HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-10-21 PacketsMinutes of the Regular Meeting of the Energy and Environment Commission Edina City Hall Community Room Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 7:00 P.M. Members In Attendance and Roll Call: Surya Iyer, Steve Christianson, Jeannie Hanson, Michael Platteter, Dianne Plunkett Latham, M. Germana Paterlini, Bill Sierks, Paul Thompson Absent: Hailey Lee, Julie Risser Staff Present: Heather Worthington, Jane Timm 1. Welcome & Roll Call Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Iyer. 2. Discussion and Approval of Agenda. Commissioner Christianson made a motion to approve the meeting agenda with an additional topic requested by Commissioner Thompson regarding the Copenhegan Conference. Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried. 3. Approval of the September 16, 2009 Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 16, 2009 meeting. Commissioner Platteter seconded. Motion carried. 4. Chair Announcements Chair Iyer announced that Edina was chosen as one of the five GreenStep Cities. He acknowledged Commissioner Sierks and Platteter for their hard work and gave them special thanks. Assistant City Manager Heather Worthington gave the commission an update of their budget. Commissioner Thompson gave an update on the upcoming October 24, 2009, Edina Day of Service activities. He explained the workshop would be from 1:30 to 3 pm and asked that all commissioners attend. The group photo was to be held at 3 p.m. and after that a celebration from 4-6 pm would be held. He announced that Mayor Hovland and Edina School District Superintendent Ric Dressen would be speakers. Assistant City Manager, Heather Worthington stated that all council members would be involved as volunteers at Edina's Day of Service. Old Business Commissioner Thompson talked about his upcoming trip to Copenhagen. He talked about his schedule during his time there. He told the commission he would be going to several Edina schools teaching the students about 350.org and the upcoming conference. Commission Thompson also requested the EEC partially fund his trip to Copenhagen with a portion of their budget. Assistant City Manager Heather Worthington gave an update of the EEC budget. She explained the 2009 balance was $13,000, and the City Council recommended a preliminary budget of $10,000 for 2010. Chair Iyer asked the commissioners to think about their budget needs in the upcoming year. Commissioner Sierks made a motion for the EEC to approve Commissioner Thompson's trip to the Copenhagen UN Climate Conference and to pay for his plane ticket up to $1000. Commissioner Paterlini seconded. Motion carried with Roll Call vote. Ayes: Sierks, Christianson, Paterlini, Iyer Nays: Plunkett Latham, Hansen, Platteter Motion carried. Commissioner Hanson gave an update on the tree planting project. Commissioner Hanson will pursue working on a grant from MNDOT to plant trees along the highways. Commissioner Hanson stated that she did not pursue monies from the Krieg Grant. The Commission discussed the spreadsheet in the packet regarding the goals of the commission. Commissioner Platteter will update and sort the data for the commission. 5. Adjournment Commissioner Latham made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Christianson seconded. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The next meeting will be the regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. November 18, 2009 in the Community Room. Respectfully submitted, Jane M. Timm, Secretary Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Energy and Environment Commission Edina City Hall Community Room Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 7:00 P.M. Members In Attendance and Roll Call: Surya Iyer, Steve Christianson, Dianne Plunkett Latham, M. Germana Paterlini, Bill Sierks, Paul Thompson, Hailey Lee, Julie Risser Absent: Jeannie Hanson, Michael Platteter Staff Present: Heather Worthington, Jane Timm 1. Welcome & Roll Call Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair Iyer. 2. Discussion and Approval of Agenda. Commissioner Sierks made a motion to approve the meeting agenda with additions: Nominations, Edina Community Foundation, and Copenhagen. Commissioner Christianson seconded. Motion carried. 3. Approval of the October 21, 2009 Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 21, 2009 meeting. Commissioner Christianson seconded. Motion carried. 4. Community Comment Resident, Chuck Prentice, 5009 W. 60th St, came on behalf of his daughter Valiea Prentice. They would like the City of Edina to support the Copenhagen UN Climate Conference by way of a resolution. She will attend the Conference. Commissioner Thompson was given direction to put wording together for a resolution to be brought in front of Edina City Council, December 1, 2009. Resident, Greg Nelson, 6120 Hansen Rd, was at the meeting to learn about the EEC and perhaps become a part of a Working Group. 5. Staff Update Assistant City Manager, Heather Worthington gave an update on the B3 data (Benchmark for State of MN with cities over 5,000 to measure building efficiency) update. Ms. Worthington gave an update of the ICLEI Milestone I. The data has been completed and the draft report would be given to the Commission for consideration at the next meeting. After that time, it would be submitted to ICLEI. Ms. Worthington gave an update on the beginning of ICLEI Milestone II. She discussed an upcoming meeting with Kristina Smitten, Project Coordinator of ULI (Urban Land Institute). They will determine the approach and best practices for the Green Step Cities. The pilot program begins in January 2010 and ends in June of 2010. Ms. Worthington told the commission she will bring forward policy/policies for the commission to consider at the next meeting. The policies would involve making the city more sustainable. Ms. Worthington told the commission.that Minneapolis, Hennepin County and Edina now have a Working Group based on sustainability issues. 6. Commission Business Commissioner Latham read a recommendation from the Recycling and Solid Waste Working Group (RSW WG) for the EEC to consider. It was regarding a community survey. Commissioner Latham made a motion on behalf of the RSW WG to recommend that the Edina City Council request the EEC to study recycling and solid waste issues such as organized hauling and single sort recycling, including economic and environmental benefits. The study is to be conducted with a community survey as well as with other applicable instruments. Thereafter recommendations will be made to Council. Commissioner Sierks seconded. Rollcall Vote: Ayes: Christianson, Latham, Lee, Paterlini, Risser, Sierks, Thompson, Iyer Motion carried. At this time, Businessman, Gary Vierkant, spoke about a survey done in 1973 about organized garbage collection. Jim Jones of the RSW WG presented a PowerPoint on "Office Recycling". He talked about the approach to having office buildings/suites implement recycling in their buildings. Chair Iyer talked with commissioners about the 2009/2010 objectives and asked the chairs of the working groups keep the commission up to speed on the projects and priorities. Chair Iyer asked Jane Timm to keep a spreadsheet of the volunteer responses to the press release in the Sun Current and bring it to the December 2009 meeting. Commissioner Christianson made a motion to nominate and approve Julie Mellum, 5700 York Ave S to the Air & Water Quality Working Group. Commissioner Latham seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to nominate three energy champions — Shepherd of the Hills Church, 500 Blake Rd, Faith Community Energy Champion; Jane Levin and Judy Reisman, 4235 Alden Ave, Family Energy Champions; and Florida West Office Building in Golden Valley, Minnesota, Business Energy Champion. Commissioner Latham seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to authorize the Chair of the EEC to sign the document earmarked to establish an account for the EEC at the Edina Community Foundation. Commissioner Latham seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Thompson made a motion to draft a resolution regarding support of the UN Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen to be adopted by the Edina City Council which states: WHEREAS, the City of Edina adopted ICLEI's Cities for Climate Protection Campaign on November 5, 2007 and WHEREAS, through its actions the City of Edina has demonstrated concern over global warming. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Edina strongly supports action at the upcoming UN Convention on climate change in Copenhagen for the United States and other nations to commit to reducing green house gas emissions to a level necessary to stabilize atmospheric CO2 levels at or below 350 ppm. Commissioner Latham seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Thompson gave an update on his upcoming trip to Copenhagen. He will be there from December 2 through December 21, 2009. He gave his blog site to all commissioners. Commissioner Thompson also made a request to work from the Education and Outreach Working Group to set up an informational meeting about Julie Risser's trip to Indonesia, Paul Thompson's Copenhagen trip, and the roll out of the GreenStep program. The date decided on was January 26, 2010. Commissioner Latham asked the commission to consider her letter for the Sun current on Emerald Ash Borer. Commissioner Sierks made a motion to approve Commissioner Latham's letter for the monthly article in the Edina Sun Current on Emerald Ash Borer. Commissioner Christianson seconded. Motion carried. 7. Adjournment Commissioner Christianson made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Thompson seconded. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The next meeting will be the regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. December 16, 2009 in the Community Room. Respectfully submitted, Jane M. Timm, Deputy City Clerk EDINA PUBLIC MEETING PROCEDURES During "Public Hearings" the Chair will ask for public comment after City staff members make their presentations. If you wish to speak on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your comments are relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the efficient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: • Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes or less. The Chair will modify presentation times, as deemed necessary. • Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit comments to the matter under consideration. • In order to maintain a comfortable environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. During "Community Comment," the Chair will ask to hear from those in attendance who would like to speak about something not on tonight's agenda. Individuals must limit their presentations to three minutes and cannot speak to an issue for which a public hearing was previously held and closed within the last thirty days or a matter scheduled for a future hearing on a specific date. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission to respond to their comments. Instead, the Commission might direct the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION AGENDA FOR MEETING November 18, 2009, 7:00 PM — 9:00 PM 1) Welcome, Call to Order, and Roll Call (2 min) 2) Discussion and Approval of Agenda and Agenda times (3 min) 3) Discussion and Approval of October 2009 Minutes 4) Community Comment (10 min) 5) Staff Update (10 min) , 6) Commission Business RSW Survey (Comm. Latham) 10 min RSW Educational Presentation (RSWG) 30 min 2009/10 Ninah;wd Objectives/Priorities/Owners 30 min yJC mall wind (Comm. Hansen) 10 min White roofs (Comm. Hansen) 5 min Links to US Senators for Grants (Comm. Hansen) 5 min i rees Project Update (Comm. Hansen) 5 min 7) Adjourn The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Proposed Request from the Recycling and Solid Waste Working Group (RSW WG) to the Energy and Environment Commision 11-12-09 In response to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's June 2009 study on the Analysis of Waste Collection Service Arrangements (see http://www.pca.state.mn.us/oea/Ic/coIlectionservice.cfm), as well as the Mpls Star Tribune editorial of Oct. 9, 2009 found below, the Edina RSW WG recommends that the Edina City Council request that EEC study recycling and solid waste issues such as organized hauling and single sort recycling, including economic and environmental benefits. The study is to be conducted with a community survey as well as with other applicable instruments. Thereafter recommendations will be made to Council. Mpls Star Tribune Editorial Oct. 9, 2009: Time to Talk Trash Collection is Now It's a funny thing about garbage: We need to get rid of it, but we're often possessive and parochial about who takes it away. The majority (77 of 108) of Twin Cities communities have open rubbish collection systems. That means property owners select and pay for their own trash collection, rather than having a city or county handle it through property taxes. Some residents say they prefer having choices because they can have a direct relationship with a company instead of a city bureaucracy. But the most popular reason for using a private hauler is cost; many consumers believe independent trash collectors are cheaper. However, a new Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) study says otherwise. The MPCA report showed that the average cost of trash removal in open systems is about 50 percent higher than rates in city -controlled systems. The average monthly rate for a 60 -gallon container in an open system is $25.46. In municipal systems, the average price drops to $16.98. The 275 -page report details previous studies, describes systems in numerous communities and carefully outlines the pros and cons of both systems. Though the agency stops short of recommending either method, the facts speak for themselves. Organized waste management makes the most sense. Organized collection systems cost less for individual consumers through lower rates, and for haulers who can use less gas and reduce wear and tear on trucks. A managed system eliminates the need for trucks from various companies to serve the same areas, placing additional stress on roads and alleys. One garbage truck has the same impact on streets as 1,279 cars. Fewer trucks mean fewer street repairs, longer lasting roads and less noise. When done properly, organized trash collection is more efficient and environmentally friendly. Such systems give communities more direct control over waste management decisions -- including reducing the amount of garbage overall and deciding where waste should go. Having one entity in charge also encourages better coordination of trash and recycling pick-ups. Though the evidence favors municipal or regional systems, whenever cities talk about change they run into an angry buzz saw of citizens and well -organized independent trash haulers. Some residents argue that they want more choices, and some mistrust government systems. Some haulers argue that they give better, more personalized service and that a managed system could put them out of business. Because of that opposition, not a single metro area has switched to city collection in nearly 20 years, according to the MPCA. That should change. Minneapolis, which has a competitive bidding process for some of its trash haulers, has demonstrated that an organized system works well. And there are a variety of ways to set up a zoned, city -managed system that preserves competition among haulers. St. Paul, which has one of the state's largest open trash -hauling systems with 17 operators, is wisely reconsidering the arrangement. Several council members have asked staff to study the impact of changing to a city -run system, and results are expected in the next few weeks. That should encourage other municipalities to have similar discussions. Minutes of the Recycling and Solid Waste Workgroup A subcommittee of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission Centennial Lakes Centrum, Fireside Room September 10, 2009, 6 p.m. Working Group Members Present: Chair, Dianne Plunkett Latham; Tim Rudnicki, Michelle Horan, Melissa Seeley and Jim Jones. Staff Member Present: Solvei Wilmot, Recycling Coordinator and Assistant Sanitarian Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. Approval of Minutes Ms. Seeley MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM AUGUST 6, 2009. MOTION CARRIED. Approval of Agenda Agenda approved as presented. Community Comments None Reports Ms. Latham reported Ray O'Connell had submitted his resignation from the City of Edina Commissions to the Mayor. The Mayor had regretfully accepted the resignation. Members of the Recycling and Solid Waste Workgroup expressed their appreciation for the work Mr. O'Connell had contributed. Ms. Wilmot will send a thank you note to Mr. O'Connell on behalf of the workgroup. Ms. Horan and Ms. Seeley reported that they had contacted the soccer coaches for the fall soccer program and had requested a parent volunteer to contact them to be the recycling coordinator for that team. They had not received a response. Discussion was held regarding the power point presentation that Ms. Horan and Ms. Seeley are developing. The power point would be shared with the athletic associations presidents and or coaches. Source Separated Compostable Materials It has been reported that the compost site in Carver County, by the Arboretum, is required to scale back its operation due to objections from neighboring residents because of the odor it is creating. Legislative update Ms. Wilmot reported that there haven't been any further updates on the proposed legislation for pharmaceutical take back program. Survey Discussion was held regarding the draft survey. Suggestions and changes were made. Ordinances Ms. Latham suggested members review www.eurekarecycing.org for ordinances that are being used in other communities regarding waste hauling and consider what can be used to improve the Edina Ordinances. Centennial Lakes Recycling The workgroup will recommend that the Park Department add more recycling collection containers within Centennial lakes. Currently there is a collection container within the Centrum Building. New Business Mr. Jones presented a power point on how to establish office recycling he has also reserved a web page: easyofficerecycling.com for future use. Members commented about the excellent information. Ms. Wilmot will follow up on statistics for the presentation. Next meeting Areneson Acres, October 8, 2009, 7 p.m. Meeting adjourned. 8:45 p.m. Will Climate Change Collapse World Food Supply? Lester Brown, President of the Earth Policy Institute November 16th, 2009 from 9:30 -11:00 Cowles Auditorium, Humphrey Center In a world with falling water tables due to over irrigation, eroding soils from deforestation, rising temperatures and populations, we are becoming more and more vulnerable to major food shortages. This year 1 billion people will go hungry. Prediction of additional flux and increases in food prices has the potential to further intensify land and water competition especially in locations where countries share water resources. These issues could open a new chapter in political instability. Lester Brown will present his research and his new book APlan B 4.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization,O in which he lays a road map to avoid environmental collapse. "Plan BA focuses on the switch to renewable energy and resources and highlights how the energy efficiency revolution has just begun. This event is free and open to the public. Presented by CSTPP and the Institute on the Environment. For more information follow this link. This email was sent by: Center for Science, Technology & Public Policy University of Minnesota 319 Nineteenth Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55455 612-625-3032 h lih... Ln»n _ed u; centers/sir) lrttp_'"bloom lib umn c ciu'cstpp p�licyc atGtlys.t'. Ah HUBERT H. HU'MPHREY INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS A 2008 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. t.insubscribe from future Center for Science Technolo�zy & Public Policy emails Summary of Evaluations from Edina Workshops on Sustainability and the Natural Step Framework Edina City Hall July 26 and August 6, 2009 Prepared by Terry Gips Two separate sets of workshops were held: Workshop 1 was the afternoons of July 26 and August 6 primarily for City staff (though attended by commissioners and some community leaders) and Workshop 2 was the evenings of July 26 and August 6 primarily for city council members, commissioners and community leaders. Overall, both Workshops 1 and 2 were rated as excellent, very good or good by 92% of all the 26 attendees completing evaluations. Other key overall findings were that 92% rated the relevance of the workshop to their work as excellent to good. 92% rated the potential value of the workshop for city staff as well as the community as excellent to good. And 92% rated the potential value of becoming an eco -municipality as excellent to good Summary of Key Ratings from Workshop 1 (Afternoons) 13 evaluations were turned in for Workshop 1 and it was rated as excellent, very good or good by 92% of the evaluations. It received excellent ratings from 16% (2 people), very good 38% (5), good 38% (5), fair 0% (0) and poor 8% (1). 92% rated the relevance of the workshop to their work as excellent to good with 38% excellent, 38% very good, 31% good and 8% poor. 78% rated the relevance of the workshop to their personal life as excellent to good with 38% excellent, 23% very good, 16% good, 15% fair and 8% poor. 84% rated the potential value of the workshop for city staff as excellent to good with 23% excellent, 46% very good, 15% good, 8% fair and 8% no response. 84% rated the potential value of the workshop for the community as excellent to good with 31 % excellent, 53% very good, 8% good, and 8% fair. 84% rated the potential value of becoming an eco -municipality as excellent to good with 46% excellent, 15% very good, 23% good, 0% fair, 8% poor and 8% unsure. 69% rated the presentation by Terry Gips as excellent to good with 15% excellent, 46% very good, 8% good, 23% fair and 8% poor. Summary of Key Ratings from Workshop 2 (Evenings) 13 evaluations for Workshop 2 were turned in and it was rated as excellent, very good or good by 92% of the evaluations. It received excellent ratings from 23% (3 people), very good 54% (7), good 15% (2) and fair 8% (1). 100% rated the relevance of the workshop to their work as excellent to good with 38% excellent, 38% very good and 24% good. 92% rated the relevance of the workshop to their personal life as excellent to good with 46% excellent, 23% very good, 23% good, and 8% fair. 100% rated the potential value of the workshop for city staff as excellent to good with 61 % excellent, 31 % very good and 8% good. 100% rated the potential value of the workshop for the community as excellent to good with 46% excellent, 38% very good and 16% good. 100% rated the potential value of becoming an eco -municipality as excellent to good with 38% excellent, 38% very good and 24% good. 100% rated the presentation by Terry Gips as excellent to good with 38% excellent, 38% very good and 24% good. Contact: Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications & Marketing Director Phone 952-833-9520 • Fax 952-826-0390 • Web www.CityofEdina.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS RELEASE Energy & Environment Commission seeks volunteers for working groups Edina, Minn., Oct. 23, 2009 — Members of the Edina Energy & Environment invite all Edina residents, including high school students, to join them in working to support and advance environmental protection, conservation efforts, energy conservation and waste reduction. The Energy & Environment Commission has established six interest groups for which it is seeking volunteers. These groups and the commissioners leading them are: • Renewable Energy —Jeannie Hanson • Air and Water Quality — Steve Christianson • Education and Outreach — Paul Thompson • City Procurement Policy — Germana Paterlini • Carbon Tracking and Measurement — Germana Paterlini • Recycling & Solid Waste — Diane Plunkett Latham To volunteer to work on these important topics, send an email to edinamail@ci.edina.mn.us or write to Energy & Environment Commission, Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Edina, MN, 55424. Please indicate which of the above topics are of greatest interest to you by ranking them in the order of your interest with No. 1 being the highest. Because there is a limited number of volunteers the commission can have in each area, consider ranking at least three topics to maximize your opportunity to be selected for an interest area. In addition, please describe how you can contribute to the work in your selected areas by outlining your applicable skills and experience. For more information on the Energy & Environment Commission, visit www.CityofEdina.com. -30- City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street + Edina, MN 55424 Neighborhoods are Encouraged to Plant Trees to Get Ahead of Emerald Ash Borer It's bad enough to battle Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm Disease (DED) — now we have to watch for Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) too! With EAB identified in St. Paul, it's a matter of time until the destructive insects arrive here. Our three 25 -inch diameter Ash trees planted in the late 60's provide great shade for our home. Our tree service estimated $300/tree to systemically inoculate each Ash with Tree-ageTM (pronounced triage) to protect them from EAB. This must be applied every other year. The alternative estimate was $2,000/tree to remove and stump grind each. We plan to inoculate our Ash. The city of Edina Forester, Tom Horwath indicated that about 10% of all trees in Edina are Ash. A greater percentage of Ash are on private property then on city property. With three devastating tree problems, it is wise for every resident to check their yard and boulevard for areas where new trees can be planted this year so that if one or more of these tree problems strike, you will be well positioned to maintain a good tree canopy. In 1995 the city of Edina ceded maintenance for boulevard trees to residents. Residents can plant boulevard trees upon approval of the city Forester by calling 952-826-0308. Boulevard trees specifically prohibited by ordinance 1200.02 subd 2(f) include: Willows, Elms (DED resistant varieties excluded), Box Elder, Cottonwood, Aspen, Silver Maple, Poplar or other members of the genus Populus, Pine, Spruce, Fir, Yew or other conifers. Unfortunately, the city cannot provide any funding to replace or add trees on private property or along boulevards, but neighborhoods can organize to obtain inexpensive trees as follows. 1. Place a consolidated nursery order and obtain reduced prices. 2. The Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) takes orders for bare root seedlings from Aug. 15 through early spring, or as long as supplies last. Orders are only taken in minimum lots of 500 and in increments of 100 per species. Seedlings are priced starting at $36 per 100 depending on size. See http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forest!y/nurseries/orderin&hLmj. 3. Consider planting tree seeds. Think of how much fun it would be for your children to grow along with their seedlings! The DNR also makes seed packets available. See http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/nurseries/situation.htmI Remember that you need to water your new trees weekly throughout at least their first growing season, as well as mulch them to conserve moisture. You will also need to fence them from predators until they are tall enough and their bark is thick enough to withstand browsing. Fall is a good time to plant trees because they will require less water, provided any conifers are planted before Sept. 15. Let's all work together and green Edina one tree at a time! Dianne Plunkett Latham, Vice Chair Edina Energy and Environment Commission From: Sarah. F.Zarrin@seagate.com To: Grenier, Rachael Pream <racgrenier@edina.kl2.mn.us> Cc: ptflydisc@aol.com Subject: Fw: An invitation for Breakfast on Nov 22 and meeting the Edina/Minnesota representative attending Copenhagen Climate Conference in Dec Date: Wed, Nov 18, 2009 9:43 am Attachments: Road to_Copenhagen_Purpos.doc (29K) Could you forward to the project earth team and copy me so they can let me know if they can come. Thanks Hello, We would like to invite you and your family for breakfast on Sunday Nov 22. Paul Thompson, Edina resident and Edina Energy and Environment Commissioner is going to the United Nations.Climate conference in Copenhagen, Dec 7-18, to represent Edina and Minnesota. Paul is going to tell us about his ideas and plans for attending the conference. Paul will be reporting to us every day from Copenhagen through his blog. Also, Paul is going to meet with local schools and small city officials to present the possibility of forming a city to city, resident to resident, and school -to -school partnership with Edina. More information on Paul's mission on attending the Copenhagen conference is available on the attached file. Please bring kids and let them know about this gathering. I am hopping students can come up with ideas on how to share the daily reports from Copenhagen at schools. When: On a beautiful Fall day of Nov 22 after a walk, exercise, or composting leaves join us for breakfast Time: 11 AM to 1 PM Where: 7609 Stonewood Ct Edina MN 55439 Tel: 952 903 5224 Please let me know via email by Friday Nov 20 and how many. Sorry for the short notice. Paul is leaving on Dec 2 and we did not want to have this gathering on the Thanksgiving week. I look forward to seeing you on Nov 22. Sarah Fahim Zarrin-Mohtadi More info on Paul's ideas and plans for the Copenhagen trip. (See attached file: Road to Copenhagen Purpos.doc) To donate to Thompson's journey and the work of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission go to: Road to Copenhagen Purpose and Info Sheet- 11117109 ates of Visit Dec. 2-21, 2009 Paul Thompson, Edina Energy and Environment Commissioner will be representing Edina and the EEC at the United Nations Climate Convention in Copenhagen Denmark Dec 7-18, 2009 The purpose of the Convention is a draft a new Global Climate Treaty that will replace the Kyoto Accord which expires in 2012. The main purposes of Thompson's visit will be: 1. To represent Edina as an ICLEI (local govt for sustainability, www. iclei. or(.7 delegate at the Climate Convention, and to present a PowerPoint presentation on Edina and the work being done by the EEC and our city to become a Green Step City. 2. To volunteer time with Expedition Copenhagen a program of the Will Steger Foundation (www. willstegerfoundation. org) to empower 12 youth from the mid -west in climate action leadership, and to work with Bill McKibben and the 350 team (www.350.om) on visibility of 350 so the convention considers 350 ppm of CO2 in our atmosphere as the benchmark to include in the climate treaty. According to the best science available, 350 ppm is the safe maximum level of CO2 in our air to continue life on the planet as we have known it for the past century. We are currently at 390 ppm globally. 3. To meet with local schools and small city officials to present the possibility of forming a city to city and school -to -school partnership with Edina. 4. To serve as the "eyes and ears" for Edina and Minnesota citizens at the Convention through his "Road to Copenhagen" blog and video/ You Tube entries. Please visit: http.,1112t_fydisc-onecoolDianet.blogspot.com/2OO9 11 01 archive html 5. Through the "Hear My Voice" project Thompson will be carrying the voices of hundreds of Edinans and Minnesotans on postcards with their messages to UN Delegates and World Leaders to consider as they negotiate the new Climate Treaty. The messages will be displayed at the Bella Center (site of the UN Convention), and around Copenhagen under a banner, which reads "Minnesota Speaks to Copenhagen and the World." "I took early retirement from my teaching career to devote my life to awakening our community and country to the urgent need to act responsibly in the face of a changing climate. People are beginning to wake up. We have the resources and the intellect... can we now find the heart and love to create the political will to act? That is why I am going to Copenhagen." To donate to Thompson's journey and the work of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission go to: htWWwww edinacommunity ndation oraldonate-now.html For more info contact Paul Thompson at 952-920-1547 or piflydiscOaol.com Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church does not have a long history of focus on Creation Care, however, over the last 3 years, efforts have grown steadily. Most recently, as part of the International Day of Peace celebration in September, a Peace with the Planet concert was held featuring wilderness activist Walkin' Jim Stoltz. SOTH also began collecting #5 plastics as part of the Whole Foods "Gimme 5" recycling program in the spring of 2009 and congregational participation has been amazing. In 2008 SOTH received a mini -grant from Community POWER and Hennepin County to help teach members how to reduce waste and toxicity in their lives. Future plans include an annual celebration open to the community during Earth Month, planting one or more fruit trees onsite and transitioning all church activities away from the use of styrofoam. Edina Energy Champion Nomination Jane Levin and Judy Reisman 4235 Alden Dr Edina, MN 55416-5009 Their momingside yard is a Certified Wildlife Habitat through the National Wildlife Federation. To achieve this certification they provide food and water sources for wildlife. Judy and Jane have accomplished this by planting native bushes, whose berries are food for wildlife. They put out seed in supplemental feeders and seasonally put out hummingbird feeders. A well maintained birdbath provides water. Certification also requires places for wildlife to seek shelter and raise their young. Dense shrubs, ground cover and mature shade trees are in place. These women practice sustainable gardening, using a rainbarrel to capture water from their roof and mulching. They use native plants which don't require additional watering. They compost and their practices are 100 % organic with no chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The way these neighbors manage their landscape has had a positive effect on the health of the soil, air, water and habitat for native wildlife — and the City of Edina. Enviornmental/Energy Champion Florida West Building, Golden Valley, Minnesota USA Pam Coleman — Building Manager The Florida West Office building in Golden Valley, Minnesota adopted the "Easy Office Recycling" plan that was created for tenants in office buildings that do not offer or enforce paper and cardboard recycling Their first objective was to establish their recycling potential by doing a cost analysis and payback. They then arranged with their trash hauler to pick up their recycled paper and cardboard twice a week. For maximum participation they provided Recycling Labels for every office and/or workstation; Recycling Bins were too expensive for each office. The next achievement was to educate and promote the program to their tenants and the cleaning crew. The Florida West Office building recycling plan was successful because every tenant felt good about their contribution to the environment by drastically reducing the amount of their trash. It also was a success because it was cost effective for the building owners to reduce their trash collections. www.easyofficerecycling.com