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SITE ADDRESS: 5120 SKYLINE DR. EDINA, MN 55436 11.7.. 9(,"4I • r)©RL 1N3V4l8Vd3® JNicnin® x x SAN WTR ----UE --- _.._„_„-GAS-„_•,_.. D O 0 Imm X900.0 X(900.0) x900.OTC x900.OTW Legend Fence Sanitary Sewer Water Main - Underground Electric Underground Gas Telephone or Cable Pedestal Electric Box Sanitary Manhole Power Pole Hydrant Keystone Retaining Wall Timber Retaining Wall Existing Elevation Proposed Elevation Top of Curb Elevation Top of Wall Elevation Critical Tree Root Zone Tree to be Removed Due to Poor Condition or Other Reasons Noted on Survey • Denotes Iron Monument Found O Denotes Set, 1/2" x 14" Iron Pipe w/ Plastic Cap Inscribed R.L.S. 15230. OFFIC C � ' Y A DH Confirm property may be Re velo a rio�de ition A demolition permit provides no Assurance of permitted future uses � 1!tfn ttieol'k f1eOr1kmQ9ECI6^rt4 - - - - tcvlonaIi Engineering rabdo melgilor SILT FENCE MUST BE post or s%lw INSTALLED PRIOR TO DISTURBING VEGETATION (Fabric amdwrage Itenc o backfill with lanvW naWrai salt ;= minimum ■ A f 1� • " 4 " " �. .'•': ; " « 6 6rrcil trlidimwma M.to; D"xinding upon c arAi jundion; atlWJ1 fabit to wee mesh wwitll J gag ri s, steel pW$ with tle wires, or wood posts +w 1th stapes. Flours 6.3-2= Typ1W Ins eumlon W stn fat 109-15 140/33 CALF > with PEES .. Faa►tin� _._.Four>tc#ation VWl Reir#forckV ` F,pund�Ition Pre-batdA FWWI showd tine Dr fAW ,yy momy F :i EXISTING CONDITION SURVEY FOR: GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES .6 SCALE: 1 INCH = 20 FEET goA/ I T I EXISTING AREA CALCULATION: Lot Area = 23,358 SF 906 906.2x x91 .0 O ry �a IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 908 916.2 �J+, �`ocl�#5116 M� HOUSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION �` House = 1,697 SF Brick Walk Portion Over 4 Wide = 32 SF 910 �' PROPOSED ELEVATIONS: � �, FIRST FLOOR=(963.00) 912 q,%„ � X GARAGEFLOOR®(960.96 � �� � \ TOP 0 D ) X916.8 9 .0 6, �CJ '•� PEAK HEIGHT -(32.7') Total = 1,729 SF 915.4x 03 vQ ' = 7.4% 914 •• �, � � a,`O�' a 1 'ASH 916 � 28.4 / � 8 36.1 • 4 - 18"AS � / \ 968.9 918 \ / F. / x934 7 > 6 .3 \ \ �0 920 iA:D 16"N AY x9 x93 N RAY 9 I � x9 "� 4.2 s \ 922 22.7 24"S E 47. ?� �� 60.8 8" 944 94 .4x �� \ 924 I MAP X30 ��a x94 .5 x946.7 s �s X59. �a`'/ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 926 g3x937.4 x93 .2 �.VO�aF' 9 .1x `� \ 928 \ In x9 1 x94 .s �Q0° es '�,^ j/ Lot 13, SKYLINE, Hennepin County, Minnesota. 9 \ 938 932 \ N ��� x945.0 x9 7.5 95 .0 gs \ � "SPRUC d3 '\ c3 -64x939 ati ' x9 , T �) /1 936 39.9 x A /' �� ,\ 948.0 2 • I , 60.0 I /x940 C 94 2 9 ' L _ U I I 9916 �q x942.8 x943 \''� �;P 1 \ryy/ 8 -SP UCE 958.2 9��t g gsD BENCHMARK: 945.1 g / �' f'� i' 957.9 958.8 IF 10" x942.8 % W N 9 �.•- '' x T.N.H. Between #5116 and #5120 Skyline Dr. 942 GR MAPLE "940 1. . ./ x959.0 Elevation = 960.43. Condition of Demolition/Moving ✓ 4' construction fencing shall enclose existing basement perimeter and excavations with slopes steeper than 1:1. Attach fencing to minimum 5' posts buried 1' and spaced at maximum 10' on center. SC✓ Enclose stockpiled soils with properly installed silt fencing. ✓ Property must be restored within thirty (30) days of building demolition/move - utilities abandoned at the property line with a permit, foundation demolished with a separate permit, debris removed, demolition excavation filled to match adjacent grade and seed or sod placed and maintained at disturbed areas OR a permit must be issued for a new structure within thirty (30) days nfthi- hni1dinv demo Iitinn/move. - -- - -- --- ----- Residential Temporary Rock Construction Exit NaY��Ro � ilength T. -To front yarU setback 6•' 1 7/2" to 3" waahed rock- z:�. -' Non woven 9eote<tlle drainage r 12' mlh tabrlc antler -.-/ �wlUth Failure to install the Construction Exit before disturbing the site soils and/or failure to maintain the Construction Exit will result in enforcement action by the City. x944.8 � / /55. / / 25• 10"SP 945. ° y35 � 15• � , ., a ;i95��::'� , #5124 1 44.3 / xg 12 9 1 ; '. o-' x, • , i 943.3 x944.4 �'' 45.0 H�� � i;,.. ;..r � '' Y . 58.0 FRONT ENTRY -940,8 N� \.� 5� 95 9,", +'',' ;•"' x;953;7 TOP OF BLOCK -940.9 o FRO °F 0�0°RO 952.9 ti Y ; �;:• {'n * fi ; :r•":' +" : T �} GARAGE FLOOR -943.5 COQ PGR \GRA „':,;;?+,r.': �r; n..., •+rs�,,te t PEAK HEIGHT EL.=956.1 \ 9q8 GIN NE " : ' ` + :•i >' `ca ' 4j^ TREE WI HI /' 949.9 PEP\c \ �953.1''�w; ,+,;,'m •..�.ti ;,, :, .� OF BU PAD �'' W ���• ,.h �.1'�, +',+' t, 'v: , w • t , I'li 1. \•. �'�. 957.8 J G ' 3.9 45.3 .6 95 i \ �::'^'r r:''+e M .y ;+, ",4ti,•�n' i,:.{.+t+ •r,R/�\,7,'�.956.7 / 43.448. / / W/ 953. T 952.4'"• ;+ '.;''952.8 +�•+y•'° ' ,r„ ., . y +, 10.. ++,' ;.,1 �ta',: / 9 TREE WITHIN 10' / / �5,.�,��` y+. r• ,y :•'h'.}'�:.:,, 941.5 OF BUILDING PAD 48. � 9;i1- '' h, 1, " ti' 'r�•�`'�h;•ati++�:,:;,:,�•, q, ,; ! 56.Or •,��• x951.9 ,•O�\.', fir' 54. TRIVEWAY BA woo \ l rn i I y951.$ 1 "SPU 4„ DRIVEWAY x946.'� J �q 958.5 I 950.1 y950.5;• :951.3"; ,. TRI WITHIN 5 ';4• A'/� ^• „�+•951,6•" O'�DRIVEWAY / �O 940.4 ° 6.. "r.. ' 01 x945.3 I I I a w LAND APE BORDER✓ IIS I o NII QD I ov x946.8 x947.7 ;RE-E__"TI ;, : ,.. • "' / / 11.1 • SAN M.H. / OF POROH ce v • + 1.2/1°, ,' \ r^ / 9 TOP RIM=956.84 \ v GP / INVERT=947.1 T952.8 12"SPRUCE x 9,5i.a952 `... 1 . '. •oo LAT951.3k�•� p 48.5 Z /� n 12 t SAN M.H. � / 2 SAN TOP RIM -950.11 INVERT=938.6 NOTE: No Search Was Made For Any Easements. NOTE: The location of all utilities shown are from observed evidence in the field and from plans furnished by the utility companies and are approximate. Utility companies should be notified for exact location before doing any excavation. I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. Woodrow A. Brown, R.L.S. MN REG 15230 Dated: 06-03-2015 EXISTING CONDITION 1109-15 140/33 105-29-2015 1 CME W. BROWN LAND SURVEYING, INC. 8030 Cedar Avenue So., Suite 228. Bloomington, MN 55425 Bus: (952) 854-4055 Fax: (952) 854-4268 Drawing: Date: 06-03-2015 109-15 Scale: 1 Inch = 20 Feet 1 of 1