HomeMy WebLinkAbout3211721440005-02042015f; ox`e 2.0 914.1 2O77, .7Z ;IA TR36 914.1 X T AP RR \ \ Spike 14. t, A \, x1901749uku.LN \ \ 0\1'6 TR 140--" C) j 0 Drain 914.4-;---,, 918,3 914-, 912 2x 210.6-6- 4913'0 (PLAT-210.56) \ ctIASevn BUILDING COVERAGE Total Lot Area Gross Building Area z- ii- , CALCULATIONS ±16,704 sq.ft. ±2,528 sq.ft. Ceri±flcate of Survey for: JMS CUSTOM HOMES, LLC House Address: 6116 Hansen Road, Edina, MN 55436 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 1 111....110 20 40 (IN FEET) Located in the SE 1/4 of Sec. 32, Twp. 117, Rge. 21 EXISTING HOUSE 6112 Hansen Rd. /I 914.0 FFE=± 914.2 914.1 911:2 T1R12 911.8 (aN9-3. 912.5 low • (-1 -1- L_ / 913.1 0, 913.4 .f. (PLA TR- 12 TR282 20 I I I ( l) I I 2 912.8 I E 912.8 cn x I 4F. i x 913.2 TR 6 913.1 912.7 1111/' ,913.9 914.1 x 914.1 48.0 1' cant. 40.25 914.2 TR 27 a, 4.0 10 7.75 916.0x 043 Existing Bituminous Driveway ±40.4 15ba Ci‘ C5\ 15 914.2 914.4 36.17 Open IP 913.5 it 913.6 fl - /914.5 TC 914.2 X col col 1 cic`e Subject to all easements of record, if any. rn Carlson 7' McCain ENVIRONMENTAL 0 ENGINEERING SURVEYING 248 Apollo Dr, Suite 100, Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Phone: 763-489-7900 Fax: 763-489-7959 8'771 5168.001 - Proposed X 914.3 LEGEND Existing Power Pole Existing Overhead Utility Line(s) Existing Elevation Proposed Elevation Direction of Drainage Utility Easement, per Final Plat Found Iron Monument, as noted Set Iron Monument or PK Nail Existing Contour Proposed Contour Existing Tree, as noted Existing Tree, to be removed TR 10IN 916.5x 916.4 House Foundation ±2,402 sq.ft. Porch ±119 sq.ft. Cantilev,r ±7 sq.ft. Building ,Coverage ±15.1% PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS Lowest Floor Elevation. 912.4 Lookout Elevation. 915.6 Top of Foundation Elevation: 920.4 Garage Slab Elevation (at door): 920.0 First Floor Elevation: 922.1 (Previous Existing House F.F.E. = +921 4) By: Thomas R. Balluff, L.S. Reg. Na. 4036 / 20 x 9113.1 x 914.6 av e Da te : 01 / 29 / 15 I t : \ j o bs \51 6 1 - 5 1 8 0 \ 51 68 - b ir c hc r e s t f o u r th a d di tio n \c a d \ s ur v ey \ 5 16 8 . 00 1 _ p r op os e d.dw g 7 7 7) , I"; Existing /I \ Ii:::' Garage A PARCEL DESCRIPTION (PER HENNEPIN COUNTY TAX RECORDS): Lot 4, Block 1, BIRCHCREST FOURTH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. PP Denotes -ohe - Denotes x Doao Denotes x(obo.b) Denotes Denotes Denotes -6- Denotes -0- Denotes Denotes /-97o--._/Denotes G Denotes Denotes 215 L_ 24.5 A TR Z 2 ., • x 919973/.3›< .4,a. 7--- ,, 48.0 ' 918.5 ' 35.63 \ w ±312f7-RL-S-9-2.3_ 1 /I (**-• O' „,, A 0 '':, I 1 . 919.7 919.4- Edina Zoning 81 916.9 it Signed: Carlson McCain, Inc. x\915.8 / EXISTING HOUSE 6120 Hansen Rd. FFE=±922.5 NOTES: ArL 1 7 - a q/- 1. Only VISIBLE improvements were located as part of this survey. 2. Surveyed property contains ±16,705 sq. ft. 3. Surveyed property is zoned R-1, per the City of 4. BENCHMARK: Top Nut of Hydrant located at the northeast corner of 62nd St. W. and Hansen Road. Elevation = 936.32 (NGVD 29), per the City of Edina. 5. House to be staked at a later date. I hereby certify to JMS Custom Homes, LLC that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed land surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this 20th day of January, 2015. Revised: City Comments - 1/29/15 Revised: Infiltration Basin - 1/28/15 901.2 x X 913.2 4 TR 6 TR 10 x 914.3 TR 12 //__ 0 In 4 '( 913.1 0, 913.4 ( PLA .,F.T TR 26 2 TR 12 4/ 913.1 IC 91,3: "Te 913.6 Tc 914.5 TC 914.9 Tc 916.9 TC V 7 77) Existing /I I/ Garage A PARCEL DESCRIPTION (PER HENNEPIN COUNTY TAX RECORDS): Lot 4, Block 1, BIRCHCREST FOURTH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Subject to all easements of record, if any. al Carlson 7 - McCain ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SURVEYING NOTES: 1. Only VISIBLE improvements were located as part of this survey. 2. Surveyed property contains ±16,705 sq. ft. 3. Surveyed property is zoned R-1, per the City of Edina Zoning Map. 4. Existing First Floor Elevation = ±921.4. 5. BENCHMARK: Top Nut of Hydrant located at the northeast corner of 62nd St. W. and Hansen Road. Elevation = 936.32 (NGVD 29), per the City of Edina. I hereby certify to JMS Custom Homes, LLC that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed land surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Dated this 16th day of July, 2014. Signed: rison McCain, Inc. By: / Denotes Existing Contour * Denotes Light Pole GV l>‹ Denotes Gate Valve GM o Denotes Gas Meter EM O Denotes Electric Meter Denotes Utility Pole Denotes Handhole Denotes Existing Service PP HH SRV X 000.0 0 MH Located in the SE 1/4 of Sec. 32, Twp. 117, Rge. 2' Existing Conditions Survey for: JMS CUSTOM HOMES, LLC House Address: 6116 Hansen Road, Edina, MN 55436 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 40 JAN 2 3 2015 (IN FEET) I 4.2_26 / I I \ I F- LU Lu Lu Lu >- 0 Lu 0 .14<13.1x 20 x 913.1 912.7 Existing Garden '4/ NA. .1.01 TR 10 EXISTING HOUSE / • 6112 Hansen Rd. /I 914.0 FFE=±914.2 914.1 x 916.2 TR36 914.1x 914.1 914.6 1........._)914.1 ... 914lx CV o 914.3 x 914.1 914.4 914.2 914.2 914.7 914.5 ...-------(-- ,_x_ 915.2 r /z2g.,9/ / // 27 / / /., TR 914.5 914.3 Existing Concrete Driveway 914.2 914.4 914.5 914.8 915.3 917.6 \ 917.5 8.1 918.4- o'1`e k ,\\\\\\\\ t00\5 \\\\\ fl7{912.3 911.8 912.2 TR 10IN 207t 7 .7Z 916.0 dc,e 810 6' CT, Existing Bituminous Driveway ±40.4 'Open IF 9115 dl 2.9 X 914.6 r5.19 HS di: 0 Drain 915. 7 HS 912.2x 210.65- 913.0 (PLAT-210.56) \ \‘913.0 / EXISTING HOUSE I/ 6120 Hansen Rd. FFE=±922.5 1 L _ I 914-- 914.4x 919 915.8x\) \ 1 920.0 f. IP\ Cap #9235 1 \ 915. 8r7-7-7-77-77/T - - ±31.2 - - - - --•"" ' 1 " AN \) I A \ \ \ 4 1 877 248 Apollo Dr, Suite 100, Lino Lakes, MN 55014 Phone: 763-489-7900 Fax: 763-489-7959 5168.001 - Existing # 13736o - to 4etAAse,v r)n E.?( %5-1',`"4 LEGEND Denotes Existing Elevation Denotes Miscellaneous Manhole Denotes Existing Tree Location Denotes Utility 8: Drainage Easement (per plat) Denotes Overhead Electric Denotes Found Iron Pipe, as noted Denotes Set Iron Pipe, Marked with RLS 40361 Denotes Landscaped Area mu. Thomas R. Balluff, L.S. Reg. No. 40361 INSTALL SIVf FENCE AFTER !, BMP CON RUCTION AND K MAINTAI UNI1L UPSTREAM [SURFACES ARE FUL Y STABILIZED ANDkNEGETAI1ON IS ESTABliSHED IN BMP ORING r-(7 PROPOSED SOIL _J ±4C1.4 7 1R12 • • STABILIZE OkRkOW WITH CAT. 3 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET INFICT4ATION B PROPOSED OIL BORIN SI 'co • .(‘) .5 03411 11 •• • dISCH A E" DEWATERIU WATER I 0 TABILI ZED GROCrip TRE FENCE (TYR) INS ALL SILT FENCE OF!. I BIOR LL AT PUMP OUTLET% i ° • e' .TIR"(10 s geeeee , 777 /1 „ i% ::;•°-__•!.•1.31•15-0104_0• .‘• • -4'0 • • INSTALL INLET PROTECTION 1 IN CATCH BASINS WITHIN 200 FEET OF PROPERTY LINE Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes ocno Denotes Denotes Denotes Denotes ;Denotes Denotes PP LP EM GM 00 ohm BM( BF% 1/20/2015 DESIGNED Eiv: ISSUE DATE: DRAM BY: REVISIONS s. thereby certiN that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or Under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Name: Brian F. Kale, P.E. Signature: Date: 1/20/2015 license d: 25017 2 of 4 LEGEND Existing Power Pole Existing Light Pole Existing Flag Pole Existing Electric/Gas Meter Existing Overhead Utility Line(s) Existing Fence Existing Bituminous Surface Existing Concrete Surface Existing Elevation Direction of Drainage Utility Easement, per Final Plat Found Iron Monument Existing Contour Existing Tree, as noted NOTE: STORM WATER AND EROSION CONTROL INSPECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED ONCE EVERY 7 DAYS OR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF A RAINFALL OF 0.5 INCHES OR GREATER. ERIC DOTY ((952) 294-2120) OR DESIGNEE WILL BE CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE CLEANLINESS AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS MAINTENANCE 15 30 tr:J ( IN FEET I 6"X6" TRENCH .(COMPACTED BACKFILL) I 11E111-T 7T- 11=111E111= =' -11_11= DIRECTION OF FLOW =111.=111=1 '1111=111= '11E-111_11 ANCHOR W/ METAL T-POST OR WOOD rxr STAKE COPOLYMER BARRIER FENCING (46' HEIGHT) 111=111=11 111=11 =111= 111.= UNDISTURBED SOIL 1 WOODEN STAKE 10" EMBEDMENT DEPTH INFRASAFE - 2'x3' DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE INFRASAFE - 27" DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2" CLEAR ROCK (MIN.) HOPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS 2.13' HOPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS - MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT" - DESIGNED FOR NEENAH 6-3067 OR R-3290 SERIES AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERMCES HOPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 405 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS 2X3 HOPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS - MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT" - DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R-3250-A OR R-3250-1 (MNDOT DOT) FRAME CASTING INFILTRATION BASIN CRASS PRE-TREATMENT STRIP UNDISTURBED, UNCOMPACTED saL 3" WOOD MULCH (MnOOT TYPE 6) OR EROSION CONTROL BLANKET PLANTING MEDIUM 70% HOMOGENEOUS SAND 30% ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST OVEREXCAVATE • BASED ON SOIL BORING BACKFILL WITH HOMOGENOUS SAND PLANT NATIVE PLANTS TOLERANT OF INUNDATION AND DROUGHT. Ho p kin s , M N 55 3 4 3 OFR Off 1/20/2015 REVISIONS 2 9. 5 6. DRAWN DV: DESIGNED BY: ISSUE DATE: I hereby certify that Nes plan, specifimtion or report was prepared by me or under my Alma supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of MinnesoM Name: Bean F. Kaillo, P.P. Signature: Date: 1/20/20/5 License it: 25817 3 of 4 EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. Silt fence, bio rolls and/or catch basin inlet protection devices shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity. 2. Rock construction entrances shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activity or after existing driveway is removed. 3. Any sediment or refuse that reaches the existing street or adjacent property shall be removed immediately and measures shall be taken to prevent further sedimentation offsite. 4. All silt fences, bio rolls and catch basin inlet protection devises must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches Y3 of the height of the device. Repairs shall be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow. 5 Rock construction entrance must be repaired or replaced when the rock becomes inundated with sediment and/or excessive sediment is being tracked from the site. Repairs shall be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow. SILT FENCE FILTER FABRIC (36" MAX. HEIGHT) OPENING IN FABRIC WEAVE .< 212 pm UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES: 1. DIG A 6"X6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED SILT FENCE LINE. 2. DRIVE ALL ANCHOR POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH. 3. POSTS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6 FEET APART. 4. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ALONG THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE ANCHOR POSTS AND BACK FILL 656" TRENCH. S. SECURELY ATTACH SILT FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF THREE ATTACHMENTS PER POST, B. SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATIONS 2573 It 3886. TREE FENCE NOTES: 1. TREE FENCING SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT PER CAUPER INCH OF TREE DIAMETER FROM TREE(S) THAT IS/ARE TO BE SAVED. 2. ANCHOR POST MAY BE SPACED UP TO 10 FEET APART. 3. SECURELY ATTACH TREE FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF TWO ATTACHMENTS FEB POST. 4. SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATION 2572. BIOROLL DETAIL NOTES: I. ENDS OF BIOROLL SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 6" HIGHER THAN BOTTOM OF FLOW PATH. 2. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE BIOROLL. 3. SEE MNDOT SPECS 2573 & 3889. ANCHOR W/ METAL 1-POST OR WOOD 2"X2" STAKE 6. Contractor shall stabilize areas outside of the building foundation within 14 days of backfilling using one of the following methods or an approved alternative: 1. Temporary seeding with hydraulic mulch 2. Temporary seeding with erosion control blanket 3. Temporary seeding with anchored mulch 7. Hazardous materials and hazardous waste shall be stored in appropriate sealed containers at all times while not in use. Hazardous wastes generated at the site must be managed and disposed of in compliance with MPCA rules. 8. Contractors must provide a lined containment area for all liquid and solid wastes generated by washout operations on the site. The liquid and solid washout wastes must not contact the ground and the washout area must not allow runoff. Liquid and solid wastes must be disposed of in compliance with MPCA rules. Contractors may remove soiled equipment from the site for washing. 9. All refuse generated by the work must be placed in a dumpster or other container designated for refuse. Refuse containers must be serviced on a regular basis, as needed. Contractors much pick up all refuse that is blown or placed onto adjacent properties. Dumpsters must be removed within 10 days of completion of work. 10. Contractor shall temporarily stabilize disturbed areas within 14 days of completion of demolition work if new home construction is not to start immediately using one of the following methods, or an approved alternative: 1: Temporary seeding with hydraulic mulch 2. Temporary seeding with erosion control blanket 3. Temporary seeding with anchored mulch 4, Cover with plastic sheeting INSPECTOR NAME INSPECTION DATE & TIME RAINFALL SINCE LAST INSPECTION ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SEDIMENT TRACKING ON STREETS INLET PROTECTION DEVICES SILT FENCE AND TREE FENCE CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND TRASH HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EROSION IN STABILIZED AREAS OFFSITE SEDIMENT BMP VEGETATION BMP UPSTREAM STABILIZATION RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR DATE COMPLETED J. SMITH 10/31/14 0.75 OK OK NA DAMAGED SF DEBRIS IN ST. OK OK NA NO NO REPAIR SILT FENCE, CLEAN UP STREET DEBRIS 11/1/2014 CU R B D ET A IE L , i> Z -