HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 04-14 HPB Meeting Minutes RegularAGENDA Edina Heritage Preservation Board Regular Meeting Thursday, April 14, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. Edina City Hall Conference Room I. Approval of the Minutes: February 10, 1977, and March 10, 1977. II. Old Business: A. Edina Mills. 1. 8:00 p.m. interview,Richard Bush, Archaeological Consultant. B. Edina Theatre. C. Southdale Report to the City Council. D. Community Development Program. E. School Closing F. III. New Business: A. Board and Commission Reorganization. B. Election of Officers. C. IV. Research Projects: Informal Discussion. V. Next Meeting Date: May 12, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. VI. Adjournment. Edina Heritage Preservation Board Regular Meeting Thursday, April 14, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. Edina City Hall Conference Room I. Members Present: Foster Dunwiddie, Chairman, Tom Martinson, Jim McWethy, Paul Mucke, Gordon Stuart, and Maryanne Herman. Staff Present: Harold Sand, Assistant Planner. II. Approval of the Minutes: February 10, 1977, and March 10, 1977. February 10, 1977. Mr. Mucke moved the minutes be approved as submitted. Mrs. Herman seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. March 10, 1977. Mr. Mucke moved the minutes be approved as submitted. Mr. Stuart seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. III. Old Business: A. Edina Mills. Mr. Dunwiddie introduced Mr. Richard Bush, an archaeological consultant with a proposal to work at the Edina Mills site this summer. Mr. Bush explained that he was a long-time resident of Morningside and an English teacher at Edina East High School. He is currently conducting a course in archaeology, has an undergraduate degree with a major in Anthropology and has had experience at five pre -historic archaeological exploration sites. Mr. Bush presented an out- line of work to be performed and a time schedule for. the work to be performed, the hours involved and the assistance necessary from City resources of tools, materials, equipment, and services. He indicated that this can only be an esti- mate because of the vast of :unknown conditions and estimated the cost for his consulting services to be $2,500.00. The Board discussed the procedures outlined and the suitability for the Mill program, generally agreeing that the proposal was a good one that could be contracted on an hourly basis as outlined with a fixed maximum expenditure of $3,000.00. Mr. Sand indicated that the contract for services should be contingent upon cooperation in the project by the Center for Community Action (C.C.A.) as outlined. Mr. Stuart moved that the HPB make a recommendation to the City Council that Mr. Bush be hired as an archaeological consultant for the Edina Mills Community Development Project as outlined in the proposal with an estimated expense of $2,500.00 in time and materials, based upon an hourly rate of $10.00 per hour with total costs not to exceed $3,000.00. Mr. Mucke seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. B. Edina Theatre. Mr. Martinson reported that he has sent a letter to Mr. Marvin Mann con- cerning the recommended colors for the sign; however, he has had no response. Mr. Sand indicated that this action was merely advisory because no further permits or approvals were necessary from the City. No further action taken. 4-14-77 Minutes of HPB Meeting, Page 2 C. Southdale Report to the City Council. Mr. Dunwiddie stated that the City Council has approved the HPB proposal. Mr. McWethy said that Daytons has been in contact with Victor Gruen and Associates; however, a commitment to an author has not been made. No further action taken. D. Community Development Program. Mr. Dunwiddie reported that the City Council approved the entire 1977 pro- posal approved at the February meeting. This includes $5,000 for an architect- ural/historical survey of Edina and $8,000 for the local share of a matching restoration grant for the Edina historical park. No further action taken. E. School Closing. Mr. Sand related the recent decision of the Edina School Board to close four elementary schools, one per year,. the Morningside School being closed this year. Mr. Martinson moved that the HPB communicate with the school superintendent and indicate that we are interested in collecting and retaining old documents, photographs, or other material that will be surplus when the school is closed. and request permission to work with the school staff at the earliest time it is appropriate to recover these articles. Mr. McWethy seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. New Business: A. Board and Commission Reorganization. Mr. Sand reported that the City Council has requested input from all the advisory boards and commissions regarding the proposed reorganization. He noted that the original proposal by Councilman Fred Richards did not alter the HPB; however, there were other proposals. The Board discussed alternatives and con- cluded that the HPB function was dissimilar to other commissions because the activities are primarily research oriented rather than reactionary to requests. It was also indicated that it may be difficult to find members that have the necessary qualifications and could also devote the amount of time necessary for an omnibus or combined commission. Mr. Martinson mowed that the HPB recommend that the HPB remain a separate organization. Mr. Mucke seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. B. Election of Officers. Mr. Sand stated that it was time to consider election of officers; however, he recommended that it be deferred indefinitely until the reorganization plans have been finalized and/or new members are appointed by the Mayor. C. Baird House. 4400 West 50th Street (Dickenson Wilts House). Mr. Dunwiddie statecl that the City Council expressed an interest in a report on this house and presented some historical information. Mr. Martinson moved that the staff contact the current owner about the study, the potential rezoning and the placement of historical marker on the site. Mr. Mucke seconded the mo- tion. All voted aye. Motion carried. 4-14-77 Minutes of the HPB Meeting, Page 3 D. National Historic Preservation Week. Mr. Sand announced that May 8-14 is National Historic Preservation Week. No further action taken. V. Research Projects. No action taken. VI. Next Meeting Date: May 12, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. VII. Adjournment. Mr. Martinson moved to adjourn the April 14, 1977, HPB meeting. Mr. McWethy seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Harold Sand, Assistant Planner