HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-12 PacketMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 12, 2011 7:05 P.M. Call to Order Chair Latham called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Roll Call Answering roll call were Commissioners Gubrud, Kata, Kostuch, Paterlini, Risser, Sierks, Thompson, Tucker, Zarrin, and Chair Latham. Absent: Commissioners Iyer and Pronove Staff Present: Secretary Timm III. Approval of Meeting Agenda Agenda was approved as written. IV. Adoption of Consent Agenda. Motion made by Commissioner Sierks and seconded by Commissioner Gubrud approving the consent agenda. V. Community Comment. No one appeared for comment. VI. Report/Recommendations A. Motion made by Commissioner Risser and seconded by Commissioner Sierks to approve Laura Eaton to the Air Quality Working Group. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made by Commissioner Sierks and seconded by Commissioner Gubrud to approve Bradley Hanson to the Energy Working Group. Motion carried unanimously. Motion made by Commissioner Gubrud and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to remove Bob Genovese and Wendy Morris from the Education and Outreach Working Group. Motion carried unanimously. B. Chair Latham reported on the work session with City Council May 3, 2011. She explained that the Commissions would have a standardized agenda, minutes and by-laws. The meeting also included discussions on the filming of meetings, establishing Working Groups, Task Forces and Commission Orientations. C. Chair Latham gave and overview of the outline for City Ordinances and Recommendations. D. Commissioner Risser reported on the Air Quality Working Group. Commissioner Risser will ask Staff Liaison, Jesse Struve to get information and a price on "No Idling' signs. Commissioner Risser gave a report on the MNDOT Workshop she attended April 21, 2011. E. Chair Latham reviewed the proposed press release regarding the July 31, 2011, Eco Yard and Garden Tour with commissioners. The press release was approved with some minor revisions. F. Chair Latham reviewed the Green Corps Intern application submittal with commissioners. She asked that any commissioner with suggestions for intern projects contact Jesse Struve before June 1, 2011. G. There was a discussion about the content of the EEC's part on the website. Jennifer Bennerotte will conduct meetings on the website to get input. Chair Latham appointed Commissioner Paterlini to represent the EEC at the meetings. Commissioner Paterlini made a motion seconded by Commissioner Zarrin to remove SageSteps.com from consideration for adding to the EEC's website. Motion carried unanimously. H. At this time the Edina portion of the GreenStep Cities website was reviewed on the internet. Chair Latham did the input and asked the commissioners to take time to review her entries. I. There was no report by the Energy Working Group. J. Commissioner Kostuch gave an update regarding the Procurement Policy. K. Commissioner Paterlini will send invitations to the new commissioners to join the Google Groups. L. Commissioner Thompson recommended that EEC have a unit in the Edina 4`h of July parade and made a motion to use "Connecting Our Neighborhoods" as the theme of the 4th of July Parade entry for EEC. Commissioner Tucker seconded. Motion carried unanimously. M. The Education and Outreach Working Group prepared a survey for Edina Public School Principals for completion. Commissioner Thompson shared the survey with Commissioners. There was a discussion about the questions and how to simplify the survey. Commissioner Thompson made a motion seconded by Commissioner Paterlini to simplify the survey and then send the survey to the Edina Public School Principals at the end of the 2011 school year. Motion carried unanimously. N. Commissioner Tucker gave an update of the Water Quality Working Group. The Blue Star Assessment has been completed with a total of 61% points. They will identify areas in Edina that will help gain percentage points. O. Chair Latham gave a Recycling and Solid Waste Working Group Report. She reported that the Group attended the League of Women Voters Meeting regarding organized haulers and also reported they will attend a tour of St Paul District Energy in June. VII. Correspondence and Petitions VIII. Chair and Commission Member Comments A. Chair Latham asked Secretary Timm to order commission badges for the Commissioners that did not have one. She will make a request through Jennifer Bennerotte, Communications Director. B. Chair Latham reminded the Commissioners that Vice Chair Paterlini would like to resign as Vice Chair and would like another commissioner to step into the role. This item was tabled to the June 2011 meeting. There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Latham declared the meeting adjourned at 9:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jane M Timm Deputy City Clerk AUAck_ CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION EDINA CITY HALL COMMUNITY ROOM Thurs., June 9, 2011 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA A. Minutes. B. Attendance Report V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During "Community Comment, " the Energy & Environment Commission will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Commission, or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Commission might refer the matter to staff or to an EEC Working Group for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Working Group membe . B. -tK Website i.ipdatddil 04 C. Recycling & Solid Waste WG = 1. Proposed amendment to 1300.09 — e 2. St. Paul Dist Energy Solar Installation for T .(Jd� D. Eco Yard & Garden tour -up s E. Education Outreach Working Group Report. 1. 4`h of July Parade. F. Water Quality WG. — 1. Rrl Coal Tar ordinance. 2. Blue Star Municipal Stormwater Mgmt Assessment — lues 3. Report on Edina Storm Water Pollution Prevention G. Procurement. H. Energy WG. '�%®d, 1. Solar panel project — ry 2. Solar/wind ordinance amendments Task Force —4 po . 3. PACE commercial energy district. I. Air Quality WG Report. J. Update #EEC Website. K. GreenStep Cities. L. Turf Management Task Force. M. P ity Council Work Session. VII. CORRESPONDENCE & PETITIONS VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS A. Vice Chair Election. 1 0 IX. STAFF COMMENTS A. Jesse Struve 1. City survey. 2. EEC budget. 3. ULI benchmark progress report - 2010 B3 data entry by Katie Jones of MN Green Corps. 4. Report on compostable bag resolution. 5. Green Corps Intern. 6. Commissioner badges. Next EEC Meeting — Thursday, July 14 in the Community Room. Work Session with City Council — Tuesday, July 19 not confirmed The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. 2 CITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION EDINA CITY HALL COMMUNITY ROOM Thurs., June 9, 2011 7:00 PM I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL (1 min) III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA (1 min) W. ADOPTION OF CONSENT AGENDA (1 min) A. Minutes B. Attendance Report V. COMMUNITY COMMENT (10 min) During "Community Comment, " the Energy & Environment Commission will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Commission, or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Commission might refer the matter to staff or to an EEC Working Group for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Working Group member additions/deletions. (5 min) See best practice list with WG membership (attached). B. City Website Update — Germana Paterlini. (5 min) C. Recycling & Solid Waste WG (5 min) DP Latham — No May meeting held. 1. Proposed amendment to 1300.09 — Refuse Reports. See attached. 2. St. Paul Dist Energy Solar Installation planned for either for Thurs. June 23. Let DP Latham know if you are interested. See attached details. D. 7-31-11 Eco Yard & Garden tour monitor sign-up sheet (attached) (5 Min). E. Education Outreach Working Group Report — (10 min) Bob Gubrud/Paul Thompson - Next meeting 7/5/11 1. 4"' of July Parade F. Water Quality WG — (15 min) Susan Tucker — Absent — (April minutes?) (May minutes?) 1. Proposed Coal Tar ordinance — See attached proposed ordinance and background 2. Blue Star Municipal Stormwater Mgmt Assessment — Jesse Struve to provide the user name and password to see Edina's results at http://www.bluestarmn.org/leaderboard 3. Report on Edina Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Meeting held Mon. June 6 (see attached) G. Procurement — (5 min) Keith Kostuch H. Energy WG — (15 min) Surya Iyer/Bill Sierks — Minutes 3-15-11 (attached) 4-15-11 (awaiting approval), 5- 17-11 (awaiting approval). Next meeting 6-21-11. 1. Solar panel project — Progress report on McKinstry RFP. 2. Solar/wind ordinance amendments Task Force — Progress report 3. PACE commercial energy district - See https://www.revisor.mn.gov/laws/?id=216&doctype=Chapter&year=2010&type=0 and http://www.mnseia.org and http://www.law.umn.edu/uploads/p0/Xo/pOXo6veyak4O- 5 QNQ17XwA/PACE-REPORT-FINAL-pdf.pdf I. Air Quality WG Rept (0 min) — J. Risser —Absent - Minutes of 4-28-11 (awaiting receipt), 5-26- 11 (awaiting approval), next meeting 6-23-11. Ltr to Ed approved at 5-12-11 EEC meeting sent to Jennifer B. 5-13-11. J. Update of EEC Website (attached) (5 min). K. GreenStep Cities (20 min) — See http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/bestPractices.cfm for updated practices as well as www.MnGreenStep.org; Comp Plan must be updated for city ordinance citations. L. Turf Management Task Force (5 min) - Germana Paterlini; M. Proposed Agenda for City Council Work Session (10 min). See attached VII. CORRESPONDENCE & PETITIONS VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS A. Vice Chair Election IX. STAFF COMMENTS A. Jesse Struve (10 min) 1. City survey 2. EEC budget balance is $8,600 as of 5-23-11 3. ULI benchmark progress report - 2010 B3 data entry by Katie Jones of MN Green Corps 4. Report on compostable bag resolution. 5. Green Corps Intern 6. Commissioner badges Next EEC Meeting — Thurs., July 14 in the Community Room. Work Session with City Council — Tuesday, July 19 requested but not yet confirmed by City Manager The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Pi ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION NAME TERM J F M A M J J A S O N D Gubrud, Bob 2/1/2013 X X X X X Iyer, Surya 2/1/2012 X X X X Kata, Karwehn student X X X X Kostuch, Keith 2/1/2013 E 0 X X Latham, Dianne 2/1/2012 X X X X X Paterlini, Germana 2/1/2013 X X X X X Pronove, Alma student X X X Risser, Julie 2/1/2012 X X X X Sierks, Bill 2/1/2013 X X X X X Thompson, Paul 2/1/2013 X X X X X Tucker, Susan 2/1/2012 X X X X Zarrin, Sarah 2/1/2012 X X X X Best Practices Selected by Edina for the Green Steps Program GreenStep Cities - www.MnGreenStep.org and best practices page at http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/bestPractices.cfm (See icon upper left hand side) 9 Required Steps for Category A Cities Counts as 10 Steps including 1 Floating BP (#24.4 & #24.5) June 6, 2011 - Draft GrnStep# Responsible Commissioner/Staff 1. Public Buildings & Lighting — Substeps #1 & 2 required plus 1 additional substep for Cat. A #1 B3 data base — Required — Complete for 2007 & needs update Germana/Jesse #2 Building Audit - Required (Long Term Goal) Jesse #6 Internal Loan Fund — Possibly Complete Jesse 6. Comp Plan — Substeps #1 and #2, required for Cat. A & B #1 Adopt a Comp Plan that is less than 10 years old — Required - Complete #2 Demonstrate that regulatory ordinances comply with the Comp Plan including having the zoning ordinance explicitly referenced in the Comp Plan — Required — Ordinance citations must be added. Ch 1 Intro; Ch 2 Vision, Goals & Objectives; Ch 3 Community Profile — NA Ch 4 Land Use & Community Design - Julie Risser Ch 5 Housing - Julie Risser Ch 6 Heritage Preservation —Arlene Forest Ch 7 Transportation — Jennifer Janovy Ch 7 Bike Plan — Kirk Johnson Ch 8 Water Resources — Susan Tucker Ch 9 Parks — Dianne Plunkett Latham Ch 10 Energy & Environment 10.1 Introduction — NA 10.2 Climate Change & Global Warming — Paul Thompson & Bill Sierks 10.3 Energy — Surya Iyer and Bill Sierks 10.4 Solar Protection - Surya Iyer and Bill Sierks 10.5 Residential Energy Consumption — Bill Sierks & Bob Gubrud 10.6 Commercial and Industrial Energy Consumption — Germana Paterlini & Bill Sierks 10.7 City Energy Consumption - Germana Paterlini & Bill Sierks 10.8 Waste — Dianne Plunkett Latham & Sara Zarrin Mohtadi 10.9 Air — Julie Risser, Julie Mellum & Kanvehn Kata Ch 11 Community Services & Facilities Police, Fire & Public Health — Bob Gubrud Schools & Libraries — Paul Thompson & Alma Pronove Information Technology, Communications Marketing — Germana Paterlini Ch 12 Implementation - NA 11. Complete Streets — Substep #1 required plus 2 additional sub steps for Cat. A — Transportation Commission (Jennifer Janovy) & Bike Task Force (Kirk Johnson). #1 Required - Adopt a Complete Green Street Policy that addresses street trees and stormwater and modify street standards accordingly — Possibly complete for arterials but could be expanded to side streets #4 Identify and remedy non -complete street segments by, for example, adding a bike lane or sidewalk #6 Traffic Calming measures on at least 1 street redevelopment project — Possibly complete but expand 12. Mobility Options — Required for Cat. A - Two sub steps are required — Transportation Commission (Jennifer Janovy) & Bike Edina Task Force (Kirk Johnson). le. Promote walking, biking and transit by an active living campaign in concert with your local community health board. 2. Launch a Safe Routes to School program with educational, public health and other partners. 4. Promote carpooling or on -demand ridesharing among community members, city employees, businesses, high schools and institutions of higher education. 15. Purchasing — Required for all cities — Substep #1 required, plus additional sub step for Cat. A #1 Purchasing Policy — Required — Draft complete GermanalKeith #4 Require Purchase of US EPA Water Sense Certified Products GermanalKeith 16. Urban Forests — Required for A & B cities with 2 Sub Steps for A Cities — Dianne & UFTF #1 Qualify as Tree City USA — City Forester Tom Horwath to apply for 2011 #4 Maximize tree planting on your main downtown street (501h & France) — Possibly complete #5d Enact ordinances to protect trees in the development process — Dianne and UFTF 17. Efficient Stormwater Management — Required for Cat. A — Susan Tucker & WQ WG, Jesse Struve, 9 Mile Creek Watershed District & Minnehaha Watershed District Complete at least one Sub step: #1 Complete Blue Star City stormwater management assessment & achieve a minimum threshold of specific activities detailed in the program — Draft complete #4 Create a stormwater utility, which uses variable fees to incentivize stormwater reduction and fund community stormwater infrastructure and assistance. #5 Adopt and implement design standards or guidelines for renovations or new construction in the city addressing at least one of the following: Rain gardens, Green alleys, Green parking lots, Green roofs with or without cisterns & water/grey water reuse systems #6 Adopt, with modifications as needed, the model Stormwater and Erosion & Sediment Control Ordinance. 24. Benchmarks and Community Engagement - Substeps #1 & #2 required for Cat. A #1 Carbon Benchmark — Required — Updated for 2010 Germana Paterlini #2 City Measurement Reporting - Required Gennana Paterlini #4 Energy efficiency Education Campaign (Floating BP) Paul, Bob & EO WG plus HES #5 Conduct community education, visioning & planning using a sustainability framework (Floating BP) Natural Step Framework - Complete 25. Green Business Development — Required for Cat. A & B cities with at least 2 sub steps — Dianne, Bill & RSW WG #2 Invite Assistance providers such as Minnesota Waste Wise, EnergySmart to conduct personalized energy, environmental sustainability, and waste audits with at least 5 businesses. #4 Support businesses using local waste products — Complete - City brush currently goes to St. Paul District Energy EEC's 6 Top Optional GreenSteps for a Total of 15 Steps Plus #24.4 and/or #24.5 For a total of 16 BP's (16 Required for Category A Cities) GrnStep# Responsible Commissioner/Staff 2. Efficient Private Existiniz Buildings & Lighting: (2 sub steps must be selected) #1 Work with local utility, tailor a utility conservation improvement pgm (CIP) for your city. Bill #5b Watering Ordinance, Conservation Rate Structure — Three -tiered ordinance is complete — Jesse 18. Green Infrastructure: - Choose 3 sub steps - Dianne P. Latham & Urban Forest Task Force #5 Park Management Standards for at least one of the following: a) Low Maintenance native landscaping b) Organic or Integrated Pest Management — Germana & Edina Turf Management Task Force c) Sources of Non potable water for irrigation —Complete - Braemar uses retired well #14 #6 Certify 1 golf course for Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary — Complete for Braemar & Richards #8 Develop a program that involves community in land restoration and stewardship 19. Surface Water Quality: — Susan Tucker & WQ WG, 9MCWD, MCWD, Jesse Struve - Sub Step #4 is required plus 1 additional sub step. #3 Adopt measurable lake, stream and wetland health indicators or improvement targets, work with private and non-profit organizations to support citizen education efforts and involve stakeholders in actions to attain the targets, and annually report successes and failures. Targets may include measures such as trophic state, pollutant levels, health measures, water levels, and recreational carrying capacity. #4 Adopt a shore -land ordinance consistent with MN Dept of Natural Resources rules as modified 22. Solid Waste: — Dianne P Latham & RSW WG, Solvei Wilmot -#2 Required, plus one of substeps #4 - #8 #2 Adopt & meet aggressive goals for the overall percentage diversion of currently disposed waste from city operations into recycling and organics collection. #5 Arrange for a residential organics collection program — Complete & provided by Vierkant Disposal #6 Organized Hauling — Dianne, Surya & RSW WG (long term goal) Invite MPCA's Peder Sandhei to give PowerPoint presentation to City Council Work Session, survey residents regarding their hauling preferences & work to amend MS 115A.94. #23 Local Air Quality: Julie Risser & AQ WG Complete at least 2 sub steps #2 Regulate outdoor wood burning, using model ordinance language, performance standards and bans as appropriate for at least one of the following: ■ Recreational burning ■ Outdoor wood boilers #3 Conduct one or more education/behavior change campaigns on the topics below and document: ■ Decreased vehicle idling in specific locales or by specific fleets ■ Increased sales by retail stores of low and no-VOC household products ■ Replacement of gasoline -powered equipment with lower polluting equipment. 26. Renewable Energy: — At least 2 sub steps are required — Surya Iyer, Bill Sierks & AE WG #5 Install renewable capacity on at least one city -owned building, street light, speed display or chargeable message sign - ARRA grant to install solar panels on City Hall. #6 Work with private/public partners to create renewable energy generation capacity with one or more of the following attributes a. Fueled by wind — Utilize WindSource Process Recommendation: 1. Each selected step and sub step has a Working Group or Champion to implement it. Every Commissioner volunteers for at least 2 steps/sub steps and drafts the report for at least 1 step or sub step using the template provided to report their (sub) step. Each report will include recommendations & establish an implementation schedule. 2. July 6, 2010 - The report was discussed at the City Council Work Session 3. July 2010 - Lay groundwork for the next step in the process, which will likely be that the City become a formal Green Steps community. Meet with counterpart GreenStep city commissioners — Never occurred. Counterpart staff met. 4. Sept. 22, 2010 — EEC final approval of the selected steps as well as prioritizing the optional steps. 5. Nov 2010 — Begin staff training and involvement — Nov. 9, 2010 & Feb. 7, 2011 NEMO water quality program. 6. Jan. 18, 2011 - Council adopted GreenStep Cities resolution. Working Groups, Task Forces and Projects Air Quality Working Group (AQ WG) — 4th Thrusday at 7:00 pm — Chair Julie Risser - Members Julie Mellum, Laura Eaton, Karwehn Kata Water Quality Working Group (WQ WG) — 3`d Monday at 7:00 pm - Chair Susan Tucker — Members: Bill Johnson, Nina Holiday -Lynch, Jon Moon, Mary Jo Straub, Ryan Wilson (Does he still wish to be a member?) Prospective Members — Robert Skrentner — 30 years in the water/wastewater industry, first for the City of Detroit, then for a local MN consultant as a control systems engineer. Has BS and MS in Civil Engineering. Husband of School Bd member Lonni Skrentner. Todd Doroff — Former teacher currently on the Bd of Dir for the Non -Profit H2O for Life, which focuses on clean water in developing nations. Susan Danzl — BS & MS in environmental engineering & worked 5 yrs in water and waste water industry. Also has done some work in solid waste estimations and energy production from solid waste (waste to energy). Relocated from California 1 year ago. Laura Eaton (U. WI grad in Marketing Communications with sustainability interests. Also member of EO WG & AQ WG). Energy- Working Group (AE WG)— 3`d Tuesday at 7:00 pm - Chair Surya Iyer — Commissioners — Bill Sierks, Bob Gubrud - Members Richard Griffith, Richard Oriani, Greg Nelson, Gary Wahman, John Spanhake, John Howard, Bill Glahn, Brad Hanson Delete Prospects? Alan Glotzman — Has a business Presswirte Printing in SLP. Has a commercial solar system providing a substantial % of his power, as well as extensive LED lighting. He the past President of the morning Rotary. Scott Weicht (Works in commercial construction that installs geo-exchange, solar systems, LEED certified buildings and invests/constructs biomass facilities as well as water treatment/waste water plants around the country. His home has a geo-exchange ground loop system for heating/cooling, and a rain water capture system for lawn/plant watering. The home is designed for future solar when it becomes more efficient). Has agreed to be on the 7-31-11 Eco tour. Education Outreach Working Group (EO WG) — V Tuesday at 7:00 pm - Co -Chairs Paul Thompson and Bob Gubrud — Members: Laura Eaton, John Howard, Alma Pronove, Todd Willmert. Prospective Members: Annie Berge ('07 Macalester grad with Environmental Science minor, apprenticed at an organic farm in Hawaii and managed professional development seminars); Scott Davidson - Works for HGA, Inc. in the health care industry. His background is in teaching and he is an architect. Tim Jordheim 4 Karl Juhnke - Regis Corp as Sr. IT Developer/Analyst with computer science degree. Sierra Club member with an interest in Dark Sky issues. Eric Strobel - Appointed to Construction Bd of Appeals. He has been a lawyer in the construction industry for 20 years and has an interest in green building codes. Carlin Struckman - Student at Normandale Community College with a Poli Sci Major. He is interested in transit and park issues. He is in Student Senate. Home Energy Squad Task Force (HES) — Meets as needed - Chair Bill Sierks — Commissioners - Paul Thompson, Bob Gubrud Project & Policy Group — Meets as needed - Bill Sierks, Surya Iyer Purchasing — Meets as needed - Chair Germana Paterlini, Staff TBA, Keith Kostuch Recycling & Solid Waste Working Group (RSW WG) — 1" Thursday at 7:00 pm - Chair DP Latham- Members Sara Zarrin, Michelle Horan, Tim Rudnicki, Melissa Seeley Turf Management Plan Task Force (TMP TF) — Meetings as needed over lunch hour - Chair Germana Paterlini (EEC) — Members - Ellen Jones (Pk Bd), Mary Jo Kingston (Community Health), Vince Cockriel (Staff); Ex Officio DP Latham and John Keprios Urban Forest Task Force (UF TF) — Meets as needed over lunch hour - Chair DP Latham — Members - Joseph Hulbert (Pk Bd), Michael Schroeder (Planning Commission) & City Forester Tom Horwath (Staff) EEC Website Task Force — Commissioners Dianne P. Latham, Germana Paterlini, Julie Risser, Bob Gubrud — Members John Howard. Solar & Wind Ordinance Task Force — Surya Iyer (EEC), Chair, Members — Bill Sierks (EEC) Michael Platteter (Planning), Ken Potts (Planning) with support from the EEC Energy Working Group. Proposed Edina City Ordinance Amendments for Section 1300 — Collection and Disposal of Refuse and Recyclables Draft of 6-09-11 PURPOSE: The Recycling and Solid Waste Working Group of the Edina Energy and Environment Commission makes the following recommendations for amendments to Edina City code 1300 for the purpose of reducing residential waste, increasing residential recycling, and for the convenience of Edina residents. The amendments also enable Edina to comply with GreenStep Cities reporting requirements. 1300.01 Haulers to be Licensed. No person shall engage in hauling, conveying or collecting refuse, as defined in Section 705 of this Code, or recyclables, as defined in Section 715 of this Code unless that person holds a valid license issued under this Section. No license shall be issued to haul, convey or collect refuse or recyclables in any district established pursuant to Subsection 705.09 or Subsection 705. 10, except an exclusive license shall be applied for and issued pursuant to this Section to the person authorized by the City to haul, convey, or collect refuse or recyclables in a district so established. 1300.02 License Procedure and Fee; Insurance; Bond. Subd. I Procedure and Fee Section 160 of this Code, including the penalty provisions, shall apply to all licenses required by this Section and to the holders of such licenses, except that licenses shall be granted or denied by the Sanitarian. In addition to the information required by Section 160, the application for license or renewal of license shall be accompanied by a description of the types and makes of vehicles used for collection, a schedule of the charges to be made in accordance with the requirements of Subd. 4 of this Subsection, the frequency of service to be rendered and full information as to where and how the material collected will be disposed of. The application shall be accompanied by the fee set forth in Section 185 of this Code. Subd. 2 Insurance. Applicants for licenses or renewals of licenses shall file with each application a certificate of insurance under which there is coverage as to each vehicle to be used, for the entire term of the license applied for, for loss or damage to persons in the amount of $100,000 for each person and $300,000 for each accident, and for loss or damage to property in the amount of $50,000. Each policy shall provide that it shall not be canceled, or terminated or modified without first giving notice to the City. Note: These limits are insufficient to adequately indemnify the City of Edina. City Staff needs to recommend raising these to adequate limits. Subd. 3 Bond. Before obtaining any license under this Section, except an exclusive license issued in a district established by Subsection 705.09 or 705.10 of this Code, the applicant shall file with the Clerk a bond naming the City as obligee in the penal sum of $1,000 for each vehicle the applicant uses to collect refuse or recyclables in the City. The Bond shall be conditioned that the applicant shall save the City harmless for all actions, damages and expenses arising from the applicant's failure to comply with any provisions of this Code. Before granting any exclusive license for a district established by Subsection 705.09 or Subsection 705.10 of this Code, the exclusive licensee shall have on file with the Clerk a bond naming the City as obligee in the penal sum of not less than $25,000 for each district, or in the penal sum of not less than $100,000 if the district covers the whole of the City. The bond shall be conditioned that the applicant shall save the City harmless for all action, damages and expenses arising from failure to comply with any provisions of this Section or exclusive license. The bond shall be submitted on forms provided by the Clerk. The surety shall be a corporation duly authorized to act as such under laws of the State. The term of the bond shall be continuing and shall not terminate until 30 days after the date when the Clerk receives written notice of the termination by registered mail. Note: These limits are insufficient to adequately indemnify the City of Edina. City Staff needs to recommend raising these to adequate limits. Subd. 4 Volume Based Fees. The applicant shall submit a schedule of Refuse collection charges, exclusive of Source Separated Compostable Materials (SSCM) to the city Sanitarian. Said schedule shall be in direct relationship to the volume or weight of Refuse collected from each customer, exclusive of the SSCM collection process. 1300.03 Decals to be Placed on Vehicles. Whenever a license or renewal has been issued, the Sanitarian shall furnish the licensee a decal for each vehicle. The decal shall be worded as to signify that the vehicle is licensed by the City. The licensee shall apply the decal to the forward left side of the body of each vehicle licensed. 1300.04 Vehicles. Subd. 1 Specifications. The body of every vehicle licensed under this Section shall be constructed entirely of metal, or the space in the vehicle in which refuse or recyclables is kept shall be completely lined with metal. All joints shall be closed so that no dripping or leaking or drain off of water, liquid or any substance can occur. The loading space shall be provided with a tight metal hood having an opening fitted with metal doors, or shall be provided with a heavy tarpaulin or equivalent cover fitted with eyes, grommets, tie ropes or hooks so that the cover can be held securely over the loaded refuse. Refuse and recyclables shall be loaded so that none of the materials can jar loose and fall from the vehicle. Loose paper and other materials shall be secured so they cannot be dispersed by wind or fall from the vehicle. Subd. 2 Cleanliness. Every licensed vehicle used for collecting refuse shall be steam cleaned at least every week to prevent persistent odors, and shall be steam cleaned before being used for any other purpose. Subd. 3 Marking of Vehicles. Every vehicle used to collect refuse shall have the name of the owner or operator on the body, or placed on a durable metal or wood plaque which shall be fastened to the body when the vehicle is used for collecting refuse or recyclables. Subd. 4 Containers Used in Vehicle. Containers used to store or carry refuse in any licensed vehicle shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 705.02. 1300.05 Collection of Compostable Materials. Haulers shall collect from residential customers and segregate from other refuse, all grass clippings and leaves which have been separated from other refuse and placed in compostable bags designed for compostable materials. Haulers shall report to the Sanitarian the amount, by weight, of the leaves and grass clippings delivered to compost disposal sites approved by the County for the four-month periods ending April 30, August 31 and December 31. The reports shall be submitted within 15 days following the end of each four month period. Licensed haulers shall provide to customers, upon a customer's request, a yard waste container with close -fitting top for Grass Clippings, Leaves and/or Source Separated Compostable Materials (SSCM). The containers shall be constructed of non-combustible materials including the cover. The containers shall be at least 30 gallons in size, and at a charge for the container, if any, to be determined by the licensed hauler. 1300.06 Recyclable Collections Service. All persons licensed under this Section who haul, convey or collect refuse from residential buildings containing three or more dwelling units shall offer recyclable collection service to such buildings. 1300.07 Recycling Reports. Within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter each licensed hauler shall provide the City Sanitarian such information as is then requested by the Sanitarian on forms prescribed by the Sanitarian, relative to the recyclables collected during the period subsequent to the prior report to the City. The report shall include the amounts and kinds of recyclables and the markets used for the sale of, and primary purchaser of, recyclables. 1300.08 Service to Residential Properties. Containers kept outside shall be placed and kept in such a manner as not to permit entry of or harborage for animals, insects or other vermin. Haulers providing service to single dwelling unit, double dwelling unit and townhouse properties shall offer to their customers the option of collecting refuse from containers placed for collection at locations on the property other than at the curb. If the customer chooses such an option, the hauler shall collect refuse from the containers and return the empty containers to the location on the property specified by the customer. The hauler may not charge a different rate for collecting refuse at locations on the property other than the curb. - Within subsequent to the prior report to the City. History: Ord 1301 codified 1979; amended by 1301-A1 3-4-71, 1301-A2 11-25-81, 1301-A3 5-25-88, 1301-A4, 6-14-89, 1301-A5 12-19-90; Ord 2006-08, 11-06-06 Cross Reference: Sections 160, 185, 705, 715 JUSTIFICATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS 1300.02 License Procedure and Fee; Insurance; Bond. — It appears that the insurance and bonding limits have not been revised in many years. These limits are insufficient to adequately protect the City of Edina. City staff needs to recommend an amount sufficient to raise these to adequate limits. Waste Management has a limit of 5 million and has indicated that most haulers carry 1 — 3 million. Gary Vierkant indicated that the cost is passed along to the resident such that raising the limit would not be a problem for a hauler. 1300.05 Collection of Compostable Materials — Not all licensed residential haulers currently provide yard waste carts to customers. Such carts are desirable given that the State of Minnesota prohibits non-compostable bags for yard waste. Hauler supplied yard waste carts result in a savings to residents. Allied provides a wheeled 32 gal or a 68 gal yard waste wheeled cart to customers at no charge. Aspen does not provide a yard waste cart. Garbage Man does not provide a yard waste cart. Suburban — Provides a wheeled yard waste cart at no charge Vierkant provides a wheeled 60 gal cart for yard waste and/or Source Separated Compostable Materials (SSCM) at no charge. Waste Management charges a fee for a yard waste cart. 1300.07 Recycling Reports — The current city ordinance makes recycling reports appear as though they need only be generated if requested by the City Sanitarian. In fact, they are required by the 1-1-10 City of Edina recycling contract. Reporting requests must not be removed in future recycling contracts, or allowed to be supplied only upon request of the City Sanitarian, given that they are necessary for GreenStep Cities benchmarking and to determine the effectiveness of various recycling initiatives. 1300.09 — Refuse Reports — Edina currently has no requirement for haulers to make reports to the City Sanitarian as to the weight of refuse removed from the City. Such reports are necessary for GreenStep Cities benchmarking and to determine the effectiveness of various waste reduction initiatives. See step #24, Benchmarks and Community Engagement, substep #1, which requires reporting progress annually to community. See also substep #2 - Organize goals/outcomes measures from all city plans. City Council, at EEC's recommendation, voted to utilize the Urban Land Institute's (ULI) benchmark methodology, which requires cities to report not only their residential refuse tonnage, but also their municipal and commercial refuse tonnages. Schools are included in the commercial tonnages in the ULI methodology. Limiting the reporting requirement to residential tonnages, would force the City of Edina to extrapolate its commercial refuse tonnages from the Hennepin County data. More accurate data is needed so that if Edina changes licensing requirements in the future relative to residential or commercial requirements, the City of Edina will be able to determine if the ordinance amendments had a positive effect on reducing the amount of refuse collected or not Most haulers use public solid waste tipping sites where their tipping tickets are public information. These haulers have no problem with making reports given that the information is public anyway. Some haulers, such as Allied Waste have private landfills where they take some of their solid waste. This information is not public. But even these haulers use public sites such as the HERC burner some of the time such that not all of their tipping information is private. Most haulers have loads from multiple cities such that they cannot supply an exact weight for each city in the load. Haulers do, however, know the number of sites serviced in each city in each load, and would be able to submit an estimate. This is an acceptable compromise. 4 St. Paul Dist Energy Roof Top Solar Installation Tour 76 Kellogg Blvd West, St. Paul 55102 Thurs. June 23, 2011 St. Paul Dist. Energy is offering the Edina Energy & Environment Commission (EEC), the EEC's Recycling and Solid Waste Working Group and the EEC's Energy Working Group a tour of their roof top Solar Installation. There is a maximum of 20 participants. If it doesn't fill, other EEC Working Group members may attend. Member's children may attend if space is available and if accompanied by an adult. We will spend a brief amount of time on the roof, but realize that there are no barricades on the roof edge so children must be closely supervised. If any children are to attend we are required to provide a list of their names and ages. All participants must wear closed toed shoes with no heels since we will be climbing stairs and on uneven surfaces. The tour will begin at the District Energy plant at 76 Kellogg in St. Paul, where we will have a brief presentation. The tour will then continue at the RiverCentre . The total tour will last from 60-90 minutes. Participants can park at the RiverCentre ramp off Kellogg, or in the Science Museum ramp off Eagle Street. The District Energy facility is just east of these ramps, with the entrance on Kellogg. If you have an interest in attending, please let Dianne Plunkett Latham know ASAP. It's `first come, first served.' The schedule is as follows: 10:00 Carpool from City Hall 10:30 Tour Noon See Science Museum outdoor environmental display 12:45 Lunch at Science Museum 1:30 Depart 6-6-11 Sun. July 31, 2011 EEC Eco Yard & Garden Tour Monitor Schedule We are asking each Working Group (WG) in the EEC to be responsible for monitoring a particular tour garden. Your WG has been assigned the following garden. Thank you for all your efforts — the result will be educational, fun, publicity, new members, and funds for EEC projects! The following schedule requires two monitors per two hour time period. Monitors receive one free tour ticket. Each WG Chair should let Dianne Plunkett Latham know who has signed up to monitor your WG's garden, Dianne.Plunkett.Latham@Comcast.net-or 952-941-3542. MONITOR NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS Recycling & Solid Waste Working Group Dan & Dianne Latham 7013 Comanche Ct 952-941-3542 Dianne.Plunkett.Latham@Comcast.net 1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. 1) 2) 3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. 3) 4 Energy Working Group Greg & Cindy Nelson - 6120 Hansen Rd, Edina MN 55436 (952) 925-3613 gnelson@ehsystemsinc.com 1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. 1) 2) 3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. 3) 4 Water Quality Working Group Jon and Yuko Moon — 6016 Schaefer Rd, Edina MN 55436 (952)373-1636JKMoon@rocketmail.com 1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. 1 2) 3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. 3) 4) Education & Outreach Working Group Mark Campbell - 4421 Rutledge Avenue, Edina MN 55436 (612) 325-8852 CampbellMark@Mac.com 1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. 1) 3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. 3 2) El Air Quality Working Group Scott and Martha Weicht— 5608 Concord Ave. S., Edina MN 55424-1504 (952)922-3615SWeicht@comcast.net 1:00 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. 1) 3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. 3) 4 Monitors: Arrive a few minutes early. Wait until the next monitors arrive before leaving. Check all tickets and mark off your garden with a pen. Keep track of the number who tour your garden on a tally sheet, and report that to Dianne Plunkett Latham after the tour. At the end of the tour at 5:00 p.m., the last assigned monitors should return the table and chairs to the owner, and return all the supplies, including the left -over tickets, money, etc., to Dianne Plunkett Latham. If you have questions during the tour call Dianne's cell 612-619-2827. Plant Sale: At the Latham residence during the tour — 7013 Comanche Ct. WG Chairs: Please remind your WG members of their assigned time and location a few days before the Tour. Pick up the supplies for the Tour at the July 14 EEC meeting, including EEC WG membership brochures, extra tickets for sale on the day of the tour ($12 advance at Edina City Hall, $15 day of tour at Latham Residence at 7013 Comanche Ct from Noon to 4:00 p.m.). Monitors should bring a few $5 bills for change, Edina map, pens, tape to hold down a tour map and monitor list. Home owner should provide a garbage container, paper cups and a water container to be filled at the garden site for tour participants. Thank you again for helping make this a successful fundraiser and environmentally educational! A CITY ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF COAL TAR -BASED SEALER PRODUCTS INTRODUCTION AND INSTRUCTIONS: This ordinance contains a number of provisions a city may adopt. A city wishing to adopt this ordinance should review it with the city attorney to determine which provisions are suited to the city's circumstances. A city can modify this ordinance by eliminating provisions that concern activities it does not seek to regulate. The city attorney should review any modifications to ensure they conform to state law. This model ordinance is drafted in the form prescribed by Minn. Stat. § 412.191, subd. 4, for statutory cities. Home rule charters often contain provisions concerning how the city may enact ordinances. Home rule charter cities should consult their charter and city attorney to ensure that the city complies with all charter requirements. If your city has codified its ordinances, a copy of any ordinance regulating the use of coal tar -based sealers must be furnished to the county law library or its designated depository pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 415.021. This ordinance may affect current blacktop sealer practices within the city's jurisdiction. Therefore, prior to ordinance adoption, the city may want to provide commercial sealer companies, city residents, and other interested persons an opportunity to provide input. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF COAL TAR -BASED SEALER PRODUCTS WITHIN THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNESOTA SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The City of Edina understands that lakes, rivers, streams and other bodies of water are natural assets which enhance the environmental, recreational, cultural and economic resources and contribute to the general health and welfare of the community. The use of sealers on asphalt driveways is a common practice. However, scientific studies on the use of driveway sealers have demonstrated a relationship between stormwater runoff and certain health and environmental concerns. The purpose of this ordinance is to regulate the use of sealer products within the City of Edina, in order to protect, restore, and preserve the quality of its waters. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. Except as may otherwise be provided or clearly implied by context, all terms shall be given their commonly accepted definitions. For the purpose of this ordinance, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clear indicates or requires a different meaning: ASPHALT -BASED SEALER. A petroleum-based sealer material that is commonly used on driveways, parking lots, and other surfaces and which does not contain coal tar. COAL TAR. A byproduct of the process used to refine coal. UNDILUTED COAL TAR -BASED SEALER. A sealer material containing coal tar that has not been mixed with asphalt and which is commonly used on driveways, parking lots and other surfaces. CITY. The City of Edina MPCA. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. PAHs. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. A group of organic chemicals formed during the incomplete burning of coal, oil, gas, or other organic substances. Present in coal tar and believed harmful to humans, fish, and other aquatic life. SECTION 3. PROHIBITIONS. A. No person shall apply any undiluted coal tar -based sealer to any driveway, parking lot, or other surface within the City of Edina B. No person shall contract with any commercial sealer product applicator, residential or commercial developer, or any other person for the application of any undiluted coal tar -based sealer to any driveway, parking lot, or other surface within the City. C. No commercial sealer product applicator, residential or commercial developer, or other similar individual or organization shall direct any employee, independent contractor, volunteer, or other person to apply any undiluted coal tar -based sealer to any driveway, parking lot, or other surface within the City. SECTION 4. EXEMPTION. Upon the express written approval from both the City and the MPGA, a person conducting bona fide research on the effects of undiluted coal tar -based sealer products or PAHs on the environment shall be exempt from the prohibitions provided in Section 3. SECTION 5. ASPHALT -BASED SEALCOAT PRODUCTS. The provisions of this ordinance shall only apply to use of undiluted coal tar -based sealer in the City and shall not affect the use of asphalt -based sealer products within the City. SECTION 6. PENALTY. Any person convicted of violating any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or both, plus the costs of prosecution in either case. SECTION 7. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this ordinance is found to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance becomes effective on the date of its publication, or upon the publication of a summary of the ordinance as provided by Minn. Stat. § 412.191, subd. 4, as it may be amended from time to time, which meets the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 331A.01, subd. 10, as it may be amended from time to time. Passed by the Council this day of , 20 Mayor Attested: Clerk Minnesota Pollution Control Agency - Coal Tar -Based Sealants What Are The Concerns? Coal tar, a byproduct of coal processing, contains high levels of chemicals called polycyclic aromatic hyrdrocarbons (PAHs). Some PAHs are known human carcinogens. It is commonly used in asphalt sealers. Studies have shown when coal tar -based sealants are applied on parking lots and driveways, PAHs can be released into nearby surface waters, where they can accumulate to potentially harmful levels in sediments. This also is a concern for local governments responsible for managing stormwater ponds and disposing of sediments dredged from them. Alternatives to coal tar -based sealer formulations are available that have far lower levels of PAHs. Coal Tar -Based Sealant Fact Sheet http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=11857 Information Regarding Restrictions on Coal Tar -Based Sealants http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/water/water-types-and-programs/stormwater/municipal- stormwater/restriction-on-coal-tar-based-sealants.html The Legislation The 2009 legislation was contained in House File 1231. References to coal tar -based sealants are in Article 2, Sections 4, 26 and 28. The main requirements outlined in the legislation will be implemented over the next two years as indicated below. • Notify state and local government units By January 15, 2010 the MPCA must notify state agencies and local governments of the potential for contamination of stormwater ponds and wetlands by coal tar -based sealants. • Inventory stormwater ponds The MPCA must complete a plan to inventory stormwater ponds in the state by January 15, 2010. • State agencies restricted July 1, 2010 State agencies may not purchase undiluted coal tar -based sealant after this date. • Develop best management practices The MPCA must develop and make available best management practices that can avoid or mitigate environmental impacts of coal tar -based sealants. • Develop model ordinance on use of sealants for local units of government (LUGS) available on this web site on or before January 2, 2010. 1 • Develop grant process MPCA will develop a process by July 2010 for awarding grants to LUGS for treatment of contaminated sediment. Ordinance must be in place to apply for a grant. Watch this page for the RFP date (est. Sept. 2010) and application due date (est. Oct. 2010.)The bill contains other requirements for the MPCA but these are the ones of primary import for state and local governments and stormwater managers. • Update: Grants to Help Manage PAH -Contaminated Stormwater Sediments Information about grant requirements and application materials is still under development and will be made available through this Web page on or before July 1, 2010. In the meantime, questions may be directed to Don Berger, 651-757-2223 or Donald.Berger@state.mn.us MS4 Permittees By the next cycle of municipal stormwater permitting, beginning June 2011, permittees will be required to abide by all provisions of the legislation. The MPCA is conducting outreach to permittees to make sure they are aware of the requirements and assist them in meeting them. • .9 MS4 Stormwater Pond Inventory Form: (wq-strm4-30) This inventory is required by Chapter 172, Sec. 28 of the 2009 Session Laws and will be incorporated into the 2011 revision and reissuance of the NPDES MS4 General Permit. The purpose of the inventory is to identify stormwater ponds, wetlands and other water bodies impacted by the collection, treatment and conveyance of stormwater. Study of Contamination of Stormwater Pond Sediments by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Minnesota —The Role of Coal Tar -Based Sealant Products as a Source of PAHs http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document.html?gid=12960 United States Geological Survey USGS Fact Sheet - Coal Tar -Based Pavement Sealcoat, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), and Environmental Health http://Pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2011/3010/pdf/fs2011-3010.pd MN Cities with Coal Tar -Based Sealant Ban Enacted Centerville Circle Pines Golden Valley Maplewood New Hope Prior Lake Vadnais Heights White Bear Lake Washington State Ban on Coal Tar -Based Sealants http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42917004/ns/us news-environment/t/state-bans-coal-tar-sealants-big- win-foes 3 Renewable Energy Work Group Meeting Minutes March 17, 2011 Opening: The regular meeting of the Renewable Energy Work Group was called to order at 7:00 PM on March 15 in the City Hall Community room by volunteer chair Richard Griffith. Present: John Spanhake William Glahn Robert Gubrud Richard Griffith A. Approval of Agenda The agenda was published in an e-mail dated March 15 at 6:29 PM. 1. Welcome and roll call 2. Minutes of AEWG February meeting as modified 3. Approval of AEWG March meeting agenda 4. Welcome William Glahn 5. Review of REWG webpage for pending update 6. City Hall Energy Usage: Rebecca Ellis/John Spanhake 7. Adjourn The agenda was unanimously approved as discussed. B. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as modified: • In the item titled "Private/public partnership for geothermal systems," Johnson should be Bill Johnson and his company name should be stated. The presentation was not attached to the minutes sent to group members and should be forwarded by Surya Iyer and attached to the February meeting minutes. (Minutes are public record and should be readable by public.) • In the item titled "City Hall Energy Usage," Excel should be Xcel Energy in two instances. C. Open Issues A motion was made and unanimously carried for approval of membership for William Glahn. Those present had questions about the RFP timing for the City Hall solar cell project, including status of request for required City funds. A request for information was sent to Chair Surya Iyer. John Spanhake re -visited the February meeting discussion with consultant Rebecca Ellis and requested that he coordinate with her on two tasks: 1. Obtain necessary data on City Hall energy use (gas and electric) and complete the Xcel Energy Star Rating report. 2. If the rating is low (presently not defined) make a proposal for a HVAC study and re -commissioning project. This work will include recommendation for electrical and mechanical improvements to reduce energy usage. Motion made and unanimously carried. D. New Business A review of the REWG webpage was completed per agenda. One wording change was made: "... energy reduction target." should be "... energy approaches." This change will be communicated to EEC Chair Latham. Group wanted to know if Edina received 2009 Federal Stimulus funds and what use was made of any funds. A request will be forwarded to City Manager regarding this question. E. Agenda for Next Meeting John Spanhake to report progress on Energy Star rating project. Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 PM by Griffith. The next general meeting will be at 7:00 PM on April 19 (Passover) in City Hall Community Room. Minutes submitted by: Richard Griffith Approved by: pending approval Updates for EEC Website 6-6-11 I. On the City of Edina Home page, the search keyword box is at the very bottom of the page, causing users to need to scroll down to find it. If you don't happen to realize there is more information on the page and scroll down, you never find the search box. A search box is generally at the top of the page on the first page of a website. Please move it to the top of the page. 2. Remove all icons and video links from the I" page. Establish a link to a page for each Working Group, to which the current first page icons will be moved as indicated below. 3. Residents frequently complain that they cannot find the link to Boards and Commissions. This is because you must click the City Council Link first and few realize this. Move the Boards and Commission link to the same level as City Council so that it is more visible, _ - Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New 4. Update the text on the EEC home page as follows: Roman, 12 pt The Energy & Environment Commission was established in April 2007 to help the City stay on the forefront of issues of sustainability. Duties of the commission include: Examining and recommending best practices for energy conservation for Edina's residents and businesses, including recommendations for a "green" building code, use of Energy Star appliances and other energy - reduction targets. Examining and recommending changes in City purchases and operations to conserve energy. Evaluating and monitoring the provision of a residential recycling program. Evaluating and monitoring the provision of a privately provided solid waste program, as well as a reduction in municipal solid wastes. Evaluating and encouraging improvements in air and water quality. Educating the public about energy issues, reduction, conservation, reuse, recycling and environmental protection. The Commission is warking elesely with Xeel Energy and CentefPeint Energy to promete pragraHis eneoufage residential energy The ten -member Edina Energy and Environment commission includes Chair Dianne Plunkett Latham, Bob Gubrud, Surya Iyer, Keith Kostuch, Sarah Zarrin Mohtadi, M. Gennana Paterlini, Julie Risser, Bill Sierks, Paul Thompson, Susan Tucker, and two non-voting high school students. WeFk4ng Group F tThe Commission, which advises the City Council, have several Working Groups, which advise the commission. The Working Groups are Recycling and Solid Waste, Education and Outreach, Air ualit a*4s Water Quality, Purchasing, and ^lt ative Energy. The Alto ative >;aerg„ lAlorking r eup has several afeas of feeus, iflelodiiig wind and solar power. Working groups generally meet monthly for one to two hours on weekday evenings. Edina residents, including high school students, who are interested in volunteering on any of these Working Groups, should express interest by sending an email to edinamail@ci.edina.mn.us, or calling Deputy City Clerk Jane Timm at 952-826-0409 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Potential volunteers may also write to Energy/Environment Commission, Edina City Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., Edina, MN 55424. When expressing interest, volunteers should rank the Working Groups in order of their preference, and explain how their background would benefit the working group(s) of their choice. (Note: The title of each Working Group will be listed on the EEC home page with a link to that group's page. The working group pages will contain the following.) LINK to Air Quality Working Group— Evaluate and encourage improvements in air quality. Areas of study include fine particulate matter, engine idling, wood burning smoke and second hand smoke. Link to engine idling PSA Link to Smoking in Parks PSA (super girl) Links from medical or scientific groups? LINK to Education and Outreach Working Group - Educate the public about energy issues, reduction, conservation, reuse, recycling and environmental protection. This group works closely with Xcel Energy and CenterPoint Energy to promote programs that encourage residential energy efficiency. Move the following icons from the home page here: Participate in the Minnesota Energy Challenge. More details at www.MNEnergvChallenge.org to do our part to reduce global warming. Icon - Cool Tips Hot Ideas for Home and Business Icon - Home Energy Squad.net Icon - Be Cool — Learn More About Saver's Switch Icon - Learn More about Rebates for CenterPoint Energy Customers Icon - Refrigerator Rebate PSA (Bob and Poul to recommend more links here, if needed) usagetheir aewal LINK to Energy Working Group —Recommends best practices for energy conservation for Edina's citizens, municipal facilities and businesses, including recommendations for a "green" building code, use of Energy Star appliances, and other energy reduction targets. Promote the establishment of targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the City's buildings, equipment and operations. Examine and promote renewable energy options for transportation, heating, and cooling, and other energy uses. Recommendations are also made for renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. Move the following icons from the home page here: Participate in the Minnesota Energy Challenge. More details at www.MNEnergyChallenge.org to do our part to reduce global warming. Icon - Cool Tips Hot Ideas for Home and Business Icon - Home Energy Squad.net Icon - Be Cool — Learn More About Saver's Switch Icon - Learn More about Rebates for CenterPoint Energy Customers Icon - Refrigerator Rebate PSA Icon - Renewable Energy — It's a Breeze (Surya and EWG to odd more links here if needed) www.SageSteps.com — Centralized resource for individuals and families to measure their environmental impact based on their actual usage of electricity, natural gas, water and fuel. Bob Gubrud to evaluate whether we should include this link. LINK to Purchasing Task Force - Examine and recommend changes in City Government purchasing and operations to conserve energy and generate less waste, while recycling more. (Germano and Keith to recommend some links for this page) LINK to Recycling and Solid Waste Working Group — Evaluate and monitor the provision of a residential recycling program. Evaluate and monitor the provision of a privately provided solid waste program, as well as a reduction in municipal solid waste produced by Edina residents and businesses. Move the following icons from the home page here: Link to Choose to Reuse from the Energy Events page RethinkRecycling.com (recommend more links here?) LINK to Water Quality Working Group - Evaluate and encourage improvements in surface water quality and in stormwater management. Move the following icons from the home page here: Water resources link (PSA with the guy in the bath tub) Link to Piece on Coal Tar (where did this go — couldn't find it) Link to 9 Mile Creek Watershed District Link to Minnehaha Watershed District (more links here) 3 Proposed Agenda for EEC/City Council Work Session Draft of 6-6-11 I. Recycling & Solid Waste Working Group A. Proposed 1300 Licensing Ordinance Amendments (see attachment to 6-9-11 EEC agenda) B. Financing needed for Recycling Cans for City Parks C. Organized Hauling Update — Consider showing LWVE PowerPoint (see attached) II. Purchasing — EEC needs to approve revised policy after staff comments are incorporated (will these be ready in time?) III. Water Quality Working Group A. Coal Tar Ordinance Proposal (see attachment to 6-9-11 EEC agenda) IV. Energy Working Group — It appears that EWG is no longer recommending best practice # 26.6.a (WindSource) and instead is recommending either #26. La & b (Model Ordinances for Wind & Solar), or #26.3 (Pace) A. Solar/Wind Ordinance amendments (will these be ready in time?) B. PACE (will this be ready in time?) V. Benchmark Report (ULI Pilot within a Pilot and B3 data) VI. Approve revised GreenStep Cities best practice selections VII. Policy on EEC/WG involvement in RFP process. 6-6-11 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System � . ... . : � .�z . .. ..w�a.. ... � A WSS «moo • Educate interested citizens • Receive comments from the public — S WPPP — Review progress of Best Management Practices • Meet the annual requirements of the permit A ak Aaaertnrea, l+rt 1) Public education and outreach 2) Public participation and involvement 3) Illicit discharge detection and elimination 4) Construction site stormwater runoff control 5) Post -construction stormwater management 3 Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations A S8 MCM I & 2. Public Education, Outreach, Participation, and Involvement • Storm water related articles/information in the About Town newsletter (1 article) • Engineering & Public Works webpage (postings, links) • 7 Articles • Annual Public Meeting (June 6, 2011) MCM 3. Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination • Stormsewer map updated • "Report a Problem" e-mail notification • 1 illicit discharge A WS 4 As"etrurs, tw MCM 4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Erosion and Sediment Control Inspections (includes sites <1 ac.) • 16 Notice of violations, 1 stop work order MCM 5. Post -Construction Stormwater Management 2 Plan reviews completed (>1 ac.) MCM 6. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Outfall &Pond Inspections (100% complete in 2007) Structural Pollution Control Devices (83 inspected &maintained) Street Sweeping completed (entire twice per year) Ile, �=1\ 1' b v \ j n„�➢fs'Y xJ�7� S OWN= Aarurtnrrr, lrrc tib • Public Meeting and Comments, Record of Decision (June 6, 2011) • Finalize/submit 2010 Annual Report • Continue to implement BMPs of the SWPPP until effective reissuance date of the MS4 permit. Reissued MS4 Permit Schedule (MPCEA • Fall 2010 —May 31, 2011: Attend MPCA stakeholder meetings • May 31, 2011: Draft reissued MS4 permit out for public comment until July 15, 2011 • Fall 2011: Revise SWPPP per new requirements and apply for permit coverage (Jan. 2012 effective date) A WS 4* A.�:�. Additional information can be found at: ❖ ci.edina.mn.us/Departments/L4- 18b_StormWaterPollutionPreventionProgram.htm ❖ pca. state.mn.us/water/stormwater/stormwater-ms4.html ❖ minnehahacreek.org ❖ ninemilecreek.org 71;x. 1 'lP i fE: fix, s� .•., .,.Z�,S„ .. „ 7/.. „ .: A& SA6 Aaac�� 2009 Analysis of Waste Collection Service Arrangements Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Typical Municipal Goals ■ "City expresses interest in organizing" because... o Reduce Amount of Truck Traffic & Related Impacts Li Reduce Monthly Cost / Rates per Household o Improve Program Outcomes & Standardize Services o Improve Management of Waste According to SWM Plans & Hierarchy s Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Typical Hauler Goals . Haulers generally oppose organizing because... o Haulers want to protect their business interests o Favor free market — customer choice Li Risk loss of customers, impacts growth, possible impact to company value Li Raise issue of "Just Compensation/Inverse Condemnation" �O Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Pros & Cons of Organized System Advantages ■ Increased eff., lower cost . Lower traffic impacts . Lower fuel consumption ■ Greater control of service requirements ■ Competitive bidding on costs • Generate revenues to support other services Disadvantages No choice of hauler Greater administrative involvement by city Small haulers have barriers to entry Current statutory process for changing is very cumbersome LWVE Newsletter Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Literature review . Minnesota has fewer organized communities o MN (29%') vs. Nationwide (72%2) ■ National literature consistently showed lower cost for organized collection ■ Minnesota studies done between 1993 and 2004 show lower cost for organized collection ■ Organized collection also affects noise, road wear, air emissions & fuel consumption ' Barone, Michael. Dec. 2005. "Report on Residential Municipal Solid Waste Collection." City of Eden Prairie, MN. 2 "Summary of Key Results from SERA's 2008 Solid Waste and Recycling Survey. Mar. 2008. Skumatz Economic Research Assoc., Inc. Superior, CO. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Historical Rate Survey Example (2003-2004 - Falcon Heights Rate Study) City ape 30 Gal 60 Gal 90 Gal Falcon Heights (average of 6 companies) Open $13.59 $15.56 $17.17 Roseville (average of 7 companies) Open $12.85 $14.90 $16.84 Maplewood (average of 9 haulers) Open $12.19 $14.11 $16.08 North St. Paul, 2003 Organized $8.07 $8.86 $10.39 Shakopee, 2004-2005 Organized $8.60 $10.65 $12.24 Little Canada, 2002 (most recent rates listed) Organized $8.29 $9.77 $11.29 White Bear Lake Organized $7.50 $11.00 $15.00 Stillwater, 3 years ending 12/31/05 Organized $8.16 $10.06 $12.03 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Overall Survey — Average Monthly Rates Charged to Residents Collection System Average Monthly Rate 30 Gallon 60 Gallon 90 Gallon Open MSW $22.64 $25.46 $25.46 Organized MSW $14.83 $22.23 Difference $7.81 $8.48 $3.23 % Change +34.5% +33.3% +12.7% Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Edina Avg Comparision of MSW Hauler Costs S. L. Park WMgmt E.prairie Avg Hopkins City $29.95 $19.21 $32.72 $25.60 Charges per month, including recycling, taxes, and surcharges Fora 65-68 gallon container (yard waste not included except for SLP) This slide was created by LWVE. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Impact on Roads ■ 'City of Falcon Heights attributed the impact of garbage trucks on roads as: Lj High in alleys (N86% of impact due to garbage trucks) u Low in heavily traveled areas (-8% due to garbage trucks) ■ 2City of Roseville noted $20 to $40 per household per year from garbage trucks ($188,000 to $376,000) . 3City of Oakdale reported an estimate of $120,000 to $300,000 per year '"Organized Collection Study — Final Report." Oct. 2004. Falcon Heights, MN. 2"City of Roseville, Solid Waste and Recycling Report' 2002. Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Advisory Committee. Roseville, MN. 3"Final Report: Study on Public Collection." Apr. 2002. Ramsey & Washington Counties. ,v- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Factors affecting increased fuel use ■ City of Eagan has one hauler with over a 60% market share resulting in relatively lower relative fuel use ■ City of St. Paul has the most haulers with relatively lower market shares (highest �25%) resulting in higher relative fuel use ■ Fleet Characteristics, Automated Collection, Recyclable Sort Style, Routing Efficiency, etc. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Percentage of Increased Fuel Use Increased Fuel Use — Existing System vs a Single Hauler for MSW % More Fuel C Egan Duluth Roch. W St.Paul 216% 294% 250% 355% 437% Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Conclusions of Study ■ Average monthly household rates are lower in organized systems vs. open systems . Recycling capture rates are generally higher in organized (recycling) systems ■ Road wear, fuel consumption, air pollution, truck traffic, and noise are reduced by organized collection . Private haulers strongly oppose organized collection Minnesota Pollution Control Agency MN Statute on Organizing Process MN Statute Sec. 115A.94, Organized Collection, sets forth the process by which a city may organize collection • Notice of hearing to public/haulers two weeks before scheduled hearing • Public hearing • Governing body must adopt a resolution of intent 180 days before any change • 90 day planning period (must include input from haulers) • 90 day negotiation period with interested, licensed haulers THIS SLIDE PREPARED BY LWVE FROM MPCA STUDY Minnesota Pollution Control Agency