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Foundation As -Built Survey For: ICON HOMES, INC. ° Property located in Section \ a 7, Township 28, Range 24, \\ - Hennepin County, Minnesota Y7 / -/866.4 peak 1566.1 garage floor No. 4212 l5 floor ,566.1 875.6 l -St-Frame Property Address: 4214 Scott Terrace, I3 Edina, Minnesota ,nv pvc / ° b . 200.00plat j I 564.97 ° p ° N 89'55'51"E 198.79 meas / 77 `---_--867_,-'- � 863. orm �>o 6b o Sh d i / , � Cantilever \ -67/-- --- -__ 874.872.5 39.5 \ \ ° Concrete 2.2 ° South of L �e pj ° ° a a ° ° '° ° - a s - . Q n 16 v\ -872__ �------'----------- - A- tccpc t 872.20 i L N 6 /IK co 5 / //InV If 8624 8 70 i - - \Wood Pence I \ m \ \yOverhang i 24.0 \ \ I 10 Existing Catch Ba5m 5,gn r tcc@cb 4572.41 Inv+ - 862. 6 / I I garage oor o �p 576.9 N Pavers ,1 to I / I I / N t° / I I / 1 No. 4214 Q E ^ / Proposed 24" Cantl ver l -St-Frame\\Co CU \ 4)" Q O il 3/ Cp 1 / I I wo 2.0 E O O I/ I / l r I i 670.65 \\ C'4O 3 I 86 .9 I � i I N 1 O O I / I ° peak O O 692.6 \ O / 2 apl l5t floor \ ?j 0 I / I / 70.7° I 879. l \ CV Z"tr e 0 O M 8.0.. L I O C9ery O. in s o� eU 3 I N� / v i c 23 e \ / ���� m o 1 r Gas 8 3 /� / 0 O IMeter q /\ Inc Overhead Wires l i' 12'0" 26 0 4!, 5- Icre- I Power Overhead Wires Pole i i/ -4 Pole " 89°55'35" W 198.70 meas I I ®'" Proposed Hardcover \a 200.00 lat I Catch 862.9 \ p I Basin f/cb Lot area = l 9'(56 / sq ftt w 866. l3 Building = 1,878 5q ftt \w / 872.4 Shed = l23 sq ftt \w�/ � Additlon = l 92 5q ftt\� Rear Deck = l 37 5q ftt (207- 150 allowance) \w\ \ Front Porch = 30 5q ftt (80 - 50 allowance) Total = 2,360 5q ftt Percentage = 11.88% \wG Lot 30, MORNINGSIDE Hennepin County, Minnesota Z, Pole I ,--------877 ---- I� 'j-�-� /I 87).4' peak 896.6 wo 874.4 l5t floor 882.6 garage floor 88/.4 No. 42 15 / -St-Frame _ 879 - _ ___'5'50 41.4 I -873- . L L tcc pc 673.62 -87k- JJ 0 875 ugw 875.50 � O tcc ,577./7 Rev INVOICE NO. 83699 F.B.NO. _ Copy -Cert SCALE: 1" = 20' Existing First Floor Elevation = 879.1 'As-BuiltElevations" fY� ` First Floor 880.34 Or\�� Top of Block 878.6 I Garage Floor 876.8 Basement Floor 87 1 . 1 The Gregory Group, Inc. d.b.a. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY Established in 1962 LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Fax No. 560-3522 uru.eIj.0rs C�.Prttft.ratr The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. © �o�Sa �t-�• Oc I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared y me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 3rd day of April 2015. qZ /W ' eC07T X Signed Gregory asc , Minn. Reg. No. 24992 Drawn By 7 y(,vv,om ile Name m-30 inv83699 foundation.dwg • Denotes Found Iron Monument O Denotes Iron Monument E] Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only - _ Denotes Existing Contours / Denotes Proposed Contours Basis for �/ bearings is x000.0 Denotes Existing Elevation assumed 000.0 Denotes Proposed Elevation -Olt- Denotes Surface Drainage Existing First Floor Elevation = 879.1 'As-BuiltElevations" fY� ` First Floor 880.34 Or\�� Top of Block 878.6 I Garage Floor 876.8 Basement Floor 87 1 . 1 The Gregory Group, Inc. d.b.a. LOT SURVEYS COMPANY Established in 1962 LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 Fax No. 560-3522 uru.eIj.0rs C�.Prttft.ratr The only easements shown are from plats of record or information provided by client. © �o�Sa �t-�• Oc I certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared y me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota Surveyed this 3rd day of April 2015. qZ /W ' eC07T X Signed Gregory asc , Minn. Reg. No. 24992 Drawn By 7 y(,vv,om ile Name m-30 inv83699 foundation.dwg