HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016 01-13 Planning Commission Meeting PacketsAgenda Planning commission City Of Edina, Minnesota City Hall, Council Chambers 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Wednesday, January 13, 2016 7:00 PM Call To Order II, Roll Call III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes A. Minutes: Planning Commission, November 11, 2015 V. Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Sketch Plan Review - Hilton Hotel, NE Corner of Southdale VII. Correspondence And Petitions VIII. Chair And Member Comments IX. Staff Comments X. Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Planning Commission Edina City Hall — Council Chambers November 11, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Chair Platteter called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Answering the roll call were: Hobbs, Thorsen, Platteter Absent from roll: Lee Ill. APPROVAL OF MEET Motion by Commissioner carried. Ayes: All. Motic IV. APPROVAL Moti by. A. Public MN Kivimaki, Ma, sen Carr, Forrest, Motion seconded by s 8, 2015, meeting minutes. Seconded Heather and Travis Wells. 4004 Lynn Avenue, Edina, Staff Presentation Planner Teague presented his staff report noting approval was based on the following findings: a) The practical difficulty is caused by the location of the homes to the north and south, (they're all lined up). b) The encroachment into the setback continues a setback pattern and will not affect neighboring properties or the street scape. c) The request is reasonable given the location of the existing home and the desire to break up the massing of the second floor addition. 1 Approval of the variance is also subject to the following condition: 1. The home must be constructed per the proposed plans date stamped October 12, 2015. ' Appearing for the Applicant Heather and Travis Wells Public Hearing Chair Platteter opened the public hearing. No one appeared to, testify. Notion made by Carr to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Strauss. Motion carried. Chair Platteter asked Commissioners if they would like to comment on the variance request. Commissioners indicated that the variance was minimal in scope and scale and they could support the .variance as presented. Motion Motion made by Commissioner Th and subject to staff conditions. Mo motion carried. B. Public Hearing: West and 6612 Planner Teague presented his stat down the old Best Buy retail buil+ 210 -unit apartment building with seating and two levels of parking, said to achieve this goal the proje rezoning from PCD -3, Planned C Planned Unit Development based on staff findings ;r Carr. All voted aye; Comprehensive Plan Amendment, 3101 66th Street ort reporting that Bull Moose Construction is proposing to tear ind single family home at 6612 Xerxes to construct a six -story, tached "1,760 square foot restaurant/coffee shop with outdoor covered level at grade; the second level underground. Mr. Teague !quires three amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and iercial District and R-1, Single Dwelling Unity District to PUD, Mr. Teague in conclusion said staff recommends that the City Council approve the request for Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendments for redevelopment of this site noting as follows: • Increase building height from 70 -feet to 75 -feet. • Increase the housing density from 75 -units per acre to 105 -units per acre in the Community Activity Center (CAC); and i • Change the Single-family home from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Community Activity Center (CAC). 2 Mr. Teague said approval was based on the following findings: • The proposed land uses are consistent with existing and proposed land uses in this area. The City of Richfield has guided the single family homes on the east side of Xerxes Avenue as medium density residential; therefore, the long term vision of both Edina and Richfield in this area is for higher densities. • Podium height is proposed on both Xerxes, 66th and York as recommended in the Comprehensive Plan. The six -story portion of the building is stepped back into the site to minimize impact on adjacent property. • The Comprehensive Plan recognizes the Southdale area and the CAC as the most intense district in terms of uses, height and coverage. The City allows a floor area ratio of up to 1.5 in other parts of the City, such as 50th France; therefore, the floor area ratio of the proposed use at 2.38, which is predominantly residential, is appropriate for the area, • The traffic and parking study done by WSB concludes that the existing roadways can support the proposed project, and there would be adequate parking provided. Continuing, Mr. Teague further recommended that the City Council approve the Preliminary Rezoning from PCD -3, Planned Commercial District and Preliminary Development Plan to PUD, Planned Unit Development based on the following findings: 1. The proposal would meet the purpose and intent of the PUD, as most of the above criteria would be met. The site is guided in the Comprehensive Plan as "Community Activity Center — CAC," which encourages a mixing °of uses,"including retail and multifamily residential. The proposed uses are therefore consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The project would, create a pedestrian friendly development with extensive pedestrian paths planned for the site. Sidewalks would provide pedestrian connections for residents in the City of Richfield to Southdale. 3. The site is a gateway into Edina,, and the building has taken the curved shape of the site that it sits on. Podium Height would be used on York Avenue, 66th Street and Xerxes. 4. The puhiic realm provided for the development that would invite people in to stay at the site in the public park provided on Xerxes and the"coffee shop and outdoor seating area on York. B©ulevard style sidewalks are provided to comfortably move residents around the building and through the project tocreate a comfortable pedestrian experience. A pedestrian connection is also provided through the site frornathe park along the south lot line. 5. The applicant would provide 10 units for affordable housing. (Five -percent of the development.) 6. Sustainable design principles would be utilized. The proposed buildings would be a high quality stone, metal, Jcementitious-siding and panel, and glass building. Stone is proposed at the street level. 7. The PUD would ensure that the building proposed would be the only building built on the site, unless an amendment to the PUD is approved by City Council. 8. The proposed uses would fit in to the neighborhood. As mentioned, this site is guided in the CAC, Community Activity Center which encourages mixing land uses, including retail and multiple family residential, on one site. 9. The existing roadways would support the project. WSB conducted a traffic impact study, and concluded that the proposed development could be supported by the existing roads subject to conditions. 10. The proposal addresses many of the working principles of the Greater Southdale Area Working Group as mentioned in the above findings. 11. The proposed project would meet the following goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan: a. Building Placement and Design. Where appropriate, building facades should form a consistent street wall that helps to define the street and enhance the pedestrian environment. b. Movement Patterns. ■ Provide sidewalks along primary streets and connections to adjacent neighborhoods along secondary streets or walkways. ■ A Pedestrian -Friendly Environment. c. Encourage infill/redevelopment opportunities that optimize use of city infrastructure and that complement area, neighborhood, and/or corridor context and character. d. Support and enhance commercial areas that serve the°neighborhoods,`the city, and the larger region. e. Increase mixed use development where supported by adequate infrastructure to minimize traffic congestion, support transit, and diversify the tax base. f. Increase pedestrian and bicycling opportunities and connections between neighborhoods, and with other communities, to improve transportation infrastructure and reduce dependence on the car. g. Incorporate principles of sustainability and energy, conservation into all aspects of design, construction, renovation and .long-term operation of new and existing development. h. Buildings should be placed in appropriate proximity to'streets to create pedestrian scale. Buildings "step down" at boundaries with lower -density districts and upper stories "step back" from street Approval is also subjecti to the following Conditions: I . The Final Development Plans must,begenerally consistent with the Preliminary Development Plans -dated October 12 & 30,,-2015. Fina( plans must show all mechanical equipment and the means to screen it. No„ground;'level mechanical equipment shall be located in front of the building on 'A' public street. 2. The Final Landscape Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The Final Lighting Plan must meet all minimum landscaping requirements per Chapter 36 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. Submittal of a complete sign plan for the site as part of the Final Development Plan application. Signage should include monument sign locations and size, way finding signage, and wall signage. 5. Compliance with all of the conditions outlined in the director of engineering's memo dated November 5, 2015. 6. As part of a Developers Agreement, the property owner would be required to participate in appropriate cost sharing improvements to the 66th and York intersection which may include elimination of the right turn lane, providing green space and improving pedestrian crossings. 7. Five percent (5%) of the housing units shall be designated for affordable housing. Specific detail would be determined at the time of final approval. ' 8. Sustainable design principles must be used per the applicant narrative. Attempts must be made meet an energy savings goal of 15% over the current state energy code guidelines. A plan of how standards are intended to be met must be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit. 4 9. Final Rezoning is subject to a Zoning Ordinance Amendment creating the PUD, Planned Unit Development for this site. 10. Trash removal and deliveries shall take place off the Southdale Circle entrance. Appearing for the Applicant Pete Keely, Collage Architects Applicant Presentation Mr. Keely delivered a power point presentation describing the project as follows: • 210 -housing units with amenity spaces; ranging in size and higher for penthouse units. • Mass and scale of the building pushed toward the,nor • Access point relocated toward the north. • Podium height added to the north and east side wher • Linear parking was extended. • 285 -parking stalls in two levels of structured parking. • 1,760 square foot commercial tenant space. • Enhanced landscaping that is incorporated into a publ • Density of 105 units per acre. • Promotes alternative transportation choices. • Covered bike repair/storage rooms. • Building design will focus on walkability • 5% of the units ate affordable. .. Public Hearing square feet to 1600 square feet it abuts use. site. Discussion Commissioners entered into a" -Ie ngthy discussion with the applicant on the project highlighting aspects of the project they support and aspects they would like the applicants to consider before they appear before the City Council. Motion Motion made by Commissioner Nemerov to recommend approval of the plans as presented for Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Preliminary Rezoning and Preliminary Development Plan for Bull Moose Construction, based on staff findings and subject to staff conditions. Motion seconded by Commissioner Thorsen. 5 Commissioner Carr offered the following amendment; trees must be planted on the boulevard subject to approval from Hennepin County. Commissioners Nemerov and Thorsen accepted that amendment. Continuing, Carr offered two further amendments to the motion; 1) add more articulation to the south building wall; and 2) add variations in podium height on the north and east elevations. Commissioners Nemerov and Thorsen declined to second those amendments. A discussion ensued with Commissioners expressing their understanding on the merits of those amendments; however, felt they were design elements and were not included in the plans presented. It was noted that the applicants heard those suggestions and can move forward and revise the plans if so inclined. Chair Platteter asked Planner Teague to better clarify #8 of the conditions of approval. Platteter said in his opinion the intent is unclear. He suggested that condition #8 read 1115%more efficient than current industry energy guidelines". Planner Teague responded he would clarify and reword condition #8. Ayes: Hobbs, Thorsen, Strauss, Nemerov, Nays: Olsen, Carr, Forrest Motion carried. VI. None VI None VI None X Chair Platteter reminded the Commission this is their only meeting in November. Platteter further reminded Commissioners that the Commission is scheduled to meet once in December; the 9th. Chair Platteter asked Planner Teague how the Greater Southdale Area Task Force was going. Planner Teague reported that the Task Force will next meet on the 19th. 9 0 X. STAFF COMMENTS Planner Teague told the Commission the City is hosting a joint meeting with other Planning Commission Members and staff from Bloomington, Richfield and St. Louis Park next Wednesday, November 18th at 6pm at the Edina Senior Center, Commissioners suggested that staff formulate an agenda that would touch on Hod Topics, Density, Top Trends, etc. It was further encouraged to save time for more informal discussion and to provide food. Teague said he would "rough -out" an agenda and send it out prior to the joint meeting. Food would also be provided. Planner Teague updated the Commission on Bank of Ame asked staff to prepare findings for denial; however, since tl delay to see if they can revise the plans to relocate the dri meets setbacks, change out exterior building materials anc Teague said he expects this to occur sometime in January. XI. ADJOURNMENT Motion made by Commissioner Strauss to adjourn t Commission at 9:50 p.m. Motion seconded by Com 7 Ily su ng that at the meeting Council nk of America has asked for a shift the entire building so it with the land owner. Planner 3 ing of the Planning r Thorsen. Motion carried. *(TY OF I EDINA MEMO City Hall • Phone 952-927-8861 Fax 952-826-0389 • www.CityofEdina.com O ,ade Date: January 13, 2016 To: Planning Commission From: Cary Teague, Community Development Director Re: Sketch Plan Review — NE Corner of Southdale (66th Street and York) The Planning Commission is asked to consider a sketch plan proposal to develop the northeast corner of Southdale. The specific request is to construct a four-story, 150 -room Hilton Hotel. The site today exists today as an overflow parking lot and storage area. (See property location on pages Al—A4, and the narrative and plans on pages A5 -A21.) The primary vehicle entrance to the site would be off the Southdale interior ring road. There would be no additional curb cuts onto 66th Street or York Avenue. A boulevard style pedestrian sidewalk is proposed along 66 thStreet and York Avenue, with pedestrian connections proposed from the hotel to Southdale. These sidewalks would provide a connection from the new development on the Best Buy site to the east, and the proposed development to the north to Southdale. (See page A4.) There would be an added 16,165 square feet of green space compared to existing conditions. To accommodate the request, a site plan review with setback variances for the new structure, and a parking stall variance for the entire Southdale site would be required. This project is somewhat different from previous developments proposed and considered in the Southdale area, in that the proposed use is allowed within this zoning district. No rezoning or comprehensive plan amendment is required. The France Avenue/Southdale Area Development Principles have been shared with the applicant, despite the fact that there is no rezoning required. The applicant has responded to the Principles, and is attached on pages A7 -A9. The primary issue for the Planning Commission on this proposal is: are the variances justified to allow the building to be pulled up closer to the street to prevent the parking lot to be located adjacent to the street. The Variance Criteria would be the primary regulatory review tool for the Commission to use in this instance. The Working Principles may also be used as a secondary tool to support the Variance Criteria. City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 MEMO A,r� o�ch • lticgRlbliPKyO BBN The compliance table below demonstrates how the proposed new building would comply with the current zoning in PCD -3, Planned Commercial District. Buildiniz Setbacks 47-57 feet 10-15 feet* Front Street— 66th 47-57 feet 10-15 feet* Street/York Parking Lot Setback 20 12 stories 10 feet* 4 stories Building Height 1.0 of the tract .46 of the tract Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Tract size = 80.4 acres or Gross s.f. =1,628,335 s.f. (total — 3,499,610 s.f. existing and proposed) 106,060 s.f. (proposed) 160 — Based on 150 units and 10 148 stalls Parking Stalls (Site) employees on a maximum shift 6,907 spaces (based on 6,334 spaces* Parking Stalls (Southdale) 1,194,731 square feet of retail,1,957 seats of restaurant, 3,447 seats of theater, 232 units of apartments, and a 150 room hotel 24 feet 24 feet Drive Aisle Width * Variance required TRAFFIC/PARKING/SITE ACCESS A traffic and parking study would be required to determine the impacts on adjacent roadways and if the parking will work for all of Southdale. The Southdale property is short parked based on the city's parking regulations; therefore a parking stall variance would be requested. For City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 MEMO practical purposes, there is an overage of parking stalls the vast majority of the year at Southdale. The parking study will determine the practical need for parking on the site. Additional Considerations/Staff Concerns ➢ Watershed district review. Review and approval of the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District is required. ➢ Street engagement. The applicant has provided a major entrance to the hotel at the corner of 66th and York. This is one of the better street front entrances that the city has seen recently. Windows and entry doors are proposed along the street. (See pages Al and Al 7.) The applicant will provide improved renderings of the proposed hotel at the Planning Commission meeting. ➢ Sidewalk connections. A boulevard style pedestrian sidewalk is proposed along 66th Street and York Avenue, with pedestrian connections proposed from the hotel to Southdale. These sidewalks would connect the new development on the Best Buy site to the east, and the proposed development to the north, to Southdale. ➢ Location of the storm water ponds. Storm water ponding is proposed along York Avenue in front of the building along France and 69th Street. This type of ponding along France Avenue is uncommon for this area. Staff suggests underground storage of the storm water ponding, which is more typical in the area, unless the ponds were turned into an amenity such as a water feature with a fountain. ➢ Right turn lane. Similar to the Best Buy site redevelopment, the City will work with the County and consider the elimination of the right turn lane in front of the building. This area could be filled in with green space and potentially a gateway monument type sign as an entry into Edina. The applicant is willing to participate in the exploration and development of the right turn lane area. ➢ Sustainable design. As part of any formal application, sustainable design should be included. ➢ Site Plan with Variances. The applicant could build the hotel on the site to meet the required setbacks. However in doing so, the building would be moved by 60-70 feet away from the street. That would significantly change the site plan; it would require the applicant to locate parking between the building and 66th Street and York Avenue. The proposed use would be a significant upgrade to the current conditions of this area, which includes a paved parking lot that is used for overflow parking and equipment storage. (See page A3.) City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 E4thtre£P SL �I __ 3, 64th 3tf82�, _ 65th Street 44gst _- _ 1 r _ r z� { SOuthdaleCenter _MQ WC ` s \ a ---- yC el Lane 4q— c, d S:4 outh aleLibrarySoukhdaleServiceCenxer j(veY a _ u r 1111 r P�arcel Map Scale: 1" = 800 ft. N 29-028-24-32-0012 A -T -B: ID: � Print Date: 1/7/2016 Owner Market Name: Southdale Center Llc Total: � Parcel 1 Tax Address: Total: Property Sale Type: Price: This map is a compilation of data from various Yp sources and is furnished "AS IS" with no I Sale representation or warranty expressed or Home- implied, including fitness of any particular stead: Date: purpose, merchantability, or the accuracy and 1 completeness of the information shown. Parcel j Sale COPYRIGHT © HENNEPIN COUNTY 2016 Area: Code: A Think 'Greet l 3250 6525 MR. 7�i 3210 3240 thdMe 6rcic I 3220 3230 24 6755 6775 677 5 6803 �-6"0-5L- 6825 ............. 6905 13'12 1 )0 ft. N 16 Type: Price: This map is a compilation of data from various sources and is furnished "AS IS' with no Home- stead: Sale Date: representation or warranty expressed or implied, including fitness of any particular purpose, merchantability, or the accuracy and completeness of the information shown. Parcel ! Sale COPYRIGHT© HENNEPIN COUNTY 2016 Area: Code: A ThhkGreeMf &M December 15th, 2015 Southdale Homewood Suites Project Narrative Project Developer: Kevin Grass Principal, Executive Vice President Noble Investment Group 2000 Monarch Tower 3424 Peachtree Rd NE Atlanta Georgia 30326 404-682-1904 404-401-9013 cell Kevin.grass@nobleinvestement.com Project Architect: Tushie Montgomery Architects 7645 Lyndale Avenue South Suite 100 Minneapolis MN 55423 Contact Person: Gary Tushie Project Description: —10 T U S H I B MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS Project consists of a 146 rooms, in a 4 story, all -suites hotel branded by Hilton Hotels. The project is repurposing an existing vacant parking lot located in the NE corner of the Southdale shopping mail. This hotel is an upscale, all -suites, hotel that includes an extensive guest amenity package such as an indoor swimming pool, fitness room, meeting rooms, a large gathering room called "The Lodge" where hotel guests can share in conversation, have a hot breakfast, or a complimentary evening social all done to make the guests feel at home in the hotel. The project design provides 38,805 sf of green space which exceeds the existing green space by 16,165 sf, additional landscaping, storm water management and sustainable approach to project design provides a project that is environmentally sensitive. The building exterior has been designed in a soft contemporary approach with exterior materials such as limestone, architectural metal panels and masonry stucco. Pedestrian connections have been provided from the hotel to the public realm and the shopping mall by extending the perimeter sidewalk system around the entire site and making lateral connections to shopping mall. -A By placing the building close to the property line, the building establishes this corner of the site with a use and architectural design complementary to the existing buildings within the mall site. Ring Road Simon and their civil engineer have recommended that the perimeter ring road that serves this site be changed from one way traffic heading east to two way traffic to better facilitate access to and from the hotel. Zoning: Existing Zoning: PCD3 (Planned Commercial District), hotels are a permitted use in this zoning district so rezoning is not required. Variances Required: In order to comply with the guiding principles of the France Ave / Southdale area small area plan we have moved the building to within 10' of the property line. This will require a variance from the 35' setback required by ordinance While the proposed project provides for its own parking requirements on site, we will need to request a variance for reduced parking for the shopping mall since we are eliminating existing parking spaces for this development. A parking study will be completed to verify this reduction of spaces. Project Schedule Upon securing city approval for this project, the developer would immediately start preparing construction documents for the project with construction anticipated to start in June 2016 with a 12 month construction period anticipated. Ac December 151", 2015 Re: Response to France Avenue Southdale Area Working Principles and Supporting questions for: Southdale Homewood Suites Hotel 1. Give -to -Get; Plan & Process —11 T U S H I fi MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS "Allow latitude to gain tangible and intangible outcomes aligned with the district principles." Response: This question applies primarily to a rezoning request, however, in support of the requested variances, we offer the project provides several public amenities that would not be otherwise provided, such as, additional green space, substantial landscaping not required by city ordinances, a public pedestrian connection to the shopping center and bus station and the gateway architecture of the building using the Edina limestone and glass curtain wall at the lodge space with public views into the building embracing the public realm. 2. Edina Cultural Preferences; Identity. "Advance quality through thoughtful and artful design of buildings and publicly accessible spaces, highlighted human activity and enhanced economic vibrancy." Response: The building will be located at the NE corner of the Southdale Mall site at York and 66th St., as such, the building has been designed to define this corner by being sited within 10' of the property line's, positioning major design features of the building at this corner such as "The Lodge" which is the primary gathering room in the hotel or living room by function. In addition, the building orientation screens site parking from public view of this prominent corner. The building has a soft contemporary approach that is timeless in its design character incorporating lasting exterior materials like limestone, metal panels and stucco. The hotel is an all -suites hotel that will provide a much needed service to hospital users, businesses and residents for decades to come. The interactive activity spaces within the hotel such as the exercise room, "The Lodge" and building entrances have been connected both visually and by sidewalks to the public sidewalks on York and 66th St. Small patios off the rooms facing 66th St. have been added to further engage the public realm. By providing a use not currently provided in this district, the project adds economic viability, much needed long term jobs and an increased tax base for the City of Edina. A-1 3. District Function "Look beyond baseline utilitarian functions of a single site to create mutually supportive and forward looking infrastructure sustaining the district." Response: The site and proposed development does not adversely impact the existing infrastructure of the property. It is self -parked, has more green space than the current use and provides additional surface and under pavement storm water management controls. It also provides an extension for the perimeter sidewalk system with connections to the existing mall. 4. Comprehensive Connections; Movement "Foster a logical, safe, inviting and expansive public realm facilitating movement of people within and to the district." Response: As previously mentioned, the site plan provides for sidewalk connections to the existing perimeter sidewalk system with areas for resting with benches, and a lateral connection to the existing mall and bus station. In addition, it will provide potential sidewalk link connections to cross 66th St. on both the East and West corners of the site. 5. Site Design; Transitions "Encourage parcel -appropriate intensities promoting harmonious and interactive relationships without "leftover" spaces on site." Response: As mentioned in #2 above the building is located within 10' of the property line utilizing the majority of the site area. The site plan also provides additional green space areas as visual transitions to the public realm. Green space area has been increased from 20,640 sf to 36,805 sf. The proposed development replaces an existing surface parking lot. All proposed green spaces are heavily landscaped to provide a pleasing transition to the public realm. The building is proposed to be 4 stories in height providing a visual transition from this prominent corner to the one story auto shop to the West and the existing Mall to the Southwest. The existing Southdale center monument sign will be relocated by the current property owner. 6. Health "Advance human and environmental health as the public and private realms evolves." Response: By providing additional green space, storm water management with a surface pond and under pavement storage and landscaping, the environmental health of the site has been greatly improved by this proposal. 7. Innovation "Embrace purposeful innovation aimed at identified and anticipated problems." A Response: The building and site will be designed to incorporate as many sustainable design features as possible such as: a) Solar Reflective Roof - (White TPO roof) b) Enhanced recycling program for guests and employees including a compost trash chute. c) Surface and Subsurface storm water storage system that allows stormwater to be absorbed into the soil d) LED light fixtures e) Guest room occupancy sensing thermostats f) Recycling of existing pavement g) Zip car use for guests 8. Land Use; Live -able Precincts "Promote well-balanced aggregations of "come to" and "stay at" places focused on human activity and linked to an engaging public realm." Response: The proposed use is an all -suites hotel. The typical guest will have a minimum stay of 4 days to 2 weeks with some guests staying for as long as 30-60 days depending on their individual circumstances. Guests will be supporting local medical offices or the hospital for required visits or care, local businesses for training, conferences or IT support. They will be supporting local restaurants, grocery stores, retail shops, drug stores and gas stations as they engage the community and its many services. 9. Economic Vitality "Ensure every component contributes to the sustained economic vitality of the district and the community." Response: The proposed project, an all -suites hotel, would be only the 3rd hotel in Edina and the only all -suites hotel and as such provides a much needed amenity for residents, businesses and visitors to the city while enhancing the city's diverse economy. A limited number of the hotel rooms will be set aside as non -extended stay rooms and as such will be available for single night stays. Sincerely, TUSHIE-MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES, INC. Gary Tushie, President cc: Dan Pellinen, Senior Associate, TMA Kevin Grass, Noble Investments A-� C> Homewood Suites - Edina NOBLE I Enter address here PROP05ED hOTEL Site Context 11 W MON TOOM Iny ARCHITECTS Development 5ummary 5ite Area: 1 17,953 5.F. (2.70 Acres) Parking5umma PARYJNG SPACES 147 Green Space Total Existing - 20,640 sf Total w/ Proposed Building - 36,805 sf N a rs m W 1W Homewood Suites - Edina NOBLE Enter address here Site Plan 01/06/2016 MONTGOM110 A RCNITFCT5 I m PARKING SPACE PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION l SOUTHDALE CENTER r 1. TO EX15TI i % *Wka 4 `�F PARKING SPACE PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION l SOUTHDALE CENTER r 1. TO EX15TI *Wka r .f PARKING SPACE PEDESTRIAN CONNECTION l SOUTHDALE CENTER r 1. TO EX15TI UNIT MIX BY TYPE surto ooue�t Dulls y sw QUCEEu SURE BUBIt � '�' RI K uG SR D G SUiTt it ,a, o s UNIT MIX BY NPE -HOTEL QUEEN SUITE I 5 I �oITE 3% IST FLOOR SUITE 3 MEn#M 2% IST FLOORUITE 1 7 12% IST FLOOR SUITE I I % IST FLOOR -BED DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE -BED KING SUITE 27 11DEDDOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 3 2% 2ND FLOOR 3 -BEDKING SUITE 10 7% 2ND FLOOR 14% ACC. 1 -BED KING SUITE TWO BEDROOM SUITE % 2ND FLOOR 4TH FLOOR ACC. KING STUDIO SUITE I % 2ND FLOOR DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 3 2% 2ND FLOOR KING STUDIO SUITE 20 14% 2ND FLOOR TWQ BEDROOM SUITE I I % 2ND FLOOR 39 39 27% -BED DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 2 1% 3RD FLOOR 1-BEDKING SUITE 13 9% 3RD FLOOR ACC. I -BED DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 'B' I I % 3RD FLOOR DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 3 2% RD FLOOR KING 5TUD10 SUITE 20 14% PD FLOOR C 4m- TWO BEDROOM SUITE I 1 % 3RD FLOOR 40 40 27% I 2% 4TH FLOOR -BED DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE -BED KING SUITE 3 13 0 9% 4TH FLOOR DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 3 2% 4TH FLOOR KING STUDIO SUITE 20 14% 4TH FLOOR TWO BEDROOM SUITE I I % 4TH FLOOR 40 Hu o Grand total 141 100% Gross 5quare Footage 15t Floor -28,500 5f 2nd Floor -25,360 5f 3rd Floor -2G, 100 5f 4th Floor -20, 100 5f Total - I OG,000 5f Homewood Suites - Edina Ground Floor NOBLE L'' Enter address here T U Y H II R A RCHMONTGOITE CRY A I'TS w ----- ------ PEP PPU91L POu3tE /JUG RIFp K1UG '� II IJUG KING PWdt DGUBIE IJNG 9NQID KDG SNPK1 QUEEN OVEEN SNOp: SNPIO 9Nao ' \ 11 SNPID SURE SNQIO wRE : (i1AYN SINi# 04EEN 5011E SU11E' wRE wRE SHITE SURE SURE SURE \ \ \ i I rI � YJN6 f 5NP@ EJNG SNPI(1 KING SNQID SPIDID SUITE SNQID SURE SNQto wITE 5NQ10 9UIiE SNQp ♦ \ sURE ♦ \ wRE ' wTE 3UiTE I I 1 SNPID ♦ \ SUR[ I I 1 1 sun RNG I I wiE Y I I 1 � 1 1 11 JI aUll I 1 / / V Homewood Suites - Edina NOBLE-1 Enter address here LR 2nd Floor� 12/18/15 II / II II I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I1 I I I I I I I i I I I I J' / Homewood Suites -Edina NOBLEI Enter address here 1\\ 11 I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 3rd -4th Floor MRN— IOTMECTVS G 12/18/15 ■ Homewood Suites -Edina Perspective NOBLE 1 /8/16 Enter address here —2— I E MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS El Homewood Suites - Edina NOBLEEnter address here II Perspective .ON R C HCi T E C R S 1/8/16 D Homewood Suites - Edina NOBLEI Enter address here II Perspective A C H-1 h C T S 1/8/16 Homewood Suites - Edina NOBLEEnter address here Perspective MONTGnMFRY ARCHITEI'TS 110110 A r: Sg �, `T.- ,iif �4f; F�. p $� A €;+C'3�4 Sg �, `T.- ,iif �4f; F�. —Ok am M-M R 1. 0 R -242' 65 0g, M-11 —M IS rP ■ all 111.14, to ag is M. ir �i�e=1��.;�.�'11i� alt°�i%f�iotl��e� '.. IN . ..... � CRIO.ium E Sam MW NO Sys-�s q�y LL�_ Ifs Ma F%MUR # r 45 S L 1% z r - Sims ..... -a ,a NO Sys-�s q�y LL�_ Ifs .,W F ��Homewood Suites - Edina -NP- LL Enter address here ok\ %,tQ\� �s erspective C HG E C T S 1/8/16 9 c NOBLE Homewood Suites - Edina Enter address here Perspecti 1/8/16 MW T U S H IE MONTGOMERY A RCHITE C T S t E4 W (Homewood Suites -EdinaL- NUl�L� Enter address here Q `10-1, %% T%\"� lk 10 Perspective MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS 1/8/16 i E4 W (Homewood Suites -EdinaL- NUl�L� Enter address here Q `10-1, %% T%\"� lk 10 Perspective MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS 1/8/16 (Homewood Suites -EdinaL- NUl�L� Enter address here Q `10-1, %% T%\"� lk 10 Perspective MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS 1/8/16 &-IHomewood Suites - Edina Perspective MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS Enter address here 1/8/16 uR� Homewood Suites - Edina Enter address here PROPOSED HOTEL OR N 0 Site Context MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS 01/06/2016 Development Summary Site Area: 1 17,953 S.F. (2.70 Acres) Parking Summary PARKING SPACES 147 Green Space Total Existing 20,640 5f Total w/ Proposed Building 36,805 sf N 0' 15' 30' S0' 120' 'r '9PROP05ED OVER5TORY TKEE5. IN PROPOSED GPA55 5OULEVARD . Homewood Suites - Edina NU�iL� Enter address here Site Plan 01/06/2016 J IVO,�C,a T U S H I E MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS 9 UNIT MIX BY TYPE 1-13ED DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 9 G% I -BED KING SUITE 41 28% ACC. I -BED DOUBLE QUEEN 5UITE'B' I I% ACC. I -BED KING SUITE I I % ACC. KING STUDIO SUITE I I % DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 12 8% K1NG 5TUDi0 SUITE 77 539 TWO BEDROOM SUITE 4 3% Grand total 146 1 UV . UNIT MIX BY TYPE - HOTEL 1 -BED DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE I I%_ I ST FLOOR I -BED KING SUITE 5 3% 15T FLOOR DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 3 2% 15T FLOOR KING STUDIO SUITE 17 12% 15T FLOOR TWO BEDROOM SUITE I I % I ST FLOOR 27 27 18% I -BED DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 3 2% 2ND FLOOR I -BED KING SUITE 10 7% 2ND FLOOR ACC. I -BED KING SUITE I I % 2ND FLOOR ACC. KING STUDIO SUITE I I % 2ND FLOOR DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 3 2% 2ND FLOOR KING STUDIO SUITE 20 14% 2ND FLOOR TWO BEDROOM SUITE I I% 2ND FLOOR 39 39 27% I -BED DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 2 1 % 3RD FLOOR I -BED KING SUITE 13 9% 3RD FLOOR ACC. 1 -BED DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 'B' I I % 3RD FLOOR DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 3 2% 3RD FLOOR KING STUDIO SUITE 20 14% 3RD FLOOR TWO BEDROOM SUITE I I% 13PD FLOOR 40 40 27% 1 -BED DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 3 2% 4TH FLOOR 1-13ED KING SUITE 13 9% 4TH FLOOR DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE 3 2% 4TH FLOOR KING STUDIO SUITE 20 14% 4TH FLOOR TWO BEDROOM SUITE I I % 4TH FLOOR 40 40 27% Grand total 14G 100% Gross 5cluare Footage 15t Floor -28,500 5f 2nd Floor -25,360 5f 3rd Floor -2G, 100 5f 4th Floor -2G, 100 5f Total - I OG,000 5f si E F_ I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I J' J � -I Homewood Suites - Edina ��.�L� Enter address here ">\�HCTS Ground Floor RC 12/18/15 Homewood Suites - Edina NOBLE Enter address here 2nd Floor 12/18/15 PiW WW T U S H I E MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS 0 I.5 \ n1.6 II I KING I STUDIO KING STUDIO I -BED DOUBLE KING TUDIO DOUBLE QUEEN DOUBLE QUEEN KING STUDIO KING STUDIO KING STUDIO \ \ s SUITE SUITE SUITE SUITE SUITE SURE SUITE SURE_ _ i -BED .KING \ \ SURE \ \ J E15TUDIO KING KING STUDIO KING STUDIO KING STUDIO KING STUDIO KING STUDIO KING STUDIO KING STUDIO \ \ \ \ SUITE SUITE SUITE SURE SURE SUITE SUITE SUITE \ I KING \ \ I I STUDIO \ SUITE \ \ I I 1 I -BED DOUBLE QUEEN \ � \ SURE I -BED DOUBLE \ I I QUEEN I SUITE WD 1 (KING I KING SUITE STUDIO I I SUITE 1 ABED I I I I ' AI.6 IVNc I I I SUREKING 1 , STUDIO ' I-EED SURE RING SURE , I I , I-Bm J KING ' SUITE 11 KING KING SA 4TE \\ .. KI1 ING AI.S SUITE 1.3ED KING. \ � SURE KING \ STUDIO \ 1\ SUITE \ KING KING / / S URE STUDIO \ SURE Homewood Suites - Edina NOBLE Enter address here 2nd Floor 12/18/15 PiW WW T U S H I E MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS 0 Homewood Suites - Edina NOBLE Enter address here TT U 3rd -4th Floor MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS 12/18/15 0 a a 0 --------------- I.S \ KING KING iREROE KING DOUBLE QUEEN DOUBLE QUEEN FJNGKING STUDIO STUDIO KINGSTUDIO STUDIO e SUITE STUDIO - SUITE UDIO UITE SUITE SUITE SUITE SUITE SUITE 1-8E \ \ II I KING \ \ II I SUITE \ \ \ \ r I -j- 1 I-BEDh5TVD1O L KINGML5UITE L5TUDIO j..G KING STUDIO KING STUDIOSTUDIO KING KING STUDIO • \ \ I-BEDSURE-. SUITE SUITE SUITE SURE WNG \ \ SUITE KING \ \ 1 STUDIO SUITE I -BED KING \ \ I -BED DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE \ \ \ \ SUITE I KING \ \ I -BED SURE DOUBLE I I I I QUEEN I-8 I I SUITE KING ' KING SURE I I TUDIO I I SUTEI LIN I I I • nl.e KING I I SURE I I I KING STUDIO ' I -BED SUITE KING SUITE 1 1 14MO 1 ' ANG SUITE K�G \ \ SUITE 1 ., T -BED Al s KING ` _ \ 1 -BED SUITE. KING \ YYY SUITE KING _ STUDIO \ I _5EV SUITE \ KING SURE KING \ 5TUDIO / \ SURE Homewood Suites - Edina NOBLE Enter address here TT U 3rd -4th Floor MONTGOMERY ARCHITECTS 12/18/15 0 a a 0 61 MITZAT161916 1191111 Mu"101 i4o 111n Nil K 0 W N p 51 U IN t to I to I I �HW� �@W� MEN Q0 MU 0 min WIN M C2 W r" ENE1 WIM Min Iola U 01 E, a El RK p F- REF 1110 19 min Npi 10 t i! a 11 ff -i16 99, No IN ff 0 U&I 92 F" Ll u on law am N El i�,Z K, N�11 Elm INO 9-30 0 FLA MW 0 L ME EA ZE % ra P-1 UM Elm 0 u M go Lin Lk�1-2 K�jL; No 5 am 0 ej maw 11111 lassos U', Lam Mz�a of EM U u LEW �Qm no in fa maw oll Mj' MAZ Z Stm W Nil 111 914 61 MITZAT161916 1191111 Mu"101 i4o 111n Nil K 0 W N p 51 U IN t to I to I I �HW� �@W� MEN Q0 MU 0 min WIN M C2 W r" ENE1 WIM Min Iola U 01 E, a El RK p F- REF 1110 19 min Npi 10 t i! a 11 ff -i16 99, No IN ff 0 U&I 92 F" Ll u on law am N El i�,Z K, N�11 71. a U Z HE is IN so rinn rz Im 1147� U MI, KIM- V=�2 ON 11111 lassos 61 MITZAT161916 1191111 Mu"101 i4o 111n Nil K 0 W N p 51 U IN t to I to I I �HW� �@W� 491 Im HN MI, KIM- V=�2 in --574- 7= 0 1 Mi KIN 61 MITZAT161916 1191111 Mu"101 i4o 111n so so a� ♦P wig =10, _ r� ,°7 n INN La 0 imim mm no 22' u FMR c=i°_... go f- » a� ♦P � sa F =° ,q � (Homewood bulte 40 rim - 040 g '- (Homewood Suites - tdin2 :2 I is Ig mggmgmlgg MEo 00 A- go -57, 72. .CiGQ -9- n 5F. i I I WORD 5 ME a W 1 i "%-u Mj OR RON; X. g ft NMI k -- Sl iv ME WM (Homewood Suites - tdin2 :2 I MEo 00 A- -9- n -7 ME a W 1 i Mj OR RON; Sl (Homewood Suites - tdin2 :2 I a I riamewou olliro q. -721 -N em -M MOZ -=NM Manali ;mMs . . . . . . . . . . Vor . Rf V- 7 Mi L gn- MWMMW-Nfm- a I riamewou olliro f7 , 77--- ggimm5"! gm -ma no ia=�M&N.96fmammraz- Fg-- Z cim N me ME Egi 'Zimm"! • MUM. FIE 2 Z's WE Lo W! 9 ae =1 m vog W. W! N". MR 9. MOe`.==- = =-ja ii Will. In'; L r, 6215%.! IRS Wig" "W"" oil a ihomewooa zwiies - r-airic-