HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-14 PacketCITY OF EDINA MINNESOTA
Thurs., June 14, 2012
7:00 PM
A. Minutes
B. Attendance report and revised roster
C. Working Group membership roster
D. EEC annual activity calendar
E. Work group minutes tracking sheet
During "Community Comment," the Energy & Environment Commission will invite residents to share new issues
or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Commission, or which aren't slated for future
consideration. Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of
speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on
tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or
Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Commission might refer the matter to
staff or to an EEC Working Group for consideration at a future meeting.
A. Recycling & Solid Waste WG (10 min)
1. Residential recycling RFP update
B. Air and Water Quality WG (2 min)
1. Mayors' letter to support Clean Air Act legislation
C. Energy WG (2 min)
1. Environmental Initiatives Awards winners
D. Education Outreach WG (10 min)
1. May Term Intern projects
2. 4th of July parade unit
E. Green Step Cities Review (50 min) (attachment)
A. Request from Edina Go Green to address commercial recycling
A. Review Board and Commission Annual Work Plan Process (attachment)
7-12-12 EEC June Meeting in Community Room
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way
of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large -print documents or something else, please call 952-927-886172 hours in
advance of the meeting.
Thurs., June 14, 2012
7:03 PM
I. CALL TO ORDER 7:03 p.m.
II. ROLL CALL Answering Roll Call was Members Gubrud, Heer, Jennings, Kostuch, Latham, Risser, Rudnicki, and
Chair Sierks
Absent: Gupta, Thompson, and Zarrin
Staff Present: Ross Bintner, Karen Kurt, and Rebecca Foster
III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA. Member Latham requested the Edina Go Green Letter and Chair and
Commission Member Comments Agenda Items to occur after the Recycling & Solid Waste WG Item due to her
leaving the meeting early.
Motion made by Member Gubrud and seconded by Member Latham to approve the amended Agenda.
Motion carried unanimously.
A. Minutes
Motion made by Member Kostuch and seconded by Member Rudnicki to approve the May Minutes per the
edits discussed. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Attendance report and revised roster. No Report.
C. Working Group membership roster. Remove David B VanDongen from the temporarily deactivated Air
Quality Working Group to the Water Quality Working Group. Laura Eaton resigned from the Education &
Outreach Working Group. Commissioners thanked her for her outstanding job and service.
D. EEC annual activity calendar. Member Latham will incorporate redline changes that were discussed.
E. Work group minutes tracking sheet. Members gave an update on the status of their minutes.
Germana Paterlini has missed three consecutive meetings and has been deemed to have resigned from the
Commission per city code.
Ms Kurt introduced Ross Bintner as the new Environmental Engineer and EEC staff liaison.
A. Recycling & Solid Waste WG
1. Residential recycling RFP update. The City Council approved staff to enter into contract negotiations
with "best value" proposal for Residential Curbside Recycling. Member Latham would like to start
creating an environmental metric and work with Hennepin County and review what other City's have
done before the next bidding process begins.
B. Air and Water Quality WG. Member Risser gave an update on the revision of the Drive Through Ordinance.
The Working Group revised the decision to let PCD1 zoning district to have Drive Throughs. Member Risser
gave an update on the MS4 annual meeting.
1. Mayors' letter to support Clean Air Act legislation. The letter was sent.
C. Energy WG
1. Environmental Initiatives Awards winners. The City won awards for PACE and Green Step Cities.
Member Heer thanked Chair Sierks for his involvement with submitting the applications.
D. Education Outreach WG
1. May Term Intern projects. Member Jennings visited five elementary schools and taught them how to
turn off lights, recycle, compost, etc. She discovered she was reinforcing what the children already
2. 4th of July parade unit. Member Gubrud said the Home Energy Squad will be in the parade and Tolby
tattoos and switch plates will be handed out.
E. Green Step Cities Review. Chair Sierks reviewed the Green Step Cities the city has certified and discussed
what's completed and who will be maintaining the data if it's ongoing.
Step 1.1—The Property Manager will maintain the data entry.
Step 1.2 — McKinstry will report to city on energy savings and then have City staff create a RFP to have a
consultant do an investment grade audit.
Step 1.7 - Completed no follow up needed.
Step 2.1— Expand PACE to residential.
Step 2.5 —The watering ordinance needs to be monitored better. Possibly install "smart water meters" in
the future that knows the watering bans.
Step 6.1— Completed no follow up needed.
Step 6.2 — Need to edit city ordinances that conflict with Comp Plan.
Step 8.1— Completed no follow up needed.
Step 8.3 — Completed no follow up needed.
Member Gubrud would like to revisit the Mission and Charter of the EEC.
A. Request from Edina Go Green to address commercial recycling. Chair Sierks received a letter recommending
the EEC to implement mandatory commercial recycling. Member Latham said the RSW Working Group has
reviewed the request in the past and city staff gave an estimate of the number of hours it would be to
enforce the recycling requirement. Member Latham asked that the EEC to table this item until there is city
staff time available for enforcement and the city needs to create an inspection mechanism.
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Gubrud to table until discussion of 2013
objectives. Motion carried unanimously.
VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS. Member Latham informed the Commissioners that her
neighbors sealed their driveway with coal tar and made a formal complaint to the Edina Police Dept. Mr.
Bintner is researching a method for testing the sealant to see if coal tar exists within it. Member Latham gave an
update on Xcel Energy dropping Solar Incentives.
Commissioner Latham excused herself from the meeting at 8:06 p.m.
A. Review Board and Commission Annual Work Plan Process. Ms Kurt said on September 19`h the City Council
will have a Work Session with all of the Commission Chairs to review their 2013 work plans. The Council will
have its strategic retreat in October to plan for budget and staff. The City work plan will be released in
November. Ms Kurt asked for a volunteer for a Human Services committee.
Chair Sierks requested Commissioners to think about their top three priorities that they would like to complete in 2013
that would fit with the EEC Mission and Green Steps Cities.
There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Sierks declared the meeting adjourned at 9:14p.m.
Motion made by Member Risser and seconded by Member Rudnicki to adjourn meeting. Motion carried
Respectfu submitted,
Rebecca Foster
GIS Administrator
Thurs., May 10, 2012
7:14 PM
CALL TO ORDER 7:14p.m.
II. ROLL CALL Answering Roll Call was Members Gubrud, Heer, Jennings, Kostuch, Latham, Rudnicki, Thompson,
Zarrin and Chair Sierks
Absent: Gupta, Paterlini, and Risser
Absent Staff: Interim Karen Kurt
Staff Present: Rebecca Foster and Solvei Wilmot
Motion made by Member Gubrud and seconded by Member Kostuch to approve the Agenda as written.
Motion carried unanimously.
Change the July 4th Parade minutes to, Hoping to have a Tolby mascot.
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Thompson to approve the Consent Agenda per
the edits discussed for the April EEC Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Darrell Hoekstra, Waste Management
John O'Neal, Allied Waste
A. Board and Commission survey results. Joel Stegner presented the survey results to the Commissioners.
B. Recycling & Solid Waste WG
1. Residential Recycling RFP.`—
Discussion was held regarding the lack of an environmental 5gUixio produce a more substantive evaluation for
the weighing of the proposals. Concern was expressed about seeking additional weighing information from the
proposers after the proposals had been opened.
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Kostuch to
1. Negotiate with the top two proposers.
2. The City request that the top two proposers provide additional information concerning the
following metrics, and that the City evaluation team should use this additional information in
scoring the environmental criterion in the RFP:
a. What energy sources (e.g., gasoline, electricity, natural gas, diesel, biodiesel, other
fuels, etc.) does the proposer use at each stage of the collection, transfer and
processing of their recycling enterprise?
b. Submit documentation of the fuel efficiency of the proposer's fleet.
3. City Council members should tour top two proposers' facilities.
4. The top two proposers should submit a Syr bid in addition to their 7yr bid.
Discussion was held regarding he vaue ran�Lk ng su ed in the best enviro a tal scorer not offer 1
the best economic package. Members expressed concern that a more should be developed to
evaluate the environmental category. Members expressed concern about reevaluating the proposals since they
have already been evaluated and a ranking has been established.
Members expressed concern about the seven year length of the contract and why a shorter time wasn't.offered.
Ms. Wilmot commented that the proposals had been reviewed and the best value proposal was the seven year
length. Members discussed a five year contract but recognized the shorter contract may increase the cost of the
Commissioner Rudnicki recommended matrix 2a above. Commissioner Zarrin recommended matric2b above.
Commissioner Latham recommended that the City Council members tour the Material Recycling Facility (MRF)
of both the top two pr osers givgn that with tw t p prop sers thele is at least a 50% chance th t the cc�CLtract��
will change vendors Gen concern was expressed with the that there were no commissioners on the
Recycling RFP review team. This is a continuing EEC concern given that there were no commissioners on the -f7"D
solar panel RFP review team. P rz,.7e05 �e . s
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion made by Commissioner Rudnicki, seconded by Commissioner Thompson addition to the two PrZ,J S�+L
metrics identified in the previous motion, the city should request proposers to provide information on this
additional metric, with the City considering this information in evaluating the proposers' score under the
environmental criteria of the RFP: how much energy is used to handle one ton of material in each step of the
process. The top two proposers would be expected to include, but not limited to, fuel used to collect and/or
transfer one ton of material; electricity in the processing stage to handle one ton of material (this is the
energy needed to run conveyor belts, fans, blowers, climate control, etc); and energy (e.g., diesel, natural
gas) to operate transfer equipment like loaders, etc.
Discussion - Commissioners Heer and Kostuch believed that this metric could only be validated if the proposers
also documented the assumptions upon which the data was gathered, and could involve considerable effort to
gather. Commissioner Latham was concerned that this could extend the time frame to arrive at a decision.
Commissioner Rudnicki assured the commission that vendors had routine knowledge of this data in the
operation of their plants and that it would not be difficult for proposers to gather. Commissioner Sierks
acknowledged that he did not know if this data were d� ather or not but believed that it would be
worth the effort to try to obtain in order to qr t+t'the Ern ronmental criterion of the RFP. Ms. Wilmot
expressed concern about how to gather the data.
Roll Call was taken:
Ayes: Gubrud, Rudnicki, Thompson, Zarrin and Chair Sierks
Nays: Heer, Kostuch, Latham,
Absent: Paterlini and Risser
C. Air and Water Quality
1. Mayors' letter to support Clean Air Act legislation
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Gubrud to recommend Mayor Hovland to
sign the Clean Air Act letter. Member Kostuch voted Nay. Motion carried.
D. Energy WG. Member Heer and Chair Sierks meet with Karen Kurt and Scott Neal to discuss the focus of the
EEC. It was suggested that the Commission use the Green Steps City and EEEP as a framework for their work
plan. As the Commission and City implement new items they should try to follow up on them.
1. Environmental Initiatives Awards Finalist. Mayor Hovland & City Manager Scott Neal will be attending
the event.
2. Mayor's Climate Protection Award filed. Chair Sierks applied for the grant.
E. Education Outreach WG
1. April 19 2012 educational program. The speaker was outstanding. The discussion groups at the end
weren't very engaging. The Vendors were great. The most common comment stated was people were
going to eat less meat. All comments from the Dialogue will be posted on the City website.
2. May Term Intern projects. This topic was tabled.
3. 4`" of July parade unit. This topic was tabled. �
r a,reJ1 S
4. Picnic. Weber Park on Friday, May 11th from 5:30-8:30pm for A-(,\ GaYrN�
F. Green Step Cities Review. Review and comment for next meeting.
A. Urasiigworking group minutes
6-14-12 EEC June Meeting in Community Room
There being no further business on the Commission Agenda, Chair Sierks declared the meeting adjourned at 9:20p.m.
Motion made by Member Latham and seconded by Member Gubrud to adjourn meeting. Motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Foster
GIS Administrator
Liaisons: Report attendance monthly and attach this report to the Commission minutes for the packet.
Do not enter numbers into the last two columns. Meeting numbers & attendance percentages will calculate automatically.
INSTRUCTIONS: Counted as Meetina Held (ON MEETINGS' LINE) Attendance Recorded (ON MEMBER'S LINE)
Regular Meeting w/Quorum
Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line.
Type " 1" under the month for each attending member.
Regular Meeting w/o Quorum
Type "l under the month on the meetings' line.
Type " 1" under the month for each attending member.
Joint Work Session
Type "l under "Work Session" on the meetings' line.
Type " 1" under "Work Session" for each attending member.
Rescheduled Meeting*
Type "1" under the month on the meetings' line.
Type "l under the month for each attending member.
Cancelled Meeting
Type " 1" under the month on the meetings' line.
Type "l under the month for ALL members.
Special Meeting
There is no number typed on the meetings' line.
There is no number typed on the members' lines.
*A rescheduled meeting occurs when members are notified of a new meeting date/time at a prior meeting. If shorter notice is
given, the previously -scheduled meeting is considered to have been cancelled and replaced with a special meeting.
Edina Energy & Environment Commission
Working Groups, Task Forces and Projects
Draft of 5-10-12
Air QualitX Working Group (AQ WG) — Temporarily deactivated 9 Feb. 2012 — Chair Open - Members Julie Mellum,
David B. VanDongen
Water Quality Working Group (WQ WG) — 4d' Thursday at 6:30pm - Chair Julie Risser — Members: Bill Johnson, Nina
Holiday -Lynch, Jon Moon, Robert Skrentner
Prospective Members — George Hunter (10-4-11)
Energy Working Group (AE WG)— 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 pm — Chair Bill Sierks, Co -Chair John Heer - Commissioners Bob
Gubrud and Germana Paterlini - Members Richard Griffith, Richard Oriani, Greg Nelson, Gary Wahman, John Howard,
Bill Glahn, Brad Hanson
Prospective Members
John Dolphin - 5809 Eastview Dr
Peter Larson — (2-1-12) Employed at EnerChange, a nonprofit dedicating to working with nonprofits to reduce energy
consumption via a guaranteed energy savings program.
Education Outreach Working Group (EO WG) — 1 S` Tuesday at 7:00 pm - Co -Chairs Paul Thompson and Bob Gubrud —
Members: Sarah Zarrin (EEC) Laura Eaton, John Howard, Todd Willmert, Tara Gupta and Bevlin Jennings.
Home Ener&Squad Task Force (HES) — Meets as needed - Chair Bill Sierks — Commissioners - Paul Thompson, Bob
Purchasing — Meets as needed — Co -Chairs Germana Paterlini, Keith Kostuch
Recycling & Solid Waste Working Group (RSW WG) — ls` Thursday at 7:00 pm - Chair DP Latham, Commissioners Sara
Zarrin and Tim Rudnicki - Members Michelle Horan, Melissa Seeley — City Staff Solvei Wilmot
Tur Management Plan Task Force (TMP TF) — Meetings as needed over lunch hour - Chair Germana Paterlini (EEC) —
Commissioners - Ellen Jones (Pk Bd), Mary Jo Kingston (Community Health), Vince Cockriel (Staff); Ex Officio DP
Latham (EEC) and John Keprios (Dir. Pk & Rec. Dept)
Urban Forest Task Force (UF TF) — Meets as needed over lunch hour - Chair DP Latham — Commissioners - Joseph
Hulbert (Pk Bd), Michael Schroeder (Planning Commission) & City Forester Tom Horwath (Staff).
Solar & Wind Ordinance Task Force —Chair Open, Members — Bill Sierks (EEC) Michael Platteter (Planning), Ken Potts
(Planning) with support from the EEC Energy Working Group — City Planner Cary Teague (Staff)
Park Recycling Bin Task Force — Chair Dianne Plunkett Latham (EEC), Staff Vince Cockriel (Public Works), Tom
Swenson (Braemar) and Tom Shirley (Centennial Lakes), Members Melissa Seeley and Michelle Horan.
Bylaws Working Group — Chair Dianne Plunkett Latham (EEC),
Carbon Disclosure Proiect Committee — Commissioners Germana Paterlini and John Heer
Edina Energy and Environment Commission Annual Activities Schedule
Annual televised meeting in Council chambers reviewing the past year's accomplishments.
Staff Liaison should prepare a report on the B3 data and put together the data for the Regional Indicators Project, which
will be shown at the annual televised meeting. There may be some lag in the data such that the data for the immediately
previous year may not yet be available. Thus, the previous 2 or more years will be featured. For example, the data for
2010 and 2011 would be shown in January 2013.
Staff Liaison should present a report on the EEEP program progress for the annual meeting.
Chair or Chair designee meets with Council for 3 evenings during the first two weeks of February from approximately
5:30 — 7:30 pm at City Hall to interview all candidates for Boards and Commissions. All three meetings should be
attended regardless of whether a candidate has designated EEC as a commission of interest. Often applicants are
unaware of what EEC and its working groups do. Sometimes a candidate not selected for any commission may have a
skill set applicable to one of the EEC working groups and this is an opportunity to encourage that candidate to apply for
an EEC working group. EEC Commissioners are selected primarily from among those listing EEC as their commission of
first choice.
Nomination of one person to be recognized at April Volunteer Recognition reception and selection of commissioner who
will present the nominee. EEC Chair, or commissioner nominating and introducing the volunteer to be recognized fills
out the nomination forms by the required date (usually first week of April) and forwards them to Susan Howl. Dinner for
n ominee and commissioner introducing them is paid from from EEC budget.
Review and update annual activities schedule.
Hold annual meeting to:
• Elect officers for the upcoming year (Chair and Vice Chair)
• Review and update bylaws as necessary,
• Affirm the regular meeting schedule for the upcoming year,
• Plan budget for coming year, and
• Make an annual work plan for the coming year.
Chair thanks outgoing commissioners and welcomes new commissioners. Chair provides new commissioners with EEC
specific policies and notifies Communications department of commissioner additions and departures as well as the new
chair so that the EEC website can be updated.
All commissioners should attend the annual Boards and Commission dinner. All commissions' incoming and outgoing
commissioners are recognized. There is no charge for this dinner.
Chair revises previous year's press release soliciting working group members, presents it in the packet to EEC for
approval, and, upon approval, forwards it to the Communications Department for publication in the Edina Sun Current.
Updated 3-29-12
Decide if EEC will have a unit in the Edina 4th of July parade. If so, a Parade Committee chair must be appointed to fill out
the parade application form by May 1 and coordinate the unit. The application is found on the City web site.
Assistant City Manager will hold a training session for new EEC commissioners.
EEC Chair confirms that the Volunteer Recognition Awards forms have been filled out and timely submitted to Susan
Howl by the end of March.
EEC's Volunteer Recognition nominee and commissioner presenting EEC's nominee to be recognized at the April
Volunteer Recognition reception will attend the Volunteer Recognition reception at EEC's expense. All other
commissioners are encouraged to attend at their own expense.
Chair and/or Staff Liaison must update Green Step Cities (GSC) website with progress on all best practices and associated
actions so that Edina will be given proper credit during the May (GSC) all -city evaluation scoring, which are announced at
the June Mayor's conference.
Request at least one Work Session with Council at least 6 — 8 weeks before required. During the work session, any items
EEC proposes sending to Council for formal approval should be reviewed. This includes ordinance changes and any other
initiatives, policy changes or acquisitions. This allows EEC an opportunity to fine tune proposals and to enhance the EEC
initiative's smooth passage. Avoid asking for a work session from mid Oct. through year end because these work
sessions are dominated by budget issues. Avoid January because Council meetings generally go to midnight with street
reconstruction project hearings.
A 7 -year residential Recycling contract begins 1-1-2013. Initiate an RFP 24 months in advance of contract termination.
This is especially needed if any new technology is available for processing recyclables, or if new commodities are
available, or if Hennepin County or the State of Minnesota has any new requirements. Include an objective metric for
determining the point scoring for environmental points.
The Turf Management Plan must be reviewed every 5 years. Last reviewed by City council in April 2012.
The Procurement Plan was approved by City Council on 3-20-2012 and must be reviewed a minimum of every 5 years by
EEC. EEC should begin its review process one year prior to the five-year anniversary. The EEC staff liaison will request an
annual staff review and make any staff concerns known to EEC regarding implementation.
The Chair should verify that there will be no summer quorum failures due to vacations.
Decide whether EEC wishes to host any special events in the coming year such as a speaker program or an ECO tour.
Assume that there will be at least one opening on the commission each year and begin recruiting qualified candidates
who will apply for openings. Consider Working Group members with exceptional contributions.
CDP Committee and the EEC staff liaison must update annual Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) questionnaire on-line at
httos://www.cdoroject.net/en-US/Pages/HomePage.as� x, then send it to the EEC for approval and finalizing.
Updated 3-29-12
Commission Chair and/or staff liaison contacts Communications Department to request that EEC's televised meeting be
held at the January meeting and gets it on the Council chambers recording schedule.
Plan the content of the January televised meeting. This is especially important if the December meeting will be canceled.
The EEC Staff Recording Secretary reserves EEC meeting room for each month of the next year.
Staff Liaison must pay ICLEI dues, which are due Dec. 31 for the following year.
Commission applications are accepted by the city from mid December through mid January. All commissioners should
encourage qualified applicants to apply for any openings that EEC may have. Give consideration to any EEC working
group members who may have shown exemplary service in the prior year(s).
After December meeting, or last meeting of the year if the December meeting is canceled, the Staff Liaison must report
the attendance to the City Clerk.
Continuing Monthly Activities
Two weeks after meeting, the staff Recording Secretary forwards the minutes to the EEC Chair (Vice Chair, or Acting
Chair), who presided at that meeting, to proof. Upon EEC Presiding Chair and Recording Secretary agreement on
changes, the corrected minutes are placed in EEC packet.
The EEC Chair prepares monthly agenda in consultation with EEC staff liaison. To be included, an agenda item must:
1) Be within EEC's jurisdiction as defined in City code 1502 (this excludes school issues, for example);
2) Be within EEC's annual work plan approved by Council (Green Step Cities projects, for example);
3) Fit within the time available at its scheduled meeting given that each EEC meeting is but 2 hours long.
The EEC Recording Secretary updates working group membership as well as attendance and includes it in the monthly
All WG meeting rooms must be scheduled by City staff so that they are properly noticed on the calendar and posted in
public locations. Meetings should not be scheduled on Federal holidays, religious holidays or on political party caucus
evenings (ft Thurs. in Feb.).
The Working Group Chair should take minutes for each Working Group meeting. If the Chair delegates the minutes to
another Working Group member, the Chair must review the minutes for any inaccuracies or inappropriate comments
and update the minutes prior to forwarding the minutes to the Working Group for approval. Once the Working Group
has approved the minutes, the Working Group Chair should forward the minutes to the EEC Chair for inclusion in the EEC
packet. Minutes should state who recorded them as well as those present and any votes taken and the result of those
The EEC Staff Liaison shall review the EEC minutes and Working Group minutes for any inaccuracies and inappropriate
comments prior to their inclusion in the EEC packet.
Updated 3-29-12
Minnesota GreenStep Cities Page 2 of 12
OUtCOme meas-PES rnEtr r5
Des;_,*t ve iin,s
r„• more info•mat or c:,ntact
Karen Kurt (City stat i KKurt@CI.Edina MN US i i952) 82c-0415
Action 7: Install in at east one at,- :,net bui'dme at reast one Df ,he energy efficiency measures
Hide city details;
Date conlo,'etec'entereo 03'2b2C 12
mplementation deta,Is
Complete. 4 closed loop geothermal systern was instalied at the PJoOc \NJrk,S Cwldrng with a m!rnmum coefficient
of performance of 3 3 The facih;y was cpeneo in August 2010
Outcome measures metrics
Descriotve rnt,s-
For more mformator contact
Karen Kurt (City staff) I KKurt@CLEdina MN US 19521 826-0415
Efficient Existing Private Action 1: Create or participate in a markehno and outreach program to promcte resdentia' energy use redLIC: or.
Buildings acd energy efficiency j Hide city details]
(BPno. 2)
Date completedenter ed 04-15,201 1
In-plemewalirm getaus-
Edtra partnered vrnh Xcel and Centerpomt to bring the Home Energy Squad (HES) to residents The program was
promoted through the EEC's Education &Outreach Working Group Door hangers were distributed literature vias
dislrib.ited in the 7-3-10 parade booths were set up at school football games and a program was given for the
Rotary Club Allnouoh the initial outreach action is complete, the public awareness campaign regarding the HES
wdl be continuing
Outcon-e meascres metrics
Descriptive Iinks
For more information contact
Bob Gubrud (Community volunteer) I REGubrudl @Aim com ; (952) 920-1442
Action 5: Conserve drinkinglgroundwater resources Dy adopting a watering ordinance conserva:ion rate
slructure dynamic user feedback mode' andscaping ordinance ct WaterSerse purcrrasng program ( Hide city
Date con.;peteg r.tered 041152011
trr,olernentatton deta;ls
Complete Edina has a water bdiino v ilh a Conservation rate structure That structure has 3 residential Vers 1) first
35 WAS 2) 36 - 65 units 3) over 65 units This action is complete
Outcome nieasures'metncs
Descnot ve !in'.s
Fc, more contact
Jesse Struve (City staff) JStruve@CLEdina.MN.US i 952) 903-5713
Land Use
Comprehensive Plan and Action 1: P.dopt,nave an adopted comprehensive plan OR Catego,y 3 and C cd+es ;-ray simply adopt a [arid use
Implementation plan that vias adopted by a regional ecuty or the c0J•lty Hide city details)
{ BP no. 6 )
http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/cityInfo.cfin?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
Minnesota GreenStep Cities Page 3 of 12
Date comnteled onto ed 04 2. 2: 11
In 20N Edina undated its Cornprehensi�e Plan Tn:s step is complete
Dec-,ripti,-e imps http.f'www.ca.edmamnusrdepartments/Comp Plan.htm
Fcr none nlic -a:i: n contact
Carry Teague (City staff, CTeague@ciEdina MN.US 95--
g2Action 2: Demonstrate Pna; regulatory ordinances comply .. tn in- r'e'vers .ve l'an :nctudrrg oJt not 'i nitec
hav rig the zona-ro o'oinance ex;,lr;ity efererce Pie comprer-r. ., �s the'
eeclsion making Hide city details)
Date entereo 1Df10'2C11
Implernenlation detars
Complete Edina's regulatory ordnances comply with the comnreneosive clan inc;udino but not limited to havng
the zoning ordinance explicitly reference the cornprehensive plan as the foundational document for decision
making See City Code 850 01 "The Coun_il frnQs that Edina has eme,ged from an era exemplified by unparalieled
growth and development and has entered a period of stability reuse and redevelopment that some of the
standards and regulations which cuided initial development of the City are not appropriate for guiding future
development and redevelopment and that standards and regulations fo, guiding future development and
redevelopment should be based upon the stated goals, objectives aria policies of the Cor.,prehens ve Plan of th s
City as from time to time amended which constitutes the City s statement of philosophy concerning the use of land
within its jurisdiction Through the eractment of this Section. the Council intends to tmpiennent this statennen, of
philosophy so as to provide for the orderly and planned development and redevelopnnent of lanos and waters in
Edina to maintain an attract ve living and working env ronment in Edina to preserve and enhance the high quality
residential character of Edina and to promote the public health, safety and aene,awelfare Specifically th s
Section Is Intended to in-plemen; the following objectives- some of Which are Contained in the Cor-prehenslve
Outcome measires m�-;ncs
Descant ve I nks
FG' more PnfO'nnat,cn contact
Karen Kurt ;City staff) 1 KKurt@CI.Edina MN US ; ;552) 826.0415
Mixed Uses Action 1: Organize or participate in a community planning/design process fcr Ile cite or a m xed use area
( By no. a) 1 Hide city details]
Date comnieted+'entered 05102,2012
Imolamentation details
Complete and Ongo ng - A two-year GrandView District protect leo by a 52 -member steering comn-d;tee to envision
the fugue of the district culminated in the unanimous approval by the Edina C.ty Council of the GrandViev: Dstnct
Development rramev:ori. on April 17 2112 This long-term project for the 37 acre district ca is for a plaza and
community buildng a bike and pedestrian bridge over Hwv 100 moving the frontage road along southbound Hwy
100 to allo.v cars to circumvent the area adding more parl-ng and a potential use for a rad line for nrss transit
Consultants were employed to help guide the design process by holding public meetings at which any resider*
could partripate and eommen; All stakeholders were included such as business schools and residents
Outcome measuresn�e;ns
D&K:1I2;iVe I.nf-S
For more informal on conta C;
Carry Teague (City staff; CTeague@Ci.Edlna.MN.US j r952) 826-0450
Action 3: t:4odify a planned unit development - PUD - ordinance ;c enonasize rCxF , cs or ek n mei or to rmi[t
es;pert�al PUDs to areas adjacent to conlmerciai devefopmer-t I Hide city details]
Date completed "er tared 05!02'2012
I mp;emenwa on de;a is
Edina has a PUD ordinance in City Code 550 05 to allow fex,biiity from standard zoning in exchange for
http://greenstep.pca.state.i-nn.us/citylnfo.cfin?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
Minnesota GreenStep Cities
Complete Green Streets
( BP no. 11 )
Page 4of12
strergthened City control over development Edina also has Mixed De.,elopmer. Disl,�cts eefireo n C,ty Code
857 14
nl.1CJ"-e r -leas -i -es -ret'�cs
DESC'IDt:,e 4l •,s
Fur nixie infuunauue contac!
Carry Teague (City staff) CTeague@ci Edma.tvlN US 1 (952) 826-04b0
Action 1: Acopt a complete streets policy :hat a:so add•esscs street trees ale sur v;ater [ Hide city detailst
Date completer!/entered 02+242012
Implementation detals
Complete In May 201'. , the Edina City Coincr authorized the Edina Transporation Commission to develop a
Living Streets PollcyrPlan in collaboration with City staff Living Streets are complete greer streets that also
address meds for community identity, health and aesthetics Pmoress to dale includes receiving a 515 000 grant
from B oomington Public Health to develop a Living Streets Policy "Plan framework fRFP to hire consultant pendincj
and a donated complete streets workshop to be led by an instrucicr fron• the National Compete Streets Coalition
Thls was held in Feb 2012 Edina plans to use Statewide Health Irnp!ovement funding to hire a "living streets"
consultant to loin city staff when they meet to draft a new streets policy. The B,cycle Transportation Plan (see
webl nk above) and sidewalk plan (see http Vveww ci edina mn us'PDFs'CompPlan'Final-f,4 crosofta2CVJord`>:-20-`,
20Chapterk2C7542OTransporiation`>,2OTravel`ro2OForecastingl,',2ONovember`:202008 pdf) need to be integrated
into a Complete Green Streets plan for all streets. On 20 Oct 2011 the Edna Transportation Commission ;ETC)
recommended that a Living Streets Policy Review Working Group be formeo It's purpose :s to review current
Living St•eets policies from other communities and report heir findings to the ETC for cons,oeration •n the
for of Edira's Living S:ree:'s policy
Outcor-re measwcs'metrics
Descr,ptive Imi,s http://www.ci edina mn us/PDFs/CompPlan/Final(Microsoft%20Word*/620-4-o20Chapter%207`!0
20Transportation`/ 2OBike`/`2ONovember%202008.pdf
For more mfor,nabon comact
Jesse Struve ),City staff) JStruve@CI.Edina, MN US 1 552) S,03-5713
Action 4: Ident,fy. prioritize aoc remedy complete streets gaps and tack of connectivity wimp your '05C netwcrrt
by for example. addno a bk.e rouiellaoe truck route o* sicewale I Hide city details!
Date comoletec;entered. 01,0612012
Implernar•,tation detals
COMPLETE A hike lane was planned for West 70th Street ani vias completed in Ncv 2- 1
Outcome meassresonetncs
Descnptrve Irrks http //www.ci.edina.mn.us'departments/L5_ConstructionProjects_103_VV70th htrr
For n .,•e infonrai,on comae;
Jesse Struve (City staff) I JStruve@CLEdina.MN.US 1 652) 903-5713
Action 6: brp'.emcct traffic calming measures in at least one street redevelop -lent prn ect ; Hide city details'
Datc complctec entereo 10,102011
Impleatenlaiion Beta ds
COMPLETE Valley View !s was recorstructed at France Ave vrith a roundabout acded summer 201' Complete
Outcome meas-uesmet :acs
Descriptive Onl,b.
htip llwww ci.edina.mn.us/includes/departments.LS ConstructionProlecls S095ValleyViewRoad.htm
http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/citylnfo.cfm?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
Minnesota GreenStep Cities Page 5 of 12
For me into :.abo ,arac.
Jesse Struve (City staff, JStruve@CI Edina MN US 952) 90's-5; 13
Mobility Options Action 1: Promote walking. biking and transit use ray one Or snore of the folL.eir _ rears Hide city detadsl
(BP no. 12)
Date c.mpleted eriered D4 20 2011
I-o:enienlaAon oe;a is
The Edira Transportation Commission (ETC) will be focusino on 'acuve transportationrich as developing the
policies and oroerarns that support the unplernentation of complete green steels and improve the !ransportauon
right of way for walfi and biking I o that end on 4-21.11 the E IC passed a resol,itior supportirc the "Living
Streets' ocncept (complete green streets) and will forward that to the Council Upon approava! ETC and City staff
wif. develop a process for getting stakeholder input (other boards and commissions %bhc etc ) to develop a golly
w pian Tne Bike Fdina Task Force (BFTF) he. ps to lead rides for example Rides war, the fvlayor
annual Bike to Work training and events ;s.fcn as the 50tn and Fiance event held in h4ay or June; and on -den -and
skills ride events to increase bicycling sklls and riding options in Edina The BETF promotes safe bicycling with its
website. free?-alle; cardsand hosting infoiina:ion tables at several cannumity eveAS tPfcuehutfi the year.
Outcome nleasureS'metr'CS
Descriptive inks http:l!wv✓w.ci edina.mn.us/PDFSICompPlan/Final!Mtcrosoft%201Nortl9o20-%20Chapter91.207r/o
20Transportation°/.2OBike%2ONovember°/ 202008.pdf
Fo- more information contact
Jesse Struve (Cdy staff) ; JStruve@CI.Edina.MN.US j Bbl) 903-571;
Action 2: Laxicn an Active Living campaign in concert with your vocal co--,m,fnr.y hea!!h bca•o s,fcf- as a Safi
Routes to School program [ Hide city details)
Date 2&2012
lmr)iemental cn Beta �s
COMPI FTF Fdina rete ved a Safe Routes To SchoOl grant a Couple of years agC and did the speed zone stunt,
The Bike Edina Task Force (BETF, SUCCeSSfUlly completed a Bicycle Rodeo at Highlands Elernentary in 2010 and
is working with Edina Schools to continue similar events for 2011 to increase both bicycling and ,.asking for both
staff and students Edina is paft of the Bloonungton Richfield Edina DO Town program
Ouicos�e measu'esn�etncs
Descrlothve links
For more information co:*tact
Jesse Struve (City staff) I JStruve@Cl Edina MN.US I B52 b0.3-5-'13
Environmental Management
Purchasing Action 1: Adopt anp-e'e,ld;,:c pufchasi-iy policy of aimin:stralwe uuiruelines (na"Irues J ie: -!i i�j
t BP no. ts) that the city purchase at !east I Hide city details)
Date corhpleted'ertered 0;21 2012
lmplementat on details
The Edina City Courcil approved the Environmental Purchasiro Policy at the 3-20-12 City Council meeting The
draft policy requires a) Energy Star certified equipment and appliances and b) Paper containing at leas! 30'c post-
ronswner recycles content
OctC01le r-leaS-J-S'�1etrICS
Descriptive :m: s view file
For more contact
Jesse Struve ;City staff) i JStruve@CI.Edina.MN_US ; 952? fr03-5713
Action 4: Reotxre purchase :if U S EPµ WaterSense-c—i,,fieo p•od,fas [ Hide city details)
http://greenstep.pea.state.mn.us/cityInfo.cfin?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
Minnesota GreenStep Cities
Date _,mp,_r_ , er?gree 01 O" 2012
Page 6 of 12
The Energy and Envitcr hent Commiss,on iEECi has approved a draft of an environmental pwc-iasing policy
v.,hicn is yet to be reviewed by City Council at the 2-21.12 EEC,City G,uncil Wog, Session Puict,asi,w choices Will
requre the purchase of U S EPA Water Sense-cert,fled prooucds for al, product categories C_,vered by the Water
Sense program
Outco,ne measures^netric5
Deschptive hnl.s
Fo• mcre info•matizw contact
Jesse Struve tCity staffi I JStruve@CI.Edina.MN US I 552, 902-571'_
Urban Forests Action 1: Cettrfy as a Tree City USA Hide city details]
( BP no. 16 )
Date completedlenteied 0u11,2012
In ��ementator, detaiis
The City of Edina has been a Tree City USA in past years and s in the process of reapplying for the designation
The City Forester expects to be qualified again in Spring 2012
Octcane measures metrics
Descriptive links
For riore information contact
Tom Horwath (City staff) I THorwath@CLEdina.MN US 952-826-03JB
Action 4: Maximize tree planting along your n -,an, gcv; ntnvrn 51-ee1 or throughout tr':e cih ) Hide city details,
Date completed: entered 01/10;2012
Impiementation detaiis
Complete. Trees were planted along the 5011h and France shopping Cistnct sidewalks on both sides of the street
The tree wells are approKimately 40 it or less apart excluding girve:vays and utility vaults In 2011 the city also
Planted 21 trees in Creek Valley Park,
Outcome measu-es'retnc5.
Descript,ve links
For mcre information contact.
Tom Horwath (City staff) j THorwath@CI Edina MN US F52 -82c -C308
Efficient Stormwater Management Action 1: Corr,piete the Blue Star City stcrmv.ater in1�nacemen; assessment a^d be recogr:ized for impiemeriing
( BP no. 17 ) the aetioas therein ; Hide city details)
Da?e ccmpletedardered 10,1012011
Im:�!ementaton detar.s
The Bluc Star City Stonnwater Management Assessment has been completed a,)d at least the minimum threshold
obtained City Council received the Blue Star ceiUfcate at ?rye 10-4-11 Cay Councii meetng
Ouklioie rieasureslmetrics
Descrnpli�e hi*s
Fc^ r.:i'e informatiSn contact
Karen Kurt (City staff) I KKurt@CI Edina.MN US (�,521 E26-0-415
Action 5:.Adopt and mplemeh: guideiines 'o,_ or ad. pi requrel design sianda,ds leas? ore of the
follo;ang stormwater infiltration/reuse techniques 7 Hide city details)
Date con-pleted,en?erect 11,'1512011
http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/citylnfo.cfin?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
Minnesota GreenStep Cities
Page 7 of 12
I'-%: men!at,,,r. ,oetaii&
Complele Tne use of Coal Tar sealants were ca-rnec wit: the Leao-,e of C:ties mooe! ordinance ocino
implemented at the 15 Nov 2011 Ecma Cit: Co,rncn meet,no C -iaoter 4 ,:as anle,leed to add section 490
�l,'r J'irE .•lEaSll�cS':Tcl'ICS
Descriptive inks htlp-ltwww ci edina.mn.us/PDFs!PublicNotices'Ord`x202011-15=;,�20Reg.ilation%20on%20Coalr'
20Tar%2OSealer pdf
FOr n10ie Owatix-,
Jesse Struve !City, staff, JStruve(c_DCI Edina MN US
Action 6: Aoo;)l an ordinance witr erosion and sediment control as veli as recunenlents for
,,P r.anent stormv:aler treatment j Hide city details:
Date Oii06%2012
Implefnentalicn dctalis
Ecma City Council banned the use of coa; tar sealants at the 11.15-11 City Coenai MeeUnc Trhs is codified at city
cooe 490'Reaulation of Coal Tar Based Sealer Prncucls'
Outcome meas.ucsmeUres
Desc,iot ve Irnn s
For more info,fnanon contact
Jesse Struve (City staff) ; JStruve@CI.Edina MNUSI 9521 903-5713
Parks and Traits Action 5: Create park management standards/practices Tat -raximi-e at .east , ie of OnE Hide
1 BP no. 1e) city details]
Date completed -entered 04'12'2012
Impienr,entatrun eetails
t)Organ,c or rntegraled pest management - Counai considered the re: used Turf IJlanagement Plan at the 2.21-12
EEC'Councii Work Session and advanced it to a May 2012 Cotrncal acenda for approval c)Sourccs of Non potable
water for irrigation is Complete City well 914 ,,as ta'en out of service in approwmate!y 2006 due to elevated
Radium 226 levels Well 914 was then repurposeo to frigate Braemar Golf Course
Oilcorne nleasurestrnetr�rs
For more i-rformati:in contac
Tom Swenson (City staff; TSwenson@Ci Edina MN.US i 952.641-2443
Action 6: Cert fy at leest one golf course ) the Auduoon CoDperatve Sanc't'a-)' Progran- Hide city details:
Date c.xnpisied=entered 04,'22 2011
P:�erne',talro�i details
Certification -c complete for the Braemar and the Fred Richards golf courses In 200b the EEC recommended to
the Park Boare that city parks be certified as Audubon Cooperative Sanctuaries as vvell
Outcor�c �easures^r�ctncs
Desmptivc hOs
f n ^yore :nforclauon contact
Tom Swenson (City staffs I TSwenson@Ci Edina.MN.US 5`l2-541-2443
Action 8: Develop a proorar', to involve community members in ano restorauonani 1, arC'ship
:'c;ects ( Hide city details;
Datr- completed`ertered 04'22 201 i
http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/cityInfo.cfin?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
Minnesota GreenStep Cities
Page 8 of 12
, emem,aUDn ae;ans
Edina nas community involvement in land restorat!on and stewardship ir the form of cDnnnunrty in t ateo buckthorn
busts V✓ner a group volunteers to remove buckthorn the City Forester eives them a presentation on how to 00 it
Tre City provides the roundup and tads such as weed wrenches arc hand saws T -ie City hauls the buckthorn to
;he city brush :jump Frnn- there the Gita rf St Pain. Disvict Fnergy comes 1.,, snip t un and for a iOt% fee haul it In
St Paul to be burned for energy
'XICO'-le measures ^.etrirs
Deseripl,ve links
Fcr more Infoiinatio,) contoCt
Tom Horwath iCity staff/ I THorwath@CI.Edina IAN US 552-925-0306
Solid Waste Reduction Action 2: Adopt and ac:;c—Piisn recycling goals for waste generated from internal city operations [ I fide
( BP no. 22 ) city details]
Date completed'eltered 02/1212012
Impementation details
A 15`,i municipal waste reduction goal is sought Te determine how effective Edina's waste reduction strategies are
and to establish a baseline. City COJrC4 updated city code 1300 on 11-15-11 to require all I censed haulers to
report q-iarterly the pounds of waste being removed from Edina Edina will begin to have an estimate of its
basehne waste in April 2012when the first waste repors become available Municipal waste reduction strategies
include I; Establishing a Recycling Bin Task Force it February 2012 wh ch recommended recycling bins in all
major parks (these were provided in Lewis Pk and Pamela Pk as well as scattered areas of Braemar Pk prior to the
task force) 2) Complete - Reduce :municipal paper use & Junk mail by the City Recycling coordinator requesting
that the City address be removed from mailing Ists 3) The City began organics recycling at some facilities in 2012
Effective 1-1-13 organics recycl,ng will be included in the -municipal recycling contract 4) Implement a facility -wide
policy to reduce the use of bottled water The Cty Purchasing Policy discourages the use of bottled water 5)
Implement facility -wide policy on usng ccnpestable table v.are once the new min c,pal RFP including organics is
implemented on 1 1.2013
Outcome measures'melncs
Descrplive finks
For more information contact
Solvei Wilmot (City staff) : SWdmot@ci Edina.MN.US ! 552-626-0463
Action 5: Arrange for a residential o, : csness' ns!0uttoral source separated organics collection/management
program [ Hide city details)
Date aormplelecilentered 04/152011
Impicincntation details:
Of Edina's 6 res dential haulers. one res dental hau'er. co -collects croanics with yarn vraste Although this step is
complete the goal is to nave all waste haulers provide an organics option
Outcorie measuresimetrIcs
Descrg-tve lin,,s
For more information contact
Solvei Wilmot (City staff) 1 SWlmot@ci Edina MN US 552 <c-0463
Action 6: hnplement one of mo,e (;ity-v.,ide soli) vraste collectionirecycling systems ( Hide city details)
Date compieted'eniered 01!12 2012
Impien-F.ntatian derails
Complete - Edina has had an organized mandatory city-wroe residential recycling pm9ran- since 1965 Coller_bon
of recyclabies from multi -unit residential Buildings of a grits or less is mandatory and is offereo for the same cost as
single fami',y households
Ou'come measures metrics
Descnptive links http:ewww-ci edina mn us/departmenis/1-4-
30_HeaithRecycle htm#Recycling_Service_Contract_&.amp.amp:_Costs
http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/citylnfo.cfm?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
Minnesota GreenStep Cities
Page 9 of 12
Fp: r -e in'G,r-at,cr UTta_t
Solves Wilmot;CRy stain SWiimot@c:i Edina MN US zf2-826-045:;
Local Air Quality Action t C .r Circ( an educat D': nanaa -mpg g If 'j"10 - i- "' if.e r,'wood burninglauto
{ BP no. 23) exhaust Issues ( Hide city details:
Date iompleteo entered 03'212012
Imoiemeniati,cn detai s
Complete In sn effort to educate the pubic on the dangers of ,vood smoke and to set an example to the
cornmurrty at the Nov152011 Edina City Counol meeting Counu! agreed to conve,l the two ricoor Wuud
burning fireplaces In the Centrum of the Hughes Pavdror to gas This generated much educational pubhcc.y in the
Ecina Sun Current the Minneapol s Star Tribune and local Blogs The conversion Was complete in time to, the
winter 201112 season The payback pe•red for conxertmg to cgs v;as doc:,mented to be 7 years
Ootcame aoeasures memos
Descncl,ve links
For more information contact
Jesse Struve (City staffs j JStruve@CLEdina MN US 9t; 903-f/13
Action 3: Conduct one or more policy or education/behavior change campaigns on It e topics oelory and
document ] Hide city details!
Date eomcleteci'erterec 02i 16'2012
Irnolernentat,on details
COMPLETE The Air Quality Working Group or the EEC has conduced and continues to conduct
education behavior change campaigns on the topics below a Decreased vehicle ciluw ur specific locales or by
specific fleets - Edina schools prohibit bus id''mg at the schools Boulevards at two schools have also been chosen
(Creek Valley and Concord) where parents vehicles line .rp v.,a ling for their children EEC will request that no idling
sgns be posted b Increased sales by retail stores of low and nc-VOC lVofatile Organic Compounds) nousehold
products - An Air Quadty Vdodting Group member had letters to the Editor published n the Edina Sun Current to
educate residents ahan the dangers of VOC prooucis Edina also banned the use of Coal Tar. which releases
harmful VOCs c Replacement of gasoline powered equipment with Iewer polluting equipment On -31-11 the
EEC sponsored an ECO House and Garden Tour feahimo 5 homes With ECO frieidly practices wruc h included
featuring electric f–ovvers and push mowers in addtion to homes with solar panels geothermal rain barrels drip
rrngairon, composting and organic garcening The ECO tour -.as vrntten up in the Edina Sun Current Edina Patch
and Edina Magazine
Outcome meas'l'es%meU,cs
Descrrot,ve inks
Fo- more information contav
Karen Kurt (C,ty staff) i KKurt1_MCLEdma.MN.US 952; 825-0415
Economic and Community Development
Benchmarks 6 Community Action 1: Report progress '.o meniters_ on ;nlple =_matron of GreenStep City best practices Hide
Engagement city details]
(BP no. 24 )
Date completeorenter ed D1JC62012
lmples'eraat,on delais
Complete As a member of ICLEI. the City of Edina completed Milestone 1 using ICLEI's CACP software for the
year 200; A baseline Inventory of carbon enlrPsiOns generated by city operat,ons such as buildings water pumps,
city Leet etc was collected Aggregate data .•,,ere also collected for city -%vide resoeutial conunerc at and industrial
eirissions For 2D08 all municipal sectors were entered into the CACP softy. -are except for water For 2009 63
data was entered for the 10 largest rmtnrerpabuildings The B. data is complete for all buildings for 2010 and 2011
tnrouoh June Green Step City progress s reported to the commurnty at the annua' January meeting of the Energy
1 Environment Commission which is televised o i Edina CaLle Ch 16 Each selected Best Pact ce in Edina s
Green Step Cities program is reported on as wHl as each action v;,aMn that best practice
http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/cityInfo.cfm?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
Minnesota GreenStep Cities
Page 10 of 12
Ou!come measures rneb'i S
The results frorn the carbon emission Inventory were used in a pilot project with the Carbon DiSCIOScre Proje-:
iCDP) and published on their website n 200=_+-201 D (www cdproiect net) Note that the 2010 results are publ stied
in the 2011 report Edina also oart,cipates in the Regional Indicators Project for wl ich .ts data s complete for 2DDE-
2010 Each Janua•y EEC meeting is televised and includes a status report to the community on each Best Fract,e
I,) the Green Step C bes P-ogram This was neid on 1-12-12 and televised on cable Ch le ands ava •able to the
publc to downloac
Descnpuve Inks http ii6ve c40cdies orglstorage!CDP,' 20Cilies%202011 %20GIoba!1,420Repor1 pdf
Fur grxe rifor T-atcc cor4ac;
Karen Kurt (City staff; ( KKuri@CLEdina.MN-US I i552) 826-0415
Action 2: Organize aoals'ou;come measures from all city plans a -d repos to c—�7 ulruty r -embers cata that
SRw. progress ±••^v;artl 'sooting these goals f Hide city details)
Date completed°entered 020512012
Implementation delaiis
Complete Each January EEC meeting is telev sed and includes a status report to the community on each Best
Practice :n the Green Step Cities Program This was held on 1-12-12 and televised on cable Ch 16 and is available
to the puorc to download Rick Carter presented the Regional Indicator's Project where E6na's indicators (energy
usage recycling lbs'HH, transportation cycling water usage) were compared with Vadnais Hts and St Louis Park.
Drinking water indicators are annually reported to the community in the About Town publ cation
0;ilcome measures metrics
Descr pti.,c Inks http:lrwww credina mn.us!(JepartmentslWatchaMeeting htm Scroll down to Other Programming
for EEC 1-12-12 meeting
For mote information cortacl
Jesse Struve (City staff) JStruve@CI.Edina MN US 1 552) 503-5713
Action 4: Conduct or support an energy efficiency, or sustainability education and action campaign mrohnna
[ Hide city details)
Date cor-cleteo!enterec 051022012
Implementat on details
The City of Edina continuously engages members of the public through various activities organized by the
Education and Outreach Workino Group of the EEC I he EEC works with energy utilities to organize energy audits
for residents Working with a task force of EEC members representatives frorr Xcel Energy Centerpoint Energy
and the Center for Energy and the Environment (1014 Energy Challenge staff; attention was focused on two Edna
neighborhoods for Summer and Fail of 2010 to prornote'he. HFS (Home Fnercy Snuao) Program The Mornings de
Neighborhood Association (MINA) assisted efforts to mobiiize residents to attend HES educational meetings to
enroll households in participating in the HES program in the Summer of 2010 In the Fall of 2010 focused on the
Highlands Neighborhood of Edina Surnrner 2010 a�%areness was raised about the HES program
Edina has one of the highest participation rates in HES nt Inc metro
Desc'iptnve lnid s
Fc, more informat on contact
Karen Kurt tC ty staff) KKurt@CLEdina.MN.US i (552) 526-0415
Action 5: Conduct c' support a community education, visioning and planning initiative usng a s,Istainao:bty
fra re, o* SUCt as ( Hide city details)
Date co!roietedrenterec D5i022012
Implementation de'ads
Floating Rest Practice - The C,y of Edina participated in a Natural Step v.,orkchop for City staff City Council. City
Commissioners and residents at large on July 27 2009 and Aug 6 2009 Thereafter various City Conin-dssioners.
residents and City Council members attend the quarterly workshops sponsored by the Sustainability A!liarn;e
Outca»e rneasures�metncs
Descnptwe links
http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/citylnfo.cfm?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
Minnesota GreenStep Cities
Page I 1 of 12
Karen Kurt Cts sta`f� KKurILCLEdina.MN US ? ! 025-041E
Green Business Development Action2 f -._..i. 55esst''assistanceproviders
{ BP no. 25) „ate or ;.c;;e a . its and assistance Hide city details!
Date �:f,mpleteb erterec .!4 22 2C1
Im;leme•Sta6orBeta s
A recycling and Solia V'taste iNori,00 Group memcer of the EEC developed a Powerpomt program entitled "Easy
Office Recyciuig" whic'I ,.as piesewed at a local Rotary meeting MPCA. is offering assistance to 10 businesses in
the forn, of providing sarnpie contacts (see ntto ` %%v; pca state r—) us oea p2rmprograms chn) for hauling to
assist commercial businesses to modify existing contracts or create new resource management contracts mth
vvaste haulers to manage recyclables- cempos5bies and hazardous materials The RSkI NIG wtll work with local
trade associations and gve educat,onai presentations or recyding as v:eu as aiding them v✓ith the Fasy Office
Recyclmo program Trade associations include the Edrr Chamber cf Commerce The EnergySmart program
od by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce �A[ oe used to oet Edina busi-Messes to focus on energy
eff ciercy
Outcome nsasu'esimelnCs
De'sCnpUVe rinks.
For more infomalion cnntnct
Solvei Wilmot (City staff) I SWilmot@a Edina MN US 1 552-825-04b3
Action 4: Support o' support the creation of a value-aaoad bus;ness utilizing local waste products [ Hide
city details!
Datecompleted entered 01/22012
ln,;)ementaLon oe!ars
Complete St Paui Drs:r ct Energy picks up and chips the vrood from the Edina brush dump at Braemar and hauls ,t
to St Paul District Energy plan: at a cost to Edina far less than hauling the brush to a blush dump in Hastings_ as
as previo.,sly done The chaps are used to fuel St Pauls District Energy plant The brim in the aty brush aump
comes from municipal waste as Nell as including resiaential buckthorn which residents are altoweo to bring during
the last two weekends of Octube,- Resdents must shot: an ID and can only come doling approved hours.
Outcome measures`,�eV!Cs
Descriptive inks
For more mfcrmamon contact
Tom Horwath (City staff; j THorwath(§CLEdina MN US l -,E2-62,3-0308
Renewable Energy Action 1: Adopt solar energy standards or a wind energy ordinance [ Hide city details'.
J SP no. 26 )
Date completed;enterei 01:0',:'017
Implementation details
A SolarN'Jmd Ordinance Task Fcce has been formed ,,,Ih a first draft created as of January 2012 The task force is
a joint effort of the Energy 3 Environment Commission and the Planning Comm-ssion
OU1C:1"E n-:.eagure5 rnetn�:
DesCript c i. r4s
For more infounzuon cera ;act
Carry Teague (City staff) CTeague@ci Edina MN US i 1952) 526-0460
***Action 3: Crease a renc:,ab e e ergq financing program such as PACE `c procert,, d"y"eras tc instal!
generat,cn capacity:energy effic ency e:;uicr-e,t [ Hide city details)
Dale ccinpietea-entered 04:12201=
Intplen�entalrc:n detars
Complete - Edina City Ccuncii adopted a PACE financing prograrn 'Edina Erneraid Energy Program EEEP) for
http://greenstep.pca.state.inn.us/cityInfo.efiu?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
Minnesota GreenStep Cities
Page 12 of 12
commer•-=ai e-tt ties at the 11-15-,1 Co-u1Ct meeting AS I C OOO grant frosr� the fvhnnesoia Department of
Com-erCe t+as eota,nec tc set up a pilot protect If successful EEEP may be exienctec to reside 1LaI anc cr %rate r
c -o ects As cf 4-- C- 12 Grandvie%. Tire anc Auto has taken advantage of the program wi:h a loan Yom the C can
Fund for a 2 %r Vd pr:obwoltac system The amount of fmancmg tc Murphy Auto %vas `:31 636 amount of the bond
S'-,` c9u th(e 7dfeieoce 92 OC4 was capitalized interest
Oi�l�:r^tE I•._?� i'E� "'EtrCc
Desrlcrve r)rs
Fo' more Informaii-o Contact
Jesse Struve (Cit,! staff; JStruvea7Cl Edina MN US 952) 903-5713
hAmnesota Solar Energy Industries Assn Iv1nSEIA (Lynn Hinkle Policy Director) Minnesota Dept of Commerce
Action 5: Install a public sector renewable e:,-e-gy'eChnclogy such as sola electric tPV) soar hot water or hot
a r micro-hvcrr, nr wnC ; Hide city details]
Date corrcietedenterec 03r132C12
Implementation Beta is
Complete: The city of Edina received a 2011 grant from the American Reccvery and Reinves'ment Act (ARRA)
which is the 54 5 mdlion Federal stimulus funding for renewable energy for local governments The grant )vas used
to install a 20 MN photovoltaic solar system on City Hall The p-ojecl was approved at ine 10-4-11 City Council
meeting and %vas installed by 1- t-12 The system will be activated after passing inspect*) and will cost the City
nothing due to the 2012 Xcel Solar Rewards rebate and a 2012 Made in America rebate The solar panels save
approximately 51 300!yr on energy costs
Cvtcome meas-ires n-etncs
Desrigtve li•iia
For more information Contac;
Karen Kurt (City staff) ! KKurt@CI-Edina MNUSj (952) `025-0415
Local Food Action 3: Expand,s'rendthen or create a: least ode of Me follo;;,ma means of exrand ng local food access
{ BP no. 27) [ Hide city details]
Date completed -entered 02-4572Ct2
Implementation details
Complete. In July 2010 Edina instituted a Farmers Market in Centennial Lakes Parr from mid July through Sept It
was very successful resulting in Me dates of operation being expanded in 2011 to June thr011oh Sept The pleasant
env romnent on the shady side of Centennial Lake where the air is filled v: ith live music to accompany the market
on Thursday afternoons and evenings is a great pleasure not only to the adjacent businesses and town homes. but
to the entire community A wide selection of local y grown food is ava fable Tnis enahled some small businesses to
expand It was a !'din -Win for everyone'
O-itcorne measures`metrtcs
Descriptive links
For more information coma:t
Tom Shirley (City staff) TShirley@C I. Edina, MN. US 952533.9582
Minnesota Pol,ution Control Agencv i. Contact Wil o sae policy
http://greenstep.pca.state.mn.us/citylnfo.cfin?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
City Council
finalizes work plans
Work plan
review with City Council
New member
Annual meeting—
New officers elected
New member
New member
appointments and
Annual work plans ensure that the priorities of the City Council and Board and Commissions are aligned
and that the City has the appropriate financial and staff resources to support board and commission
Timeline and Format
Board and commissions should focus on drafting their work plans during the summer months for the
following year. The Council meets with Board and Commission Chairs during the month of September to
review the proposed work plans. The Council gives final approval for the work plans in November, after
additional progress has been made with the City's overall work plan and budget. Work plans go into
effect January 1 for the remainder of the calendar year.
The work plan has three main sections (Attachment 1):
• New Initiatives —This section should be used to outline any new initiatives the board or commission
would like to take pursue during the upcoming year.
• Ongoing Responsibilities —This section should be used to document the board or commission's
ongoing responsibilities. Ongoing responsibilities include items that are repeated on a regular or
annual basis, or regulatory functions that are delegated to the board or commission.
• Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years — This section should be used as a
"parking lot" for ideas that were considered during the work planning process. Ideas that the board
and commission wants to hold for consideration for future years should also be included in this
Some boards and commission have few ongoing responsibilities and most of their work will fall into the
initiatives category. Other boards and commissions have significant ongoing responsibilities and may
only be able to tackle only one or two new initiatives each year.
Council Review and Approval
The Council schedules a meeting in September to meet with Board and Commission Chair regarding
their proposed work plan. The purpose of the meeting is to review the Board or Commission proposed
new initiatives and ongoing responsibilities for the upcoming year. The Council also reviews any ideas
discussed by the Board or Commission but not placed on the work plan. In late September and October,
the Council has additional discussions about city-wide priorities, the budget and the allotment of staff
time. It is possible that the Council will add, delete or re -prioritize items on board or commission work
plans based on these discussions. The Council approves and returns work plans to boards and
commissions during the month of November.
Mid -Year Modifications
Work plans can be modified, to add or delete items, one of three ways. First, work plans can be modified
by mutual agreement during a joint work session. Second, if immediate approval is important, the board
or commission can work with their staff liaison to present a modified work plan for council approval at a
council meeting. Lastly, the city council can direct a change to the work plan.
Missing a projected target completion date is not a reason to amend the work plan. It is understood that
these dates are projections and that occasionally items will be delayed or carried over to a subsequent
year. However, Boards and Commissions should make sure that their meeting minutes including updates
on the status of work plan items.
Attachment 1— 2013 Annual Work Plan
2013 New Initiative Target Completion Budget Staff Support Required Council
Date Required Approval
2013 New Initiative Target Completion Budget Staff Support Required Council
Date Required Approval
2013 New Initiative Target Completion Budget Staff Support Required Council
Date Required Approval
2013 New Initiative Target Completion Budget Staff Support Required Council
Date Required Approval
2013 New Initiative Target Completion Budget Staff Support Required Council
Date Required Approval
2013 New Initiative
2013 New Initiative
Ongoing Responsibilities
Target Completion Budget
Target Completion Budget
Other Work Plan Ideas Considered for Current Year or Future Years
Proposed Month for Joint Work Session:
Staff Comments:
Council Comments:
Staff Support Required Council
Staff Support Required Council
Edina Energy & Environment Commission
Working Groups, Task Forces and Projects
Draft of 5-10-12
Air OuaUtv Working Group (AQ WG) — Temporarily deactivated 9 Feb. 2012 — Chair Open - Members Julie Mellum,
avid B. VanDongen
Water Quality Working Group (WQ WG) — 4tn Th sday at 6:30pm - Chair Julie Risser — Members: Bill Johnson, Nina
Holiday -Lynch, Jon Moon, Robert Skrentner_
Prospective Members — George Hunter (10-4-11)
EneWorking Group (AE WG)— 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 pm — Chair Bill Sierks, Co -Chair John Heer - Commissioners Bob
Gubrud and Germana Paterlini - Members Richard Griffith, Richard Oriani, Greg Nelson, Gary Wahman, John Howard,
Bill Glahn, Brad Hanson
Prospective Members
John Dolphin - 5809 Eastview Dr
Peter Larson — (2-1-12) Employed at EnerChange, a nonprofit dedicating to working with nonprofits to reduce energy
consumption via a guaranteed energy savings program.
Education Outreach Working Gr WG) — 1St Tuesday at 7:00 pm - Co -Chairs Paul Thompson and Bob Gubrud —
Members: Sarah Zarrin (EEC aura Eaton John Howard, Todd Vlme , Tara andL lin.Jengings.
Home Ener&Squad Task Force (HES) — Meets as needed - Chair Bill Sierks — Commissioners - Paul Thompson, Bob
Purchasing — Meets as needed — Co -Chairs Germana Paterlini, Keith Kostuch
Recycling & Solid Waste Working Group (RSW WG) — 1 st Thursday at 7:00 pm - Chair DP Latham, Commissioners Sara
Zarrin and Tim Rudnicki - Members Michelle Horan, Melissa Seeley — City Staff Solvei Wilmot
Turf Management Plan Task Force (TMP TF) — Meetings as needed over lunch hour - Chair Germana Paterlini (EEC) —
Commissioners - Ellen Jones (Pk Bd), Mary Jo Kingston (Community Health), Vince Cockriel (Staff); Ex Officio DP
Latham (EEC) and John Keprios (Dir. Pk & Rec. Dept)
Urban Forest Task Force (UF TF) — Meets as needed over lunch hour - Chair DP Latham — Commissioners - Joseph
Hulbert (Pk Bd), Michael Schroeder (Planning Commission) & City Forester Tom Horwath (Staff).
Solar & Wind Ordinance Task Force —Chair Open, Members — Bill Sierks (EEC) Michael Platteter (Planning), Ken Potts
(Planning) with support from the EEC Energy Working Group — City Planner Cary Teague (Staff)
Park Recycling Bin Task Force — Chair Dianne Plunkett Latham (EEC), Staff Vince Cockriel (Public Works), Tom
Swenson (Braemar) and Tom Shirley (Centennial Lakes), Members Melissa Seeley and Michelle Horan.
Bylaws Working Group — Chair Dianne Plunkett Latham (EEC),
Carbon Disclosure Project Committee — Commissioners Germana Paterlini and John Heer
Working Groups
Air Quality
Dianne Plunkett Latham
Education & Outreach
Jan 3rd
Feb 8th
Mar 6th
Jun 5th
Jul 3rd
Sept 4th
Oct 2nd
Nov 6th
Dec 4th
Paul Thompson & Bob Gubrud
Jan 17th
Feb 21st
Mar 20th
Jun 19th
Jul 17th
Sept 18th
Oct 16th
Nov 20th
Dec 18th
Bill Sierks & John Heer
Recycling & Solid Waste
Jan 5th
Feb 2nd
Mar 1st
Jun 7th
IJul 5th
Sept 6th
Oct 4th
Nov 1st
Dec 6th
Dianne Plunkett Latham
Water Quality
Jan 23rd
Feb 23rd
Mar 22nd
Jun 28th
Jul 26th
Sept 27th
Oct 25th
Nov 22nd
Dec 27th
Julie Risser
& .
Task Force
Carbon Disclosure Project
Germana Paterlini & John Heer
Home Energy Squad
Park Rec clin Bin
Dianne Plunkett Latham
Keith Kostuch & Germana Patedini
Solar & Wind Ordinance
Turf Management Plan
Germana Paterlini
Urban Forest
Dianne Plunkett Latham
Minnesota GreenStep Cities
Horne I 1 he 28 best practices I How to become a GreenStep City 1 Model Ordinances City log -in 1 Contact/feedback
City of Edina
Background Information
Ccumy Hennepin
Popwa;,00 47.941
GreenStep City category A
Full-time equualent city sta11 Tapp ror ) 275
Panlcipanhng townships: / school districts)
GreenStep City resolution Click here to view the file.
GreenStep City recatratlon date 03!01/2011
GreenStep City status anj date STEP 1 (0511312011)
Best Practice Actions Underway and Completed
C.ompleten actions are denoted by stars 1.1OU5e over a star for is defirihUr
Buildings and Lighting
GreenStep Coordinator
Karen Ku i
City slat',
KKun(p-iCl Edina LAN US
Page 1 of 12
1 Search
Stay Connected i) c
City -Ph page relating to s.n;amanilaydGrezr.Step a:.tivlues
hhtp //—, o edina inn us,
Efficient Existing Public Buildings Action 1: Enter baselire informabcr Into the Minnesota B3 Benchmarking database a,id -o it rcfy enter r-.; -,:nk
( BP no. 1 ) eneioy use data 6dn1 al: cbuildregs [ Hide city details)
Date completed entered 04'2':2012
Irnplementailon details
Benchmark data for 2007 resident al. mun cipal S commercial for all sectors as well as for 2008 for munlcipal for for
all sectors except water using the ICLEI CACP software 63 data has been entered for all rnanicipal buildings from
2008 through June 2011 An intern Is in the orocess of updatino the data On 4-19-11 the Edina City Council
approved benchmarking using ULI's Regional Indicator Protect and a report vias produced for the 9-20-11 City
Council Work Session for 2008 - 2010
Outcome neasureslmetrics
DcscnDiiwe Ibis
For Tt"17e contact
Jesse Struve (City staff) ( JS1ruve@CLEdina MN US t 9521 903-5713
Action 2: May.e ncngv; cost facility operations & maintenance chanaes to city-cr:ned :)u:ld ncs to u.e enera,
Cods ( Hide city details)
Date co md!eteoertereo 04'27'2012
Impleme itai,on details
63 data has been ertered for 09-6.11 City Courcy approved a contract with McKmstry cn 10-4-11 to complete
this step via the Guaranteed Eneroy Savinos Program During the development of the energy efficienc; renewable
energy project IvlcKinstry was able to leverage much of the Citys B3 data Under the contract the 12 largest
muronpal facilities were audited Tris energy audit ideaufied the following efficiemcy improvements vdhiCh .-,,ere
approved by City Courcil and fully implemented as of April 6th 2012, building envelope nlprovement<_ v:ater
conservation improvements interior lighting retrofils Those nro)ects rill result in a red-ictlon of over 54; 000 k1rM
and 19.600 therms of oas On an annual basis reducing the Citys carbon footprint by 540 metric tons of CO2
http://greenstep.pca.state.inn.us/citylnfo.cfin?ctu_code=2394621 5/4/2012
May 12012
To Mr. Bill Sierks,
As you may know, in 2009, a group of concerned Edina residents organized Edina Go
Green ("EGG") in order to create a greener environment in Edina. One of our key
initiatives has been to implement mandatory commercial and business recycling here.
Many surrounding communities, like Bloomington, require businesses and multiple
housing units to recycle, just as residents are required to do. We do not feel that Edina
should be left behind.
EGG has been in regular contact with Edina's Environment & Energy Commission
("EEC") relative to this matter. We have made presentations to both the EEC and its Solid
Waste Committee outlining the benefits of mandatory business recycling, including the
cost savings and other advantages to businesses located in Edina.
The EEC initially told EGG that it could not act on commercial recycling because it was
not on the list of recommended practices for Green Step Cities. However, after EGG
shared with Green Step Cities our concerns relative to business recycling, it was added to
those recommendations in December 2011.
We understand, however, that currently only residential recycling is within the purview of
the ECC. Therefore, this letter is to respectfully request that the Edina City Council add
commercial recycling to EEC jurisdiction and / or request that the EEC conduct a study of
this matter in order to make a recommendation to Council.
By working together, we hope to continue to improve the environment in Edina as a
leading Minnesota city.
Your attention to this issue is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Members of Edina Go Green
Edinagogreen _gmail.com
Louann Waddick
Mfg Davidson
arch Zarnn Laura Davis
Aileen Foley
�-,e"- I o
dy h � e tier
June 5, 2012
Present: Bob Gubrud, Tara Gupta, Bevlin Jennings, Louann Waddick (EGG liaison)
Absent: John Howard, Paul Thompson, Sarah Zarrin, Todd Willmert,
1. Minutes: the May 2, 2012 minutes were approved.
2. Check in: Bevlin will be attending the UofWI, Madison and Tara, Wellesley College,
MA, Fall 2012
3. July 4th Parade
* The Home Energy Squad Van will be available. Judy Thommes of CEE will
provide TOLBY switch plate decals and tattoo stickers to hand out
* All WG members are encouraged to participate in the parade. We need
marchers to carry the EEC banner and hand out decals and stickers.
* Place on agenda for June 14 EEC meeting
4. Project Earth
*Project Earth is in transition. Status is linked to interest expressed by students in
Fall 2012 Environmental Studies class. Contact Eric Burfiend
5. Membership
* We regretfully acknowledged the resignation of Laura Eaton. Laura has
been an enthusiastic and valued member of the WG. We will miss her and wish
her well. We are hopeful Laura will rejoin the WG when her schedule permits.
6. Remaining Agenda Items
* Tabled to July 3 meeting
7. Next Meeting; July 3
BP Number
Continuing Action Required
Person ResponsibleMetrics
and When
1.1 (Buildings)
B3 entry
Monthly updateI
C , l y�
Can report
1.2 (Buildings)
No/Low cost O & M changes
Should have project reports
McKinstryr o report to
City? Ck s
, r
City Ground Source Heat Pump
Complete ?
2.1 (Buildings)
Residential outreach program —
E PAZc 4, s�,�Co. c.�
Bob Gubrud
# installs &
2.5 (Buildings)
Conserving drinking/ground water
(Sw,a a vre ? naL.�s bai
(Land use)
Adopt a Comp Plan
jOrl (Land Use)
Demonstrate ordinances comply
with plan
(Mixed Use)
Organize or participate in
community planning/design
process for city C3rta—A-v« a
(Mixed Use)
Modify a planned unit
development to emphasize mixed
11.1 (Green Streets)
Adopt complete streets policy
11.4 (Green Streets)
Remedy complete street gaps
11.6 (Green Streets)
Traffic calming measures — round
12.1 (Mobility)
Promote walking, biking, transit
12.2 (Mobility)
Launch Active Living Campaign
15.1 (Purchasing)
EPP Policy adopted
15.4 (Purchasing)
Require purchase of water sense
16.1 (Urban Forest)
Certify as Tree City USA
16.4 (Urban Forest)
Maximize tree planting
17.1 (Stormwater)
Blue Star City stormwater
17.5 (Stormwater)
Implement guides or standards for
stormwater infiltration or reuse
17.6 (Stormwater)
Erosion and sediment ordinance
Coal tar ban
18.5 (Parks and Trails)
Park management
18.6 (Parks and Trails)
Audubon golf course certification
18.8 (Parks and Trails)
Involve community members in
land restoration & stewardship
22.2 (Solid Waste)
Adopt and accomplish recycling
goals for internal city operations
22.5 (Solid Waste)
Arrange for source separated
organics - residential or business
22.6 (Solid Waste)
City wide collection/recycling
systems — multifamily; 3 or more
recyclables from commercial; or
single hauler
23.1 (Air Quality)
Wood burning/auto exhaust
23.3 (Air Quality)
Anti Idling Campaign
24.1 (Benchmarking)
Report progress to GreenStep
24.2 (Benchmarking)
Report outcome measures and
progress for all city plans
24.4 (Benchmarking)
Broad sustainability education and
action campaign
24.5 (Benchmarking)
Community ed, visioning and
planning initiative using a
sustainability framework like
Natural Step etc.
25.2 (Green Business
Connect businesses with assistance
providers such as utilities
25.4 (Green Business)
Support value added business using
local waste products
26.1 (Renewable
Adopt solar energy standards or
wind energy ordinance
26.3 (Renewable
Create renewable energy finance
program like PACE
26.5 (Renewable
Install public sector renewable
Solar PV on City Hall
27.3 (Local Food)
Create local farmers market