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PROPOSED CONDITIONS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SURVEYED Lot 14, Block 4, HARRIET MANOR, A - I according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota. e Storm water, Sediment, and Erosion Control Contact: ROCK BERM ENTRANCE 13.94 - Matt Blackketter NOTES FFE= LDK Builders Inc. � - 890.5 Site Address: 5841 Beard Avenue South, Edina, MN 55410 Phone 612-886-5963 HARD SURFACE PUBLIC ROAD 60 Email blackketter86@hotmail.com /� �,•,•-�'" This property is contained in Zone X (Areas outside the 1 -percent annual chance floodplain, areas of 1% annual chance sheet flow flooding where average depths are less than 1 foot, areas of 1% annual chance stream flooding where the contributing drainage area is less than 1 square mile, or Construction Se uencin areas protected from the 1% annual chance flood by levees. No Base Flood Elevations or depths are shown within this zone. Insurance purchase is w z EXISTING q g ��,fr�'� M VIMUM not required in these zones.) per Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 27053C0364E, effective date of September 2, 2004. A - m Q -------35------- HOUSE ~` -A N a z 1. Delineate the location of areas not to be disturbed before work begins. " The Gross land area is E.,408+/- square feet or .147 +/- acres. 0 00�'W x 8918 S89°37'1111E 128.13 µ" Elevations are based on TNH ELEV @ 5845 Beard Ave S., Edina= 890.94 Feet 887.2 x x 888.1 / x 889.1 x 889.6 x 889.7 r �-•+ k 8888 888.9 889.01 ) x 8924 2. Establish sediment control practices on all down gradient perimeters before any up FND IP 1/2 x 888-9 - x 889,0 x 889.0 \ rn N �-�"_ The current Zoning for the subject property is R-1 (Low Density Single Family Residential District) per the City of Edina zoning map. A - , 86 8 / 8 8g� 9.1 889.3 *ggg. *ggg. 8 1.3 oH� x92.4 gradient land disturbing activities begin. These practices shall remain in place until final' 886.9 - -� -- - - -- ---1 stabilization has been established. y The setback, height, and floors ace area restrictions for said zoning designation were obtained from the Ci of Edina web site. O OQ X(88 • s.o 1 X 4 d_.__ -X( + X 889. 1 1 ` - 2• WASHED Roar - As REWIRED 9 P 9 9 City 889.9 x 88 x 887 x I 54.0 SETBACKS: Front Average Distance = 35 Feet 6 j� ' MINIMum - C6d 3. Install all perimeter sediment control devices and construction entrances. The timing of , A W ---"/ o / x 8-88,4\ o °' °� ` o installation of sediment control practices may be adjusted i t order to accommodate Side = 12' Total, 5 min. l p y ) Rear = 25 Feet J ~\ N x 89.6 6.0% $x� J) o oLn short-term activities, but sediment control practices must be installed before the next / \ NPROPOSED FULL BASEMENT 2 0 a$9 18 1 �\N 1 a precipitation event even if the short-term activity is not complete. SILT FENCE 7 0 5841 BEARD AVE S. ____ 00 - 888.5 1 (889.3)X " r Lin Please note that the general restrictions for the subject property may have been amended through a city process. We could be unaware of such J I / 35.3 H�89.6 x BLOCK 4 4. Contact the City for approval of the sediment control devices. IIS RpNFORCING (WIMAL) amendments if they are not in a recorded document provided to us. We recommend that a zoning letter be obtained from the Zoning Administrator for A ° aI ca a- O 1 I III - the conclusive restrictions for this site. b x I O O 889.4 / o o GEATE311TILE FABRIC / c° �, �,.-1 o �_ - LOT 14 �, o CO ; I v~ II ,; V c m 5. Rough grade the Site. We have shown the location of utilities on the surveyed property by observed evidence only. Pa r /� x 888.4 & q 889.7 x (n a 86.8), ( ) 7, o JJ.. STF£L t�osrr AT 4.C, 89 45.0 x 889.4 x j X(887 88 1 x7.0 889 4 ! 6 I II t I t FABRIC ANCHORAGE TREWCH, BUILDING DEP, e�r�l �'1 �1 I - co /873 887. -�- � /' nsta U I I ieS. BAOMLL WITH TAWED NATURAL saL A 887/Q x I.-_ -- _._-- x a 4 _-- - . -- 10. Clean all storm sewer and conveyance systems. ND IP y2 - Existing Elevations m SPR POSED_ y% 7. Install pavements. _ -»HflFF Existing First Floor Elevation = 890.8 OCT 15 2015 L 887 14 891.6 � 892.9 � ' 8tS8.6 x RET. WALL �� rT� � 11. After all disturbed ares are stabilized, -I x890.5 N89°37'4911W 128.01 = �) I L., I �- A. PROPOSED a 8. Install lawn and landscape. obtain approval from the City and/or Watershed District. I I-'......_-°•y�tR� 6 _ EXISTING SILT FENCE �1 FFE= HOUSE HATURALJ CITY OF EDINA 894.3 12. Remove all temporary sediment control devices. _ �"` 9. Restore all disturbed areas. P rY _ g 4 LSWIN _ S T _ Proposed Hardcover A Lot Area = 6,408 S.F. House Area = 1902 S.F. 703 Stoop O 890.941 TNH= Total AreaAre96,9 8 S.F./6,408 S.F. = 31.02% Sediment Control Practices: IL depth of more than one-third of the height of the erosion and sediment control devices. Repair, replace, or supplement deteriorated, damaged, perimeter to the top of the block barrier before the rock is placed. The screen acts to prevent the rocks from being washed through the blocks. Place rotted, or missing erosion control devices within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access. rock against the wire mesh to the top of the blocks. Use 25 mm (1 inch) to 50 mm (2 inch) diameter rock, MDOT Standard Specification 3137 CA -1, Trees Removed 1. Implement sediment control practices in order to minimize sediment from entering surface waters, including curb and gutter systems and storm drain CA -2, CA -3, or equal Coarse Aggregate. Install two courses of 8" blocks in order to form a barrier height of 16". 10" Maple inlets. Arborvitae 2. Install all temporary or permanent sediment control measures including silt fence at perimeter of construction, bio -logs at driveway, sediment filters, 6. Repair, replace, or supplement all silt fences when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches 1/3 of the height of the fence. These repairs 24" Oak silt sacks, and sedimentation basins prior to beginning site clearing, grading, or other land -disturbing activity. Protect all storm sewer inlets that must be made within 24 hours of discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access. 10. Biodegradable Erosion Control Blankets: In accordance with MNDOT Standard Specification 3885. receive runoff from disturbed areas. 3. Establish sediment control practices on all down gradient perimeters before any up gradient land disturbing activities begin. These practices must 7• Clean sedimentation basins, storm sewer catch basins, ditches, and other drainage facilities as required in order to maintain their effectiveness. 11. Erosion Control Matting:_ Land Lok TRIM 450 Turf Reinforcement Mat manufactured by Propex, Inc. (www.goeotextile.com), or approved equal soil DENOTES TREE REMOVED remain in place until final stabilization has been established. Temporary and permanent sedimentation basins must be drained and the sediment removed when the depth of sediment collected in the basin erosion control matting. 4. The timing of the installation of sediment control practices may be adjusted in order to accommodate short-term activities, but sediment control reaches % of the storage volume. Drainage and removal must be completed within 72 hours, or as soon as field conditions allow access. practices must be installed before the next precipitation event even if the short-term activity is not complete. 12. iZ' aples: Staples used to anchor erosion control blankets shall be U-shaped, 3 mm diameter or heavier steel wire. The span width at the crown shalt 5. If the down gradient treatment system becomes overloaded, install additional up gradient sediment control practices or redundant BMPs in order to 8. Inspect surface waters (including drainage ditches and conveyance systems) evidence of erosion and sediment deposition. Remove all deltas and be a minimum of 25 mm (1 inch). Staples shall have a length of 250 mm (10 inches) or more from top to bottom after bending. I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Erosion eliminate the overloading. sediment deposited. Stabilize areas where sediment removal results in exposed soil. Removal and stabilization must be completed within 7 days of Prevention revention Practices: Land Surveyor under tht; laws of the State of Minnesota. 6. Before beginning construction, install a Temporary Rock Construction Entrance at each point where vehicles exit the construction site. Use 25 mm (1 discovery unless precluded by legal, regulatory, or physical access constraints. If precluded, removal and stabilization must take place with 7 days of 1. Delineate the location of areas not to be disturbed (e.8-. with flags, stakes, signs, silt fence, etc.) on the development site before work begins. inch) to 50 mm (2 inch) diameter rock, MNDOT Standard Specification 3137 CA -1, CA -2, CA -3, or equal Coarse Aggregate. Place the aggregate in a layer obtaining access. Dated t 's 6th day of October, 2015. at least 152 mmm (6 inches) thick across the entire width of the entrance. Extend the rock entrance at least 15 m (50 feet) into the construction zone. Use a MNDOT Standard Specification 3733 Type V permeable geotextile fabric material beneath the aggregate in order to prevent migration of soil 9. Inspect construction site vehicle exit locations for evidence of off-site sediment tracking onto paved surfaces. Remove all soils and sediments tracked 2• Avoid removal of trees and surface vegetation wherever possible. Schedule construction in order to expose the smallest practical area of soil at any into the rock from below. Maintain the entrance in a condition that will prevent tracking or flowing of sediment onto paved roadways. Provide 1 not protected b temporary rock construction entrances to all construction or otherwise deposited onto adjacent property, pavement areas, sidewalks, streets, and alleys. Removal shall be on a daily basis throughout the giv�,n time. Implement appropriate construction phasing, vegetative buffer strips, horizontal slope grading, and other construction practices that periodic top dressing with addition stone as required. Close entrances o p Y p ry traffic• duration of the construction. Clean paved roadways by shoveling or wet -sweeping. Do not dry sweep. If necessary, scrape paved surfaces in order to minimize erosion. loosen compacted sediment material prior to sweeping. Haul sediment material to a suitable disposal area. Street washing is allowed only after David B. Pemberton, PLS Minnesota License No. 40344 7. If necessary, clean the wheels of construction vehicles in order to remove soils before the vehicles leave the construction site. Wash vehicles only on sediment has been roved by shoveling or sweeping.pemberton@sathre.com 3. Following initial soil disturbance or redisturbance, complete permanent or temporary stabilization against erosion due to rain, wind, and running an area stabilized with stone that drains into an approved sediment trapping device.V� waler as soon as possible, but in no case later than 14 calendar days, on all disturbed or graded areas including stormwater management pond 8. Remove all soils and sediments tracked or otherwise deposited onto adjacent property, pavement areas, sidewalks, streets, and alleys. Removal shall 10. Perform any corrective measures ordered by the City or Watershed District within 24 hours of notification. Install any additional erosion protection side -slopes. This requirement does not apply to those areas that are currently being used for material storage or for those areas on which grading, site be on a daily basis throughout the duration of the construction. Clean paved roadways by shoveling, wet -sweeping, or dry sweeping. If necessary, �Y O �(� j scrape paved surfaces in order to loosen compacted sediment material prior to sweeping. Haul sediment material to a suitable disposal area. Street or sediment control measures deemed necessary by the City or Watershed District within 24 hours of notification. building, or other construction activities are actively underway or will be underway at the discretion of the Contractor. washing is allowed only after sediment has been removed by shoveling or sweeping. Materials: n soil stockpiles. Locate soil or dirt stockpiles such that the 1. Storm Sewer Inlet Protection: The following are approved inlet sediment control devices: 4. Provide temporary grass seed cover on all topsoil stockpiles and other areas of stockpiled excavated material in order to prevent soil erosion and rapid I V %�(�6� 9. Soil Stockpiles: Install silt fence or other effective sediment controls around all temporary p P runoff during the construction period. Prolonged periods of open, bare earth without grass cover will not be permitted unless there are or will be l UV down slope drainage length is no less than 8 m (25 feet) from the toe of the pile to a surface water, including stormwater conveyances such as curb a. Road Drain To Slab Model RD 23 (fits rough opening for a 2'x3' inlet , Road Drain Top Slab Model RD 27 (fits rough opening for a 27" inlet), or Road V remaining for more than 7 days, stabilize the p ) construction activities at the discretion of the Contractor. Stabilize all disturbed greenspace areas with a minimum of 4" topsoil immediately after final k-�_ and utters stems, or conduits and ditches unless there is a bypass in lace for the stormwater. If rem g y , / g Y Y p l stockpiles by mulching, vegetative cover, tarps, or other means. During street repair, cover construction soil or dirt stockpiles located closer than 8 m Drain Top Slab Model CG 3067 (fits Neenah Casting with 35-1/4'x17-3/4" dimensions) manufactured by WIMCO, 799 Theis Drive, Shakopee, MN subgrade completion. Seed and mulch, or sod and stake these areas within 48 hours after completion of final grading work (weather permitting) (25 feet) to a roadway or drainage channel with tarps, and protect storm sewer inlets with silt sacks or staked siltfence. 55379, Phone (952) 233-3055. �l (N�R� b. Silt Sack: Regular flow (40 gal/min/sq. ft). Average width strength equal to 165.0 lbs/in, ASTM D-4884. Rectangular siltsack on rectangular inlets. 10. Silt Fence: Install silt fence along the contour (on a level horizontal plane) with the ends turned up (J -hooks) in order to help pond water behind the Bearings are based on the Hennepin County 5. Stabilize all disturbed areas to be paved using early application of gravel base. �J • �v fence. Install the silt fence on the uphill side of the support posts. Provide a post spacing of 1.2 m (4 feet) or less. Drive posts at least 0.6 m (2 feet) into Round siltsack on round inlets. Use ACF Environmental, Inc., 2831 Cardwell Road, Richmond, VA 23234, Phone (800) 448-3636, or approved equal. SI Pollution Prevention Measures: Coordinate system (Novo -1529.) the ground. Anchor the silt fence fabric in a trench at least 152 mm (6 inches) deep and 152 mm (6 inches) wide dug on the upslope side of the c. InfraSafe Sediment Control Barrier. Install geotextile sock on the outside of the barrier in order to trap additional fines. Standard frames are r posts. La the fabric in the trench and then backfill and compact with a vibratory plate compactor. Make any splices in the fabric at a fence available to fit 24" to 30" diameter and 2'x3' openings. Distributed by ROYAL ENTERPRISES AMERICA, 30622 Forest Boulevard, Stacy, MN, 55073, 1. Sold Waste: Dispose of collected sediment, asphalt and concrete millings, floating debris, paper, plastic, fabric, construction and demolition debris, �� U support pos y -- post. Silt fence supporting posts shall be 51 mm (2 inch) square or larger hardwood, pine, or standard T- or U- section steel posts. T- or U -section steel Phone (651) 462-2130. anti other wastes properly off-site in compliance with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requirements. 20 10 0 10 20 40 post shall not weigh less than 1.8602 kg per meter (1.25 Ib per lineal foot). Posts shall have a minimum length of 1524 mm (5 feet). Posts shall have projections to facilitate fastening the fabric and prevent slippage. Geotextile fabric shall be uniform in texture and appearance and have no defects, I (� vide a minimum two-year service life outdoors. 2. Topsoil: Topsoil used for finish grading areas to be turfed or planted shall meet the requirements of MNDOT Standard Specification 3877 for topsoil 2. Hazardous Materials: Properly store oil, gasoline, paint and any other hazardous substances in order to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Include /S SCALE IN FEET flaws, or tears. The fabric shall contain sufficient ultraviolet (UV) ray inhibitory and stabilizers to pro y - Fabric color shall be international orange. borrow modified to contain no more than 35% sand. Topsoil shall be reasonably free of subsoil, heavy clay, coarse sand, stones, and other objects secondary containment. Restrict access to storage areas in order to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal of hazardous materials must be in over 51 mm (2 inches) in diameter; and without plants, roots, sticks, and other objectionable material. compliance with MPCA regulations. 11. Maintain all temporary erosion and sediment control devices in place until the contributing drainage area has been stabilized (hard -surfaced areas paved and vegetation established in greenspace). Repair any rilling, gully formation, or washouts. After final establishment of erosion and sediment SURVEY L EG E N D control devices and any accumulated sediments. Dispose- of offsite. Restore permanent sedimentation basins to their design condition immediately 3. Geotextile Fabric for Subgrade Stabilization (if required): MNDOT Standard Specification 3733 Type V permeable geotextile material. 3. 0thdr Materials: Dispose of unused building materials, garbage, trash, cleaning wastes, toxic materials, and wastewater properly off-site and in following stabilization of the site. compliance with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency disposal requirements. ® CAST IRON MONUMENT ❑D A/C UNIT BITUMINOUS 12. If dewatering is required and sump pumps are used, all pumped water must be discharged through a sediment control device such as a dewatering 4. Supporting Posts for siltfence: 51 mm (2 inch) square or larger hardwood, pine, or standard T- or U -section steel posts. T- or U -section steel posts shall ® CATCH BASIN K) CABLE TV Pc_DESTAL -----. Fs C3L---- BUILDING SETBACK LINE bag or other appropriate facility prior to leaving the construction site. Proper energy dissipation must be provided at the outlet of the pump system. weigh not less than 1.8602 kg per meter ( 1.25 Ib per lineal foot). Posts shall have a minimum length of 1524 mm (5 feet). Posts shall have projections p 4. Furtillsh suitable trash containers and regularly remove the accumulate trash from the premises. Q FLARED END SECTION [] ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER cTv CABLE TV Inspections and Maintenance: to facilitate fastening the fabric and prevent slippage. N GATE VALVE OE ELECTRIC MANHOLE CONCRETE CURB 1. Inspect the entire construction site at least once every 7 days during active construction and within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 < GUY WIRE OE ELECTRIC METER CONCRETE inches in a 24-hour period. Following an inspection that occurs within 24 hours after a rainfall even, the next inspection must be conducted within 7 5. Do :rot allow solid waste, hazardous materials, and other materials shall to be carried by runoff into a receiving water or storm sewer system. p g p � HYDRANT © GAS METER � s days after that rainfall event. 5. Siltfence Fabric: MNDOT Standard Specification 3886 self-supporting silt fence. Furnish in a continuous roll in order to avoid splices. Geotextile fabric _ so - CONTOUR EXISTING shall be uniform in texture and appearance and have no defects, flaws, or tears. The fabric shall contain sufficient ultraviolet (UV) ray inhibitor and ® SURVEY MONUMENT SET © GAS VALVE _�°c��____ CONTOUR PROPOSED stabilizers to provide a minimum two-year service life outdoors. Fabric shall be international orange. 6. Limit external washing of trucks and other construction vehicles to a defined area of the site. Wash vehicles only on an area stabilized with stone that • SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND -°-°-°- GUARD RAIL OT DRAIN TILE drains into an approved sediment trapping device. Contain runoff and properly dispose of waste. Engine degreasing is prohibited. SURVEY CONTROL POINT El HAND HOLE ELC ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND Z. Inspect all erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs, infiltration areas, and stabilized areas. SOIL BORING -X x- FENCE 6. Aggregate for Temporary Rock Construction Entrance: 25 mm (1 inch) to 50 mm (2 inch) diameter rock, MDOT Standard Specification 3137 CA -1, CA -2, LIGHT POLE or CA 3 Coarse Aggregate, or equalFO FIBER OPTIC UNDERGROUND 7. Concrete Washout Operations: Contain all liquid and solid wastes generated by concrete washout operations in a leak -proof containment facility or TREE CONIFEROUS 3. Record all inspections and maintenance conducted during construction in writing and keep these records. The inspections and maintenance records . - impermeable liner. Do not allow the liquid and solid wastes to contact the ground. Prevent runoff from the concrete washout operations or areas. `� POWER POLE must include date and time of inspections, date and amount of all rainfall events greater than 0.5 inches in a 24-hour period, name of persons(s) TREE DECIDUOUS GAS- GAS UNDERGROUND corrective actions taken. Dispose of liquid and solid wastes properly in compliance with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regulations. Install a sign adjacent to each washout � SANITARY MANHOLE conducting inspections, findings of inspections, recommendations for corrective actions, and any co QT TELEPHONE MANHOLE oH� OVERHEAD UTILITY 7. Geotextile Fabric for Temporary Rock Construction Entrance: MNDOT Standard Specification 3733 Type V permeable geotextile fabric material. fat?lity in order to inform concrete equipment operators to utilize the proper facilities. Q SANITARY CLEANOUT -o- SIGN ❑T TELEPHONE PEDESTAL """"""""" RAILROAD TRACKS 4. Inspect all erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs in order to ensure integrity and effectiveness. Repair, replace, or supplement any=' GROUND ELEVATION © TRAFFIC SIGNAL SANITARY SEWER 8. Aggregate for Block and Rock Sediment Filter: 25 mm (1 inch) to 50 mm (2 inch) diameter rock, MNDOT Standard Specification 3137 CA -1, CA -Z, or 8. Sanitary and Septic Waste: Furnish and install detached portable toilet facilities at the construction site. The portable toilets shall be conveniently nonfunctional BMPs with functional BMPs within 24 hours after discovery, or as soon as field conditions allow access unless another time frame is located for the use of all workers on the project. Maintain the facilities in a clean, dry, sanitary condition in accordance with Minnesota Department of ® STORM DRAIN OO UTILITY MANHOLE '> STORM SEWER specified. CA -3 Coarse Aggregate, or equal. TEL TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND Health requirements. ST STORM MANHOLE (� UTILITY PEDESTAL 9. Block and Rock Inlet Filters: Block and Rock Inlet Filters consist of open -core concrete masonry blocks, wire screen with 12 mm (0.5 inch) openings, YARD LIGHT WELL UTA UTILITY UNDERGROUND 5. Remove accumulated sediment deposits from behind erosion and sediment control devices as needed. Do not allow sediment to accumulate to a ^ and washed rock. Place open -core concrete masonry blocks lengthwise on their sides around the catchbasin inlet. Place wire screen around the I WATERM AI N FIELD CREW NO. BY DATE REVISION USE (INCLUDING COPYING, I hereby certify that this plan or specification was prepared by me or under TWP.028 - RGE.24 - SEC.20 FILE NO. CL CONVEYANCE OF INFORMATION) OFT IISOPRODUCCTTIS my direct supervision and that 1 am a duly registered professional engineer \����5 S�R�F Project City: Edina SW P P P 5035-118 DRAWN STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC.'s under the laws of the State of Minnesota. o Hennepin County EXPRESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. USE WITHOUT SAID u=i N SAT H R E-BERGQUIST, INC. BRV AUTHORIZATION CONSTITUTES AN ILLEGITIMATE USE AND PREPARED FOR: CHECKED SHALL THEREBY INDEMNIFY SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. OF 150 SOUTH BROADWAY WAYZATA, MN. 55391 (952) 476-6000 ALL RESPONSIBILITY. SATHRE-BERGQUIST, INC. RESERVES w DBP THE RIGHT TO HOLD ANY ILLEGITIMATE USER OR PARTY LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES OR LOSSES Nathan R. Herman, P.ELDK BUILDERS. N cNF p���� DATE RESULTING FROM ILLEGITIMATE USE.-7Date: 10-06-15 Lic. No. y g Z RS P 09/30/15 �LL I I