Place, Walsh Title & a 250,00psf hotel) Parking Stalls — Mixed Mon Residential: 1,777,560 s.f./300 - 5,425 Parking detail has not been Development District stalls required calculated at this time Minimum Lot Size 43 acres 43 acres * Would require a variance under the current code The most significant change proposed is replacing the residential square footage with non- residential square footage. Within the context of the Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR), the proposal would shift from Scenario 2, to closer to Scenario 3. (See pages Al 5 & A35, of the attached AUAR.) Please note on page A35, the square footage proposed, does not exceed the maximum square footage contemplated in the AUAR. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St.. Edina, MN $5424 MEMO A. �� a e While, the densities contemplated here are still within the parameters of the AUAR, traffic would have to be studied to verify if any, and at what point would roadway improvements would be necessary per the AUAR. PUD GOALS Below are the Code requirements and considerations for PUD. The applicant has pledged to include many of the goals and standards for a PUD. Those include: Sustainable design, living streets concept, improved pedestrian connections, pedestrian oriented design, and lighting, landscaping and creative Siormwater management. D. Procedure for Rezoning to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) District. Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the PUD District is to provide comprehensive procedures and standards intended to allow more creativity and flexibility in site plan design than would be possible under a conventional zoning district. The decision to zone property to PUD is a public policy decision for the City Council to make in its legislative capacity. The purpose and intent of a PUD is to include most or all of the following: a. provide for the establishment of PUD (planned unit development) zoning districts in appropriate settings and situations to create or maintain a development pattern that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. promote a more creative and efficient approach to land use within the City, while at the same time protecting and promoting the health, safety, comfort, aesthetics, economic viability, and general welfare of the City; c. provide for variations to the strict application of the land use regulations in order to improve site design and operation, while at the same time incorporate design elements that exceed the City's standards to offset the effect of any variations. Desired design elements may include: sustainable design, greater utilization of new technologies in building design, special construction materials, landscaping, lighting, stormwater management, pedestrian oriented design, and podium height at a street or transition to residential neighborhoods, parks or other sensitive uses, d. ensure high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned; City of Edina - 4801 W. W St. • Edina, MN 55424 MEMO M e. maintain or improve the efficiency of public streets and utilities; preserve and enhance site characteristics including natural features, wetland protection, trees, open space, scenic views, and screening; g. allow for mixing of land uses within a development; h. encourage a variety of housing types including affordable housing; and ensure the establishment of appropriate transitions between differing land uses. 2. Applicability/Criteria a. Uses. All permitted uses, permitted accessory uses, conditional uses, and uses allowed by administrative permit contained in the various zoning districts defined in Section 850 of this Title shall be treated as potentially allowable uses within a PUD district, provided they would be allowable on the site under the Comprehensive Plan. Property currently zoned R-1, R-2 and PRD -1 shall not be eligible for a PUD. b. Eligibility Standards. To be eligible for a PUD district, all development should be in compliance with the following; i. where the site of a proposed PUD is designated for more than one (1) land use in the Comprehensive Plan, the Cify may require that the PUD include all the land uses so designated orsuch combination of the designated uses as the City Council shag deem appropriate to achieve the purposes of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan, ii. any PUD which involves a single land use type or housing type may be permitted provided that it is otherwise consistent with the objectives of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan; iii, permitted densities may be specifically stated in the appropriate planned development designation and shall be in general conformance with the Comprehensive Plan; and iv. the setback regulation, building coverage and floor area ratio of the most closely related conventional zoning district shall be considered presumptively appropriate, but may be departed from to accomplish the purpose and intent described in #1 above. As highlighted above in bold, the City may require housing to be incorporated into the City of Edina • 4801 W. 50* St • Edina, MN 55424 MEMO development to achieve the purpose of the MDD-6 zoning and the Comprehensive Plan which calls for housing within the development. The applicant has indicated that housing may be a possibility in future, but does not anticipate it in the short term. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 �� -v •-:aax�us+a , wM+ w^ yeas 1 p I _ s , et i _ z G s T" ,lFA " ' - ACTNE PHASE PROPOSED BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING 0 1 25 250 T'. SCALE IN ET, w 040ALL 0FVE(.,*r'h -1A L PARItlNG 3836ING (4.11 STORIES #kfD ' Q 1.200 STALLS EASTPARIONG 15 %y 121 1�1 g� OME 1,200 m I NDENT NG 1 1 Q BUfUMDY PLACEjjIN6LMNC3 2j ASSISTED LIVING 2 i 18 URIT9� i► N 103 UNrrS TOWNHOME 3 of IS T WALSH TITLE s 1,000 y (OFFICE) WEST BUILDING 410§MESI INUE D UVING 3 mitten dunwn�� Krm �. »�.,� —'— � ASSOCIBfl�, kr- )w >,wc� EDINA QATEWAY rm 31 JAM ertaa w�amrsaorsolleM Pentopa Park Redevelopment srrePLAN Wayzata pp.rcl, LLC.. Ronkg mW Dwell Pkam euu TmycorvLete pnoiecr S -2.p 4p�M- a �n� NM;�wvd 001 N1 F � m ills! t N LAea VO Qz z Q2 2L,A� :5;=,3 a u, 4 _z gu m IpC a 001 H2 Iceyii statistics Land Use South Parcei- Hotel -375. 425 Rooms Office -500,000 GSF Retail- 2S.000 GSF North Parceh Office - 900,000 GSF Ret311-15,000GSF Structured Parking A 1,400 STALLS B 1,400 STALLS C 800 STALLS D 800 STALLS E B00 STALLS F 1,200 STALLS am pad" = OWdhV IN Water MM Open Spam Underpen Th"A Sheftv 0 Monumae PRELIMINARY PLANNING COMMISSION DAMON FARBER ASSOCIATES TIF DIAGRAM OPTION 2 BOB CLOSE STUDIO, LLC EDINA, MN - NOVEMBER 6, 2013 W 76T)4 ST 0' 257 SW nw%ww"� DAMON FARBERASSOCIATES 808 CLOSE STUDIO, LLC W76IMST r R801"Tad W 77th m Su;vw" treats �Gmms"aw Ca ewmft rl WSW m owsps- um ■� tgmm hdwa 2sw Soo • mwmn rfts �— BUILDING HEIGHTSLl MN -DECEMBER 6, 2013 _ 3 EDINA, 77TH CONCEPT PLAN DAMON FARBERASSOCIATES ROADWAYTYPES BOB CLOSE STUDIO, LLC EDINA, MN - NOVEMBER 6, 2613 PARKWAY CONCEPT PLAN I III III KEY ELEMENTS • Decorative lighting • Street trees • 6'sidewalk with 10' boulevard • One lane of traffic in each direction • Parking bays for parking regional "N boulevard 5; l ;;wbe. "W tape Pa ng boutaard sidawatfc XON. —' DAMONFARBERASSOCIATES ROADWAYTYPES`J_'# BOB CLOSE STUDIO, LLC. s EDINA, MN -NOVEMBER 6, 2013 f. - a P 7 � F -B SUPPORTING STREET CONCEPT PLAN MWINAWN-0111NM KEY ELEMENTS - Parallel parking - 101 boulevards/6 sidewalks - Decorative lighting - Street trees SUPPORTING STREET CONCEPT SECTION DAMON FARBERASSOCIATES BOB CLOSE STUDIO, LLC sidewalk bOU!!Oyd travel lane PakM9 boulevard sidewalk ROADWAYTYPES EDINA, MN - NOVEMBER 6, 2013 7rY MON. I GREEN STREET CONCEPT PLAN m KEY ELEMENTS • Parallel parking • 6'boulevards/6'sidewalks • Decorative lighting • Street trees GREEN STREET CONCEPT SECTION im',momm" m r m'mm F; boulevard ;;Lk sidewa& boukvard ;a; ;;W.—. b" W" DAMON FARBERASSOCIATES ROADWAYTYPES I 008 CLOSE STUalO, LLC EDfNA, MN -NOVEMBER 6,2013 INTERNAL STREET CONCEPT PLAN INTERNAL STREET CONCEPT SECTION DAMON FARBERASSOCIATES 009 CLOSE STUDIO, LLC — 61 — ;1� 0 0 12' 10 a 6 boulevard ;;i�; V" bfte FRIL9 bo&;* 119IN madwW R.O.W. ROADWAYTYPES EDINk MN - NOVEMBER 6, 2013 DAMONFARSERASSOCIATES 77TH"ENUE BRIDGE BOO CLOSE STUDIO, LLC EDINR, MN- NOVEMBER 6, 2013 � FINAL ALTERNATIVE URBAN AREAWIDE REVIEW UPDATE GATEWAY STUDY AREA - UPDATE FOR THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA Original AUAR: September 2007 Update 1: June 2013 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue - Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763-541-4800 Final Alternative UrbanAreawide Review Update Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 1686-37 p t3 City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 952-826-0460 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Purpose........................................................................................1 II. Approved Development/Current Conditions.......................................................2 Ill. Areas Remaining to be Developed..........................................................................2 IV. Update to the Environmental Review....................................................................2 V. Mitigation Summary and Update...............................................................................7 V1. AUAR Update Review...............................................................................................14 List of Figures Figure 1 Location Map Figure 2 USGS Location Map Figure 3 Aerial Photo Figure 4-1 Scenario 1 Figure 4-2 Scenario 2. Figure 4-3 Scenario 3 Figure 4-4 Scenario 4 Figure 5 Adjacent Developments Appendix A - Figures Appendix B - Agency Correspondence Final Alternative Urban Areatvide Review Update Gateway Study Area City of Edina, MN WSB Project No. 1686-37 f Introduction and Purpose The Gateway Study Area (Study Area) is approximately 135 acres. The Study Area is bounded by Minnesota. Trunk Highway 100 (TH 100) on the west; France Avenue on the east; 76th Street West and Fred Richards Golf Course on the north; and Edina"s border with Bloomington on the south. The area is shown on Figures 1, 2, and 3. The Study Area currently contains a mixture of light industrial/warehouse, commercial, office and residential uses. There is a total of 1,904,000 gross square feet (gsf) of these uses in the existing conditions. The City of Edina adopted the Final AUAR on November 5, 2007. Pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.3610 Subp. 7, for the AUAR to remain valid as the environmental review document for the area, the document needs to be updated every five years until all development in the study area has received final approval. Since redevelopment has not occurred in the study area and the AUAR expired In November 2012, the purpose of this document is to update the AUAR pursuant to Minnesota Rules. The 2007 AUAR included an analysis of the following development scenarios (Figure 4-1 to 4-4).- Scenario -4); Scenario 1- Comprehensive Plan Scenario 2 - Master Plan Scenario Scenario 3 - Maximum Commercial Build Scenario Scenario 4 - Maximum Residential Scenario Table 1: SUmmary of Redevelonment Srwnarinc In 2008, the City updated their Comprehensive Pian. However, Scenario 1 is still consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. This AUAR Update serves as an update of the 2007 AUAR, and includes a review of the areas that have and have not developed, an update to the environmental analysis as needed, and a review of the mitigation measures. The original 2007 AUAR is available Fina►Alternalive ManArmvide Review update page, GatmWSh*Area city ofedina,MN W38Pmjeci No. 1686-37 )ane ZOM Existing Scenario 1. Scenario 2; Scenario 3: Scenario 4: Conditions Comprehensive Master Flan Maximum Maximum Plan Commercial Residential Office 1,873,000 1,546,000 1,862,000 3,261000 1,094,000 Commercial f Retail Hotel 15,000 174,000 15,000 15,000 Office & Light Industrial Mix 1,296,000 1,296,000 1,296,000 1,296,000 Residential 31;000 31,000 914,000 31,000 11581,000 TOTAL: 1,904,000 1 2,888,000 4,246,000 4,603,000 3,986,000 In 2008, the City updated their Comprehensive Pian. However, Scenario 1 is still consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. This AUAR Update serves as an update of the 2007 AUAR, and includes a review of the areas that have and have not developed, an update to the environmental analysis as needed, and a review of the mitigation measures. The original 2007 AUAR is available Fina►Alternalive ManArmvide Review update page, GatmWSh*Area city ofedina,MN W38Pmjeci No. 1686-37 )ane ZOM for review on the City's web-site at h.p;/fedinamn gQy./index,phn?section=community deyelom nt planning. 11. approved Development/Current Conditions No redevelopment has occurred within the study area. Figure 3 shows the aerial photo for the site. In 2008. the City updated their Comprehensive Plan. However, Scenario 1 is still consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Iii. Areas Remaining to be Developed No redevelopment has occurred within the study area. The initial potential redevelopment that triggered the initial AUAR in 2007 did not come to fruition. Recently, there has been renewed interest in redevelopment of the area. The redevelopment plans are within or below the densities analyzed in the AUAk Timeline: The 2007 AUAR anticipated redevelopment of the Pentagon Towers and Pentagon Quad areas (approximately 39 acres) to begin in 2008 and be completed within 5-7 years. The remaining 96 acres did not have a specific timeline for redevelopment. This redevelopment has not occurred. The current estimate for redevelopment timeline for the area is 5-1.0 years. N Update to the Environmental Review Wildlife: The DNR Natural Heritage Database was reviewed to provide an update for any threatened and endangered species. This review and DNR correspondence is included in Appendix B. There are no new incidents of rare or endangered species within the study area. Contamination and Past Land Use. Public MPGA database information was reviewed to update this section of the AUAR to identify verified or potential hazardous substances and petroleum release sites associated with the project area or surrounding area. The following databases were reviewed as part of this investigation: • MPCA "What's in My Neighborhood?" website search • MPCA Storage Tank Leak site website search Twenty-nine database listings were identified for the project area. Some of the identified sites were listed on more than one database and the majority of the listings were for small quantity hazardous waste generator (15) and tank sites (7). Inclusions on these databases do not directly indicate an environmental hazard and no spills or mishandling of hazardous waste was identified during the review. However, the following database listings for the project area were determined to directly indicate historic or current environmental contamination: Final Alternative urban Areawfde RevkW Update Page t Gateway $U*Area MyafEdina„ MN WSBprojectft 1686-3T Jane 2013 ki �t derrground Storage Tan (LUST) Sites, * MPCA Leak #4105 - Pentagon Office Park located at 4930 West 77th Street, Edina, MN 55435. This site has been issued site closure by the MPCA. Site closure indicates that the contamination, if present, has been investigated and determined to not pose a threat to human health or the environment. Note:, site closure does not indicate that the site is free of contamination. • MPCA Leak #627 - Pentagon Office Park located at West 77th Street; Edina, MIN 55435. This site has been issued site closure by the MPCA. • MPCA Leak # 617 - Roberts Automatic Products located at 4451 West 76th Street, Edina, MN 55435. This site has been issued site closure by the MPCA. Volunt r Inyestig-afion and Cleanup CWQ Sites • MPCA VIC #28660 - Hillcrest Development located at 4530,x4540, 4550, 4570, 4600, 4640, and 4660 West 77th Street, Edina, MN 55435. • MPCA VIC #29410 - Hillcrest Development located at 4510, 4815, and 4901 West 77th Street and 7600 Parklawn Avenue, Edina, MN 55435. • MPCA VIC #2890 - Parklawn located at 7625 Parklawn Avenue, Edina, MN,` 55435. • MPCA VIC #13540 - National Rental Car located at 7700 France Avenue, Edina, MN 55435. Petroleum Brownfields Sites • MPCA PB #4182 - Hillcrest Development located at 4530, 4540, 4550, 4570, 4600, 4640, and 4660 West 77th Street, Edina, MN 55435 (also a VIC site). • MPCA PB #4239 - Hillcrest Development located at 4510, 4815, and 4901 West 77th Street and 7600 Parklawn Avenue, Edina, MN 55435 (also a VIC site. Wastewater System. The AUAR analyzed the wastewater system in the area, including'the Metropolitan Council's interceptor, BN -499: Since the 2007 AUAR, a wastewater project was completed in the area. Asa result of the AUAR and potential re -development anticipated within the study area, the City of Bloomington, in conjunction with Met Council, upgraded Lift Station 10 (MCES L-55) to a near-term capacity of 1.8 million gallons per day (mgd). Project improvements also involved constructing a new 16 -inch forcemain to replace the existing 12 -inch forcemain in West 841h Street in Bloomington providing a long-term capacity in the forcemain of 4.8 mgd. Inter -community flows from Edina have been -redirected to the new forcemain, essentially bypassing the gravity portions of MCES Interceptor BN -499 to provide additional capacity for re -development in Bloomington. Water Supply System; No changes to the water supply system have occurred in the area. Flnel MAermUve MOM AremWe l4evfew Update' F0#6 3 CatewgKStw*Arra GYfyof 8dln% AfN WS8 pmfed Na 1686.37 faneZ013 Storm Water Management: The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District adopted updated rules in 2008. Based on these rules, if a redevelopment project disturbs more than 50 percent of the existing impervious surface on the parcel (or increases the imperviousness of the entire parcel by more than 50 percent), retention of one Inch of runoff from all the impervious surface will need to be provided. Also, peak flow runoff rates cannot exceed the existing conditions for the 2 -year, 10 -year, and 100 -year storm events and the runoff from a 2.5 -inch storm event from the parcel will need to be treated to remove at least 60% of the phosphorus and 90% of the total suspended solids. Additionally, Edina Lake, which is north of the project area, was added to the impaired waters list in 2008. Edina Lake is impaired for nutrients/eutrophication. No TMDL study has been completed to date. Transportation: The AUAR completed in 2007 analyzed the impacts of the four development scenarios for the years 2014 and 2030. The analysis for both years assumed a 1% per year growth in general background traffic, the approved development in the Cities of Bloomington and Edina (see Cumulative Impacts) and the proposed Gateway Development traffic. Updated traffic counts were conducted the week of April 1, 2015 at selected intersection and roadway segments on 77t► Avenue. The updated traffic counts were then compared to those assumed in the 2007 AUAR to determine if the analysis and recommended mitigation measures were still valid. The peak hour traffic counts ranged from 5% to 15% Less than those counted for the base year in the AUAR in 2007. In addition, the 2013 counts were 65% to 75% less than the 2014 Scenario 1 condition, which had the smallest associated trip generation. The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) counts used as a baseline in the AUAR were from the 2005 MnDOT State Aid counts. in 2049 these counts were updated and in general, these counts were at or slightly lower than those in 2005. The 2013 ADT counts compared to the 2009 ADT counts showed a slight increase (10%) on the section of 77th Street from TH 100 to Parklawn Avenue. Based on the facts that 1) no Gateway Development has occurred in the area, and 2) the majority of the additional development has been in Bloomington and Edina and their traffic generation included in the new 2013 traffic counts, and 3) the area traffic levels have not changed significantly from those assumed in the AUAR for the baseline conditions (see Cumulative Impacts), it can be concluded that the future year analysis and recommended mitigation is still valid. Cumulative Impacts: The Study Area and its surroundings are within a first -ring suburb of Minneapolis that is generally fully developed. Cumulative impacts will generally be driven by either individual parcel redevelopment or area -wide redevelopment. To analyze cumulative impacts for the Study Area, the information FlaotAtteraattve ManAreawtdeReview Update Ave4 GaCewt RudyArep City ofBdlim MN WSBPrejeCtAfa 1686.37 )one2013 I1 from the 2007 AUAR was updated to reflect known or approved redevelopment projects within or near the TH 100 and 1-494 area. Table 2 summarizes the known redevelopment plans and updates the 2007 At1AR in the area and Figure 5 shows the location of these projects. c1ty Bloomington Table 2. Summary of Adjacent Redevelopment Proposals Dev mens Summa' o Im disc Duke -Weeks Realty Limited Phase 1 and 2 completed Phase 3 to add an additional 312,000 sq. ft. of office in Partnership the future (Norman Pointe Walser Real Estate 11, LLC 50,000 sq. ft, car dealership project completed. kaiser Toyota) Addition of 112,000 ft2 of medical office space completed Ryan Companies Phase land 2 completed. Phase 3 to add an additional 250,000 sq. ft. of office in US, Inc. the future. (Marketpoint) Hilton Hotel 256 room hotel and adjoining restaurant completed Normandale 122 space parking ramp to meet demand for existing offices completed Investments, LLC United Properties 285,000 square foot office building at 8200 Norman Center Drive completed Covington 250 Apartment units -Approved, under construction. Apartments 8100 Office Tower 255,000 ftz of office - Future Hotel 100 Rooms - Future Luxembourg 282 Apartment units - Approved, under construction Apartments OA T1 Office/Pots 100,000 ft2 of office - Future Center Venture Bank 37,000 ft2 of office - Completed 2009 office FinalAlternadve UrbanAreawideRevieta Update PWS GatnMStudyArea City of Edina, MN INSB Project No. 1686-37 j June 2013 { Final Alternative Urban Areatvide Review Update Page 6 Gat mWStuc{rArea MY of EdIna MN MR Project No. 16"-37 June 2013 ks Hotel 2S7 Rooms - Future Norman Pointe 111 Office Tower 312,000 ftz Office- Future Marketpoint l/1 250,000 ftz Office - Future Office Tower 6500 France Avenue 209 Unit Senior Housing/ Skilled Care - In review process Cypress Properties Redevelopment of 40,000 ff P of a movie theater to 86,000 ftz of retail development. of Yet Completed) Target Approved increase of retail space from 154,000 IV to 196,500 ftz by 2008. (Completed) Westin _ Approved construction of an 18 story building with 79 condominiums, a 225 room hotel, and 7,000 ftz restaurant (Completed) York Place Approved construction of 49,000 ftz of retail space and 86 senior apartments. Development Replaces 52,750 ftz of office space. (Development Completed as CVS) TE Miller Development (7380 Net increase of 2,000 gsf of office space (Completed) France Office) Edina 6996 France Avenue 3,000 ijtz Retail and 5,000 ftz Office - Completed Centennial Lakes Co Shopz 2,000 ft Coffee Sha roved under construction p Approved Fairview Southdale Expansion 30,000 ftz Emergency Room expansion - in review process Southdale Residential 232 Units - Approved under construction Whole Foods 32,000 ftz Whole Food Grocery store - Completed YMCA 21,000 ftz Expansion - Completed Final Alternative Urban Areatvide Review Update Page 6 Gat mWStuc{rArea MY of EdIna MN MR Project No. 16"-37 June 2013 ks V. Mitigation Summary and Update Many of the mitigation measures outlined in the 2007 AUAR still remain valid The updated mitigation measures are outlined below and either remain in effect from the 2007 AUAR or have been updated based on new analysis as noted. A. Land Use Compatibility and Permitting Al, The proposed change in land use of Scenarios 2, 3, and 4 at the Pentagon Towers and Pentagon Quads site will require a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, A2. Any redevelopment will be required to meet Edina zoning requirements. A3. Any project proposers will be required to obtain any necessary approvals and permits. A4. if components of a proposed project exceed Edina City Code requirements, variances from the City's requirement will need to be applied for by the developer. The City will review these variance requests and make a determination as to the approval or denial of the project as part of the review process. A project proposer could also seek to amend the City Code. This request would also be reviewed by the City. B. Geologic Hazards, Erosion Control, and Hazardous Material 131. Prior to demolition an asbestos survey shall be completed by a project proposer. At the time of demolition, any necessary asbestos abatement will need to be completed by the project proposer in compliance with MPCA requirements. B2. The management, containment, and cleanup of spills that may occur within the Study Area during construction will be addressed by the permit holders of the MPCA NPDES/SDS Storm Water Construction Permit and its accompanying Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan preparation. B3. If a neighborhood convenience store and gas station is proposed, the project proposer will be required to adhere to State regulations for containment of underground petroleum tanks and an annual license would be needed. B4. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), including temporary and permanent seeding and staging plans, will be required to be submitted by each project proposer and reviewed by Edina. BS. The project proposer will need to develop an erosion control plan and submit this plan to the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District for review and approval. dual Alternative Uriran Aremvide Revietv Update ftg 7. GateivayStudy Arco City Of eddtaa, MN WSBProject Na 1686-37 t June 2013 1 B6. During construction, the project proposer and their contractor will implement Best Management Practices as needed to prevent erosion and sedimentation of downstream water resources. 137. Edina will develop a SWPPP and obtain an NPDES permit for the construction of any public infrastructure improvements (sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water main) that disturb ane acre of land or more. B8. Edina will conduct erosion control inspections during construction. 59. Project proposers will make environmental hazard investigation documents, such as Phase 1 Environmental Assessments, available to Edina.. B10. Project proposers will be required to remediate any contaminated soils encountered in conformance with MPCA regulations. 611. Project proposers will be required to remove and properly dispose of trash and debris located within a project site, including all demolition materials that may include asbestos. 1312. Municipal waste hauler companies will make residential and commercial recycling programs available to the Study Area. General municipal waste will be removed by these waste hauler companies. )313. The NPDES Construction Site permit requires a site specific SWPPP to be completed for the construction by the project proposer. This SWPPP is required to include pollution prevention management measures for solid waste and hazardous material spills that occur during construction. }314. Mitigation includes conformance with the Edina spill response plan. Spills will be reported to the fire chief and/or applicable City Staff. The fire chief and/or applicable City Staff will in turn notify any other appropriate officials depending on the nature of the spill. V15. Project proposers will be required to develop a temporary dewatering plan for construction activities, review this plan with Edina and. Nine Mile Creek Watershed District for approval, and conform to the dewatering requirements of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and NPDES Construction permit. B16. if a redevelopment project involves permanent dewatering for underground facilities, a detailed dewatering plan is required to be developed by the project proposer. This plan would include anticipated dewatering amounts, direction of discharge, analysis of impact on adjacent ponds and downstream receiving waters, and impact on the organic material within the Study Area for the Final Atlernative Urban Areawlde Review Update Page a Gateway Sardy Area ctlyofEdina, MN Ma"ed No. 1686-37 ^y June zom ,•t potential for subsidence. The plan will need to be submitted to Edina, Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, and DNR for review and/or approval. C. Fish, Wildlife, Wetlands, and Ecologically Sensitive Resources C1. Buildings to be removed as part of redevelopment will be field checked by the project proposer to determine if there are nesting Peregrine Falcons on the structure. If falcons are noted nesting on the structure, the site cannot be disturbed until the juvenile birds have fledged and left the nest. C2. The project proposer will be required to delineate wetlands within their project boundaries, if any, and review these delineations with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and Edina to determine jurisdictional status. The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District is the Local Government Unit for the Wetland Conservation Act and will review and verify any wetland delineations. C3. If wetland impact is proposed, the project proposer will be required to minimize impact to the maximum extent possible and mitigate for any unavoidable impacts in conformance with the Wetland Conservation Act. D. Municipal Water Use and Service D1. Edina will work with Bloomington to determine the needs for water system capacity improvements, water main upgrades, and future service to the Gateway Study Area. D2. In conjunction with their Comprehensive Plan update, Edina will complete an update to the 2002 Water Distribution System Analysis for the entire city to determine what current and future water system improvements may be necessary to continue to serve the City's water needs and maintain a water system firm capacity above the maximum daily water use within the City. D3.. As redevelopment occurs, Edina will complete an analysis of the water mains within the Study Area to determine if performing water main replacement is necessary and if it should occur in conjunction with other potential infrastructure improvements, such as sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and transportation improvements. D4. Any abandoned wells found within the Study Area will be sealed in accordance with Minnesota Department of Health guidelines. This will be the responsibility of the project proposer. D5. In accordance with Edina's Wellhead Protection Plan, continued protection of the existing Drinking Water Supply Management Areas located within the Study Area will be required for redevelopment projects. Anai Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Pgge 9 GatetvayStrdyArea C1W afBdih4 MN WSBPrejectNa:1696-37 "} )ane 2013 J D6. There is potential for areas that redevelop within the Bloomington service area to request to be served by Edina. If this occurs, additional analysis and water main improvements will need to be completed by Edina in coordination with Bloomington. D7. Individual redevelopment may require the installation of service pumps to serve multi -story buildings and to provide adequate fire protection. The size and type of pumps will vary based on individual building characteristics, should meet the existing local building and fire protection codes, and will be the responsibility of the developer. E. Water Quality and Quantity El. Redevelopment projects will be required to be designed to meet the policies of the most current Edina Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan. E2. Redevelopment projects will be required to be designed to meet the policies of the most current Nine Mile Creek Watershed District requirements. E3. Redevelopment within the Study Area will be required to limit peak runoff rates to at least existing conditions and reduce the runoff volume so as not to negatively impact the existing storm sewer system. 1;4. Redevelopment needs to reduce the amount of impervious surface within the project limits or develop a site specific storm water management plan that shows that the project will not impact downstream pollutant or volume loading. E5, if warranted by Edina's Nondegradation flan, project proposers will need to include storm water management strategies that reduce the total suspended solid loadings, total phosphorous pollutant loadings, and storm water runoff volumesfromthe Study Area. E6. Any redevelopment project that disturbs more than one acre of land is required to develop a SWPPP and obtain an NPDES permit from the MPCA. E7. Edina and project proposer(s) will investigate the expansion of the existing ponding areas within the Fred Richards Golf Course to provide additional storage and treatment as outlined in Edina's Water Resource Management Plan, E8. The Cities of Edina and Bloomington will petition the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District to expand the South Pond (SP -1) pond to provide additional storm water treatment for the area. E9. As Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) studies are completed for Nine Mile Creek, the results of these studies will be reviewed by Edina. Redevelopment in Fliwl Alternadve OrbanAreawide Review Update Pgge 10 GatenviWStuoAnea Cityafedine, KN WSB Project Nm 1696-37 3 June 2013 QS the Study Area will be required to meet any mitigation and pollutant load reductions that may be outlined within the TMDL studies. Update: This mitigation measure also applies to Edina Lake, E10. The project proposer will review and. determine which Low Impact Development (LID) practices are feasible to be used for each parcel. Edina will review the LID techniques and encourage their use to the greatest extent possible. Ell, A maintenance plan is required to be reviewed and approved by the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District for privately constructed and maintained storm water management facilities. F. Wastewater Mitigation Plan F1. Any redevelopment activities that may increase the total sanitary sewer flows within Service Area A beyond threshold limits for peak capacity will require upgraded facilities within the Gateway Study Area (Computer Avenue sanitary sewer) and Bloomington (MCES Bloomington Lift Station No. 10) to accommodate increased flows. Update:` Bloomington Lift Station No. 10 is also denoted at MCES Lift Station L- 55. In 2011, the pumps in the existing lift station were upgraded to provide a near-term peak capacity of 1.8 million gallons per day (mgd). Future increases in flow for re -development will need to be evaluated as the final lift station site is proposed to be relocated with the proposed future realignment of 1-494. F2. Edina, Bloomington, and Metropolitan Council Environmental Services will continue discussions and analysis regarding proposed capacity upgrades to Bloomington Lift Station No. 10 and the MCES BN -499 Interceptor along West 84th Street in Bloomington. Update: Capacity to L-55 (Bloomington LS 10 was increased to a peak flow of 1.8 MDG as previously discussed. Also in 2011,The MCES BN -499 interceptor was replaced with a 16 -inch forcemain from L-55 southerly and westerly along W. 84th Street to a gravity sewer approximately 500 feet west of France Avenue. The forcemain was designed to carry peak flows for the proposed redevelopment area. F3. Edina will complete its update to their Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Plan. F4. Edina will upgrade Lift Station No. 22. f7hai Alternative Urban Areawlde Review Ululate Pa'ge #3 t atewayStudyA#*# awofEdina, MN MR Project No. 2686-37 ( June 2013 ii 3 E5. In conjunction with redevelopment activities, Edina will determine the condition of the existing sanitary sewer pipe within the Gateway Study Area to determine if repairs or replacement is necessary based on in-place pipe condition and infiltration potential. G. Traffic and Transportation G1. Scenarios 1 and 4 The following mitigation strategies are needed for Scenario 1 and 4 to accommodate future full development traffic projections: Intersection: France Avenue / West76tb Street Improvement: Extend one southbound thru lane on France Avenue to create a total of four thru lanes Intersection: France Avenue / West 78th Street Improvement: Eastbound dual right turn lanes on West 78th Street Southbound lanes approaching the 1-494 ramps restriped to provide exclusive lanes to both westbound I-494 and eastbound I-494. The right lane will drop at the westbound 1-494 ramp providing an exclusive ramp lane. The second lane will also be an exclusive lane leading to I- 494 eastbound, reducing the weaving and stacking of vehicles that occur today. The County has expressed interest in participation. Intersection. Edina Industrial Boulevard / West 78th Street Improvement: Eastbound dual left turn lanes on West 78th Street Intersection: Edina Industrial Boulevard / Metro Boulevard Improvement: Add southbound right turn lane on Metro Boulevard, restriping the existing two southbound lanes to accommodate an exclusive left turn lane, and a thru/left lane, providing dual left turn lanes, Add 300 foot eastbound left turn lane on Edina Industrial Boulevard Intersection: Northbound TH 100 / West 77th Street Improvement: Add 150 foot northbound right turn lane on Frontage Road Westbound dual right turn lanes on West 77th Street fTfaal Alternative grbau Areawlde Review Update Galeway5h*Area CIO, ofLdfaq, MN WSB Projed No. 1686-37 June 2Q13 Pgge 12 G2. Scenario 2 Scenario 2 will require all the Improvements listed above in addition to the following: Intersection: Minnesota Drive / France Avenue Improvement. Dual westbound left turn lanes on Minnesota Drive Eastbound dual left turn lanes on Minnesota Drive Intersection: ,Northbound TH 100 / West 77th Street Improvement: Add 150 foot eastbound right turn lane on West 77th Street Intersection: Computer Avenue / West 77th Street Improvement: Northbound dual left turn lanes on Computer Avenue Intersection: Minnesota Drive / West 771h Street / Johnson Avenue Improvement: Southbound dual left turn lanes on West 77th Street G3. Scenario 3 Scenario 3 will require all the above Improvements listed under Scenarios 1, 2, and 4 in addition to the following. Intersection: Minnesota Drive / prance Avenue Improvements Eastbound dual right turn lanes on Minnesota Drive Intersection: prance Avenue / West 781h Street Improvement: Westbound dual right turn lanes on West 78th Street Interchange: T14 100 / West 77th Street Improvement: Six -lane section from Metra Boulevard to Computer Avenue Dual left turn turns at both TH 100 Ramps (Hence an eight= lane bridge) G4. General The mitigation measures discussion above (G1- G3) are needed to address full build -out of the site and surrounding area. Specific mitigation measures required for proposed development plans will be established through traffic and transportation studies required for each development proposal. These proposals will need to document compliance within the AUAR and mitigation plan. G5. Transit/Non-Motorized Transportation As redevelopment occurs in the Study Area, consideration of site-specific improvements needs to be included as developments are proposed. These Final AttmuzOve Urban Aremvide 8evlew Update GatewgysiveyArea atyofEdtna, MN WSB Project Nn.1686.37 June 2013UrAj P,VO13 would include upgrading the existing transit facilities, including bus shelters, to become ADA compliant and improving the sidewalk and/or path connections in and around each redevelopment. H. Odor, Noise, and Dust Hl. During construction activities, the project proposer and contractor shall observe all dust control Best Management Practices for fugitive dust. H2. Edina will limit construction activities and any other activities that produce noise audible outside the perimeter of a property to between 7:OOAM to 9:OOPM Monday through Friday and between 8:00AM and 7:OOPM on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. H3. Noise mitigation will be necessary if any residential units are constructed near Receptor 2, located in the southwest quadrant of TH 100/West 77th Street. Any residential buildings should be constructed using noise abatement methods. Noise abatement requirements to conform to state standards can be found in Minn. Rules 7030.0050, subp. 3. 1. Archaeological, historical, or architectural resources 11. Prior to redevelopment of the Pentagon Towers and Quads sites that would require razing of the existing structures, an evaluation and documentation of the historical and architectural significance of the sites will be needed by the project proposer. This information will need to be.submitted to Edina. 1. Cumulative Impacts Jl, Edina will work with Bloomington and potentially participate in a regional traffic study that will assist in anticipating future potential redevelopment within the TH 100/1-494 area and plan for infrastructure improvements, Edina will also coordinate with other entities to address cumulative impacts. These items have been addressed in other areas of the AUAR and include mitigation plan items D1, D6, E8, Fl, and F2. VI. AUAR Update Review This AUAR Update has been reviewed pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.3610 Subp. 7. The Gateway Study Area AUAR will remain valid for an additional five years from the My Council adoption date. FlnalAlternauve Urban AremvW ReWeiv Update Page 14 Gate*WSh*Area Cloy ajEdine, HN WSR ProjeOft 1686.37 June2013 RI Appendix A — Figures X41 ,4 A 4' IW tt d6 fli. and Figure 1 Leen Location Map Project Location Gateway GUAR • AW 0 4 8 A Miles WSB A=wktft lam vi? 10 12 Okk pro. ,4 A 4' IW tt d6 fli. and Figure 1 Leen Location Map Project Location Gateway GUAR • AW 0 4 8 A Miles WSB A=wktft lam • �., i�3w+=s:,• `ct�'�r>��r�a�a �+cv�, n, a,�+,-;.x.�r„xx,a s �....o,�„ «„�,.�.�.�.,a�.a� ` v + v ` � � r 1 ti`. ♦. xi . YC_� r.� ' I w + t t , h � t\ :.. �•are..._.rep�.e. ..l S � , i •.. � gS � ,1 p dt1 ` f j� � •\I! �� SM � � "� � =^'SRR+✓ C :#^- '�:.. �a t , y 4 it 3 or j i 43 i t 7, t�70C + _ 1 � t � i s i va„ s + , dF -fW1 Figure 3 Le end i5 -GateWaY AUAR Study Area Aerial Location Map pwtgon Qud. 0 Soo 1,000 •�_, _ ffi f:Gs i�` mac= !!fi�rr►. JI:`r A I 1A 0 :._e_.. ... r .,�� .—_s;�. _,: � .iz 7.--y , t , i ,as '-'c . ;T� •►-r`.v�� s .w._i�`...4.ac .� O fire, f Ali, z r .- i iat y J 1, c y �� �.• } D + r r, �r+'.� i X� r� �T1 i �,, p f } . 1 -., iii ..}• � � `i, � ?�''-� ��� # � �s� '' �Y��.,W,'! ,."F �� F s r e : wx 7fi All IN' i r� ^ T' - 44` �,, r , ,l* �,' � `,r �4 i •7�r� '�a+zr•-:�-pry-. w§c>. *r�� "�''�as,=- � k !, :"Ja' w 4A ss. 77 r a as'' - _ �• ��-.py ���t 1�F`st 1 �aP � t' .Y Y �a [' I «� '+^� — j f � � r7� s r r ,I. 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C � Y mr ><17, r •�, i X4'1 h 4 x;` `�'';.'i^+ ' < � 'ar � �., r� . }i F , 0 D Q 65TH"'ST VV �� ST : 6°THrS 1 h1Gateway AUAR Study Area (135.55 Acres) r ti Proposed Redevelopment Areas �,07 AUAR �T a Duke-Weeks_ty 4 'Ryan Companies US, Inc 'W rpr4 ST,;v r. r w,Wrtenson D' D t, � [Fi S VVI 7 United Properties �� } ��. t, Proposed Redevelopment Areas 2013 Update z • p �' �' aL t:ciTH ST Vv is a i 'e} a ODD A �Potential Hc test - 0D > uLuxembourg Apartments - 282 units (under construction) r 1 Hotel - 257 rooms (future) L ° ST'ST I Norman Pointe III t t r 7��'J� ThON RV • }}} . --' 1 R TW K Nlarketpoini III Office Tower- 2%000sq. ft. (future) IZ� '1 4s _ .l ORTH:DR )+ k z qv o C(—HER st ( '3RD Si V F OMENRDF a _ )yyfr+^ z(.. . ��� „#n �''i w `.. C�+ Uf -_ ELLS CR.i 7 o P {`• •'ir, a� },'!, x..q S f �.,Yv= �c ILFOR[` OR- � MM }S r �G y y�y $ J 1TN`S s' ,3 1TH7 V' 47H , ,z RA1KLAW.N A!F �. t i 5E7Uh';�F� F ��� X�t `1�Q 7� HST VV r �" s 7 s T. l T F c .- gg 111y'1 E` !�{�'�i� fw= ', +'r" "'�kr''•. d �a� �` 't E 3 "'j o- �' 4 t,' j� a i' j ;r EDIN. 11,4 J1+1 S �YV l RRRR p pr, _ Y "T Y $ ViKING t?R` E iNh'ESJT„ DR O' ES 1)1Nif _ �$ ETN STREET cue 7 cVU y t� ` ` 4 for - 7 " {* �9� V,- )dt ERIC, z ,n U, lj d ^cMi v� g"JD'ST VJ 62NI? ST Vfiay 0. 7 r x ✓ W w VAN LL of FtD S7 Jv C % Mime IF 4 �;:: t �,�,,,,'. s a:.,ai ✓ ✓-.xU TH'ST z t F C y ; u n .z.;LL �� u } , cn ar.FSTHS y 1 9T V1' " G