HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-09-16 PacketMinutes of the Regular Meeting of the Energy and Environment Commission Edina City Hall Community Room Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 7:00 P.M. Members In Attendance and Roll Call: Surya Iyer, Julie Risser, Jeannie Hanson, Michael Platteter, Dianne Plunkett Latham, M. Germana Paterlini, Hailey Lee, Paul Thompson Absent: Bill Sierks, Steve Christianson Staff Present: Jane Timm 1. Welcome & Roll Call 2. Discussion and Approval of Agenda. Commissioner Latham made a motion to approve the meeting agenda with an amendment. Commissioner Risser seconded. Motion carried. 3. Approval of the August 19, 2009 Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Paterlini made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 19, 2009 meeting with amendments. Commissioner Lee seconded. Motion carried. 4. Chair Announcements Chair Iyer announced that Commissioner Ray O'Connell had resigned and read his letter of resignation. Commissioner Iyer noted that he would write a thank you letter to Commissioner O'Connell on behalf of the Energy and Environment Commission. Chair Iyer gave information to the commissioners about the Green Institutes 16th Annual meeting on October 29, 2009 in Minneapolis. There was a discussion about CERT's accepting proposals for SEED grant funding due no later than November 2, 2009. Chair Iyer asked Commissioner Hanson, Sierks or Platteter to look at the information. There was a discussion about joining one or more of the EPA partnership programs. The commissioners discussed joining either the EPA or Green Cities, but not both. No formal decision was made at that time. There was a discussion about the letter to Manager Hughes formalizing EEC input in City's projects. Some amendments were made to the letter. Commissioner Paterlini made a motion to approve the letter to the City Manager with amendments. Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried. Old Business Commissioner Hanson gave an update on the Tree Planting project. She asked for input on a letter she wanted to send to Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications Director that would hopefully be published in the October Sun Current. There was a discussion on how to obtain the trees. Commissioner Hanson made a motion to send the letter with amendments to Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications Director. Commissioner Paterlini seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Hanson gave an update on the Krieg Grant. Commissioner Latham made a motion to forward the proposed Kreig Grant application to the Park Board with an EEC endorsement and request that the Park Board evaluate the proposed Krieg Grant application at their next meeting and if approved by the Park Board the Park Board should approve the site for the proposed algae to oil demonstration project. Commissioner Lee seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Platteter explained the spreadsheet that was handed out to each commissioner about the EEC goals. The commissioners were instructed to review and come up with things that should be on the spreadsheet by the October 21, 2009 meeting. Commissioner Platteter gave a recap of a meeting he attended Monday, September 14, 2009 with local mayors. They would like 5 cities to volunteer for the pilot program. It is a Green Cities program. The state would provide a project manager. It was note that this is supported by the mayor and city manager. A letter of intent would need to be signed by the mayor and city manager. Commissioner Platteter made a motion for the EEC to recommend and draft a letter to join Green Cities. Commissioner Iyer seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Platteter will draft a letter to join Green Cities. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to approve $100 for 20 copies of the Clean Energy DVD. Commissioner Latham seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Platteter made a motion to spend an extra $100 to do an additional 20 minute Clean Energy DVD. Commissioner Hanson seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Thompson stated he gave the World Mayors Proclamation to Mayor Hovland at the City Council meeting September 15, 2009. Commissioner Thompson would like the support of the EEC to go to Copenhagen as an ICLEI delegate in December 2009. This was tabled until Assistant City Manager Worthington could give the budget report. 5. Community Comment Sarah Zarrin, 7609 Stonewood Ct. Edina MN spoke to the commission about the October 24, 2009 International Service Day. They are.asking for 350 leaders from Edina to pledge what they can do, to make the City of Edina "greener". Four projects they have in mind: • Winterizing • Chemical and electronic recycling • Human Picture • End of Service Day Celebration 6. Adjournment Commissioner Thompson made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Platteter seconded. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. The next meeting will be the regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. October 21, 2009 in the Community Room. Respectfully submitted, Jane M. Timm, Secretary Minutes of the Recycling and Solid Waste Workgroup A subcommittee of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission Centennial Lakes Centrum, Fireside Room September 10, 2009, 6 p.m. Working Group Members Present: Chair, Dianne Plunkett Latham; Tim Rudnicki, Michelle Horan, Melissa Seeley and Jim Jones. Staff Member Present: Solvei Wilmot, Recycling Coordinator and Assistant Sanitarian Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. Approval of Minutes Ms. Seeley MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM AUGUST 6, 2009. MOTION CARRIED. Approval of Agenda Agenda approved as presented. Community Comments None Reports Ms. Latham reported Ray O'Connell had submitted his resignation from the City of Edina Commissions to the Mayor. The Mayor had regretfully accepted the resignation. Members of the Recycling and Solid Waste Workgroup expressed their appreciation for the work Mr. O'Connell had contributed. Ms. Wilmot will send a thank you note to Mr. O'Connell on behalf of the workgroup. Ms. Horan and Ms. Seeley reported that they had contacted the soccer coaches for the fall soccer program and had requested a parent volunteer to contact them to be the recycling coordinator for that team. They had not received a response. Discussion was held regarding the power point presentation that Ms. Horan and Ms. Seeley are developing. The power point would be shared with the athletic associations presidents and or coaches. Source Separated Compostable Materials It has been reported that the compost site in Carver County, by the Arboretum, is required to scale back its operation due to objections from neighboring residents because of the odor it is creating. Legislative update Ms. Wilmot reported that there haven't been any further updates on the proposed legislation for pharmaceutical take back program. Survey Discussion was held regarding the draft survey. Suggestions and changes were made. Ordinances Ms. Latham suggested members review www.eurekarecycing.org for ordinances that are being used in other communities regarding waste hauling and consider what can be used to improve the Edina Ordinances. Centennial Lakes Recycling The workgroup will recommend that the Park Department add more recycling collection containers within Centennial lakes. Currently there is a collection container within the Centrum Building. New Business Mr. Jones presented a power point on how to establish office recycling he has also reserved a web page: easyofficerecycling.com for future use. Members commented about the excellent information. Ms. Wilmot will follow up on statistics for the presentation. Next meeting Areneson Acres, October 8, 2009, 7 p.m. Meeting adjourned. 8:45 p.m. Minutes of the Recycling and Solid Waste Workgroup A subcommittee of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission Mayor's Conference Room, 5:00 p.m. Thursday, August 6, 2009 Working Group Members Present: Dianne Plunkett Latham, Chair; Tim Rudnicki, Michelle Horan, and Ray O'Connell. Working Group Members Absent: Melissa Seeley and Jim Jones Staff Member Present: Solvei Wilmot, Recycling Coordinator and Assistant Sanitarian Meeting called to order at 5:05 p.m. Approval of Minutes Ms. Latham noted a correction to the minutes of the July 2, 2009 meeting. Members discussed the survey but the way to administer the survey was not agreed upon. Mr. O'Connell MOVED TO STRIKE "a phone survey was agreed upon". Tim Rudnicki SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Rudnicki MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM JULY 2, 2009 MEETING AS CORRECTED. Mr. O'Connell SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED. Approval of Agenda An addition to the agenda was made regarding Natural Step Framework seminar. Also, Mr. Jones commercial recycling will be discussed at the next workgroup meeting. Community Comments None Reports Ms. Horan reported that a letter had been sent to the Edina athletic associations regarding improving recycling at athletic events held in the parks. Discussion was held regarding developing a power point to present to the presidents and coaches. Ms. Latham suggested contacting Ms. Wendy Morris because she had expressed an interest in assisting with that kind of a project. Survey Discussion was held regarding the draft survey. Suggestions and changes were made. Ordinances Ms. Latham suggested members review www.eurekarecycing.org for ordinances that are being used in other communities regarding waste hauling. Police Department recycling Ms. Wilmot reported that the Police Department has very good recycling collection options. Old Business Drug Take Back Program Chief Sittari's e-mail memo was acknowledged. Members will consider other options. Meeting adjourned. 6:40 p.m. DRAFT - 2009-10 EEC Policy & Project Initiatives xA7s%,-�` tr X r,+'k •.l*�g� µ'�; �F+iiarOJRMYI� T]M Niro "•.tMd /. :pfAYb Yfwfi�d"C .:w'T,"'YMIIIRIt.WM(HrtNafkx { F.. $'�3pysA ' CRY aufYiMbIINy pdky Gram drlpn NcalwrMW inYa0uw Nb IW ardmmw BY EEL. PWwq Canwwu. Ory CwnJb M1nV Oct p+nMq. YmwWq. Yam wur, aHawY. PYbq, bw nrJa. ', aD. YcR, mYriN, vldfnr Y19-Jaw'10 5 5 TEED Cgy unWMtlMy Pa Y. C daflgn Ncapdr d ftd,LOdd, Nb— aMbrlca Sd,td, EEC. TnnparYn Cd a — Cq w Ownpwl EEC. PW WIg Cvamaifn, PN BMId . rYn pardw, WYw 91w COunti bAM atl V9,Ana'10 4aM pMnry Gnm WUNCWa Mdw EEC,PWving CmarM1flOn. Cry CawY bbMl' tlbn Gang -J !O 155 3 YOM PMrar¢a C Grwn PracuramaM Pdi Games EEC, Pbcrg, TrYaparYn aM P CamiolvY. Lfy COW b Iryl OYW-JOM Om SWa tl YN haN POaOy w YO 15 5 ] Davabp pxaaf 1O asaua EEC NrNwnW Y pONI whin mvlr 6 a1YSY Iasur can M aEhpf WEEC. EEC Ea na M.tliyf PW Q. CEY SW, CMy Carmcp aW tlhwa 5 City CauMg raaohdlOn wmmgs b Ydrbn CYam Haan Gr (GHG) IWuclbn byb OordaW wYh Cbyb W,r Gram rWudng GHG by(3%7)a.My b dry H... t_T 4anrarn EEC C d Gq TIg-YanN'10 Cry Buigvg Energy EladYq• Futl WWYq wrpy auL41Or aticry.11& cmar 5,000 M•/- 101u wI C Wall O�mg-Jn'l0 4 0..Wp IrtplfrrnMatlen pW Waking br c!y Cay guYYq Errgy Efmny ttd". anarW Wda11q' N1 `d- Ncbtirq rt q' wmYa dW MIIWBIN U eW EEC,Ww Fwl'10 l0 12 9W bmdad propUm paNdNg .— MScianry Cgnpw(-d' aW auabNabYlry uYaYMa.IrdudNpaW, bfm R Low MN cXln MXw EEC SW mY ayapmMtltlgW 211 5 a E � B�iY�awYCamwml l+glYn9 Doydop pOfM wdlh NwrllvaaraYYdyr b but R E Wsbuaw BY EEC. uYm'10 g ] ] BufvwfYcammartlY LgMNg Sclwdub brinw Brum WNnWp Nitiv0vx, E W " W BW _ EEC IfcY [MrnSard Carwru FW'10-Y ' YNWE rq EaaifOwlpMwwaYa Erwlgy EMm RfYdfrWlErrpy EWcWcy pOp+m P 'w fWYdixW Irr1a aWNti EEC -11 EEC Nwl WM 1. 2 E_ RaiOYYW E_ Ida., ka1Mgfouwabbdh aWW aW E/licYy.•fWwwbY.— NlplanwnlYMalw1 dracmlmYlEW-1 EEC -11 EEc,Xul, GNandM,Cb sW, Lal' Conti FM'10-Y 1daMdY tl1V irw paltry and bw patlbr as PN d R I�YiYrn: Trn cfrbarl Mucgifn JamnldOWw EEC. Cry WN, Pur Camr.aion, EdM Bchmla Ctlag-YYm'10 2S 5 Gm1 malay naadW ban W—IddM WD IO prOOida •Alpwb W da ,at,n pr.1-Y •GeramddarrYOYm PanwW Pak Appatlm Wy 10 ppm cwWM q SgwW M1Om Ilw Jaaada EEC W Camram 3 2 flwarch aW dW to acllpaH, harrwpwnan ktd S- W W T—SWMi aob wIM IUANa Jaaada EEL i 1] 'Gram%. BI.W ]50 OaydOpacan grarp daanrwWyWwn Ntlla EEC E . Edaw BOYYva.E S-, FW Cd arY Cgmw Atllan La Wan .0—Agbn PaWJWY d s Erpaga EdNa raaiMMf N fignYlg, b YIa E, irra EMrgy Chad g. Includaa -—ft arnaftll wYh kvrJba b wr arrgy ticough Ywpy aotlb. dNa Err waYhartrriOn artl bM PYdlJuga EECEOW6 EOw paabraa WO' SurwY 13M OM • Dlww EEC SW W . Cay Coact, Ediw RWMNa 20 IrBiflra gSWp0vro DYMa EEC Sl Wt CAV COwd a 2 SW Dlama EEC SWWG. Cky COW Enaaaga gear SSCP q Nawww Dlanrla EEC SN"MG, YpCA MYrwpN G, _ Co. _ HwIYa 1 4z Duwbp m EacYion PlOgnm Pr IMWpa Nnq DlarpY EEC SA G. EMn •Yfflc AafaOlfuuon 12 Dwabp n EMOWm prOgam farnwcYq Dbrnla EEC S%^MG, Charow d Canprw, R CWO t5 S Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Energy and Environment Commission Edina City Hall Community Room Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 7:00 P.M. Members In Attendance and Roll Call: Surya Iyer, Steve Christianson, Jeannie Hanson, Michael Platteter, Dianne Plunkett Latham, M. Germana Paterlini, Bill Sierks, Paul Thompson Absent: Hailey Lee, Julie Risser Staff Present: Heather Worthington, Jane Timm 1. Welcome & Roll Call Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Iyer. 2. Discussion and Approval of Agenda. Commissioner Christianson made a motion to approve the meeting agenda with an additional topic requested by Commissioner Thompson regarding the Copenhegan Conference. Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried. 3. Approval of the September 16, 2009 Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 16, 2009 meeting. Commissioner Platteter seconded. Motion carried. 4. Chair Announcements Chair Iyer announced that Edina was chosen as one of the five GreenStep Cities. He acknowledged Commissioner Sierks and Platteter for their hard work and gave them special thanks. Assistant City Manager Heather Worthington gave the commission an update of their budget. Commissioner Thompson gave an update on the upcoming October 24, 2009, Edina Day of Service activities. He explained the workshop would be from 1:30 to 3 pm and asked that all commissioners attend. The group photo was to be held at 3 p.m. and after that a celebration from 4-6 pm would be held. He announced that Mayor Hovland and Edina School District Superintendent Ric Dressen would be speakers. Assistant City Manager, Heather Worthington stated that all council members would be involved as volunteers at Edina's Day of Service. Old Business Commissioner Thompson talked about his upcoming trip to Copenhagen. He talked about his schedule during his time there. He told the commission he would be going to several Edina schools teaching the students about 350.org and the upcoming conference. Commission Thompson also requested the EEC partially fund his trip to Copenhagen with a portion of their budget. Assistant City Manager Heather Worthington gave an update of the EEC budget. She explained the 2009 balance was $13,000, and the City Council recommended a preliminary budget of $10,000 for 2010. Chair Iyer asked the commissioners to think about their budget needs in the upcoming year. Commissioner Sierks made a motion for the EEC to approve Commissioner Thompson's trip to the Copenhagen UN Climate Conference and to pay for his plane ticket up to $1000. Commissioner Paterlini seconded. Motion carried with Roll Call vote. Ayes: Sierks, Christianson, Paterlini, Iyer Nays: Plunkett Latham, Hansen, Platteter Motion carried. Commissioner Hanson gave an update on the tree planting project. Commissioner Hanson will pursue working on a grant from MNDOT to plant trees along the highways. Commissioner Hanson stated that she did not pursue monies from the Krieg Grant. The Commission discussed the spreadsheet in the packet regarding the goals of the commission. Commissioner Platteter will update and sort the data for the commission. 5. Adjournment Commissioner Latham made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Christianson seconded. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The next meeting will be the regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. November 18, 2009 in the Community Room. Respectfully submitted, Jane M. Timm, Secretary PUBLIC COPY EDINA PUBLIC MEETING PROCI During "Public Hearings" the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Community Comments," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on tonight's agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed within the last thirty days or a matter scheduled for a future hearing on a specific date. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION AGENDA FOR MEETING October 21, 2009, 7:00 PM — 9:00 PM 1) Welcome, Call to Order, and Roll Call (2 min) 2) Discussion and Approval of Agenda and Agenda times (3 min) 3) Commission Business NEW Chair Announcement (5 min) GreenStep Cities Selection/Impact/Plans Oct 24 plans/update (10 min) (including advice to mayor on his speech) OLD Tree planting project (5 min) Krieg Grant Update (see packet for draft) (5 min) Sun Newspaper Volunteer Ad/Article (5 min) EEC Goal/Priority Discussion (65 min) 4) Public Comment (10 min) 5) Staff Update (10 min) 6) Adj ourn The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. October 21, 2009 MEMORANDUM To: Chairs and Staff Liaisons, Edina Planning, Transportation, and Energy and Environment Commissions and Park Board From: Heather Worthington, Assistant City Manager RE: Green Step Cities Overview: On October 9`h, Edina was selected as one of five GreenStep Cities. St. Louis Park, Bloomington, Falcon Heights and Victoria were also selected. Staff, Commissions, and the City Council will work jointly on this project, with the assistance of Kristina Smitten, the Project Manager. The Policy Areas chosen by ULI encompass the work of several Edina Commissions, including the Energy and Environment (EEC), Planning, and Transportation Commissions, as well as the Park Board. The following background information is from the ULI website: minnesota.uli.ore The Urban Land Institute Minnesota (ULI MN) and the nationally recognized Regional Council of Mayors (RCM) actively engage public and private sector leaders to foster collaboration, share knowledge and join in meaningful strategic action to create thriving, sustainable communities. Focus areas include housing, transportation, the environment and job growth. Environmental objectives include the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, protection of natural resources and the support of healthy living. To foster the reduction of green house gas emmissions, ULI MN/RCM was selected by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to demonstrate best practices from the Minnesota GreenStep Cities program in five RCM communities. GreenStep Cities is a new program; the GreenStep Cities Demonstration Project will provide a platform for application. GreenStep Cities best practices. GreenStep Cities is an action -oriented voluntary program offering a cost-effective, simple pathway leading to implementation of sustainable best practices that focus on greenhouse gas reduction. GreenStep Cities include best practices in the areas of: buildings and facilities, land use, transportation, environmental management, and, community and economic development. Assessing and identifying opportunities. The GreenStep Cities Demonstration Project will partner with five RCM cities to identify and implement GreenStep Cities best practices. With support from the GreenStep Cities Project Manager, the five demonstration cities will assess their current related practices and sustainability goals to identify areas of opportunities. In collaboration with the Center for Energy and Environment (CEE), best practices that are proven to have the greatest effect on reducing greenhouse gas emissions will be prioritized. Communication and Learning. ULI MN/RCM encourages and expands peer-to-peer support and learning among Twin Cities regional mayors, and provides access to key expertise and technical resources. The GreenStep Cities Demonstration Project will provide a base of knowledge, project review, and lessons learned through the implementation of GreenStep Cities best practices. Outcomes and project examples will be documented, and findings will be made readily available on the ULI MN web site. Practices that have a proven ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and are readily replicable will be selected as priorities for promotion. GREENSTEP CITIES DEMONSTRATION PROJECT The ULI MN/RCM GreenStep Cities Demonstration Project seeks to address the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through advancing and implementing energy efficiency and sustainability best practices, and by motivating public officials to transition to a green economy. Goals include: • Educating leaders about GreenStep Cities best practices, • Identifying actionable steps that are proven to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, • Promoting the implementation of these best practices, and • Communicating the results of these efforts through peer-to-peer advising. The GreenStep Cities Demonstration Project activities include: 1. Selection of five demonstration RCM Cities (September 2009); 2. Peer communication and learning (October 2009 —July 2010); 3. Review of selected cities' goals and policies that support the reduction of green house gas emissions (October -December 2009); 4. In partnership with each city, identify and prioritize GreenStep Cities best practices (November 2009 -February 2010); 5. Provide suggested action -steps and access to experts to assist cities in the implementation of desired best practices (January -April 2010); 6. Assessment of best practices planned for implementation and their potential to reduce greenhouse gas reductions (April -May 2010); 7. Share and communicate results (June -July 2010). Next Steps for Edina Commissions and Staff: 0 Staff meeting with Kristina Smitten, ULI • Development of best practice focus based on work plans • Work on report to Commissions The following commissions will be asked to meet with Kristina Smitten in January, 2010: • EEC • Planning • Transportation • Park Board DRAFT - 2009-10 EEC Policy & Project Initiatives ...rt,1 .e3.. -. w+q ?`-` _`r:',«., • ,W 91 � �zj`?,-fix d>. a. IN .t ._�ra♦M, -13ute11[i1i}=f' {t. .. Develop process to assure EEC involvement at point when envir & energy issues can be addressed EEC, Planning, City Staff, City Policy Initiative EEC Early Action Policy effectively Surya Council and others Complete 20 4 5 State funded program providing energy efficiency City in pilot program for and sustainability assistance, including staff, to five I Project Initiative GreenStep Cities MN cities Mike EEC, City Staff, Mayor Complete 20 5 4 RSW Survey (3rd Draft is EEC SWWG, City Council, Edina Project Initiative complete) Dianne Residents 20 4 5 Project Initiative SW Licensing update Dianne EEC SWWG, City Council 20 4 5 City Building Energy Efficiency Full building energy audits for all city buildings over Project Initiative intitatives 5,000 sf +l- Mike Xcel, Centerpoint, City Staff Oct'09- Jan '10 16 4 4 Residential Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Enhance Residential Energy Efficiency program Project Initiative program through subsidized home energy audits? EEC -11 EEC, Xcel, City Staff Oct'09 - March'10 16 4 4 Policy Initiative RSW Ordinance update Dianne EEC SWWG, City Council 16 4 1 4 Identify city tree policy and best practices as part of Project Initiative Tree Planting/Plan carbon reduction strategy. Jeannie/Dianne EEC, City Staff, Neighborhoods Oct'09 - March'10 15 5 3 "Green the Block" and 350 Develop a core group of community leaders in the EEC EOWG, Edina Businesses, Edina Schools, Edina Fath Community and a Project Initiative Climate Action Leaders area of Climate Action Paul/Julie myriad of personal & community actions. Sept'09June'l0 15 5 3 Develop an Education program EEC SWWG, Chamber of Congress, Project Initiative for Commerical Recycling Dianne Rotary Club 15 5 3 City Council resolution commits to interim Green House Gas (GHG) reduction targets consistent with City to Adopt Interim Green reducing GHG by (3%?) annually for city Policy Initiative House Gas Targets operations. Gennana EEC, City Council Oct'09 - March'10 12 4 3 Develop implementation plan/funding for city City Building Energy Efficiency building energy efficiency intitialives, including re - Project Initiative intitatives commissioning of buildings. Mike/Bill Utility, City Staff, EEC, other partners Feb *10 - May'10 12 4 3 Encourage greater SSCM EEC SWWG, MPCA, Hennepin Co, Project Initiative Collections Dianne Carver Co, Waste Haulers 12 4 3 EEC, Planning, Transportation and Parks Commissions. City Council for Policy Initiative Model Ordinance Updates City Green Procurement Policy German final implementation Oct'09-June't0 10 5 2 Schedule business forum addressing initiatives, Busmess/Commercial Lighting utility sponsered programs., developer project with Project Initiative Efficiency initiatives for local businesses Bill EEC, Xcel, Chamber of Commerce Feb '10 - May'10 9 3 3 Engage Edina residents in signing up for the Edina Energy Challenge. Includes community outreach with families to save energy through energy audits, Project Initiative Edina Energy Challenge weatherization and best practices training. Paul/Julie EEC EOWG, Edina Residents Oct'09-0cr10 9 3 3 Develop an Education program for Athletic Association Project Initiative Recycling Dianne EEC SWWG. Edam Athletic Association 9 3 3 Grant money needed from Minnehaha WD to provide a Algae to Oil demostration project at Algae to Oil demonstration Pamela Park. Approximately 10 gpm would be Project Initiative project filtered from the pond Jeannie EEC, City Staff, Parks Commission ? 6 3 2 City sustainability policy: Green design incorporated into zoning ordinance, Green Building EEC, Planning Commissions. City Policy Initiative Model Ordinance Updates Code Bill/Mike Council for final implementation Oct'09 - June '10 5 5 1 City sustainability polity: Green design EEC, Transportation Commissions, City I Policy Initiative Model Ordinance Updates in% orated into transportation ordinance Surya Council for final implementation Oct'09 - June'10 5 4 1 EEC, Planning Commission, Park Board. Policy Initiative Model Ordinance Updates Water Policy Steve City Council for final implementation Oct'09-June'10 4 4 1 Residential Energy Identify funding sources for both audits and _ Efficiency/Renewable Energy impiemementation of recommended energy EEC, Xcel, Centerpoint, City Staff, City Project Initiative program efficiency measures EEC -11 Council Feb'10 - May'10 3 3 1 Research and offer to city, schools, homeowners a i Project Initiative Small Wind Turbines building scale wind turbine Jeannie EEC, Richard ? 3 3 1 1 10/22/2009 Page 1 Y Submitted to City Manager Y Would this wrap most of the City Energy Efficiency items together? Y l Y Y Y Write resolution to city council 1 Y Y Does State of MN have policy to emulate? Y Y Y Y planning, landscaping, storm water, driveway, parking, bike racks, efficiency, irrigation, materials, indoor space. LEED, etc. ` Y sidewalks, bike lanes, mass transport connectors, drivethroughs, etc ` Y runoff, stormwater, rain gardens, wetland, etc r[ Y Y Page 1 S City sustainabillty policy: Green design incorporated EEC, Planning Commissitl Policy Initiative Model Ordinance Updates into zoning ordinance Bili Council for final implemen' City sustainability policy: Green design incorporated EEC, Transportation Coma Policy initiative Model Ordinance Updates into transportation ordinance Surya Council for final implemend EEC, Planning Commissid Policy initiative Model Ordinance Updates Water Policy Steve City Council for final impier, EEC, Planning Commi Pollcy initiative Model Ordinance Updates Green Building Code Mike Council for final implem- EEC, Planning, TransponO Commissions. City Counnj Policy Initiative Model Ordinance Updates City Green Procurement Policy Germania implementation Develop process to assure EEC involvement at I point when envir & energy Issues can be addressed EEC, Planning, City Staff Policy Initiative EEC Early Action Policy effectively Surya Council and others { City Council resolution commits to Interim Green House Gas (GHG) reduction targets consistent with City to Adopt Interim Green reducing GHG by (3%7) annually for city Policy Initiative House Gas Targets operations. Gennana EEC, City Council i I i i City Building Energy Efficiency Ful building energy audits for all city buildings over Project Initiative inutatives 5,000 sf +f- Mike Xcel, Centerpoint. City Slz Develop implementation plan/funding for city 1 Cay Building Energy Efficiency building energy efficiency Intitiativas, including re - Project initiative intitatives commissioning of buildings. Mike/Bill Utility, C' Stag, EEC, oth� State funded program providing energy efficiency City in pilot program for and sustainability assistance, including staff, to five Project Initiative GreenStep Cities MN cities Mike EEC, City Staff, Mayor i BusinasslCommercial Lighting Develop project with incentives/iinitiativas for local Project Initiative Efficiency businesses Bill EEC, Xcel, Chamber of Business/Commercial Lighting Schedule business forum addressing initiatives, Pro ect initiative Efficiency utility sponsored programs. Bill EEC Xcel, Chamber of Residential Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Enhance Residential Energy Efficiency program Project Initiative program through subsided home energy audits? EEC -11 EEC. Xcel City Staff Residential Energy Identify funding sources for both audits and Efficiency/Renewable Energy implemementatfon of recommended energy EEC, Xcel, Centerpoint Project Initiative program efficiency measures EEC -11 Council Identify city tree policy and best practices as part of EEC, City Staff, Parks Co Project Initiative Tree Pian ' an carbon reducition strategy. Jeannia/Dianne Edina Schools Grant money needed from Minnehaha WD to provide a Algae to Oil damostration project at Algae to Oil demonstration Pamela Park. Apprrudmately 10 gpm would be Project initiative project filtered from the pond. Jeannie EEC, Citv Staff Parks Co. Research and offer to city, schools, homeowners a Project initiative Small Wind Turbines building scale wind turbine Jeannie EEC EEC EOWG, Edina Busi 'Green the Block' and 350 Develop a core group of community leaders in the Schools, Edina Faith Corr Project Initiative Climate Action Leaders area of Climate Action Paul/Julia myriad of personal & corn Engage Edina residents In signing up for the Edina Energy Challenge. Includes community outreach with families to save energy through energy audits. Project Initiative Edina Energy Challenge weatherization and best practfices training. Paul/Julie EEC EOWG, Edina Resic RSW Survey (3rd Draft is EEC SWWG, City Counc Project Initiative complete) Dianne Residents Policy Initiative RSW Ordinance update Dianne EEC SWWG, City Counc Project Initiative SW Licensing update Dianne EEC SWWG, City Count Encourage greater SSCM EEC SWWG, MPCA Pro ect Initiative Coliections Dianne Carver Co, Waste Hauler Develop an Education program Project Initiative for Athletic Association Recycling Dianne EEC SWWG, Edain Athl Develop an Education program EEC SWWG, Chamber Pidiect Initiative for Commerical Recycling Dianne Rotary Club i 4 ... - .-..,-1,-. �,. ,.:� �ri:a»`Mf'Tu'i�:::..M"�`^G""'*'"z�wc ,�#i'�: %�., �.���a..<-,-�.,, , .. ..Mtr .. -e :r.:,l�-C--r ,..... - ,.,_�'b�:•r..+�"' c,«'�r" �.e.��., r. ns. City ation Oct'09 - June '10 5 5 1 planning, landscaping, storm water, driveway, parking, bike racks, efficiency, irrigation, materiats, indoor space, LEED, etc. missions. City abon Oct'09 - June'10 4 4 1 sidewalks, bike lanes, mass transport connectors, davettuou hs, etc n, Park Board. nentation Oct'09 - June '10 4 4 1 runoff, off, stormwater, rain gardens, wedand,etc n. city ation Oct '09- June '10 15 5 3 tion and Parks it for final Oct 1)9 - June '10 15 5 3 Does State of MN have policy to emulate? B, City Oct '09 -June '10 20 4 5 Oct'Og - March'10 12 4 3 If Oct`09-Jan'10 16 4 4 ar partners Feb'10 - May '10 12 4 3 OcCO9- May'11 20 5 4 Would this wrap most of the City Energy Efficiency items together? coerce OcY09 - March'10 9 3 3 ammerce Feb'10 - Ma '10 Ocf09 - March'10 12 6 3 3 4 2 Fty staff. City Feb'10 - May '10 3 3 1 mission, OcrO9 - March'10 25 5 5 mission ? 6 3 2 ? 3 3 1 des, Edina �munity and a knunity actions Sept'09-June'10 20 5 4 lIl kents CL-M9-0cri0 9 3 3 U. Edina 20 4 1 5 6 4 2 1 16 4 4 hnepin Co, k 6 4 2 -tic Association12 3 4 I Congress, 15 5 3