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02014 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. / Northwest corner of Lot 9, Block 2, HILLDALE, -� found 1/2 inch Open Iron Pipe West line of Lot 9, Block 2 of HILLDALE ` J Found 1 inch Open iron Pipe `\ / � C/ i lI� Southwest corner of Lot 9, Block 2, HILLDALE, found 1/2 inch Open Iron Pipe I Northeast corner of Lot 7, Block 2, HILLDALE, L v I found Copped Iron Pipe License No. 25718 Northeast corner of Lot 8, Block 2, HILLDALE, -' found 1/2 inch Open Iron Pipe II I I �I II I I� II I �- Found 1/2 inch Open Iron Pipe ( a I y Existing House ..._ - 66.24 -' I L_ v I C; � I Z 920- N 1--"*' Found 1/2 Inch Open Iron Pipe \ 1 # ort li e f L t 1 lac 2 of HILDA En /\ N --- /30.00 U ri 0) 1.00 / ✓'' J as en or rty and Oroipegt} Doc. No�731 s Proposed 3 foot high retaining wall Eas line of the west 30. feet of Lo 9, Blot of HILLDA e.ora Loi,\Area -58,827.33 sq. ft. \ 1_Q 10.00 N � ound 7/ inch pen Iron Ipe & P P -a I I \ C 151 \ g a NVS SAN S I 0 b N Top of woo = Ari 7 to 97 4a /e 15 a9� oo W Tap of xhting W 'rn wolf 1 )'15 25.47 0 Pr osed 0 /owest Icor 1 5Z _ \ Elev fon ('9 rap o exletln \ 12 � � 67 925x5 12 `O 12 � 1 hN/ Nc3\ N' i9 rap pr o lstfd , \ F waH orf 03' i Top of exktln9 Q, � 9Z5.4! � y , N QC \ 206 Toa of szlsenp oo \\ 1279 wdl W 6 I V. \\ a 17 071.6 01 N X05 \ rap of exfstfi,9 rap of ..bi 9 Patio \\11 on oz/22/15 0 well a02112114; �cw I� O'7 = 92542 Garage 67 J56 . rap o/ ezlstb q 1 kA� 1 \ �/5��0�Wwdi on 0ai�4s /\\ Pool \ % 0 o �\ P0\A Found 1/2 inch Open Iron Pipe, 0.48 feet northwesterly of property line Existing Garage P0\1 �lQ /1 deo \ Proposed Building Elevations Garage Floor = (925.44)(at overhead door) Top of Foundation Wall = (925.44) First Floor = (926.00) Lowest Floor = (904.93) *BUILDING DIMENSIONS DO NOT REFLECT BRICK FACING* *BUILDING PLAN, REFLECTS LOWER LEVEL PLAN, i SHEET A3 OF Al2, LAST REVISED DECEMBER 22, 2014* Existing BaUdin Elevations \ g g I Garage Floor = 926.66(at overhead door) First Floor = 927.22 � 1 ELx&ting Impervious Area Lot Area = 56,827.33 s ft. Sanitary Sewer Manhole q' Y ' location per City of Edina utility Existing House, Porch, Stoop & Egress Wells = 2,554 sq. ft. Asbuilts, not field verified Driveway and sidewalk = 2,449 sq. ft. Patio = 663 sq, ft. Shed = 124 sq. ft. �Q \ Impervious Area = 5,790 sq. ft. / 10.2% of total Lot area �Q Proposed Impervious Area \ Lot Area = 56,827.33 sq. ft. House, Porch, Stoop & Egress Wells = 5,567.82 sq. ft. ,�',� Driveway and sidewalk = 5,768.56 sq. ft. " \ Patio = 3,050.46 sq. ft. tri Impervious Area = 14,386.84 sq. ft. / 25.39 of total Lot area t µ \ Impervious area calculations do not include the pool, Pool area = B00 sq. ft. L_v I \ojrry„'us , i .� D=2°030 =4.57 ' \ / 57 \ = �.z ds i Foun�B� 1/2 inc \ Open l n Pipe <y \ \ i r City of Edina Benchmark, TNH Elev. = 924.11 (N.G.V.D. 1929) Found 1/2 inch 0 en Iron Pi e P p lying on its side \ x (1000.00) Denotes proposed elevation X 1000.00 Denotes existing elevation —1r•- Denotes surface drainage • Denotes iron monument found O Denotes iron monument set Bearings based on assumed datum. Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance Property Description Property description per Hennepin County Tax Records. Lot 9, Block 2, HILLDALE according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying east of the west 30.00 feet. Property address 5 Circle West. Notes 1) The bearings shown on this survey are based on the assumed coordinate system. The vertical datum is N.G.V.D 1929, using benchmarks from the City of Edina. 2) Limited document research has been completed as part of this survey. 3) No easements shown per the plat of HILLDALE. 4) The underground utilities shown have been located from field survey information and existing drawings. The surveyor makes no guarantees that the underground utilities shown comprise all such utilities in the area, either in service or abandoned. The surveyor further does not warrant that the underground utilities shown are in the exact location indicated although he does certify that they are located as accurately as possible from information available, The surveyor has not physically located the underground utilities. (Gopher State One Call Ticket No. 140850138). LEGEND 0 BUSH/SHRUB CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS TREE WETLAND \ STEEL/WOOD POST -a- SIGN-TRAFFIC/OTHER -a a- - Northwest corner of Lot 7, Block 3, HILLDALE, I found Copped Iron Pipe License Na. cop unreadable I _ I HANDICAPPED STALL P PERC TEST rnw —7 I L_ a I y Existing House ..._ - 66.24 -' I L_ v I C; � I Z 920- N 1--"*' Found 1/2 Inch Open Iron Pipe \ 1 # ort li e f L t 1 lac 2 of HILDA En /\ N --- /30.00 U ri 0) 1.00 / ✓'' J as en or rty and Oroipegt} Doc. No�731 s Proposed 3 foot high retaining wall Eas line of the west 30. feet of Lo 9, Blot of HILLDA e.ora Loi,\Area -58,827.33 sq. ft. \ 1_Q 10.00 N � ound 7/ inch pen Iron Ipe & P P -a I I \ C 151 \ g a NVS SAN S I 0 b N Top of woo = Ari 7 to 97 4a /e 15 a9� oo W Tap of xhting W 'rn wolf 1 )'15 25.47 0 Pr osed 0 /owest Icor 1 5Z _ \ Elev fon ('9 rap o exletln \ 12 � � 67 925x5 12 `O 12 � 1 hN/ Nc3\ N' i9 rap pr o lstfd , \ F waH orf 03' i Top of exktln9 Q, � 9Z5.4! � y , N QC \ 206 Toa of szlsenp oo \\ 1279 wdl W 6 I V. \\ a 17 071.6 01 N X05 \ rap of exfstfi,9 rap of ..bi 9 Patio \\11 on oz/22/15 0 well a02112114; �cw I� O'7 = 92542 Garage 67 J56 . rap o/ ezlstb q 1 kA� 1 \ �/5��0�Wwdi on 0ai�4s /\\ Pool \ % 0 o �\ P0\A Found 1/2 inch Open Iron Pipe, 0.48 feet northwesterly of property line Existing Garage P0\1 �lQ /1 deo \ Proposed Building Elevations Garage Floor = (925.44)(at overhead door) Top of Foundation Wall = (925.44) First Floor = (926.00) Lowest Floor = (904.93) *BUILDING DIMENSIONS DO NOT REFLECT BRICK FACING* *BUILDING PLAN, REFLECTS LOWER LEVEL PLAN, i SHEET A3 OF Al2, LAST REVISED DECEMBER 22, 2014* Existing BaUdin Elevations \ g g I Garage Floor = 926.66(at overhead door) First Floor = 927.22 � 1 ELx&ting Impervious Area Lot Area = 56,827.33 s ft. Sanitary Sewer Manhole q' Y ' location per City of Edina utility Existing House, Porch, Stoop & Egress Wells = 2,554 sq. ft. Asbuilts, not field verified Driveway and sidewalk = 2,449 sq. ft. Patio = 663 sq, ft. Shed = 124 sq. ft. �Q \ Impervious Area = 5,790 sq. ft. / 10.2% of total Lot area �Q Proposed Impervious Area \ Lot Area = 56,827.33 sq. ft. House, Porch, Stoop & Egress Wells = 5,567.82 sq. ft. ,�',� Driveway and sidewalk = 5,768.56 sq. ft. " \ Patio = 3,050.46 sq. ft. tri Impervious Area = 14,386.84 sq. ft. / 25.39 of total Lot area t µ \ Impervious area calculations do not include the pool, Pool area = B00 sq. ft. L_v I \ojrry„'us , i .� D=2°030 =4.57 ' \ / 57 \ = �.z ds i Foun�B� 1/2 inc \ Open l n Pipe <y \ \ i r City of Edina Benchmark, TNH Elev. = 924.11 (N.G.V.D. 1929) Found 1/2 inch 0 en Iron Pi e P p lying on its side \ x (1000.00) Denotes proposed elevation X 1000.00 Denotes existing elevation —1r•- Denotes surface drainage • Denotes iron monument found O Denotes iron monument set Bearings based on assumed datum. Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance Property Description Property description per Hennepin County Tax Records. Lot 9, Block 2, HILLDALE according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, lying east of the west 30.00 feet. Property address 5 Circle West. Notes 1) The bearings shown on this survey are based on the assumed coordinate system. The vertical datum is N.G.V.D 1929, using benchmarks from the City of Edina. 2) Limited document research has been completed as part of this survey. 3) No easements shown per the plat of HILLDALE. 4) The underground utilities shown have been located from field survey information and existing drawings. The surveyor makes no guarantees that the underground utilities shown comprise all such utilities in the area, either in service or abandoned. The surveyor further does not warrant that the underground utilities shown are in the exact location indicated although he does certify that they are located as accurately as possible from information available, The surveyor has not physically located the underground utilities. (Gopher State One Call Ticket No. 140850138). LEGEND 0 BUSH/SHRUB CONIFEROUS TREE DECIDUOUS TREE . Westwood Professional services, IncRavisionx Prepared 7699 Anagram Drive CTBW: "W, BTW �� Eden Prairie, MN 55344 11/05/14 Add existing spot elevations, (BTW) Murphy& CompanyDesign 11/05/14 Add proposed contours, (BTW) 'CEd: CWM PHONE 952-937-5150 12/31/14 New plan for staking, (CWM) FAX 952-937-5822 01/28/15 Add offsets, (BTW) D=W= BTW TOLLFREE 1-888-937-5150 02/12/15 Add wall osbuilt elevs, (BTW) 2 Division Street, Suite 203 03/04/15 Add wall osbuilt elevs, (BTW) Record ofaWI11B by/date: �A�VMOOCI www.westwoodps.com Buffalo, Minnesota, 55313 ST WETLAND OT STEEL/WOOD POST -a- SIGN-TRAFFIC/OTHER -a a- SIGN - TPA FFIC/OTHER raa� MAIL BOX erg, HANDICAPPED STALL P PERC TEST rnw MONITORING WELL © CABLE TV BOX Os GAS METER ® STREET LITE GUY WIRE ro, POWER POLE —GAS— ELECTRIC BOX —POH— ELEC7R/C METER Q ELECTRIC MANHOLE ® ELECTRIC TOWER Qs SANITARY MANHOLE co SEWER CLEANOUT ® BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN ® CATCH BASiN CA FLARED END SECTION . Westwood Professional services, IncRavisionx Prepared 7699 Anagram Drive CTBW: "W, BTW �� Eden Prairie, MN 55344 11/05/14 Add existing spot elevations, (BTW) Murphy& CompanyDesign 11/05/14 Add proposed contours, (BTW) 'CEd: CWM PHONE 952-937-5150 12/31/14 New plan for staking, (CWM) FAX 952-937-5822 01/28/15 Add offsets, (BTW) D=W= BTW TOLLFREE 1-888-937-5150 02/12/15 Add wall osbuilt elevs, (BTW) 2 Division Street, Suite 203 03/04/15 Add wall osbuilt elevs, (BTW) Record ofaWI11B by/date: �A�VMOOCI www.westwoodps.com Buffalo, Minnesota, 55313 ST STORM MANHOLE OT TELEPHONE BOX QT TELEPHONE MANHOLE ® TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX HH HAND HOLE -¢- TRAFFIC LIGHT GA TE VALVE HYDRANT WA 7ER METER Os CURB STOP BOX ® WATER MANHOLE WELL —CTv— CABLE TV —GAS— GAS LINE —POH— POWER OVERHEAD —PUG— POWER UNDERGROUND —SAN— SANITARY SEWER —STD— STORM SEWER — TOH— TELEPHONE OVERHEAD —TUG— TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND _WA T— WA7ERMAIN —x— FENCE LINE DECIDUOUS TREE LINE -� CONIFEROUS TREE LINE CURB & GUT7FR Bi TUM/NOUS SURFACE i hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 03/04/15 Craig W. Morse, R.L.S. License No. 23021 Date 17 136�g7 /Otq r•a�•�eo�3� 5 Circle West Edina, Minnesota 0' 30' 60' 90' 0003434CT04.dwg Date: 12/31/14 sheet. 1 of 1 Certificate of Survey