HomeMy WebLinkAbout2911721430029-03072015S E 0 1 M E N T C O N T R O L P R A C T I C E S: 1. Implement s.dimmd control D.etices in order to minimize sediment from entering eurfaa watsM. Including curb and gutter ryetems and etarm drain W.W. 2• InKolI all tanporary or g7m !,. t sedkn t central a-- Including elk fence at parhnater f aonstructian, bio -lope t drl. sediment filters, rift sae W, and sedtm tion burins gds to bsgTrmInq elle c rima, grading, or other Imrd-disturbing ae8sy. Protect a8 storm wawer nota lief receive runoff from dhta.ed areae. 3. Establish sediment central p_.a. an a0 dorm gratllent pwrinsten betaro arty up m [and aft antivnie. begin. These praetIc rtmet -In o place until Mal Ka illzati,n has been a 110hed. 4. The timing f the Instal.U. f sediment romrd praakr may be adJueted In order to aeeomm= short-term .tmuw but writ, cont.l Praetlese muK be Installed before the next pre OWO event awl If the short-term ao8vky Is not complete. 5, If the down gradMn treatmot system becomes owrlooded. Install adtlltional up gradient sediment aatrol Pracfkse a rodundpnt BMP. In order to dimtrwte the overloading. S. Benton beginning construction, inwtall a TEMPORhRY ROCK CON(S(��TRUCTION ENTRANCE at each lint ew rook, cMIN�OT Standard Specification 313wR the conetructlort site. 7edCA- 25 G-2. Gh2, a " Co2or ) edA09n width of thePiece �l ead 152 An. is inches) thick acrom the antrrams.. Extsd the rack enimm s, at Twat 15 In (50 fest) Into the mnKNCtiw Zan. Uee O MNDOT S[andald SpscRication 3733 Type V permeable geakmtaN fobIf. materiel beneath the aggregats In order to prevwnt mgrs of evil Into the rock from below. Malmeln the entroms in condition lief will or tracidng ar flowing f sediment onto paved roadway.. PMAW periodic top drwekg with additional etan oa nquhad. C , entrances Trot protected Dy tempmary rock const diun wi m os, to all 7. if fie rMw clean the wheels of eoninaUon lwhkolas In order to remove soil. b fo. the vanthat drm'nsannto on apthe p prryavatd .doh, -t lrapo[^ggk>�cey w an area etabelzed NN atone S. Remove ail wile and m 0m.rde tracked or otherwise dveto adjxent propene, awe, eidew'aIW, etrwts, ad obeys Removal Nall ba w o dWh basil. ,� hPMro q�6olia int duration f the <onWdion. Clew paved raovMays by atawlirhp, Uwt-aweapbg, or dry ewrosppin�. If nawasarryy naps pard surfacer In order to lowers compacted sedknant nMwrtal prior ta sweeping. Haul sediment materiel ta a suitable or wee area. Sbset cashing le aliowd asy alter sediment hn loser rsmawd by' sareltnq rn eepinp. 9, eve Stack0mi in" siltfenq or ~ affective sediment controls around all temporary so0 stwkp0es. Locate oil or dirt eloekpibe such that the do erskps drakags length Is no We. tan 8 m 25 fofrom the too f the pas to a wrf- water. IVudtng stormwatar conveyances curb ad gg or systems, or co dote ad ditches unless Nero le a bypose in Pace for the atarmwatar If rwmdnkq for man than 7 days, etablgse 1M stockpike, by stAmtlonn =0 ori[ng. vegalative eat stackpilee Wwted clow thein 8 means. 23 feat) to roadway er, cover drokage channel with tarps, and protect alarm eewer inlets with eat wake or staked silNenoe. 10. Sift Face: install elk fence along the cont- (on a I" harizontal pion) with the crab turned up (J -hooks) In order to help pod wafer behind the fends Install the cift force on the uphill sine of the support poste. Provide o poet epoci g of 12 At (4 feet) or I - Drive poets at least OA m (2 Into the ground. Anchor the elk fem,e fabric In o Iraah at least 152 mm (6 inw4ss) deep and 152 mm (8 Intim) wide dug on the upolope side of the su000rt posts. Loy the feddc In the tromh And than backfW and compact aim a vthratary P compoctar. tAaka any epg- In the fabric at a fwa p -`L At epOcw, overlap the fabric at least 152 mm (8 indrse). told N over, and swuroy Posters k to the fence Post SIR fmaeK %,pfor8ng paeb ehvdl be 51 mm (2 inch) squme or larger hardwood, Pine, a onlaid T- or U-moagn Keel pats. T- or U-eea5on steel Posts .hall weigh net less man 1.8602 kg per mets, (1.25 R par great fact). Pat, .hall have o mint- length of 1524 mm (5 fast). Past. .hap haveproiecitore to facilitate fwttin9 thou food. ad prevent ..RT a Oeotsxlgs fabric sh. set the M -Ar wt. of MNDDT StaMore SpedmUor 3888 r prwseer .sift fence, tksnWho In ..odnudm roll In order to avoid oplkes. CeotexWe fabric ones be udorm In texture ad appwnnoe and hems no defeats, Inhibitor and Kolaftere tom provide a mlemum ao two -yr service life ou, or team. The fabric holl co tdoors. Fabric shag be international orange. 11. MaWa[n of temporary erosion and sedknent control devices In place until the contributing drainage arae has been wtabWzed (hard-curfxW avers paved ad vegetation established In groanspaee). Repair any dIr g, yymy fonnallon, or -house, After Tmol eetabli lumnt of B�aranw! etadlixa0w, nmaye ad tempgrory eynthwtia, stnMural, and nonbkhdegndabk ad sedmmt control dedcse ad cry .cumulated sedanents. Dispose -of off elle. Renton ppeemanent eedtrnsmation beetns to design condition Immediately following etabirizaUon f the site. 12. If demising Is required and sump pumps ave used, all pumped water must M tliwhargad through a sediment control device such qs a dewatsdrg bag or other approprtate faalky pprpf� of WM the the Dump system.construction etta. Proper energy dialpo0w must be ProMtled at the I N S P E C T I O N S A N 0 M A I N T E N A N C E 1. Impact the entire egmtruetlon eke at lost an. ovary Z..nP,�.. during active construction and wlNA 2}�pure after a nInfag event gmater than 0. mIMA In a 24-hour pa fd. Following an Inspafon that oaun within Y4 Mum after a rainfall event, the nmct Inspection must be conducted! within 7 days after that raifall event 2. Inspect sl erosion prevention ad sediment control Ships, WReration areas, and stabilized area. 3. Record ail Inspections and Immanence conducted during construction in wnttng ad kmp w therecords. The In olions and maintenance records must Include dots and tkne of Inspection, date ed amount f all nhdoll events greater than 0.8 Inches In a 24-hour peed, mane of perwne(s) coducNng Inspection, finding. f Inapeetions, r000mmedations Zr corrodive actives and any artective actions taken. 4. inepsat all wroebn Prevention and sediment contra) BMPe In order to ensuad �Wrlo 224 Mum �� n�p�ryoor awpment as rd cconditionsl alStepsareintegrfy access unless another time from. I. specified. i al S. Remove .aumukded sediment deposits from behind erosion ad sediment coal.[ devkse as needed Do rat allow sediment to accumulate to o depth of mon than ern-thind of the her af thou erosion and sediment MAW deNom. fhpotn raplecs, or supplement doisrio.tsd, damaged, rotted, or missing .-Ion antral devicm within 24 hour of discovery, or as on as fine oodlUons allow coca. S, Repair, replcce, or supplemerd dl elk fenw when they beams nonfunctional or the mdhlroot reaches 1/3 of tin helght f the fence. Thee. npaps must be made eight, 24 tours f discovery, or ail ears ce Fi.d _A hvae olio. a- 7. Clean sedimentation basins, storm waver catch basins, ditches, and other drainage facilities ail wquked In order be maintain their effectiveness. Temporary ad pernammt seamwlaton bond. must be drained and the sediment romaaad when Oe depth of sob.at ageated 1. the basin reaches 1/2 of the storage volume. Draln.ge and removal must be completed within 72 Mum, or as coon as field conditions allow ammo. S. Inspeol :% watero (including drainage d"hse d anwyvna systems) aAd.-. f eroson and eaamwt dwposiDon. Remove .11 da tm and wed 1 ds}aked. Sto ohs. .Amwwhere sediment remoud roeuks in peed sop. Removal and stablexaaon must be compiwiwd wRMn 7 dna f dlecovery unom precluded by legal, regulatary, a phyakai came metetra". It arcaded, removal Ad stalatbn must take piece wdhN 7 dkye of obtaining aecm.. 9.construction site vehicle exit location fa widen of oN-Nle sediment frocking oma paved surfaces. Remove all ease ad eedlmsnb tracked or fMrwles deposited oma =M DDrdwhrvouppovemen! areae, eidewalNs, ehsetw and soya. Remawl atoll be on a ovWhg or wet-weegnq. Do of dry ewaap. If a -,y* em.pe nvdsurlmm II" order bto bows dxxrXacted .wammt matsnal Priar to ewseptng, sediment motorial W a eeRable al.powl dna. Street washing Is allowed only ane, sediment has been removed by ehoveprg or wwwwping. 10. Ps, cry cor,ecUve meosunse ordsrod by the Cly or %A;1ed District within 24 1.M of notlfieallon. Install eery AddMX1 e.eion nor ea Arnwnt central meawres deemed necessary by the City or Watershed OleMd within 24 lours of notification. CALL YOU - - feem ➢- Know what's WOW. C811 before you dig. The,v= uUow Intermatlpn Kwan w ter pan w uMly Qwlly LwvN D. Thfw quaky WN era determined aew.plo ta fin 99WdNYhm d a/ASCE Se -02. arhaW 'Sbdam GuMWna ler me COIMNo. ori oepictlon f Ewewp Subaurtsce UMAy Data.' M A T E R I A L S 1, The following aro approved unlet eedlmMt control devices: m Read Orrin Top gab Model RD 2J (fits rough opening for 2'z3' inlet). Road Orcin Top Slob Model RD 27 (fits rough oPenirry fan 2Y IA. a Road Oram Top Slob Model CO 3067 (fits Nemwh Cc.Ung with 35-1/4'.17-3/4' dUmension.) manfcousn d by WINCO. 790 7W. Drew Shakopee, MN. 55379, Phone (052) 233-3055. b. stsacic RReegguuar Me (40 gd/ran/eq. n). Average widU egwl to 165.0 lae/im ASTM D-4664. Reetagula elkecck on rwtanquior MINS. Roud wWMock on round Incl Use ACF Embers t.l. Inc, 2831 Cardwell Road, Rlohmod, VA 23234. Phew (600) 448-3836. a approved equal. e. InfmSafe Sediment Control Sorrier. Install geotamle se. on tie Out'" df the bawler In ardor ta trap adatonol fines. Standard frames am owOnble N fit 24' to 30' diameter and 2.3' 79PPhoe (des j 4 i-�3o ENTERPRISES AMERICA. 30822 Forest Boulevard, Stoat'. MN, 2. T-11, Teasel used for finish roding f .race to be turfed or ptimed .hell meal Uro mqukwments f MNDOT Standard Specification Q3877 for topsoil be- rn dfrMd to contact n. mon than 35X .and. Topeoll ehall be reasonably free of submit, heavy clay, aaoree card, stone, and other objects ever 51 mm (2 Inch..) m diameter; and without Txardw, ref., wU n., and other abiec Nona. matedol. 3. Qwtwxdle Fehrlc jg-,$g8T6� �abtuzanan !0 rwWJOH0, MNDDT Stadand Sp..M-Un 3733 Type V permeable gwtextlle materiel. 4. tlfaace: 51 mm (2 Inch) mupn or larger hordwod. pin, a etanmra T- or U -setter Keel T- a U-sotion steel poste hall wegh Trot lese Ikon 1.8 2 k9 per meter (1.25 io per ttnea teat). Poste shall haw o minimum length f 1524 mm (5 fast). Poets shall haw Profectbns to fain tastsang the fabric and prevent slippage. 5. Mffwm Fabric: MNDOT Standard SpecPFtcaUw 3866 .elf wppo." set fence• Famish in a continuous roll in order to avoid eplicse. GwtewUb fobrto ail b .Wfonrl In Moura and appetram. and have no defects, Tare, or tears. The fabrlo shall contain sufficient uRrevieetfUV/ ray InMdtor ad etablilmn to provide . m[A mum two -your service Ike outdoors. Fabric color1 be IrdenoUanal orange. e.Ectraccog 25 mm (1 ken) m so khm m (2 Inch) deter rock M..Stan ro UiooUon 3137 CA -1, CA -2, ora Coarse 1111. , or equal• 7.OeotewHle faMio fen Tealglimry Rack C,nvkvcdon Entam- MNOOT Stadard Spedficution 3733 Type V pe maahlm gmtwstie fmH, mate la. e.25 mm (1 Inch) to SO mm (2 hath) diameter rock M Standard Specttication 3137 G-1, CA -2, or G-3 Coarse Aggregate, or equal. 9. Bleak end Rank Inlet Flitere Bloch alkma ad Rock Inlet Fnslet of open -cons eenerKe masonry blaaks, wiresawn with 12 mm (0.5 hah) opaengs ad waNwd rock PI.- aper -core concrete ry block. ongthwfse an r eider around the wtehbaeln Inlwt Plans wine somen around the npapprimstsr ta the top ot the black barrier bfun the rook a paced. Th. amen+ date to pr- the b f.m being washed thmngh the Moder. Piga rock against the win mmh ta tin top f tin blocks, Use 25 mm (1 Inch) to 50 mm (2 loch) diameter rock, MNDOT Standard SPeefimtion 3137 CA -1. (A-2, CA -3, or aquel Coarse Aggregate. Metal two movers. f e'. cosier lo grwr te form a banner height at 18'. 10. h acoomanea with MNDOT Standard SpeelReatbn 3685. 11. Em+ien CvnbA Mettino: 1mldLok TRIM 450 Turf Reinforcement Mat manfact by P.pwn, I= (eww.gosolextile.com), ar approved equel sal wrodar cwtmt mamtg. 12. $WWW. Snplas used to anchor erasion central blankets .hill be U-Neped. 3 mm diameter or heavier Kea[ wine. The span width K the crown snap be a mlNmunh of 25 mm (1 Inch). Shrplas shoe have haa length of 250 mm (10 inches) rn mon from top to bottom after bsdlag. E R O S I O N P R E V E N T I O N P R A C T I C E S: 1. Degnate the load.. of ands not to be disturbed (e.g. eft flags, stare, -Igoe, slit foxes, Ne.) on the deveiopm.nt site before work begins. 2. Avoid nmavai of tro s and surface vegetation wherever�e 11k. S.Mdai. embuc5on in order to maces tin ertailwt praotkzd dna of we at wt' given Hma. knplement approprktw construcu.. p InImM m�aelon. buffer whIp., tlanzont.l Nope grading, and other construction pM.U- that 3. Following Initial sal disturbance or rodeturbance. -plat. permanent or temporary stabilization against erasers due W roto, wind, ad NnnIng water as exon m posebts, but In n Crim later Ben 14 .Wonder days. an all disturbed or graded arae kdudiAs etamwater management pend Waskepse. This roqukement does net appy to those areae that an tummy being used for material storage or far those arae an which grotling, see building, or ether arsWctlw xtivitim an octMey and&" or will be =way at the d[eoroUon of the Contmata. 4. Protide tll=,,y gram seed cover wail tapadi .terl1mmbee anthe avers f atoddkpRed azmvated material M order ta prevem woo wrolw and rogtl .moil during tin rmNruetlen periotl. Prdonged Wade of open. bon earth KUaut prom cam will not be permitted unless o- aro or sg be con.wctkm acBvRlm at the alserotiom of the conndcta. stable:. al disturbed gree s". amens with a minimum at 4' topeel Immediately after fins subgrad. completion. Seed and mulch, or sod And stake thee- arses eMA 48 hour. one, completion of final grading wank (weather pemdt0ng). S. StabTft. all disturbed cram to be paver owing wry appnc.0 n of gravel boss. P O L L U T I O N P R E V E N T I O N M E A S U R E S: I. =a+d WeK.• Dlwpom of acceded sedoent, ast1pphalt and conarots megngs, NppUmq tlebrN, papor, with Minnesota POI kn Control Agency requirements. 2. a other waKse PrWerhr oN--ells In compeorce 2. : Properly Koro an, pomen, pant antl OZ Mzardom wbo"" to order to prevent sP4" oaks a other ot"". Include smadary comatnmant Reshot access to storage anam lo order to "p=went wdaMdn. Storage and disposal f hazardous materiels met be In compliance with MPCA regulations. 3. neve, Malariole: Dlq- or A..d b.10.9 mateft.. garbage, trash, eo.ning wastes, task, materials, and wastewater property off -axe and In compliance with Minnesota PopuBoA Central Agency disposal nquimmems. 4. F=I h sultable trash contalnsre and regularly remove the accumulated bash from the prsmims. S. Do fit apow solid waste, hazardous materole, and other materials end to be carried by runoff Into o no h ng water .storm sewer .yet... 6. mswtal lowaNrudmrgen t ec ad wis ewt-h a tn that s drWnred aed efathee ta. pping omaPropertypettydlepose f waste. Engine dgrasinq 1. prhkeed. 7. Generale WdaMK Oaeralima; Cestan a0 Oquidad eolkd waste gwerated by commis man gperalbn In a leek -proof eomainmeAt f.cgny ,r Impmmeabb IIner. Do fit clow the liquid and said waetse to cwtact the ground. Prevent runoff from tin ccnaste washout operadone or areas. Dispose f liquid and mHd waetm properly In compliance with Minnesota PoMan Control Agency mgula8on. Install a aqn adjacan! to each wachoK facility In over to Inform ancrete equipment operotan ta uUMM !M proper (adptim. 8. Spagppt�,�N1 Uc Weals Fumfeh pend ketqu detaclea partoble roger faeHIt at tin anebuctiw eIG. fie pWrtable tdletatdota ahel be arhvmlfefy Tocotsd for Fhe um f all waken on tin project Maintain the fedplias In a awn, dry, sanitary condition in mcordwa with MInnw..to Daparlrtent of HwXh requirements. K EY1 --._..�.`., l OMM MAJOR 19A1 DEiED11011 PROPOSED MMT 1101 DNEMM VOTI D OONTatm PROPOSED OOMMUR (872.5) PROPosM SPOT suEetaft The base lot nlaeeft and praeowd mWeons Atom on this pian ail � 0 1 d WAVVY Ppb by ReoYYeddW 2014 I N(111DUAL RESPONSIOI.E FOR THE CLEMLINESS OF THE SRE AND THE M HTENANCE OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS: a"qN LLO ELEVAHOMES 18312 MINNETONKA rew. MWAYIATA, MN 55391 PHONE. 952-348-2496 EMAIL- NIOELElfAT10NHOMEscOM F, 0 0 C C Ci N a 10 D 10 20 SCALE IN FEET /15-302 T. , R. , S. DRAWING; \\SERVFJR\P.1wb\2015\/iS-502 5304 Chambray Road (Moved. Homers)\2015-01-19\155O2STt,dwg LAYOUT: Layoutl XREF: Survey: XREF. Site Plan U'j vete 91oz EX. HOUSE 91az S 89°38' 1 1" E 213.82 -rtL x 17. \ mAa9rwrr-r laa� v1y , �Su '!N 5304 CIAn: UQSY E .Rrha.Oay.sel : I 4a9.a �U. wHJ is, P BwwA' . °rased- ' HOUSE b T x vena bJi xe,rclwm z °C"I1 � A9 A N' \ BA.SpMd:T ELEV ri 4 -90. 09 90..09 1z.4' ,eve"�r,9eeww�?..wave 1 �. su_ FTOOP I � 499 x819.5 ter" L 91ae In dx 94a3- , ` tae a9T x severer• '""__-e:o-____; - -, x 9aA Ki no. Y.0.4 N 89'54'29" IN 214.19' was z aaa z woe � pT EX. HOUSE tea} or CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 10830 NESBITT AVENUE SOUTH BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55437 (952)8815344 TELEPHONE (952) 881-1913 FAX www.suxodvp.mm 5304 CHANTREY ROAD EDINA. MN \ rf�\ DATE .REVISION 1 f \ z xsA ` I •9m5 PRIOR TO ANY CANSTRIICTION, INSTALL STORM SEWER ItIET PROTECTION ON m. ` � P1I CATCH BASINS EXPOSED TO CON611a1CnON SEOMR:M. tout w I 9a%A B -golf 01" d ffi oo aaa WAIL 4D, W�xn } V 7 U:1 9rr. N �'�..► t I � � II � t or'c '� A t_ CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1 Delineate the location of areas not to be disturbed (e.g. w'M flags, stakes, signs, sift fence, etc.) before work begins. 2 Est"1191A sediment control Practices on all down gradient par)matan before cryup gradient land disturbing activities begin. These Qroetieee shall remain in place until final stabilization has been established. 3 Install all perimeter sediment control devices and constructim entrances. The Oming of the installation of sediment control practices mayy be adjusted in order to accommodate short-term activities, but sediment control practices must be Installed before the next precippHattan event even if the short-term activity ie rout complete. 4 Contact the City for approval of the wdiment control devices. 5 Rough grade the site. 6 Install utilities. 7 Install pavements. 8 Metall lawn and landscape. 9 Restore ail disturbed areae. 10 Clean all storm sewer and conveyance systems 11 After all disturbed areae are stabilized, obtain approval from the City and/or watershed OiKricL 12 Remove all temporary sediment control devices. vete 91oz EX. HOUSE 91az S 89°38' 1 1" E 213.82 -rtL x 17. \ mAa9rwrr-r laa� v1y , �Su '!N 5304 CIAn: UQSY E .Rrha.Oay.sel : I 4a9.a �U. wHJ is, P BwwA' . °rased- ' HOUSE b T x vena bJi xe,rclwm z °C"I1 � A9 A N' \ BA.SpMd:T ELEV ri 4 -90. 09 90..09 1z.4' ,eve"�r,9eeww�?..wave 1 �. su_ FTOOP I � 499 x819.5 ter" L 91ae In dx 94a3- , ` tae a9T x severer• '""__-e:o-____; - -, x 9aA Ki no. Y.0.4 N 89'54'29" IN 214.19' was z aaa z woe � pT EX. HOUSE tea} or CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS 10830 NESBITT AVENUE SOUTH BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55437 (952)8815344 TELEPHONE (952) 881-1913 FAX www.suxodvp.mm 5304 CHANTREY ROAD EDINA. MN \ rf�\ DATE .REVISION 1 f \ z xsA ` I •9m5 PRIOR TO ANY CANSTRIICTION, INSTALL STORM SEWER ItIET PROTECTION ON m. ` � P1I CATCH BASINS EXPOSED TO CON611a1CnON SEOMR:M. tout w I 9a%A B -golf 01" d ffi oo aaa WAIL 4D, W�xn } V 7 U:1 9rr. N �'�..► t I � � II � t or'c '� A t_ 15502 DRAWN BY: LKS CHECKED BY: BHM APPROVED BY: BHM SCALE: GRAPHIC DATE: 0120!3015 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATEO INNESOTA. `E tAMMV � K%�.1rY.x+'hM1/ tt\VJ Sri. Musled DATE: 01/20!3015 REG. NO.: 23468 INFORMATION: e'`� o b z \1 Sx S TA 39� r 908 x 9�vz z ew.1i x sues w Y1.9 z 90T.a x z 9asA `�.� ! `• x gess -3510' r I i PROJECT NO.: 15502 DRAWN BY: LKS CHECKED BY: BHM APPROVED BY: BHM SCALE: GRAPHIC DATE: 0120!3015 DESCRIPTION: GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSION CONTROL AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET NO ST1 UM