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Residential' _Temporary Rock Construction Entrance/Exit 868.8 4 CAL FOR INSPECTIONS cal 952 826 C372. witti PERMIT NUMBER and ADDRESS -__X{Siit Fence and Construction Entrance _FR:citing , LFoundation MIL kkilliforoillig -Foundation Pre-backfill Framing and Sheathing 876.0 ,UTO CANT) -21.6-- 22.1 875.8 Confirm property may be redeveloped prior to demolition. A demolition permit provides no assurance of permitted future uses -15 Initial length -To front yard setback line efter backfill 0.• ./'"•• /44.6,* ••• •••61. lettri:P.:4".q044.4.• ViktejeetEth:4:- .1racertAligir0 1'1 4* Non-woven geotexttdiftnnadte , OF r 8%8_ 30.0 0 1 6" minimum thickness 876.1 EXISTING HOUSE 1 1/210 3" washed rook EXISTING HOUSE Conditions of Demolition/Moving 1 4' construction fencing shall enclose existing basement perimeter aii excivations with slopes steeper than 1:1. Attach fencing to minimum 5' posts buried 1' and spaced at a maximum 10' on center. V Enclose stockpiled soils with properly installed silt fencing. Ii. Property must be restored within thirty (30) days of building demolition/move -utilities abandoned at the property line with a permit, foundation demolished with a separate permit, debris removed, demolition excavation filled to match adjacent grade and seed or sod placed and maintained at disturbed areas OR a permit must be issued for a new structure within thirty (30) days of the .bu7i4kling cn __// demolition/move. . _ ... .••• cRorL:1.43 .. /. .(zTCV,H.kQ 6 r, ' 60°- DIS insulation Failure to install the Construction Entrance TO =Lath before disturbing the site soils and/or failure to _ maintain the Construction Entrance will result in ', rywa i , _Masonry Fireplace Enforcement action by the City. C3 LltnIt../ i M- !UN AVICINUMt..11 I 1- Out%) Final 868.3 SMH 869.4 877.1 TOB 875.3 / / X / / / 875.0 .... • CICQS[Dg C)C3=C)CD..c ••872.7. ...9,C1" .'• . ....... . . -. • ... ••• "'......... \ .....-. ....... -870. ....... '. •-•',. . ........ • 868.1 • 868,8 x • Eli V 867.9 867.6 \80'7,3 666. •• 0 DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET x1011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. w DENOTES OVERHEAD VVIRE DENOTES EXISTING FENCE (-0-) DENOTES UTILITY POLE C,892. DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. x1011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. DENOTES DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. DENOTES METAL OFFSET SPIKE 865.7 867.1 (866.7 .. .. ..... .•••...... ....... •• „. . :389.°3545V • .. TB I Il l L _ I f 865.7 867.2 .•-• .Eirli4 :15 (-10 v>... 30.5 866.4 FI: 866.1 \01 Inv: 860.6 - * DENOTES STREET LIGHT © DENOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE () DENOTES STORM SEWER MANHOLE LI DENOTES CATCH BASIN DENOTES FIRE HYDRANT - GILT Fas1n4E. 859,6 •••• 866.6 Iron Pipe ..• 0.4 SW Cor (On Line 863.8 LFE 861,3 [1: 865.8 y, x 858.5 • 1<859,8 Inv: 860.9 862.4 4 .,, t :n:.y,Z le f ( • : ' f r I , ...1 $ , 0 :. 0' I I' 11' 0'. r I 0' 0. 10;! I-- ,../ I s., 0' 0 0 ....6:1.?. # 37,109 sq. f-t,/ ..*... 0 005 acrs 0 B6L4 .0OTONW-0?4-7-741.1 . I 1 0... .. SS .. - .... .... .... Inv: 56. et •-<< '0.• ........ . . << • - /,•.,-.?y•nr-Thr-1 76bis:V....7.ria4_864.1 ,t0,5,L,. -16. itil...51 661 .•••• • .•• ...... ••••••••• 862,3 1<862.6 DE.GISS , • MAP 9 SH 18.... : 858.0 • \---- /W\- Approx. WetIond Line 861.8 867,4 I .• 1I L.. N./ 60‘, - . FLAG x 867.3 867'8 864.7 • 867.9: DENOTES CONCRETE DENOTES BITUMINOUS ers. ç, LI LOC, NOTES - FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACE WITH TURF ESTABLISHMENT. - FINISHED GRADE 10 FEET FROM PROPOSED BUILDING lArrre mesPi relnletcartient optional) Engineering lebric co x 861.6 N3 867.1 Y't sMA 3 ..0613:1 01.9 ........ x 660.9 ••86'V. Rim: 861.20 Inv: 856.2 86:9, 861.4 _c o . --Waters Edge 858:0 858.6 I I •••;re''-a- r ASH 22 I I 85:7.8 8T3.8 Existing azebg.' 858.9 ";..; SILT FENCE MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO DISTURBING VEGETATION Metal or POstørstairs 8,59P 858.7 DEG‘ *ED *ED ED ••• ors CED v261,0 y 6,4o'c-r vos,66 \Y• • 1358.7 86 .9 :* CO • ......... ......... ................ g ..... 866.4 858 Fabric anchorage IWO becirilil with tamped natural soli 866.6 867,7 ‘q0 :857,2'. .. • 49. FES.' 1.312CP • )c 668,2 -47:4=v-ii.c--riT: • 859.7; • : "WealWAINIPAW •-• • POND s (1)E GM() SE Cor., Woter Elev6.=0.80507.8 (5/28/13) Lot 6 Direr:lion of runott now Natural sail 4 Err-67 Sh.setding-, • .0 • 0' r. 111nch minimum 136461 '53-r\lf7t ; 862,0 • • - ina minimum 335 nn Easterly Ext. of S. Line of Lot 6---;7- ' ACRE =AND SURVEY[ING Mins, kIN -111 763-230-327C js.acrelandsurveyQgmail.com 0 11 12 j3 14 13 16 17 15 19 110 111 112 113 114 115 ps 17 j18 119 ro RLS 7095 • (o61 6, Keit) 862.5 /0Z74)`Ce 40,P1/ a Oitiy 413420BS / 1.• i< 865.9 11 13 0'1110.202.0088 SOD Note; Depending upon configuration, atiaoh fabric to vibe mesh with rfts., steel pasis with-tie wires, or wood pools with staptes_ -13 (odd topo) Reg. No. 44655 Figura U.S.2: Typical' Installation for allt fence 1q12.211h.rhuri 7/q/P1117, 1:424111P AM rill' (PER HENNEPIN COUNTY TAX DESCRIPTION) 5 AND 6 BLK 1 KENNEY ADON AND BEG AT SE COR OF TN ELY ALONG ELY EXTS OF S LINE OF LOT 6 DIST 60 NWLY TO A PT ON ELY EXTS OF N LINE OF LOT 6 DIST ELY OF NE COR 77-10F 771 W TO NE COR 77-10F TH S TO ND LEG 892. o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND O DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET x1011.2 DENOTES .EXISTING ELEVATION. ohw DENOTES OVERHEAD WIRE X DENOTES EXISTING FENCE CQ) DENOTES UTILITY POLE DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVATION. xi011.2 DENOTES EXISTING ELEVATION. DENOTES DIRECTION OF DRAINAGE. El DENOTES METAL OFFSET SPIKE ...... - FINISHED GRADE 10 FEET FROM PROPOSED BUILDING SHALL BE 0.5 FEET LOWER THAN THE FINISHED GRADE x%11 AT THE BUILDING. 861.4 - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY HOUSE DIMENSIONS, AND 860.8 SEWER AND BASEMENT DEPTHS. - BEARING'S SHOWN ARE ON ASSUMED DATUM. RLS 7095 This survey was prepared without the benefit of title work. Easements, appurtenances, and encumbrances may exist in addition to those shown hereon. This survey is subject to revision upon receipt of a title insurance commitment or attorneys title opinion. / hereby certify that this plan, survey or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 868.8 869.8 30.0 869.4 2 0 ,6E,Dr< 868 8 1" Iron Pipe 0.4 SW Cor (On Line LEGAL DESCRIPTION DENOTES STREET LIGHT DENOTES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE DENOTES STORM SEWER MANHOLE DENOTES CATCH BASIN DENOTES FIRE HYDRANT DENOTES CONCRETE DENOTES BITUMINOUS NOTES LOTS LOT 6 FT 771 10 FT BEG IF A R: CHARLES CUDD DENOV DDRESS: 6616 KENNEY PLACE, MONA RTIFICATE OF SURF Ui 876.0 UTO CANT) \ 22.1 875.8 876.1 0 30 I III S..• I 865.7 865.7 EXISTING HOUSE 866,7 867.1 67.6 867.9 868.3 SMH 0 Co/\ 11867 2 Cb. 1NH=869.3 7 868.1 868.8 OAK .45 n;=,C)C2Stpy CD•Q•=1C)C)CDx• 0 '. 137a6 .87 . ... •• ' .. •••• ..'i ........ .870 ........ -.... ..................... . . . .••• .-.. ...... .. . ... ..... .. . •• ..... r .... r .. ai-./ •• • ' . ....... . III .. . • • /••"... .. ...... . ....• [....: . v..., .F •.. ...................... . ...... .x8633 • ../.. ... ..... ....... • ......... ... . . .... TB 86613 875.3 ' 866 1 ..• .. •• ' x 863.5 • 8,89.°3.5'4'..!. 80.60 / x 663,5 8646 ..• RLS 14374 . NE Coni;LL;13-5f.6:: 0.00 6 .859 6 I II! EXISTING HOUSE 877.1 TDB 875.0 Easterly Ext. of N. Line r-of Lot 6 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 301t. NORTH x 1360.9 00 x 861,6 861.8 862.4 °EVA 863.6 LFE 865,0•-• x952,6 - 861 "6. x 862.3 co .1.9 • CED 86.0 866.4 FI: 866.1 Inv: 860.6 .Y8 [1:865.8 Inv: 860.9 4'f866.5 8663 o 867.4 'CP x 867.4 • C).' 8673 864.7 AP so" • 86.7.: Ay 865;3.. e 1 1 1 1 s.0 861,3 MAP 9 „Bo- 859.6 8.6 • Approx. Wetland Line k-k)- FINISHED GRADE ELEVATIONS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACE WITH TURF ESTABLISHMENT. 862.5 13#13420BS 861.4 A JO HUA P. SCHNEIDER Rim: 861.20 Inv: 856.2 0 .861.9r .8663,1 865.1.'" 858.6 858.0 -Waters Edge 861.7 im:40.14 ... i1X' RCP.- • .. - .... . ..-.... Inv: 856.3- .) .hir'irilf. 'Y ' 861.3x 860,8 860.9 861.4 obi-I:INWOOD x .184.81 A A x00,8 ..6•29(:?" 37,189 sq. fici 025 acres es • es -1° r ° ASH 22 1 III " I__s., I 5/ Vc.....•n • • ..... ......... .... • .... 86,6,6 867.? ft) 8653 865.9 • 864.5: RLS 7095 860,9 /1'335'00 Easterly Ext. of S. Line of Lot CE48.7 ACRE LAND SURVEYING ACRE nao ,,, 7 =2-6278 rr B k laine, MN 55449 js.acrelandsurveAgmail.com 10 I.1 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 110 111 02 113 04 j15 116 117 118 119 in .858 . ........... .. SECor., Lot 6 -- 858.7 s359 ater Elev6.0 .=08507.5 (6;1E8/13) ‘, re157.5 POND 857,8 88.6„ Existing .• azeba 858,9 : 69 \ •L6 c,65o 03• 66 Revised: 7-9-13 (odd topo) "x"861.o Date: 7-1-13 Reg. No. 44655 rim nwtal Pk/sn 2nnRv1n4anh=-16=nninav Arldl+Inn\ &sin \ 1f142111cm.nlurn 7/q/21112 RifliiiflP AM rill-