HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-01-20 City Council Regular MeetingAgenda City Council Meeting City of Edina, Minnesota Edina City Hall Council Chambers Wednesday, January 20, 2016 7:00 PM I.Call To Order II.Roll Call III.Approval of Meeting Agenda IV.Adoption of Consent Agenda All agenda items listed on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of such items unless requested to be removed from the Consent Agenda by a Member of the City Council. In such cases the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered immediately following the adoption of the Consent Agenda. (Favorable rollcall vote of majority of Council Members present to approve.) A.Approve Minutes of January 5, 2016 Work Session and January 5, 2016 Regular Council Meeting B.Receive Payment of Credit Card Transactions 8/24/2015 - 9/25/2015 TOTAL: $46,351.29 And Payment of Claims As Per: Pre-List Dated 12/24/2015 TOTAL: $1,650,687.32 And Per Pre- List Dated 12/31/2015 TOTAL: $960,017.92 And Per Pre-List Dated 1/07/2016 TOTAL: $827,080.30 C.Revise Data Practices Policy Requiring Data Requests In Writing D.Request for Purchase: Replacement Greenhouse at Arneson Acres E.2016 Neighborhood Project Follow Up F.Request for Purchase Green Machine Street Sweeper G.Revise Policy on Out-of-State Travel for Elected O@cials H.City Council Travel to the NLC 2016 Congressional Cities Conference I.Resolution 2016-15 Approving Use of Hennepin County ABordable Housing Incentive Funds from Fiscal Year 2015 by West Hennepin ABordable Housing Land Trust For Homes Within Reach J.Resolution 2016-16: Supporting DEED Grant for New Business K.Resolution No. 2016-17 Xerxes Avenue Sidewalk Cooperative Agreement L.Tra@c Safety Report of December 2, 2015 M.Request for Purchase: Southdale Tower Rehab - Professional Services N.Request for Purchase – Construction Contract South Metro Public Safety Training Facility Building Expansion V.Special Recognitions And Presentations A.Speak Up, Edina December Discussion VI.Public Hearings During "Public Hearings," the Mayor will ask for public testimony after City staB members make their presentations. If you wish to testify on the topic, you are welcome to do so as long as your testimony is relevant to the discussion. To ensure fairness to all speakers and to allow the e@cient conduct of a public hearing, speakers must observe the following guidelines: Individuals must limit their testimony to three minutes. The Mayor may modify times, as deemed necessary. Try not to repeat remarks or points of view made by prior speakers and limit testimony to the matter under consideration. In order to maintain a respectful environment for all those in attendance, the use of signs, clapping, cheering or booing or any other form of verbal or nonverbal communication is not allowed. A.Public Hearing: 3501-3510 Galleria - Request to Vacate Easement - Continue Action until February 17, 2016 B.Public Hearing: CertiIcation of Delinquent Utilities, Resolution No. 2016-18 VII.Community Comment During "Community Comment," the City Council will invite residents to share new issues or concerns that haven't been considered in the past 30 days by the Council or which aren't slated for future consideration. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Mayor may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Mayor or Council to respond to their comments tonight. Instead the Council might refer the matter to staB for consideration at a future meeting. VIII.Reports/Recommendations: (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted) A.Sketch Plan Review - Hilton Homewood Suites (NE Corner of Southdale) B.Resolution No. 2016-09 Accepting Various Grants & Donations IX.Correspondence And Petitions A.Correspondence B.Minutes 1.Community Health Commission Minutes, October 6 & November 2, 2015. 2.Heritage Preservation Board Minutes, December 8, 2015 X.Aviation Noise Update XI.Mayor and Council Comments XII.Manager's Comments A.Council Correspondence Protocol XIII.Schedule of Meetings, Events & Dates As Of January 20, 2016 XIV.Adjournment AGENDA EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY I.Call to Order II.Roll Call III.Approval Of Agenda IV.Approve Minutes of January 5, 2016 HRA Meeting V.3501-3510 Galleria - Request to Vacate Easement - Continue Action until February 17, 2016 VI.2016 HRA Calendar of Work Session Meetings VII.Adjournment The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampliIcation, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Approve Minutes of January 5, 2016 Work Session and January 5, 2016 Regular Council Meeting CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the minutes. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Daft January 5, 2016 Work Session Minutes Draft January 5, 2016 Regular Council Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JANUARY 5, 2016 5:35 P.M. Mayor Hovland called the work session of the Edina City Council to order at 5:35 p.m. ROLL CALL Answering roll call was: Members Brindle, Staunton, S t e w a r t , S w e n s o n , a n d M a y o r Hovland. Edina City Staff attending the meeting: Jennifer Bennerotte, Communication & Technology Services Director; Devin Massopust, City Manager Fellow; Debra Mangen, City Clerk; Chad Millner, Engineering Director; Scott Neal, City Manager; Joyce Repya, Senior Planner; Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager; and Cary Teague, Community Development Director. SOUTHWEST LRT CORRIDOR-WIDE HOUSING GAPS ANALYSIS & DRAFT HOUSING STRATEGY Planner Repya introduced Kerri Pearce Ruch from the Southwest LRT Housing Workgroup who made a presentation to the City Council. Ms. Ruch’s presentation covered the 2014 Housing Gaps Analysis and also the work group’s most recent draft of the Corridor-wide Housing Strategy. The Council, Ms. Ruch and staff discussed how the plans would support and encourage housing choices along the Southwest Corridor and the impact for Edina residents who desire to access the LRT even though no station exits in Edina. Discussion issues included, LRT station parking availability, modes of transportation to get people to and from the stations in addition to the housing needs. CORRESPONDENCE PROTOCOL Staff requested direction regarding the distribution of correspondence addressed to the Mayor and City Council. It was explained that correspondence is received in a variety of ways including U.S. Mail, e-mail and facsimile. Currently the practice is to print paper copies of all correspondence, then scan it in order to produce what is included in each council packet. The Council discussed with staff the various issues surrounding correspondence including redundancy, timeliness both of receipt of correspondence and responding to it and also data practice considerations. They directed staff to prepare a written suggested protocol for the Council’s consideration. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hovland adjourned the meeting at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, January 20, 2015. James B. Hovland, Mayor Page 1 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL JANUARY 5, 2016 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, and Mayor Hovland. III. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. IV. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED Member Swenson made a motion, seconded by Member Stewart, approving the consent agenda as revised to remove Item IV.D. Resolution No. 2016-01, Designating Official Newspaper for 2016, as follows: IV.A. Approve regular and work session meeting minutes of December 15, 2015; special meeting minutes of December 8, 2015; and, town hall meeting minutes of December 5, 2015 IV.B. Re-appointment of Mayor Pro Tem IV.C. Receive payment of the following claims as shown in detail on the Check Register dated December 3, 2015, and consisting of 25 pages; General Fund $198,747.78; Police Special Revenue $1,702.45; Working Capital Fund $10,636.81; PIR Construction Fund $1,859.62; Equipment Replacement Fund $31,036.00; Art Center Fund $1,753.41; Golf Dome Fund $2,847.06; Aquatic Center Fund $122.43; Golf Course Fund $20,170.63; Ice Arena Fund $119,033.99; Sports Dome Fund $106,627.50; Edinborough Park Fund $19,141.42; Liquor Fund $199,081.82; Utility Fund $82,932.18; Storm Sewer Fund $274.73; TOTAL $795,967.83; for receipt of payment of claims dated December 10, 2015, and consisting of 35 pages; General Fund $427,035.63; Police Special Revenue $53,064.80; Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety Fund $18,182.22; General Debt Service Fund $450.00; PIR Debt Service Fund $16,585.07; Working Capital Fund $167,545.38; Equipment Replacement Fund $43,907.75; Art Center Fund $2,496.56; Golf Dome Fund $342.91; Aquatic Center Fund $721.75; Golf Course Fund $7,064.44; Ice Arena Fund $36,068.90; Sports Dome Fund $61,894.75; Edinborough Park Fund $6,313.05; Centennial Lakes Park Fund $3,392.95; Liquor Fund $205,609.23; Utility Fund $1,354,249.98; Storm Sewer Fund $94,659.62; Risk Management ISF $2,296.30; PSTF Agency Fund $18,089.82; Payroll Fund $10,465.32; TOTAL $2,530,436.43; and, for receipt of payment of claims dated December 17, 2015, and consisting of 34 pages; General Fund $269,687.70; Police Special Revenue $4,834.23; Arts and Culture Fund $55.00; Working Capital Fund $25,793.19; Cando Fund $9,206.71; Art Center Fund $6,874.16; Golf Dome Fund $68.42; Aquatic Center Minutes/Edina City Council/January 5, 2016 Page 2 Fund $1,115.65; Golf Course Fund $28,632.10; Ice Arena Fund $25,115.90; Sports Dome Fund $4,384.77; Edinborough Park Fund $9,228.41; Centennial Lakes Park Fund $14,918.78; Liquor Fund $213,094.44; Utility Fund $31,751.84; Storm Sewer Fund $351.97; Recycling Fund $36,187.38; Risk Management ISF $1,942.83; PSTF Agency Fund $1,306.58; Centennial TIF District $15,490.75; Valley View/Wooddale TIF District $1,324.25; Southdale 2 District $509.50; TOTAL $701,874.46 IV.D. Resolution No. 2016-01, Designating Official Newspaper for 2016 IV.E. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-02, Signatory Resolution IV.F. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-03, Designation of Director/Alternate Director of Suburban Rate Authority IV.G. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-04, Designation of Director/Alternate Director of LOGIS IV.H. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-05, Authorizing Facsimile Signatures IV.I. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-06, Designating Official Depositories IV.J. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-07, Appointment to Edina Fire Relief Association IV.K. Set 2016 Date for Board of Appeal and Equalization IV.L. Approve New On-Sale Wine and 3.2 Beer Licenses, Coconut Thai, 3948 West 50th Street IV.M. Reappointments of Board and Commission Members IV.N. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-11, Approving 2016 Agreement for Public Health Services with City of Bloomington IV.O. Annual Appointment of Assistant Weed Inspector IV.P. Approve Edina Resource Center Human Services Funding IV.Q. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-12, Supporting Application for Safe Routes to School Program Infrastructure Grant IV.R. Adopt Resolution No. 2016-13, Approving First Amendment to Cooperative Agreement with Eden Prairie IV.S. Appointment of HRA Members and Terms of Appointment Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA IV.D. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-01 DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 2016 – ADOPTED The Council noted that Edina’s Sun Current did not distribute newspapers to multi-family housing complexes. This was cause for concern since the number of rentals was growing and the official newspaper included all public notices. Staff responded that the apartment complexes would not allow newspaper boxes and the notices were linked on the City’s website as well as the newspaper’s website. Member Swenson introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2016-01, Designating Official Newspaper. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. V. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS None. Minutes/Edina City Council/January 5, 2016 Page 3 VI. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared to comment. VII. REPORTS / RECOMMENDATIONS VII.A. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-10 CALLING FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR GRANDVIEW 2 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT – ADOPTED Manager Neal asked the Council to adopt the Resolution and set the Public Hearing for March 2, 2016, to consider the creation of a new Tax Increment Financing District. Member Staunton introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2016-10, Calling for a Public Hearing by the City Council of the Proposed Adoption of a Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area and the Proposed Establishment of the Grandview 2 Tax Increment Financing District Therein and the Adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan Therefore. Member Brindle seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VII.B. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-08 ADOPTED – ACCEPTING VARIOUS GRANTS AND DONATIONS Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Brindle introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2016-08 accepting various grants and donations. Member Stewart seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII.A. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council’s receipt of various correspondence. VIII.B. MINUTES: 1. TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 19, 2015 2. HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS COMMISSION, NOVEMBER 17, 2015 Informational; no action required. IX. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE – Received X. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS – Received XI. MANAGER’S COMMENTS – Received XII. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS, EVENTS AND DATES AS OF JANUARY 5, 2016 XIII. ADJOURNMENT Minutes/Edina City Council/January 5, 2016 Page 4 There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council, January 20, 2016. James B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the January 5, 2016, meeting available. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Claims From:Eric Roggeman, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Receive Payment of Credit Card Transactions 8/24/2015 - 9/25/2015 TOTAL: $46,351.29 And Payment of Claims As Per: Pre-List Dated 12/24/2015 TOTAL: $1,650,687.32 And Per Pre-List Dated 12/31/2015 TOTAL: $960,017.92 And Per Pre-List Dated 1/07/2016 TOTAL: $827,080.30 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve claims for payment. INTRODUCTION: Claims information for approval is attached. ATTACHMENTS: Description Credit Card Transactions Dated 8/24/2015 - 9/25/2015 TOTAL: $46,351.29 Claims Pre-List Dated 12/24/2015 TOTAL: $1,650,687.32 Claims Pre-List Dated 12/31/2015 TOTAL: $960,017.92 Claims Pre-List Dated 1/07/2016 TOTAL: $827,080.30 CITY OF EDINA CITY COUNCIL CREDIT CARD PAYMENT REGISTER 08/24/15-09/25/15 Account Name Date Amount Description Vendor City State Account **6043 LISA SCHAEFER 2015/09/09 $42.83 Supplies for Performance Reviews OFFICEMAX/OFFICEDEPOT6384 EAGAN MN 1556.6104 **6043 LISA SCHAEFER 2015/09/10 $37.10 Lunch for Trainers THE TIN FISH EDINA MN 1556.6104 **0168 SCOTT NEAL 2015/08/24 $42.33 Food EDINA GRILL EDINA MN 1120.6106 **0168 SCOTT NEAL 2015/08/31 $32.75 Food EDINA GRILL EDINA MN 1120.6106 **0168 SCOTT NEAL 2015/09/09 $61.97 Food EDINA GRILL EDINA MN 1120.6106 **0168 SCOTT NEAL 2015/09/11 $197.52 Wireless SPRINT *WIRELESS 800-639-6111 KS 1120.6188 **2129 HEATHER BRANIGIN 2015/08/27 $48.00 Volunteer Software VOLGISTICS INC 616-456-5388 MI 1120.6105 **2129 HEATHER BRANIGIN 2015/09/01 $223.29 Food PINSTRIPES EDINA MN 1100.6106 **2129 HEATHER BRANIGIN 2015/09/03 $24.72 Meeting JERRY'S FOODS OF ED EDINA MN 1120.6106 **2129 HEATHER BRANIGIN 2015/09/05 $4.82 Breakroom Supply TARGET 00023135 EDINA MN 1550.6406 **2129 HEATHER BRANIGIN 2015/09/16 $173.95 Food PINSTRIPES EDINA MN 1100.6106 **2129 HEATHER BRANIGIN 2015/09/24 $587.95 Signs? AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 5821.6406 **9159 CARY TEAGUE 2015/09/17 $7.00 Meeting Expense ALLIANCE BANK CENTER RAMP SAINT PAUL MN 1140.6106 **7370 ERIC ROGGEMAN 2015/09/02 $19.95 Transaction fee PAYFLOW/PAYPAL 888-883-9770 TX 1160.6155 **7370 ERIC ROGGEMAN 2015/09/02 $18.25 Transaction fee PAYFLOW/PAYPAL 888-883-9770 TX 1160.6155 **7370 ERIC ROGGEMAN 2015/09/02 $19.95 Transaction fee-UB PAYFLOW/PAYPAL 888-883-9770 TX 5902.6155 **7370 ERIC ROGGEMAN 2015/09/22 $231.94 Lodging ARROWWOOD RESORT CONF C ALEXANDRIA MN 1160.6104 **0143 DEB MANGEN 2015/09/11 $308.26 Lodging COUNTRY INN & SUITES BEMIDJI MN 1180.6104 **0184 ROBERT WILSON 2015/09/02 $225.00 PACE Course MINNESOTA ASSOC OF ASSES 763-569-3357 MN 1190.6104 "0184 ROBERT WILSON 2015/09/03 $185.00 Income Workshop MINNESOTA ASSOC OF ASSES 763-569-3357 MN 1190.6104 **0184 ROBERT WILSON 2015/09/03 $117.00 MLS Access Fee REALTOR ASSOCIATION/MLS 312-329-8245 IL 1190.6105 **0184 ROBERT WILSON 2015/09/03 $150.00 Realtor Dues REALTOR ASSOCIATION/MLS 312-329-8245 IL 1190.6105 **2522 BRIAN OLSON 2015/09/03 $144.00 Training MSP AIRPORT PARKING SAINT PAUL MN 1280.6104 "2522 BRIAN OLSON 2015/09/03 $914.95 Lodging SHERATON PHOENIX AZ 1280.6104 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/08/25 $3.29 Bubble Wrap USPS 26632704333409905 MINNEAPOLIS MN 1262.6406 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/08/25 $10.55 Priority Mail USPS 26632704333409905 MINNEAPOLIS MN 1262.6406 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/08/26 $3.94 Postage and Certified Mail USPS 26632704333409905 MINNEAPOLIS MN 1263.6406 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/08/27 $220.00 Conference Registration MINNESOTA GIS LIS CONSORT 651-2037242 MN 1263.6104 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/08/27 $45.00 Conference Registration MINNESOTA GIS LIS CONSORT 651-2037242 MN 1263.6104 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/09/03 $76.99 GoPro AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1261.6406 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/09/03 $336.93 GoPro and Memory AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1261.6406 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/09/11 $14.00 Stamps USPS 26632704333409905 MINNEAPOLIS MN 01412.1705.31 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/09/11 $14.00 Stamps USPS 26632704333409905 MINNEAPOLIS MN 01410.1705.31 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/09/11 $12.00 Stamps USPS 26632704333409905 MINNEAPOLIS MN 01413.1705.31 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/09/11 $4.50 Stamps USPS 26632704333409905 MINNEAPOLIS MN 01414.1705.31 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/09/11 $4.50 Stamps USPS 26632704333409905 MINNEAPOLIS MN 01415.1705.31 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/09/15 $107.25 Design Guides CHICAGO BOOKS &JOU 800-621-2736 IL 1262.6406 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/09/18 $89.00 12 Volt Battery Super Charger TRAFFIC DATA INC 952-9260916 MN 1262.6406 **9180 MILLNER CHAD 2015/09/21 $49.04 Food TGI FRIDAY'S 2687 MINNEAPOLIS MN 1261.6406 "4882 ANDERSON SHAWN 2015/09/04 $175.06 Supplies STAPLES 00119180 BLOOMINGTON MN 1318.6406 "4882 ANDERSON SHAWN 2015/09/18 $129.66 Lodging GRAND NORTHERN INN 800-4726321 MN 1281.6104 "4882 ANDERSON SHAWN 2015/09/18 $129.66 Lodging GRAND NORTHERN INN 800-4726321 MN 1281.6104 **4882 ANDERSON SHAWN 2015/09/18 $129.66 Lodging GRAND NORTHERN INN 800-4726321 MN 1281.6104 **4882 ANDERSON SHAWN 2015/09/18 $129.66 Lodging GRAND NORTHERN INN 800-4726321 MN 1281.6104 CITY OF EDINA CITY COUNCIL CREDIT CARD PAYMENT REGISTER 08/24/15-09/25/15 Account Name Date Amount Description Vendor City State Account "4882 ANDERSON SHAWN 2015/09/18 $129.66 Lodging GRAND NORTHERN INN 800-4726321 MN 1281.6104 "4882 ANDERSON SHAWN 2015/09/18 $129.66 Lodging GRAND NORTHERN INN 800-4726321 MN 1281.6104 "4882 ANDERSON SHAWN 2015/09/18 $129.66 Lodging GRAND NORTHERN INN 800-4726321 MN 1281.6104 **4882 ANDERSON SHAWN 2015/09/17 $95.97 Supplies NORTHERN TOOL EQUIPMNT BURNSVILLE MN 1318.6406 **3477 NOAH SILVER 2015/08/26 $730.52 Public Works Admin Cert Class MNSCU 877-4666728 MN 1281.6104 **3477 NOAH SILVER 2015/08/28 $287.93 Travel for Load Bank Training TRAVELOCITY.COM WWW.TVLY.COM NV 5913.6104 **3477 NOAH SILVER 2015/08/27 $579.36 Airfare SPIRIT AIRL 4870116947557 MIRAMAR FL 5913.6104 "3477 NOAH SILVER 2015/09/08 $99.96 Airfare SPIRIT AIRL 4870117437300 MIRAMAR FL 5913.6104 "3477 NOAH SILVER 2015/09/15 $1,215.32 LED Wall Mount Lumens E-CONOLIGHT 888-243-9445 WI 47097.6710 **3477 NOAH SILVER 2015/09/22 $179.99 Led Canopy Light E-CONOLIGHT 888-243-9445 WI 1551.6180 "7756 GARY WELLS 2015/09/23 $1,181.48 Sportster Hydrant Meter USA BLUE BOOK 800-493-9876 IL 5917.6406 "7756 GARY WELLS 2015/09/23 $51.47 Propane SUPERAMERICA 4047 EDINA MN 1335.6532 "7756 GARY WELLS 2015/09/23 $29.90 Tool, Trimpot Adj, Pocket JAMECO/JIMPAK ELECTRONICS 650-592-8097 CA 5921.6556 "6368 DAVE GOERGEN 2015/08/25 $51.47 VEHICLE EXPENSE SUPERAMERICA 4047 EDINA MN 5921.6556 "6368 DAVE GOERGEN 2015/09/11 $73.50 Study Guide AWWA.ORG 303-347-6197 CO 5919.6104 **6368 DAVE GOERGEN 2015/09/22 $130.00 Certification Applications ATSSA 540-3681701 VA 1281.6104 **5621 MARK A BIERMAIER 2015/09/03 $73.43 Food PAPA JOHN'S 00996 612-924-1902 MN 1400.6406 "0597 RYAN SCHULTZ 2015/09/03 $35.00 iPhone Cable KVCONNECTION 888-749-6325 NC 1400.6406 **0597 RYAN SCHULTZ 2015/09/14 $146.96 Gear LA POLICE GEAR INC LAPOLICEGEAR. CA 1401.6203 **0597 RYAN SCHULTZ 2015/09/21 $75.00 Fuel RIPLEY 1 STOP LITTLE FALLS MN 1400.6104 **1305 DAVID NELSON 2015/08/31 $73.24 Interviews PAPA JOHN'S 00996 612-924-1902 MN 1400.6106 **1305 DAVID NELSON 2015/09/08 $106.84 Philips BT1 Replace AED Battery WWW.ATBATT.COM 661-775-2020 CA 1400.6610 **1305 DAVID NELSON 2015/09/22 $98.85 Car Charger AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1400.6406 **8481 TOM SCHMITZ 2015/08/26 $360.07 Food PANERA BREAD # 608024 EDEN PRAIRIE MN 1470.6106 **8481 TOM SCHMITZ 2015/08/31 $390.00 Emergency Mgr Lodging BREEZY POINT RESORT INTL BREEZY POINT MN 1470.6104 **8481 TOM SCHMITZ 2015/09/08 $39.92 Meeting JERRY'S FOODS OF ED EDINA MN 1470.6106 **8481 TOM SCHMITZ 2015/09/18 $59.68 Finance Dept Mtg DO3 EDN EDINA MN 1470.6106 **8481 TOM SCHMITZ 2015/09/23 $7.00 Parking CITY WALK RAMP ST. PAUL MN 1470.6107 **8481 TOM SCHMITZ 2015/09/24 $7.00 Parking CITY WALK RAMP ST. PAUL MN 1470.6107 **0927 DARRELL TODD 2015/08/26 $20.00 Data Plan VZWRLSS*PRPAY AUTOPAY 888-294-6804 CA 1470.6188 **0927 DARRELL TODD 2015/08/27 $200.00 Chair Tips SPEC FURNITURE INC (US$) TORONTO ON 1470.653 **0927 DARRELL TODD 2015/09/07 $80.00 Data Plan VZWRLSS*PRPAY AUTOPAY 888-294-6804 CA 1470.6188 **0927 DARRELL TODD 2015/09/20 $20.00 Data Plan VZWRLSS*PRPAY AUTOPAY 888-294-6804 CA 1470.6188 **0927 DARRELL TODD 2015/09/24 $20.00 Data Plan VZWRLSS*PRPAY AUTOPAY 888-294-6804 CA 1470.6188 **1777 CRAIG ESSIG 2015/08/25 $68.88 Fuel CLARK 2238 LITTLE FALLS MN 1470.6107 **1777 CRAIG ESSIG 2015/08/25 $111.58 Fuel CLARK 2238 LITTLE FALLS MN 1470.6107 **1777 CRAIG ESSIG 2015/08/25 $84.83 Fuel CLARK 2238 LITTLE FALLS MN 1470.6107 **1777 CRAIG ESSIG 2015/08/25 $88.46 Fuel CLARK 2238 LITTLE FALLS MN 1470.6107 **1777 CRAIG ESSIG 2015/08/28 ($129.99) Van Rental ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 1470.6104 **1777 CRAIG ESSIG 2015/08/28 $631.62 Van Rental ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 1470.6104 **1777 CRAIG ESSIG 2015/08/28 $631.62 Van Rental ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR BLOOMINGTON MN 1470.6104 **1777 CRAIG ESSIG 2015/08/28 $789.53 Van Rental ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 1470.6104 **1777 CRAIG ESSIG 2015/09/09 $631.62 Van Rental ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR EDINA MN 1470.6104 **1777 CRAIG ESSIG 2015/09/17 $996.00 Fire Alarm Seminar AFAA 844-438-2322 OH 1470.6104 CITY OF EDINA CITY COUNCIL CREDIT CARD PAYMENT REGISTER 08/24/15-09/25/15 Account Name Date Amount Description Vendor City State Account **8102 JEFF BROWN 2015/09/17 $35.00 MEHA Dues PAYPAL *MINNESOTAEN 402-935-7733 CA 1490.6105 **2512 DAVID FISHER 2015/08/28 $75.00 Dues for Certification INT'L CODE COUNCIL INC 888-422-7233 IL 1495.6105 **2512 DAVID FISHER 2015/09/11 $100.00 Dues for Licenses INT'L CODE COUNCIL INC 888-422-7233 IL 1495.6105 **2512 DAVID FISHER 2015/09/10 $80.00 Dues for Licenses DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND I 651-2845528 MN 1495.6105 **2512 DAVID FISHER 2015/09/14 $154.35 Print Account CANON SOLUTIONS AMERIC 773-714-8500 IL 1495.6575 **2512 DAVID FISHER 2015/09/17 $179.09 Label BMK SOLUTIONS CORP 952-7463195 MN 1495.6575 **2512 DAVID FISHER 2015/09/24 $220.63 Print Account CANON SOLUTIONS AMERIC 773-714-8500 IL 1495.6575 **4619 TIM BARNES 2015/09/01 $396.87 Parks Cleaning Vacuum ORECK CLEAN HOME CARE EDINA MN 1646.6406 **1996 GUNNAR KAASA 2015/08/26 $28.21 Supplies UPS*1ZT391090390013817 800-811-1648 GA 1553.6406 **1996 GUNNAR KAASA 2015/08/28 $90.11 Pumps MSC 800-645-7270 NY 1553.6406 **1996 GUNNAR KAASA 2015/09/09 $105.42 Demand CS Insecticide AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1553.6406 **1996 GUNNAR KAASA 2015/09/09 $95.00 Re-certification HTC CUSTOM TRAINING 952-9951300 MN 1281.6104 **1996 GUNNAR KAASA 2015/09/10 $96.11 Vehicle Registration MN DVS SOUTHDALE152693FEE KNOXVILLE TN 1553.6260 **1996 GUNNAR KAASA 2015/09/10 $3,923.01 Vehicle Registration MN DVS SOUTH DALE 152 693 EDINA MN 1553.6260 **1996 GUNNAR KAASA 2015/09/11 $2,100.00 OTHER FREIGHTQUOTE.COM 913-642-4700 MO 5900.1740 "9798 SUSAN WAACK 2015/08/25 $0.50 Vehicle Registration MN DVS SOUTHDALE152693FEE KNOXVILLE TN 1553.6260 "9798 SUSAN WAACK 2015/08/25 $20.75 Vehicle Registration MN DVS SOUTHDALE 152 693 EDINA MN 1553.6260 "9798 SUSAN WAACK 2015/09/11 $1,294.67 Vehicle Registration MN DVS ST LS PK 001 695 SAINT LOUIS P MN 1553.6260 "9798 SUSAN WAACK 2015/09/11 $31.72 Vehicle Registration MN DVS STLSPK 001 695 FEE KNOXVILLE TN 1553.6260 "9798 SUSAN WAACK 2015/09/16 $22.24 Vehicle Registration MN DVS STLSPK 001 695 FEE KNOXVILLE TN 1553.6260 "9798 SUSAN WAACK 2015/09/16 $907.75 Vehicle Registration MN DVS ST LS PK 001 695 SAINT LOUIS P MN 1553.6260 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/08/25 $84.96 Recovery Software DRI*STELLAR*PHOENIX*SW ELEMENT5.INFO MN 1554.6160 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/08/26 $70.23 IT Supplies AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1554.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/08/27 $39.96 iPhone Car Charger AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1554.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/08/27 $31.96 iPhone Car Charger AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1554.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/03 $160.90 Vmware DRI*VMWARE MY.VMWARE.COM MN 1554.6160 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/03 $268.18 Vmware DRI*VMWARE MY.VMWARE.COM MN 1558.6160 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/03 $78.95 EncorePro Convertible Headset AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 5902.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/03 $314.27 Plantronics Gear AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1495.6405 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/03 $100.23 Surge Protectors AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1554.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/03 $6.99 Card Reader-EPD AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1400.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/03 $96.13 Direct Connect Cable AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 5902.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/04 $14.99 IT Supplies AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1554.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/09 $45.26 IT Supplies AMAZON .COM AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1554.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/10 $83.99 Phone Headset AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1554.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/11 $12.95 IT Supplies AMAZON .COM AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1554.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/12 $359.97 IT Supplies AMAZON .COM AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1554.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/13 $121.80 USB GPS Receiver AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1554.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/18 ($10.91) Sales Tax Credit DRI*VMWARE MY.VMWARE.COM MN 1554.6160 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/18 ($16.37) Sales Tax Credit DRI*VMWARE MY.VMWARE.COM MN 1554.6160 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/18 ($18.19) Sales Tax Credit DRI*VMWARE MY.VMWARE.COM MN 1558.6160 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/17 $99.99 Utility Cart NORTHERN TOOL EQUIPMNT BURNSVILLE MN 1554.6406 **2481 RYAN BROWNING 2015/09/21 $314.99 Backup Tapes AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BILL WA 1554.6406 "5587 DAWN BEITEL 2015/08/28 $167.78 Socks for Resale TARGET 00023135 EDINA MN 5720.5510 CITY OF EDINA CITY COUNCIL CREDIT CARD PAYMENT REGISTER 08/24/15-09/25/15 Account Name Date Amount Description Vendor City State Account "5587 DAWN BEITEL 2015/09/15 $10.71 Cards WALGREENS #3114 EDINA MN 5710.6406 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/14 $22.70 NRPA Conference MB CITIZENS LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/14 $22.73 NRPA Conference NYNY TOM URBAN LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/14 $25.79 NRPA Conference WEEDSB, LLC. TAXI LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/15 $23.72 NRPA Conference BORDER GRILL MANDALAY BAY LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/15 $52.40 NRPA Conference BELLAGIO - OLIVES LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/15 $7.57 NRPA Conference MB CITIZENS LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/16 $27.28 NRPA Conference MB CITIZENS LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/16 $12.97 NRPA Conference MB CITIZENS LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/17 $11.24 NRPA Conference MBAY STARBUCKS LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/17 $22.46 NRPA Conference MB CITIZENS LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/18 $703.36 NRPA Conference MAN DALAY BAY RESORT/CASIN LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/19 $20.00 Data Plan VZWRLSS*PRPAY AUTOPAY 888-294-6804 CA 1600.6188 **6841 ANN KATTREH 2015/09/18 $50.00 NRPA Conference DELTA AIR 0060158081175 LAS VEGAS NV 1600.6104 "7279 DONNA TILSNER 2015/08/24 $1,370.97 Television SAMS INTERNET 888-746-7726 AR 1628.6406 "7279 DONNA TILSNER 2015/09/12 $85.00 Gift Cards TARGET 00023135 EDINA MN 1628.4392.02 "7279 DONNA TILSNER 2015/09/14 ($90.40) Plants WAGNER GREENHOUSES 612-9226901 MN 1628.4392.02 "7279 DONNA TILSNER 2015/09/14 $90.40 Plants WAGNER GREENHOUSES 612-9226901 MN 1628.4392.02 "7279 DONNA TILSNER 2015/09/14 $71.28 Plants WAGNER GREENHOUSES 612-9226901 MN 1628.4392.02 **7130 ERIC BOETTCHER 2015/09/19 $48.11 Food STARBUCKS #02592 EDINA EDINA MN 1627.6406 **0756 BOB PRESTRUD 2015/09/01 $184.94 Gen. Run System NORTHERN TOOL EQUIP MINNETONKA MN 1646.6556 **0756 BOB PRESTRUD 2015/09/11 $7.50 Eagle Scout Project CUB FOODS #3128 EDINA MN 1642.6406 **0756 BOB PRESTRUD 2015/09/13 $64.09 Eagle Scout Project DOMINO'S 1927 320-235-8277 MN 1642.6406 **0756 BOB PRESTRUD 2015/09/15 $180.00 MPSA Workshop MPSTMA 952-473-3722 MN 1640.6104 **0756 BOB PRESTRUD 2015/09/15 $390.00 U of M Pesticide License ACT*UNIVERSITY OF MINN 877-551-5560 TX 1640.6104 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/08/25 $20.00 Data Plan-Jennifer VZWRLSS*PRPAY AUTOPAY 888-294-6804 CA 1130.6160 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/08/25 $20.00 Edina Liquor FB ad FACEBOOK GKDHQ7E532 650-6187714 CA 5842.6122 **2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/08/26 $10.00 Values VIP Award-Gift Card TARGET 00021899 ST LOUIS PARK MN 1550.6121 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/08/25 $11.96 Subscription THE STAR TRIBUNE CIRCULAT 612-6734343 MN 1130.6105 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/08/27 $399.00 Archiving Platform ARCH IVESOCIAL.COM 888-558-6032 NC 1130.6124 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/08/29 $330.00 PRSSA Dues-Gilgenbach PUBLIC RELATIONS SOCIE 212-460-1400 NY 1130.6105 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/03 $80.57 Bulb for Projector AMAZON .COM AMZN.COM/BILL WA 421130.6710 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/03 $549.00 Microphones B&H PHOTO, 800-606-6969 800-2215743 NY 1628.6406 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/03 $10.72 Photoshop Lightroom Bundle ADOBE *PHOTOGPHY PLAN 800-833-6687 CA 1130.6103 **2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/05 $53.63 Creative Cloud-Scott ADOBE *CREATIVE CLOUD 800-833-6687 CA 1130.6406 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/05 $20.00 Data Plan-Kaylin VZWRLSS*PRPAY AUTOPAY 888-294-6804 CA 1130.6160 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/06 $20.00 Data Plan-Jordan VZWRLSS*PRPAY AUTOPAY 888-294-6804 CA 1130.6160 **2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/05 $50.00 Edina Liquor FB ad FACEBOOK FY4R38A532 650-6187714 CA 5842.6122 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/06 $99.00 DropBox Subscription DROPBOX*LNJH9D5GFW7Q DB.TT/CCHELP CA 1130.6103 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/08/31 $12.50 Stock Photos 123RF.COM INTERNET 1130.6408 **2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/06 $53.63 Creative Cloud-Scott ADOBE *CREATIVE CLOUD 800-833-6687 CA 1130.6406 **2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/10 $149.18 Subscription MAILCHIMP MAILCHIMP.COM GA 1130.6103 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/12 $53.63 Creative Cloud-Kaylin ADOBE SYSTEMS, INC. 800-833-6687 CA 1130.6406 **2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/11 $20.00 Data Plan-Scott VZWRLSS*PRPAY AUTOPAY 888-294-6804 CA 1130.6160 CITY OF EDINA CITY COUNCIL CREDIT CARD PAYMENT REGISTER 08/24/15-09/25/15 Account Name Date Amount Description Vendor City State Account "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/13 $32.17 Creative Cloud-Jennifer ADOBE *CREATIVE CLOUD 800-833-6687 CA 1130.6406 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/15 $100.00 Google Custome Website Search GOOGLE *SITE SEARCH GOOGLE.COM/CH CA 1130.6124 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/16 $30.00 Data Plan-Ann Swenson VZWRLSS*PRPAY AUTOPAY 888-294-6804 CA 1100.6160 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/16 $32.17 Creative Cloud-Jordan ADOBE *CREATIVE CLOUD 800-833-6687 CA 1130.6406 **2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/17 $29.95 Online Invoicing 2NDSITE FRESHBOOKS 416-481-6946 ON 1130.6103 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/18 $5.00 Spam Blocker AKSMT.COM 877-273-3049 CA 1130.6124 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/20 $50.33 Open Streets FB Ads FACEBOOK QQPPV76632 650-6187714 CA 1130.6122 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/22 $25.00 Test Permit EDINA STORE 952-927-8861 MN 1130.4316 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/22 $11.96 Subscription THE STAR TRIBUNE CIRCULAT 612-6734343 MN 1130.6105 "2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/23 ($25.00) Test Permit EDINA STORE 952-927-8861 MN 1130.4316 **2293 JENNIFER BENNEROTTE 2015/09/23 $50.34 Open Streets FB Ads FACEBOOK XWEPU76532 650-6187714 CA 1130.6122 **5821 AMY SMITH 2015/08/28 $300.00 Entertainment SQ *THE NEIGHBORHOOD TRIO GOSQ.COM MN 5410.6406 **5821 AMY SMITH 2015/09/20 $14.34 Food LUNDS & BYERLYS-RF RICHFIELD MN 5421.5510 **5821 AMY SMITH 2015/09/21 $368.52 Food THE TIN FISH EDINA MN 5410.6406 **8806 MARY WOOLDRIDGE 2015/08/28 $20.00 Data Plan VZWRLSS*PRPAY AUTOPAY 888-294-6804 CA 5440.6406 **8806 MARY WOOLDRIDGE 2015/09/04 $25.04 Shipment FEDEX 781268726611 MEMPHIS TN 5440.6122 **8806 MARY WOOLDRIDGE 2015/09/09 $225.00 AGM Membership Dues ASSOCIATION OF GOLF MERCH 602-6048250 AZ 5410.6105 **8806 MARY WOOLDRIDGE 2015/09/10 $8.24 Nail and Hammer TARGET 00023135 EDINA MN 5440.6406 **8806 MARY WOOLDRIDGE 2015/09/15 $16.08 Belkin Cable TARGET 00023135 EDINA MN 5440.6406 **8806 MARY WOOLDRIDGE 2015/09/22 $32.18 Plaque CROWN TROPHY OF BLOOMING 9528844944 MN 5410.6406 **2892 TOM SWENSON 2015/09/15 $342.01 Permit, Garage Floor CITY OF EDINA BUILDING EDINA MN 5400.1705 "2892 TOM SWENSON 2015/09/21 $46.06 Gloves THE HOME DEPOT 2812 EDEN PRAIRIE MN 5422.6406 **2892 TOM SWENSON 2015/09/22 $65.50 PLT License-Bob DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND I 651-2845528 MN 5410.6105 "7946 JOSEPH ABOOD 2015/09/23 $21.17 League Reps Lunch THE TIN FISH EDINA MN 5410.6122 "4673 SUSIE MILLER 2015/09/02 $225.00 STAR SERVING THE AMERICAN R 719-5381149 CO 5510.6105 **4673 SUSIE MILLER 2015/09/18 $107.77 Office Supplies OFFICEMAX/OFFICEDEPOT6042 EDINA MN 5510.6513 **7010 AMANDA HOLLE 2015/08/25 $38.00 Max Galaxy Test EDINA STORE 952-833-9520 MN 1600.6406 "9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/02 ($34.29) Office Supplies FEDEXOFFICE 00006221 EDINA MN 5110.6513 "9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/02 $31.57 General Supplies HIRSHFIELDS/SOUTHDALE EDINA MN 5111.6406 "9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/02 $34.29 Office Supplies FEDEXOFFICE 00006221 EDINA MN 5110.6513 "9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/02 $37.54 Office Supplies OFFICEMAX/OFFICEDEPOT6042 EDINA MN 5110.6513 "9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/04 $20.00 General Supplies A-Z RENTAL CENTER EDEN PRAIRIE MN 5110.6406 **9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/09 $86.89 Meeting PINSTRIPES EDINA MN 5110.6106 **9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/10 $29.94 General Supplies TARGET 00023135 EDINA MN 5111.6406 "9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/12 $202.70 General Supplies JERRY'S FOODS OF ED EDINA MN 5110.6406 "9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/13 $185.61 General Supplies JERRY'S FOODS OF ED EDINA MN 5110.6406 "9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/12 $160.70 General Supplies STARBUCKS #18565 EDINA EDINA MN 5110.6406 "9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/13 $321.40 General Supplies STARBUCKS #18565 EDINA EDINA MN 5110.6406 "9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/13 $15.54 Office Supplies OFFICEMAX/OFFICEDEPOT6042 EDINA MN 5110.6513 **9328 MICHAEL FREY 2015/09/22 $323.88 General Supplies BAGS AND BOWS 800-225-8155 MA 5120.6406 **5720 ROGER LEMIRE 2015/08/26 $54.40 Hardware KRAEMER S TRUE VALUE MINNETONKA MN 5720.6406 **5720 ROGER LEMIRE 2015/09/23 ($54.40) Hardware KRAEMER S TRUE VALUE MINNETONKA MN 5720.6406 **5720 ROGER LEMIRE 2015/09/23 ($50.71) Hardware KRAEMER S TRUE VALUE MINNETONKA MN 5720.6406 **5720 ROGER LEMIRE 2015/09/23 $101.42 Hardware KRAEMER S TRUE VALUE MINNETONKA MN 5720.6406 CITY OF EDINA CITY COUNCIL CREDIT CARD PAYMENT REGISTER 08/24/15-09/25/15 Account Name Date Amount Description Vendor City State Account **5720 ROGER LEMIRE 2015/09/23 $3.79 Hardware KRAEMER S TRUE VALUE MINNETONKA MN 5720.6406 **5746 RICHARD JOHNS 2015/09/10 $55.83 Foam for Pads A 1 FOAM AND UPHOLSTERY S BLOOMINGTON MN 5720.6406 **5802 PATRICIA MCGRATH 2015/09/05 $100.00 Postage POSTAGE REFILL 800-468-8454 CT 5710.6235 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/08/28 $3,199.99 Mower POWER EQUIPMENT DIRECT 800-7107499 IL 5761.6406 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/08/28 $29.25 Supplies MENARDS RICHFIELD RICHFIELD MN 5761.6406 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/02 $13.51 Supplies FASTENAL COMPANY01 BLOOMINGTON MN 5761.6406 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/03 $235.98 Commercial Coffee Urn TARGET.COM * 800-591-3869 MN 5760.6406 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/01 $114.66 Floor Cleaner and Finish THE HOME DEPOT #2845 RICHFIELD MN 5761.6511. **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/02 ($53.58) Supplies THE HOME DEPOT #2845 RICHFIELD MN 5761.6406 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/04 $196.17 Chains and Rapid Links IN *FIRST CHAIN SUPPLY CO 219-6966411 IN 5761.6530 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/10 $96.54 Portable Projection Screen AMAZON.COM AMZN.COM/BILL AMZN.COM/BILL WA 5760.6406 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/15 $339.25 Tulip Red Cubed COLORBLENDS FLOWERBULB 888-847-8637 CT 5765.6520 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/17 $29.00 Office Supplies WHENIWORK.COM 651-330-4482 MN 5760.6105 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/16 $141.82 Plants THE HOME DEPOT 2805 BLOOMINGTON MN 5761.6620 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/17 $38.74 Supplies MENARDS RICHFIELD RICHFIELD MN 5761.6406 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/18 $276.86 Catering BYERLY'S MINNEAPOLIS MN 5760.6406 **0116 TOM SHIRLEY 2015/09/22 $27.48 Produce and Bakery CUB FOODS #6690 BLOOMINGTON MN 1556.6104 **0093 STEVEN GRAUSAM 2015/09/01 $751.67 Register Tapes REGISTER TAPES UNLIM INC 999-999-9999 TX 5822.6122 **0093 STEVEN GRAUSAM 2015/09/01 $751.67 Register Tapes REGISTER TAPES UNLIM INC 999-999-9999 TX 5842.6122 **0093 STEVEN GRAUSAM 2015/09/01 $751.66 Register Tapes REGISTER TAPES UNLIM INC 999-999-9999 TX 5862.6122 **0093 STEVEN GRAUSAM 2015/09/11 $51.40 Pop for Resale CUB FOODS #3128 EDINA MN 5842.5515 **0093 STEVEN GRAUSAM 2015/09/16 $21.68 Packing Materials THE UPS STORE 1715 EDINA MN 5841.6406 **0093 STEVEN GRAUSAM 2015/09/21 $21.39 Swiffer THE HOME DEPOT 2805 BLOOMINGTON MN 5821.6406 **0093 STEVEN GRAUSAM 2015/09/24 $158.34 Advertising THE STAR TRIBUNE MERCHAND 612-6734072 MN 5822.6122 **0093 STEVEN GRAUSAM 2015/09/24 $158.34 Advertising THE STAR TRIBUNE MERCHAND 612-6734072 MN 5842.6122 **0093 STEVEN GRAUSAM 2015/09/24 $158.32 Advertising THE STAR TRIBUNE MERCHAND 612-6734072 MN 5862.6122 **2223 GREG BRETSON 2015/08/27 $17.15 Electronic Ballast JERRY'S DO IT BEST EDINA MN 7411.6406 **2223 GREG BRETSON 2015/09/08 $100.69 Hardware TWIN CITY HDWE NEW HOPE NEW HOPE MN 7413.6406 "2223 GREG BRETSON 2015/09/09 $18.41 Coupling JERRY'S DO IT BEST EDINA MN 7411.6406 "2223 GREG BRETSON 2015/09/18 $4.24 Fasteners JERRY'S DO IT BEST EDINA MN 7411.6406 "2223 GREG BRETSON 2015/09/23 $55.53 Brushes and Cloth JERRY'S DO IT BEST EDINA MN 7412.6406 "2223 GREG BRETSON 2015/09/24 $19.28 Carb & Choke Cleaner JERRY'S DO IT BEST EDINA MN 7412.6406 "2223 GREG BRETSON 2015/09/24 $36.26 Spray MENARDS EDEN PRAIRIE EDEN PRAIRIE MN 7412.6406 "9956 DEB FIELDS 2015/08/27 $49.62 APD Meeting DAVANNI'S #15 EDINA MN 7410.6106 "9956 DEB FIELDS 2015/09/01 $30.00 Email service EMA*EMMA EMAIL MARKETING 800-5954401 TN 7410.6122 "9956 DEB FIELDS 2015/09/15 $36.00 Firearms Training Books SQ *POSTAL DISPATCH BUSIN MINNEAPOLIS MN 7410.6575 "9956 DEB FIELDS 2015/09/22 $189.58 Fire Consortium Meeting DAVANNI'S #15 EDINA MN 7413.6106 "9956 DEB FIELDS 2015/09/25 $18.53 Food DOMINO'S 1927 320-235-8277 MN 7411.6406 **0314 GERALD KOPLOS 2015/08/25 $32.17 2 Head Emergency Lights MENARDS EDEN PRAIRIE EDEN PRAIRIE MN 7411.6406 **0314 GERALD KOPLOS 2015/09/02 ($1.00) Supplies SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY EDINA MN 7411.6406 **0314 GERALD KOPLOS 2015/09/04 $15.74 Packing Materials SQ *POSTAL DISPATCH BUSIN MINNEAPOLIS MN 7411.6406 **0314 GERALD KOPLOS 2015/09/10 $38.48 Fittings, Adapters, Pipe THE HOME DEPOT #2845 RICHFIELD MN 7411.6406 **0314 GERALD KOPLOS 2015/09/12 $85.79 Metal Hole Saw Kit THE HOME DEPOT 2812 EDEN PRAIRIE MN 7411.6406 **0314 GERALD KOPLOS 2015/09/11 - $55.70 Flood Lights MENARDS EDEN PRAIRIE EDEN PRAIRIE MN 7412.6406 08/24/15-09/25/15 Account Name Date Amount Description **0314 GERALD KOPLOS 2015/09/14 $7.21 Coupling, Adapter **0314 GERALD KOPLOS 2015/09/15 $31.81 Coupling, LED **0314 GERALD KOPLOS 2015/09/16 $97.74 Range Clean Up Supplies $46,351.29 Vendor MENARDS EDEN PRAIRIE MENARDS EDEN PRAIRIE THE HOME DEPOT 2812 City EDEN PRAIRIE EDEN PRAIRIE EDEN PRAIRIE State Account MN 7411.6406 MN 7412.6406 MN 7412.6406 CITY OF EDINA CITY COUNCIL CREDIT CARD PAYMENT REGISTER We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing policip and pr,e_dures date / 2-7" Y// Finan R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Check # Date Amount Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015— 12/24/2015 Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Page - 1 Business Unit 2431 12/24/2015 101304 ABM EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 27,217.00 TRUCK BODY 00005181 389917 0145812-IN 5900.1735 AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 27,217.00 2432 12/24/2015 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 87.20 389985 1959671 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 56.00 389984 1959672 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 143.20 2433 12/24/2015 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 376.12 COFFEE 389281 1206185 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 69.65 COFFEE 389824 434559 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 445.77 2434 12/24/2015 100643 BARR ENGINEERING CO. 3,274.00 PROMENADE - PHASE 4 389724 23271309.02-9 9232.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 3,274.00 2435 12/24/2015 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 756.85 389989 51490600 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 83.81 389751 9314880 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 164.19 389990 93191000 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1,004.85 2436 12/24/2015 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 18.99 CALENDAR 389725 OE-410600-1 1263.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENVIRONMENT 44.68 LABELS, MEETING NOTES 389726 0E-411333-1 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 107.27 OFFICE SUPPLIES 389863 0E-411530-1 1140.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLANNING 271.17 OFFICE SUPPLIES 389684 WO-165191-1 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 442.11 2437 12/24/2015 102545 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD OF MN 23,456.00 JAN 2016 PREMIUMS 389392 121515 1556.6043 COBRA INSURANCE EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 245,613.48 JAN 2016 PREMIUMS 389392 121515 1556.6040 HOSPITALIZATION EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 269,069.48 2438 12/24/2015 132444 BOLTON & MENK INC. 3,675.00 SANITARY SEWER REHAB 389727 0184510 03493.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Presidents Neighborhood 3,675.00 2439 12/24/2016 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015- 12/24/2015 Page - 2 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2439 12/24/2015 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS Continued... 150.43 TANK, NOZZLES 00005887 389285 1018623 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 16.81 SENSOR 00005888 389343 1018863 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 30.06 MODULE 00005889 389344 1018939 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 15.00 FREIGHT 389345 CM1018863 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 212.30 2440 12/24/2015 100664 BRAUN INTERTEC 2,485.00 MATERIALS TESTING 389729 B045564 01412.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION GLEN VIEWADDITION NHOOD RECON 523.37 MATERIALS TESTING 389732 6045638 01414.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION HOLLANDS NHOOD RECON 523.38 MATERIALS TESTING 389732 B045638 01415.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION HYDE PARK NHOOD RECON 2,053.00 MATERIALS TESTING 389731 9045639 01413.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION EDINA HIGHLANDS LAKESIDE RECON 1,729.00 MATERIALS TESTING 389733 B045640 01410.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION CLOVER LAKE NHOOD RECON 442.63 MATERIALS TESTING 389730 B045745 07111.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION S-111 INTERLACHEN BLVD 5,149.25 MATERIALS TESTING 389690 B047009 01416.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 54TH ST BRIDGE&STREET REPAIR 1,577.75 MATERIALS TESTING 389728 9047012 01412.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION GLEN VIEWADDITION NHOOD RECON 14,483.38 2441 12/24/2015 100677 CARGILL INC. 8,347.66 ROAD SALT 00005070 389918 2902592915 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 8,347.66 2442 12/24/2015 102372 CDW GOVERNMENT INC. 99.74 SURFACE PRO WARRANTY 00004395 389866 BHV4186 1554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 139.89 SURFACE PRO 00004395 389867 BJC7371 1554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 119.55 SURFACE PRO COVER 389868 BJM1462 1554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 80.49 BATTERY PACK 00004399 389865 BKS3863 1554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 439.67 2443 12/24/2015 104020 DALCO 425.20 CAN LINERS, URETHANE, CLEANEFID0001137 389290 2963614 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 410.23 WIPES, TOWELS 389289 2964614 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 687.96 TISSUE AND TOWEL DISPENSERS 389933 2966601 47094.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BREDESEN PARK COMFORT STATION 1,523.39 2444 12/24/2015 129718 DREW'S CONCESSIONS LLC 144.00 CARAMEL CORN 389880 2092 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 144.00 2445 12/24/2015 100768 GARTNER REFRIGERATION & MFG INC 561.00 PIPING REPAIRS 389946 49836 5521.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA ICE IVIAINT R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015-- 12/24/2015 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Page - 3 Business Unit 2445 12/24/2015 100768 GARTNER REFRIGERATION & MFG INC Continued... 1,903.38 COMPRESSOR REPAIRS 389945 49840 5521.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA ICE MAINT 192.00 SWITCHED MODES 389947 49844 5521.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA ICE MAINT 2,656.38 2446 12/24/2015 102320 HAMCO DATA PRODUCTS 134.56 THERMAL ROLLS 389299 138409 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 134.56 2447 12/24/2015 100814 INDELCO PLASTICS CORP. 193.60 CHEMICAL FEED PIPING 00001156 389363 961114 5912.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES WELL HOUSES 201.88 PIPING REPAIRS 00001163 389364 961651 5912.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES WELL HOUSES 395.48 2448 12/24/2015 132592 J.F. AHERN CO. 250.00 SPRINKLER INSPECTIONS 389886 121688 5210.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS GOLF DOME PROGRAM 250.00 2449 12/24/2015 103217 LHB, INC. 2,859.97 GRANDVIEW TRANSPORTATION STUDY 389304 150515.00-1 9234.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER GRANDVIEW TIF DISTRICT 2,859.97 2450 12/24/2015 100858 LOGIS 630.00 389703 40997 1554.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 3,666.00 389703 40997 1495.6160 DATA PROCESSING INSPECTIONS 4,040.00 389703 40997 1160.6160 DATA PROCESSING FINANCE 4,514.00 389703 40997 1554.6160 DATA PROCESSING CENT SERV GEN - MIS 5,969.00 389703 40997 1556.6160 DATA PROCESSING EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 6,098.00 389703 40997 1190.6160 DATA PROCESSING ASSESSING 5,935.00 389703 40997 5902.6160 DATA PROCESSING UTILITY BILLING - FINANCE 2,992.50 IT CONSULTING 389890 41053 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 105.00 IT CONSULTING 389890 41053 4413.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY VVIFI PROJECT 2,421.36 CISCO SMARTNET 389891 41088 1554.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 36,370.86 2451 12/24/2015 101792 LUBE-TECH 4,502.30 OIL 00005810 389958 720013 1553.6584 LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 4,502.30 2452 12/24/2015 112577 M. AMUNDSON LLP 1,318.66 389775 208323 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 4 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015- Inv No 12/24/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2452 2453 12/24/2015 112577 M. AMUNDSON LLP 101483 MENARDS Continued... 12/24/2015 1,318.66 31.96 BRUSH, CUTTING WHEELS 00006443 389896 1548 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 11.26 COPPER TUBING, CAPS 00001124 389894 1620 5420.6530 REPAIR PARTS CLUB HOUSE 37.45 SOLDER, BRUSHES 00001130 389895 1638 5420.6530 REPAIR PARTS CLUB HOUSE 5.07 EXTENSION WAND 389306 1708 1301.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS GENERAL MAINTENANCE 134.42 PARK SHELTER SIDING 00001147 389307 1945 47097.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PARK SHELTER SIDING REPLACEMEN 153.12 SIDING TOOLS, MATERIALS 00001152 389309 2013 47097.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PARK SHELTER SIDING REPLACEMEN 161.10 SOFFIT LIGHTS 00001160 389308 2041 47097.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PARK SHELTER SIDING REPLACEMEN 231.58 LUMBER, SCREWS, PRIMER 00001161 389369 2043 1335.6531 SIGNS & POSTS PAVEMENT MARKINGS 123.84 TRAILER DECKING 00001183 389960 2440 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 79.92 BATTERIES 00001193 389704 2491 1321.6530 REPAIR PARTS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 329.49 DEWATERING PUMP 00001192 389961 2494 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 9.97 BRACKETS, VISOR ORGANIZER 00001249 389962 2646 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 69.50 EPDXY, SPONGES 00006440 389893 866 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,378.68 2454 12/24/2015 101161 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY 78.00 TOWELS 389310 36479 1551.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 65.80 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 389311 36526 1551.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 445.05 CITY HALL SUPPLIES 389311 36526 1551.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 22.85 389312 36657 1551.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 631.40 389312 36657 1551.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 609.39 389313 36716 1551.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 2.00 389314 36752 1551.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 199.40 389314 36752 1551.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 175.55 389315 36859 1551.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 764.00 389315 36859 1551.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 231.90 389316 36955 1551.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 921.39 389316 36955 1551.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 216.00 389317 37006 1551.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 241.40 389317 37006 1551.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 4,604.13 2455 12/24/2015 100906 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC. 20.00- RETURN CREDIT 389900 1017691-99 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 7,012.99 MOWER 00005187 389320 1044132-00 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 227.48 FILTERS 00006441 389899 1044729-00 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 7,220.47 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 5 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015— 12/24/2015 Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2455 2456 12/24/2015 12/24/2015 100906 ivrn DISTRIBUTING INC. 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC. Continued-. 26,595.25 STREET PATCHING 389842 121615 05561.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 2015 Street Patching 9,499.13 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 8 389840 54TH ST-12/15 07127.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS S127 ARDEN PARK D SIDEWALK 14,428.73 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 8 389840 54TH ST-12/15 10096.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BR6 54TH STREET BRIDGE 101,553.63 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 8 389840 54TH ST-12/15 01416.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 54TH ST BRIDGE&STREET REPAIR 122,676.22 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 8 389840 54TH ST-12/15 01412.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS GLEN VIEWADDITION NHOOD RECON 59,508.30 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 8 389840 54TH ST-12/15 08062.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS ARDEN PARK D ST LIGHTING 43,940.81 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 8 389840 54TH ST-12/15 03487.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Arden Park D Reconstruction 59,818.75 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 8 389840 54TH ST-12/15 05551.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Arden Park D Reconstruction 37,684.88 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 8 389840 54TH ST-12/15 04407.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS 54TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 51,955.47 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 7 389841 COUNTRYSIDE-12/ 07128.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS S128 COUNTRYSIDE H SIDEWALK 15 49,629.73 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 7 389841 COUNTRYSIDE-12/ 01413.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS EDINA HIGHLANDS LAKESIDE RECON 15 7,488.44 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 7 389841 COUNTRYSIDE-12/ 05552.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Countryside H Reconstruction 15 46,944.85 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 7 389841 COUNTRYSIDE-12/ 03488.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Countryside H Reconstruction 15 27,927.15 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 7 389841 COUNTRYSIDE-12/ 04409.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Countryside H Reconstruction 15 659,651.34 2457 12/24/2015 129485 PAPCO INC. 146.43 DRILLED COVER, DOME GASKET 389847 96357 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 127.46 CAN LINERS, CLEANERS 389846 96449 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 273.89 2458 12/24/2015 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. 266.02 TIRES 389740 210200943 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 316.00 TIRES 389377 210211908 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 480.00 TIRES, SERVICE 389741 210212761 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,062.02 2459 12/24/2015 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 391.64 LINERS, TISSUE, DISINFECTANT 389971 8755 5553.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 357.10 MOP BUCKET, TISSUE 389970 8758 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 325.54 FLOOR CLEANER, TISSUE 00002107 389906 8759 5720.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 1,074.28 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015— 12/24/2015 Page - 6 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2460 12/24/2015 100972 R&R SPECIALTIES OF WISCONSIN INC. Continued... 254.75 ICE PAINT, LOGO 389973 0058652-IN 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 254.75 2461 12/24/2015 105442 SCHERER BROS. LUMBER CO. 162.58 SCREWS 00001139 389380 41357235 1335.6531 SIGNS & POSTS PAVEMENT MARKINGS 162.58 2462 12/24/2015 102371 STANDARD SPRING 735.51 SPRING, OIL, FASTENERS 00005890 389980 358333 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 735.51 2463 12/24/2015 101017 SUBURBAN CHEVROLET 133.83 MODULE 00005939 389383 126236 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 133.83 2464 12/24/2015 103277 TITAN MACHINERY 1,182.44 MACHINE REPAIRS 389721 582978 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,182.44 2465 12/24/2015 102742 TKDA ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS 1,821.40 BRIDGE INSPECTIONS 389745 002015003889 1262.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TRANSPORTATION 1,821.40 2466 12/24/2015 119454 VINOCOPIA 132.00 390016 0140754-IN 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 92.50 390017 0140755-IN 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 174.00 390018 0140756-IN 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 523.05 390019 0140757-IN 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 921.55 2467 12/24/2015 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 212.20 389803 412476-00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,711.10 389802 412647-00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,923.30 400040 12/24/2015 100611 A TO Z RENTAL CENTER 75.95 JACKHAMMER 00006447 389850 105303 5424.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS RANGE 75.95 400041 12/24/2015 127125 AAKER, KRIS R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015— 12/24/2015 Page - 7 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400041 12/24/2015 127125 AAKER, KRIS Continued... 103.50 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 389339 121215 1140.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PLANNING 103.50 400042 12/24/2015 101971 ABLE HOSE & RUBBER LLC 359.28 HOSE 00001176 389920 1-871460 5913.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION 359.28 400043 12/24/2015 124613 ABM ONSITE SERVICES - MIDWEST 2,836.62 JANITORIAL SERVICE 389921 8868205 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 2,836.62 400044 12/24/2015 136911 ACCOLADE USA INC. 704.22 APPAREL 389851 201453 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 704.22 400045 12/24/2015 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 26.48 GOLF BALLS 389854 901657100 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 52.83 SHOES 389853 901657254 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 52.83 SHOES 389852 901657255 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 111.78 GOLF BALLS 389855 901663779 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 1,371.92 389858 901664024 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 43.16 GOLF BALLS 389856 901671414 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 1,371.92- 389859 901671774 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 530.50 GOLF CLUBS 389857 901726745 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 817.58 400046 12/24/2015 103357 ALPHA VIDEO & AUDIO INC. 3,425.00 AV EQUIPMENT TRAINING 389823 SYSINV120815DB 421130.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 3,425.00 400047 12/24/2015 102171 ANDERSON -JOHNSON ASSOCIATES INC. 1,478.90 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION 389340 131091115 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 1,478.90 400048 12/24/2015 119976 AP LAWN 3,346.00 FALL CLEAN UP 00002086 389860 CTLKP-1115 5761.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 3,346.00 400049 12/24/2015 131175 ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING DESIGNS INC. 1,730.00 INDUSTRIAL PARK LIGHTING 00001807 389723 13329 450006.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT INDUSTRIAL PARK LIGHTING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 8 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015— Inv No 12/24/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400049 12/24/2015 131175 ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING DESIGNS INC. Continued... 1,730.00 400050 12/24/2015 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 1,632.99 389986 3072305 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 7.98- 389987 331738 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 19.98- 389988 331739 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 1,605.03 400051 12/24/2015 100634 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO. 450.00 BOOM INSPECTION 389341 10156897 1552.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 450.00 400052 12/24/2015 120995 AVR INC. 1,270.00 READY MIX 389342 122943 5932.6520 CONCRETE GENERAL STORM SEWER 1,270.00 400053 12/24/2015 136687 BALLANTINE PAINTING 4,800.00 PAINTING AT BREDESEN PK 389282 1004 47094.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BREDESEN PARK COMFORT STATION 4,800.00 400054 12/24/2015 102195 BATTERIES PLUS 29.99 BATTERY 389861 018-103737-01 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 29.99 400055 12/24/2015 136267 BAUHAUS BREW LABS LLC 486.00 389750 4981 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 486.00 400056 12/24/2015 126996 BCA - CJTE 120.00 LEGAL LATITUDE - N. MENDEL 389284 26538-120715SML 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 120.00 LEGAL LATITUDE - R. SCHULTZ 389283 33717-120715SML 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 240.00 400057 12/24/2015 120517 BEITEL, DAWN 347.30 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 389825 121715 5710.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 347.30 400058 12/24/2015 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC. R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Check # Date Amount Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015-- 12/24/2015 Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Page - 9 Business Unit 400058 12/24/2015 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC. Continued... 288.00 PIZZA 389862 D2813884 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 288.00 400059 12/24/2015 125139 BERNICK'S 88.80- 389991 19305 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 694.00 389752 266853 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 605.20 400060 12/24/2015 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 264.95 COFFEE 389922 T150864 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 485.35 COFFEE 389923 T153013 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 29.85 WATER 389924 T153379 6520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 780.15 400061 12/24/2015 135980 BEST TRUCKING 200.00 HAUL ITEMS FOR AUCTION 389864 236997 5420.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CLUB HOUSE 200.00 400062 12/24/2015 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 110.37- RETURN 389686 70217677 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 230.36 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003626 389685 81934992 1470.6510 FIRSTAID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 9.56 AMBLUANCE SUPPLIES 00003633 389687 81989479 1470.6510 FIRSTAID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 385.00 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003632 389688 81991103 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,163.42 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003634 389689 81991104 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,677.97 400063 12124/2015 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 553.50 389753 130670 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 702.12 389755 130829 5842.6513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 137.50 389754 130855 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,393.12 400064 12/24/2015 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 39.00 389758 00011087 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 733.70 389757 770375 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 10,254.35 389756 771257 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 11,027.05 400065 12/24/2015 137138 CASTLE DANGER BREWING CO LLC 477.72 389992 4674 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 10 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015- Inv No 12/24/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400065 12/24/2015 137138 CASTLE DANGER BREWING CO LLC Continued... 477.72 400066 12/24/2015 103711 CENTERPOINT ENERGY SERVICES INC. 3,164.33 389930 3154102 5720.6186 HEAT EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 102.43 389931 3154352 5311.6186 HEAT POOL OPERATION 3,266.76 400067 12/24/2015 123898 CENTURYLINK 60.59 952 835-1161 389287 1161-12/15 5720.6188 TELEPHONE EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 160.33 952 285-2951 389288 2951-12/15 1470.6188 TELEPHONE FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 213.59 952 835-6661 389286 6661-12/15 1552.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SVC PW BUILDING 434.51 400068 12/24/2015 135835 CENTURYLINK 1,335.45 612 D08-2053-053 389691 2053-12/15 2310.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES E911 1,335.45 400069 12/24/2015 100683 CHEMSEARCH 669.56 WATER TREATMENT PROGRAM 389925 2140522 5510.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 669.56 400070 12/24/2015 122317 CITY OF EDINA - COMMUNICATIONS 100.00 MAINTENACE 389828 COM-0759 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 100.00 400071 12/24/2015 122084 CITY OF EDINA - UTILITIES 1,225.45 00079303-0155300010 389928 0155300010-12/1 5511.6189 SEWER & WATER ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 5 382.09 00079303-0155300018 389929 0155300018-12/1 5511.6189 SEWER & WATER ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 5 91.89 00102561-0112920000 389346 112920000-12/15 5841.6189 SEWER & WATER YORK OCCUPANCY 2,090.53 00077479-0113317143 389874 113317143-12/15 5720.6189 SEWER & WATER EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 4,148.00 00110793-0155200000 389869 155200000-12/15 5420.6189 SEWER & WATER CLUB HOUSE 54.58 00110793-0155250009 389873 155250009-12/15 5422.6189 SEWER & WATER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 107.42 00110793-0155250018 389870 155250018-12/15 5422.6189 SEWER & WATER MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 704.63 00103650-0155251008 389826 155251008-12/15 7411.6189 SEWER & WATER PSTF OCCUPANCY 459.98 00103650-0155252016 389827 155252016-12/15 7411.6189 SEWER & WATER PSTF OCCUPANCY 635.49 00079303-0155300009 389927 155300009-12/15 5511.6189 SEWER & WATER ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 120.51 00121140-0155300028 389926 155300028-12/15 5552.6189 SEWER & WATER SPORTS DOME ADMINISTRATION 234.09 00113607-0170005201 389692 170005201-12/15 1470.6189 SEWER & WATER FIRE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015- 12/24/2015 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Page - 11 Business Unit 400071 12/24/2015 122084 CITY OF EDINA - UTILITIES Continued... 54.58 00110793-0173001000 389872 173001000-12/15 5424.6189 SEWER & WATER RANGE 84.64 00110793-0173001001 389871 173001001-12/15 5210.6189 SEWER & WATER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 10,393.88 400072 12/24/2015 100692 COCA-COLA REFRESHMENTS 505.78 389759 0148028217 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 505.78 400073 12/24/2015 120826 COMCAST SPOTLIGHT 1,381.15 CABLE WADS 389347 DEC2015 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 1,381.17 CABLE TV ADS 389347 DEC2015 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 1,381.17 CABLE TV ADS 389347 DEC2015 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 4,143.49 400074 12/24/2015 121066 COMMERCIAL ASPHALT CO. 610.50 HOT MIX 389348 113015 1314.6518 BLACKTOP STREET RENOVATION 610.50 400075 12/24/2015 124118 COMPLETE COOLING SERVICES 830.00 RADIATOR 389932 23014 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 830.00 400076 12/24/2015 133173 CRABTREE COMPANIES INC. 140.00 LASERFICHE MAINTENANCE 389829 134271 1185.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 140.00 LASERFICHE MAINTENANCE 389829 134271 1260.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING GENERAL 140.00 LASERFICHE MAINTENANCE 389829 134271 1140.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLANNING 700.00 LASERFICHE MAINTENANCE 389829 134271 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INSPECTIONS 860.00 LASERFICHE MAINTENANCE 389829 134271 1160.6160 DATA PROCESSING FINANCE 6,804.00 LASERFICHE MAINTENANCE 389829 134271 1554.6160 DATA PROCESSING CENT SERV GEN - MIS 8,784.00 400077 12/24/2015 121267 CREATIVE RESOURCES 777.99 EP UNIFORMS 389875 42769 5720.6201 LAUNDRY EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 454.40 STAFF UNIFORMS 389876 42772 5720.6201 LAUNDRY EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 1,232.39 400078 12/24/2015 101418 CUMMINS NPOWER LLC 544.07 BACKUP GENERATOR REPAIR 389877 100-65034 5720.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 544.07 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015- 12/24/2015 Page - 12 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400079 12/24/2015 129560 CUNINGHAM GROUP ARCHITECTURE Continued... 682.05 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 389349 44064 5550.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS SPORTS DOME BALANCE SHEET 682.05 400080 12/24/2015 133169 DAIKIN APPLIED 326.90 PUMP #3 EVALUATION 389878 3075130 5720.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 326.90 400081 12/24/2016 112319 DARG BOLGREAN MENK INC. 770.00 INSPECTIONS 389291 19003 1552.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 770.00 400082 12/24/2015 137643 DEAL, DARA 140.00 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 389693 5625 TRACY AVE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 140.00 400083 12/24/2015 100718 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 11.38 DRILL BITS 00001146 389350 56818 1343.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BRIDGES GUARD RAILS 3.92 GRIP MAT 00001170 389351 57964 1330.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES TRAFFIC SIGNALS 15.30 400084 12/24/2015 100899 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 9,637.32 NOV 2015 SURCHARGE 389919 23725053060 1495.4380 SURCHARGE INSPECTIONS 9,637.32 400085 12/24/2015 137647 DEVRIES, RACHEL 140.69 HORTICULTURAL SUPPLIES 389879 121715 5761.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 140.69 400086 12/24/2015 121103 DIRECTV 92.09 389830 27375611746 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 92.09 400087 12/24/2015 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC. 650.00 BRAEMAR AD 389934 281645 5510.6575 PRINTING ARENAADMINISTRATION 44.68 PUBLISH NOTICE 389292 284863 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 694.68 400088 12/24/2015 105467 EDINA CRIME PREVENTION FUND 333.33 FALL INTO THE ARTS FESTIVAL 389352 LIQUOR AD 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 333.33 FALL INTO THE ARTS FESTIVAL 389352 LIQUOR AD 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015- 12/24/2015 Page - 13 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400088 12/24/2016 105467 EDINA CRIME PREVENTION FUND Continued... 333.34 FALL INTO THE ARTS FESTIVAL 389352 LIQUOR AD 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 1,000.00 400089 12/2412015 105906 EGAN COMPANY 4,360.00 LED BASE REPAIR 00001352 389935 JC10122803 1322.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 4,360.00 400090 12/24/2015 102758 ELDER-JONES BLDG PERMIT SERIVCE INC 81.49 PERMIT ED139142 REFUND 389936 6424 NORDIC CIR 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 81.49 400091 12/24/2015 100746 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 897.30 IRRIGATION PUMP 00001171 389353 425804 1642.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIELD MAINTENANCE 897.30 400092 12/24/2015 122792 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1,090.20 SQUAD REPAIRS 389293 RS4307 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,090.20 400093 12/24/2015 134601 EMMONS & OLIVIER RESOURCES INC. 5,963.95 2015 STREET RATINGS 389694 01169-0003-4 5960.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEER SERVICES - STORM 5,963.95 400094 12/24/2015 134966 EMSAR MIDWEST 142.34 STRYKER REPAIRS 389695 SI-16370 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 142.34 400095 12/24/2015 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 82.88 BATTERY 389938 1-4813049 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 30.00- CREDIT 389939 1-4867491 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 460.02 BATTERIES 389354 1-Z06276 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 36.44 FILTERS 389937 69-197505 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 261.67 PAD KIT, ROTORS 389296 69-204648 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 158.58 BRAKE LINING KIT, ROTORS 389294 69-204842 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 69.03- CREDIT 389940 69-204863 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 127.58- CREDIT 389941 69-204864 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 280.09- CREDIT 389942 69-204866 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 88.28 BATTERY 389734 69-205397 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 60.03 PAD SET 389295 70-253859 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 641.20 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 14 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015— Inv No 12/24/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400095 400096 12/24/2015 12/24/2015 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 102485 FAHRENKRUG, ROGER Continued.. 1,512.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 389943 121615 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 1,512.00 400097 12/24/2015 100216 FARMER BROTHERS COFFEE 44.62 COFFEE 389881 62970800 5421.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GRILL 44.62 400098 12/24/2015 106035 FASTENAL COMPANY 21.73 PARTS 00001119 389355 MNTC2134189 1310.6524 WEARING SHOES STREET CLEANING 21.73 400099 12/24/2015 126004 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 6,866.64 WATER METERS FOR STOCK 00001204 389696 0176528 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 1,199.44 WATER METERS FOR STOCK 00001205 389697 0176834 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 206.05 METER ACC. 389356 0176835 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 8,272.13 400100 12/24/2015 135234 FIELD TRAINING SOLUTIONS 590.00 FTO BASIC TRAINING 389882 8376 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 590.00 400101 12/24/2015 102727 FORCE AMERICA 143.83 DRIVELINE, FLANGE YOKE 00005885 389297 IN001-1009165 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 143.83 400102 12/24/2015 106351 FOSTER, REBECCA 100.05 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 389944 121215 1260.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ENGINEERING GENERAL 100.05 400103 12/24/2015 100764 G & K SERVICES 15.00 ACCT 0012939 389883 1006432979 5422.6201 LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 15.98 ACCT 0039263 389884 1013362665 5421.6201 LAUNDRY GRILL 30.98 400104 12/24/2015 105508 GEMPLER'S INC. 203.55 SAW, BLADES, SAFETY GLASSES 00001531 389948 SI01835882 1644.6556 TOOLS TREES & MAINTENANCE 203.55 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015— 12/24/2015 Page - 15 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400105 12/24/2015 100775 GENERAL SPORTS CORPORATION Continued-. 700.00 UNIFORM PARKAS 389949 90156 5511.6201 LAUNDRY ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 700.00 400106 12/24/2015 101103 GRAINGER 120.91 ROD, COMBINATION SET 00005807 389357 9914492583 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 4.19 MINIATURE LAMPS 389885 9917960271 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 125.10 400107 12/24/2015 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 764.25 389761 190384 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 146.25 389760 190587 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 910.50 400108 12/24/2015 132968 GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD HOMES INC. 2,500.00 REFUND DEMO ESCROW 389698 5120 SKYLINE DR 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS 2,500.00 400109 12/24/2015 122947 GREEN TOUCH SYSTEMS LLC 822.25 DE-ICER 389358 GTS5475 1318.6516 CALCIUM CHLORIDE SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 822.25 400110 12/24/2015 137644 GREENSBORO SERVICE CENTER 435.07 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT REFUND 389699 154012 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 435.07 400111 12/24/2015 137078 GREENWALD ROOFING CO. 1,940.00 SKYLIGHT REPAIRS 389950 10357 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 1,940.00 400112 12/24/2015 100785 GREUPNER, JOE 540.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 389951 121615 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 540.00 400113 12/24/2015 100008 GRUBE, MIKE 243.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 389952 121615 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 243.00 400114 12/24/2015 100787 GRUBER'S POWER EQUIPMENT 172.36 AIR FILTERS, LINK END 00001172 389298 150597 1641.6530 REPAIR PARTS MOWING 172.36 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 16 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015— Inv No 12/24/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400114 400115 12/24/2016 12/24/2016 100787 GRUBER'S POWER EQUIPMENT 124775 HAMLINE UNIVERSITY Continued... 2,950.00 JESSICA VAN DER WERFF 389831 MEMBERSHIP 5960.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEER SERVICES - STORM 2,950.00 400116 12/24/2015 100797 HAWKINS INC. 8,757.88 CHEMICALS 00005285 389359 3810251 5915.6586 WATER TREATMENT SUPPLIES WATER TREATMENT 8,757.88 400117 12/24/2016 106371 HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER 640.00 RANGE SAFETY TRAINING 389832 42172 7414.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PUBLIC PROGRAMS 640.00 400118 12/24/2015 100801 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 2,098.38 POSTAL VERIFICATIONS 389360 1215-1 1180.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ELECTION 2,098.38 400119 12/24/2015 100801 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 8,360.00 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 389361 1215-2 1180.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL ELECTION 8,360.00 400120 12/24/2015 105436 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 1,002.33 RADIO FLEET FEE 389362 1000067800 1301.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE 1,002.33 400121 12/24/2015 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 338.06 389764 800310 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,567.25 389763 800311 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 2,155.50 389762 800454 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 5,060.81 400122 12/24/2015 101774 HONEYWELL INC. 1,860.91 ALARM MONITORING 389700 5234446828 5510.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENAADMINISTRATION 1,860.91 400123 12/24/2016 137646 HOOKOM, MARK 120.00 AMMO REIMBURSEMENT 389833 121415 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 120.00 400124 12/24/2015 101618 HOPKINS PET HOSPITAL R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015- 12/24/2015 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Page - 17 Business Unit 400124 12/24/2015 101618 HOPKINS PET HOSPITAL Continued... 11,176.52 IMPOUND FEES 2015 389300 374995 1450.6217 KENNEL SERVICE ANIMAL CONTROL 11,176.52 400125 12/24/2015 125032 IEH AUTO PARTS LLC 172.14 PARTS 389953 113015 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 172.14 400126 12/24/2015 132871 INGLAS LLP 278.00 INSTALL PULL HANDLES FOR DOOR 389735 10940 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 278.00 400127 12/24/2015 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 7,368.47 389994 2445278 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 173.15 389993 2445279 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 7,541.62 400128 12/24/2015 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 600.00 389765 5308133 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 163.11 390000 5329172 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING .15 390001 5329173 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING .15 389770 5329175 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 91.54 390004 5329176 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 954.50 390003 5329178 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 216.88 390002 5329180 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 4,922.64 390005 5329183 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 51.16 389996 5329184 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 3,843.68 389995 5329185 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,482.45 390006 5329186 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 203.34 389997 5329187 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,150.85 390007 5329188 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 31.41 389998 5329189 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,954.13 389999 5329190 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,763.25 389768 5329194 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 21.99 389769 5329195 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 134.59 389771 5329196 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,187.04 389767 5329197 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 12,543.38 389772 5329198 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,884.79 389766 5329199 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 126.35- 389773 554509 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5.52- 389774 554822 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015— 12/24/2015 Page - 18 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400128 12/24/2015 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Continued... 6.08- 390009 555928 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 14.81- 390008 555929 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 37,048.27 400129 12/24/2015 129918 JOHNSON, BRIAN 120.00 AMMO REIMBURSEMENT 389834 121015 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 120.00 400130 12/24/2015 102113 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 1,176.00 METER ANALYZER KITS 00001148 389954 1027525 1330.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS TRAFFIC SIGNALS 1,176.00 400131 12/24/2015 137508 KALI CONCRETE LLC 500.00 CONCRETE REPAIRS 389887 EP120515 5720.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 500.00 400132 12/24/2015 100839 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES 14.99 BROOM PART 00001117 389301 M329948 1641.6530 REPAIR PARTS MOWING 14.99 400133 12/24/2015 113212 KENDELL DOORS & HARDWARE INC. 109.50 WARMING HOUSE KEYS 00007191 389955 SI024865 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 222.50 SLABBED LOCK CYLINDERS 00001162 389302 SI026127 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 188.40 EVIDENCE ROOM LOCKS 389888 SI026182 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 520.40 400134 12/24/2015 124002 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC. 2,805.00 66TH & XERXES TRAFFIC 389736 7316132 1140.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANNING 2,805.00 400135 12/24/2015 115192 KNUDSON, DEBBIE 180.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 389956 121615 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 180.00 400136 12/24/2015 116776 KUSTOM KARRIERS 210.00 IMPOUND FEE 389983 74239 2340.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DWI FORFEITURE 210.00 400137 12/24/2015 135226 LAMON, MJ 39.47 CAMPAIGN SUPPLIES 389835 121715 1120.6106 MEETING EXPENSE ADMINISTRATION R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 19 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015— Inv No 12/24/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400137 12/24/2015 135226 LAMON, MJ Continued... 39.47 400138 12/24/2015 100605 LANDS END BUSINESS OUTFITTERS 19.00 LOGO CLOTHING 389701 5IN3381244 1556.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 19.00 400139 12/24/2015 137011 LANDSCAPES UNLIMITED LLC 57,156.17 RANGE/PAR 3 CONSTRUCTION 389702 5 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 57,156.17 400140 12/24/2015 136231 LARSON, DEB 700.00 MARKETING CONSULTANT 389303 120215 5820.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET GENERAL 700.00 MARKETING CONSULTANT 389303 120215 5840.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 700.00 MARKETING CONSULTANT 389303 120215 5860.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 2,100.00 400141 12/24/2015 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 1,229.42 PLOW BOLTS, NUTS, FITTINGS 00005880 389367 9303741797 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,229.42 400142 12/24/2015 101552 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES 1,000.00 CLAIM PAID 389366 C0037852 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 2,296.30 LMC CA 000000011449 389365 CLAIM PAID 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 3,296.30 400143 12/24/2015 116575 LIFELINE INC. .100.00 MEDICAL OVERSIGHT PROGRAM 389957 LL-6876 1552.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 100.00 400144 12/24/2015 129955 LIGHTEN UP LLC 5,840.25 RETROFIT LIGHTING TO LED 00002088 389889 02510 5761.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 5,840.25 400145 12/24/2015 123848 LOW VOLTAGE CONTRACTORS 295.00 FIRE ALARM REPAIRS 00001103 389305 SO1.042822 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 295.00 400146 12/24/2015 119209 MASTER TECHNOLOGY GROUP 700.00 CABLING AT CENT LKS PK 389892 504861 5761.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 700.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 20 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015— Inv No 12/24/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400146 400147 12/24/2015 12/24/2015 119209 MASTER TECHNOLOGY GROUP 134716 MATSON, MARCI Continued... 350.00 GRAVEL PIT STORY 389368 ABOUT TOWN 1130.6123 MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 350.00 400148 12/24/2015 105297 MAYER ELECTRIC CORP. 4,053.85 LIGHTING REPAIRS 389959 24646 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 4,053.85 400149 12/24/2015 113023 MEGGITT TRAINING SYSTEMS INC. 41.61 RANGE PART 389836 INV-0069508 7412.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF RANGE 41.61 400150 12/24/2015 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD OF EDEN PRAIRIE 90.20 SWITCH ASSEMBLY 389737 495965 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 90.20 400151 12/24/2015 137645 MEYER-RUUD, JESSE 252.20 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 389837 121715 1554.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 252.20 400152 12/24/2015 137618 MILLERT, OLAF W. 1,522.70 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT REFUND 389370 153162 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,522.70 400153 12/24/2015 100913 MINNEAPOLIS & SUBURBAN SEWER & WATER 2,280.00 CURB STOP REPAIR 00001203 389708 35118 5913.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS DISTRIBUTION 2,280.00 400154 12/24/2015 102174 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPANY 43.13 FIRE FUEL 389838 171141623 7413.6582 FUEL OIL PSTF FIRE TOWER 43.13 400155 12/24/2015 127062 MINNEHAHA BLDG. MAINT. INC. 42.75 WINDOW CLEANING 389318 928047220 5841.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS YORK OCCUPANCY 32.18 WINDOW WASHING 389963 928047221 5861.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS VERNON OCCUPANCY 74.93 400156 12/24/2015 102770 MINNESOTA CASTERS INC. 179.80 SVVIVEL LOCKS, YOKES 00001138 389371 15601 1310.6524 WEARING SHOES STREET CLEANING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 21 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015- Inv No 12/24/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400156 12/24/2015 102770 MINNESOTA CASTERS INC. Continued... 179.80 400157 12/24/2015 100908 MINNESOTA WANNER CO. 114.89 CAMLOCKS, ADAPTERS, COUPLINGE0001118 389372 0112324-IN 1310.6524 WEARING SHOES STREET CLEANING 4.85 CAM LOCK 00001180 389373 0112400-IN 1310.6524 WEARING SHOES STREET CLEANING 119.74 400158 12/24/2015 128914 MINUTEMAN PRESS 197.00 GOLF DOME BROCHURES 389897 19243 5210.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 32.00 CRIME FUND REWARD POSTERS 389319 19296 1400.6575 PRINTING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 229.00 400159 12/24/2015 132597 MIXMI BRANDS INC. 96.00 FROZEN YOGURT 389898 2679 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 96.00 400160 12/24/2015 101658 MPELRA 75.00 WINTER CONFERENCE 389709 KAY MCALONEY 1170.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS HUMAN RESOURCES 75.00 400161 12/24/2015 101390 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC. 368.00- CREDIT 389706 00053842_SCN 6001.8070 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE RISK MGMT REVENUES 1,118.73 BOOTS 00003680 389705 00676323_SNV 6001.8070 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE RISK MGMT REVENUES 379.87 BOOTS 00003680 389707 00679415_SNV 6001.8070 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE RISK MGMT REVENUES 1,130.60 400162 12/24/2015 130453 NATIONAL CINEMEDIA LLC 51.88 CINEMAADVERTISING 389964 INV-075321 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 51.88 400163 12/24/2015 122449 NEW LIFE ENTERPRISES INC. 393.28 RANGE PASSES 389839 8683 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 393.28 400164 12/24/2015 100922 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 288.51 SIGN MATERIAL 389374 TI-0293144 1335.6531 SIGNS & POSTS PAVEMENT MARKINGS 3,396.10 SIGN SHEETING 00001150 389966 TI-0293201 1325.6531 SIGNS & POSTS STREET NAME SIGNS 626.60 SIGN BLANKS 00001151 389965 TI-0293251 4090.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 4,311.21 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015- 12/24/2015 Page - 22 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400165 12/24/2015 103106 NLSC PRODUCTS INC. Continued... 87.00 LIGHTING 389738 93235 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 87.00 400166 12/24/2015 133373 NOREX INC. 3,510.00 SERVICES RENEWAL 389901 636946 1554.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CENT SERV GEN - MIS 3,510.00 400167 12/24/2015 104232 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY INC 123.54 PLOW HEADLIGHT 00005883 389321 40153 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 278.98 LED FLASHERS FOR AMBULANCE 389710 40186 1470.6530 REPAIR PARTS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 402.52 400168 12/24/2015 102652 NORTHLAND CHEMICAL CORP. 438.15 HEAT WAVE LIQUID DE-ICER 389375 5059828 1318.6516 CALCIUM CHLORIDE SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 438.15 400169 12/24/2015 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 52.33 OFFICE SUPPLIES 389967 811063956001 5510.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES ARENAADMINISTRATION 52.33 400170 12/24/2015 102712 OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES 27.03 389843 W15110668 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 27.03 389843 W15110668 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 54.06 389843 W15110668 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 81.09 389843 W15110668 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 81.09 389843 W15110668 1481.6188 TELEPHONE YORK FIRE STATION 198.65 389843 W15110668 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 306.77 389843 W15110668 1622.6188 TELEPHONE SKATING & HOCKEY 54.06 389843 W15110668 5111.6188 TELEPHONE ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 31.75 389843 W15110668 5311.6188 TELEPHONE POOL OPERATION 117.56 389843 W15110668 5410.6188 TELEPHONE GOLF ADMINISTRATION 121.63 389843 W15110668 5710.6188 TELEPHONE EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 121.64 389843 W15110668 5760.6188 TELEPHONE CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 54.06 389843 W15110668 5821.6188 TELEPHONE 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 81.09 389843 W15110668 5841.6188 TELEPHONE YORK OCCUPANCY 81.09 389843 W15110668 5861.6188 TELEPHONE VERNON OCCUPANCY 63.50 389843 W15110668 5913.6188 TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 284.94 389844 W15110673 5420.6188 TELEPHONE CLUB HOUSE 100.50 LANGUAGE LINE 389902 W15110750 1400.6204 TELETYPE SERVICE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,887.54 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 23 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015-- 12/24/2015 Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400170 400171 12/24/2016 12/24/2015 102712 OFFICE OF MN.IT SERVICES 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES Continued... 850.00 HOIST INSPECTIONS 00005787 389323 568316 1552.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 882.61 HOIST REPAIRS 00005787 389322 568833 1552.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 1,732.61 400172 12/24/2015 102265 OLSON, TIM 86.95 UNIFORM PURCHASE 389711 121515 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 86.95 400173 12/24/2015 129214 OUVERSON SEWER AND WATER INC. 5,350.00 WATERLINE TO NEW CURB BOX 389712 3809 05551.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Arden Park D Reconstruction 5,350.00 400174 12/24/2015 124519 OVERHOLT, JAMES 357.07 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 389968 121615 1644.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE TREES & MAINTENANCE 357.07 400175 12/24/2015 130917 OWL ENGINEERING & EMC TEST LABS INC. 800.00 T-MOBILE/MALIBU DR. STUDY 389739 3513 1001.4722 RENTAL OF PROPERTY GENERAL FUND REVENUES 800.00 400176 12/24/2015 121026 PALDA & SONS INC. 42,465.74 FINAL PAYMENT 389845 MORNINGSIDE-12/ 05556.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Morningside Water Main Lining 15 42,465.74 400177 12/24/2015 137568 PANKRATZ, RYAN 56.67 TRAINING - MEALS EXPENSE 389324 121515 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 56.67 400178 12/24/2015 131698 PARLEY LAKE WINERY 174.00 389776 15144 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 174.00 400179 12/24/2015 100347 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 1,114.03 389777 8528132-IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,310.76 389778 8528151-IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 3,424.79 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Check # Date Amount Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015— 12/24/2015 Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Page - 24 Business Unit 400180 12/24/2015 110832 PC2 SOLUTIONS INC. Continued... 1,105.00 IT CONSULTING 389903 121215007 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 1,105.00 400181 12/24/2015 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 387.60 389779 44984707 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 351.40 389780 48955799 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 739.00 400182 12/24/2015 124239 PERSONNEL EVALUATION INC. 80.00 JV PEP BILLING 389325 16340 1400.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 80.00 400183 12/24/2015 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 45.21- 389785 227100 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 4.32- 389786 227101 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 22.60- 389787 227102 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 74.49- 389788 227301 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 261.48 390012 2899989 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 54.16 390011 2899991 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1,255.42 390013 2899993 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,909.16 390010 2899994 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 3,134.67 390014 2899995 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,896.63 389782 2899998 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 114.32 389781 2899999 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 289.98 389784 2900000 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,430.40 389783 2900001 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 12,199.60 400184 12/24/2015 111779 PIONEER RESEARCH CORPORATION 1,844.05 BRINE ENHANCER 389376 244458 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 1,844.05 400185 12/24/2015 137649 PLH & ASSOCIATES LLC 2,500.00 REFUND DEMO ESCROW 389969 6424 RYAN AVE 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS 2,500.00 400186 12/24/2015 100961 POSTMASTER - USPS 6,221.98 ABOUT TOWN POSTAGE 389713 121715 1130.6123 MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 6,221.98 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015— 12/24/2015 No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Page - 25 Business Unit 400187 12/24/2015 119429 POVOLNY SPECIALTIES Continued... 6,355.00 LIGHTING CABINET 00001986 389326 39431 1330.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS TRAFFIC SIGNALS 6,355.00 400188 12/24/2015 125979 PRECISE MRM LLC 950.00 GPS 389904 IN200-1006678 1310.6523 BROOMS STREET CLEANING 950.00 GPS 389905 IN200-1007044 1310.6523 BROOMS STREET CLEANING 1,900.00 400189 12/24/2015 129706 PREMIUM WATERS INC. 4.00 609425 389908 609425-11/15 5310.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POOLADMINISTRATION 29.59 622833 389907 622833-11/15 5710.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 33.59 400190 12/24/2015 128861 PRIMARY PRODUCTS COMPANY 69.21 NITRILE GLOVES 00005905 389378 57666 1553.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 69.21 400191 12/24/2015 112097 PUMP & METER SERVICE INC. 348.50 PUMP HOSES 00005808 389379 24608-26028S0 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 348.50 400192 12/24/2015 132362 QC COMPANIES 7,780.00 PREP AND INSTALL FLOORING 389972 19484 47094.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BREDESEN PARK COMFORT STATION 7,780.00 400193 12/24/2015 104642 RCM SPECIALTIES INC. 1,985.00 SAFELANE APPLICATION 389327 5257 1552.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CENT SVC PW BUILDING 1,985.00 400194 12/24/2015 125936 REINDERS INC. 1,026.00 FUNGICIDE 389909 3035277-00 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 210.65 DECORATIONS 00002087 389910 3035563-00 5761.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 1,236.65 400195 12/24/2015 100982 ROTO-ROOTER 457.60 DRINKING FOUNTAIN INSPECTION 00007501 389974 04818807135 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 259.00 CLEAR SEWER PIPE 389975 04818809128 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 716.60 400196 12/24/2015 104087 SAFE ASSURE CONSULTANTS INC. R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015— 12/24/2015 Page - 26 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400196 12/24/2015 104087 SAFE ASSURE CONSULTANTS INC. Continued... 2,855.66 ANNUAL SAFETY TRAINING 00001077 389714 942 1281.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 2,855.66 ANNUAL SAFETY TRAINING 00001077 389714 942 1640.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS PARK MAINTENANCE GENERAL 2,855.66 ANNUAL SAFETY TRAINING 00001077 389714 942 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 8,566.98 400197 12/24/2015 117807 SAM'S CLUB 158.74 FACILITY SUPPLIES 389848 NOV 2015 7410.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF ADMINISTRATION 158.74 400198 12/24/2015 100995 SEH 8,543.95 54TH ST BID DOCS 389717 308008 10096.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION BR6 54TH STREET BRIDGE 10,938.04 54TH ST BID DOCS 389717 308008 01416.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 54TH ST BRIDGE&STREET REPAIR 902.66 54TH ST BID DOCS 389717 308008 05551.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Arden Park D Reconstruction 3,990.87 54TH ST BID DOCS 389717 308008 04407.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 54TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 3,741.82 ARDEN PARK D 389715 308010 01412.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION GLEN VIEWADDITION NHOOD RECON 2,114.33 ARDEN PARK D 389715 308010 05551.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Arden Park D Reconstruction 3,239.66 ARDEN PARK D 389715 308010 03487.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION Arden Park D Reconstruction 1,687.29 ARDEN PARK D 389715 308010 04407.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION 54TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 24,629.79 TRACY AVENALLEY VIEW 389716 308011 01430.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN VALLEY VIEW & TRACY IMPR 1,868.26 ROADWAY RECON 389742 308012 01422.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN MORN'SIDE A & WHITE OAKS RECON 1,868.26 ROADWAY RECON 389742 308012 01438.1705.20 CONSULTING DESIGN Morningside A & White Oaks C 63,524.93 400199 12/24/2015 130047 SELECT ACCOUNT 786.50 DEC 2015 ADMIN FEES 389381 008816-12/15 1556.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 786.50 400200 12/24/2015 120784 SIGN PRO 148.71 SAFETY SIGNAGE 389976 9751 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 185.00 DASHERBOARD 389718 9892 5510.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 80.00 SAFETY SIGNAGE 389977 9895 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 185.00 DASHERBOARD 389719 9920 5510.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA ADMINISTRATION 598.71 400201 12/24/2015 131885 SISINNI FOOD SERVICES INC. 86.42 HOT DOG BUNS 389978 277407 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 86.42 400202 12/24/2015 137482 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 110.30 ICE SALT 00006445 389911 74117804 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 27 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015-- Inv No 12/24/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400202 400203 12/24/2015 137482 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY LLC 136875 SKOOG, EVELYN Continued... 12/24/2015 110.30 88.56 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT REFUND 389382 153572 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 88.56 400204 12/24/2015 137652 SMITHWORKS MEDICAL INC. 332.09 REBUILD FLUID WARMER 389979 107138 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 332.09 400205 12/24/2015 136580 SOCIABLE CIDER WERKS LLC 400.00 389789 2399 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 400.00 400206 12/24/2015 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS 1.60 389796 1356944 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 930.54 389798 1358174 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 2,144.32 389792 1358176 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 4,006.00 389793 1358177 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 107.80 389791 1358178 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 867.20 389790 1358179 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,382.36 389794 1358180 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,465.71 389797 1358181 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 288.80 389795 1358182 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 13,194.33 400207 12/24/2015 134700 SPOK INC. 107.40 PAGERS 389328 Y0319246L 1400.6151 EQUIPMENT RENTAL POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 107.40 400208 12/24/2015 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 415.75 389799 7149 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 743.25 389800 7150 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,159.00 400209 12/24/2015 122290 STRATUS TECHNOLOGIES IRELAND LTD 6,504.00 CAD SERVER 389329 SVC161096 1400.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 6,504.00 400210 12/24/2015 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC. R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015- 12/24/2015 Page - 28 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400210 12/24/2015 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC. Continued-. 64.50 TIRE DISPOSAL 00005724 389384 10135888 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 57.50 TIRE DISPOSAL 389385 10136390 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 122.00 400211 12/24/2015 133512 SUDDATH RELOCATION SYSTEMS 924.00 MOVE ELECTION EQUIPMENT 389386 46503 1180.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ELECTION 924.00 400212 12/24/2015 136860 SYSCO WESTERN MINNESOTA 292.58 CONCESSION PRODUCT 389912 512110498 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 292.58 400213 12/24/2015 120602 TEAGUE, CARY 56.35 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 389720 121715 1140.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PLANNING 56.35 400214 12/24/2015 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 2,157.10 390015 1006268 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 260.50 389801 1008900 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,417.60 400215 12/24/2015 123129 TIMESAVER OFF SITE SECRETARIAL INC. 364.00 12/1/15 CITY COUNCIL 389743 M21795 1185.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 463.00 12/08/15 SPECIAL MEETING 389744 M21812 1185.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 827.00 400216 12/24/2015 134673 TOTAL MECHANICAL SERVICES INC. 635.00 FURNACE REPAIR 389981 17080 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 635.00 400217 12/24/2015 123649 TOWMASTER 72.91 PLUGS 00005882 389330 375461 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 72.91 400218 12/24/2015 101374 TOWN & COUNTRY FENCE 930.00 WEBER FIELD FENCING 389331 3041617 1643.6547 SEED GENERAL TURF CARE 1,405.00 WEBER FIELD FENCING 389331 3041617 1643.6540 FERTILIZER GENERAL TURF CARE 2,640.00 WEBER FIELD FENCING 389331 3041617 1643.6543 SOD & BLACK DIRT GENERAL TURF CARE 3,500.00 INSTALL FENCE 389746 3041636 07111.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION S-111 INTERLACHEN BLVD 8,475.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Page - 29 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 12/24/2015— Inv No 12/24/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400218 400219 12/24/2015 12/24/2015 101374 TOWN & COUNTRY FENCE 116535 TRAVELERS Continued... 140.00 389388 000493376 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 577.50 389390 000493377 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 324.30 389389 000493728 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 70.00 NOV 2015 DEDUCTIBLE 389387 000493729 1550.6200 INSURANCE CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 1,111.80 400220 12/2412015 101051 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 3,662.43 NOV 2015 UNIFORMS 389332 113015 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 3,662.43 400221 12/24/2015 100668 URS CORPORATION 14,773.75 ENGINEERING/DESIGN SERVICES 389722 37670054 5760.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 1,160.00 PROMENADE - PHASE 4 389747 37670256 9232.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 15,933.75 400222 12/24/2015 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 9.04- CREDIT 389749 367223CM 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 60.12 TOWELS 389748 369919-00 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 111.40 LIQUOR BAGS 389748. 369919-00 5862.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 162.48 400223 12/24/2015 101063 VERSATILE VEHICLES INC. 91.75 FUEL PUMP 00006448 389913 1207150001 5423.6530 REPAIR PARTS GOLF CARS 91.75 400224 12/24/2015 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. 25.09 BREAKER 00001028 389391 9931684 1310.6524 WEARING SHOES STREET CLEANING 25.09 400225 12/24/2015 130956 VOLAVKA, LYNDA 500.00 NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY 389849 FACE PAINTING 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 500.00 400226 12/24/2015 102886 WAGNERS 454.00 HOLIDAY DECOR 389914 248539 5720.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 454.00 400227 12/24/2015 103088 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015- 12/24/2015 Page - 30 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400227 12/24/2015 103088 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN Continued-. 150.00 389333 7277361 1628.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL SENIOR CITIZENS 38.58 389334 7280923 5511.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 188.58 400228 12/24/2015 101973 WILMOT, SOLVE! 283.48 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 389915 APR-MAY 1490.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PUBLIC HEALTH 11.50 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 389915 APR-MAY 5952.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE RECYCLING 96.03 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 389916 JUN/JUL/AUG 1490.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PUBLIC HEALTH 9.76 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 389916 JUN/JUL/AUG 5952.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE RECYCLING 400.77 400229 12/24/2015 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 16.00 389804 705088 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 240.00- 389807 705773 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 118.16 389805 7060324 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 20.91 390020 7060793 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING .09 390021 7060794 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 1,505.92 390022 7060796 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 41.82 390023 7060797 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 2,062.04 389806 7060798 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 3,524.94 400230 12/24/2015 124291 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 682.30 389819 1080411171 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 2,676.76 389811 1080411172 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 37.15 389818 1080411173 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,286.19 389817 1080411214 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 709.97 389809 1080411215 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 78.70 389816 1080411217 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 3,289.55 389815 1080411218 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 687.84 389813 1080411219 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 146.30 389812 1080411220 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,361.65 389814 1080411221 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,373.05 390024 1080411364 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 784.60 389810 1080411365 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 196.15 389808 1080411366 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 15,310.21 400231 12/24/2015 124529 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER INC 2,962.30 389822 1090502271 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:43 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/24/2015— 12/24/2015 Page - 31 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400231 12/24/2015 124529 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER INC Continued... 1,711.70 389820 1090503004 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 47.60 389821 1090503005 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 4,721.60 400232 12/24/2015 101726 XCEL ENERGY 472.73 5 1-56 19094-8 389335 481831290 1552.6185 LIGHT & POWER CENT SVC PW BUILDING 2,878.90 51-5888961-7 389337 481835892 1375.6185 LIGHT & POWER PARKING RAMP 3,046.56 51-6121102-5 389982 481836608 1646.6185 LIGHT & POWER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 582.66 51-4197645-8 389336 482007433 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 20,915.40 51-5605640-1 389393 482414466 5911.6185 LIGHT & POWER WELL PUMPS 1,961.89 51-6227619-3 389338 482416688 5761.6185 LIGHT & POWER CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 29,858.14 1,650,687.32 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 589,377.13 AIP ACH Payment 1,061,310.19 Total Payments 1,650,687.32 F" e ire 'or thlf/MAIMn Aid R55CKS2 LOGIS100 CITY OF EDINA 12/21/201513:30:57 Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary Page - 1 12/24/2015 - 12/24/2015 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 473,462.84 02300 POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE 1,545.45 02500 PEDESTRIAN AND CYCLIST SAFETY 61,454.60 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 371,920.65 04100 PIR CONSTRUCTION FUND 61,376.56 04200 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 3,425.00 04500 CANDO FUND 1,730.00 05100 ART CENTER FUND 54.06 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 531.64 05300 AQUATIC CENTER FUND 138.18 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 67,857.30 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 16,353.37 05550 SPORTS DOME FUND 1,194.20 05700 EDINBOROUGH PARK FUND 10,517.45 05750 CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK FUND 27,094.87 05800 LIQUOR FUND 137,213.20 05900 UTILITY FUND 321,676.79 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 81,474.14 05950 RECYCLING FUND 21.26 06000 RISK MGMT ISF 1,130.60 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 3,221.19 09232 CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 4,434.00 09234 GRANDVIEW TIF DISTRICT 2,859.97 Report Totals 1,650,687.32 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing policies and procedures ate /1- y/e. r- R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015- 12/31/2015 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Page - 1 Business Unit 2468 12/31/2015 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 92.80 390216 1959666 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 92.80 2469 12/31/2015 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 110.00 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION 390294 140062 5553.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 117.95 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION 390295 140803 5511.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 227.95 2470 12/31/2015 100646 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS INC. 808.37 ZAMBONI BLADES 390298 00105629 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 808.37 2471 12/31/2015 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 91.55 390225 51490200 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 171.10 390227 51490300 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 36.55 390226 51490500 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 90.00 390224 51516800 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 261.16 390228 6619000 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 498.68 390092 93043300 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 199.90- 390230 93116800 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 219.65 390229 93190800 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 114.52 390091 93190900 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 1,283.31 2472 12/31/2015 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 92.34 DESK LAMP 390026 0E-411477-1 1261.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 92.34 2473 12/31/2015 122688 BMK SOLUTIONS 52.70 OFFICE SUPPLIES 390027 114369 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 52.70 2474 12/31/2015 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 117.42 LOCKNUTS, GASKETS, CLAMP 00005889 390140 1019014 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 117.42 2475 12/31/2015 116114 CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA INC. 278.63 OCE MAINTENANCE 390029 988591130 1552.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 278.63 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015— 12/31/2015 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Page - 2 Business Unit 2476 12/31/2015 100677 CARGILL INC. Continued... 6,676.76 ROAD SALT 00005070 390141 2902594986 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 5,005.89 ROAD SALT 00005070 390142 2902599123 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 11,682.65 2477 12/31/2015 105693 CITYSPRINT 37.18 COURIER SERVICES 390196 35698 1180.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ELECTION 37.18 2478 12/31/2015 104020 DALCO 737.12 TOWELS, TISSUE, SOAP, LINERS 00009452 390174 2966499 5111.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 239.21 MOPPING SYSTEM 00009453 390175 2967944 5111.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 976.33 2479 12/31/2015 134730 EXPLORE EDINA 33,574.48 NOV 2015 LODGING TAX 390133 122115 1001.4030 LODGING TAX GENERAL FUND REVENUES 33,574.48 2480 12/31/2015 121536 GRAY MATTER CREATIVE LLC 1,000.00 ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY DESIGN 390149 13542 1130.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 1,000.00 2481 12/31/2015 108618 JEFFERSON FIRE & SAFETY INC. 4,659.27 TURNOUT GEAR 00003683 390347 221967 1470.6552 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 105.41 GEAR REPAIRS 390178 222031 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 4,764.68 2482 12/31/2015 121075 JIMMY'S JOHNNYS INC. 279.50 TOILET RENTAL 390150 97985 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 279.50 2483 12/31/2015 100858 LOGIS 48.09 SECURITY TOKENS 390037 41078 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 48.09 2484 12/31/2015 101792 LUBE-TECH 107.30 OIL 00005809 390152 721695 1553.6584 LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 107.30 2485 12/31/2015 101483 MENARDS 49.91 PAINTING SUPPLIES 00001186 390154 2436 1343.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BRIDGES GUARD RAILS R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015— 12/31/2015 Page - 3 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2485 12/31/2015 101483 MENARDS Continued-. 19.93 MARKERS, GLUE 00001185 390153 2437 1343.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BRIDGES GUARD RAILS 22.98 CABINET 00001244 390040 2644 1643.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL TURF CARE 48.46 AIR HOSE REEL 00001207 390039 2707 5921.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 94.99 ACRYLIC SHEET 00001243 390325 2915 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 33.96 LED TRAILER LIGHTS 00001192 390326 3007 1551.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS CITY HALL GENERAL 270.23 2486 12/31/2015 101161 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY 195.00 390041 37055 1551.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 282.00 390041 37055 1551.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 477.00 2487 12/31/2015 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC. 3,363.95 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 7 390210 VALLEY VEIW 07133.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS S133 Valley View Rd PROJ 216,227.26 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 7 390210 VALLEY VEIW 01377.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS BA-377 VALLEY VIEW RD PROJ 1,234.99 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 7 390210 VALLEY VEIW 05557.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Valley View Rd PROJ 12,099.04 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 7 390210 VALLEY VEIW 03491.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Valley View Rd PROJ 87,878.21 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO. 7 390210 VALLEY VEIW 04415.1705.30 CONTRACTOR PAYMENTS Valley View Rd PROJ 320,803.45 2488 12/31/2015 105690 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC. 60,460.63 VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM 390188 73465 421554.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT IT CENTRAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT 60,460.63 2489 12/31/2015 122455 SPRING LAKE ENGINEERING 2,900.00 SCADA PROGRAMMING 390050 1612 5915.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WATER TREATMENT 2,900.00 2490 12/31/2015 119454 VINOCOPIA 312.50 390082 0140444-IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 312.50 2491 12/31/2015 120627 VISTAR CORPORATION 981.23 CONCESSION PRODUCT 390334 44283721 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 944.94 CONCESSION PRODUCT 390335 44323739 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Page - 4 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 12/31/2015- Inv No 12/31/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2491 12/31/2015 120627 VISTAR CORPORATION Continued... 1,926.17 2492 12/31/2015 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 2,281.00 390083 412653-00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,801.65 390116 413059-00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 736.40 390292 413262-00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 5,819.05 400233 12/31/2015 129458 ACME TOOLS 27.00 SAW SHARPENING 390138 3776993 1301.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT GENERAL MAINTENANCE 27.00 400234 12/31/2015 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 42.26 GOLF BALLS 390293 901741275 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 42.26 400235 12/31/2015 135195 ALLIANCE BENEFIT GROUP 215.80 NOV COBRAADMIN FEES 390191 32018 1556.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 215.80 400236 12/31/2015 105991 AL'S COFFEE COMPANY 171.95 COFFEE 390127 156278 1628.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 171.95 400237 12/31/2015 129138 AMERICAN NEEDLE 158.28 HATS 390296 183998 5210.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 158.28 400238 12/31/2015 114475 ARMOR SECURITY INC. 400.00 ANNUAL TEST & INSPECTION 390139 192823 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 400.00 400239 12/31/2015 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 1,022.00 390058 3072304 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 1,979.95 390059 3072306 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 178.00 390220 3073381 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 419.95 390217 3073382 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 178.00 390218 3073383 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 2,368.50 390219 3073384 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,516.25 390221 3073385 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015- 12/31/2015 Page - 5 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400239 12/31/2015 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Continued... 7,662.65 400240 12/31/2015 136267 BAUHAUS BREW LABS LLC 111.00 390061 5083 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 185.00 390060 5084 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 254.00 390223 5197 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 226.00 390222 5198 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 776.00 400241 12/31/2015 102709 BDS LAUNDRY SYSTEMS 154.50 WASHING MACHING REPAIRS 390297 S010097596 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 154.50 400242 12/31/2015 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC. 216.00 PIZZA 390299 D2813902 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 216.00 400243 12/31/2015 125139 BERNICK'S 343.20 390300 266850 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 217.30 390232 268189 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 155.86 390231 268190 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 587.29 390233 268191 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 157.30 390301 268622 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 1,460.95 400244 12/31/2015 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 481.50 COFFEE 390302 M36699 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 141.80 COFFEE 390025 T80842 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 623.30 400245 12/31/2015 100653 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS INC. 13,668.75 ASPHALT 390340 4 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 13,668.75 400246 12/31/2015 136871 BLACKLIST BEER LLC 120.00 390062 1151208925 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 120.00 400247 12/31/2015 114472 BOMSTA, GREG 233.79 SAFETY BOOTS 390303 122315 1495.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS INSPECTIONS R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Page - 6 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 12/31/2015— Inv No 12/31/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400247 12/31/2016 114472 BOMSTA, GREG Continued... 233.79 400248 12/31/2016 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 34.12 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003633 390339 81986556 1470.6510 FIRSTAID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 145.53 OXYGEN HOSE, REGULATOR 390172 82001189 1400.6510 FIRSTAID SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 179.65 400249 12/31/2015 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 367.50 390063 130830 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 367.50 400250 12/31/2015 123621 BRAEMAR ARENA 1,126.39 ICE RENTAL 390304 517 1629.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ADAPTIVE RECREATION 1,126.39 400251 12/31/2015 101241 BROWN TRAFFIC PRODUCTS INC. 16,500.00 VANTAGENEXT 4 CAMERA SYSTEM 00001929 390028 1040608KM 1330.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE TRAFFIC SIGNALS 16,500.00 400252 12/31/2015 135200 BRYANT, REX 150.00 SANTAAPPEARANCE 12/19 390305 122815 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 150.00 400253 12/31/2016 102149 CALLAWAY GOLF 5,850.00 390308 926452903 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 153.23 JR CLUBS 390307 926480008 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 5,850.00- 390309 926481243 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 153.23 400254 12/31/2016 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 85.20 390094 00011094 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 984.70 390234 776482 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,802.80 390093 782905 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 3,872.70 400255 12/31/2015 137138 CASTLE DANGER BREWING CO LLC 290.70 390064 4690 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 290.70 400256 12/31/2015 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015- 12/31/2015 Page - 7 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400256 12/31/2015 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Continued-. 8,435.76 10437426-9 390311 10437426-12/15 5553.6186 HEAT SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 4,564.68 5563827-4 390030 5563827-12/15 5210.6186 HEAT GOLF DOME PROGRAM 343.01 5584304-9 390192 5584304-12/15 7411.6186 HEAT PSTF OCCUPANCY 30.69 5584310-6 390193 5584310-12/15 7413.6186 HEAT PSTF FIRE TOWER 77.72 5590919-6 390194 5590919-12/15 7413.6582 FUEL OIL PSTF FIRE TOWER 105.25 5596524-8 390312 5596524-12/15 1646.6186 HEAT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,810.68 9724639-1 390310 9724639-12/15 5511.6186 HEAT ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 15,367.79 400257 12/31/2015 123898 CENTURYLINK 62.48 952 944-6522 390031 6522-12/15 5511.6188 TELEPHONE ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 62.48 400258 12/31/2015 136676 CITY HOMES DEVELOPMENT LLC 38,670.00 ESCROW REDUCTION 390143 ACRES DUBOIS 1000.2066 ESCROW DEPOSITS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET 38,670.00 400259 12/31/2015 122317 CITY OF EDINA - COMMUNICATIONS 517.50 IT SERVICES 390195 COM-0764 7410.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF ADMINISTRATION 517.50 400260 12/31/2015 122084 CITY OF EDINA - UTILITIES 382.09 00113667-0120835016 390173 120835016-12/15 5111.6189 SEWER & WATER ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 382.09 400261 12/31/2015 129820 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 897.49 JAN 2016 MAINTENANCE 390128 010116 5841.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES YORK OCCUPANCY 897.49 400262 12/31/2015 120433 COMCAST 25.98 8772 10 614 0496856 390313 496856-12/15 5210.6188 TELEPHONE GOLF DOME PROGRAM 25.98 400263 12/31/2015 120826 COMCAST SPOTLIGHT 3,366.20 DOME ADVERTISING 390314 NW693489 5210.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 3,366.20 400264 12/31/2015 121267 CREATIVE RESOURCES 724.53 JACKETS 390315 43178 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 724.53 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Page - 8 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 12/31/2015— Inv No 12/31/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400264 400265 12/31/2015 12/31/2015 121267 CREATIVE RESOURCES 129550 CUNINGHAM GROUP ARCHITECTURE Continued... 2,595.72 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 390316 44374 5550.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS SPORTS DOME BALANCE SHEET 2,595.72 400266 12/31/2015 137671 DELANO, JAMES 1,602.70 AMBULANCE OVERPAYMENT REFUND 390197 154142 1470.4329 AMBULANCE FEES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,602.70 400267 12/31/2015 100718 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 473.31 LIGHTS 00001199 390144 59449 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 473.31 400268 12/31/2015 135800 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 5,417.50 WORK CREW FOR DOME 390317 317288 5553.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 5,417.50 400269 12/31/2015 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC. 55.85 PUBLISH ORD 2015-24 390129 286922 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 1,144.93 PUBLISH ORD 2015-25 390130 286923 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 150.80 PUBLISH ORD 2015-25 PG 2 390131 286924 1185.6120 ADVERTISING LEGAL LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 1,351.58 400270 12/31/2015 133531 EDINA GIRLS HOCKEY BOOSTERS 250.00 HOCKEY PROGRAM AD 390318 2015-105 5210.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF DOME PROGRAM 250.00 400271 12/31/2015 124000 EIDSNESS, KAYLIN 92.00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390132 122115 1130.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 92.00 400272 12/31/2015 101956 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANCE 3,268.57 E-82 REPAIRS 390176 84212 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 3,268.57 400273 12/31/2015 136689 ENKI BREWING COMPANY INC. 221.40 390235 4956 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 221.40 400274 12/31/2015 104195 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC. R65CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Check # Date Amount Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015- 12/31/2015 Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Page - 9 Business Unit 400274 12/31/2015 104195 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC. Continued... 209.40 390236 268-1790 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 209.40 400275 12/31/2015 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 60.50 BRAKE PADS 390147 1-4873694 1653.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 100.89 BATTERY 390148 1-Z06352 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 213.71 GENERATOR 390145 69-205368 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 239.62 BRAKE PADS, ROTORS 390146 69-205826 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 614.72 400276 12/31/2015 137669 FARRELL, CHRIS 100.00 SERVICES 390167 122215 2611.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MUSIC IN EDINA 152.00 ART WORK SOLD 390167 122215 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 252.00 400277 12/31/2015 131188 FIRST-SHRED 21.80 SHREDDING SERVICES 390032 167934 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 21.80 390033 169344 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 43.60 400278 12/31/2015 113987 FISHER, PETER 171.00 BOOTS 390341 122315 1470.6558 DEPT UNIFORMS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 171.00 400279 12/31/2015 100759 FLOYD TOTAL SECURITY 242.59 DOOR REPAIRS 390319 1103375 5420.6530 REPAIR PARTS CLUB HOUSE 242.59 400280 12/31/2015 130052 GLOWSHOT TARGETS LLC 1,180.03 TARGETS 390342 1497 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 1,180.03 400281 12/31/2015 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 156.50 390065 190717 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 156.50 400282 12/31/2015 135335 GREENSCAPE COMPANIES INC. 70,150.70 LANDSCAPING/IRRIGATION 390343 2 47090.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PAMELA PK SHELTER & TURF 70,150.70 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015- 12/31/2015 Page - 10 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400283 12/31/2015 101738 GTS Continued... 325.00 CONFERENCE-TOM SCHMITZ 390177 REGISTRATION 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 325.00 400284 12/31/2015 137677 HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON INC. 30,000.00 GRANDVIEW FEASABILITY STUDY 390344 15-54 1600.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 30,000.00 400285 12/31/2015 137676 HANSON, ASHLEY 13.50 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 390345 6924 SOUTHDALE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET RD 13.50 400286 12/31/2015 128208 HEINZMAN, DAN 730.52 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 390320 122315 5919.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS TRAINING 730.52 400287 12/31/2015 101871 HENNEPIN COUNTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSN. 296.00 BLUE CARD SUPPORT RENEWAL 390346 15-025 1470.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 296.00 400288 12/31/2015 100801 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER 400.00 AUTOMARK PROGRAM 390198 1215SD-1 1180.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ELECTION 3,405.87 BALLOTS 390198 1215SD-1 1180.6575 PRINTING ELECTION 3,805.87 400289 12/31/2015 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 1,361.00 390238 801393 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 941.00 390239 801593 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,576.00 390237 801644 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 101.00 390240 801692 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 3,979.00 400290 12/31/2015 126816 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 14.93 390321 2158-12/15 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 192.02 390321 2158-12/15 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 56.22 390321 2158-12/15 47094.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BREDESEN PARK COMFORT STATION 263.17 400291 12/31/2015 137672 HOMESTEAD PARTNERS LLC 21.55 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 390199 5804 ABBOTT AVE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Page - 11 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 12/31/2015- Inv No 12/31/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400291 400292 12/31/2015 137672 101468 HOMESTEAD PARTNERS LLC IIMC REGION VI Continued... 12/31/2015 21.55 230.00 MEETING REGISTRATION (2) 390201 MID-YEAR 1180.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ELECTION 230.00 400293 12/31/2015 131544 INDEED BREWING COMPANY 237.00 390241 35335 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 341.50 390242 35487 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 578.50 400294 12/31/2015 119808 INTEGRA 27.74 390200 13518111 7411.6188 TELEPHONE PSTF OCCUPANCY 27.74 400295 12/31/2015 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 8,981.15 390067 2445271 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 134.35 390095 2445272 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,320.07 390066 2445274 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 2,831.20 390246 2445297 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 61.50 390247 2445298 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 4,446.55 390245 2445299 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 109.08 390244 2445300 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 166.80 390243 2445304 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 19,050.70 400296 12/31/2015 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. .30 390252 5323444 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING .15 390251 5329174 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 571.78 390073 5329177 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 726.78 390071 5329179 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 3,304.64 390072 5329181 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 71.43 390070 5329586 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 445.80 390099 5330463 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 67.83 390098 5330690 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,213.37 390250 5331577 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 439.88 390249 5331578 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 884.57 390248 5331579 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 117.34 390097 5331580 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 3.48 390103 5331581 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015- 12/31/2015 Page - 12 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400296 12/31/2015 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Continued... 1,525.69 390096 5331582 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,653.97 390100 5331584 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 1,754.78 390101 5331585 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 7,773.30 390102 5331586 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 636.86 390069 5331587 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 554.65 390068 5331588 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,776.89 390104 5331589 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,225.82 390254 5333089 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 697.32 390255 5333090 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 471.96 390256 5333092 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,003.20 390253 5333426 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 183.16- 390257 555526 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 28,738.63 400297 12/31/2015 137674 JOHNSON, RICHARD E 66.87 UTILITY OVERPAYMENT REFUND 390322 6712 CORNELIA 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET DR 66.87 400298 12/31/2015 102113 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 224.06 ACTUATOR 00001144 390202 1027154 7411.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PSTF OCCUPANCY 224.06 400299 12/31/2015 124002 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC. 1,399.20 P-23 ASSESSMENT 390203 7218919 44012.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT P23 50TH&FR PARKING&WAYFINDING 1,399.20 400300 12/31/2015 122446 LACKAS, TIM 150.00 EP CONCERT 1/03/16 390034 121615 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 150.00 400301 12/31/2015 128132 LAKEVILLE TROPHY CO 180.00 AWARDS 390204 19671 1556.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 20.00 AWARD SET UP 390134 19672 1130.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 200.00 400302 12/31/2015 137011 LANDSCAPES UNLIMITED LLC 82,849.27 DRIVING RANGE/PAR3 390035 6 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 82,849.27 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015-- 12/31/2015 Page - 13 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400303 12/31/2015 136446 LAVISH INTERIORS Continued... 5,734.13 EXECUTIVE BLDG 390323 INVOICE 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 5,734.13 400304 12/31/2015 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 67.61 PLOW BOLTS 00005886 390151 9303765390. 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 67.61 400305 12/31/2015 105726 LINDMAN, DAVID 107.99 UNIFORM PURCHASE 390036 122115 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 107.99 400306 12/31/2015 135974 MACPHAIL CENTER FOR MUSIC 153.00 CLASS FEES 390038 0010585-IN 5701.4541 GENERAL ADMISSIONS EDINBOROUGH PARK REVENUES 153.00 400307 12/31/2015 102237 MANGEN, DEBRA 427.82 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390205 122315 1180.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ELECTION 427.82 400308 12/31/2015 134063 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 18,753.65 UNLEADED FUEL 00005813 390351 45378 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 18,763.65 400309 12/31/2015 127763 MARTECK 189.62 LICENSE DECALS 390324 135965 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 189.62 400310 12/31/2015 119209 MASTER TECHNOLOGY GROUP 1,900.00 COUNCIL CHAMBERS CABLING PROJ 390179 504862 421130.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 1,900.00 400311 12/31/2015 135299 MCMAYER, CASSANDRA 54.63 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390180 122215 1170.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE HUMAN RESOURCES 54.63 400312 12/31/2015 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD OF EDEN PRAIRIE 210.88 VEHICLE REPAIRS 390158 276823 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 307.79 390155 496252 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 11.12 DAMPER ASSEMBLIES 00005881 390157 496331 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 307.79- 390156 CM496252 1553.6530 REPAIR PARTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Page - 14 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 12/31/2015- Inv No 12/31/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400312 12/31/2015 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD OF EDEN PRAIRIE Continued... 222.00 400313 12/31/2015 102007 MINNCOR INDUSTRIES 200.00 HAND SOAP 00001177 390042 SOI-043013 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 200.00 400314 12/31/2015 102174 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPANY 37.55- CREDIT 390207 160255914 7413.6545 CHEMICALS PSTF FIRE TOWER 223.09 METHAIR 390206 183199908 7413.6545 CHEMICALS PSTF FIRE TOWER 185.54 400315 12/31/2015 136248 MINNESOTA EQUIPMENT 53.92 MOWER PARTS 00005941 390043 P96872 1641.6530 REPAIR PARTS MOWING 53.92 400316 12/31/2015 128914 MINUTEMAN PRESS 54.32 UP NORTH POSTCARDS 390181 18933 5110.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 180.70 HOCKEY TICKETS 390327 19111 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 14.00 POSTERS 390208 19349 1400.6575 PRINTING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 49.00 THE BURDEN POSTERS 390159 19375 1122.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMM 298.02 400317 12/31/2015 121491 MORRIE'S PARTS & SERVICE GROUP 103.59 LATCH 00005849 390160 537407F6W 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 117.32 BUCKLE ASSEMBLY 00005940 390161 537967F6W 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 220.91 400318 12/31/2015 101390 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES INC. 1,613.27 GAS MONITORS 00003698 390182 00695808 SNV 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,613.27 400319 12/31/2015 117098 NELSON, COLIN 10.00 ART WORK SOLD 390168 122215 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 10.00 400320 12/31/2015 103106 NLSC PRODUCTS INC. 37.74 LAMPS 00001104 390183 92933 5111.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 91.85 LAMPS FOR CITY HALL LOBBY 390044 93257 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 129.59 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015-- 12/31/2015 Page - 15 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400321 12/31/2015 104232 NORTHERN SAFETY TECHNOLOGY INC Continued... 156.60 LED LIGHTS 390184 40240 1470.6530 REPAIR PARTS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 156.60 400322 12/31/2015 117830 NORTHLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 163.00 WINSCRIBE LICENSE 390209 IN63426 1400.6215 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 163.00 400323 12/31/2015 103578 OFFICE DEPOT 179.87 OFFICE SUPPLIES 390328 812514017001 5410.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES GOLF ADMINISTRATION 179.87 400324 12/31/2015 101659 ORKIN 144.35 PEST CONTROL 390211 106572116 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 144.35 400325 12/31/2015 104950 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC. 45.00 LEAD TESTS 390212 1501019 7412.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF RANGE 45.00 400326 12/31/2015 137558 PANKRATZ, RYAN 70.00 FEE FOR EMT EXAM 390185 122215 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 70.00 400327 12/31/2015 100347 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 976.42 390074 8528144-IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 714.50 390105 8528864-IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 234.82 390258 8529211-IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,925.74 400328 12/31/2015 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 2,001.40 390329 44697754 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 2,001.40 400329 12/31/2016 130228 PERNSTEINER CREATIVE GROUP INC. 275.00 EDITION EDINA DESIGN 390135 121615-3 1130.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 275.00 400330 12/31/2015 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 644.64- 390266 227606 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 600.83 390075 2899988 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015- 12/31/2015 Page - 16 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400330 12/31/2015 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS Continued... 773.92 390076 2899990 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 162.00 390077 2900217 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 423.02 390264 2901673 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 380.95 390110 2901674 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 243.80 390263 2901675 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 3,041.70 390109 2901677 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 65.16 390107 2901678 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,279.43 390106 2901679 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 97.32 390108 2901680 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING .58 390259 2902769 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1.16 390265 2902770 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,827.92 390261 2902771 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,965.56 390260 2902773 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 192.00 390262 2902960 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 11,410.71 400331 12/31/2015 100953 PHYSIO-CONTROL INC. 50.00 EMS FAXING 390186 116063512 1470.6160 DATA PROCESSING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 700.00 EMS SUBSCRIPTION 390187 416059651 1470.6160 DATA PROCESSING FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 750.00 400332 12/31/2015 118658 RIGHTWAY GLASS INC. 225.00 GLASS FOR REPAIR 390162 72799 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 225.00 400333 12/31/2016 100980 ROBERT B. HILL CO. 936.00 SOFTENER SALT 390330 00326237 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 95.46 SOFTENER SALT 390348 00326434 1470.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,031.46 400334 12/31/2015 124447 RUM RIVER BRASS BAND 150.00 EP CONCERT 1/10/16 390045 121615 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 150.00 400335 12/31/2015 100988 SAFETY KLEEN 276.50 CLEAN PARTS WASHER 390163 68779342 1553.6584 LUBRICANTS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 276.50 400336 12/31/2015 101822 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 50.00 ANNUAL SERVICE FEE 390349 CF1512 1600.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Page - 17 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 12/31/2015— Inv No 12/31/2015 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400336 400337 12/31/2015 101822 SAM'S CLUB DIRECT 135718 SAUNDERS, BERNIE Continued-. 12131/2015 50.00 49.90 ART WORK SOLD 390169 122215 5101.4413 ART WORK SOLD ART CENTER REVENUES 49.90 400338 12131/2015 100995 SEH 4,258.44 2015 PIPE ASSESSEMENT 390046 308357 5924.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEER SERVICES - WATER 4,258.44 400339 12/31/2015 122039 SELECT MECHANICAL SERVICES 20.40 PERMIT ED143431 REFUND 390331 4816 \MLFORD 1495.4115 MECHANICAL PERMITS INSPECTIONS WAY 20.40 400340 12/31/2015 104689 SERIGRAPHICS SIGN SYSTEMS INC. 116.50 NAME PLATES 390136 45846 1100.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY COUNCIL 116.50 400341 12/31/2015 101106 SERVICEMASTER 1,650.00 TRASH ROOM FLOOR CLEANING 390047 53676 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 1,650.00 400342 12/31/2015 101380 SHAUGHNESSY, SANDRA 4.82 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 390170 122215 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 7.07 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 390170 122215 5110.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 34.29 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 390170 122215 5120.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART SUPPLY GIFT GALLERY SHOP 56.06 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 390170 122215 5111.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 102.24 400343 12/31/2015 111824 SIDEKICK 5,843.20 PLAN SCANNING 390048 5614 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INSPECTIONS 5,843.20 400344 12/31/2015 105654 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 85.82 ALARM ISSUE SERVICE 390213 81827160 7411.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF OCCUPANCY 85.82 400345 12/31/2015 137652 SMITHWORKS MEDICAL INC. 175.26 I.V. HEATER 390189 107138 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015- 12/31/2015 Page - 18 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400346 12/31/2015 137652 SMITHWORKS MEDICAL INC. Continued... 175.26 400346 12/31/2015 100430 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL 242.26 WRENCH SET 00005811 390164 ARV/27638083 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 242.26 WRENCH SET 00005814 390165 ARV/27638084 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 484.52 400347 12/31/2015 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS .80 390080 1358172 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,038.20 390078 1358173 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 351.53 390079 1358175 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 564.80 390112 1359500 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 604.00 390111 1359501 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 935.22 390113 1359993 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 4,576.71 390081 1359994 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 650.40 390114 1359995 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,848.48 390267 1360476 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 88.80 390268 1360478 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING .80 390269 1360479 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 39.67 390270 1360481 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 668.69 390271 1360482 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 12,368.10 400348 12/31/2016 130710 SPRING, PAUL 200.00 EP ENTERTAINMENT 1/7/16 390049 121615 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 200.00 400349 12/31/2015 137653 STANLEY, MIKE 234.00 DAMAGE TO DOG FENCE 390051 REIMBURSE 01412.1705.21 CONSULTING INSPECTION GLEN VIEWADDITION NHOOD RECON 234.00 400350 12/31/2015 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 163.75 390272 7202 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 163.75 400361 12/31/2016 137675 STRAUSS, JANE 93.00 SANTA PHOTOS 390306 DEC 19 EVENT 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 93.00 400352 12/31/2015 102471 THOLEN, BRIAN R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015- 12/31/2015 Page - 19 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400352 12/31/2015 102471 THOLEN, BRIAN Continued... 86.70 UNIFORM PURCHASE 390214 122215 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 86.70 400353 12/31/2015 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 2,944.20 390273 1009833 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 68.00 390274 1013398 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 3,012.20 400354 12/31/2015 123129 TIMESAVER OFF SITE SECRETARIAL INC. 133.00 11/19/15 MEETING MINUTES 390190 M21788 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 133.00 400355 12/31/2015 136802 TINBERG, TIM 9.71 SCREWS 390332 122315 5420.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CLUB HOUSE 9.71 400356 12/31/2015 128347 TKO WINES INC. 720.00 390115 2656 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,755.60 390276 2657 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 151.20 390275 2770 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,626.80 400357 12/31/2015 124753 TOSHIBA FINANCIAL SERVICES 230.64 COPIER USAGE 390215 63979867 7410.6575 PRINTING PSTF ADMINISTRATION 230.64 400358 12/31/2015 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 610.93 LIQUOR BAGS 390333 372130-00 5842.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 610.93 400359 12/31/2015 124242 VINIFERA IMPORTS LTD 713.00 390277 324849 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 713.00 400360 12/31/2015 103088 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN 443.87- 390052 0015912 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 172.02- 390052 0015912 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 39.78- 390052 0015912 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 72.30 390052 0015912 1481.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL YORK FIRE STATION 101.15 390052 0015912 1470.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL FIRE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015- 12/31/2015 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Page - 20 Business Unit 400360 12/31/2015 103088 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN Continued... 167.66 390052 0015912 1628.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL SENIOR CITIZENS 266.76 390052 0015912 1551.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CITY HALL GENERAL 479.33 390052 0015912 1301.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL GENERAL MAINTENANCE 479.34 390052 0015912 1552.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CENT SVC PW BUILDING 65.65 390052 0015912 5111.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL ART CENTER BLDG/MAINT 68.42 390052 0015912 5210.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL GOLF DOME PROGRAM 172.21- 390052 0015912 5422.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 184.53 390052 0015912 5420.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL CLUB HOUSE 757.54 390052 0015912 5511.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 1,336.95 390052 0015912 5720.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 227.21 390052 0015912 5861.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL VERNON OCCUPANCY 276.02 390052 0015912 5841.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL YORK OCCUPANCY 3,654.98 400361 12/31/2015 130574 WATSON COMPANY 306.90 CONCESSION PRODUCT 390336 859027 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 676.66 390337 859377 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 983.56 400362 12/31/2015 101312 WINE MERCHANTS 121.16- 390281 705893 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 65.50- 390282 705911 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,370.12 390084 7060792 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 121.16 390085 7061080 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1.16 390117 7061318 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,690.46 390278 7061319 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 19.16 390279 7061320 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 4,660.39 390118 7061322 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 19.75 390280 7061778 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 8,695.54 400363 12/31/2015 124291 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 989.99 390086 1080411216 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 588.45 390123 1080412543 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 815.75 390122 1080412746 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 4,104.66 390119 1080413394 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 661.97 390120 1080413395 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 3,379.42 390121 1080413396 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 841.53 390287 1080413985 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 45.15 390286 1080413986 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:38 Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015- 12/31/2015 Page - 21 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400363 12/31/2015 124291 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA Continued... 3,976.81 390283 1080413987 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 26.66 390289 1080413988 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 280.93 390284 1080413990 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 187.15 390288 1080413991 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 253.30 390285 1080414940 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 16,151.77 400364 12/31/2015 124529 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER INC 414.00 390087 1090384409 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 190.40 390126 1090504965 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,406.03 390089 1090504966 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 23.80 390088 1090504967 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 4,028.30 390090 1090504968 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 4,234.05 390291 1090505055 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 352.00 390290 1090505059 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 4,160.25 390125 1090505724 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 96.20 390124 1090505725 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 14,905.03 400365 12/31/2015 101726 XCEL ENERGY 7,026.91 51-0837548-4 390053 482676695 5915.6185 LIGHT & POWER WATER TREATMENT 20.63 51-4151897-6 390054 482733742 1646.6185 LIGHT & POWER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 51.26 51-5276505-8 390166 482751309 1330.6185 LIGHT & POWER TRAFFIC SIGNALS 40.73 51-7567037-0 390057 482786817 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 155.92 5 1-00 10025256-3 390055 482825137 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 13.93 51-0010613106-9 390056 482835266 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 7,371.90 51-6644819-9 390350 483975131 5720.6185 LIGHT & POWER EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 14,681.28 400366 12/31/2015 101089 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE 120.20 FIRST AID SUPPLIES 390338 54062379 5552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SPORTS DOME ADMINISTRATION 120.20 400367 12/31/2015 137668 ZHONG, LIEPING 13.84 OVERPAYMENT ON FINAL BILL 390137 5900 VERNON AVE 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 13.84 400368 12/31/2015 101531 ZINN, BOBO 146.16 SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT 390171 122215 5110.6564 CRAFT SUPPLIES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 146.16 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 12/31/2015— 12/31/2015 12/28/201515:30:38 Page - 22 Account No Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400368 12/31/2015 101531 ZINN, BOBO Continued... 960,017.92 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks A/P AC H Payment Total Payments 511,625.16 448,392.76 960,017.92 R55CKS2 LOGIS100 CITY OF EDINA 12/28/201515:30:45 Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary Page - 1 12/31/2015 - 12/31/2015 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 185,378.77 02500 PEDESTRIAN AND CYCLIST SAFETY 3,363.95 02600 ARTS AND CULTURE FUND 100.00 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 303,386.13 04200 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 62,360.63 05100 ART CENTER FUND 2,109.43 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 8,433.56 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 89,947.91 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 11,180.35 05550 SPORTS DOME FUND 16,679.18 05700 EDINBOROUGH PARK FUND 9,361.85 05800 LIQUOR FUND 148,476.08 05900 UTILITY FUND 28,414.12 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 87,878.21 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 2,947.75 Report Totals 960,017.92 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing policies and procedures date II-/3 1 s- R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 1 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 - Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2493 1/7/2016 133644 A DYNAMIC DOOR CO INC. 2,588.01 FIRE DOORS REPAIR 390750 21509221 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 2,720.53 GARAGE & COILING DOOR REPAIRS 390751 21509231 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 5,308.54 2494 1/7/2016 102971 ACE ICE COMPANY 104.80 390352 1960807 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 100.80 390353 1960812 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 115.20 390770 1964346 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 134.40 390772 1964351 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 19.20 390771 1964352 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 474.40 2495 1/7/2016 100575 ALL SAFE INC. 356.00 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 390636 140350 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 341.10 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 390637 140351 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 49.70 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 390638 140802 1551.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY HALL GENERAL 51.50 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 00002089 390693 142179 5761.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 102.95 EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE 390677 142180 5720.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 901.25 2496 1/7/2016 103680 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SRVCS 529.63 COFFEE 390453 1207816 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 122.14 COFFEE 390694 1207820 5210.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD GOLF DOME PROGRAM 651.77 2497 1/7/2016 100646 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS INC. 2,427.00 RENTAL SKATES 390695 00105702 5761.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 749.54 RINK GLASS 390696 00105744 5521.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA ICE MAINT 3,176.54 2498 1/7/2016 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION 36.55 390777 51379000 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 89.55 390355 51582100 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 219.55 390357 51594900 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 70.00 390354 51595000 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 368.34 390354 51595000 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 214.55 390356 51601600 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 787.34 390360 51601700 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 549.75 390575 51601800 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 507.00 390358 51603200 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING R55CKR2 Check # LOGIS101 Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1f7/2016 - 1/7/2016 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Page - 2 Business Unit 2498 1/7/2016 101355 BELLBOY CORPORATION Continued.. 429.10 390359 51605400 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 253.55 390779 51685400 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 273.10 390776 51685500 5842.5513 COST OF coops SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 138.00 390778 51689900 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 629.75 390778 51689900 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 391.75 390363 6620300 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 58,49 390782 93190600 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 60.27 390781 93190700 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES YORK SELLING 30.13 390361 93226300 5822.6512 PAPER SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 58.04 390362 93226400 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 95.38 390783 93229000 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 279.53 390780 93257400 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 112.91 390784 93258800 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 388.09 390785 93258900 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 6,040.72 2499 1/7/2016 100648 BERTELSON OFFICE PRODUCTS 86.78 LABELS, LOG BOOKS 390700 0E-407315-1 1140.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PLANNING 41.47 DESKTOP ORGANIZERS, RULER 00002112 390679 WO-166143-1 5710.6513 OFFICE SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 128.25 2500 1/7/2016 100659 BOYER TRUCK PARTS 395.36 TENSIONER, PULLEY, BELT 00005892 390459 1020181 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 39.20 BAND CLAMPS 00005895 390525 1021236 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 83.17 GASKETS 00005876 390458 1021744 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 517.73 2501 1/7/2016 100677 CARGILL INC. 19,384.78 ROAD SALT 00005070 390835 2902603760 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 1,587.31 ROAD SALT 00005070 390836 2902606010 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 19,628.73 ROAD SALT 00005070 390837 2902613282 1318.6525 SALT SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 40,600.82 2502 1/7/2016 130477 CLEAR RIVER BEVERAGE CO 437.00 390365 234037 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 437.00 2503 1/7/2016 101345 COLOURS 269.00 STAFF REPORT TEMPLATE 390705 10484-01 1130.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 269.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 3 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 -- Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2503 1/7/2016 2504 1/7/2016 101345 COLOURS 104020 DALCO Continued... 25040 FLOOR SCRUBBER REPAIRS 390466 2970327 1470.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 250.40 2505 1/7/2016 129500 FLAT EARTH BREWING CO. 210.00 390791 14149 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 210.00 2506 1/7/2016 100768 GARTNER REFRIGERATION & MFG INC 2,589.59 COMPRESSOR REPAIR 390716 49968 5521.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA ICE MAINT 2,589.59 2507 1/7/2016 120085 IDEAL SERVICE INC. 577.50 LS VFD PREVENTIVE MAINT 00001217 390844 7709 5923.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER COLLECTION SYSTEMS 577.50 2508 1/7/2016 129508 IMPACT 4,598.61 DEC BILLS, ENVELOPES 390476 109413 5902.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES UTILITY BILLING - FINANCE 620.03 MAIL DEC LATE NOTICES 390549 109500 5902.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES UTILITY BILLING - FINANCE 5,218.64 2509 1/7/2016 101483 MENARDS 135.38 SCREWS, DRYWALL 00006364 390722 2220 5424.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES RANGE 64.99- CREDIT 390725 2506 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 59.70 MARKERS 00006364 390724 2508 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 16.74 ANTI-FREEZE 00006450 390723 2517 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 154.72 TOOL REPAIRS 00001189 390531 2590 1321.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 143.04 LED RETROFIT 00001246 390663 2641 47097.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT PARK SHELTER SIDING REPLACEMEN 292.69 ELECTRICAL PARTS 00001252 390726 2661 5761.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 737.28 2510 1/7/2016 101161 MIDWEST CHEMICAL SUPPLY 827.95 TOWELS, DETERGENT, WPERS 00003702 390478 37051 1470.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 827.95 2511 1/7/2016 121497 NORTHWEST ASPHALT INC. 1,750.00 HYDRANT DEPOSIT REFUND 390667 ARDEN PK PROJ 5901.4626 SALE OF WATER UTILITY REVENUES 1,750.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 4 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 - Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 2512 1/7/2016 119620 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC. Continued... 76.50 TIRES 00005900 390533 210213952 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 76.50 2513 1/7/2016 106322 PROSOURCE SUPPLY 1,118.81 TOWELS, LINERS, ICE MELT 390732 8769 5511.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 493.78 CAN LINERS, TOWELS 00002110 390686 8802 5720.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 270.57 HOT CUPS, SLEEVES 390688 8803 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 1,366.71 BIRTHDAY PLATES, CUTLERY 390687 8804 5720.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 3,249.87 2514 1/7/2016 105690 PRO-TEC DESIGN INC. 257.46 2016 ALARM MONITORING 390887 73271 7410.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PSTF ADMINISTRATION 257.46 2515 1/7/2016 100977 RICHFIELD PLUMBING COMPANY 1,345.00 FURNISH/INSTALL WATER HEATER 00001756 390483 67413 5861.6530 REPAIR PARTS VERNON OCCUPANCY 1,345.00 2516 1/7/2016 101004 SPS COMPANIES 53.69 LIGHTING 00001166 390673 S3186069.001 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 53.69 2517 1/7/2016 112668 STONEBROOKE EQUIPMENT INC. 393.00 TOUCH PAD CONTROL STATION 00005817 390539 37742 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 393.00 2518 1/7/2016 101015 STREICHERS 284.90 GAS MASK POUCHES,BATON HOLDERS 390551 11186855 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,090.00 BALL VEST 390489 11187268 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,374.90 2519 1/7/2016 119454 VINOCOPIA 108.00 390818 0141577-IN 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 159.25 390410 0141578-IN 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 503.98 390412 0141579-IN 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 429.00 390411 0141580-IN 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 212.50 390814 0141777-1N 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 92.50 390624 0141778-IN 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 96.00 390813 0141801-IN 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 177.25 390816 0142089-IN 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING R55CKR2 Check # LOGIS101 Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/7/2016 - 1/7/2016 Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Page - 5 Business Unit 2519 1/7/2016 119454 VINOCOPIA Continued... 134.00 390815 0142090-IN 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 160.00 390819 0142161-IN 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 120.00 390817 0142204-IN 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 2,192.48 2520 1/7/2016 120627 VISTAR CORPORATION 2,189.24 CONCESSION PRODUCT 390745 44386164 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 2,189.24 2521 1/7/2016 101033 WINE COMPANY, THE 1,053.20 390414 413289-00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 360.00 390567 413470-00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 88.00 390413 413471-00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 264.20 390415 413507-00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,373.20 390820 413566-00 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 897.90 390821 413733-00 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 530.30 390822 413739-00 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 4,566.80 2522 1/7/2016 132553 YALE MECHANICAL 9,500.00 MECH. ROOM COOLING 00001924 390510 16-0073 5912.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES WELL HOUSES 9,500.00 400369 1/7/2016 135916 4-SQUARE BUILDERS INC. 2,500.00 REFUND DEMO ESCROW 390749 4813 RUTLEDGE 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS AVE 2,500.00 400370 1/7/2016 100613 AAA 2,160.00 LICENSES, TABS 390853 010116 1553.6260 LICENSES & PERMITS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 416.00 LICENSES, TABS 390853 010116 5900.1735 AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 2,576.00 400371 1/7/2016 100614 ACE SUPPLY CO. INC. 4.10 SIDEWALL GRILLE 00001248 390635 444427 1551.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY HALL GENERAL 4.10 400372 1/7/2016 129458 ACME TOOLS 376.48 TOOL REPAIRS 00001168 390518 3837458 1321.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 129.99 TOOL REPAIRS 00001187 390520 3854997 1321.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR R56CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 6 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 - Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400372 1/7/2016 129458 ACME TOOLS Continued... 478.98 TOOL REPAIRS 00001187 390519 3855001 1321.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 189.99 TOOL REPAIRS 00001187 390522 3855017 1321.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 139.98 TOOL REPAIRS 00001187 390521 3865029 1321.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 332.98 TOOL REPAIRS 00001187 390523 3874325 1321.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 119.00 TOOL REPAIRS 00001265 390524 3876660 1321.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 1,767.40 400373 1/7/2016 135922 ACUSHNET COMPANY 42.26 GOLF BALLS 390692 901757854 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 42.26 400374 1/7/2016 137654 AIA MINNESOTA 1,335.00 AD IN MAGAZINE 390854 00016478 1495.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES INSPECTIONS 1,335.00 400375 1/7/2016 102715 ALLEGRA 1,099.84 BUDGET BOOKS 390545 117433 1160.6575 PRINTING FINANCE 1,099.84 400376 1/7/2016 100630 ANCHOR PAPER COMPANY 915.75 COPIER PAPER 390833 10459665-00 1550.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL SERVICES GENERAL 915.75 400377 1/7/2016 114475 ARMOR SECURITY INC. 144.45 390858 191906 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 102.00 MONITORING SERVICE 390857 191907 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 96.30 390859 191908 1646.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 342.75 400378 1/7/2016 132031 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 1,274.75 390572 3074094 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 416.00 390571 3074428 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 1,524.00 390773 3074753 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 6.36- 390573 333083 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 38.76- 390774 333227 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 3,169.63 400379 1/7/2016 120537 ASSOCIATION OF MINN BUILDING OFFICIALS 400.00 MEMBESHIP DUES 390855 2016 1495.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS INSPECTIONS 400.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 7 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 - Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400379 400380 1/7/2016 1/7/2016 120537 ASSOCIATION OF MINN BUILDING OFFICIALS 119465 ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA COUNTIES Continued... 356.00 LPHAANNUAL DUES 390860 43991 1490.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS PUBLIC HEALTH 356.00 400381 1/7/2016 136267 BAUHAUS BREW LABS LLC 140.00 390574 5248 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 198.00 390775 5249 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 338.00 400382 1/7/2016 130924 BEARING INDUSTRIAL & SUPPLIES INC. 8.04 BALL BEARING 390454 0040190-IN 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 8.04 400383 1/7/2016 131191 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC. 576.00 PIZZA 390678 D2813921 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 432.00 PIZZA 390698 D2813922 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 216.00 PIZZA 390697 D2813936 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 1,224.00 400384 1/7/2016 125139 BERNICK'S 355.20 390786 270011 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 355.20 400385 1/7/2016 126847 BERRY COFFEE COMPANY 742.35 COFFEE 390699 T158105 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 742.35 400386 1/7/2016 137480 BIXLER, JOHN 145.00 BOURBON TASTING TICKET SALES 390513 122915 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 145.00 400387 1/7/2016 124534 BLACKSTONE CONTRACTORS LLC 40,588.75 RAMP GARBAGE SCREENING 390834 2 44012.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT P23 50TH&FR PARKING&WAYFINDING 40,588.75 400388 1/7/2016 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC 385.00- RETURN 390457 70220049 1470.6510 FIRST AID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 1,259.70 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003635 390456 82003550 1470.6510 FIRSTAID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 7.39 AMBULANCE SUPPLIES 00003635 390455 82003551 1470.6510 FIRSTAID SUPPLIES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 8 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 — Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400388 1/7/2016 105367 BOUND TREE MEDICAL LLC Continued... 882.09 400389 1/7/2016 119351 BOURGET IMPORTS 454.00 390364 131017 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 718.50 390554 131057 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WNE 50TH ST SELLING 590.00 390788 131158 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 567.50 390787 131159 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,330.00 400390 1/7/2016 100144 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION 1,920.00 MNJIS OCT- DEC 2015 390701 296332 1400.6160 DATA PROCESSING POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 1,920.00 400391 1/7/2016 103244 BURTIS, ROBERT 150.00 E.P. ENTERTAINMENT 1/28/16 390452 121615 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 150.00 400392 1/7/2016 137691 BY THE YARD INC. 12,500.00 PATIO FURNITURE 00006491 390702 53017 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 12,500.00 400393 1/7/2016 103290 CALIBRE PRESS INC. 139.00 1/19 CLASS-TACTICS IN TRAFFIC 390861 33486 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 139.00 400394 1/7/2016 136020 CALUMET PACKAGING 1,144.00 FUEL 00003703 390460 902021 1553.6581 GASOLINE EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,144.00 400395 1/7/2016 102482 CAMPBELL PET COMPANY 1,021.51 2016 OFF- LEASH PARK COLLARS 390862 0320929-IN 1450.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ANIMAL CONTROL 1,021.51 400396 1/7/2016 119455 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES 39.00 390577 00011102 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,621.23 390576 782919 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 4,435.05 390578 783892 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 6,095.28 400397 1/7/2016 137138 CASTLE DANGER BREWING CO LLC R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1f7/2016 - 1/7/2016 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Page - 9 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400397 1/7/2016 137138 CASTLE DANGER BREWING CO LLC Continued... 296.00 390579 4787 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 296.00 400398 1/7/2016 129923 CAWLEY 36.74 NAME BADGES 390703 V341435 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 36.74 400399 1/7/2016 112561 CENTERPOINT ENERGY 68.97 10089900-4 390546 10089900-12/15 1646.6186 HEAT BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,616.23 5546504-1 390548 5546504-12/15 1470.6186 HEAT FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 3,389.12 5591458-4 390547 5591458-12/15 1551.6186 HEAT CITY HALL GENERAL 46.05 9546705-6 390639 9546705-12/15 5913.6186 HEAT DISTRIBUTION 5,120.37 400400 1/7/2016 123898 CENTURYLINK 126.07 952 831-0024 390704 0024-12/15 1552.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SVC PW BUILDING 54.48 952 920-1565 390462 1565-12/15 1646.6188 TELEPHONE BUILDING MAINTENANCE 58.77 952 920-1586 390463 1586-12/15 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 75.44 952 922-2444 390461 2444-12/15 1554.6188 TELEPHONE CENT SERV GEN - MIS 58.77 952 920-8632 390640 8632-12/15 5913.6188 TELEPHONE DISTRIBUTION 133.95 952 920-9996 390680 9996-12/15 2310.6188 TELEPHONE E911 507.48 400401 1/7/2016 137655 CHAMPLIN POLICE DEPARTMENT 150.00 OPEN SOURCE TRAINING 390863 1/17/16 1400.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 150.00 400402 1/7/2016 100692 COCA-COLA REFRESHMENTS 222.66 390366 0158571412 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 343.58 390789 0158572411 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 566.24 400403 1/7/2016 120433 COMCAST 11.27 8772 10 614 0373022 390707 373022-12/15 1400.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 83.84 8772 10 614 0540232 390641 540232-12/15 4090.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH&FRANCE MAINTENANCE 152.25 8772 10 614 0540372 390706 540372-12/15 5511.6188 TELEPHONE ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 247.36 400404 1/7/2016 101832 CORNERHOUSE 2,748.68 2016 FORENSIC INTERVIEW SVCS 390864 SP0007 1400.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 10 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 — Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400404 1/7/2016 101832 CORNERHOUSE Continued... 2,748.68 400405 1/7/2016 125059 CREATIVE COMMUNICATION SERVICES 590.00 2016 SERVICES 390865 4499 1554.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 590.00 400406 1/7/2016 119214 CUSTOM HOSE TECH INC. 248.22 HOSE 00005800 390464 81772 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 237.29 HOSE 00005800 390465 81780 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 485.51 400407 1/7/2016 133169 DAIKIN APPLIED 1,290.00 REPAIR LEAKING PUMP 390681 3076228 5720.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 1,290.00 400408 1/7/2016 118063 DC MANAGEMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 465.00 LEAD REMOVAL 390752 15-08-05 7412.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER PSTF RANGE 465.00 400409 1/7/2016 129884 DEARBORN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 2,886.45 JAN 2016 PREMIUMS 390866 F018342-1/16 9900.2033.16 LTD -99 PAYROLL CLEARING 2,886.45 400410 1/7/2016 100718 DELEGARD TOOL CO. 1,299.68 TOOLS 00001254 390642 60128 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 499.08 TOOLBOX 00001254 390527 60133 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 17.94 SOCKET 00005816 390526 61514 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,816.70 400411 1/7/2016 122135 DENFELD, SCOTT 188.60 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390708 123115 1130.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 188.60 400412 1/7/2016 102831 DEX MEDIA EAST INC. 27.00 650487671 390709 650487671-12/15 5511.6188 TELEPHONE ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 27.00 400413 1/7/2016 123995 DICK'S/LAKEVILLE SANITATION INC. 6,913.49 DEC 2015 SERVICE 390838 DT0001311682 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH 1,198.90 DEC 2015 SERVICE 390839 DT0001311683 4095.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET RUBBISH R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 11 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO4 Doc No 1/7/2016 — Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400413 1/7/2016 123995 DICK'S/LAKEVILLE SANITATION INC. Continued... 8,112.39 400414 1/7/2016 104192 DYNAMIC BRANDS 136.50 PUSH CART 390710 998339 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 136.50 400415 1/7/2016 132810 ECM PUBLISHERS INC. 327.50 AD FOR ELECTRONIC PLAN REVIEW 390467 287899 1495.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER INSPECTIONS 327.50 400416 1/7/2016 130954 EDAM 250.00 MEMBERSHIP - BILL NEUENDORF 390867 2016 9232.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 250.00 400417 1/7/2016 124503 EDEN PRAIRIE WINLECTRIC CO. 127.37 RESTROOM REMODEL SUPPLIES 390643 12662400 47094.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BREDESEN PARK COMFORT STATION 127.37 400418 1/7/2016 100744 EDINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1,000.00 CHAMBER GALAAD 390868 36390 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 1,000.00 CHAMBER GALAAD 390868 36390 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 1,000.00 CHAMBER GALAAD 390868 36390 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 3,000.00 400419 1/7/2016 137678 EDINA COMMUNITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 136.45 REFUND - STORM DRAIN CHARGE 390468 4109 54TH ST W 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 136.45 400420 1/7/2016 103594 EDINALARM INC. 399.07 ALARM MONITORING 390870 101451 5210.6250 ALARM SERVICE GOLF DOME PROGRAM 436.05 ALARM MONITORING 390869 101528 5420.6250 ALARM SERVICE CLUB HOUSE 1,905.00 ALARM INSTALLATION 00006494 390711 102079 5400.1705 CONSTR. IN PROGRESS GOLF BALANCE SHEET 966.00 ALARM UPGRADE 390469 102095 5861.6250 ALARM SERVICE VERNON OCCUPANCY 385.00 ALARM UPGRADE 390470 102096 5841.6250 ALARM SERVICE YORK OCCUPANCY 4,091.12 400421 1/7/2016 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC. 262.50 TIF CALCULATIONS/PROPOSALS 390645 69330 9235.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER VALLEY VIEW/WOODDALE TIF DIST 3,000.00 2010AARBITRAGE 390840 69469 3101.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL DEBT SERVICE REVENUES 3,262.50 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 12 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 117/2016 — 1/7/2016 Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400421 1/7/2016 400422 1/7/2016 100049 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC. 102758 ELDER-JONES BLDG PERMIT SERIVCE INC Continued... 101.40 PERMIT ED143230 REFUND 390712 6709 VERNON AVE 1495.4111 BUILDING PERMITS INSPECTIONS 101.40 400423 1/7/2016 100746 ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 346.76 COOLER FAN MOTORS 00001245 390644 425955 5861.6530 REPAIR PARTS VERNON OCCUPANCY 346.76 400424 1/7/2016 100549 ELECTRIC PUMP INC. 1,197.15 CHECK VALVE 00001128 390471 0056788-IN 5934.6530 REPAIR PARTS STORM LIFT STATION MAINT 1,197.15 400425 1/7/2016 102309 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS INC. 2,635.80 SIREN MAINT - JAN TO JUN 2016 390871 33849 421460.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT CIVIL DEFENSE EQUIPMENT 2,635.80 400426 1/7/2016 121440 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK LLC 15,000.00 2016 CODE RED SERVICE 390872 ECN-021757 2310.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES E911 15,000.00 400427 1/7/2016 118984 ERICKSON, GARY 100.00 PROF SERVICES 390841 123115 5110.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 100.00 400428 1/7/2016 104195 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC. 209.40 390790 268-1855 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 209.40 400429 1/7/2016 100146 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 509.09 HUB AND DISC ASSEMBLIES 390472 69-205834 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 193.42 CALIPERS 390473 69-205912 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 94.30 GATORBACK IDLERS & TENS PU 390475 69-205956 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 19.44 IDLER 390474 69-205987 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 816.25 400430 1/7/2016 102485 FAHRENKRUG, ROGER 1,935.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 390754 123015 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 1,935.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1f7/2016 - 1/7/2016 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Page - 13 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400431 1/7/2016 137681 FARAZI, PAYMON Continued... 90.00 WINTER DAY CAMP REFUND 390514 REFUND 5551.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION SPORTS DOME REVENUE 90.00 400432 1/7/2016 122549 FARNER-BOCKEN COMPANY 915.45 CONCESSION PRODUCT 390713 4494344 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 518.75 390714 4507557 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 1,434.20 400433 1/7/2016 106035 FASTENAL COMPANY 7.53 HARDWARE 00001191 390528 MNTC2134439 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 3.62 HARDWARE 00001251 390529 MNTC2134465 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 10.21 HARDWARE 00001251 390530 MNTC2134474 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 21.36 400434 1/7/2016 130136 FAUS, SUSAN 116.15 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390842 123115 1600.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PARKADMIN. GENERAL 116.15 400435 1/7/2016 126004 FERGUSON WATERWORKS 398.79 REPAIR COUPLERS 390647 0177529 5923.6530 REPAIR PARTS COLLECTION SYSTEMS 292.05 METER FLANGE KITS 00001210 390646 0178058 5917.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES METER REPAIR 690.84 400436 1/7/2016 122077 FIELDS, DEBRA 838.00 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT COURSE 390753 123015 7410.6218 EDUCATION PROGRAMS PSTF ADMINISTRATION 838.00 400437 1/7/2016 101603 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME CO. 54.00 390555 31238 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 80.95 390556 31407 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 134.95 400438 1/7/2016 137685 FORTERRA BUILDING PRODUCTS 248.20 CASTING FOR MANHOLE REPAIR 00001212 390648 SH00006063 5923.6530 REPAIR PARTS COLLECTION SYSTEMS 248.20 400439 1/7/2016 100764 G & K SERVICES 15.00 ACCT 0012939 390715 1006455875 5422.6201 LAUNDRY MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 15.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 14 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 - Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400440 1/7/2016 120079 GOODPOINTE TECHNOLOGY INC. Continued... 3,470.00 2016 PAVEMENT RATING 390873 2016-EDINA 1261.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 3,470.00 400441 1/7/2016 101103 GRAINGER 624.80 BALLASTS 00007501 390650 9890738785 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 468.60 BALLASTS 00007501 390651 9890738793 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 1,062.16- CREDIT- RETURN BALLASTS 00007501 390649 9896364164 5511.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 84.84 HAND CLEANER 00006442 390652 9902528406 5422.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 72.91 GLASS CLEANER, SPONGES 00005807 390653 990906358 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 12.40 LIGHT, DOOR STOP 00006364 390717 9910774166 5424.6530 REPAIR PARTS RANGE 38.50 MOUNTS FOR WASH DOWN TANK 00001174 390654 9914492591 5923.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COLLECTION SYSTEMS 204.00 LIGHTING 00006493 390718 9916024970 5424.6530 REPAIR PARTS RANGE 39.24 SAFETY GLASSES 00005812 390655 9919565862 1553.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 43.92 WEATHERSTRIP, WALL PLATES 00006364 390719 9919700360 5420.6530 REPAIR PARTS CLUB HOUSE 30.76 WATER TANK MOUNTS 00001181 390656 9919700378 5921.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 15.38 WATER TANK MOUNTS 00001181 390657 9919700386 5921.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SANITARY LIFT STATION MAINT 167.45 DRUM CART 00001242 390658 9920316503 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 844.80 RINK HOSES 00001255 390660 9921624830 1646.6556 TOOLS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 323.20 ANTI-VIBRATION GLOVES 00005814 390659 9921842861 1553.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 45.30 SANDING BELTS 00005812 390661 9923342340 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 1,953.94 400442 1/7/2016 102217 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC 42.25 390367 190968 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 98.25 390557 191068 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WNE 50TH ST SELLING 140.50 400443 1/7/2016 137695 GREENWOOD DESIGN BUILD 2,500.00 REFUND NEW HOME ESCROW 390757 6108 BEARD AVE 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS 2,500.00 400444 1/7/2016 100785 GREUPNER, JOE 1,350.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 390755 123015 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 1,350.00 400445 1/7/2016 100008 GRUBE, MIKE 279.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 390756 123015 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 279.00 400446 1/7/2016 102070 HENNEPIN COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSN R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/7/2016 - 1/7/2016 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Page - 15 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400446 1/7/2016 102070 HENNEPIN COUNTY CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSN Continued... 930.00 ANNUAL DUES 390874 2016 1400.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 930.00 400447 1/7/2016 106371 HENNEPIN COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER 2,475.08 MEDICAL DIRECTOR SERVICES-JAN 390875 42541 1470.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 2,475.08 400448 1/7/2016 131578 HEYMER, KATIE 60.00 TRAINING AMMO REFUND 390758 122915 7414.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PUBLIC PROGRAMS 60.00 400449 1/7/2016 103753 HILLYARD INC - MINNEAPOLIS 130.70 FOAM SOAP, SANITIZER 00002111 390682 601897802 5720.6511 CLEANING SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 130.70 400450 1/7/2016 104375 HOHENSTEINS INC. 58.00 390581 802374 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,851.00 390582 802375 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 1,469.50 390792 802442 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 58.00 390793 802443 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 766.00 390580 802627 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 4,202.50 400451 1/7/2016 100417 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY 332.44 CHLORINE, HYPO 00002108 390683 151208003 5720.6545 CHEMICALS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 332.44 400452 1/7/2016 133661 HOWARD, JOHN 259.95 EEC FILM SERIES 390843 122015 1122.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMM 259.95 400453 1/7/2016 101468 IIMC 120.00 MEMBERSHIP - JANE TIMM 390877 20252-2016 1180.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS ELECTION 220.00 MEMBERSHIP - DEBRA MANGEN 390876 6555-2016 1185.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 340.00 400454 1/7/2016 131544 INDEED BREWING COMPANY 310.00 390794 35640 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 321.00 390795 35658 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 631.00 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 16 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 117/2016 - Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400454 400455 1/7/2016 1/7/2016 131544 105198 INDEED BREWING COMPANY INTERNATIONAL ASSOC. FOR PROPERTY Continued... 50.00 MEMBERSHIP - JULIE ANN NORGREN 390878 M16-C95875 1400.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 50.00 400456 1/7/2016 100828 JERRY'S FOODS 10.79 390662 113015 1400.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 37.97 390662 113015 1628.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SENIOR CITIZENS 48.76 400457 1/7/2016 100741 JJ TAYLOR DIST. OF MINN 9,958.25 390368 2445303 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 4,508.55 390797 2445322 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 150.64 390796 2445323 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,659.65 390584 2445326 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 38.80 390583 2445327 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 103.75 390798 2445332 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 7,866.45 390800 2445333 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 204.90 390799 2445334 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 25,490.99 400458 1/7/2016 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 108.66 390372 5333087 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 5,594.28 390371 5333088 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,984.71 390369 5333091 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,640.56 390370 5333093 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 346.87 390374 5334870 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WNE YORK SELLING 267.71 390802 5335552 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 196.48 390381 5335553 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 119.29 390379 5335554 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,950.94 390380 6335555 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 229.98 390376 5335556 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 873.04 390377 5335557 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 420.79 390375 5335558 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 214.16 390373 5335659 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,070.80 390586 5335660 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 117.34 390585 5335666 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 175.66 390592 5335667 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 184.82 390593 5335668 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 891.60 390378 5335689 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 Check # Date Amount CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/7/2016 - 1/7/2016 Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Page - 17 Business Unit 400458 1/7/2016 100835 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Continued... 948.41 390558 5336435 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 369.14 390602 5336436 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 51.16 390560 5336437 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,244.46 390600 5336438 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,916.46 390601 5336439 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 545.89 390561 5336440 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 1,112.88 390385 5336441 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 4,313.38 390559 5336442 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 980.82 390386 5336443 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,314.42 390383 5336444 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 7,020.30 390384 5336445 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD \MNE VERNON SELLING 89.66 390387 5336446 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,297.30 390382 5336447 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 393.76 390388 5336448 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 130.32 390591 5337908 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 72.28 390590 5337909 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,844.22 390588 5337911 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,533.40 390589 5337912 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,577.11 390594 5337913 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 90.00 390599 5337914 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,142.25 390587 5337915 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 172.32 390596 5337916 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 3,089.29 390597 5337917 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 426.98 390595 5337918 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 2,468.82 390598 5337919 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,383.93 390801 5341209 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 10.94- 390604 554507 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 10.00- 390610 554820 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 10.00- 390609 554821 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 20.00- 390603 554823 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 125.31- 390389 555703 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING .15- 390562 556458 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING .15- 390607 556459 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 4.67- 390608 556655 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 43.33- 390390 556656 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 88.43- 390605 556745 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 57.16- 390606 556964 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 57,546.51 400459 1/7/2016 137690 KAKOOKIES LLC R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 18 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 — Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400459 1/7/2016 137690 KAKOOKIES LLC Continued... 100.00 BRAEMAR ARENA CONCESSIONS 390720 09301549 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 100.00 400460 1/7/2016 136686 KIDCREATE STUDIO 648.00 FROSTY THE SNOWMAN 390684 5941 1627.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES SPECIAL ACTIVITIES 648.00 400461 1/7/2016 115192 KNUDSON, DEBBIE 234.00 BRAEMAR GOLF ACADEMY 390759 123015 5401.4602 LESSONS GOLF REVENUES 234.00 400462 1/7/2016 137679 LANG, CARRIE 90.00 WINTER DAY CAMP REFUND 390515 REFUND 5551.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION SPORTS DOME REVENUE 90.00 400463 1/7/2016 101220 LANO EQUIPMENT INC. 312.12 INSTALL DOOR GLASS 00002093 390721 01-346006 5761.6530 REPAIR PARTS CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 312.12 400464 1/7/2016 136231 LARSON, DEB 700.00 MARKETING CONSULTANT 390845 123115 5820.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 50TH STREET GENERAL 700.00 MARKETING CONSULTANT 390845 123115 5840.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 700.00 MARKETING CONSULTANT 390845 123115 5860.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 2,100.00 400465 1/7/2016 100852 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC. 351.07 COUPLERS, TERMINALS 00005886 390477 9303756575 1553.6585 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 351.07 400466 1/7/2016 135250 LYNDA.COM INC. 1,750.00 LYNDA SUBSCRIPTION 390879 INV04210571 1554.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS CENT SERV GEN - MIS 1,750.00 400467 1/7/2016 129830 MAPMO 125.00 MEMBERSHIP 390880 2016 1495.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS INSPECTIONS 125.00 400468 1/7/2016 101555 MARSHALL & SWIFT/BOECKH LLC 1,444.13 2016 RENEWAL- BOB WILSON 390881 1051890-2016 1190.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING 1,444.13 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 19 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 — Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400468 400469 1/7/2016 1/7/2016 101555 MARSHALL & SWIFT/BOECKH LLC 101267 MBPTA Continued... 100.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES 390882 2016 1495.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS INSPECTIONS 100.00 400470 1/7/2016 135708 MERSC 175.00 MEMBERSHIP - CASSI MCMAYER 390883 2016 1556.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 175.00 400471 1/7/2016 100885 METRO SALES INC 10,492.28 QUARTERLY MFP USAGE 390664 ACCT015007-12/1 1554.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT CENT SERV GEN - MIS 5 10,492.28 400472 1/7/2016 102729 METROPOLITAN FORD OF EDEN PRAIRIE 9.02 JET KITS 00005818 390532 496617 1553.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 9.02 400473 1/7/2016 104650 MICRO CENTER 149.94 MEMORY CARDS 390665 5896313 1554.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SERV GEN - MIS 149.94 400474 1/7/2016 130635 MILLNER, CHAD 186.30 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390666 123015 1260.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ENGINEERING GENERAL 186.30 400475 1/7/2016 102174 MINNEAPOLIS OXYGEN COMPANY 37.55 CARBON DIOXIDE CYLINDERS 390760 183200729 7413.6545 CHEMICALS PSTF FIRE TOWER 37.55 400476 1/7/2016 127062 MINNEHAHA BLDG. MAINT. INC. 5.36 WINDOW CLEANING 390479 928047681 5821.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS 50TH ST OCCUPANCY 5.36 400477 1/7/2016 102776 MRPA 2,045.00 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 390884 2016 1600.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 2,045.00 400478 1/7/2016 101696 MSP COMMUNICATIONS 1,150.00 JAN 2106 WEDDING AD 390885 2015-52968 5760.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 20 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1f7/2016 - Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400478 1/7/2016 101696 MSP COMMUNICATIONS Continued... 1,150.00 400479 1/7/2016 130266 MUNICODE 1,908.50 UPDATES, SUPPLEMENTS 390846 00264493 1185.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LICENSING, PERMITS & RECORDS 1,908.50 400480 1/7/2016 100916 MUZAK LLC 277.77 2016 MUSIC SERVICES 390886 52121617 5822.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES 50TH ST SELLING 277.77 2016 MUSIC SERVICES 390886 52121617 5842.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES . YORK SELLING 277.77 2016 MUSIC SERVICES 390886 52121617 5862.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES VERNON SELLING 833.31 400481 1/7/2016 100076 NEW FRANCE WINE CO, 275.00 390803 106472 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 275.00 400482 1/7/2016 131740 NISSEN, DIETRICH 20.41 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390727 123115 1130.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 20.41 400483 1/7/2016 115212 NORTH STAR CHAPTER 150.00 DUES 390856 2016 1190.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ASSESSING 150.00 400484 1/7/2016 117830 NORTHLAND BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC. 85.00 DIGITAL RECORDER REPAIR 390550 IN63499 1400.6106 MEETING EXPENSE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 85.00 400485 1/7/2016 137198 NORTON, KITTY 250.00 EP ENTERTAINMENT 1/14/16 390448 121615 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 250.00 400486 1/7/2016 100936 OLSEN COMPANIES 303.12 WINTER GLOVES 00001253 390480 572655 5913.6610 SAFETY EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTION 303.12 400487 1/7/2016 101659 ORKIN 20.00 PEST CONTROL 12557616 390668 106574802 1375.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARKING RAMP 130.00 PEST CONTROL 12557623 390670 106574804 1552.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 20.00 PEST CONTROL 12557635 390689 106574805 1375.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARKING RAMP R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 21 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # 1/7/2016 - Doc No Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400487 1/7/2016 101659 ORKIN Continued... 170.00 400488 1/7/2016 104950 PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC. 400.00 BACKWASH SAMPLES 00001214 390671 15100125884 5915.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WATER TREATMENT 400.00 400489 1/7/2016 131698 PARLEY LAKE WINERY 325.50 390563 15161 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 325.50 400490 1/7/2016 100347 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY 1786.04 390391 8529246-IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 823.31 390392 8529698-IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 1,512.59 390611 8530061-IN 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 914.83 390805 8530120-IN 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 351.77 390804 8530242-IN 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 5,388.54 400491 1/7/2016 100945 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 397.80 390729 44697758 5761.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 652.12 390728 44697800 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 1,049.92 400492 1/7/2016 131339 PETROVIC, FRANK 10.35 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 1100.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE CITY COUNCIL 16.68 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 1120.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ADMINISTRATION 21.28 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 1122.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT COMM 28.75 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 1600.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 215.63 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 1130.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 16.68 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 2611.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MUSIC IN EDINA 29.90 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 2611.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE MUSIC IN EDINA 12.08 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 5110.6575 PRINTING ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 13.80 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 5110.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ART CENTER ADMINISTRATION 8.63 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 5401.4553 CLUBHOUSE GOLF REVENUES 15.53 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 8.63 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 5710.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 8.05 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 5902.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE UTILITY BILLING - FINANCE 39.68 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390730 123115 9234.6106 MEETING EXPENSE GRANDVIEW TIF DISTRICT 445.67 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 22 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 - Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400493 1/7/2016 100950 PETTY CASH Continued... 2.46 390731 123115 1100.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CITY COUNCIL 4.00 390731 123115 1190.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE ASSESSING 4.00 390731 123115 1130.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 10.97 390731 123115 1556.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EMPLOYEE SHARED SERVICES 12.85 390731 123115 1130.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 20.00 390731 123115 1120.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS ADMINISTRATION 22.10 390731 123115 1160.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE FINANCE 25.21 390731 123115 1552.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES CENT SVC PW BUILDING 28.41 390731 123115 1130.6410 VIDEO PRODUCTION SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS 30.56 390731 123115 1190.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES ASSESSING 37.76 390731 123115 1100.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS CITY COUNCIL 40.47 390731 123115 1600.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES PARK ADMIN. GENERAL 57.12 390731 123115 1130.6106 MEETING EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 135.71 390731 123115 1140.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PLANNING 150.00 390731 123115 1495.6104 CONFERENCES & SCHOOLS INSPECTIONS 9.28 390731 123115 5410.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER GOLF ADMINISTRATION 72.25 390731 123115 5840.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE LIQUOR YORK GENERAL 114.40 390731 123115 5860.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE VERNON LIQUOR GENERAL 777.55 400494 1/7/2016 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 415.20 390399 2900216 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 122.32 390401 2902772 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,289.56 390400 2902774 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 73.16 390806 2903996 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,042.56 390565 2904444 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 226.68 390398 2904445 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 545.22 390613 2905038 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING .20 390397 2905039 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 275.32 390564 2905040 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 325.28 390612 2905041 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2.32 390394 2905042 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 2,530.24 390396 2905043 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 4,653.87 390393 2905044 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 315.80 390395 2905045 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3.48 390616 2906077 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 3,086.76 390615 2906078 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,775.45 390614 2906079 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 1,130.24 390617 2906080 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 17,813.66 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 23 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 — 1/7/2016 Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400494 1/7/2016 400495 1/7/2016 100743 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS 134007 PJ TAILORS & CLEANERS Continued... 25.90 LAUNDER BLANKETS 390481 9511 1400.6201 LAUNDRY POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 25.90 400496 1/7/2016 130926 PLANTSCAPE INC. 2,223.86 PLANT MAINTENANCE 390685 333988 5720.6620 TREES, FLOWERS, SHRUBS EDINBOROUGH OPERATIONS 2,223.86 400497 1/7/2016 100961 POSTMASTER - USPS 225.00 PERMIT PI 376 RENEWAL 383903 MAIL PERMIT FEE 1628.6235 POSTAGE SENIOR CITIZENS 225.00 400498 1/7/2016 103094 PROTECTION ONE 210.06 ALARM MONITORING - JAN-MAR 390888 12743654 5511.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 210.06 400499 1/7/2016 100466 R & R PRODUCTS INC. 622.80 BEARINGS 00006451 390733 CD1970440 5422.6530 REPAIR PARTS MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 622.80 400500 1/7/2016 100975 RED WING SHOE STORE 175.00 SAFETY BOOTS 390482 8-268 5730.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 175.00 400501 1/7/2016 123757 RIECHMANN PEDERSON DESIGN INC 2,397.37 AD SALES COMMISSION .390534 1115151-7 1130.6123 MAGAZINE/NEWSLETTER EXPENSE COMMUNICATIONS 2,397.37 400502 1/7/2016 137023 RITE 8,135.33 SOUTH DALE POS 390484 4024-2ND PMT 5800.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8,135.33 GRANDVIEW POS 390484 4024-2ND PMT 5800.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 8,135.33 50TH LIQ POS 390484 4024-2ND PMT 5800.1740 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET 24,405.99 400503 1/7/2016 102011 RIVER CITY JAZZ ORCHESTRA 150.00 EP CONCERT 1/17/2016 390449 121615 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 150.00 400504 1/7/2016 137696 RIVER ROCK BUILDERS LLC R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 24 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 - Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400504 1/7/2016 137696 RIVER ROCK BUILDERS LLC Continued... 2,500.00 REFUND DEMO ESCROW 390761 5904 YORK AVE S 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS 2,500.00 REFUND NEW HOME ESCROW 390762 5904 YORK AVE S 1495.4109 CONSTRUCTION DEPOSIT INSPECTIONS 5,000.00 400505 1/7/2016 101979 ROFIDAL, KEVIN 368.09 UNIFORM PURCHASE 390485 122415 1400.6203 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 368.09 400506 1/7/2016 100982 ROTO-ROOTER 259.00 CLEAR SEWER PIPE 390734 04818828374 5511.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 259.00 400507 1/7/2016 100988 SAFETY KLEEN 1,191.75 DRAIN SERVICE 00006449 390735 68932625 5422.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL MAINT OF COURSE & GROUNDS 1,191.75 400508 1/7/2016 137579 SAVVIK BUYING GROUP 75.00 2016 MEMBERSHIP DUES 390889 EDINA FIRE 1470.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS FIRE DEPT. GENERAL 75.00 400509 1/7/2016 100997 SESAC INC. 755.00 2016 MUSIC LICENSE 390890 4168175 5760.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS CENTENNIAL LAKES ADMIN EXPENSE 755.00 400510 1/7/2016 118211 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 266.35 PAINT 00001155 390487 4417-8 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 89.84 PAINT 00001172 390488 4544-9 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 374.57 PAINT 00001164 390486 6802-3 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 98.95 PAINT 00001194 390535 7049-0 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 217.45 PAINT 00001178 390536 7077-1 1646.6530 REPAIR PARTS BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,047.16 400511 1/7/2016 105654 SIMPLEX GRINNELL LP 512.56 2016 ALARM MONITORING 390891 78257370 5710.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 512.56 400512 1/7/2016 131885 SISINNI FOOD SERVICES INC. 83.13 HOT DOG BUNS 390736 277818 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 76.54 390737 278062 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 92.73 390738 278280 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS R55CKR2 Check # LOGIS101 Date Amount CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/7/2016 - 1/7/2016 Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Page - 25 Business Unit 400512 1/7/2016 131885 SISINNI FOOD SERVICES INC. Continued... 252.40 400513 1/7/2016 100430 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL 62.66 HAMMERS 00005811 390538 ARV/27734500 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 23.99 SOCKETS 00005811 390537 ARV/27737883 1553.6556 TOOLS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 86.65 400514 1/7/2016 136580 SOCIABLE CIDER WERKS LLC 200.00 390807 2591 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 200.00 400515 1/7/2016 127878 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS 567.16 390402 1360477 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 7,651.78 390404 1360480 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 1,397.60 390403 1360483 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 385.00 390405 1361770 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 640.80 390406 1361771 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 3,119.62 390408 1362134 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 1,545.26 390407 1362135 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 805.47 390409 1362136 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 573.60 390618 1362613 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 1,015.20 390619 1362614 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 2,948.20 390621 1362615 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 5,150.70 390623 1362616 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 497.53 390622 1362617 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 278.80 390620 1363319 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 524.80 390808 1363320 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WNE VERNON SELLING 568.30 390809 5013698 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 27,669.82 400516 1/7/2016 105193 SPAIN, MARK 6,737.50 STUMP GRINDING 390672 121015 1644.6541 PLANTINGS & TREES TREES & MAINTENANCE 6,737.50 400517 1/7/2016 137693 SPIN THE PLANET ENTERPRISES 310.00 LICENSE OVERPAYMENT REFUND 390763 EDINA JIMMY 1490.4171 FOOD ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE PUBLIC HEALTH JOHNS 310.00 400518 1/7/2016 103658 ST LOUIS PARK COMMUNITY BAND R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 26 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1f7/2016 -- Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400518 1/7/2016 103658 ST LOUIS PARK COMMUNITY BAND Continued... 75.00 E P CONCERT 1/24/16 390451 121615 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC - OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 75.00 400519 1/7/2016 101007 STAR TRIBUNE 194.48 SUBSCRIPTION 390892 493121-1/16 1500.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTINGENCIES 194.48 400520 1/7/2016 133068 STEEL TOE BREWING LLC 168.00 390566 7185 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 126.00 390810 7238 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 294.00 400521 1/7/2016 137694 STEINKAMP, BARBARA 398.62 CREDIT BALANCE REFUND 390764 UTILITIES 5900.2015 CUSTOMER REFUND UTILITY BALANCE SHEET 398.62 400522 1/7/2016 105874 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE INC. 41.25 SCRAP TIRE DISPOSAL 00005904 390490 10136909 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 586.16 TIRES 00005896 390491 10137204 1553.6583 TIRES & TUBES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 627.41 400523 1/7/2016 102919 SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR 195.00 2016 MEMBERSHIP 390893 EDIN2016 1400.6105 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 195.00 400524 1/7/2016 101910 SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR INC. 109,638.27 2016 OSSI SERVICE CONTRACT 390894 111524 1400.6230 SERVICE CONTRACTS EQUIPMENT POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 109,638.27 400525 1/7/2016 136376 SUPPLYWORKS 118.32 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 00001190 390540 354514986 1646.6406 GENERAL SUPPLIES BUILDING MAINTENANCE 118.32 400526 1/7/2016 136860 SYSCO WESTERN MINNESOTA 330.89 390691 512180166 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 368.74 390690 512220110 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 542.39 CONCESSION PRODUCT 390689 512290039 5730.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD EDINBOROUGH CONCESSIONS 570.03 CONCESSION PRODUCT 390739 512290040 5761.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD CENTENNIAL LAKES OPERATING 1,812.05 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA Council Check Register by GL Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/7/2016 — 1/7/2016 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Page - 27 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400527 1/7/2016 104932 TAYLOR MADE Continued... 417.00- CREDIT 390742 31291693 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 392.50- CREDIT 390743 31295342 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS-PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 727.96 GOLF CLUBS 390740 31313514 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 553.42 GOLF CLUBS 390741 31313763 5440.5511 COST OF GOODS - PRO SHOP PRO SHOP RETAIL SALES 471.88 400528 1/7/2016 137680 THOMAS, ALYSSA 90.00 WINTER DAY CAMP REFUND 390516 REFUND 5551.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION SPORTS DOME REVENUE 90.00 400529 1/7/2016 102798 THOMSON REUTERS -WEST 811.99 NOV 2015 USAGE 390552 833042913 1400.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE DEPT. GENERAL 811.99 400530 117/2016 101035 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1,275.10 390812 1013664 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 179.00 390811 1016061 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 1,454.10 400531 1/7/2016 120700 TIGER OAK MEDIA 330.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 390895 2015-154279 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 330.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 390895 2015-154279 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING 330.00 MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 390895 2015-154279 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 990.00 400532 1/7/2016 137682 VAN HANDEL, JEMINAH 270.00 WINTER DAY CAMP REFUND 390553 CANCELATION 5551.4607 CLASS REGISTRATION SPORTS DOME REVENUE 270.00 400533 1/7/2016 101058 VAN PAPER CO. 1,277.80 CAN LINERS 00001159 390674 371499-00 1645.6182 RUBBISH REMOVAL LITTER REMOVAL 1,277.80 400534 1/7/2016 133470 VANGUARD CLEANING SYSTEMS OF MINNESOTA 2,830.00 OCT 2015 SERVICE 390744 40926 5510.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ARENAADMINISTRATION 2,830.00 400535 1/7/2016 103252 VEAP 1,141.00 VEAP FOOD DRIVE 390517 122915 5822.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER 50TH ST SELLING 2,070.00 VEAP FOOD DRIVE 390517 122915 5842.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER YORK SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 28 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/7/2016 — 1/7/2016 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400535 1/7/2016 103252 VEAP Continued... 2,769.00 VEAP FOOD DRIVE 390517 122915 5862.6122 ADVERTISING OTHER VERNON SELLING 5,980.00 400536 1/7/2016 101066 VIKING ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC. 434.38 TOOL REPAIRS 00001188 390541 9992789 1321.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 204.33 LED DISPLAY LIGHTS 00001240 390675 9998586 5861.6530 REPAIR PARTS VERNON OCCUPANCY 638.71 400537 1/7/2016 100023 VOGEL, ROBERT C. 2,875.00 1ST QTR SERVICES 390896 215036 1140.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANNING 2,875.00 400538 1/7/2016 133629 VON HANSONS MEATS 126.25 BRATS 390746 87783 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 126.25 400539 1/7/2016 103088 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN 300.00 CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS REMOVAL 390676 7281691 47094.6710 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT BREDESEN PARK COMFORT STATION 300.00 400540 1/7/2016 130574 WATSON COMPANY 105.60 CONCESSION PRODUCT 390747 859700 5520.5510 COST OF GOODS SOLD ARENA CONCESSIONS 105.60 400541 1/7/2016 124942 WEST HENNEPIN AFFORDABLE HOUSING 78,360.00 500 TYLER COURT 390492 EDINA CDBG 2127.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMM DEV BLK GRANT 78,360.00 400542 1/7/2016 127990 WESTVVOOD HILLS NATURE CENTER 165.00 E.P. ENTERTAINMENT 1/21/16 390450 121615 5710.6136 PROFESSIONAL SVC -OTHER EDINBOROUGH ADMINISTRATION 165.00 400543 1/7/2016 137692 WILLS, DAWN 14.95 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390748 123115 1130.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE COMMUNICATIONS 14.95 400544 1/7/2016 101973 WILMOT, SOLVEI 60.95 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390493 SEPT/OCT/NOV 1490.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE PUBLIC HEALTH 58.65 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 390493 SEPT/OCT/NOV 5952.6107 MILEAGE OR ALLOWANCE RECYCLING 119.60 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 Council Check Register by GL Page - 29 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/7/2016 - 1/7/2016 Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400544 400545 1/7/2016 1/7/2016 101973 101312 WILMOT, SOLVEI WINE MERCHANTS Continued... 240,00 390823 705773 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 2,122.80 390417 7061698 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE YORK SELLING 594.00 390568 7061775 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE 50TH ST SELLING 188.00 390416 7061777 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 630.00 390418 7062088 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 2,767.78 390626 7062337 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 3,591.60 390419 7062338 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 2,325.24 390625 7062661 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 12,459.42 400546 1/7/2016 124291 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 1,219.98 390421 1080413863 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 239.65 390428 1080413984 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 4,110.97 390420 1080413989 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD \MNE YORK SELLING 133.15 390632 1080415084 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 145.79 390427 1080415085 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE VERNON SELLING 554.68 390426 1080415474 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 3,910.49 390424 1080416101 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 452.61 390425 1080416102 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 3,449.40 390422 1080416103 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 127.45 390423 1080416104 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 295.82 390824 1080416738 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 1,634.29 390627 1080416739 5822.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD VVINE 50TH ST SELLING 395.78 390826 1080416740 5822.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR 50TH ST SELLING 2,485.99 390630 1080416741 5842.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE YORK SELLING 119.45 390631 1080416742 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 8,473.66 390629 1080416743 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 45.60 390628 1080416824 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 134.90 390827 1080417832 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 2,210.04 390828 1080417833 5842.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR YORK SELLING 49.03 390852 1080418265 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 601.75 390825 1080418266 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 266.30 390829 1080418457 5862.5513 COST OF GOODS SOLD WINE VERNON SELLING 244.15- 390429 2080099006 5862.5512 COST OF GOODS SOLD LIQUOR VERNON SELLING 30,812.63 400547 1/7/2016 124529 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER INC 536.05 390570 1090506961 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING R55CKR2 LOGIS101 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 Council Check Register by GL Page - 30 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary Check # Date Amount Supplier / Explanation PO # Doc No 1/7/2016 - Inv No 1/7/2016 Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400547 1/7/2016 124529 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA BEER INC Continued... 23.80 390569 1090506962 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 1,802.05 390431 1090507400 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 239.00 390432 1090507511 5862.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX VERNON SELLING 2,543.40 390430 1090507996 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 4,764.68 390634 1090508733 5842.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER YORK SELLING 96.20 390633 1090508734 5842.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX YORK SELLING 1,473.97 390832 1090509326 5822.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER 50TH ST SELLING 47.60 390831 1090509327 5822.5515 COST OF GOODS SOLD MIX 50TH ST SELLING 832.40 390830 1090509934 5862.5514 COST OF GOODS SOLD BEER VERNON SELLING 12,359.15 400548 1/7/2016 105740 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 1,561.50 TRAFFIC STUDY 390848 2-01686-680 1140.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANNING 10,417.25 SOUTHDALE TRANS STUDY 390847 3-01686-670 9232.6103 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 11,978.75 400549 1/7/2016 101726 XCEL ENERGY 51.43 51-4420190-3 390503 483600970 1551.6185 LIGHT & POWER CITY HALL GENERAL 14.09 51-0010619811-5 390504 483681723 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 40.63 51-0223133-2 390507 483697899 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 17.79 51-0160483-1 390509 483698547 1330.6185 LIGHT & POWER TRAFFIC SIGNALS 13.83 51-6541084-2 390502 483795838 1646.6185 LIGHT & POWER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 46.24 51-5938955-6 390508 483808907 5937.6185 LIGHT & POWER INDIANHEAD LK VEGETATION CONTR 121.90 51-9770164-7 390505 483834321 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 33.76 51-0010118404-0 390494 483839781 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 365.21 5 1-00 10166207-2 390495 483842469 1646.6185 LIGHT & POWER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 27.16 51-9770163-6 390506 483842708 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 131.47 51-0010619455-3 390499 483850190 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 19.82 51-0010573502-3 390498 483851641 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 21.47 51-0010573384-9 390496 483860736 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 40.66 51-00 11 004217-3 390542 483865036 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 13.83 51-0010777228-2 390500 483866636 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 30.41 51-0010876028-0 390501 483869418 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 14.86 5 1-00 10876012-2 390543 483870060 1322.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING ORNAMENTAL 20.01 51-0010573385-0 390497 483871721 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 29,597.96 51-4621797-2 390851 484139555 1321.6185 LIGHT & POWER STREET LIGHTING REGULAR 7,495.16 51-6955679-8 390849 484167667 1551.6185 LIGHT & POWER CITY HALL GENERAL 29,325.65 51-4888627-1 390850 484485033 5511.6185 LIGHT & POWER ARENA BLDG/GROUNDS 4,702.04 51-4888627-1 390850 484485033 5553.6185 LIGHT & POWER SPORTS DOME BLDG&GROUNDS 72,145.38 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:07 R55CKR2 LOGIS101 Council Check Register by GL Page - 31 Council Check Register by Invoice & Summary 1/7/2016 — 1/7/2016 Check # Date Amount Supplier! Explanation PO # Doc No Inv No Account No Subledger Account Description Business Unit 400549 1/7/2016 101726 XCEL ENERGY Continued... 400550 1/7/2016 130618 YOUNGSTEDTS COLLISION CENTER 5,314.92 VEHICLE REPAIRS 390544 14633 1553.6180 CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 5,314.92 400551 1/7/2016 101091 ZIEGLER INC 13.08 BOLTS 00005893 390512 PC001733981 1553.6585 215.02 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 390511 SW060060857 1553.6180 228.10 ACCESSORIES EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN CONTRACTED REPAIRS EQUIPMENT OPERATION GEN 827,080.30 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks NP ACH Payment Total Payments 731,213.98 95,866.32 827,080.30 R55CKS2 LOGIS100 CITY OF EDINA 1/5/2016 13:41:18 Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary Page - 1 1/7/2016 - 1/7/2016 Company Amount 01000 GENERAL FUND 284,624.48 02100 CDBG FUND 78,360.00 02300 POLICE SPECIAL REVENUE 15,133.95 02600 ARTS AND CULTURE FUND 46.58 03100 GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND 3,000.00 04000 WORKING CAPITAL FUND 49,355.39 04200 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND 2,635.80 05100 ART CENTER FUND 125.88 05200 GOLF DOME FUND 521.21 05400 GOLF COURSE FUND 21,644.67 05500 ICE ARENA FUND 48,851.84 05550 SPORTS DOME FUND 5,242.04 05700 EDINBOROUGH PARK FUND 9,556.69 05750 CENTENNIAL LAKES PARK FUND 5,956.14 05800 LIQUOR FUND 265,372.82 05900 UTILITY FUND 19,836.88 05930 STORM SEWER FUND 1,243.39 05950 RECYCLING FUND 58.65 07400 PSTF AGENCY FUND 1,658.01 09232 CENTENNIAL TIF DISTRICT 10,667.25 09234 GRANDVIEW TIF DISTRICT 39.68 09235 VALLEY VIEW/WOODDALE TIF DIST 262.50 09900 PAYROLL FUND 2,886.45 Report Totals 827,080.30 We confirm to the best of our knowledge and belief, that these claims comply in all material respects with the requirements of the City of Edina purchasing polic es and procedur. date 7 1 (0 Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.C. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Revise Data Practices Policy Requiring Data Requests In Writing Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt revision to Data Practices Policy as presented. INTRODUCTION: In accordance with the requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practice Act, MN Statutes 13.01, the City has a Data Practices Policy in place. The policy was most recently updated April 7,2015. Staff is recommending revising the policy to require request for public data to be made in writing. Requiring data requests in writing allows staff to understand clearly what data are being requested and provides contact information if the data requires staff time to provide it. The Information Policy Division of the State (IPAD) and the City Attorney both recommend the city use written requests for public data. Attached is the policy with the revision highlighted in yellow. ATTACHMENTS: Description Revised Data Practices Policy Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 1 CITY OF EDINA DATA PRACTICES POLICY The Data Practices Policy (Policy) contains the procedures and forms adopted by the City of Edina (City) to comply with the requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, (MGDPA) MN Statutes §13.01 et seq. I. Responsible Authority and Compliance Official. The data practices compliance official is the designated employee of the government entity to whom persons may direct questions or concerns regarding problems in obtaining access to data or other data practices issues. The City Council has appointed Debra Mangen, City Clerk, as the City's Responsible Authority and the Compliance Official for the Act. The people listed in Appendix A have been appointed as Responsible Authority Designees to assist in complying with the Act. The phrase “Responsible Authority or a designee” used in this Policy means the person responding to a MGDPA request for the City. II. Government Data Generally is Accessible to the Public. “Government Data” means all data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated by the City regardless of its physical form, storage media or conditions of use. Government Data is public data and is generally accessible by the public according to the terms of the MGDPA, unless it is specifically classified differently by the MGDPA or other law, and may be subject to a fee. The MGDPA classifies categories of Government Data that are not generally accessible to the public as follows: • “Confidential data on individuals” is inaccessible to the public or to the individual subject of the data. • “Private data on individuals” is inaccessible to the public, but is accessible to the individual subject of the data. • “Protected nonpublic data” is data not on individuals that is inaccessible to the public or the subject of the data, if any. • “Nonpublic data” is data not on individuals that is inaccessible to the public, but accessible to the subject of the data, if any. III. Access Procedures. Procedures for responding to requests for access to Government Data vary depending on the classification of the data requested and the person making the request. The Responsible Authority or a designee must determine: (1) whether the City maintains the data requested. The City is not required to provide data it does not maintain or to produce data in a new format. (2) the statutory category of data requested in order to respond appropriately according to MGDPA requirements. Classifications for “not public data” (data classified as private, confidential, or nonpublic data) under Minn. Stat. § 13.02, subd. 8a maintained by the City are attached to this Policy as Exhibit D, and responses should follow the protocol below depending on the category of data. A. Access to Public Data. All data maintained by the City is public unless there is a specific statutory designation which gives it a different classification. Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 2 B. People entitled to Access. Any person has the right to inspect and copy public data. The person also has the right to have an explanation of the meaning of the data. The person does not need to state his or her name, provide identification or give the reason for the request (MS 13.05, subd. 12). To fulfill the request, the representative of the City may ask questions to clarify the request and may use the form contained in this policy as Exhibit B. The City must determine whether it maintains the requested data. The City is not required by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act to provide data that it does not maintain, nor is the City required to produce data in a new format. C. Form of Request. The request for public data must be in writing. may be verbal or written. The City will consult with its attorney in preparing a response to a request for data relating to litigation. D. When Must Accessible Data Be Provided? Requests will be received and processed during normal business hours. If requests cannot be processed or copies cannot be made immediately at the time of the request, the information must be supplied as soon as reasonably possible. Standing requests will be valid for one year at which time the request must be renewed by the party making the request. E. Fees. Fees may be charged only if the requesting person asks for a copy or electronic transmittal of the data. The fee may not include time necessary to separate public from non-public data. Fees may not be charged for inspection of government data. • Single-Sided, Black and White, Letter or Legal Size Documents 1-100 pages (MN Statute 13.03, subd. 3 c.) $.25 per page 101 or more pages Actual Cost (as defined below) The actual cost of copies includes the cost of searching for and retrieving the data, including the cost of employee time, and for making, certifying, and electronically transmitting copies of the data and/or mailing copies of the data and any other production expenses. Actual costs shall be determined by the department fulfilling the data request. The City may require the requesting party to prepay any fees associated with a request for copies or transmission. The Responsible Authority may also charge an additional fee if the copies have commercial value and are a substantial and discrete portion of a formula, compilation, program, process, or system developed with significant expenditure of public funds. This additional fee must relate to the actual development costs of the information. IV. Access to Data on Individuals. Data about individual people is classified by law as public, private, or confidential. A list of the private and confidential information maintained by the City is attached as Exhibit C (Non-public Data Maintained by City). Information to be incorporated on forms used to collect private and confidential information is also attached as Exhibit D (Tennessen Warning). A. People Entitled to Access. 1. Public data about an individual may be shown or given to anyone. 2. Private data about an individual may be shown or given to: • The individual Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 3 • A person who has been given access by the express written consent of the data subject. This consent must be on the form attached as Exhibit E, or a form reasonably similar. • People who are authorized access by federal, state, or local law or court order. • People about whom the individual was advised at the time the data was collected. The identity of those people must be part of the Tennessen Warning. • People within the City staff, the City Council, and outside agents (such as attorneys) whose work assignments or responsibilities reasonably require access. 3. Confidential and Protected nonpublic information may not be given to the subject of the data, but may be shown or given to: • People who are authorized access by federal, state or local law or court order and whose identity is disclosed in the Tennessen Warning. • People within the City staff, the City Council, and outside agents (such as attorneys) whose work assignments or responsibilities reasonably require access. B. Form of Request. Any individual may request verbally or in writing whether the City has stored data about that individual and whether the data is classified as public, private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic. All requests to see or copy private nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic information must be in writing. An information disclosure request, attached as Exhibit F, must be completed to document who requests and who receives this information. The Responsible Authority or Designee must complete the relevant portions of the form. The Responsible Authority or Designee may waive the use of this form if there is other documentation of the requesting party’s identity, the data requested, and the City’s response. A response to a request for data relating to litigation will be made after consultation with the City Attorney. C. Identification of Requesting Party. The Responsible Authority or Designee must verify the identity of the requesting party as a person entitled to access. This can be done through personal knowledge, presentation of written identification, comparison of the data subject’s signature on a consent form with the person’s signature in City records, or other reasonable means. D. Time Limits. Requests will be received and processed during normal business hours. The response must be immediate, if possible, or within 10 working days if an immediate response is not possible (M.S. 13.04 subd. 3). E. Fees. Fees may be charged in the same manner as for public information. F. Summary Data. Summary data means statistical records and reports derived from data on individuals but which does not identify an individual by name or any other private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic data. Summary data is public. The Responsible Authority or Designee will prepare summary data upon request, if the request is in writing and the requesting party pays a deposit for the cost of preparation in advance. The Responsible Authority or Designee must notify the requester of the anticipated time schedule and the reasons for the delay. Summary data may be prepared by redacting (blacking out) personal identifiers, cutting out portions of the records that contain personal identifiers, programming computers to Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 4 delete personal identifiers, or other reasonable means. The Responsible Authority may authorize an outside agency or person to prepare the summary data if (1) the specific purpose is given in writing, (2) the agency or person agrees not to disclose the private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic data, and (3) the Responsible Authority determines that access by this outside agency or person will not compromise the privacy of the private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic data. The Responsible Authority may use the form attached as Exhibit F. G. Juvenile Records. The following applies to private (not confidential) data about people under the age of 18. 1. Notice to Juvenile Subject Of Data. Before requesting private data from juveniles, City personnel must notify the juveniles subjects that they may request that their private data be withheld from their parent(s) or legal guardians, stating reasons for the request. This notice should be in the form attached as Exhibit H and must be given in addition to a Tennessen Warning. 2. Parental Access. In addition to the people listed above who may have access to private data, a parent may have access to private information about a juvenile subject. “Parent” means the parent or legal guardian of a juvenile data subject, or individual acting as a parent or legal guardian in the absence of a parent or legal guardian. The parent is presumed to have this right unless the Responsible Authority or designee has been given evidence that there is a state law, court order, or other legally binding document which prohibits this right. 3. Denial of Parental Access. The Responsible Authority or Designee may deny parental access to private data when the juvenile requests this denial and the Responsible Authority or Designee determines that withholding the data would be in the best interest of the juvenile. The request from the juvenile must be in writing stating the reasons for the request. In determining the best interest of the juvenile, the Responsible Authority or Designee will consider: • Whether the juvenile is of sufficient age and maturity to explain the reasons and understand the consequences; • Whether denying access may protect the juvenile from physical or emotional harm; • Whether there is reasonable grounds to support the juvenile’s reasons; and • Whether the data concerns medical, dental, or other health services provided under Minnesota Statutes Sections 144.341 to 144.347. If so, the data may be released only if failure to inform the parent would seriously jeopardize the health of the minor. • The Responsible Authority or Designee may also deny parental access without a request from the juvenile under Minnesota Statutes Section 144.335. V. Denial of Access. If the Responsible Authority or Designee determines that the requested data of whatever classification is not accessible to the requesting party, the Responsible Authority or Designee must inform the requesting party orally at the time of the request or in writing as soon after that as possible. A denial must be given in writing, including the specific legal authority for the denial upon request of the party requesting data. Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 5 VI. Collection of Data on Individuals. The collection and storage of information about individuals will be limited to that necessary for the administration and management of programs specifically authorized by the state legislature, city council, or federal government. When an individual is asked to supply private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic information about himself or herself, the City employee requesting the information must give the individual a Tennessen warning. This warning must contain the following: 1. the purpose and intended use of the requested data; 2. whether the individual may refuse or is legally required to supply the requested data; 3. any known consequences from supplying or refusing to supply the information; and 4. the identity of other persons or entities authorized by state or federal law to receive the data. A Tennessen warning is not required when an individual is requested to supply investigative data to a law enforcement officer. A Tennessen warning may be on a separate form or may be incorporated into the form which requests the private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic data. In certain situations, a victim and/or witness to a crime may request that their identity be withheld from the public. VI. Collection of Data on Individuals. The collection and storage of information about individuals will be limited to that necessary for the administration and management of programs specifically authorized by the state legislature, city council, or federal government. VII. Challenge to Data Accuracy. An individual who is the subject of public or private data may contest the accuracy or completeness of that data maintained by the City. The individual must notify the City’s Responsible Authority in writing describing the nature of the disagreement. Within 30 days, the Responsible Authority or Designee must respond and either (1) correct the data found to be inaccurate or incomplete and attempt to notify past recipients of inaccurate or incomplete data, including recipients named by the individual, or (2) notify the individual that the Authority believes the data to be correct. An individual who is dissatisfied with the Responsible Authority’s action may appeal to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Administration, using the contested case procedures under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 14. The Responsible Authority will correct any data if so ordered by the Commissioner. VIII. Data Accuracy and Security Safeguards A. Accuracy of Data. In order that Government Data be kept in the most accurate and current state practicable, the following guidelines should be followed: 1. All employees will be requested to provide updated personal information to the appropriate supervisor and Human Resources. The information is necessary for tax purposes, insurance coverage, emergency notifications, and other personnel purposes. 2. Other people who provide private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic information will also be encouraged to provide updated information when appropriate. 3. Department directors and division managers should periodically review forms used to Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 6 collect data on individuals to delete items that are not necessary and to clarify items that may be ambiguous. B. Challenges to Data Accuracy. An individual who is the subject of Government Data may contest the accuracy or completeness of that data by notifying the Responsible Authority in writing describing the nature of the disagreement. Within thirty days, the Responsible Authority or designee must review the data in question and respond by either (i) correcting data found to be inaccurate or incomplete and attempting to notify past recipients of the inaccurate or incomplete data, including recipients named by the individual; or (ii) notifying the individual that the Responsible Authority believes the data to be accurate. An individual who is dissatisfied with the Responsible Authority’s response may appeal the matter to the Commissioner of the Department of Administration, utilizing the contested case procedures in Minn. Stat. Chap. 14. C. Data Security 1. City Staff must pay careful attention to and abide by the City’s Records Retention Schedule, disposing of records as appropriate. 2. Private, nonpublic, and confidential data must be stored in secure files or databases which are not accessible to unauthorized personnel pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13.05, subd. 5 The Responsible Authority or a designee should instruct authorized personnel to (1) not discuss, disclose or otherwise release private, nonpublic, or confidential data to personnel who are not authorized to access such data; (2) protect access to private, nonpublic, or confidential data in their possession; (3) shred private, nonpublic, or confidential data prior to discarding it or dispose of it in confidential locked recycling. The City conducts ongoing security checks and must complete, at least annually, a comprehensive assessment of security of the Private, Nonpublic, and Confidential Data maintained. 3. Private, nonpublic, and confidential data should be kept within City offices at all times unless necessary for off-premises City business. 4. Only those employees whose job responsibilities require them to have access will be allowed access to files and records that contain private and confidential information. These employees will be instructed to: • not discuss, disclose or otherwise release private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic data to City employees whose job responsibilities do not require access to the data; • not leave private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic data where non- authorized individuals might see it; and • shred private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic data before discarding, or dispose through confidential locked recycling. • When a contract with an outside party requires access to private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic information, the contracting party will be required to use and disseminate the information consistent with the Act. The City may include in a written contract the language contained in Exhibit I. D. Trade Secret and Security Information. Trade Secret and Security Information (e.g. plans for alarm systems, vaults, sprinkler systems, security protocols) is Nonpublic Data. The Responsible Authority, in consultation with legal counsel as necessary, will determine Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 7 whether particular information qualifies as Trade Secret or Security Information according to the following definitions: 1. “Trade Secret information” is government data that includes a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process that is (1) supplied by an individual or organization; (2) subject to efforts by the individual or organization to maintain secrecy of the information; and (3) derives independent actual or potential economic value by not being known to or accessible to the public through lawful means. 2. “Security information” is government data the disclosure of which would be likely to substantially jeopardize the security of the information, possessions, individuals or property against theft, tampering, improper use, attempted escape, illegal disclosure, trespass, or physical injury. Security information includes crime prevention block maps and lists of volunteers who participate in community crime prevention programs and their home addresses and telephone numbers. E. Contracts with Private Entities. If the City enters into a contract with a private person to perform any of the City’s functions, all of the data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by such private person in performing those functions is subject to the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 13.01 et seq. and such person must comply with the requirements as if he or she were a government entity. All such contracts must include a notice that the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 13.01 et seq. apply to the contract. See Exhibit I. F. Procedures in the Event of Unauthorized Access. This Policy establishes that only those personnel who need to access Nonpublic Data do so. In the event of a breach of that requirement, the City is required to notify any individual or entity whose Nonpublic Data was wrongfully accessed, to conduct an investigation into the matter, and to prepare a report. Notification must occur in the most expedient time frame possible and must inform the individual or individuals how they can obtain a copy of the report. If the breach involves unauthorized access by an employee, contractor, or agent of the government entity, the report must include at least (i) the description of the type of data accessed (ii) the number of individuals affected; (iii) final disposition of disciplinary action against any employee determined to be responsible for the breach. See Minn. Stat. § 13.055. Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 8 IX. FORMS AND RESOURCES Exhibit A List of Designees Exhibit B Request For Public Data Request Form Exhibit C Classified Data Access Request Exhibit D Govern Data Classified As Not Public (Private, Nonpublic, Confidential or Protected Nonpublic) Maintained Exhibit E Data Practices Advisory (Tennessen Warning) Exhibit F Consent To Release Private Data Exhibit G Government Data Access And Nondisclosure Agreement Exhibit H Notice To Persons Under The Age Of 18 Exhibit I Sample Contract Provision For Contracts With Outside Entities Accessing Private, Nonpublic, Confidential or Protected Nonpublic Data Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 9 EXHIBIT A LIST OF DESIGNEES The following persons are officially designated by the Responsible Authority as “Designees” to be in charge of individual files or systems containing government data and to receive and comply with the requests for government data. The following persons are officially designated by the Responsible Authority as “Designees” to be in charge of individual files or systems containing government data and to receive and comply with the requests for government data. Scott Neal Heather Branigan Karen Kurt MJ Lamon Jane Timm Bob Wilson Mitzi Wicklund Jennifer Bennerotte Kaylin Eidness Ryan Browning Chad Millner Sharon Allison Eric Roggeman Kyle Sawyer Lisa Schaefer Carri Person Cassi McMayer Jessica Nikunen Terri Wilson Tom Schmitz Karen Bredesen Ruth Schmoll David Fischer Judy Laufenburger Jackie Onichuk Ann Kattreh Joel Abood Janet Canton Susan Faus Michael Frey Patty McGrath Susie Miller Tom Shirley Amy Smith Donna Tilsner Cary Teague Jackie Hoogenaaker Cindy Larsen Brian Olson Marge Bergman Dave Goergen Dave Nelson Lynn Olson Jeff Brown Solvei Wilmot Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 10 EXHIBIT B CITY OF EDINA REQUEST FOR PUBLIC DATA MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT REQUESTER: Complete this form and return it to Edina City Hall. You may submit it via e-mail at dmangen@EdinaMN.gov in person or by U.S. Mail. You do not have to provide contact information. However, if you want us to mail you copies of data, we will need some type of contact information. In addition, if we do not understand your request and need to get clarification from you, without contact information we will not be able to begin processing your request until you contact us. The City of Edina will respond to you as soon as reasonably possible. NOTICE: You may cancel this request at any time prior to the release of information. You may be required to pay the actual costs of making copies. Last Name First Name Phone Date Street Address City State Zip Email Information Requested (Be as specific as possible): DEPARTMENT USE ONLY - Requester, please do not write below this line. Department Handled by: Request Type: In-person, Mail Phone E-mail Fees Charged: If no fee is charged enter “None” City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424 Phone: 952-927-8861, Fax 952-826-0390 Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 11 EXHIBIT C CLASSIFIED DATA ACCESS REQUEST GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT REQUESTER: Complete this form and return it to Edina City Hall. NOTICE: You may cancel this request at any time prior to the release of information. In any event, this consent form will expire 90 days after signing. After being shown private data on individuals and informed of its meaning, this data need not be disclosed again for six months unless additional information has been collected or an action is pending. You may be required to pay the actual costs of making and/or compiling data. NOTE: The subject of the data request must authorize the release of private information to the subject’s agent or another agency. An “Informed Consent to Release” must be completed by the subject of the data. Name: Last First M.I. Date Address: Street City State Zip Phone No. Information Requested Requester’s Signature: If not the subject of the data requested, see note above. DEPARTMENT USE ONLY - Please do not write below this line. NOTE: Reasonable identification must be obtained from the person seeking the information. NOTE: If Data Subject is a minor, consult Attorney prior to release of information. Department Handled by: Identification Viewed (Drivers License, State ID, Notarized Request) Requester is: ____ Data Subject; ______ Not Data Subject, See NOTE above Request Type: ____ In-person, ____Mail Data Classification: ____Public,_ ___Non-Public, ____Protected Non-Public, ____Private, ____Confidential Request: ____Approved or ____Denied Authorized Signature Comments: Enter any appropriate remarks or comments. If data access is denied, cite authority or reason. Fees Charged (If no fee is charged enter “None”): City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street, Edina, MN 55424 Phone: 952 927-8861, Fax 952 826-0390 Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 12 EXHIBIT D CITY OF EDINA RESOURCE LIST NON-PUBLIC DATA MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF EDINA 1. Personnel Data (Private) MN Stat. 13.43 All data about an individual who is employed as, or an applicant to be, an undercover law officer is private*. All data on all other individuals who are or were an employee, an applicant for employment, volunteer, independent contractor, except the following which is public: PUBLIC DATA • Name • Actual gross salary • Salary range • Contract fees • Actual gross pension • Value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits • Basis for and amount of added remuneration, including expense reimbursement • Bargaining unit • Job title • Job description • Education and training background • Previous work experience • Date of first and last employment • The existence and status (but not nature) of any complaints or charges against the employee, whether or not resulting in discipline • Final disposition of any disciplinary action, with specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action, excluding data that would identify confidential sources who are employees • Terms of any agreement settling any dispute arising from the employment relationship, including a “buyout” agreement • Work location • Work telephone number • Badge number • Honors and awards received • Payroll time sheets or other comparable data that are only used to account for employee’s work time for payroll purposes, except to the extent that release of time sheet data would reveal the employee’s reasons for the use of medical leave or other not public data Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 13 • Employee Identification Number (not a social security number) • If it is necessary to protect an employee from harm to self or to protect another person who may be harmed by the employee, information that is relevant to the safety concerns may be released to (1) the person who may be harmed or to the person’s attorney when relevant to obtaining a restraining order, (2) a pre-petition screening team in the commitment process, or (3) a court, law enforcement agency or prosecuting agency. * Undercover Law Enforcement Officer Data (Private – MN Statute § 13.43, subd. 5) All data about an individual who is employed as, or is an applicant to be, an undercover law officer is Private Data on Individuals. When the individual is no longer assigned to an undercover position, the data is Personnel Data unless the law enforcement agency determines that revealing the data would threaten the personal safety of the officer or jeopardize an active investigation. 2. Applicant Data (Private) MN Stat. 13.43, subd. 3 Data about current and former applicants for City employment is Private Data on Individuals— except the following, which is public: Public Data: • Veteran status • Relevant test scores • Rank on eligible list • Job history • Education and training • Work availability • Name, after being certified as eligible for appointment to a vacancy or when considered a finalist for a position of public employment (which occurs when the person has been selected to be interviewed by the appointing authority) 3. Applicants for Appointment. (MN Statutes 13.601, subd. 3.) Data about applicants for appointment to a public body collected by a government entity as a result of the applicant's application for appointment to the public body are Private Data on Individuals except that the following are public: name; city of residence, except when the appointment has a residency requirement that requires the entire address to be public; education and training; employment history; volunteer work; awards and honors; prior government service; • Once an individual is appointed to a public body, the following additional data are public: residential address and either a telephone number or e-mail address where the appointee can be reached, or both at the request of the appointee. • An e-mail address or telephone number provided by a public body for use by an appointee shall be public. An appointee may use an e-mail address or telephone number provided by the public body as the designated e-mail address or telephone number at which the appointee can be reached. 4. Real Property Complaint Data (Confidential) MN Stat. 13.44 The identities of individuals who register complaints concerning violations of state laws or local ordinances concerning the use of real property is Confidential Data on Individuals. 5. Security Information (Private/Nonpublic) MN Stat. 13.37 Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 14 Data which if disclosed would be likely to substantially jeopardize the security of information, possessions, individuals or property against theft, tampering, improper use, attempted escape, illegal disclosure, trespass, or physical injury. This includes crime prevention block maps and lists of volunteers who participate in community crime prevention programs and their home addresses and telephone numbers, but these may be disseminated to other volunteers participating in crime prevention programs. This also includes interior sketches, photos, or plans of buildings where detailed information about alarm systems or similar issues could jeopardize security. • The location of a National Night Out event is Public Data. 6. Trade Secret Information (Nonpublic) MN Stat. 13.37, subd. 1 (b) The Responsible Authority, in consultation with legal counsel as necessary, will determine whether particular information qualifies as Trade Secret according to the following definition: • “Trade Secret information” is government data that includes a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process that is (1) supplied by an individual or organization; (2) subject to efforts by the individual or organization to maintain secrecy of the information; and (3) derives independent actual or potential economic value by not being known to or accessible to the public through lawful means. 7. Registered Voter Lists MN Stat. 13.37, 203B.12, Absentee Ballots (Private/Protected Nonpublic) 201.091 • Sealed absentee ballots before opening by an election judge are Protected Nonpublic. Names of voters submitting absentee ballots are Private until the close of voting. • Registered voter lists are private, except for use related to elections, political activities, or law enforcement. The date of birth, portion of a Social Security number, driver’s license number or other identification card number on voter lists cannot be provided on a list available for public inspection. 8. Bids, Proposals, Sealed Bids (Private/Nonpublic) MN Stat. 13.37, subd. 2; 13.591 • Sealed bids, including the number of bids received, prior to opening are Nonpublic Data. • Proposals submitted in response to a Request for Proposals are Private or Nonpublic Data until the responses are opened. Once opened, the name becomes Public, but all other data remain Private or Nonpublic until completion of the selection process. After the process is completed, all remaining data are Public with the exception of trade secret data. • Data submitted by a business in response to a Request for Bids are Private or Nonpublic Data until the bids are opened. Once opened, the name of the bidder and the dollar amount specified in the response become Public Data. All other data in a bidder’s response to a bid are Private or Nonpublic data until the completion of the selection process. After the process is completed, all remaining data are Public with the exception of trade secret data. • In the event that all responses to a Request for Proposals or a Request for Bids are rejected, information that was Private or Nonpublic remains that way until a re-solicitation of bids results in completion of the selection process or the process is abandoned. If re-solicitation does not occur within one year, the remaining data become Public. 9. Labor Relations Information (Nonpublic) MN Stat. 13.37, subd. 1 (c) Protected Nonpublic) • Management positions on economic and non-economic items that have not been presented during the collective bargaining process or interest arbitration, including information Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 15 collected or created to prepare the management position are Nonpublic or Protected Nonpublic Data. 10. Firearms Data (Private) MN Stat. 13.87, subd. 2 • Data about the purchase or transfer of firearms and applications for permits to carry firearms. 11. Examination Data (Private or Confidential) MN Stat. 13.34 • Completed versions of personnel and licensing examinations are Private Data, unless the Responsible Authority determines that they should be confidential because access would compromise the objectivity, fairness, or integrity of the examination process. 12. Elected Officials Correspondence (Private) MN Stat. 13.601 • Correspondence between individuals and elected officials is Private Data, but may be made Public Data by either the author or any recipient. 13. HRA Data (Non-Public/Private/Confidential) MN Stat. 13.585, 13.462, 13.59 • Housing agency data, data about individuals participating in the City’s housing rehabilitation program, Section 8 rental assistance program, and other housing assistance programs, data relating to businesses receiving financial assistance are either Non-Public or Private. • Data pertaining to negotiations with property owners regarding the purchase of the property are Nonpublic Data. Except the HRA’s evaluation of properties that it does not purchase, all other negotiation data becomes Public Data at the time of the closing of the property sale. • Data pertaining to individuals’ income collected for purposes of determining eligibility of property for classification 4d under Minn. Stat. §§ 273.128 and 273.13 is Private Data on Individuals. Such data may be disclosed to county and local assessors responsible for determining eligibility of property for classification 4d. • Law enforcement access to data may be subject to different regulation. 14. Federal Contracts Data (Private/Nonpublic) MN Stat. 13.35 • To the extent that a federal agency requires it as a condition for contracting with a City, all government data collected and maintained by the City is classified as private or nonpublic. 15. Civil Investigative Data (Confidential/Private) MN Stat. 13.39 • Data collected as part of an active investigation undertaken to commence or defend pending civil litigation, or which are retained in anticipation of pending civil litigation is confidential, except that a complainant’s statement is private. 16. Appraisal Data (Confidential/Protected Nonpublic/ MN Stat. 13.44 subd. 3 Public) • Data on estimated or appraised values of real property made by or on behalf of the City for the purpose of selling or acquiring real property are Confidential or Protected Nonpublic Data. Appraised values of real property obtained by owners who have received from the City an offer to purchase property are Private or Nonpublic Data. All such data become Public Data when (1) submitted to a court-appointed condemnation commissioner; (2) submitted in court during condemnation proceedings; or (3) the parties enter into an agreement for the purchase and sale of the real property. 17. Assessor’s Data (Private/Nonpublic) MN Stat. 13.51, 375.192, 272.115, 273.124 Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 16 • Data on sale sheets from private MLS organizations where the contract with the organization requires that the data not be made available to the public is Private Data. • The following income property data is Private Data or Nonpublic Data: (a) detailed income and expense figures; (b) average vacancy factors; (c) verified net rentable areas or net usable areas, whichever is appropriate; (d) anticipated income and expenses; (e) projected vacancy forms; and (f) lease information. • Income information on individuals collected for purposes of determining eligibility of property under class 4d (Minn. Stat. §§ 273.128 and 273.13) are Private Data. • Social Security Nos. and Federal Employer Identification Nos. on Certificates of Value, homestead applications, and other documents is Private Data. 18. Transportation Service Data (Private) MN Stat. 13.72 • Personal, medical, financial, familial or locational information, except the name, of applicants or users of transportation services for the disabled or elderly is Private Data. 19. Social Recreation Data (Private) MN Stat. 13.548 • The name, address, telephone number, any other data that identifies the individual, and any data which describes the health or medical condition of the individual, family relationships, living arrangements, and opinions as to the emotional makeup or behavior of individuals enrolling in recreational or social programs are Private Data. 20. Law Enforcement and Investigative Data (Confidential/Protected Nonpublic/ Private) MN Stat. 13.80, 13.82, 13.85, 13.87, 169.09, 168.10, 169A.70, 171.043, 171.07, 171.071, 171.12, 171.32, 299A.61, 299C.065, 299C.091, 299C.093, 299C.095, 299C.46, 299C.48, 299C.53, 299C.56, 611.272, 626.53, 609.324, 609.3452, 609.3471, 626.556, 626.5563, 626.557, 626.558, 626.5593, 626.89, 629.341, 260B.171, 260B.198, 260B.235, 299C.68, 299F.035, 299F.04, 299F.05, 299F.054, 299F.055, 299F.056, 299F.095, 299F.096 • Data collected under Minn. Stat. § 518B.01 (Domestic Abuse Act) are Confidential until a temporary court order is executed or served on the respondent in the action. • Audio recordings of 911 calls are Private Data on Individuals with respect to the individual making the call, but a written transcript of the call is Public provided it does not reveal the identity of an individual subject to protection under Minn. Stat. § 13.82, subd. 17 (e.g. undercover law enforcement officer, victim of criminal sexual conduct, other crime victim or witness requesting anonymity). • Criminal investigative data during an active investigation is confidential or protected nonpublic. Data on inactive investigations, unless the release of the data would jeopardize an ongoing investigation or reveal the identity of an individual subject to protection under Minn. Stat. § 13.82, subd. 17, is public—with the exception of photographs that are clearly offensive to common sensibilities, which are private or nonpublic data, provided the existence of the photographs is disclosed to individuals requesting the inactive investigation file. An investigation is “inactive” when an agency or prosecuting authority decides not to pursue a case, when the statute of limitations (or thirty years after the offense, whichever comes first) expires, or upon the exhaustion of appeal rights of a person convicted on the basis of the investigative data. • A law enforcement agency can make investigative data public to aid law enforcement, Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 17 promote public safety, or dispel unrest. Written requests to access data by victims of crimes or alleged crimes must be granted unless the authority reasonably believes that release of data will interfere with an investigation or the request is prompted by a desire by the requester to engage in unlawful behavior. • Investigations involving reports of child abuse or neglect or maltreatment of a vulnerable adult, either active or inactive, are Private Data on Individuals in cases where the alleged victim is identified. The identity of the reporter of child abuse or neglect is Confidential, unless compelled by law. The identity of the reporter of maltreatment of a vulnerable adult is Private Data on Individuals. • Data on court records relating to name changes is Confidential during an active investigation and Private Data on Individuals when an investigation is inactive. • Data that uniquely describes stolen, lost, confiscated, or recovered property are Private Data or Nonpublic Data. • Data that identifies customers of pawn shops, scrap metal dealers, or secondhand stores are Private Data on Individuals. • Deliberative process data or data revealing investigative techniques are Confidential. • Data presented as evidence in court is public. • Arrest data (including booking photographs), requests for service data, and response or incident data is public. Details of arrest previous to charges being filed by prosecutor are private 21. Human Rights Data (Confidential/Private) MN Stat. 13.552, 363A • Human rights investigative data are Confidential. The name and address of a charging party and respondent, factual basis of the allegations, and the statute under which the action is brought are Private Data on Individuals. 22. Planning Survey Data (Private/Nonpublic) MN Stat. 13.59 The following data collected in surveys of individuals conducted by the City for the purpose of planning, development and redevelopment are classified as private or nonpublic: • names and addresses of individuals, and • the legal descriptions of property owned by the individuals, and • the commercial use of the property to the extent disclosure of the use would identify a particular business. 23. City Attorney Records (Confidential) MN Stat. 13.393 The use, collection, storage, and dissemination of data by the city attorney is governed by statutes, rules, and professional standards concerning discovery, production of documents, introduction of evidence, and professional responsibility. • Data which is the subject of attorney-client privilege is Confidential. Data which is the subject of the “work product” privilege is Confidential. 24. Business Data (Private/Nonpublic) MN Stat. 13.591 The following data submitted by a business requesting financial assistance, a license, or other benefit are Private or Nonpublic: Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 18 • Financial information about the business, including credit reports, financial statements, net worth calculations, business plans, income and expense projections, balance sheets, customer lists, income tax returns, and design, market, and feasibility studies not paid for with public funds. This data becomes public when assistance, a license, or other benefits are granted, except the following, which remain Private or Nonpublic: • Business plans; income and expense projections not related to the financial assistance provided; customer lists; income tax returns; and design, market, and feasibility studies not paid for with public funds. 25. Municipal Obligation Register Data MN Stat. 475.55 (Private/Nonpublic) • Information with respect to the ownership of municipal obligations is Private or Nonpublic. 26. Hazardous Materials (Private/Nonpublic) MN Stat. 145.94 • Data relating to exposure to hazardous substances is Private or Nonpublic. 27. Auditing Data (Nonpublic/Protected Nonpublic) MN Stat. 13.392 • Data, notes, and preliminary drafts of audit reports are confidential or protected nonpublic until the final report is published. 28. Salary Benefit Survey Data (Nonpublic) MN Stat. 13.435 • Salary and personnel benefit data purchased from consulting firms is nonpublic. 29. Social Security Numbers (Private) MN Stat. 13.355 • SSNs collected in whole or in part are Private Data On Inviduals. 30. Public Employees Retirement Association Data MN Stat. 13.63 (Private) The home address, date of birth, direct deposit account number, and tax withholding data of individual beneficiaries and survivors of members are Private Data on Individuals. 31. Electronic Payments, Credit Card Numbers, MN Stat. 13.37; 13.6401 Bank Account Numbers (Nonpublic) Information that would substantially jeopardize the security of information, possessions, or individuals or property against theft, tampering, improper use, attempted escape, illegal disclosure, trespass, or physical injury is Private or Nonpublic. 32. Drug and Alcohol Test Results (Private) MN Stat. 181.954; 49 CFR 382.405 With respect to public sector employees and job applicants, the results of drug or alcohol tests are Private Data on Individuals. 33. Data On Rentals (Private/Nonpublic) MN Stat. 13.55 The following data relating to convention rentals are classified as Private and Nonpublic: Letter or other documentation from any person who makes inquiry to or who is contacted by the facility regarding the availability of the facility for staging events, identity of firms and corporations which contact the facility, type of event which they wish to stage in the facility, suggested terms of rentals, and responses of authority staff to these inquiries, exhibitor data. All rental data is Public information when certain conditions are met. 34. Group Auto Self-Insurance Claims Data Minn. Stat. § 471.617 (Private/Nonpublic) Claims data, either as to single claims or total claims of an individual, is Private or Nonpublic Data, Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 19 except that it may be disclosed to authorized personnel of the City in order to administer a health benefit program. 35. Welfare (Private) MN Stat. 13.46 Generally, welfare data (expect summary data) is Private Data. The welfare data section of the MGDPA, however, has numerous exceptions and special treatment for particular data types and applications. Contact the City attorney for requests involving welfare data. 36. Benefit Data (Private) MN Stat. 13.462 Data on individuals seeking information about becoming an applicant for or a recipient of benefits or services provided, or that is or was an applicant or recipient of such benefits or services, under various housing, home ownership, rehabilitation and community action agency, Head Start, and food assistance programs administered by government entities, with the exception of names and addresses, is Private Data. 37. Safe At Home Participant (Private) Minn. Stat. § 13.045 Identity and location data on a program participant that are not otherwise classified by law are private data on individuals. 38. Domestic Abuse Data (Confidential) Minn. Stat. § 13.80 Data on individuals collected, created, received or maintained by the police department pursuant to the Domestic Abuse Act, section 518B.01, are classified as confidential data, pursuant to section 13.02, subdivision 3, until a temporary court order made pursuant to subdivision 5 or 7 of section 518B.01 is executed or served upon the data subject who is the respondent to the action. 39. Personal Contact And Online Account Information (Private) Minn. Stat. § 13.356, Data on an individual collected, maintained, or received for notification purposes or as part of a subscription list for electronic periodic publications as requested by the individual are private data on individuals: (1) telephone number; (2) e-mail address; and (3) Internet user name, password, Internet protocol address, and any other similar data related to the individual's online account or access procedures. Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 20 EXHIBIT E CITY OF EDINA DATA PRACTICES ADVISORY (TENNESSEN WARNING) Some or all of the information that you are asked to provide on the attached form is classified by state law as either private, nonpublic, confidential or protected nonpublic. Private data is information which generally cannot be given to the public but can be given to the subject of the data. Confidential data is information which generally cannot be given to either the public or the subject of the data. Our purpose and intended use of this information is: You are / are not legally required to provide this information. If you refuse to supply the information, the following may happen: Other persons or entities who are authorized by law to receive this information are: Your signature on this form indicates that you understand this advisory. X _ Signature Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 21 EXHIBIT F CITY OF EDINA CONSENT TO RELEASE PRIVATE DATA I, , authorize the City of Edina (“City”) to release the (print name) following private data about me: to the following person or people: The person or people receiving the private data may use it only for the following purpose or purposes: This authorization is dated and expires on . The expiration cannot exceed one year from the date of the authorization, except in the case of authorizations given in connection with applications for life insurance or non-cancelable or guaranteed renewable health insurance and identified as such, two years after the date of the policy. I agree to give up and waive all claims that I might have against the City, its agents and employees for releasing data pursuant to this request. Print Name X _ Signature Identification must be verified by driver’s license, state ID, passport, or other valid identification. On this ______day of __________________, ________ personally appeared before me; whose identity I proved on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the signer of the above instrument, and he/she acknowledged that he/she executed it. _____________________________ Notary Public Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 22 EXHIBIT G CIT OF EDINA GOVERNMENT DATA ACCESS AND NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT 1. AUTHORIZATION. City of Edina (“City”) hereby authorized , (“Authorized Party”) access to the following government data: 2. PURPOSE. Access to this government data is limited to the objective of creating summary data for the following purposes: 3. COST. (Check which applies) The Authorized Party is the person who requested the summary data and agrees to bear the City’s cost associated with the preparation of the data which has been determined to be $ The Authorized Party has been requested by the City to prepare summary data and will be paid a reasonable fee. 4. SECURITY. The Authorized Party agrees that it and any employees or agents under its control must protect the privacy interest of individual data subjects in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Authorized Party agrees to remove all unique personal identifiers which could be used to identify any individual from data classified by state or federal law as non-public which is obtained from City records and incorporated into reports, summaries, compilations, articles or any document or series of documents. Data contained in files, records, or other storage media maintained by the City are the City’s property and are not to leave the City’s custody. The Authorized Party agrees not to make reproductions of any data or to remove any data from the site where it is provided, if the data can in any way identify an individual. No data which are not public and which are irrelevant to the purpose state above will ever be disclosed or communicated to anyone by any means. The Authorized Party warrants that the following named individual(s) will be the only person(s) to participate in the collection of the data described above: 5. LIABILITY FOR DISCLOSURE. The Authorized Party is liable for any unlawful use or disclosure of government data collection, used and maintained in the exercise of this Agreement and classified as not public under state or federal law. The Authorized Party understands that it may be subject to civil or criminal penalties under those laws. Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 23 The Authorized Party agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the city, its officers and employees harmless from any liability, claims, damages, costs, judgments, or expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting directly or indirectly from an act or omission of the Authorized Party, its agents, employees or assignees under this agreement and against all loss by reason of the Authorized Party’s failure to fully perform in any respect all obligations under this Agreement. 6. INSURANCE. In order to protect itself as well as the City, the Authorized Party agrees at all times during the term of the Agreement to maintain insurance covering the Authorized Party’s activities under this Agreement. The insurance will cover $1,000,000 per claimant for personal injuries and/or damages and $1,000,000 per occurrence. The policy must cover the indemnification obligation specified above. 7. ACCESS PERIOD. The Authorized Party may have access to the information described above from to . 8. SUMMARY DATA RESULTS. (Check which applies): If the Authorized Party is the requester, a copy of all reports, summaries, compilations, articles, publications or any document or series of documents which are created from the information provided under this Agreement must be made available to the city in its entirety. If the Authorized Party is a contractor of the City, all copies of reports, summaries, compilations, articles, publication or any document or series of documents which are created from the information provided under this Agreement must be provided to the City. The Authorized Party may retain one copy for its own records but may not disclose it without City permission, except in defense of claims brought against it. AUTHORIZED PARTY: By: Date: Title (If Applicable): CITY OF Edina By: Date: City Manager Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 24 EXHIBIT H CITY OF EDINA NOTICE TO PERSONS UNDER AGE OF 18 Some of the information you are asked to provide is classified as private under state law. You have the right to request that some of the information not be given to one or both of your parents/legal guardians. Please complete the form below if you wish to have information withheld. Your request does not automatically mean that the information will be withheld. State law requires the City to determine if honoring the request would be in your best interest. The City is required to consider: • Whether you are of sufficient age and maturity to explain the reasons and understand the consequences, • Whether denying access may protect you from physical or emotional harm, • Whether there is reasonable grounds to support your reasons, and • Whether the data concerns medical, dental, or other health services provided under Minnesota Statutes Sections 144.341 to 144.347. If so, the data may be released only if failure to inform the parent would seriously jeopardize your health. NOTICE GIVEN TO: Date: BY: (Title) Request to Withhold Information I request that the following information: Be withheld from: For these reasons: I have received and reviewed this notice: Date of Birth: Print Name Signature Adopted Edina City Council April 1998, February 6, 2001 & April 7, 2015 Page | 25 EXHIBIT I SAMPLE CONTRACT PROVISION DATA PRACTICES ACT Data Practices Compliance. Contractor will have access to data collected or maintained by the City to the extent necessary to perform Contractor’s obligations under this contract. Contractor agrees to maintain all data obtained from the City in the same manner as the City is required under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13. Contractor will not release or disclose the contents of data classified as not public to any person except at the written direction of the City. Contractor agrees to defend and indemnify the City, its elected officials and employees, from any claim, liability, damage or loss asserted against the City, its elected officials and employees, as a result of Contractor’s failure to comply with the requirements of the Act or this contract. Upon termination of this contract, Contractor agrees to return data to the City, as requested by the City. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.D. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Tim Barnes, City Facilities Manager Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Replacement Greenhouse at Arneson Acres Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve purchase of a new environmentally friendly, cost efficient green house. INTRODUCTION: The greenhouse location serves over 130 planting locations and gardens throughout the City. The City also hosts several garden clubs that utilize the space for meetings and plantings as well. The Greenhouse facility consists of 2 green houses and a garage storage facility. The East greenhouse was replaced a few years ago and updated in regards to the structure and electrical devices. The Western unit is 5 years over its normal life cycle and is in need of replacement. City Staff has researched several options and quoted a number of structures. The Expansion Mansion was the unit used when the first green house was replaced and has performed well. We are recommending the Expansion Mansion For $26,237.00. The quotes are as follows: Expansion Mansion $26,237.00 installed Albert J Lauer $38,850.00 Installed United Greenhouse $37,940.00 Not installed. We have a surplus of $ 60,000.00 from the Geothermal repair at the public works Facility which came out of the Energy Fund and recommend spending $26,237.00 from that leftover Energy Fund money for this replacement. City Staff recommends using The Expansion Mansion, by Poly Tex, and Northern Specialties for the greenhouse installation project. This Project would have a start date after June 2016 when the winter growing and planting season has wrapped up. ATTACHMENTS: Description Lauer Greenhouse Quote Expansion Mansion Quote Expansion Mansion Installion United Green House Mateials Only1 of 5 United greenhouse 2 of 5 United Greenhouse 3 of 5 United Greenhouse 4 of 5 United Greenhouse 5 of 5 ALBERT J. LAUER INC. 5200 211th St. West Farmington, MN. 55024 GREENHOUSE BUILDER Tel: 651-423-1651 / Fax: 651-463-7171 March 25, 2015 Attn: Tim Barnes City of Edina Tel: 952-826-0305 tbarnes@edinamn.gov RE: Arneson Acres Park ESTIMATE (1) Greenhouse – approx 21' wide x 32' length – attached to existing building Includes: All Aluminum frame /structure (mill finish) - Lauer 8mm system of framing – 48" o.c. Structure mounted to your foundation Trusses 10'-0" o.c. with 6/12 roof slope Ridge peak approx 14'-6" above f.f. with Eave height at approx 9'-0" Roof slopes, sidewalls, and (1) gable end wall –opposite end attached to existing bldg. Structural drawings / calculations stamped by State of MN. Registered engineer Door: (1) Plyco with standard hardware Ventilation: (2) motorized shutters with one exhaust fan To be wired up to your existing thermostatic control – by others Glazing: All 8mm Clear Twinwall Polycarbonate sheets 8mm polycarbonate glazing to finished floor – no masonry or insulated panel knee walls Total Estimate - Materials Delivered & Installed … $38,850.00 Exclusions: permits, bonding, demolition, concrete/masonry, plumbing, heating, electric (power or control), evaporative cooling, vents, shade cloth, crop lighting, or benches, Terms: 25% down payment required – balance due as invoiced - (30) days Pricing good for (30) days Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Mark Brumm Poly-Tex, Incorporated PO Box 458 27725 Danville Avenue Castle Rock, MN 55010 800-852-3443 Phone: 651-463-7009 Fax: 651-463-2479 EXPANSION MANSION QUOTATION Date: Quotation valid until: Prepared by:Liz Crombie Quote # Bill To:Tim Barnes Ship to:Tim Barnes City of Edina City of Edina 4711 West 70th Street 4711 West 70th Street Edina, Mn 55439 Phone: 952-826-0305 Phone: Fax: Fax: E-Mail:tbarnes@edinamn.org E-Mail: Structure:Expansion Mansion Width (ft.) :21 Length (ft.) : 30 Total Sq/Ft : 630 Frame Spacing (ft.) : 3 Side Wall Height (ft.) : 7 # of Purlins: 1 Anchoring Type:Leg Stands The Expansion Mansion is a growing structure in either a single or multiple bay configuration. With a minimum clearance of 9ft under the bottom chord of the truss, the open feeling increases your work and growing experience. EXPANSION MANSION FRAME 5,086.16$ ( 1 ) Expansion Mansion frame constructed from industry-leading 2" O.D., 14-gauge galvanized steel tube. ( 11 ) 21-foot wide 4-part frame sections. ( 1 ) 1.315" O.D., 17-gauge ridge purlin running the full length of the structure. ( 4 ) Diagonal wind braces (one per corner). ( 1 ) Miscellaneous fittings, hardware, and detailed instructions for complete frame assembly. End Frame Assemblies $152.08 ( 1 ) Standard End Frame Assembly includes: (2) 2" O.D. end wall vertical posts and mounting hardware. Door End Frame Assemblies $1,049.43 ( 1 ) Door End Frame Assembly includes: preassembled 2" square steel tube door frame, 8mm clear twinwall poly carbonate sheeted steel framed door, and mounting hardware. ( 1 ) 6' x 6'-8" double sliding door $1,049.43 Side Rail Package $471.16 Side Rails are 1" x 1-1/2", "C" shaped girts constructed from 18-gauge galvanized roll-form and include all clamps and hardware for installation. ( 180 ) LF $2.62 LF End Wall Rails Package $284.86 End Rails are 1" x 1-1/2", "C" shaped rails constructed from 18-gauge galvanized roll-form and are used to stabilize End and Door Frame Assemblies. This package includes all clamps and hardware for installation. ( 2 ) End Packages @ $142.43 each Twinwall Side Wall Package $1,020.93 ( 10 ) 7 ' x 6' clear 8mm twinwall structured sheet panels for vertical sidewalls. Connecting extrusions and fasteners are included. 12/19/201511/19/2015 2125-LC City of Edina EM 2125.xlsx Page 1 Roof Rail Package $785.88 Roof rails used to support polycarbonate sheets are 1" x 1-1/2", "C" shaped girts constructed from 18-gauge galvanized roll-form and include all clamps and hardware for installation. ( 300 ) LF @ $2.62 LF Twin-wall Polycarbonate Roof and End Packages $3,645.47 Packages include 8mm clear twin-wall polycarbonate sheets, snap 'H' profile joint components, "L" flashing, and all necessary hardware. The 8mm polycarbonate sheeting carries a ten year warranty against yellowing, and a five year warranty against hail damage. ( 1 ) Roof package @ $2,875.82 each ( 2 )End package @ $769.65 each Horizontal Air Flow Fans $318.00 12 " Schaefer HAF fans provide air circulation throughout the greenhouse. ( 2 ) Horizontal Air Flow system @ 159.00$ each Exhaust Fan & Shutter Package $1,384.00 30" Slant Wall Fan with 30" Aluminum shutter includes variable speed controller and thermostat ( 1 ) Fan and shutter system Subtotal $14,197.97 Crate Charge $180.00 Total 14,377.97$ CODE The Expansion Mansion Greenhouse is intended for Agricultural use and occupancy. SHIPMENT Lead time to ship is approximately 3 weeks from a firm order. Poly-Tex, Inc. requires a signed contract and payment terms must be agreed upon prior to production or release of any materials. EXCLUSIONS This proposal does not include site specific engineering, building permits, site preparation, concrete, and installation. ENGINEERING Construction documents and certification by a locally licensed Professional Engineer are not included. Please contact your local building official for required snow and wind load ratings prior to ordering. Call your Poly-Tex sales representative for a quotation for certified documents. Please note:Local building code requirements may cause the structure to change in price. Buyer must obtain snow and wind load requriements from local building officials prior to ordering. CHANGES IN THE WORK Changes in the Work may be accomplished after execution of the Contract, and without invalidating the contract, by Change Order, Construction Change Directive, or order for a minor change in the Work, subject to other limitations in this contract. Change Orders shall be based upon agreement of both parties and shall be performed under the provisions of the original agreement, except that the delivery schedule shall be modified to allow for reasonable performance of the revised scope. FOB POINT F.O.B. Poly-Tex dock, Castle Rock, MN. Freight is not included. Customer is responsible to unload freight. Estimated Weight lbs. Freight Estimate PAYMENT TERMS To be determined PRICES Prices in this quotation are firm for 30 days from quote date. 2783 CALL City of Edina EM 2125.xlsx Page 2 We hope this quotation meets with your approval, but should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact our office. Best Regards, Poly-Tex, Inc. Liz Crombie Account Representative QUOTE # Accepted by: Title: Date: Limited Warranty Poly-Tex, Inc. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of (1) year from date of invoice. This warranty is provided to the original purchaser of the product and is not transferable. Poly-Tex does not warrant parts not manufactured by Poly-Tex, but does assign any transferable manufacturer or supplier warranties. Should any defect be found, full repair or replacement will be rendered to the customer at no cost following inspection by a Poly-Tex representative and the return of the defective product to our Castle Rock, MN factory. Expenses for removal or reinstallation of defective products will not be covered by the warranty. The sale of custom projects are final and are not eligible for refund. POLY-TEX SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY DELAY IN PERFORMANCE OF THIS WARRANTY BEYOND OUR CONTROL. THIS WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER IMPLIED, WRITTEN, OR ORAL INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANDTIABLITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This warranty does not cover damage from customer abuse, misuse, improper installation, customer modifications, customer negligence in performing normal maintenance, damage resulting from acts of nature. 2125-LC City of Edina EM 2125.xlsx Page 3 Northern Specialties, Inc. P.O. Box 55 Loretto, Minnesota 55357 Phone: 763-498-6660 ~ Fax: 763-498-6601 Email: northernspecialties@gmail.com Revised: Thursday, November 19, 2015 Date: Friday, April 10, 2015 To: City of Edina Phone: 952-826-0305 4711 West 70th Street Email: barnes@edinamn.gov Edina, MN 55439 Attn: Mr. Tim Barnes   We are pleased to provide you with the following Estimate: Install Poly-Tex, Inc. Expansion Mansion. 21’ x 30’ Hard Cover, as per Quote #2125-LC Not Included In Price: Demo Work, Slab Preparation, Plumbing, Electrical, Permits LABOR & MATERIALS: $11,660.00 PLEASE NOTE: We installed the last house in 2011. The City of Edina did all demo and had slab cleared and ready to go. I’m assuming this will be executed in the same manner. Possible install for Fall 2016 ~ Before Cold Weather Arrives Thank You! Vince Velch 612-889-9898 (Cell) * QUOTE VALID FOR 60 DAYS Acceptance of Proposal : __________________________Date__________ ___________________________Date______ Northern Specialties, Inc. City of Edina Vince Velch Tim Barnes 30.00 ft UnitedGreenhouse Systems,Inc.PO Box249Edgerton,Wisconsin 53534-11501-800-433-6834 ConceptSketchProjectA4/1/15 UNITEDGREENHOUSESYSTEMS,INC. Drawing © 2015 United Greenhouse Systems, Inc.JB.lrb Ambassador Crown™Greenhouse(1)21 ft.x 30 ft.x 10 ft.ug x 10 ft.bayFree-Standing COVERINGS Clear 8mm twinwall polycarbonate for:• (1) Roof• (2) Sidewalls• (2) Gable endwalls 10.00 ft 10.00 ft 21.00 ft CITY OF EDINA Edina, MN To add (1) 54 in. x 30 ft. long singleridge vent with (1) Lock™ motorizedoperator with interface box (1) 48 in. tall x ~24 ft. longsidewall vent (insdie lifting) with(1) Lock™ motorized operatorwith interface box (2) 12 in., 1/10 hpHAF fans(1) 30 in., 1/2 hp, 1 ph, 1 spdexhaust fan assembly (1) 3 ft.-6 in. wide x 7 ft.tals single swing door PROJECT NOTES • Stamped structural engineeringis included • All columns to be mounted on boots withplates for tabbing to concrete foundation.(nominally at grade)NOTE: Concrete foundation, anchor bolts& engineering of such BY OTHERS. • Environmental control system is not includedbut is available at additional cost (to be addedpotentially when equipments are decided upon) HAFHAF To add (1) Modine HD125AN unitheater (for natural gas) with (1) hanger[Stacking BY OTHERS] OPTION # 1: OPTION # 2: Reply to :! ! ! ! Date : ! Page Number : UNITED GREENHOUSE SYSTEMS, INC. UNITED GREENHOUSE SYSTEMS, Inc. PROPOSAL Post Office Box 249! Edgerton, WI 53534! 800-433-6834 • Fax 608-884-6137 Bid JT# Taxes : ! Freight : ! Terms : ! ! Price: This proposal is subject to the general terms and conditions of sale shown on the final page of this proposal CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE UNITED GREENHOUSE SYSTEMS, Inc. Firm : _______________________! ! By : _________________________! ! Date : ________________________ Prepared By : ____________________! ! Accepted By : ____________________! ! Date Accepted : ___________________ This quote is valid for no more than thirty days from the date of quotation. Justin Bilhorn April 1, 2015 9528260305 1 of 3 Tim Barnes City of Edina 26941 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina MN 55439 NA MATERIALS & LABOR PROPOSAL - PROJECT A (2015) ! ! We propose to furnish materials only for (1) 21 ft. wide x 30 ft. long (column-center-to- column center dimensions) free-standing Ambassador Crown greenhouse with a nominal 10 ft. gutter height and columns & trusses on 10 ft. centers, as follows: ! ! FRAMING & HARDWARE: Complete galvanized supersteel framing, plus all necessary hardware to be provided for (1) roofs, (2) exterior sidewalls & (2) exterior gable endwalls. Framing shall consist of roll-formed trusses, spanning the full width of the structure, with a 6/12 roof pitch. Steel to be galvanized. No casting of aluminum alloy shall be permitted for joining structural members. Purlins shall be roll-formed galvanized steel with shaped-in condensate removal channels to conduct condensation to removal channels in truss top chord. Finished shape of purlin to have two legs of a minimum length of 3 inches. Top chord shall be roll-formed galvanized steel with shaped-in condensate removal channels to conduct condensation to removal channels to drop near the gutterline. Finished shape to have two legs of a minimum length of 4 inches. Gutters shall be 14 ga., G-210 galvanized steel and shall have a downstep to allow for the smooth flow of water. All columns to be 4 in. sq. galvanized steel.! ! COVERINGS & EXTRUSIONS: Clear 8mm twinwall polycarbonate panels & extrusions to be provided for (1) roof, (2) exterior sidewall & (2) exterior gable endwalls. NOTE: All panels to stop at concrete foundation at grade (concrete foundation BY OTHERS).! ! CONDENSATE CONTROL SYSTEM (STD): Condensate control system included. Reply to :! ! ! ! Date : ! Page Number : UNITED GREENHOUSE SYSTEMS, INC. UNITED GREENHOUSE SYSTEMS, Inc. PROPOSAL Post Office Box 249! Edgerton, WI 53534! 800-433-6834 • Fax 608-884-6137 Bid JT# Taxes : ! Freight : ! Terms : ! ! Price: This proposal is subject to the general terms and conditions of sale shown on the final page of this proposal CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE UNITED GREENHOUSE SYSTEMS, Inc. Firm : _______________________! ! By : _________________________! ! Date : ________________________ Prepared By : ____________________! ! Accepted By : ____________________! ! Date Accepted : ___________________ This quote is valid for no more than thirty days from the date of quotation. Justin Bilhorn April 1, 2015 9528260305 2 of 3 Tim Barnes City of Edina 26941 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina MN 55439 NA MATERIALS & LABOR PROPOSAL - PROJECT A (2015) continued...! ! DOORS: (1) 3 ft.-6 in. wide x 7 ft. tall single swing Plyco series 99 door with thermopane lite & standard lockset to be provided.! ! MOTORIZED VENT SYSTEMS: (1) 48 in. x ~24 ft. long single sidewall vent including inside lifting racks, pinions, shafting, hangers & (1) Lock motorized operator with interface box to be provided. NOTE: See Option # 1 for Optional Ridge Vent Addition.! ! EXHAUST FANS: (1) 30 in., 1/2 hp, 1 ph, 1 spd exaust fan assembly to be provided. ! ! HAF FANS: (2) 12 in., 1/10 hp horizontal air-flow fans to be provided.! ! HEATING SYSTEM: None provided in main quotation (See Option # 2).! ! RETRACTABLE CURTAIN SYSTEM: None provided in this quotation, but available upon request at addtional cost.! ! ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM: None provided in this quotation, but available upon request at additional cost (as equipment determinations are decided upon).! ! ENGINEERING: Stamped shop drawings for greenhouse structure by state registered engineer are included. Your local building authority may require additional documentation, which may include HVAC, fire protection, plumbing & electrical, as examples. United Greenhouse Systems, Inc. does not provide these services.! Reply to :! ! ! ! Date : ! Page Number : UNITED GREENHOUSE SYSTEMS, INC. UNITED GREENHOUSE SYSTEMS, Inc. PROPOSAL Post Office Box 249! Edgerton, WI 53534! 800-433-6834 • Fax 608-884-6137 Bid JT# Taxes : ! Freight : ! Terms : ! ! Price: This proposal is subject to the general terms and conditions of sale shown on the final page of this proposal CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE UNITED GREENHOUSE SYSTEMS, Inc. Firm : _______________________! ! By : _________________________! ! Date : ________________________ Prepared By : ____________________! ! Accepted By : ____________________! ! Date Accepted : ___________________ This quote is valid for no more than thirty days from the date of quotation. Justin Bilhorn April 1, 2015 9528260305 3 of 3 Tim Barnes City of Edina 26941 7450 Metro Boulevard Edina MN 55439 NA MATERIALS & LABOR PROPOSAL - PROJECT A (2015) continued...! ! NOTE: All columns to be mounted on boots with plates for tabbing to concrete foundation wall/floor at grade. Materials, engineering of & installation of anchor bolts BY OTHERS. Foundation wall/floor & engineering of such BY OTHERS. Any flashing on top of concrete foundation provided & installed BY OTHERS.! ! NOTE: All site preparation, excavation, concrete, plumbing & electrical are not included in this proposal, and to be provided BY OTHERS.! ! NOTE: All field labor is based on work being done by experienced greenhouse builders (independent contractors) who are non-union, unless otherwise noted. Prevailing wage rates do not apply.! ! NOTE: Dumpster for refuse to be provided BY OTHERS.! ! OPTION # 1: To add materials & installation for (1) 54 in. x 30 ft. long single ridge vent, including inside lifting racks, pinions, shafting, hangers & with (1) Lock motorized operator with interface box, please add $ 3,039.00 to the price below [JT 26942].! ! OPTION # 2: To add materials & installation to mount (1) Modine HD125AN unit heater, for use with natural gas, plus (1) hanger please add $ 1,335.00 to the price below [JT 26943]. NOTE: Stacking provided & installed BY OTHERS.! ! ! Sales tax not applicable. Included, to Edina, MN. With approved credit, 50% down with order, 25% prior to shipment, balance due upon invoicing as materials are shipped & labor is performed. Payment for all invoices must be received within 15 days of the invoice date. $34,901.00 1. GENERAL. Except as otherwise agreed in writing, Purchaser accepts these terms and conditions and agrees that they apply to all orders for products and goods that are placed with and shipments received from United Greenhouse Systems, Inc. ("United Greenhouse"). Additionally, Purchaser agrees that these terms and conditions also shall apply to all orders placed with United Greenhouse or other agreements made with United Greenhouse for services by United Greenhouse or its subcontractors that are related to products and goods purchased from United Greenhouse. If these terms and conditions are varied in the Proposal, then the terms and conditions in the Proposal shall govern and the remaining terms and conditions not modified shall apply. These terms and conditions shall control over any other document prepared by Purchaser. 2. ACCEPTANCE OF ORDERS. By signing the Proposal, Purchaser agrees that it has placed with United Greenhouse a firm order and offer to purchase the goods and services set forth in the Proposal, and that the offer to purchase is subject to acceptance by United Greenhouse which occurs only when United Greenhouse signs the Proposal. 3. CANCELLATION. Purchaser may not cancel any orders or the Proposal except with the written consent of United Greenhouse and subject to the imposition of a cancellation charge for all costs and expenses incurred by United Greenhouse plus a reasonable profit to be determined by United Greenhouse. 4. PRICE. The prices set forth in the Proposal are based on Purchaser's requirements, as furnished to United Greenhouse. Any change in the requirements may necessitate a price revision. The price quoted is firm for 30 days from the date of quotation unless otherwise agreed by United Greenhouse in writing. 5. TAXES. Unless otherwise identified and agreed to by United Greenhouse in the Proposal, the prices set forth in the Proposal do not include federal, state or local taxes. All taxes on products and goods delivered and services provided to Purchaser shall be paid by Purchaser. 6. TERMS OF PAYMENT. In addition to any deposit required in the Proposal, payment in full for all goods and products delivered shall be made in accordance with the terms printed on the invoice. Payment in full for all services provided shall be made within fifteen days from the earlier of the date of substantial completion of the project or when Purchaser accepts the project and begins to utilize the facility for its intended purpose. A FINANCE CHARGE OF 1.5% PER month WILL BE CHARGED AND COLLECTED FOR ALL AMOUNTS THAT ARE NOT PAID WHEN DUE. 7. SECURITY INTEREST. Upon United Greenhouse's demand, Purchaser agrees to take any actions appropriate to grant a perfected security interest to United Greenhouse in the goods and products sold to Purchaser pursuant to this Agreement. 8. DEFAULT. If Purchaser fails to pay any amounts owed to United Greenhouse as such amounts become due, Purchaser shall be in default on its payment obligations to United Greenhouse, and United Greenhouse shall have all rights and remedies available under applicable laws, including mechanics' lien laws. In the event that legal proceedings are necessary to enforce these terms and conditions of sale, the prevailing party (as determined by the arbitrator) shall be entitled to recover all costs and reasonable attorney's fees. 9. DELIVERY. The delivery and installation dates set forth in the proposal, if any, are approximate and are based upon prompt receipt of all necessary information from Purchaser. United Greenhouse shall not be in default hereunder, or otherwise liable in damages to Purchaser, for any shipping, delivery, or installation delays unless Purchaser notifies United Greenhouse in advance of the projected dates to strictly comply with such shipping dates and completion deadliness. Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein, United Greenhouse shall in no event be liable to Purchaser or any third party for any delays, defaults or damages suffered by Purchaser that arise from natural or man made events or actions beyond United Greenhouse's reasonable control, including, but not limited to acts of God, governmental action, fires, floods, epidemics, strikes, labor trouble, freight embargoes, accidents, riots, wars, shortages of labor, fuel, materials, or supplies, inadequate transportation facilities, or other causes beyond United Greenhouse's actual reasonable control. United Greenhouse shall be given an additional time within which to perform its obligations hereunder if any such event delays performance. Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein or otherwise applicable to the transactions contemplated by the Proposal, United Greenhouse shall in no event be liable to Purchaser for special, consequential, or exemplary damages (including lost profit damages) because of any delay or failure to make delivery or complete an installation as set forth in the Proposal. United Greenhouse also has the right to change the price as set forth in the Proposal when a shipment or installation is delayed due to circumstances beyond United Greenhouse's control or at the request of Purchaser. 10. DAMAGE AND SHIPMENT. All deliveries shall be made F.O.B. point of origin. This means that all costs of transportation and the risk of loss shall pass to Purchaser when United Greenhouse delivers the goods or products to a trucking company or other common carrier for delivery to Purchaser or Purchaser's job site. This risk of loss allocation shall apply regardless of whether the freight is prepaid by United Greenhouse and then charged to Purchaser. Any increase in freight rates that are required to be paid by United Greenhouse may be added to the price set forth in the Proposal and invoiced to Purchaser at United Greenhouse's actual cost. purchaser's sole recourse for damage to goods in transit shall be against the carrier. United Greenhouse is not responsible for insuring any products. 11. RETURNED PRODUCTS. United Greenhouse will not accept any goods or products for return unless United Greenhouse has previously agreed to such return with Purchaser in writing. If United Greenhouse accepts a return of goods or products, it reserves the right to charge and collect from Purchaser transportation expenses and reasonable restocking charges. 12. WARRANTY. United Greenhouse makes no warranties as to products it sells that are manufactured by others. Purchaser agrees that its sole recourse as to such products is to make a claim against the manufacturer of such products under the manufacturer's warranty, if any. Purchaser shall have no claim against United Greenhouse for such product defect failures. United Greenhouse warrants to the original Purchaser that all goods manufactured by United Greenhouse are free from all material defects in materials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from the date the goods or products leave United Greenhouse's warehouse; provided, however, that if United Greenhouse has installed the greenhouse structure pursuant to the terms of this Proposal or some other agreement executed by the Purchaser ("United Greenhouse Installation Work"), then the United Greenhouse Installation Work will be warrantied to the extent set forth herein for a period of one year from the date of substantial completion of the installation. This warranty provided by United Greenhouse is rendered void and of no further effect upon either (i) the Purchaser's transfer of the goods, accessories, or products of the goods, or (ii) Purchaser's failure to pay for all items covered by this Proposal in full. United Greenhouse's obligation under this warranty is limited to replacing or repairing any defective part without charge during the warranty period, which replacement or repair will be made to the extent that Purchaser has given United Greenhouse written notice of any alleged defect within 10 days after such defect is noticed or should have been noticed and United Greenhouse, in its sole discretion, determines the existence of a defect for which United Greenhouse is responsible. Warranty of labor associated with any United Greenhouse goods and products is expressly limited to any labor as determined necessary by United Greenhouse to remedy an alleged defect in United Greenhouse Installation Work, the existence of which Purchaser has notified United Greenhouse within 10 days after such defect is noticed or should have been noticed and for which United Greenhouse, in its sole discretion, determines it is responsible. If inspection, replacement, or repair are made at Purchaser's premises, all labor, transportation, and lodging expenses shall be paid by Purchaser. This warranty shall not be extended beyond its original twelve month term for any reason. This warranty on repairs and replacements shall also expire on the same date as this warranty. Installation and operation of the goods or products in any manner other than that recommended in United Greenhouse's or any other written instructions shall void this warranty granted by United Greenhouse. This United Greenhouse warranty shall also be rendered void if Purchaser does not follow the recommended maintenance and/or construction procedures. PURCHASER ASSUMES ALL RISK OF THE USE OF THE PRODUCT DELIVERED BY UNITED GREENHOUSE. PURCHASER SHALL HAVE NO REMEDY AGAINST UNITED GREENHOUSE FOR DELIVERY OF NONCONFORMING PRODUCT OTHER THAN TO REQUIRE REPLACEMENTS WITH CONFORMING PRODUCT AS PROVIDEDHEREIN. UNITED GREENHOUSE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO PURCHASER OR TO ANY PERSON WHO PURCHASES FROM PURCHASER OR USES ANY PRODUCT SUPPLIED BY UNITED GREENHOUSE FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSS OF PROFITS RESULTING FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY DELAY, ACT, ERROR, OR OMISSION OF UNITED GREENHOUSE. THE WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE IS IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THE PROPOSAL OR THIS AGREEMENT, NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS WERE MADE OR RELIED UPON WITH RESPECT TO THE QUALITY AND FUNCTION OF THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES SUBJECT TO THIS AGREEMENT. NO UNITED GREENHOUSE EMPLOYEE OR AGENT, NOR ANY OTHER PERSON, IS AUTHORIZED TO ASSUME FOR UNITED GREENHOUSE ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY OTHER THAN THOSE APPEARING IN THIS AGREEMENT. Purchaser will indemnify and hold United Greenhouse and its shareholders, officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from and against all loss, liability, cost, damage, or expense incident to any claim, action, or proceeding (including, but not limited to, claims of third parties) against United Greenhouse arising out of the installation, maintenance, use, or operation of the products covered by the Proposal. 13. DRAWINGS. After acceptance of this Proposal, and if specified by Purchaser and covered by this Proposal, United Greenhouse will furnish the Purchaser with shop drawings for the fabrication and installation of the product covered by the Proposal. Unless Purchaser returns a copy of the drawings to United Greenhouse by certified mail within seven days of the date indicated on such drawing with any corrections or modifications, the drawings will be presumed correct. Any subsequent changes required by the Purchaser will be subject to additional charges by United Greenhouse. 14. TECHNICAL ADVICE AND RECOMMENDATIONS. United Greenhouse assumes no obligation or liability for any recommendations, opinions or advice as to the choice, installation or use of products sold. Any such recommendations, opinions or advice are given and shall be accepted at Purchaser's own risk and shall not constitute any warranty or guarantee of such products or their performance. United Greenhouse's warranty as set forth in Section 12 shall not be enlarged, diminished or affected by, and no obligation or liability shall arise or grow out of United Greenhouse' rendering of technical advice, installation advice or service in connection with Purchaser's order or the products furnished hereunder. 15. PRODUCT SUITABILITY. Many states and localities have codes and regulations governing sales, construction, installation, and/or use of products for certain purposes, which may vary from those in neighboring areas. While United Greenhouse attempts to assure that its products comply with such codes, it cannot guarantee compliance, and cannot be responsible for how the product is installed or used. Before purchase and use of a product, please review the product application, and national and local codes and regulations, and be sure that the product, installation, and use will comply with them. 16. ERECTION. If the Proposal requires United Greenhouse to furnish services and labor to erect and/or construct the structure or structures specified in the Proposal, United Greenhouse or its designated contractor shall perform all acts reasonably necessary to erect or construct such structure or structures as specified in the Proposal. Unless otherwise specifically agreed by United Greenhouse in writing, neither United Greenhouse nor its contractor shall have any obligation to perform the following services: excavating, grading, drainage, demolition, trash removal, providing concrete forming, electrical work and wiring, plumbing, providing plant benches, unloading materials, removing dirt excavated from footings, or providing concrete footings and flashings. Purchaser agrees to provide sufficient electrical power and toilet facilities on the construction site for United Greenhouse or any of its contractors. Purchaser shall ensure that the building site is graded and free from all obstructions prior to the time at which the construction project is to begin. Neither United Greenhouse nor its contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the site as a result of normal construction procedures. If United Greenhouse or its contractor are delayed from digging holes on the site due to abnormal digging conditions on or below the surface (including those caused by weather), United Greenhouse or its contractor shall be allowed a reasonable extension of time to complete the work, and any additional expense connected with the delay or extra work shall be treated as an addition to the price set forth in the Proposal. 17. SURVEYS, PERMITS, LAW, AND REGULATIONS. Prior to any construction activity required by the Proposal, Purchaser shall promptly furnish and pay for all necessary surveys, permits, and licensees. Purchaser shall pay any government fees, taxes, and other charges incurred in connection with the erection of the structure or structures. Purchaser is solely responsible for determining if the drawings, specifications, structure or structures and proposed location of the structure or structures are at variance with any laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations or Purchaser's planned uses for the structure. Purchaser shall indemnify United Greenhouse from any loss, costs, or damages resulting from United Greenhouse's or its contractor's performance of any work contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules or regulations. Any structural modifications made by Purchaser or by others after United Greenhouse's or its contractor's completion of the work is at Purchaser's own risk, and Purchaser shall indemnify United Greenhouse from any loss, cost or damages resulting there from. 18. RIGHT TO STOP. If work being performed by United Greenhouse or its contractor is stopped under direction of Purchaser or by order of a court or government agency for a period of three days or more, other than as a result of any act or fault of United Greenhouse, United Greenhouse or its contractor may, upon 24 hours written notice by United Greenhouse to Purchaser, stop work and remove all workmen from the job site. If the directive or order is not changed or modified within 30 days from the date of entry, United Greenhouse may terminate this Agreement and recover payment for all products and goods delivered, work completed, and all profits lost and all other damages sustained. If the directive or order is vacated within 30 days, United Greenhouse shall return and complete the work when it is able to do so, and upon payment by Purchaser of all expenses and damages incurred by United Greenhouse as a result of the delay. 19. INSURANCE. Purchaser shall maintain a policy of general liability insurance for protection against any claims which may arise from operations under this agreement. United Greenhouse shall be named as an additional named insured at all times that United Greenhouse or its contractor are erecting or building a structure. Purchaser shall also maintain property insurance upon the entire job site in an amount sufficient to protect the fair market value of all of the property on the job site, including the goods and products delivered pursuant to the Proposal. Purchaser shall pay all damages and costs in by United Greenhouse if Purchaser fails to purchase or maintain such insurance. 20. OPERATIONS OF PURCHASER. If Purchaser continues or commences to operate its business on the job site during the time United Greenhouse or its contractor are performing work on the site, Purchaser does so strictly at its own risk. United Greenhouse shall not be liable for damage to property or for bodily injury suffered by Purchaser or its employees or agents as a result of the operation of Purchaser's business. Purchaser shall indemnify United Greenhouse from any liability for damages or injuries sustained by Purchaser or its employees as a result of the operation of Purchaser's business. 21. ARBITRATION Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the Proposal and these terms and conditions or any drawings, or these terms and conditions shall be settled exclusively in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Purchaser and United Greenhouse expressly agree that any arbitration proceedings instituted by either party shall take place in Denver, Colorado. 22. INTEGRATION; MODIFICATION. These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede all other agreements, whether written or oral. The Proposal and these terms and conditions may not be modified or changed in any way except in a writing signed by both Purchaser and United Greenhouse. The terms of the Proposal shall control over any subsequent form of agreement provided by Purchaser unless United Greenhouse specifically signs and adopts such additional or substitute forms. 23. INTERPRETATION. The Proposal and these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Colorado and the parties consent to venue and jurisdiction in any court of competent jurisdiction located in Denver, Colorado. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.E. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Carter Schulze, PE, Assistant City Engineer Item Activity: Subject:2016 Neighborhood Project Follow Up Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve installation of an additional sidewalk along the south side of Woodland Road West in the Golf Terrace B Neighborhood. Approve one sided parking on Beard Place between West 64th Street and West 62nd Street in the Strachauer Park A Neighborhood. INTRODUCTION: At the public hearing on December 8, 2015, Council directed staff to return with a recommendation for an additional east-west sidewalk within the neighborhood. The attached report describes the analysis completed by staff supporting the recommendation. Staff is also requesting approval of one sided parking on Beard Place between West 64th Street and West 62nd Street. Residents living on that block provided feedback in support of this recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: Description 2016 Projects Follow Up Report                  City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 January 20, 2016 Mayor and Council Carter Schulze, PE, Assistant City Engineer 2016 Neighborhood Project Follow Up Approve installation of an additional sidewalk along the south side of Woodland Road West in the Golf Terrace B Neighborhood Approve one sided parking on Beard Place between West 64th Street and West 62nd Street in the Strachauer Park A Neighborhood GOLF TERRACE B NEIGHBORHOOD Information / Background: On December 8th, 2015, the Edina City Council approved roadway improvements for the Golf Terrace B neighborhood. This project involves the localized rehabilitation of the sanitary sewer and watermain systems, upgrades to the storm sewer, complete replacement of existing concrete curb and gutter, construction of new concrete sidewalks, and complete reconstruction of the bituminous pavement surfaces. The proposed project would be constructed in the summer of 2016 with the assessment hearing occurring in the fall of 2017. The project, as recommended by staff, includes the construction of a new sidewalk along the west side of Concord Avenue between Southview Lane and Lexington Avenue. This sidewalk was identified as a future city sidewalk in the approved Sidewalk Facilities Map. Funding for this sidewalk will be through the Pedestrian and Cyclists Safety (PACS) Fund and is estimated to cost $72,850. At the public hearing, Council directed staff to return with a recommendation for an additional sidewalk along Woodland Road West, Tower Street, or West 56th Street between Concord Avenue and Wooddale Avenue. The following report describes the analysis completed by staff supporting the recommendation. REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 2 Traffic and Pedestrian Information One of the main factors considered in determining which street warrants a sidewalk is the amount of traffic, both vehicular and pedestrian, that the street carries on a daily basis. Using video data recorded during the week of December 7, 2015, staff counted pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle volume in 24-hour periods for each of the streets. The time when the most pedestrians were using the street was determined to be between 2:00pm and 6:00pm. At other times, volume was minimally the same on all streets. The results showing the total volume of vehicles and pedestrians during the four-hour peak time are shown in Figure 1 below. Figure 1: Golf Terrace B Pedestrian and Vehicle Counts Assessment of Existing Conditions Staff also compared the number and type of existing conflicts a new sidewalk would encounter along both sides of each of the three streets. These include, but are not limited to, driveways, trees, landscaping items, fences, retaining walls, and utility poles. In order to stay consistent in comparing the conflicts, the current centerline was used. This centerline was then offset using a 27-foot face-to-face street width, a 5-foot boulevard and a 5-foot sidewalk on each side. Table 1 shows the conflicts for each potential sidewalk location with the green blocks indicating the fewest conflicts per category. Location Driveways Trees Landscaping Retaining  Walls, SF  Fences,  LF  Utility  Poles  Concrete  Walk/Steps,  SF  Woodland Rd W,  South 11 1 ‐ ‐ 170 1 ‐  Woodland Rd W,  North 12 ‐ 9 624 75 1 ‐  Tower St, South 13 4 31 15 55 2 ‐  Tower St, North 15 4 4 18 80 1 75  W 56th St, South 17 5 6 ‐ 5 3 ‐  W 56th St, North 12 12 4 ‐ ‐ ‐ 25  Table 1: Golf Terrace B Sidewalk Conflicts Next, staff estimated a cost, not only for the sidewalk construction, but also the conflicts using average construction bid prices. Table 2 shows the cost comparisons of the options. REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 3 Table 2: Golf Terrace B Sidewalk Construction Costs Other Input Staff solicited an electronic survey of the Golf Terrace B neighborhood asking which of the three streets, if any, should be considered for a sidewalk. The results of the survey from the 73 responses are as follows:  Tower Street 41%  Woodland Road West 26%  West 56th Street 15%  None 18% Staff’s takeaway from this survey was that residents desire a sidewalk regardless of the street. The school district reported that school bus operations are consistent on all streets in question, with bus stops typically at the intersections of St. Johns Avenue. Recommendation Considering the vehicle and pedestrian volumes, fewer construction conflicts, and the existing crosswalk at Woodland Road West and Concord Avenue that connects to both Concord Elementary and Southview Middle School, staff recommends constructing the sidewalk along the south side of Woodland Road West and that the additional cost for the sidewalk come from the PACS Fund. Also, based on our current policy, City staff would not maintain this sidewalk. Residents would be required to perform maintenance, including snow removal. If approved, staff would proceed with designing Woodland Road West to a 27-ft street with two-sided parking, a 3-5-foot boulevard, and 5-foot sidewalk centered within the existing right-of-way to share impacts. STRACHAUER PARK A NEIGHBORHOOD Information / Background / Recommendation On December 8, 2015, the Edina City Council approved roadway improvements for the Strachauer Park A neighborhood including two-sided parking on all 27-foot streets and one-sided parking on 24-foot streets Location Sidewalk Costs Conflict Costs Total Costs Woodland Rd W, South $ 46,460.00 $ 21,530.00 $ 67,990.00 Tower St, South $ 48,185.00 $ 31,485.00 $ 79,670.00 W 56th St, South $ 48,185.00 $ 31,730.00 $ 79,915.00 W 56th St, North $ 48,300.00 $ 31,885.00 $ 80,185.00 Tower St, North $ 48,145.00 $ 33,130.00 $ 81,275.00 Woodland Rd W, North $ 47,340.00 $ 38,020.00 $ 85,360.00 REPORT / RECOMMENDATION Page 4 with sidewalks. Beard Place between West 64th Street and West 62nd Street, however, is designed to be a 27-foot street with a sidewalk along Strachauer Park. After soliciting feedback from the seven residents that live on that block of Beard Place, six out of seven residents who returned the survey requested that parking be limited to the east side adjacent to Strachauer Park. Staff is recommending one-sided parking on Beard Place between West 64th Street and West 62nd Street. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.F. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Tim Barnes City Facility Manager Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase Green Machine Street Sweeper Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Request for Purchase Of Green Machine Model GM-636 Sweeper for 50th and France district INTRODUCTION: The 50th and France district is our downtown Gem of and area and along with all the wonderful shop's and restaurants and sidewalk streetscapes it is home to our 3 parking ramps. The ramps and street/sidewalkscapes are maintained by one individual. Of all the equipment utilized there the street sweeper within the ramps is heavily utilized. It was purchased in 2006 and has a useful life of 10 years. City Staff has been addressing the maintenance and upkeep of our ramps and sidewalks in a significant way over the past 3 years, noting that there is a need to update our sweeping machine as it generates an undesirable amount of dust. Vendors were sought and various pieces of equipment were brought in on demonstration for consideration. There were 3 units, a Tenant M-30 Scrubber, a slightly smaller version of M-20 Scrubber, and the Green Machine. After all 3 the Green Machine stood out for it's ability and versatility. As it can be used both in the ramp and on the sidewalks, a feature that the others could not do. Tenant Agrees to give us $9,000.00 trade in allowance on our current machine. The Price for a Tenant M-30 is $88,152.00 (with discount 79,152.00) the price for a Tenant M-20 is $67,607.00 (with discount $58,607.00). The Price for the Green Machine was $63,900.00, along with $9,000.00 trade in on the current Power boss unit (with discount 54,900.00). City Staff recommends the purchase of the Green Machine Sweeper for $54,900.00 The funding for this would be split 50/50 between Parking Permit Fees and Parking Ramp Maintenace budget.. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.G. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Revise Policy on Out-of-State Travel for Elected Officials Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: To approve the Policy on Out-of-State Travel for Elected Officials. INTRODUCTION: The League of Minnesota Cities recommends that cities adopt a policy to provide guidance for how expenses and reimbursements for the costs of out-of-state travel for locally elected officials are processed. The City Council has a current policy on this matter that adopted on December 6. 2005. A copy of that policy with proposed amendments shown in redline is attached to this report. The intent of the proposed amendments is to add specificity and new language to reflect contemporary best practices. The major policy amendments are as follows: requires the city manager to affirm that sufficient funds exist in the City budget for the proposed travel clarifies what the City may pay for in advance and what it will reimburse for in arrears specifies how the city will calculate per-diem costs for meals specifies a rotation for how City Council Members will attend the annual spring conference of the NLC requires Council Members to report on the results of the travel requires the city manager to report exceptions to the policy to the City Council If approved by the Council at the January 20, 2016 meeting, I recommend the policy become effective immediately. ATTACHMENTS: Description Revised Out Of State Travel Policy Elected Officials Adopted Edina City Council December 6, 2005 Revision Proposed 1/20/2016 Page | 1 CITY OF EDINA ELECTED OFFICIAL OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL POLICY Purpose: The City of Edina recognizes that its elected official may at times receive value from traveling out of the state for workshops, conferences, events and other assignments. This policy sets forth the conditions under which out-of-state travel will be reimbursed by the City. General Guidelines: 1. The event, workshop, conference or assignment must be approved in advance by the City Council at an open meeting and must include an estimate of the cost of the trave and confirmation from the city manager that sufficient funding for the travel is included in the City’s budget. Examples of out-of-state travel for City elected officials include events sponsored by the National League of Cities and the U.S. Conference of Mayors.l. In evaluating the out-of-state travel request, the Council will consider among other things determined by the Council, the following: • Whether the elected official will be receiving training on issues relevant to the city or to his or her role as the Mayor or as a council member; • Whether the elected official will be meeting and networking with other elected officials from around the country to exchange ideas on topics of relevance to the City or on the official roles of local elected officials. • Whether the elected official will be viewing a city facility or function that is similar in nature to one that is currently operating at, or under consideration by the City where the purpose for the trip is to study the facility or function to bring back ideas for the consideration of the full council. • Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned by the Council to visit another city for the purpose of establishing a goodwill relationship such as a “sister- city” relationship. • Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned by the Council to testify on behalf of the city at the United States Congress or to otherwise meet with federal officials on behalf of the city. • Whether the city has sufficient funding available in the budget to pay the cost of the trip. 2. No reimbursements will be made for attendance at events sponsored by or affiliated with political parties. 2. 3. The city may make payments in advance for for transportation, lodging and registration. airfare, lodging and registration if specifically approved by the council. Payment for all other expenses, such as meals, local transportation, internet access, and incidental costs will be made as reimbursements upon submission of a travel expense reimbursement form, including all necessary expense receipts, to the city manager.Otherwise all payments will be made as reimbursements to the elected official. Adopted Edina City Council December 6, 2005 Elected Official out-of-State Travel - Page | 2 4. Mileage will be reimbursed at the maximum IRS rate. If two or more council members travel together by car, only the driver will receive reimbursement. The city will reimburse for the cost of renting an automobile if necessary to conduct city business. Airfare will be reimbursed at the coach rate. 5. Reimbursement for meal costs is limited to the maximum rates as listed in the five-tier per- diem rate system established by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). Per-diem rates vary according to locality. The listed per-diem rates are available at the GSA website: www.gsa.gov under per-diem rate. Total daily meal expenses will be reimbursed up to the maximum level for “Meals & Incidental Expenses” (M&IE) for the applicable locality. A standard per-day rate applies to all locations not specifically listed or encompassed by the boundary definition of a listed point. Council Members may pool their meal per-diems when dining as part of a group. Actual costs for legitimate business meals may be reimbursed if approved by the city manager. 6. The City will not pay or reimburse for alcoholic beverages, costs associated with the attendance of a family member, rental of luxury vehicles, or recreational expenses. 7. Receipts are required to substantiate expense reimbursement requests. The expense report form shall be submitted to the city manager for reimbursement. 8. Effective January 1, 2017, the Council will limit the number of Council Members attending the spring conference event of the National League of Cities to three members in even numbered years and five members in odd numbered years. 9. Council Members will make a verbal report concerning the results of the travel at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the City Council. 10. Exceptions to this policy may be approved by the city manager in order to further legitimate business purposes. Exceptions to the policy must be reported City Council. 4. The City will reimburse for transportation, lodging, meals, registration, and incidental costs using the same procedures, limitations and guidelines outlined in the city’s Policy for the Payment of Employee Expenses. 5. The Council may consider exceptions to this policy if deemed to be in the best interests of the City. 6. The Council shall review and approve the expense report submitted by a Council member prior to payment by the City. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.H. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:City Council Travel to the NLC 2016 Congressional Cities Conference Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve City Council Member travel to Washington, DC for the 2016 Congressional Cities Conference of the National League of Cities. INTRODUCTION: The City of Edina is a member of the National League of Cities (NLC). The NLC is a national advocacy organization for policies at the federal government that will benefit American local governments. The NLC is also one of the leading sources for training and professional education for locally elected officials. Each year the NLC sponsors a spring conference called the Congressional Cities Conference. The conference provides training, professional education and networking opportunities for locally elected officials from across America. The conference, which is held in Washington, DC each year, also provides opportunity and access for locally elected officials to meet and confer with federally elected officials over issues of mutual concern. The out-of-state travel policy for elected officials requires the City Council to pre-approve out-of-state travel for Members of the City Council. The policy also requires the Council to approve an estimate of the cost of the travel and the city manager to affirm that adequate funds exist in the City’s budget for the proposed travel. The 2016 Congressional Cities Conference will be held March 5-9, 2016 in Washington DC. An estimate of the travel costs for the conference per Council Member is as follows: · Registration $575 · Lodging $1,076 [4 days @ $269/day] · Airfare $300 · Meals $276 [4 days @ $69/day] · Transportation $30 [local transport, cabs and train] The total estimated cost of the conference travel is $2,257. Council Members receive no extra pay from the City for the time spent away from your private employment or from your families in order to attend this conference. The City also does not reimburse Council Members for any direct costs you may incur at home that are caused in connection by travel to the conference. Per the travel policy, Council Members will be expected to provide a verbal report about the conference at the March 15 City Council Meeting. Recommendation: The training, professional education and networking opportunities at this conference are very important for City Council Members. In addition, the chance to meet and confer directly with the federal elected officials that represent Edina residents in the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate on issues of mutual concern (e.g. – aviation noise, transportation funding, sales tax fairness, etc.) has proved to be valuable to all concerned. I can affirm there are sufficient funds in the City budget for the proposed costs of this travel and I recommend the City Council approve the proposed motion to authorize the requested travel. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.I. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Joyce Repya, Senior Planner Item Activity: Subject:Resolution 2016-15 Approving Use of Hennepin County Affordable Housing Incentive Funds from Fiscal Year 2015 by West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust For Homes Within Reach Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 2016-15 INTRODUCTION: West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust (WHAHLT) has made a request of Hennepin County to use Affordable Housing Incentive Fund (AHIF) funds to purchase their most recent land trust home in Edina. Hennepin County requires that the City authorize the release of the AHIF funds to WHAHLT by means of the attached Resolution. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2016-15 RESOLUTION No. 2016-15 APPROVING USE OF HENNEPIN COUNTY AFFORDABLE HOUSING INCENTIVE FUNDS FROM FISCAL YEAR 2015 BY WEST HENNEPIN AFFORDABLE HOUSING LAND TRUST FOR HOMES WITHIN REACH PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority .(HCHRA) in Resolution No. 15-HCHRA-0012 has approved the use of a $20,000 Affordable Housing Incentive Fund (AHIF) loan which will be used toward the purchase of a land trust home in the City of Edina, contingent upon the City of Edina's consent to the HCHRA's participation in the project; and WHEREAS, the project will increase/preserve the supply of affordable housing in the City of Edina by providing/preserving one unit of affordable housing using the Community Land Trust model; and WHEREAS, the loan from the HCHRA will complete the financing required for West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust's Homes Within Reach project to go forward. BE IT RESOLVED, that the participation of the Hennepin County Housing and Redevelopment Authority in the West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust's Homes within Reach project is hereby approved. Dated: January 20, 2016 Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) CITY OF EDINA CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK 1, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular meeting of January 20, 2016, and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 2016 CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street • Edina, Minnesota 55424 www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390 Resolution No. 2016-15 The question was on the adoption of the Resolution and there were YEAS and Nays as follows: YEAS NAYS Mayor Hovland Council Member Swenson Council Member Brindle Council Member Staunton Council Member Stewart ATTEST: City Clerk Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.J. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:Resolution 2016-16: Supporting DEED Grant for New Business Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution. INTRODUCTION: The City is working cooperatively with Greater MSP and Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) to attract a new business to the Twin Cities. This Resolution acknowledges the City's support of a DEED grant to help attract new employment opportunities to the Greater Southdale area. This support does not require a financial contribution from the City. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2016-16 Supporting Deed Grant For New Business Staff Report Resolution Supporting Deed Grant For New Business RESOLUTION NO. 2016-16 SUPPORTING AN APPLICATION TO THE MINNESOTA JOB CREATION FUND IN CONNECTION WITH _________________ WHEREAS, the City of Edina, Minnesota encourages business investment and job creation to sustain a strong local economy; and WHEREAS, __Company name__, a ____ company type___, is considering expansion into the City by renovating and occupying a significant portion of an existing office facility in the City; and, WHEREAS, the City of Edina, Minnesota, desires to support __Company______, in this business expansion; and, WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development oversees the Job Creation Fund Program to attract new business investment in the state that results in the creation of new employment opportunities; and WHEREAS, the Job Creation Fund is an independent program of the State of Minnesota and does not require any matching funds from the City; and, WHEREAS, the City of Edina understands that _Company_______, intends to submit an application to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development for a monetary award and/or rebate from the Job Creation Fund Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, after due consideration, the City of Edina, hereby express its support of the expansion project proposed by ___ Company_____ and its application for a monetary award and/or rebate from the Job Creation Fund Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City’s support of the expansion project and application does not waive the requirements of ___Company_____ to abide by the applicable requirements of the City Code, including but not limited to compliance with zoning and construction regulations. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager is empowered to execute any such forms as may be necessary for the DEED grant application. Adopted by the Edina City Council this 20th day of January, 2016. Attest: ___________________________ _____________________ Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing City Council Minutes is a true and correct copy of the Resolution duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its regular meeting of January 20, 2016, and as recorded in the Minutes of said regular meeting. WITNESS, my hand and seal of said City this ______ day of________________________, 2016. _______________________________ Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk January 20, 2016 Mayor and Council Members Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Resolution 2016-16; Supporting DEED Grant for New Business Information / Background: The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) administers a financial incentive program to attract new and expanding business investment in the State. The Job Creation Fund (JCF) provides up to $1 million in financial reimbursement for creating or retaining high-paying jobs and for constructing or renovating facilities. Additional information about this program can be found here: http://mn.gov/deed/business/financing-business/deed-programs/job- creation-fund.jsp. A national medical device company is seeking to expand in Edina. They are also considering another location in California. Working in conjunction with DEED and Greater MSP, the City would like to show its support for this new business investment that could result in up to 100 new high-wage jobs over the next 3-5 years. A Resolution expressing the City’s support is attached for City Council consideration. It should be noted that the City is not required to provide any matching financial contribution. This program is solely administered by the staff at DEED. Staff recommends the approval of this Resolution so that the offer can be made to the prospective business. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.K. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Other From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2016-17 Xerxes Avenue Sidewalk Cooperative Agreement Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve Resolution No. 2016-17 authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to sign the attached cooperative agreement with Hennepin County for the Xerxes Avenue Sidewalk (W 56th Street to W 60th Street). INTRODUCTION: Please recall that on April 7, 2015 Council approved Resolution 2015-34 supporting the application for Hennepin County 2015 Sidewalk cost participation for this project. Last year staff was informed that this application was successful, and that the County will contribute $100,000 (the maximum contribution) for the sidewalk project. This cooperative agreement is needed to detail the responsibilities of each party in regards to this project. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2016-17 Xerxes Avenue Sidewalk Improvements Cooperative Agreement RESOLUTION NO. 2016-17 Approving City of Edina and Hennepin County Xerxes Avenue Sidewalk Improvements Cooperative Agreement WHEREAS, Hennepin County has agreed to contribute a maximum of $100,000 to the City of Edina for a new sidewalk on County State Aid Highway No (CSAH) 31 (Xerxes Avenue) from W. 56th Street to W. 60th Street in 2016; and WHEREAS, the City or its agent shall be responsible for developing plans and specifications for the project; and WHEREAS, the City or its agent shall be responsible for administering construction of the project and have adequate personnel available to perform the construction staking, testing, inspection and development of as-built plans required on the project; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Mayor James B. Hovland and City Manager Scott H. Neal, are hereby authorized and directed for and on behalf of the City to execute and enter into a cooperative agreement with Hennepin County for Xerxes Avenue Sidewalk Improvements, a copy of which said agreement was before the City Council and which is made a part hereof by reference. Dated: January 20, 2016 Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 20, 2016, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______ day of __________, 20___. _______________________________ City Clerk Agreement No. PW 42-11-15 County Project No. 1538 County State Aid Highway No. 31 City of Edina County of Hennepin COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 20 by and between the County of Hennepin, a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County", and the City of Edina, a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City is proposing to construct a new sidewalk along the west side of County State Aid Highway No. (CSAH) 31 (Xerxes Avenue) between 56th Street and 60th Street, as shown on the plans the City Project Number (County Project Number 1538), hereinafter referred to as the "Project"; and WHEREAS, the above described Project lies within the corporate limits of the City; and WHEREAS, the City or its agents shall be responsible to develop the plans and specifications for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City has requested that the County approve said plans and specifications, and the County has indicated its willingness to approve said plans and specifications; and WHEREAS, the City or its agents shall be responsible for administering construction of the Project and has adequate personnel available to perform the construction staking, testing, inspection and development of as-built plans required on the Project; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared an estimate to construct the sidewalk in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($200,000.00); and WHEREAS, the Project is eligible for participation under Hennepin County's sidewalk cost participation policy; and WHEREAS, the County will participate in its share of the costs to construct the sidewalk along CSAH 31 as set forth herein; and 1 Agreement No. PW 42-11-15 CSAH 31: C.P. 1538 WHEREAS, it is contemplated that said work be carried out by the parties hereto under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 162.17, Subdivision 1 and Section 471.59. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREED: The City or its agents shall prepare the necessary plans, specifications, and proposal; obtain approval of said plans and specifications from the County; advertise for bids for the work and construction; receive and open bids pursuant to said advertisement; enter into a contract with the successful bidder at the unit prices specified in the bid of such bidder; administer the contract; and, perform the required engineering and inspection; all in accordance with said plans and specifications. The contract shall include the plans and specifications prepared by the City or its agents and approved by the County. Said plans and specifications shall conform to Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Design Standards applicable to County State Aid Highways and to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Attached is a copy of the MnDOT ADA Compliance Checklist (Curb Ramp) form. The City or its agents shall complete said form for each curb ramp constructed as part of the Project and return to the County. The City understands and agrees that payment will not be made by the County until all required ADA certification forms have been received and verified by the County. II Prior to beginning construction, the City shall furnish the County with two (2) complete sets of County approved plans and specifications for said Project. Upon completion of the Project, the City or its agents shall furnish the County with a complete set of as-built plans certified as to their accuracy by the City's Project Engineer. Said as-designed plans, specifications and as-built plans for the Project shall be furnished by the City at no cost to the County. III The City or its agents shall administer the construction contract and perform all required engineering, inspection and testing. All construction and materials sampling and testing for the Project shall be accomplished in accordance with all applicable standards and requirements of the Minnesota Department of Transportation's (MnDOT) State Aid for Local Transportation Division in effect at the time of Contract award. 2 Agreement No. PW 42-11-15 CSAH 31: C.P. 1538 The City shall also obtain, and comply with, any and all permits and approvals required from other governmental or regulatory agencies to accomplish the Project. Said permits and approvals shall be obtained prior to the start of any construction and made available to the County upon request. It is understood and agreed by the City that construction of the Project shall be completed to the satisfaction of the County within three years of the date this agreement has been signed by the parties hereto. IV The construction of this Project shall be under the supervision and direction of the City Engineer or designated representative. All work for the Project shall be completed in compliance with the County approved plans and specifications. The County Highway Engineer and representative staff shall have the right, as the work progresses, to enter upon the premises to make any inspections deemed necessary and shall cooperate with the City Engineer and staff at their request to the extent necessary. The County agrees that the City may make changes in the above referenced approved plans or in the character of said contract construction which are reasonably necessary to cause said construction to be in all things performed and completed in a satisfactory manner. It is further agreed by the County that the City may enter into any change orders or supplemental agreements with the City's contractor for the performance of any additional construction or construction occasioned by any necessary, advantageous or desirable changes in plans, within the original scope of the Project. The City shall obtain the approval of the County Highway Engineer or designated representative on said change orders or supplemental agreements. The County will respond to the City's request for approvals within seven (7) calendar days. V The City or its agents shall acquire all additional right of way, permits and/or easements required for the construction of said Project, at no cost to the County. Upon completion of this Project, all permanent right of way acquired for CSAH 31 as provided herein shall be conveyed to the County by the City with no consideration required. VI The County will participate in the construction costs for the sidewalk as provided herein. The County's cost participation share in the construction costs shall be fifty (50) percent. The City understands and agrees that the County's total cost participation for the Project shall not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($100,000.00) without an amendment to this Agreement. 3 Agreement No. PW 42-11-15 CSAH 31: C.P. 1538 Upon completion of the Project the City shall notify the County and submit an invoice for one hundred percent (100%) of the County's share of the costs for the Project. Upon approval of the completed Project by the County Engineer or designated representative, the County shall reimburse the City for its share of the costs for the Project. The City shall submit invoices to Mr. Robert Byers, Senior Professional Engineer or his successor at the Hennepin County Transportation Department, 1600 Prairie Drive, Medina, MN, 55340-5421. The County will within forty five (45) days of said invoice, deposit with the City funds totaling the amount of said invoice. VIII It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that upon completion of the Project, the sidewalk included in the Project shall be maintained by the City and all maintenance, restoration or repair required thereafter shall be performed by the City at no expense to the County. IX All records kept by the City and the County with respect to the Project shall be subject to examination by the representatives of each party hereto. X Each party agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts and the results thereof, to the extent authorized by the law, and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party and the results thereof. The County's and the City's liability is governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. The County and the City each warrant that they are able to comply with the aforementioned indemnity requirements through an insurance or self-insurance program. XI The City agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County, its officials, officers, agents, volunteers and employees, from any liabilities, claims, causes of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs or expenses, including, reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the City, its contractors, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them, and/or anyone for whose acts and/or omissions they may be liable for related to the ownership, maintenance, existence, restoration, repair or replacement of the improvements constructed as part of the Project. The City's liability shall be governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466 or other applicable law. 4 Agreement No. PW 42-11-15 CSAH 31: C.P. 1538 The County agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its officials, officers, agents, volunteers, and employees from any liability, claims, causes of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs, or expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting directly or indirectly from any act or omission of the County, its contractors, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them, and/or anyone for whose acts and/or omissions they may be liable related to the ownership, maintenance, existence, restoration, repair or replacement of the improvements constructed as part of the Project. The County's liability shall be governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466 or other applicable law. XII The City also agrees that any contract let by the City or its agents for the performance of the work on County State Aid Highway No. 31 as provided herein shall include clauses that will: 1) Require the Contractor to defend, indemnify, and hold the County, its officials, officers, agents and employees harmless from any liability, causes of action, judgments, damages, losses, costs or expenses including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of or by reason of the acts and/or omissions of the said Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors; 2) Require the Contractor to be an independent contractor for the purposes of completing the work provided for in this Agreement; and 3) Require the Contractor to provide and maintain insurance in accordance with the following: 1. Commercial General Liability on an occurrence basis with Contractual Liability and Explosion, Collapse and Underground Property Damage (XCU) Liability coverages: Limits General Aggregate $2,000,000 Products--Completed Operations Aggregate $2,000,000 Personal and Advertising Injury $1,500,000 Each Occurrence - Combined Bodily Injury and Property Damage $1,500,000 Hennepin County shall be named as an additional insured for the Commercial General Liability coverage with respect to operations covered under this Agreement. 2. Automobile Liability: Combined Single limit each occurrence coverage or the equivalent covering owned, non-owned, and hired automobiles: 3. Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability: $1,500,000 5 Agreement No. PW 42-11-15 CSAH 31: C.P. 1538 A. Workers' Compensation Statutory If the Contractor is based outside the State of Minnesota, coverages must apply to Minnesota laws. B. Employer's Liability - Bodily injury by: Accident - Each Accident $500,000 Disease - Policy Limit $500,000 Disease - Each Employee $500,000 4. Professional Liability — Per Claim $1,500,000 Aggregate $2,000,000 It understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the above listed Professional Liability insurance will not be required in any construction contract let by City if the City's Contractor is not required to perform design engineering as part of said construction contract. An umbrella or excess policy over primary liability coverages is an acceptable method to provide the required insurance limits. The above subparagraphs establish minimum insurance requirements. It is the sole responsibility of the City's Contractor to determine the need for and to procure additional insurance which may be needed in connection with said Project. All insurance policies shall be open to inspection by the County and copies of policies shall be submitted to the County upon written request. XIII It is further agreed that any and all employees of the City and all other persons engaged by the City in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall not be considered employees of the County, and that any and all claims that may or might arise under the Minnesota Economic Security Law or the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the County. Also, any and all employees of the County and all other persons engaged by the County in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall not be considered employees of the City, and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Agreement No. PW 42-11-15 CSAH 31: C.P. 1538 the Minnesota Economic Security Law or the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City. XIV In order to coordinate the services of the County with the activities of the City so as to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, the Hennepin County Highway Engineer or designated representative shall manage this Agreement on behalf of the County and serve as liaison between the County and the City. In order to coordinate the services of the City with the activities of the County so as to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, the City Engineer or designated representative shall manage this Agreement on behalf of the City and serve as liaison between the City and the County. XV It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement between the parties is contained herein and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. All items referred to in this Agreement are incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement. Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment to this Agreement signed by the parties hereto. XVI The whereas clauses are incorporated herein and are hereby made a part of this Agreement. XVII The provisions of Minnesota Statutes 181.59 and of any applicable local ordinance relating to civil rights and discrimination and the Affirmative Action Policy statement of Hennepin County shall be considered a part of this Agreement as though fully set forth herein. (this space left intentionally blank) 7 By: As t County Attorney Date: /AS APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: Agreement No. PW 42-11-15 CSAH 31: C.P. 1538 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF EDINA (Seal) By: Mayor Date: And: Manager Date: COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ATTEST: By: By: Deputy/Clerk of the County Board Chair of its County Board Date: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: And: County Administrator Date: And: Assistant County Administrator, Public Works Date: RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL By: By: Assistant County Attorney County Highway Engineer Date: Date: -8 4) Distance from the push button to the back of curb: (measured in the direction of the pedestrian travel in ft) 5) Distance between push buttons (ft): 6) Push button height (inches): Trunk Hwy Trunk Hwy Side Street Printed Name: Date (mm/dd/yyyy): 9) Has a 6' maintenance access route (MAR) been maintained? 0 Yes 0 No 10) Are push buttons situated at least 2' away from both the back of walk and ramp grade break? 11) Are all newly constructed hand-hole(s) located outside of pedestrian access route (PAR)? 12) Push buttons placed according to the plan details? If no, please describe/explain: 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No MnDOT ADA Compliance Checklist for APS SP: City: District: Intersection: Quadrant: Construction Year: Compile all relevant document (photos, notes, etc) of the completed quadrant and send to ADAComplianceChecklists.dot@state.mn.us 1) Are push button stations placed and push button faces oriented in accordance with standards? 2) Is there a minimum 4' x 4' landing adjacent to each push button? 3) Distance from crosswalk edge to push button face (ft): 0 Yes ONo 0 Yes 0 No Trunk Hwy Side Street Side Street 7) Push button side reach (inches): Trunk Hwy Side Street 8) Is APS system fully compliant? 0 Yes 0 No If NO, check one of the following reasons why. Explain why the component(s) didn't meet compliance (see ADA Compliance Checklist Guidance for additional directions). 0 Topography 0 Structure(s) El Utilities CI Contractor El MnDOT 0 I certify that the information entered on this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I fully understand the checklist standards and am qualified to carry out the inspection. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.L. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Mark K. Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner Item Activity: Subject:Traffic Safety Report of December 2, 2015 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Review and approve the Traffic Safety Report of December 2, 2015. INTRODUCTION: The Edina Transportation Commission (ETC) reviewed the December 2, 2015 Traffic Safety Report at their December 17 meeting and moved to forward the report to the City Council for approval; see attached draft minutes. ATTACHMENTS: Description Traffic Safety Report of December 2, 2015 Draft Minutes, ETC, Dec. 17, 2015 December 02, 2015 Edina Transportation Commission Joseph Totten, Traffic Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety Report of December 02, 2015 Information / Background: The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on December 02. The Public Works Director, City Engineer, Transportation Planner, Traffic Safety Coordinator, Sign Coordinator, and Assistant City Planner were in attendance for this meeting. From these reviews, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have been contacted and staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, these comments can be included on the December 17 Edina Transportation Commission and the January 19 City Council reports and agendas. Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action A1. Request for improvements to the crosswalk across Cahill Road, north of Amundson Avenue A request came for improving the crosswalk across Cahill Road, north of Amundson Avenue. This request was prompted by a crash witnessed by the requester between a motor vehicle and pedestrian in this crosswalk after sundown. The requestor believed that a lack of lighting of this crosswalk was to blame for the crash, and either better lighting or signalization would increase the visibility of crossings. The police report has not been added to the state’s database and crash map, but records from the police department show that this crash did occur, but also that the pedestrian was intoxicated and seemed to Map : The crossing in question is circled, the three-way intersection at the top of this map is 70th and Cahill. STAFF REPORT Page 2 have left the curb quickly and without warning. The crosswalk is currently lit, and the City of Edina has no written standards for the amount of light needed for roadways within the city. Visiting the site after dark did not show a deficiency of light, as perceived by the Traffic Safety Coordinator. A gap analysis was performed for the crosswalk, with a width of 34 feet, the needed crossing gap was calculated as 13 seconds. Evening peak hours, from 4-6 PM were analyzed and from 4:45-5:45 PM the average of 2.75 gaps per five minute interval. This number of gaps warrants improvement to the crosswalk. The full crosswalk warrants are listed in appendix A. After review, this site was seen to meet warrants for further signalization of the crossing. The placement of rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) signalization in this location is recommended. However, due to funding constraints, the placement of this signal will be deferred and evaluated alongside other current and future recommended RRFB installations to determine priority and time of installation as funding becomes available. A2. Request for staff comments and approval of a crosswalk to be added across West 66th Street with new development at Barrie Rd. Near a upcoming approved development of homeless adolescent housing at 66th Street and Barrie Road, the developer requests that the traffic safety committee investigate a crosswalk to be added to the intersection to connect to Southdale Mall employment, shopping and transit destinations. The developer would pay for such a crossing as part of the redevelopment agreement. Currently, there is a signalized intersection one block east and half of a block (250’) west of the intersection. Due to the development not being completed at this time a pedestrian volume study has not been performed. The proposed crossing would would significantly reduce the walking distance to Metro Transit’s Southdale Transit Center. If a crosswalk were installed in this location, it would allow access to the transit center, with some protection at 665 feet. Whereas using the crosswalks currently would result in a minimum distance of 1240 feet. 66th Street is a county road in this location, and classified as a minor arterial, thus this crosswalk would be required to have at least RRFB signalization installed. There is also a wide median in this location, which could be used as a pedestrian refuge area. After review, staff recommends adding crossing improvements to this intersection. It was seen as unlikely that pedestrians would cross at the lights and add several hundred feet to their crossings, and the corner of Barrie and W. 66th Street is an intersection and therefore has legal crosswalks. Improvements suggested include addition of RRFB flashers and altering the median to support a pedestrian refuge area. W. 66th Street is a County road in this location, and this recommendation is only representative of the City of Edina position, and Map : The development and transit station are marked with a star, the intersection in question is circled. Photo : Crosswalk in question STAFF REPORT Page 3 installation of any pedestrian improvements must be approved by Hennepin County. UPDATE: Hennepin County staff does not support this crosswalk (see Appendix B). Section B: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends no action B1. Installation of pedestrian flags at various crosswalks, such as to allow pedestrians to carry a flag across the street, increasing visibility, safety, and making the area more pedestrian friendly. There have been two recent requests for the City of Edina to install handheld pedestrian flags at crosswalks so that pedestrians may use them for further visibility. Staff contacted the cities of Eagan, Saint Louis Park, Seattle, Berkeley, Salt Lake City and Saint Paul. Maintaining the flags has been an issue in every city; Eagan reported having all their flags missing within eight months of implementation at their sole crossing, Seattle was unable to evaluate if the flags were effective or not because it was too difficult to keep them stocked, and Saint Louis Park had its flags all go missing within a week of installation. Few cities contacted maintained any flags, relying on sponsors from the community to maintain and stock the flags. In a literature review on the topic, it was found that yielding rates of drivers, when pedestrian flags are used, was higher than signage and marking of crosswalks alone, but less than crosswalks which utilize in-street pedestrian signs (46-80% yielding rates, with not staged crossings averaging 74% yielding vs. 82-94% yielding with a 90% observational average for not staged crossings)1. Different cities have seen wide discrepancies in how the flags were used by pedestrians crossing the street, with only 2% of pedestrians in Berkeley using the flags for their intended purposes, but 14% in Salt Lake City using the flags as they crossed the street. As a reference, the same study referenced that 35% of pedestrians push the buttons for a walk signal or RRFB2. While not discussing the presence of flags themselves, an article did find that simply raising, or extending one’s hand into the crosswalk was effective in increasing the chances that drivers would yield to the pedestrian3. In a conversation with Salt Lake City’s engineering department, the flags also highlight the existence of a crosswalk, even when they are not being used and sitting in the cups on the side of the road. The Traffic Safety Coordinator observed crossings on Grand Avenue in Saint Paul, which is a three lane road and has an average daily traffic of about 14,300 at the location observed, additional crossings were also staged. Only the Traffic Safety Coordinator’s staged crossings used the pedestrian flags. No significant difference was seen in yielding behavior with these two crossing strategies, but what was seen is that the act of taking a flag often delayed the crossing, whereas crossing without a flag often let pedestrians begin their crossing immediately. Of Saint Paul’s five crossings which had flags installed on Grand Avenue, only two were seen to have any flags remaining. After review, staff recommends that the City of Edina not utilize pedestrian flags as a city program. This recommendation was made considering the difficulty of maintaining these crossings and the questionable effect of these flags in their applications were central issues for implementation. In discussions with the requestors after the recommendation had been made it was further clarified that while the City of Edina would not participate in a flag program, if neighbors wished to create such a program using private property and funding that would be within their rights. 1 Shawn Turner, Kay Fitzpatrick, Marcus Brewer, and Eun Park Motorist Yielding to Pedestrians at Unsignalized Intersections: Findings from a National Study on Improving Pedestrian Safety Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2006 1982:, 1-12 2 Cottrell, Wayne ; Pal, Dharminder Evaluation of Pedestrian Data Needs and Collection Efforts Transportation Research Record, 1/1/2003, Vol.1828 3 Crowley-Koch, B. J., Van Houten, R. and Lim, E. (2011), Effects of Pedestrian Prompts on Motorist Yielding at Crosswalks. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44: 121–126. doi: 10.1901/jaba.2011.44-121 STAFF REPORT Page 4 Section D : Other items handled by traffic safety D1. At 44th Street and Wooddale Avenue, a resident was concerned with school bus yielding rates. A camera was placed to identify times of school buses in the area, and to observe if/when motorists are not stopping when the bus arm was extended. This data was sent to police for enforcement. D2. Various residents asked for traffic count data on 44th Street, near France Avenue. This information was provided from our databases and the State of Minnesota’s traffic mapping application. D3. A resident wrote about reducing the speed limit on Valley View Road, between TH 62 and TH 100, which segment of Valley View Road which does this was not noted in the request. Contact was made asking for more information as well as explaining some of the challenges to such a change. No further comments have been received. D4. A request concerning the westbound TH 62 exits at France Avenue and the lane assignments of the light was received. The requestor was forwarded to Hennepin County and MnDOT for this as the county controls this signal, but the ramp is on state right-of-way. D5. A request was received for the installation of a bus shelter on 65th Street, across from the Fairview Medical Center. The requestor was forwarded to Metro Transit, and provided with 2013 boarding and alighting data from the stop, which indicated many fewer than the required boardings took place at this stop, as it is mostly used for alighting passengers. This was confirmed by Metro Transit in a phone conversation. D6. A request was received for the installation of in-street pedestrian signs at the intersections of Benton Avenue, and Normandale Road, on the east and west of TH 100. These signs were requested due to dangerous maneuvers by drivers in these areas. These approaches to the intersection are already controlled by stop signs, and thus cannot receive these additional signs, as these messages would conflict with each other. However, this request came with specific times for high risk and has been forwarded to the police department for enforcement. Appendix A: Crosswalk Warrants A. Marked crosswalks are placed at locations that are unusually hazardous or at locations not readily apparent as having pedestrian movement. B. Marked crosswalks will only be placed in an area that has 20 or more pedestrian crossings in a two- hour period. C. Marking for crosswalks will be established by measuring the “Vehicle Gap Time”. This is the total number of gaps between vehicular traffic recorded during the average five minute period in the peak hour. Criteria for markings are: 1) More than five gaps – pavement marking and signage only. 2) Less than five gaps – add actuated pedestrian signals. D. Crosswalks will not be placed on arterial roads or roads with a speed limit greater than 30 mph unless in conjunction with signalization. E. Other conditions that warrant crosswalks: 1) Routes to schools 2) Locations adjacent to libraries, community centers, and other high use public facilities. 3) Locations adjacent to public parks. 4) Locations where significant numbers of handicapped persons cross a street. 5) Locations where significant numbers of senior citizens cross a street. F. Crosswalks will only be placed at intersections. From:Robert H. Byers To:Mark K. Nolan Subject:RE: Proposed RRFB crosswalk at 66th St & Barrie Rd Date:Wednesday, January 06, 2016 4:44:14 PM Hi Mark – Happy New Year! Yes, thanks for the reminder – I did promise to get you some written comments on the crosswalk proposal. As our group discussed the Barrie Road crossing on December 8th, I heard the following comments: · Although indirect, it did not seem unreasonable to expect folks to walk the 250-300 foot distance to the west to the existing crossing at the Southdale exit. Our draft evaluation guidelines would normally use a 500 foot threshold. · If the existing crosswalk on 66th Street is used, the walking route within Southdale to the Metro Transit Hub Station is only partially served by sidewalks (although the walking route did not appear to be too difficult). · If the Barrie Road crosswalk was developed, a walkway connection would need to be provided on the south side of 66th Street to the exit driveway near Schlotzsky’s. Once a pedestrian entered into the Southdale property, the walking route would have similar gaps similar to those from the existing crossing location. · It was suspected that the usage of a crossing at Barrie Road would not meet the evaluation threshold of 15 persons per hour (as used in our guidelines). · It appears that bus service is available with a bus stop right in front of the building (served by Routes 515 and 6U). · Some members felt that education and encouragement could be provided for the Youth Hostel residents showing them the best route to the Metro Transit Hub Station. We certainly would be willing to discuss this further with you, especially if you think we’ve missed something or are incorrectly evaluating the situation. - Bob Bob Byers, P.E. Hennepin County Transportation Planning 1600 Prairie Drive Medina, MN 55340-5421 (612) 596-0354 From: Mark K. Nolan [mailto:MNolan@EdinaMN.gov] Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 1:27 PM To: Robert H. Byers <Robert.Byers@hennepin.us> Subject: Proposed RRFB crosswalk at 66th St & Barrie Rd Bob, I hope all is well. When we last spoke of this subject, I believe you stated that your committee did not approve of this crosswalk (proposed by a developer). Can you provide something in writing, perhaps stating reasons for this? I just want to be sure I convey the correct information to staff, the developer and the Transportation Commission. Thanks, Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner 952-826-0322 | Fax 952-826-0392 MNolan@EdinaMN.gov | www.EdinaMN.gov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business Disclaimer: If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please immediately notify the sender of the transmission error and then promptly delete this message from your computer system. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: 1 Minutes City Of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission Community Room December 17, 2015, 6:00 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair Bass called the meeting to order. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were members Bass, Boettge, Ding, Iyer, LaForce, Loeffelholz, Nelson, Olson, Ruehl, and Spanhake. Absent at roll call were member Janovy. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by member Nelson and seconded by member LaForce approving the meeting agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by member LaForce and seconded by member Iyer approving the edited Nov. 17, 2015, minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Reports/Recommendations VII.A. Traffic Safety Report of Dec. 2, 2015 A.1. How long would it be until funding is available? Planner Nolan said one to two years. A suggestion was made to identify data that could be used for a more holistic approach to installation, for example, Metro Transit data for ridership, number of children in the neighborhood, etc. A.2. Did staff approved a crosswalk before there was a demonstrated need? Yes, said planner Nolan based on engineering judgment and expected future use. He said the crosswalk may not be installed because it is dependent on Hennepin County’s approval and it is likely they will not approve it. If not approved, the crosswalk 250 ft. to the west at the signalized intersection will be restriped. D.1. The second sentence needs to be edited. Motion was made by member Nelson and seconded by member Iyer to forward the Dec. 2, 2015, Traffic Safety Report to City Council. All voted aye. Motion carried. VI. Calendar of Events XI.A. Schedule of Meeting Dates/Events VII. Adjournment at 8:10 p.m. Draft Minutes☒ Approved Minutes☐ Approved Date: 2 TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE J F M A M J* J A S O N D SM WS # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 NAME TERM (Enter Date) 6/17 Bass, Katherine 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 92% Boettge, Emily 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 92% Ding, Emily 9/1/2016 1 1 1 3 75% Iyer, Surya 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 85% LaForce, Tom 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 92% Loeffelholz, Ralf 3/1/2018 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 82% Janovy, Jennifer 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 85% Nelson, Paul 3/1/2016 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 100% Olson, Larry 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 92% Whited, Courtney 2/1/2015 1 1 100% Spanhake, Dawn 3/1/2017 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 92% Ruehl, Lindsey 9/1/2016 1 1 1 1 4 100% Rummel, Anna 9/1/2015 1 1 1 3 23% Campbell, Jack 9/1/2015 1 1 1 1 4 31% *cancelled Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.M. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Brian E. Olson, Director of Public Works Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase: Southdale Tower Rehab - Professional Services Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Staff recommends hiring Bolton & Menk Consulting Engineers for Design, Construction Administration and Construction Inspections for the Southdale Water Tower painting for a cost not to exceed $47,940 INTRODUCTION: Southdale Tower was inspected in May 2015 by third party firm; Bolton & Menk did the engineered review and recommendations of said inspection. Based on their familiarity with the project, staff feels Bolton & Menk is best equipped to provide this service. The City of Edina has a Professional Services contract with Bolton & Menk. ATTACHMENTS: Description Southdale Tower Rehabilitation Professional Services Proposal December 21, 2015 Mr. Brian Olson Public Works Director City of Edina 7450 Metro Blvd. Edina, MN 55439 RE: 500,000 Gallon Water Tower Rehabilitation Proposal (West 69th Street and France Ave) Engineering Design, Construction Administration and Construction Observation Services Dear Brian, The France Avenue Water Tower project is a relatively standard coating project; Bolton & Menk, Inc. has the experience and qualifications to team with the City of Edina to deliver a successful project. This letter highlights our Team Qualifications; Project Understanding; Proposed Scope of Work; Schedule and Compensation; and allows for Execution of the Agreement. I. TEAM QUALIFICATIONS We believe our team is equipped to provide you with outstanding value for the following reasons: Strong Project Management– Steve Nelson will serve as Project Manager for this project. With more than 24 years of experience he has extensive knowledge in the planning, design, inspection, and construction administration of public works projects involving water supply, distribution, storage, and treatment. Steve has been the project manager for many complex metropolitan area renovation projects and he will use that expertise to ensure a successful project for the City. In addition, Seth Peterson will serve as Principal-in-Charge, bringing over 20 years of experience. Seth will assist the project team in delivering a successful project from the initial kick-off meeting through final completion. Excellent Technical Staff – James Connor is a Certified Protective Coatings and Welding Specialist who began his career in 1988. He is certified NACE III and also a Certified Welding Inspector with extensive experience working on various towers and coating systems. His responsibilities include performing both shop and field observations, testing, inspections, performing facility audits, administering training and performance qualifications, and examinations of both protective coatings and various metal products. Protective coating observations, inspection, and testing include both metal and concrete substrates. We also have additional NACE staff that will assist James throughout the project. Mr. Brian Olson December 21, 2015 Page 2 N:\Proposals\Edina\Tower Renovation France Ave\Edina Tower Rehab Proposal final.doc II. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The following recommendations are based on the information provided in the most recent inspection report completed in the summer of 2015. As part of the Pre-Design services, Bolton & Menk, Inc. includes a cursory tower evaluation to assure that all necessary rehabilitation items and recommended upgrades have been identified. 1. INTERIOR WET STRUCTURAL a) Remove and replace coatings with AWWA approved protective coatings system. b) Remove any weld bracket scab marks, weld spatter and other surface defects below the HWL by arc gouging, cutting torch, or grinding. Repair the surface as necessary by welding and grinding. 2. INTERIOR WET COATING a) Remove and replace the interior-wet coatings with AWWA approved protective coatings system using abrasive blast to prepare the surfaces to a SSPC-SP-10 “Near White Metal Blast” and State-of-the-Art coatings. 3. INTERIOR DRY STRUCTURAL a) Temporarily remove the insulation and jacket on the inlet/outlet pipe. Remove and replace the coatings on the inlet/outlet pipe. Reinstall and replace any loose, missing, or broken insulation and reinstall the metal jacket. b) Modify the top or second landing to contain all condensation from passing below. Install a landing drain with piping to the overflow pipe. 4. INTERIOR DRY COATING a) Remove and replace existing coatings of landings, inlet/outlet pipe, and any necessary “spots” of corrosion for the remaining surfaces of the interior-dry coatings with AWWA approved protective coatings system using abrasive blast to prepare the surfaces to a SSPC- SP-6 “Commercial Blast” and State-of-the-Art coatings. 5. EXTERIOR STRUCTURAL a) Remove existing and install a new “frost free” 24-inch diameter pressure-vacuum relief type removable vent on the on the tower roof. b) Modify and extend the overflow pipe to discharge in a downward position at 12” to 24” above ground level. Install a new overflow pipe screen retainer and screen meeting MDH regulations. c) Install a concrete splash pad below the overflow pipe discharge. d) Modify the “painters hatch” located at the top landing to divert all rain water from entering the interior portion of the tower. e) Remove existing and install a new LED type aviation obstruction light. 6. EXTERIOR COATING a) Remove and replace the exterior coatings with AWWA approved protective coatings system using abrasive blast to prepare the surfaces to a SSPC-SP-6 “Commercial Blast” and State-of- the-Art coatings. Mr. Brian Olson December 21, 2015 Page 3 N:\Proposals\Edina\Tower Renovation France Ave\Edina Tower Rehab Proposal final.doc 7. SITE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS a) Install a full containment system that complies with Minnesota Rules for air quality and control of dust and fugitive emissions. III. PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK 1. DESIGN SERVICES a) Review any existing inspection report. Complete site review to gather visual condition assessment and dimensioning for improvements. Recommendations will be presented prior to preparation of final plans and specifications based on our findings. b) Provide cost-benefit analysis of various coatings systems. Analysis to include coatings system cost versus expected life of systems. c) Prepare specifications and bidding documents to complete the work described previously in this letter. The drawings and specifications will be submitted for review and approval. Paint process quality, including surface preparation, prime application and final color coating is very important for a water tank rehabilitation project. We will assist the City with a review and recommendation of a cost effective, long service life, “State-of-the-Art” coatings system. d) Prepare final construction cost estimate prior to bidding. 2. BIDDING SERVICES a) Advertise project for bids. b) Print and distribute bidding documents to prospective bidders. c) Answer questions from contractors during bidding and issue addenda as necessary. d) Attend the bid opening and evaluate the bids. e) Provide a recommendation to the City regarding award of the construction contract. 3. CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Construction Administration We will serve as the City’s professional representative at the project site. Our proposal includes project management and contract administration throughout construction. We will provide the following construction administration tasks throughout the construction period: a) Attend and conduct a pre-construction conference with the Contractor and City Staff. b) Review and distribute all shop drawings submitted by the Contractor. c) Review and make recommendation for applications for payment submitted by the Contractor. d) Administer the contract and prepare modifications as necessary. e) Communicate with the Resident Project Representative (RPR), and the City as necessary. f) Prepare and distribute contractor punch lists. g) Maintain office files for shop drawings, field inspection reports, applications for payment, field orders, change orders, etc. Construction Observation The construction observer will serve the following roles for this project: a) Serve as the liaison with the Contractor superintendent. Mr. Brian Olson December 21, 2015 Page 4 N:\Proposals\Edina\Tower Renovation France Ave\Edina Tower Rehab Proposal final.doc b) Provide critical point construction observation and determine if the work is proceeding in general accordance with the Contract Documents and AWWA standards. Inspection time includes part time construction observation for a project duration of 10-12 weeks with an average of five (5) construction observation site visits per week. c) Assist in helping the Contractor understand the intent of the Contract Documents and communicate with the design team whenever necessary. d) Maintain job site files for shop drawings, correspondence, field inspection reports, field orders, change orders, etc. e) Review the Contractor’s applications for payments with the Engineer. IV. SCHEDULE AND COMPENSATION 1. PROJECT SCHEDULE We will begin with the project design immediately after authorization. We expect the construction of the project should take approximately 10 to 12 weeks. An estimated schedule for completion of the project, including key milestones, is tabulated below. Task Dates* Design Jan 2016 City Authorization to Advertise for Bids Feb 2016 Bid Opening March 2016 Award Construction Contract Spring 2016 Begin Construction Summer 2016 Substantial Completion (Tank in Service) Summer/Fall 2016 Final Completion Fall 2016 * Schedule will be adjusted to meet City’s schedule. 2. COMPENSATION We propose a not to exceed fixed fee of $11,425 for the design and bidding of the tank rehabilitation. We propose an hourly not-to-exceed fee of $36,515 for construction related services. This amount is based upon a 10 week construction duration and will not be exceeded without prior authorization from the City of Edina. All services will be invoiced monthly Task Fee I. Design Services and II. Bidding Services – Fixed Fee $11,425 III. Construction Services (Part Time Inspection - 200 inspection hours) – Hourly Not-to-Exceed $36,515 Total Design, Bidding, and Construction Services $47,940 Mr. Brian Olson December 21, 2015 Page 5 N:\Proposals\Edina\Tower Renovation France Ave\Edina Tower Rehab Proposal final.doc V. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Bolton & Menk can provide additional services for this project as directed by the City. Additional services may include: a) Coordination for removal and reinstallation of telecommunications equipment that is mounted to the tank would be an extra service. • All telecommunications equipment needs to be removed from the tower prior to commencement of the project work. • This proposal assumes there is no private sector telecommunications equipment on the tank. • Bolton & Menk can provide lease review services to verify if coordination expenses are covered by the provider. Based on the lease terms and conditions with the providers, this additional service may be reimbursable to the City from the provider so there should be no charge to the City. b) Additional Construction Services - Additional services, if requested by the City, will be invoiced on the basis of actual hours spent at current billing rates. 200 hours of construction observation time is included in our proposal and is based on a 10 week construction period and 20 hours per week of inspection. 20 Hours per week will be adequate for a reliable contractor, if the contract is awarded to a contractor who requires a higher level of supervision, then more than 20 hours per week of inspection may be deemed appropriate. We do not anticipate exceeding 30 hours per week, regardless of the contractor, and this would only lead to a $13,500 increase in inspection costs. We should have a good feel for which contractors may warrant added inspection hours when the plan holders list if developed. VI. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT This Letter of Agreement shall be the basis of work by Bolton & Menk, Inc. on the project described in this letter. If you are in agreement with the terms, please execute this Letter Agreement with proper signature and return one copy to our office. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our proposed approach or fees please do not hesitate to contact me (ph: 612-756-1032; Email: bradde@bolton-menk.com). Respectfully Submitted, BOLTON & MENK, INC. Brad DeWolf, P.E. President/CEO Accepted this _______ day of _______________, 2015. City of Edina By ___________________________________ Name/Title Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV.N. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Request For Purchase From:Debra Fields, Southwest Metro Training Facilities Director Item Activity: Subject:Request for Purchase – Construction Contract South Metro Public Safety Training Facility Building Expansion Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the Request For Purchase Awarding the Southwest Training Facility Contract to Tarraf Construction INTRODUCTION: The proposed expansion to the Southwest Training Facility has been in the planning stages for several years. The project is now ready to move to construction with the award of contract to the recommended bidder, Tarraf Construction. ATTACHMENTS: Description Request For Purchase Southwest Training Facility Expansion Construction Manager Letter Bidder Tabulation Summary of Project Cost Plans For Training Facility Expansion Cooperative Agreement Amendment 2016 Census Report City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 January 20, 2016 Mayor & City Council ☒ ☐ Debra Fields, Facilities Director Request for Purchase – Construction Contract South Metro Public Safety Training Facility Building Expansion September 18, 2015 October 8, 2015 Tarraf Construction $731,800 Soft costs: $248,200 Total costs: $980,000 Recommended Quote or Bid: Tarraf Construction Information/Background: The project will consist of a new one-hundred seat classroom with a movable wall to split the room 60/40. The lobby and office area will be redesigned to better accommodate public users of the facilities. The lunchroom/breakout area will be expanded, storage will be added, as well as an extended entryway and remodeled women’s room. This project has been on the list of capital improvement projects since 2008. In addition, at the November 13, 2015, Board Meeting, the South Metro Public Safety Training Facility Board of Directors unanimously approved moving forward with expansion project starting with obtaining approvals from governing bodies. The Bloomington and Eden Prairie City Councils and the Metropolitan Airports Commission have approved the project at December and January meetings. Attachments: Construction Manager Letter Bidder Tabulation Summary Of Project Cost Plans For Training Facility Expansion REQUEST FOR PURCHASE Page 2 IN EXCESS OF $20,000/CHANGE ORDER City of Edina • 4801 W. 50th St. • Edina, MN 55424 Cooperative Agreement Amendment 2016 Census Report 1 OERTEL ARCHITECTS 1795 SAINT CLAIR AVENUE, SAINT PAUL, MN 55105 TEL: 651/696-5186 FAX: 651/696-5188 DATE:October 14, 2015 RE:South Metro Public Safety Training Facility Project Attn: Deb Fields Memo on bid results MEMORANDUM______________________________________________________________ The following is a summary of the bidding results and a few related items: 1. A total of 14 bids were received for the expansion project on October 8 (please see attached). There were no problems or issues in receiving and collecting the bids, as you know. Prior to 2010, a large number of bidders was not uncommon for us, however, this was the largest number of bidders we have had on a public project since that time: The bidding climate between 2012 and 2015 did not favor owners. The high level of interest was likely based on the current bidding conditions favoring owners (which have changed considerably since earlier this year), the timing of the bids in the fall and getting “the word” out. 2. As background, we prepared a final cost estimate for the most current design on July 30, 2015. Not including soft costs, contingency and ‘upward potential,” our construction estimate was $776,000.00. 3. The most recent estimate would have been higher except the board accepted our recommendation to use stucco instead of precast concrete walls, since the concrete wall panel systems have escalated in price over the years. 4. The low bid amounted to $709,000.00, with an add-alternate for the operable walls of $22,800.00. This was submitted by Tarraf Construction. Of the 14 bids, three of them were below our estimate and another five were within 2% of our estimate. A few of the bids were way out of range. 5. We were advised by contractors that the range of their bids mostly had to do with the range of bids from the subs. It is just speculation but it is possible some companies were bidding work based on a mindset from the past few years of relatively high bids while others likely needed the work and needed to be aggressive in order to win a job. 6. We had a few concerns with the low bid. First, we never worked with Tarraf and yet worked with nine of the other bidders. Second, Tarraf’s bid was a bit low relative to many of the bids. 7. Early Monday morning, we asked Tarraf to verify the numbers, review the scope with their 2 proposed subcontractor and provide some assurance that they were able to perform the work as specified. 8. Late Tuesday, I received notice from Tarraf that they reviewed their scope and sub-bids, are quite comfortable with their bid and will be happy to proceed in accepting a contract. It would not be appropriate for me to ask for breakdowns and details on the all work, short of a signed contract, so I will accept the fact that they are covered and able to perform the work as bid. I did find out, however, that they worked on two other firing ranges and a fire tower. 9. Given the above, we would recommend that SMPSTF negociate a contract with Tarraf and proceed with construction. We can assist as necessary. 10. Since we are under budget, including the operable wall alternate in the contract would be recommended at the onset. I recall a discussion with the board where it was stated that this would be preferred, for all the reasons as discussed. 11. In addition, an idea was offered to include a canopy extension at the front entrance, which did not get into the bid documents. While this is not a “make or break” item, we can obtain a cost for this, for the board to consider, as we get started. 12. Note that there are a few other cost related items to attend to. By code, a special inspector will need to be hired, as should a testing company. Budget costs for this were included in our memo from 7/30/2015. 13. The contractor’s schedule is an important part of the work and yet the most nebulous. With a late fall start, and the anticipated board meeting moved out a week, it is uncertain if the weather will cooperate this year or not. This project could have a spring start or start immediately after contract and then postponed until the warmer weather breaks. The required completion date in fall of 2016 would remain the same, regardless. Should it be important for the project to be completed earlier, the work can be performed over the entire winter, provided there is temporary heat and enclosure. We can request a cost from the contractor for these “winter conditions” so that the project can be done by May of 2016. It is only a guess on my part, but this could be in the range of an additional $30,000.00. 14. As I mentioned in a previous email, if the work starts in the fall, is postponed over the winter and then starts again in the spring of 2016, I would request some money to drop an interior footing, so this does not move with any freeze-thaw conditions. This may be about $2,000.00 to $3,000.00. I did not want to include this in the bid as it remains uncertain if it is necessary. 15. Finally, as noted in a previous memo, we strongly recommend allowing us to work with a contingency during the construction, which would be used for field condition, minor adds or any requested items; all the more important with a renovation. This might amount about $40,000.00. Please contact me with any questions or direction you ro the board may have. Oertel Architects Jeff Oertel, president Ba s e  Bi d Re c v ' d   ad d .  1  & 2 Bo n d Al t .  #1 ‐   IN S T A L L A T I O N  AN D  MA T E R I A L S  RELATED  TO  THE  OPERABLE   WA L L  SY S T E M  AN D  TR A C K ,  AN  ADDED  AMOUNT  OF: Bi d d e r x    A  & L  CO N S T R U C T I O N $2 0 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 x x $2 2 , 2 0 0 . 0 0 x xx $2 0 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 x x $9 4 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 x x x $7 8 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 x $8 4 9 , 4 0 0 . 0 0 x $7 0 9 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 x $7 8 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $7 9 3 , 2 0 0 . 0 0    DE R I N G  PI E R S O N  GR O U P $7 2 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0    ME T ‐CO N  CO N S T R U C T I O N    SH E E H Y  CO N S T R U C T I O N    TA R R A F  CO N S T R U C T I O N    TE R R A N O V A  CO N S T R U C T I O N    EB E R T  CO N S T R U C T I O N $2 2 , 8 0 0 . 0 0 $1 9 , 6 0 0 . 0 0 $2 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $2 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $2 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0    TE R R A  GE N E R A L  CO N T R A C T O R S $4 5 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 x x $2 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0    M.  MA G N U S O N  CO N S T R U C T I O N OE R T E L A R C H I T E C T S , L T D . SO U T H  ME T R O  PU B L I C  SA F E T Y  TR A I N I N G  FA C I L I T Y  (1 0 ‐08 ‐20 1 5 ,  2: 0 0 P M ) xx $2 1 , 0 0 0 . 0 0    MA E R T E N S ‐BR E N N Y      PR O J E C T  ON E  CO N S T R U C T I O N    RO C H O N  CO R P . $2 3 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 x x x x    CM  CO N S T R U C T I O N $8 4 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $9 4 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $7 8 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0    J. S .  CA T E S  CO N S T R U C T I O N $2 2 , 5 0 0 . 0 0 xxxx $7 2 8 , 9 0 0 . 0 0 $7 8 5 , 2 0 7 . 0 0 $8 5 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 $8 7 9 , 7 0 0 . 0 0 $2 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 xx Furnishings $55,599 Media/AV $55,338 Security $19,552 Carpeting $11,276 Upward potential $37,000 Contingency $38,000 Wall system $22,800 recommended Cold weather construction $30,000 optional $269,565 total soft costs $709,000 construction costs $978,565 TOTAL project costs PROJECT SITE PLAN & EXTERIOR VIEWS SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY ENTRY VIEW S.E. CORNER VIEWSITE PLAN 7252 BREAMAR BLVD. EDINA, MINNESOTA SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY INTERIOR VIEWS SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY ENTRY HALLWAY RECEPTION WINDOW ENTRY LOBBY INTERIOR VIEWS SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY TRAINING ROOM INTERIOR VIEWS SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY TRAINING ROOM A2TRAINING ROOM A1 BREAK ROOM/COMMONSBREAK ROOM/COMMONS PROJECT FLOOR PLAN & WALL SECTION SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY South Metro Public Safety Training Facility Amendment to Joint Powers Agreement - Page 1 184086v1 AMENDMENT TO JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT SOUTH METRO PUBLIC SAFETY TRAINING FACILITY THIS AMENDMENT is made December ___, 2015 between the City of Bloomington, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Bloomington"), the City of Eden Prairie, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Eden Prairie"), the City of Edina, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Edina"), and the Metropolitan Airports Commission, a Minnesota public corporation ("MAC"). 1. Background. The Parties entered into a Joint Powers Agreement (“JPA”) for the South Metro Public Safety Training Facility dated September 4, 2001. That Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as amended by this Agreement. 2. Major Improvement Authorized. The Board has solicited bids for the construction of improvements to the Training Facility. The board is authorized to approve a construction contract for the improvements on behalf of the Association with the low bidder. 3. Payment of Costs of Construction and Equipping of Facility. The Bid for constructing the improvements is $709,000. The total cost including furnishings, soft costs and a contingency is estimated to be between $900,000 and $980,000. Each Member agrees to pay a proportion of the costs in accordance with the Cost Sharing Formula. Based upon an estimate of $980,000 the estimated cost share of each member is set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto. 4. Fiscal Agent. The City of Edina will act as the fiscal agent for the Association during the construction of the Facility. Within 30 days of the date of this Agreement each Member shall transfer funds to the City of Edina to cover the initial costs of construction and equipping the Facility as set forth on Exhibit A. The funds will be deposited into an interest bearing escrow account and segregated from other funds maintained by the City of Edina. Any interest earned upon those funds shall be maintained for the benefit of the Association. At the conclusion of the project any unspent funds shall be returned to the Association. 5. Contracting Entity. The City of Edina will be the contracting entity and will use ordinary and prudent efforts to require that the Facility is constructed in compliance with approved plans and specifications and completed with reasonable promptness in accordance with the schedule prepared by the architect. The City of Edina shall appoint an employee to act on behalf of the Association as a construction coordinator during the construction of the Facility. The Board may authorize the construction coordinator to approve change orders as necessary during the construction of the Facility and may establish appropriate limitations upon the exercise of that authority. South Metro Public Safety Training Facility Amendment to Joint Powers Agreement - Page 2 184086v1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers by authority of their respective governing bodies. Date: _________________, 2015 CITY OF BLOOMINGTON By:_____________________________ Its: Mayor By:_____________________________ Its: City Manager South Metro Public Safety Training Facility Amendment to Joint Powers Agreement - Page 3 184086v1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers by authority of their respective governing bodies. Date: _________________, 2015 CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE By:_____________________________ Its: Mayor By:_____________________________ Its: City Manager South Metro Public Safety Training Facility Amendment to Joint Powers Agreement - Page 4 184086v1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers by authority of their respective governing bodies. Date: _________________, 2015 CITY OF EDINA By:_____________________________ Its: Mayor By:_____________________________ Its: City Manager South Metro Public Safety Training Facility Amendment to Joint Powers Agreement - Page 5 184086v1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers by authority of their respective governing bodies. Date: _________________, 2015 METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION By:_____________________________ Its: ____________________ By:_____________________________ Its: _________________ South Metro Public Safety Training Facility 2016 CIP Project Contributions FT Police PT Police Police FTEs*FT Fire POC Fire Fire FTEs*Police & Fire FTEs* Airport 83 24 95 95 Bloomington 111 0 111 3 120 63 174 Eden Prairie 66 0 66 9 87 52.5 118.5 Edina 52 0 52 31 14 38 90 * Full Time Equivalent (2 Part Time or 2 Paid On Call = 1 FTE)Total FTEs 477.5 JPA Member Fees Per Owner Department Fees Per Dept. Quarterly Pmt. Airport $194,974 Police $194,974 $48,743 Bloomington $357,110 Police $227,812 $56,953 Fire $129,298 $32,324 Eden Prairie $243,204 Police $135,455 $33,864 Fire $107,749 $26,937 Edina $184,712 Police $106,723 $26,681 Fire $77,990 $19,498 TOTALS $980,000 $980,000 $245,000 **2016 Fees per FTE = $2,052.36 Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: V.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Jordan Gilgenbach, Communications Coordinator Item Activity: Subject:Speak Up, Edina December Discussion Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: No action requested. INTRODUCTION: Since June 2012, the City of Edina has used the online engagement website, www.SpeakUpEdina.org, to collect ideas and opinions from residents. SinceJanuary 2014, organized monthly discussions have been held on the site. The monthly discussion will continue in 2016 on www.SpeakUpEdina.org. The December 2015 discussion focused on winter parking and snow plowing. The City of Edina restricts on- street parking from Nov. 1 to March 31. During that time, vehicles are not allowed to park on a City street, highway or alley under the following conditions: when 1.5 inches of show has fallen, until it has been plowed to the curbline; from 1 to 6 a.m. regardless of wintery conditions; and for no more than six consecutive hours unless otherwise signed, enforced on a complaint basis (enforceable year-round). Cars parked on streets make snow removal difficult and prevent a street from being thoroughly plowed. Not only can vehicles be buried or plowed in, causing visibility and safety issues, the driver could also be subject to a ticket and/or tow The City asked the following questions: Do the winter parking restrictions have an effect on where you decide to park? Do you think a different parking restriction system, such as even-odd parking or snow emergencies, would be better? Why or why not? Police make an attempt to find a vehicle's owner when it needs to be moved. In some cases, vehicles are ticketed or towed. Do you think the penalty for a parking restriction violation is fair? hat do you think of the overall quality of Edina's snow plowing? The discussion was open for comments between Nov. 25 and Jan. 11. During that time, 11 comments were made. Additionally, 555 users visited the site 691 times, garnering 2,025 page views. All commenters in this discussion were from Edina. ATTACHMENTS: Description Discussion Comments n SHARE your feedback! 1 POST your ideas! JOIN the discussion! 1/12/2016 City of Edina py Home • Discussions Sign ' eas • Meetings ▪ Surveys Email email address... YPicmaee password... or, Si L.% in with: Cornea U Sign Up Sign In Like Theat City of Edina Koj % This Discussion channel is currently closed. Discussion: Winter Parking & Snow Plowing The City of Edina restricts on-street parking from Nov. 1 to March 31. During that time, vehicles are not allowed to park on a City street, highway, or alley under the following conditions: when 1.5 inches of show has fallen, until it has been plowed to the curbline; from 1 to 6 a.m. regardless of wintery conditions; and for no more than six consecutive hours unless otherwise signed, enforced on a complaint basis (enforcable year-round). 4 Topics 11 Answers Closed 2016-01-11 View Discussion Topic: Parking Decisions Do the winter parking restrictions have an effect on where you decide to park? 4 Responses 4 Responses Jim Stromberg about 1 month ago No, but I am fortunate enough to have a driveway and garage for my vehicle. 1 Support comment... Reply to Jim Stromberg I Joel Stegner Community volunteer about! month ago This is more of a problem for visitors, who have no way even to be aware of the law, as nowhere are there signs that indicate as much. They have to rely on residents to tell them, a hit or miss solution. It would also be good to have some idea of how big a problem it is and whether violations are clustered in some way. Better data helps create better solutions! 2 Supports comment... Reply to Joel Stegner http://speakoperina.orgIcliscussions/winter-parking-and-snow-plowingltopics/parking-decisicus 1/3 1/1212016 City of Edina Andrew B at December 30,2015 at 5:09pm CST I completely understand clearing the roads of cars when enough snow has fallen, but not being able to park on the street at night makes it very difficult to have guests overnight. We've had to park cars bumper-to-bumper in our driveway just so a few people can have a drink. I would rather my guests felt comfortable spending the night than attempting to drive when they are not fit to drive, or the roads are unsafe. 0 Supports comment... Reply to Andrew B Joe Corbett atJanuary 08,2016 at 4:58pm CST The restrictions don't have an effect on where we decide to park, but I would like to see the overnight (year-round) restriction relaxed. When guests visit, or if a child care provider is around for say a long weekend, I'm sure many residents would appreciate being able to park overnight for a few days. Perhaps the restriction could be relaxed to 48-72 hrs and still enforced on a complaint basis. 0 Supports comment... Reply to Joe Corbett Sign Up Connect email address... Participants . vrA Ideas In Action Bike Lanes Edina just hired someone to represent existing residents who are dealing with redevelopment issues...we need someone to help new entrants deal with harassment. Remove bushes on 42nd St. concealing Weber Park Portable "Path Flooded" Sign at Bredesen Path Flooded Sign at Bredesen Park Recent Activity Joe Corbett answered a Discussion Andrew B answered a Discussion Wilmon Benson answered a Discussion z Sign Up http://speakupecfina.orgtEscussleoslwinter-parking-and-snow-plowingflopies/parking-clecisions 2/3 S:-_,.., kJ ..,4mk Itlil VAN Edina!' n SHARE your feedback! n POST your ideas! JOIN the discussion! 1/12/2016 City of Edina City of Edina r Flor_ne • Discussions Sign yerm s a s • Meetings EnA,Surveys email address... Panc_v_Igsma„ password... or, Sim with: Connegi U Sign Up Sign In Like Tweet I Share I G+1.1',1:11 This Discussion channel is currently closed. Discussion: Winter Parking & Snow Plowing The City of Edina restricts on-street parking from Nov. 1 to March 31. During that time, vehicles are not allowed to park on a City street, highway or alley under the following conditions: when 1.5 inches of show has fallen, until it has been plowed to the curbline; from 1 to 6 a.m. regardless of wintery conditions; and for no more than six consecutive hours unless otherwise signed, enforced on a complaint basis (enforcable year-round). 4 Topics 11 Answers Closed 2016-01-11 yiew Discussion Topic: Alternate Restrictions Do you think a different parking restriction system, such as even-odd parking or snow emergencies, would better? Why or why not? 3 Responses 3 Responses Jim Stromberp about 1 month ago I think the present restrictions are adequate. I DO, however, believe some of our narrow streets could use the additional restriction of only parking on one side of the street - at ALL times. 0 Supports comment... Reply to Jim Stromberg Joel Stegner, Community volunteer about 1 month ago Once again, we need data to answer sensibly. If we knew where problems are most common, we could post signs. The streets with the most traffic and violations need signage. If the city approved multi unit housing with inadequate parking and lower income residents and they don't have enough parking and forced to pay lots of fines, the city should find solutions. That also applies for churches which don't have big enough parking lots, or streets close to schools and parks. 1 Support http://speakupechna.orotdiscussionsAvInter-parking-and-snow-plowing/topics/Edternate-restrIctions 1/2 1/1212016 City of Edina comment... Reply to Joel Stegner Wilmon Benson at December 30,2015 at 2:54pm CST Unlike common public perception, not everyone in Edina is rich. Some of us NEED to park on the street, and the fact that the city completely closes them to parking when it snows is absurd. As a taxpayer, these are my streets, and I should have someplace to park year round, even in the snow. 0 Supports comment... Reply to Wilmon Benson Sign Up Connect email address... Participants ▪ 1111 Ideas In Action Bike Lanes Edina just hired someone to represent existing_residents who are dealing with redevelopment issues.. we need someone to help new entrants deal with harassment. Remove bushes on 42nd St. concealing Weber Park Portable "Path Flooded" Sign at Bredesen Path Flooded Sign at Bredesen Park Recent Activity Joe Corbett answered a Discussion Andrew B answered a Discussion Wilmon Benson answered a Discussion Joel Stegner created an Idea Jane Qu answered a Discussion Discussions Outdoor Ice Rinks • Terms and Conditions • Privacy Policy • Support • powered by SpeakUp • © 2014 Granicus Sign Up http://speakupedina.orq/dscussions/winter-parkina-and-snow-plowinaitopics/alternate-restrictions 2/2 1/12/2016 City of Edina rx-l• Home • Discussions Sign ms • Mienlas • Meetings EmLiSur email address... Pasmgt,„„,, password... or, with: Conue4ti !II U. Sign Up Sign In Like Tweet I Sherd ii G+1 City of Edina a t Upl, E4E11-1 Ana., n SHARE your feedback! n POST your ideas! n JOIN the discussion! This Discussion channel is currently closed. Discussion: Winter Parking & Snow Plowing The City of Edina restricts on-street parking from Nov. 1 to March 31 During that time, vehicles are not allowed to park on a City street, highway or alley under the following conditions: when 1.5 inches of show has fallen, until it has been plowed to the curbline; from 1 to 6 a.m. regardless of wintery conditions; and for no more than six consecutive hours unless otherwise signed, enforced on a complaint basis (enforcable year-round). 4 Topics 11 Answers Closed 2016-01-11 View Discussion Topic: Violations Police make an attempt to find a vehicle's owner when a it needs to be moved In some cases, vehicles are ticketed or towed. Do you think the penalty for a parking restriction violation is fair? 2 Responses 2 Responses Jim Stromberg about! month ago Enforcement is the key factor here. If law enforcement isn't carried out, then there is little incentive for people of obey the law...kinda like running the red lights, or texting while driving. I know that on the street where I live, the plow has to go around vehicles quite often - and I don't think I've ever spotted a 'ticket' on said vehicle. It's "Minnesota-Nice" to find owners and get them to move, but if they think that the police will do that every time, people won't be inclined to move it on their own. Tickets and towing are the only answer to convincing people to obey the law. 0 Supports comment... Reply to Jim Stromberg Joel Steener, Community volunteer about 1 month ago Again you ask about a topic (fairness of penalties) without being specific about what they are. A ticket of 550 or less is fair, while one of $100+ would not be. If you don't tow all vehicles immediately, then it is unfair to tow some, particularly if written criteria are not provided and followed. Particularly if the police were towing more high mileage cars, unequal justice standards would be applied. A fair system would to to ticket everyone and tow if they haven't moved their cars within 4 daytime hours. http://speakupedna.org/discussionslwinter-parking-anti-sncw-plowing/iopicsIviciations-1 112 n SHARE your feedback! n POST your ideas! n JOIN the discussion! 1/12/2016 City of Edina City of Edina x r Home • Discussions Sigi rums eas • Meetings EnAilSureys. email address... Pasiwrgiignacre password... or, Sigraft vith: Connee;ti U Sign Up Sign In Like Tweet This Discussion channel is currently closed. Discussion: Winter Parking & Snow Plowing The City of Edina restricts on-street parking from Nov. 1 to March 31. During that time, vehicles are not allowed to park on a City street, highway or alley under the following conditions: when 1.5 inches of show has fallen, until it has been plowed to the curbline; from 1 to 6 a.m. regardless of wintery conditions; and for no more than six consecutive hours unless othenvise signed, enforced on a complaint basis (enforcable year-round). 4 Topics 11 Answers Closed 2016-01-11 View Discussion Topic: Snow Plowing What do you think of the overall quality of Edina's snow plowing? 2 Responses 2 Responses Jim Stromberg about 1 month ago Big-time "pats-on-the-back" to our plow-crew that takes care of my neighborhood! They are out early and often, scraping the snow and spreading the salt/sand (or whatever it is they spread) mixture at intersections. I think they do a commendable job. 0 Supports comment... Reply to Jim Stromberg lir Joel Stegner, Community volunteer about 1 month ago Of course it is excellent. A couple points. Streets with bus stops should have priority, so people have an easier time getting to the bus. Because Edina has so few streets with sidewalks, many people have to walk in the street. Keeping the gutters clear of ice and snow is very important to them. The city should be plowing walking and biking paths to the high standard of streets, or even better, clear them with any significant snow, as with cover, they become dangerous and little used. The clearing of sidewalks is not adequate, which means walkers are forced into the street or forced them to drive short distances. That this survey was confined to streets and motor vehicles reflects a blind spot in terms of our car- centric city. 1 Support httplispeakupecfina.orgidiscussions/winter-parking-and-snow-plowing/topics/snow-plowing 1/2 Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:Public Hearing: 3501-3510 Galleria - Request to Vacate Easement - Continue Action until February 17, 2016 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Continue Public Hearing until February 17, 2016. INTRODUCTION: The owner/applicant has requested that this item be continued so that the design team can finalize the location and design of the new easements. The owner of the Edina Galleria has requested that the City Council consider vacating an existing easement that is located on the property. New easements would be created elsewhere on the property to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists. Although the Public Hearing for this request was anticipated to be held on January 20, 2016, the owner/applicant has contacted staff and requested that this Public Hearing be continued until February 17, 2016. This continuance is necessary to allow the applicant to finalize the location and design of the new easements. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Eric Roggeman, Finance Director Item Activity: Subject:Public Hearing: Certification of Delinquent Utilities, Resolution No. 2016-18 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Staff recommends that Council adopt the attached resolution to certify a delinquent utility account. INTRODUCTION: Minnesota Statute 444.075 allows Cities to “charge a charge against the owner, lessee, occupant or all of them and may provide and covenant for certifying unpaid charges to the county auditor with taxes against the property served for collection as other taxes are collected”. City of Edina City Code section 28-52 through section 28-57 allow for the certification of water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and recycling delinquent accounts. The City of Edina has certified unpaid utility bills to the county for collection for many years. Hennepin County requires council resolution prior to certification. ATTACHMENTS: Description Delinquent utility certification staff report Resolution 2016-18 Certification list                 January 20, 2016 Mayor and City Council Eric Roggeman, Finance Director  Public Hearing: Certification of Delinquent Utilities Information / Background: The utility account at 7075/7079 Amundson Avenue has had a delinquent balance of $88,193.82 for approximately the past year. There is a business operating at that location that filed bankruptcy on January 9, 2015. On February 17, 2015 and March 17, 2015, the City Council took actions recommended by staff, which led to an agreement between the City and the debtor business to keep the water on and ensure adequate payment to the City for continuing water usage. That agreement continues to work well and staff is not recommending any changes to it at this time. The staff recommendation at this time is to certify the delinquent balance to the property, which is owned by a different business. Staff sent a notice for this hearing to the property owner’s address on record at the County and City Assessor’s Office on January 4, 2016. The USPS returned the notice about a week later with the explanation that the forwarding address had expired. Staff sent another notice for this hearing on January 11, 2016, to the forwarding address provided by the USPS. According to the City Attorney’s Office, these attempts to notify the property owner satisfy the City’s notification obligation. Although the County Auditor can’t collect any taxes certified to the property at this point until 2017, staff recommends adopting the resolution now. The property owner may choose to pay the delinquent balance partially or in full prior to the actual certification to the County Auditor. Staff will accept payments and reduce the balance for any payments received prior to certification. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-18 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CERTIFICATION OF DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES TO THE HENNEPIN COUNTY AUDITOR WHEREAS, the Edina City Council City of Edina City Code section 28-52 through section 28-57 allows for the certification of delinquent utility charges (water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and recycling) to the County Auditor for collection pursuant to the provision of MN Statute 444.075. WHEREAS, the Finance Department has prepared a list of delinquent utility charges together with the legal description of the premises served, the official copy of which is on file with the City Clerk and attached to this resolution. WHEREAS, the property owners have been notified by mail of the certification. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall transmit a certified duplicate copy of this resolution and the list of delinquent accounts to the County Auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the County, and such delinquent accounts shall be collected and paid over the same manner as other municipal taxes with interest from the date of this resolution at the rate of 6.5 percent (6.5%) per annum and including a $30.00 administrative penalty pursuant to the provisions of MN Statute 444.075. The description of the certification is: NAME OF CERTIFICATION INSTALLMENTS Delinquent Utilities DU-16 Levy No. 19313 1 Year Passed and adopted by the City Council on January 20, 2016. ATTEST: ____________________________ __________________________________ City Clerk Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 20, 2016, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ____ day of __________________, 20___. _________________________________ City Clerk   1/13/2016 Customer # Account # Name Service Address Certification Balance 00095619 0343505013 GAC Zahhos LLC 7075 Amundson Ave $88,193.82 City of Edina 2016 Certification List Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: VIII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Cary Teague, Community Development Director Item Activity: Subject:Sketch Plan Review - Hilton Homewood Suites (NE Corner of Southdale) Discussion CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Provide informal non-binding review and comment on the proposed Sketch Plan. INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Planning Commission Memo Planning Commission Minutes Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: VIII.B. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Resolution No. 2016-09 Accepting Various Grants & Donations Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution. INTRODUCTION: In order to comply with State Statutes, all donations to the City must be adopted by a resolution approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donation. I have prepared the attached resolution detailing the various donors, their gifts and the departments receiving donations for your consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Description Resolution No. 2016-09 Accepting Various Grants & Donations RESOLUTION NO. 2016-09 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF EDINA WHEREAS, Minnesota Statute 465.03 allows cities to accept grants and donations of real or personal property for the benefit of its citizens; WHEREAS, said donations must be accepted via a resolution of the Council adopted by a two thirds majority of its members. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Edina City Council accepts with sincere appreciation the following listed grants and donations on behalf of its citizens. Edina Fire Department: N.C. Little Memorial Hospice, Inc $1,500.00 Dolores Quigley $50.00 Edina Parks & Recreation Braemar Golf Course: Fred Friswold $100.00 Theodore Giannobile $100.00 Douglas Polich $100.00 Gerhard Brahms $100.00 Gaylen Ghylin $100.00 Robert Sandilla $50.00 James Platt $50.00 E.L. Nord $50.00 Daniel Peterson $50.00 Ronald Way $50.00 Richard Leonard $50.00 Timothy Jordheim $25.00 Joe Langer $25.00 Robert Teese $15.00 Marlyn Friede $1.00 Gary Soule $1.00 Perry Leenders $25.00 Leslie Sharpe $50.00 Paul Cory Peterson $25.00 Timothy Jordheim $25.00 Chip Fuhrmann $25.00 William Cunningham $25.00 William Colby $100.00 Edina Parks & Recreation: Susan Johnson $100.00 Memorial Plaque Edina Public Arts Donations Utility Bill Donations 2015 $2,879.47 Dated: January 20, 2016 Attest: Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk James B. Hovland, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) SS CITY OF EDINA ) CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK I, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of January 20, 2016, and as recorded in the Minutes of said Regular Meeting. WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this ______________ day of ___________________, ____________. City Clerk Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IX.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Heather Branigin, Executive Assistant Item Activity: Subject:Correspondence Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: No action is necessary. INTRODUCTION: Attached is correspondence received since the last Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description Correspondence One 1.20.2016 Heather Branigin From: Edina 273 <edina273@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 11:53 AM To: Edina Mail Subject: Update on Open Enrollment Policy To the Members of the Edina City Council, At their final meeting of the calendar year, the Edina school board voted to amend their open enrollment policy. Unfortunately, the proposed amendments put forth by Superintendent Dressen did not include providing a priority for residents of the city of Edina. Their justification for not including such a priority was that it is the opinion of the Minnesota Department of Education that priorities are not permissible unless specifically indicated in the governing state statute. A considerable amount of information on this subject has been provided to you previously but suffice it to say that this interpretation is certainly open to interpretation and the district's own counsel deemed the MDE's opinion as "reasonable" but he clearly did not characterize it as indisputable, definitive or conclusive. This decision was certainly disappointing as was the fact that it was not handled in a timely manner despite assurances provided to all in attendance at the Edina City Council-Edina School District joint work session on March 17, 2015. As a consequence, the time has come to reconfigure the relationship between the City of Edina and Edina Public Schools and to banish the misinformed notion that the taxpayers of the city and Edina Public Schools are "nearly the same" The consent agenda for the January 5, 2016, meeting of the Edina city council includes the approval of funding for the Edina Resource Center in the amount of $42,302. (This item does not appear to have been included in the 2016 Human Services Funding Recommendation provided to the council on December 1, 2015.) The first recital of the Service Agreement attached to this funding request reads: "Service Provider has requested funds from the City for the purposes of serving residents of Edina." A quick litmus test for such a request for a city expenditure should be whether services will be made available to all residents of the city of Edina who wish to avail themselves of these services. The Edina Resource Center is staffed by employees of Edina Public Schools, is housed in a building owned by Edina Public Schools, and if you visit the web site for the Edina Resource Center you will find that all educational and parental links are exclusively related to Edina Public Schools. Indeed, there is no reference to any of the other school districts that serve the city of Edina. Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable to ask if this is an expenditure that serves all residents of the city of Edina. As part of Vision Edina which was adopted by the city of Edina last summer, one of the strategic actions specified was that "partnerships should be established with the Richfield and Hopkins school districts." There seems to be no action on this item to date. For example... If you look at the monthly calendar or the highlights section of the Winter 2016 edition of About Town you will only find school activities related to Edina Public Schools. More significantly, if you look at the list of Elected Officials on page 52, it only lists members of the Edina School Board. (The city employees who edit the document apparently did not feel it was even necessary to make the distinction that they are "Edina" school board members.) There is a complete absence of activities, articles, and contact information related to the other school districts that also serve residents of the city of Edina. This is inexcusable for a publication that is paid for by all city residents and is intended to serve all city residents. (It has been pointed out to a number of you that the "For Residents" and "For Visitors" sections of the City's web site only include links to Edina Public Schools and exclude the other school districts that serve the city which is not only a disservice to residents living in those areas but misleading. This needs to be changed immediately.) One upcoming event that is highlighted in About Town is the annual "State of the Community" presentation scheduled for Wednesday, February 24. Once again, this presentation will include only the superintendent of Edina Public Schools with no participation from the superintendents of the Hopkins and Richfield school districts. The irony, of course, is that this year the State of the Community will take place at Interlachen Country Club which is located in the Hopkins school district. For city leaders to continue to participate in an event which does not include the superintendents of all the school districts that serve the community of Edina not only directly contradicts the strategic action specified in Vision Edina but can also be interpreted as a premeditated affront to Edina families that live outside the boundaries of Edina Public Schools. All the above represents just the proverbial tip of the iceberg but it should be sufficient for now to make the point: the City of Edina can no longer maintain what has essentially been an "exclusive relationship" with Edina Public Schools as such a relationship is inconsistent with Vision Edina, is based on an inaccurate presumption that the taxpayers of the two public entities are "nearly the same", and is a disservice to Edina families who live outside that school district's boundaries. Sincerely. Alan Koehler 2 Heather Branigin From: Amy M. <amyminge71@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 9:02 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Role as Mediators of the Edina School District & City Boundary Discrepancy To the mayor and city council members: As a constituent, I urge you to assist those of us who live in the city of Edina, but outside the Edina School District boundaries. At the very least, please host a council sponsored meeting, to which local legislators, representatives from the Edina 273 neighborhood group, Edina school board members & Hopkins school board members should be invited. Potential solutions would include a school district border change (with a gradual or compensated property tax shift) or open enrollment priority for Edina residents. The first step toward resolving this issue is to invite all (not just some) relevant parties to the table. This issue seems to come up at every neighborhood party and gathering, and your constituents are becoming very frustrated by the seeming lack of progress. I recognize this is a difficult issue, but would appreciate any efforts you can make. Thank you. Amy Minge Amyminge71@gmail.com Edina resident 1 Heather Branigin From: J. Gerry Briggs <gbriggs63@aol.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 1:46 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Mayor/Council Actions Mayor Jim Hovland- Sir-these comments are in response to your interview published in last week's Edina Sun. My appraisal of the city of Edina would be thus; the toilets flush, the snow is plowed, Edina works! To me that is worth a grade of B. Why not an A? In your article not once was mentioned the 7.1 % increase in the coming budget and the implications for property taxes. City government seems to have a spending problem. That concerns some of us, especially those on a fixed income. Beyond that general comment I have two specific concerns regarding city government. 1. Too generous response to pressure groups. The city is, in my opinion too responsive to defined groups at the expense of the general well being of the entire body of population. Examples could include: The $15 million spent on Braemar ice etc facilities with ongoing expense liabilities. A small group of rabid citizens has the counsel tied in knots over Grandview. We don't need a community center or a health club or a riding studio-get on with it and allow at least some commercial activity that would add to the tax rolls. The apartment complex proposed for west of France was turned down due to traffic concerns when the development now likely to go forth would seem to have equal or greater traffic. These are but a few examples of response to pressure groups. On the other hand I complimented you in person for resisting pressure and approving The Waters-thanks again for a good decision. 2-Apparent weakness in planning. The Fred was closed before a grand plan was in place which now calls for a complete shutdown of the big course in 2017. Why not now admit to a mistake and reopen the Fred through 2017 so Edina golfers have a choice other than the new and short executive course at Braemar. Total Wine is causing the kind of problems that could have been foreseen years ago. Yet it seems to have been a big surprise resulting in reactionary steps to replace lost revenue for the operating budget. The changes should have been foreseen and proactive changes made prior to experiencing results due to new competition. In summary, Edina is still a good place to live but when reading of active projects and Czars being created,the prospects of maintaining a reasonable operating budget without significant increases in property taxes are troubling. Those on fixed incomes are not, I fear being heard. I wish it were not so. Thanks for listening. Gerry Briggs Sent from my iPad 1 Heather Branigin From: Doug Linder <douglinder@comcast.net> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 1:51 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: School Districts I continue to support Alan Koehler and his efforts to have the City Council re-address the school district issue with regards to families outside the official Edina School district and their desire to send their children to the Edina Schools. Doug Linder 5108 Scriver Rd 1 Heather Branigin From: Ann Kapaun <annkapaun@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 1:54 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Edina Sun Suggestion Heard the City Council discussion last evening regarding the Edina Sun newspaper. Since I live in the Grandview Square condos, I do not receive this weekly publication but would like to. Perhaps copies can be made available at both the Edina and Southdale libraries. The Edina library currently distributes the Southwest Journal so I would think they could also offer the Edina Sun. Thank you for anything you can do to increase availability to ALL Edina residents. Ann Kapaun 5225 Grandview Square #207 1 Heather Branigin From: Bill Dubbs <dubbs@williams-exec.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 2:28 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Edina 273 Subject: State of the Community My name is Bill Dubbs and I live at 5020 Malibu Drive, Edina. I would encourage you to include the Hopkins and Richfield School Superintendents at the State of the Community meeting in February. We need to hear from them how the Edina residents who reside in their districts are being served. Thank you. Bill Dubbs Williams Executive Search, Inc. 8500 Normandale Lake Blvd. Suite 610 Minneapolis, MN 55437 952-767-7901 (phone) 952-767-7905 (fax) dubbswilliams-exec.com www.williams-exec.com Williams Executive Search, Inc. Building Value for Clients through the Successful Search and Selection of Senior Executives 1 Heather Branigin From: Insley, Anne <Anne.Insley@usdoj.gov> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 4:03 PM Subject: Fact Sheet regarding 12/21/2015 Rescission Announcement Attachments: EQS deferral - Fact Sheet.pdf Dear State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement Agency: Many of you have asked questions about the Department's recent deferral of equitable sharing payments. In response, we are providing the attached fact sheet with further information and background about the budget situation and the Department's ongoing efforts to support our state, local, and tribal law enforcement partners. We want to emphasize that the Equitable Sharing Program remains up and running. While equitable sharing payments are on hold until the funding situation improves, we continue to review and process requests for sharing with the goal that, if the budget situation improves, we will be able to resume payments with only minimal processing time. Meanwhile, the Asset Forfeiture Program continues to provide separate funding for Joint Law Enforcement Operations (JLEO) — "overtime payments" — in support of state, local, and tribal law enforcement. We hope you find the fact sheet helpful. Please let us know if you have further questions. We value your critical partnerships in our law enforcement efforts and thank you for all you do to keep our communities and our nation safe. We will continue to keep you updated if there are any further changes, and appreciate your continued support of, and collaboration with, our law enforcement efforts. Deferral of Department of Justice Equitable Sharing Payments: Fact Sheet Why are payments being deferred? • The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (P.L. 114-74) enacted in November included a $746 million permanent reduction of Asset Forfeiture Program Funds. This reduction, or "rescission," means that $746 million was removed from the Assets Forfeiture Program Funds to go to the General Treasury Fund. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, signed into law on December 18, 2015, included an additional $458 million rescission in the FY 2016 budget. • In the face of a now combined $1.2 billion rescission, coupled with the expected receipts and expenditures for the year, in order to maintain the financial solvency of the Asset Forfeiture Program and operate within legal guidelines for Federal financial management the Department had no choice but to immediately defer the disbursement of equitable sharing payments to our state, local, and tribal partners and the transfer of any items for official use. • The Department is very eager to resume payments as soon as it is fiscally feasible to do so. By deferring equitable sharing payments, the Department preserves the ability to resume equitable sharing payments once the budget picture improves. In the meantime, the Department will continue to review any and all potential avenues for restoring equitable sharing payments. • Typically, a variety of cases resolve throughout the year, and based on our assessment of the current pace of adjudicated forfeitures, we believe this step is only a "pause." Thus, all DAG-71 forms submitted through the eShare portal for ongoing cases will continue to be reviewed and processed pursuant to current Department policy. When the budget situation improves, those shares will be paid in full or in part. Did the Department of Justice "shut down" the Equitable Sharing Program? • Contrary to some reports, the Department did not "shut down" or otherwise terminate the Equitable Sharing Program. Rather, the Department was required to temporarily defer equitable sharing payments to our state, local, and tribal law enforcement partners due to the combined effects of the $1.2 billion rescission and our obligations to maintain the financial solvency of the Asset Forfeiture Program and operate within legal guidelines for Federal financial management. This deferral decision was made purely for budgetary reasons, and does not alter the Department's commitment to supporting state, local, and tribal law enforcement. • The burden of this rescission is not falling solely on equitable sharing recipients. The deferral of equitable sharing payments represents only one quarter of the budgetary shortfall caused by the $1.2 billion rescission. When will payments resume? • At this time, the Department cannot say with any certainty when the deferral of sharing payments will be lifted. However, the Department continues to explore all budgetary options available to restore equitable sharing as soon as possible. • Despite the deferral, some agencies may continue to receive payments in the coming weeks as the remainder of payments processed by the U.S. Marshals Service prior to December 21, 2015, are disbursed. Otherwise, no further equitable sharing payments will be issued until this deferral is lifted. • Funds already disbursed to state, local, and tribal agencies may continue to be expended and reported in accordance with the policies outlined in the Guide to Equitable Sharing. • The bottom line is that the Department views this as a "pause" whereby we are holding payments in place until the funding situation improves. We hope that when funding allows, we will resume payments where they left off either in full, or as close to full as the budgetary situation allows. What is the Department doing to support law enforcement? The Department will continue to support state and local law enforcement through other funding mechanisms provided in the FY 2016 budget: • Joint Law Enforcement Operations (JLEO) — The Department will provide $155 million, equal to the FY 2015 level, to support JLEO in FY 2016 through the Assets Forfeiture Fund. JLEO is the Department's primary mechanism for funding State and local Task Force Officer overtime. JLEO also pays for travel, fuel, training, equipment, and other similar costs of state or local law enforcement officers that are incurred in a joint operation. • Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) — The FY 2016 budget provides $212 million for COPS, an increase of $4 million over FY 2015. The COPS Hiring Program ($187 million), Collaborative Reform initiative ($10 million) and Community Policing Development program ($10 million) all received increases over FY 2015. Funding is provided for the Anti-Methamphetamine and Anti-Heroin Task Forces programs at the FY 2015 level. • COPS-DEA Clandestine Laboratory Cleanup — DEA's Clandestine Drug Laboratory Cleanup Program received a $4 million increase for a total of $11 million in FY 2016. This Program allows DEA to assist state and local law enforcement with hazardous waste cleanups when they encounter small clandestine laboratories. Grants • Office of Justice Programs — The appropriation provides $1.8 billion in discretionary funding for OJP, an increase of $191 million over the FY 2015 Enacted level. Highlights include the following: o The law supports $70 million of the Administration's Community Trust Initiative to improve police-community relations, of which $23 million is for the Body Worn Camera Partnership Program, $5 million is for Research and Statistics on Community Trust (including body worn cameras), $27 5 million is for the Justice Reinvestment Initiative, and $15 million is for the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program. o The appropriation provides $476 million for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grants (JAG) Program, of which $15 million is for the VALOR Program, $5 million is for the Smart Policing Initiative, and $100 million is for Presidential Nominating Conventions Security. o The Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program, which provides partial reimbursement for the cost of purchasing body armor for law enforcement and public safety officers, is funded at $22.5 million. o The appropriation also provides an increase of $25 million for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, which provides reimbursement for the cost of incarcerating illegal aliens. o The law funds increases to Residential Substance Abuse Treatment, Mental Health Collaborations, Veterans Treatment Courts, Victims of Trafficking, and the Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs. • The Department remains committed to the Equitable Sharing Program and to the state, local and tribal partners that are integral to its success. We will take all appropriate and necessary measures to minimize the impact of the rescission and reinstate sharing distributions as soon as practical and financially feasible. If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to afmls.communication@usdoj.gov. Heather Branigin From: Noel P. Rahn <Noel@geronimoenergy.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 6:10 PM To: James Hovland Subject: Thank you for the meeting today. Mike Devoe, president of EHA and Herm Finnegin,the person in charge of dry land training are available either next Monday or Tuesday for a meeting. We think this is the next best step. Are your available on either day. My son and I will be there along with some top EHA coaches. The goal of the meeting is to address the value of dry land training and also importantly to acquaint the board what took place back 3 yrs. ago when the hornet's nest was established. Commitments were made and we have to remind them of the factors that went into the decision. Noel jr. Made a 10 yr. commitment to the city of Edina based on 800 hours. Now they are talking about 200 hours. He can not operate financially on this amount of hours. Velocity has so many things going well in Edina and we must be the best in the state. I can assure you I am fully behind velocity. PIs get back to me about Monday or Tuesday. Thank you for your support. Sent from my iPhone 1 Heather Branig in From: David Alkire <David.Alkire@toro.com > Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2016 9:43 AM To: James Hovland Subject: HC Library Board Mayor Hovland, I hope this message finds you well. We have met a few times over the years—lworked on the parade with Richard Olson and Peter Crain. I am contacting you because 1 would like to serve on the Hennepin County Library Board. This position is awarded by the HC Commissioners. I'm hoping that, based on my leadership engagement in Edina, you might be willing to put in a good word for me with Jan Collison and/or any other Commissioners with whom you might have a relationship. Please let me know if you might be willing to do that, and, if so, how I can help get that accomplished. Here are a few notes about me: Business Experience VP — Division General Manager at The Toro Company, employed at Toro for 18 years Leader of a large, multi-functional organization that generates $750M in Net Sales Education MBA, Darden School at the University of Virginia 1990 BA, Duke University 1985 Community Engagement ECF, Edina Parade Committee 2009-2012 City of Edina, Precinct 14 Chair — Elections 2006-2012 Plymouth Congregational Church, Board of Trustees 2005-2006 Groveland Emergency Food Shelf, Board of Directors — 2 years as Chairman 2002-2006 East Side Neighborhood Service, Board of Directors 2000-2001 SWC Child Care, Board of Directors — 1 year as President 1996-2000 Thank you for your consideration. Best regards, David Alkire This electronic message including any attachments ("Message") may contain information that is privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under trade secret and other applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, notify the sender immediately, permanently delete all copies of this Message, and be aware that examination, use, dissemination, duplication or disclosure of this Message is strictly prohibited. 1 Heather Branigin From: Evan Reidell <evstar@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2016 11:56 AM To: Common Sense Edina Cc: James Hovland; Robert Stewart; Kevin Staunton; Mary Brindle; swensonann1 @gmail.com; Scott H. Neal Subject: Re: Common Sense for Edina - Consultant Harry Brull Just email him at harry@bcgconsultinggroup.com, before he gets fired. On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 11:40 AM, Common Sense Edina <commonsenseforedina@gmail.com> wrote: If this Harry Brull is the outside consultant that does the annual review for the city manger of Edina or does any other work for the City of Edina I am demanding he not ever be retained again to do business with the city of Edina. Again, if this Harry Brull has done business with the city of Edina it will be a election campaign issue this fall showing the extremely poor judgement by city staff and the city council to hire somebody who has a Linkedin.com profile showing a very unprofessional profile. -tps /www kocii- corn/ (la rry tai 8 4 0 2 1 6 9 Senior Partner and still Chief Ass H.A.R. (half-assed retired) David Frenkel Heather Branigin From: Ann Swenson <swensonannl@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 2:32 PM To: Edina Mail Cc: Chad Millner Subject: Re: Cornelia Sidewalk Open House Amy, it was my understanding that details of the design were the only agenda item. I did not support the meeting because I thought Chad had done all that was necessary plus more to communicate. I too still support the sidewalk and current plan to build it. I will also communicate this with Chad. Ann Swenson Sent from my iPad On Jan 8, 2016, at 11:16 AM, Edina Mail <mail@EdinaMN.gov> wrote: Lynette Biunno, Receptionist 952-927-8861 I Fax 952-826-0389 IbiunnoAEdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.qov ...For Living, Learning, Raising Families & Doing Business From: Amy Olson [mailto:apampusch(agmail.com] Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 11:12 AM To: Edina Mail; Chad Millner; Mark K. Nolan Subject: Cornelia Sidewalk Open House January 8, 2016 Dear Mayor and City Council, Last night, we attended the 2nd open house regarding the Cornelia sidewalk. We have always supported the sidewalk and plan and were told that the meeting, requested by a few residents, was to discuss the final design and answer any questions. We attended with the intention of seeing how the sidewalk was designed near the school crosswalk. The meeting was largely attended by sidewalk opponents, and it quickly became clear the residents who requested the meeting did so with the intent of derailing the existing plan and design. We know many others on our block support the sidewalk, too, but most were not in attendance because it was their understanding — as it was ours — that this was simply informational and not yet another meeting where residents had to state their case of support. That said, we want it on record (again) that we fully support the existing sidewalk plan design, which runs down the west side of Cornelia from the school to the corner of 68th Street, where it crosses to the east side and connects to the existing crosswalk at 66th Street. We fully support the design that includes a grass boulevard for safety and aesthetic purposes. We also want to thank Chad Milner and Mark Nolan for taking the time, and having the patience, to hold another meeting for residents. We are looking forward to the project coming to fruition. 1 Thank you, Larry, Amy and Tate (age 10) Olson 6808 Cornelia Drive cc:Mark Nolan, Chad Milner 2 From: Linda Masica [mailto:masica.linda@gmail.corn] Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 2:09 PM To: Scott H. Neal Subject: Re: Edina Liquor Store Task Force Hi Scott, (please add this memo to Council packets) Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. I'm happy that the city received numerous applicants with relevant and practical experience. Having a deep interest in the welfare of the City's Municipals, I eagerly look forward, to following the progress of the appointed membership. Thank you again for your consideration. Putting together a constituent task force, with the experience, to creatively resolve and forward the success of the Municipal liquor store issue is a great idea. Linda Masica On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Scott H. Neal <sneal@edinamn.gov> wrote: Linda, Thank you for your offer to share your valuable time and skills with the City as a member of the liquor store task force. I am writing to let you know that I am not able to appoint you to the task force at this time. If you have ideas or suggestions that you'd like to share with the task force as they conduct their work, please feel welcome to share directly with the task force facilitator, Assistant City Manager Lisa Schaefer, at lschaefer@edinamn gov. Again, thank you for your interest and your willingness to serve your community. Scott Scott Neal, City Manager 952-826-0401 I Fax 952-826-0390 sneal@EdinaMN.gov I www.EdinaMN.gov Heather Branigin From: Noel P. Rahn <Noel@geronimoenergy.com > Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 3:42 PM To: James Hovland Subject: Tomorrow meeting Hope you can make it to the meeting to address the relationship between EHA and hornet's nest and velocity. Sent from my iPhone 1 Heather Branigin From: Tony Meixelsperger <tonym2003@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 7:04 AM To: Edina Mail Cc: Amanda Meixelsperger Subject: Cornelia Sidewalk Support Dear Mayor and City Council, We live at 6920 Cornelia Drive in Edina and wanted to send a quick note in support of the sidewalk on our street. We have three young children and can attest that having them walk to Cornelia Elementry on the street is unsafe given the high (often above limit) speeds people travel on our street. While we were not able to attend the recent open house regarding the Cornelia sidewalk, we did not want our absence, or the loud voices of the minority that oppose the sidewalk, to drown out the majority of us that support the project. There are certainly design aspects we could all debate endlessly (i.e., I don't think the sidewalk should switch sides of the street at 68th street due to tree count and hilly topography on the west side of Cornelia Dr), but the overall project is wonderful and should proceed. We also want to thank Chad Milner for all of his time and patience working with the residents on our street. We are looking forward to the project coming to fruition. Thank you, The Meixelspergers Tony, Amanda, Kathryn (8, 3rd grade), Alyson (6, kindergarten) and Vivyan (future Cornelia Elementry student) 6920 Cornelia Drive Edina, MN 55435 Heather Branigin From: Kumar Belani <kumarbelani@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 6:25 PM To: James Hovland Subject: REFER: COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD: UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Dear Respected Mayor Hovland: Greetings! I have just been informed that I have been Nominated for the 18th UOM Community Service Award and have been requested to provide supporting documents. I am requesting you and hope you will be willing to send a letter indicating my volunteer participation in the Edina City Health Community as one of my roles in community involvement - during my service I helped promote health wellness in Schools, promoted the use of community gardens, the Farmer's Market in Edinborough, anti-smoking and anti-E cigarette campaigns in Edina Schools, promoting Edina as a walking and biking city, weight control in Schools, demonstrating proper washing of leafy vegetables including herbs and those contaminated with soil, arranging visits of Edina city health community members to the SV temple, etc. Please address the letter to: Director, University of Minnesota Office for Public Engagement (OPE) Refer: 18th Annual Outstanding Community Service Award (OCSA) Refer: Dr. Kumar G. Belani, Nominee for the 18th OCSA — Outstanding Faculty Member Community Service Award Remember: I have been Nominated — but selection is done after the packet is completed and sent for review. Selection is still to be done! Please write a nice letter addressed as indicated above and sign and send as a scan copy to my email address (kumarbelani@gmail.com) — and please mail the original to following address: 1 K. Belani, 4916 Ridge Road, Edina, MN 55436. Thank you for your help. Best regards, Kumar Belani, MD 2 Heather Branigin From: Khan, Omar <Omar_D_Khan@ustreop.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 8:59 PM To: Khan, Omar Cc: Gainer, Mitch; Victor, Alexandra Subject: State of the Union — Trans-Pacific Partnership Hi all, Thank you for your ongoing support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. As many of you watch the State of the Union, I hope you see that TPP is a priority for this President. I wanted to share a few words that President Obama just said: "That's how we forged a Trans-Pacific Partnership to open markets, protect workers and the environment, and advance American leadership in Asia. It cuts 18,000 taxes on products Made in America, and supports more good jobs. With TPP, China doesn't set the rules in that region, we do. You want to show our strength in this century? Approve this agreement. Give us the tools to enforce it." Passing TPP this year is our top priority, and you are a critical partner in getting that done. Thank you to everyone that has made their voice heard in this debate so far — through public statements, press calls, tweets, small business tours, local round tables, and more. Your help will be critical going forward, so feel free to reach out any time with thoughts or questions as they arise. If you would like tweet about TPP, especially relating to the State of the Union, please feel free to use any of the hashtags: #TPP #MadelnAmerica #SOTU and tweet @POTUS or @USTradeRep — a few sample tweets (please use your own words and change as you see fit): • Thank you @POTUS for highlighting the benefits of #TPP for workers in #SOTU • #TPP critical to grow jobs here in the US for #MadelnAmerica products #SOTU • #TPP is pivotal to our national security and economic growth in the 215t century #SOTU • Watch #SOTU to see why #TPP is so important to US jobs Thank you, Omar Omar Khan Executive Office of the President U.S. Trade Representative Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement (202)395 2864 Office Okhan©ustr. eop.gov 1 Heather Branigin From: Jess Hannan <jesshannan@ymail.com > Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 2:37 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Support for Cornelia Drive Sidewalk City Council, We have heard of all the negative chatter regarding the sidewalk on Cornelia Drive. We want it on record that we fully support the existing sidewalk plan design, which runs down the west side of Cornelia from the school to the corner of 68th Street, where it crosses to the east side and connects to the existing crosswalk at 66th Street. We fully support the design that includes a grass boulevard for safety and aesthetic purposes. Countless people use this street for walking/ running. It would be a great benefit for our community. Thank you for all your time and effort. Jess Hannan 6921 Cornelia Drive Sent from my iPhone 1 Heather Branigin From: Elizabeth McLaughlin <elizabeth.v.mclaughlin@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2016 6:07 PM To: Edina Mail Subject: Plane noise - Please consider adjustment to departure routes over Windom in SW Minneapolis Dear Mayor James Holvand, I am writing concerning the frequency and noise levels of the departures from the South Parallel Runway (Runway 12R/30L) from MSP over the Windom neighborhood in Southwest Minneapolis. I live at 5732 Pillsbury Ave S. in the Windom neighborhood. It seems a lot of discussion is given to arrivals, which impact us as well, but it is the departures over our house that are extremely loud and more frequent than many people realize. Days with consecutive departures can last well over a week and severely impact our well-being inside our home. I cannot emphasize enough how loud the departures are in our home; the planes sound like freight trains going over our house. I have spoken to neighbors, and they too are greatly affected by the departures. I ask that you please consider routing these departures over Highway 62. It does not seem necessary to have the departures directly over our neighborhood when there is Highway 62 just a few blocks south of us and and a large industrial area that is also south of our neighborhood, including Cub foods, LeJeune steel, and Bachmans. It seems that more thoughtful consideration could go to the areas these departures are flying over. Please also consider fees for louder planes, mandating vortex generators, steeper ascents during departures, and taking advantage of other nearby airports. Additionally, please also consider adding a noise monitoring tower in Windom. We live in a house built in 1914 with original windows and little, if any, insulation. We contacted MAC, but were told that we do not qualify for noise mitigation. It is our hope that Minnesota can be a national leader in managing airport noise. A small adjustment in routing the departures over Highway 62 instead of our neighborhood would make a huge difference in our lives. Please let me know if you would like to schedule a time to discuss anything further. Sincerely, Elizabeth McLaughlin 5732 Pillsbury Ave S, Minneapolis MN, 55419 612-267-6890 1 Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: B.1. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Jeff Brown, Community Health Administrator Item Activity: Subject:Community Health Commission Minutes, October 6 & November 2, 2015. Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description October 6, 2015 CHC Minutes November 2, 2015 CHC Minutes MINUTES EDINA COMMUNITY HEALTH COMMISSION EDINA SENIOR CENTER Tuesday, October 6, 2015 6:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Alison Pence, Vice Chair Melinda Bothun-Hurley. Members: Joel Stegner, Britta Orr, Cathy Cozad, Steve Sarles, Kristen Conner. Student Members: Nina Sokol and Jessica Hong. Staff: Jeff Brown and Karla Kollodge. Absent: Ginny Ogle and Matt Doscotch. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA (Stegner/Bothun-Hurley) IV. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER MEETING MINUTES (Stegner/Orr) V. COMMUNITY COMMENT During “Community Comment,” the Community Health Committee will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight’s agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Committee Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Committee might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS A. Bonnie Paulsen, BPH – Annual report review. i. SAGE Clinic closing in Edina. They are trying to get a clinic open in Bloomington. ii. There are six flu shot clinics available in Edina this year. iii. The new SHIP Grant will involve work on smoke free multi-unit housing and education efforts regarding the marketing and effect of menthol flavored cigarettes on minority populations and how to decrease use. B. MJ Lamon – Agenda management software introduction. i. Brief review/power point on the use of new software. C. CHC/Council work session review. i. Summary of work session and discussion of work plan items for 2016. VII. CORRESPONDENCE VIII. CHAIR AND COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS A. Member Stegner – Stated we should work more with marijuana issues and become more educated on how it is effecting the community B. Student Members Sokol and Hong – TVs in the high school should display more useful information related to health and wellness during school hours. (Drug facts, healthy eating, exercise, etc.) Currently, slides are not updated regularly and don’t seem relevant to students. Student members will attempt to find contact who manages content. IX. STAFF COMMENTS A. Receiving more requests from other City Boards and Commissions to coordinate work with the Health Commission. (Human Rights, Transportation) Staff will attempt to coordinate with other staff liaisons. X. ADJOURNMENT (Stegner/Bothun-Hurley) The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Meeting Minutes Community Health Commission City Of Edina, Minnesota Edina Senior Center 5280 Grandview Square Monday, November 2, 2015 6:30 PM I. Call To Order II. Roll Call a. Present: Alison Pence, Melinda Bothun-Hurley, Cathy Cozad, Joel Stegner, Matt Doscotch, Steve Sarles, Kristen Conner. Student Members: Nina Sokol and Jessica Hong. Staff: Jeff Brown and Karla Kollodge. Absent: Britta Orr. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda – Joel Stegner/Matt Doscotch IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes – Joel Stegner/Cathy Cozad a. Draft Community Health Commission Minutes - October 6, 2015 V. Community Comment During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment. Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to staff for consideration at a future meeting. VI. Reports/Recommendations a. Meeting Day and Time Discussion i. Motion to change to 2nd Monday of the month, start in February 2016. (Pence/Bothun-Hurley) ii. Motion to cancel December Meeting–(Cozad/Bothun-Hurley) b. All-Chair Meeting Materials/Discussion c. Health and Wellness Advisory Team - Edina Schools i. 1st meeting was in October VII. Correspondence and Petitions VIII. Chair and Member Comments a. Health-in-all-Policies Forums at Edina High School – 2 per week, forums are mandatory for sophomores, voluntary for juniors and seniors. IX. Staff Comments X. Adjournment – Sarles/Doscotch The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing amplification, an interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: B.2. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Minutes From:Joyce Repya, Senior Planner Item Activity: Subject:Heritage Preservation Board Minutes, December 8, 2015 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None INTRODUCTION: The approved minutes from the December 8, 2015 Heritage Preservation Board meeting are provided for your information ATTACHMENTS: Description Heritage Preservation Board Minutes, December 8, 2015 1 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Heritage Preservation Board Edina City Hall – Community Room December 8, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Weber called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Answering roll call was Chair Weber and Members Moore, McLellan, Sussman, O’Brien, Birdman, Kelly, Pearson and Student Members Otness and Puerzer. Absent was Member Christiaansen. HPB Staff Liaison - Senior Planner, Joyce Repya; and Preservation Consultant, Robert Vogel were also in attendance. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion was made by Member Birdman to approve the meeting agenda. Motion seconded by Member McLellan. All voted aye. The motion carried. IV. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES November 10, 2015 Motion was made by Member Birdman to approved the November 10, 2015 HPB meeting minutes. Motion seconded by Member McLellan. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. COMMUNITY COMMENT - None VI. REPORTS & RECOMMENDATIONS A. Wooddale Bridge - Nomination Study & Plan of Treatment Planner Repya explained that the Wooddale Bridge over Minnehaha Creek, just south of W. 50th Street is scheduled to go before the Planning Commission and City Council in 2016 to finalize its Edina Heritage Landmark Designation. The proposed nomination study and plan of treatment provided for the board’s review and adoption will serve as a guide for the City and the HPB to protect it into the future. • Board members discussed looking into procuring a plaque for the bridge recognizing its historic significance to the community. Motion was made by Member O’Brien to approve the nomination study and plan of treatment for the Wooddale Bridge. Motion was seconded by Member Moore. All voted aye. The motion carried. B. Historic Contexts Study Update Consultant Vogel presented the updated Historic Contexts Study outline, pointing out that since the origination of the study in 1999, numerous historic reports and studies have been conducted, and now, the information from those studies has been incorporated into the revised study outline. 2 Mr. Vogel explained that the process for establishing context-based goals/priorities should be dynamic and on-going. The proposed historic contexts outline provides information for planning future survey work; and will be important when updating the Heritage Preservation element of the Comprehensive Plan, as well as identifying initiatives in future work plans. He concluded that the board is now being asked to adopt the updated historic contexts outline as proposed. Motion was made by Member Birdman to adopt the updated Historic Contexts outline as proposed with the intention of completing the update of the Historic Contexts Study in preparation for the Comprehensive Plan update. Motion was seconded by Member Kelly. All voted aye. The motion carried. C. 2015 City Council Work Session - December 15th Planner Repya explained that the upcoming December 15th work session with the City Council will provide the board an opportunity to share their 2015 activities and discuss activities proposed for 2016. She pointed out that the work session will begin at 5:30 p.m., and encouraged the members to arrive at least 10 minutes early. Board members discussed the format of the meeting and chose initiatives from the 2015 work plan they would be responsible to present. VII. CORRESPONDENCE & PETITIONS - None VIII. CHAIR AND MEMBER COMMENTS • Member Kelly stated that she serves on the Country Club neighborhood home tour committee which was established as a money making event to assist in funding the proposed neighborhood signs that were subject to a COA earlier in 2015. The committee has discovered that the cost of the 7 proposed signs is considerable, and wondered if there was a possibility the project would qualify for some type of a grant. She pointed out that she planned to approach her fellow committee members with the concept of finding additional funding sources, and agreed to keep the HPB advised. IX. STAFF COMMENTS A. Next Meeting Date - January 12, 2016 B. 2016 State Historic Preservation Conference - September 8th - 9th in Hastings, MN. X. ADJOURNMENT 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joyce RepyaJoyce RepyaJoyce RepyaJoyce Repya Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: XII.A. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager Item Activity: Subject:Council Correspondence Protocol Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: None required. INTRODUCTION: At the January 5, 2016 Council Work Session, the council provided direction to staff regarding protocols for the distribution of correspondence to the council. Unless the Council provides different direction, staff will implement the attached recommendations beginning with the February 2, 2016 council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Description Staff Report: Council Correspondence Protocol January 20, 2016 Mayor and City Council Lisa Schaefer, Assistant City Manager Council Correspondence Protocol Information / Background: At the January 5, 2016 Council Work Session, staff requested direction regarding the distribution of correspondence addressed to the Mayor and Council. The City receives correspondence for the council in a variety of ways. Currently, staff forwards correspondence to the designated email address of each council member. In addition, the majority of correspondence is also printed, scanned, and included in the council packet by staff. Staff discussed two areas of concern. 1. Effective allocation of council and staff resources. The primary purpose of the council packet is to provide council members with sufficient information to make decisions regarding the issues before them on the agenda. It is a highly unusual practice to include ongoing general correspondence in a council packet. The City Council receives each email at least twice (via email and also in the council packet). Staff estimates an average of four hours per council packet is spent printing, scanning, and reviewing correspondence for private data. Staff must use judgment in deciding when to exclude correspondence from the packet due to safety, legal, or other concerns. In addition, much of the correspondence includes spam, solicitations, or information not directly related to the City of Edina. 2. Data practices between individuals and elected officials. Minnesota Statutes section 13.601, subdivision 2, states “correspondence between individuals and elected officials is private data on individuals, but may be made public by either the sender or recipient.” Often times, individuals provide personal information about themselves or others (e.g. email addresses, phone numbers, safety concerns) and do not expect the City will proactively publish that information in the council packet and on the city’s web site. Based on the direction received, staff will implement the following procedures beginning with the February 2, 2016 council meeting. STAFF REPORT Page 2 • All emails addressed to the council will continue to be forwarded to the email address designated by each council member. • All correspondence to the council received in paper form will be scanned by staff and forwarded to the designated email addresses of council members. • General correspondence will not be duplicated and included in the council packet. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: XIII. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: From:Debra A. Mangen, City Clerk Item Activity: Subject:Schedule of Meetings, Events & Dates As Of January 20, 2016 Information CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Schedule of Meetings, Events & Dates As Of January 20, 2016 CITY COUNCIL SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS AS OF JANUARY 20, 2016 SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING MEETINGS/DATES/EVENTS Mon Jan 18 REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.,DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED – City Hall Closed Wed Jan 20 HRA Work Session – 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Jan 20 Council Work Session – Quarterly Business Meeting 6:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Jan 20 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Feb 2 Work Session Legislative Meeting With Edina Legislators 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Feb 2 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Feb 15 PRESIDENTS’ DAY HOLIDAY OBSERVED – City Hall Closed Wed Feb 17 HRA Work Session 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Feb 17 Work Session – Grandview Facility Operation & Feasibility Study 6:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Feb 17 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Mon Feb 29 2016 Boards and Commissions Annual Meeting 5:00 P.M. BRAEMAR GOLF CLUB HOUSE Tues Mar 1 Precinct Caucus Night Wed Mar 2 Work Session – – Mill Pond Assessment Review/Engineering Assessment Review 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Mar 2 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Wed Mar 15 HRA Work Session 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Mar 15 Work Session – Energy & Environment Commission 6:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Wed Mar 15 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Apr 5 Work Session – Grandview Facility Operation & Feasibility Study 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Apr 5 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Tues Apr 19 HRA Work Session 5:30 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Apr 19 Work Session – Quarterly Business Meeting 6:15 P.M. COMMUNITY ROOM Tues Apr 19 Regular Meeting 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS Wed Apr 20 2016 Annual Volunteer Recognition Reception 5:00 P.M. BRAEMAR GOLF CLUB HOUSE Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: IV. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: From: Item Activity: Subject:Approve Minutes of January 5, 2016 HRA Meeting CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: INTRODUCTION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Draft HRA Minutes January 5, 2016 Page 1 MINUTES OF THE EDINA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY JANUARY 5, 2016 7:50 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hovland called the HRA meeting to order at 7:50 P.M. II. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Commissioners Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson and Chair Hovland. III. APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA Motion made by Commissioner Swenson, seconded by Commissioner Stewart approving the Meeting Agenda. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. IV. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 15, 2015 APPROVED Motion made by Commissioner Brindle, seconded by Commissioner Stewart approving the Minutes of the Meeting of the Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority for December 15, 2015. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. V. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Bylaws of the Edina Housing & Redevelopment Authority (HRA) require an annual election of officers to the positions of Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary. The terms of the officer positions are one year. Officer positions are appointed at the first meeting of the HRA each year. Motion by Commissioner Swenson, seconded by Member Stewart to elect the following officers of the HRA for 2016: Chair, James Hovland; Vice Chair, Kevin Staunton and Secretary, Ann Swenson. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VI. APPOIONTMENT OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE HRA Manager Neal noted the City Council has previously designated him as the Executive Director of the HRA, most recently when the Council approved his employment agreement on February 3, 2015. Mr. Neal requested the appointment be made co-terminus with his employment as Edina’s City Manager. Motion of Commissioner Swenson, seconded by Commissioner Brindle appointing Scott H. Neal, Executive Director of the Edina HRA with a term that is co-terminus with Mr. Neal’s employment as Edina’s City Manager. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VII. RESOLUTION NO. 2016-01 REQUESTING PUBLIC HEARING FOR GRANDVIEW 2 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT Minutes/HRA/January 5, 2016 Page 2 Staff explained the proposed resolution requests that the City of Edina schedule a Public Hearing to consider the creation of a new Tax Increment Financing District. Commissioner Swenson made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2016-01 requesting a public hearing for the creation of a Grandview 2 Tax Increment Financing District. Commissioner Staunton seconded the motion. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. VIII. EDINA HOUSING FOUNDATION REAPPOINTMENT Motion of Commissioner Swenson seconded by commissioner Staunton to reappoint Bernard (Jack) Rice to the Edina Housing Foundation for a term ending March 1, 2019. Ayes: Brindle, Staunton, Stewart, Swenson, Hovland Motion carried. IX. 2016 HRA MEETING SCHEDULE Mr. Neal explained staff anticipated the current pace of redevelopment will continue into 2016. The City’s HRA will be an important partner in many of the redevelopment with an increased demand for meetings and actions. Staff believed it would be beneficial to have regularly schedule work session each month, separate from the HRA meeting following the City Council meetings to allow more opportunity for policy discussion. Following a brief discussion, the HRA directed staff to review the annual work session calendar and establish an HRA Work Session the second meeting of the month beginning at 5:30 p.m.before the Council Work Session. Staff will report on the work sessions at the January 20, 2016 meeting. X. ADJOURNMENT Chair Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Scott Neal, Executive Director Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: V. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Bill Neuendorf, Economic Development Manager Item Activity: Subject:3501-3510 Galleria - Request to Vacate Easement - Continue Action until February 17, 2016 Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: Continue action until February 17, 2016. INTRODUCTION: The owner of the Edina Galleria has requested that the City Council consider vacating an existing easement that is located on the property. New easements would be created elsewhere on the property to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists. The Edina Housing and Redevelopment Authority is required to consent to this vacation. Although the Public Hearing for this request was anticipated to be held on January 20, 2016, the owner/applicant has contacted staff and requested that this Public Hearing be continued until February 17, 2016. This continuance is necessary to allow the applicant to finalize the location and design of the new easements. Date: January 20, 2016 Agenda Item #: VI. To:Mayor and City Council Item Type: Report / Recommendation From:Scott H. Neal, City Manager Item Activity: Subject:2016 HRA Calendar of Work Session Meetings Action CITY OF EDINA 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 www.edinamn.gov ACTION REQUESTED: To approve the 2016 HRA Calendar of Work Session Meetings. INTRODUCTION: This calendar of meetings will establish the Work Session dates for the Housing and Redevelopment Authority. All meetings will be held at 5:30pm in the Edina City Hall Community Room. 2016 Dates are: Tuesday, January 20 Wednesday, Feb. 17 Tuesday, March 15 Tuesday April 19 Tuesday May 17 Tuesday June 21 Tuesday July 19 Tuesday August 16 Tuesday Sept. 20 Tuesday October 18 Tuesday Nov. 15 Tuesday Dec 20